Sat Jul 6 2024 14:09:59 CEST
Bugzilla would like to put a random quip here, but no one has entered any.
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ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
201 Orthanc Orthanc s.jodogne UNCO --- The "Upload" button might report success in the case of a network disconnection 2024-05-19
1 Orthanc Orthanc s.jodogne CONF --- Drag and drop file upload has two minor issues 2020-06-29
225 Orthanc Orthanc s.jodogne CONF --- CWE-284 IMPROPER ACCESS CONTROL 2024-06-25
226 Orthanc Orthanc s.jodogne CONF --- Problem with encoding patient's name when upload 2024-06-25
12 Orthanc Orthanc s.jodogne IN_P --- upload dicom to webinterface only accept files not (sub) folders 2020-06-29
5 bugs found.


File a new bug in the "Orthanc Explorer" component of the "Orthanc" product