[BitBucket date: 2016-01-29.09:04:52] As a non technical user I would like to use the webinterface to upload dicom to the pacs, so that I can quickly copy the data I get by cd/ftp to the PACS. To upload DICOM to the pacs I would liek to use webinterface: http://localhost:8042/app/explorer.html#upload However I can only drop files, not folders. Many DICOM when exported to disk stores each series into its own folder.
[BitBucket user: Sébastien Jodogne] [BitBucket date: 2016-01-29.10:44:33] Recursively importing the content of folders is not possible with HTML5. Please use the following Python script for such cases: https://hg.orthanc-server.com/orthanc/file/default/Resources/Samples/ImportDicomFiles/ImportDicomFiles.py
[BitBucket user: c0smas] [BitBucket date: 2019-01-10.11:55:44] Is there a way to use this script (ImportDicomFiles.py) on MS Windows machine?
[BitBucket user: Sébastien Jodogne] [BitBucket date: 2019-01-10.12:17:21] Just install Python for Windows: https://www.python.org/downloads/windows/
[BitBucket user: Michael Hobbs] [BitBucket date: 2019-01-19.20:45:15] Maybe I am, miss understanding the request? You can upload folders in HTML5 with JS. For example see: https://www.dropzonejs.com/
[BitBucket user: Sébastien Jodogne] [BitBucket date: 2019-01-20.09:02:45] This is not a built-in feature of HTML5. It can only be implemented on a per-browser basis (check out https://stackoverflow.com/a/49745626/881731). Check out our FAQ related to Orthanc Explorer: http://book.orthanc-server.com/faq/improving-interface.html Feel free to implement an Orthanc plugin that implements this behavior by yourself: http://book.orthanc-server.com/developers/creating-plugins.html Alternatively, you could try and find funding for this development.
[BitBucket user: Michael Hobbs] [BitBucket date: 2019-01-20.14:54:57] Sébastien, I was only making a suggestion to HELP you as I stumbled onto this. We do a massive amount of web development thus I knew there was a way as I did it this about 3 years back. In the next few months we have a requirement to accept drag and drop dicom folders. At that time I will see if we can port the code (legally and technically) over to web frontend of Orthanc. If we can I will send it your way. Secondly, I assume you need funding. You guys and gals have built an amazing open source product and for that thank you! However, your responses tend to be toxic. I don't know if I have done something to offend you if so I am sorry. We are currently, discussing "Orthanc Pro" but these sorts of replies make me think twice.
[BitBucket user: Sébastien Jodogne] [BitBucket date: 2019-01-20.16:46:12] Michael, regarding the technical aspect, my claim was that it is not possible to do this in a purely cross-browser fashion (my first answer above from January 2016 was indeed a leap), and that this is not considered as a priority for Orthanc Explorer. We would of course be grateful if you could propose an Orthanc plugin that solves this issue, given the fact that you are are familiar with Web development. To take this issue tracker as technical as possible, I answered the "Secondly" part of your post on the dedicated forum: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/orthanc-users/avsgtjnejbo/zWGriaxeEwAJ
[BitBucket user: Benjamin Golinvaux] [BitBucket date: 2019-01-21.08:49:20] I second that having the ability to drag and drop a folder would be nice. Meanwhile, the following works for me when I need to import all dicom files in a folder hierarchy : Under Windows: * open an explorer window at the folder location * press F3 to focus on the file search edit box * type *.dcm + ENTER * select all the files (click on first one then SHIFT+click on last one) * drag and drop this set of files on the Orthanc Explorer drop area. I assume the same must be available in the Finder or in your Linux graphical file explorer (Dolphin, Nautilus..?) Hope this helps.