Orthanc packages for Debian/Ubuntu


Orthanc is available as an official Debian package that is continuously updated by the Orthanc core developers in the Debian Sid/unstable distribution. This implies that Orthanc is also available in the Debian derivative distributions, most notably in Ubuntu. Most of the official plugins are also available as separate packages.

Note that the installed versions depend on the version of the Debian distribution. If you absolutely need the latest Orthanc version, you should:

Note about backporting: Bringing a new version of Orthanc to an older Ubuntu/Debian release (typically, a LTS release) is known as “backporting”. The process for initiating a backport in Ubuntu or in Debian is publicly available, but the core developers of Orthanc will not do this packaging task by themselves because of a limited bandwidth: You are kindly invited to contribute!


Prerequisite: make sure to update your package definition before installing:

$ sudo apt update

To install Orthanc and its plugins:

$ sudo apt install orthanc
$ sudo apt install orthanc-dicomweb
$ sudo apt install orthanc-gdcm
$ sudo apt install orthanc-imagej
$ sudo apt install orthanc-mysql
$ sudo apt install orthanc-postgresql
$ sudo apt install orthanc-python
$ sudo apt install orthanc-webviewer
$ sudo apt install orthanc-wsi

Starting/Stopping the service

Once installed, Orthanc is started as a service. To start/stop/restart, use:

$ sudo service orthanc start
$ sudo service orthanc stop
$ sudo service orthanc restart

Accessing the logs

Logs are available in /var/log/orthanc/.


Orthanc reads its configuration file from the /etc/orthanc/ folder.

Replacing the package from the service by the LSB binaries

If you’re stuck with an old version of Orthanc, you may try to replace the binaries by the LSB binaries. Note that there might be some inconsistencies between the plugins version and you should do that at your own risk.

This can be done with this sequence of commands:

$ sudo service orthanc stop
$ sudo wget https://orthanc.uclouvain.be/downloads/linux-standard-base/orthanc/1.12.4/Orthanc --output-document /usr/sbin/Orthanc
$ sudo chmod +x /usr/sbin/Orthanc
$ sudo rm -f /usr/share/orthanc/plugins/*.so
$ sudo wget https://orthanc.uclouvain.be/downloads/linux-standard-base/orthanc/1.12.4/libServeFolders.so --output-document /usr/share/orthanc/plugins/libServeFolders.so
$ sudo wget https://orthanc.uclouvain.be/downloads/linux-standard-base/orthanc/1.12.4/libModalityWorklists.so --output-document /usr/share/orthanc/plugins/libModalityWorklists.so
$ sudo wget https://orthanc.uclouvain.be/downloads/linux-standard-base/orthanc-dicomweb/1.16/libOrthancDicomWeb.so --output-document /usr/share/orthanc/plugins/libOrthancDicomWeb.so
$ ...
$ sudo service orthanc restart