Orthanc Plugin SDK  1.12.4
Documentation of the plugin interface of Orthanc
Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions

Generic functions to help with the creation of plugins. More...


struct  OrthancPluginDictionaryEntry
 An entry in the dictionary of DICOM tags. More...
struct  OrthancPluginHttpRequest
 The parameters of a REST request. More...
struct  OrthancPluginMemoryBuffer
 A 32-bit memory buffer allocated by the core system of Orthanc. More...
struct  OrthancPluginMemoryBuffer64
 A 64-bit memory buffer allocated by the core system of Orthanc. More...


typedef OrthancPluginErrorCode(* OrthancPluginChunkedClientAnswerAddChunk) (void *answer, const void *data, uint32_t size)
 Callback executed when an answer chunk is received during a chunked transfer. More...
typedef OrthancPluginErrorCode(* OrthancPluginChunkedClientAnswerAddHeader) (void *answer, const char *key, const char *value)
 Callback executed when a HTTP header is received during a chunked transfer. More...
typedef const void *(* OrthancPluginChunkedClientRequestGetChunkData) (void *request)
 Callback to read the current chunk of the request body during a chunked transfer. More...
typedef uint32_t(* OrthancPluginChunkedClientRequestGetChunkSize) (void *request)
 Callback to read the size of the current request chunk during a chunked transfer. More...
typedef uint8_t(* OrthancPluginChunkedClientRequestIsDone) (void *request)
 Callback to know whether the request body is entirely read during a chunked transfer. More...
typedef OrthancPluginErrorCode(* OrthancPluginChunkedClientRequestNext) (void *request)
 Callback to advance in the request body during a chunked transfer. More...
typedef struct _OrthancPluginContext_t OrthancPluginContext
 Data structure that contains information about the Orthanc core.
typedef struct _OrthancPluginDicomWebNode_t OrthancPluginDicomWebNode
 Opaque structure that represents a node in a JSON or XML document used in DICOMweb.
typedef struct _OrthancPluginFindMatcher_t OrthancPluginFindMatcher
 Opaque structure to an object that can be used to check whether a DICOM instance matches a C-Find query.
typedef struct _OrthancPluginJob_t OrthancPluginJob
 Opaque structure to a job to be executed by Orthanc.
typedef void(* OrthancPluginJobFinalize) (void *job)
 Callback to finalize one custom job. More...
typedef const char *(* OrthancPluginJobGetContent) (void *job)
 Callback to retrieve the content of one custom job. More...
typedef OrthancPluginErrorCode(* OrthancPluginJobGetContent2) (OrthancPluginMemoryBuffer *target, void *job)
 Callback to retrieve the content of one custom job. More...
typedef float(* OrthancPluginJobGetProgress) (void *job)
 Callback to check the progress of one custom job. More...
typedef const char *(* OrthancPluginJobGetSerialized) (void *job)
 Callback to serialize one custom job. More...
typedef int32_t(* OrthancPluginJobGetSerialized2) (OrthancPluginMemoryBuffer *target, void *job)
 Callback to serialize one custom job. More...
typedef OrthancPluginErrorCode(* OrthancPluginJobReset) (void *job)
 Callback executed once one stopped custom job is started again. More...
typedef OrthancPluginJobStepStatus(* OrthancPluginJobStep) (void *job)
 Callback to execute one step of a custom job. More...
typedef OrthancPluginErrorCode(* OrthancPluginJobStop) (void *job, OrthancPluginJobStopReason reason)
 Callback executed once one custom job leaves the "running" state. More...
typedef struct _OrthancPluginPeers_t OrthancPluginPeers
 Opaque structure to the set of remote Orthanc Peers that are known to the local Orthanc server.
typedef OrthancPluginErrorCode(* OrthancPluginServerChunkedRequestReaderAddChunk) (OrthancPluginServerChunkedRequestReader *reader, const void *data, uint32_t size)
 Callback invoked whenever a new data chunk is available during a chunked transfer. More...
typedef OrthancPluginErrorCode(* OrthancPluginServerChunkedRequestReaderExecute) (OrthancPluginServerChunkedRequestReader *reader, OrthancPluginRestOutput *output)
 Callback invoked whenever the request body is entirely received. More...
typedef OrthancPluginErrorCode(* OrthancPluginServerChunkedRequestReaderFactory) (OrthancPluginServerChunkedRequestReader **reader, const char *url, const OrthancPluginHttpRequest *request)
 Callback to create a reader to handle incoming chunked HTTP transfers. More...
typedef void(* OrthancPluginServerChunkedRequestReaderFinalize) (OrthancPluginServerChunkedRequestReader *reader)
 Callback invoked to release the resources associated with an incoming HTTP chunked transfer. More...


enum  OrthancPluginConstraintType {
  OrthancPluginConstraintType_Equal ,
  OrthancPluginConstraintType_SmallerOrEqual ,
  OrthancPluginConstraintType_GreaterOrEqual ,
  OrthancPluginConstraintType_Wildcard ,
  OrthancPluginConstraintType_List ,
enum  OrthancPluginContentType {
  OrthancPluginContentType_Unknown ,
  OrthancPluginContentType_Dicom ,
  OrthancPluginContentType_DicomAsJson ,
  OrthancPluginContentType_DicomUntilPixelData ,
enum  OrthancPluginCreateDicomFlags {
  OrthancPluginCreateDicomFlags_None ,
  OrthancPluginCreateDicomFlags_DecodeDataUriScheme ,
  OrthancPluginCreateDicomFlags_GenerateIdentifiers ,
enum  OrthancPluginDicomToJsonFlags {
  OrthancPluginDicomToJsonFlags_None ,
  OrthancPluginDicomToJsonFlags_IncludeBinary ,
  OrthancPluginDicomToJsonFlags_IncludePrivateTags ,
  OrthancPluginDicomToJsonFlags_IncludeUnknownTags ,
  OrthancPluginDicomToJsonFlags_IncludePixelData ,
  OrthancPluginDicomToJsonFlags_ConvertBinaryToAscii ,
  OrthancPluginDicomToJsonFlags_ConvertBinaryToNull ,
  OrthancPluginDicomToJsonFlags_StopAfterPixelData ,
  OrthancPluginDicomToJsonFlags_SkipGroupLengths ,
enum  OrthancPluginDicomToJsonFormat {
  OrthancPluginDicomToJsonFormat_Full ,
  OrthancPluginDicomToJsonFormat_Short ,
  OrthancPluginDicomToJsonFormat_Human ,
enum  OrthancPluginDicomWebBinaryMode {
  OrthancPluginDicomWebBinaryMode_Ignore ,
  OrthancPluginDicomWebBinaryMode_InlineBinary ,
enum  OrthancPluginErrorCode {
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_InternalError ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_Success ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_Plugin ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_NotImplemented ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_ParameterOutOfRange ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_NotEnoughMemory ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_BadParameterType ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_BadSequenceOfCalls ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_InexistentItem ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_BadRequest ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_NetworkProtocol ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_SystemCommand ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_Database ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_UriSyntax ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_InexistentFile ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_CannotWriteFile ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_BadFileFormat ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_Timeout ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_UnknownResource ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_IncompatibleDatabaseVersion ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_FullStorage ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_CorruptedFile ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_InexistentTag ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_ReadOnly ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_IncompatibleImageFormat ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_IncompatibleImageSize ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_SharedLibrary ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_UnknownPluginService ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_UnknownDicomTag ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_BadJson ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_Unauthorized ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_BadFont ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_DatabasePlugin ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_StorageAreaPlugin ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_EmptyRequest ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_NotAcceptable ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_NullPointer ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_DatabaseUnavailable ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_CanceledJob ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_BadGeometry ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_SslInitialization ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_DiscontinuedAbi ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_BadRange ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_DatabaseCannotSerialize ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_Revision ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_MainDicomTagsMultiplyDefined ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_ForbiddenAccess ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_DuplicateResource ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_SQLiteNotOpened ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_SQLiteAlreadyOpened ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_SQLiteCannotOpen ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_SQLiteStatementAlreadyUsed ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_SQLiteExecute ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_SQLiteRollbackWithoutTransaction ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_SQLiteCommitWithoutTransaction ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_SQLiteRegisterFunction ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_SQLiteFlush ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_SQLiteCannotRun ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_SQLiteCannotStep ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_SQLiteBindOutOfRange ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_SQLitePrepareStatement ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_SQLiteTransactionAlreadyStarted ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_SQLiteTransactionCommit ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_SQLiteTransactionBegin ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_DirectoryOverFile ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_FileStorageCannotWrite ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_DirectoryExpected ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_HttpPortInUse ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_DicomPortInUse ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_BadHttpStatusInRest ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_RegularFileExpected ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_PathToExecutable ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_MakeDirectory ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_BadApplicationEntityTitle ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_NoCFindHandler ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_NoCMoveHandler ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_NoCStoreHandler ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_NoApplicationEntityFilter ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_NoSopClassOrInstance ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_NoPresentationContext ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_DicomFindUnavailable ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_DicomMoveUnavailable ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_CannotStoreInstance ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_CreateDicomNotString ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_CreateDicomOverrideTag ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_CreateDicomUseContent ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_CreateDicomNoPayload ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_CreateDicomUseDataUriScheme ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_CreateDicomBadParent ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_CreateDicomParentIsInstance ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_CreateDicomParentEncoding ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_UnknownModality ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_BadJobOrdering ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_JsonToLuaTable ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_CannotCreateLua ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_CannotExecuteLua ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_LuaAlreadyExecuted ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_LuaBadOutput ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_NotLuaPredicate ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_LuaReturnsNoString ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_StorageAreaAlreadyRegistered ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_DatabaseBackendAlreadyRegistered ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_DatabaseNotInitialized ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_SslDisabled ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_CannotOrderSlices ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_NoWorklistHandler ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_AlreadyExistingTag ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_NoStorageCommitmentHandler ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_NoCGetHandler ,
  OrthancPluginErrorCode_UnsupportedMediaType ,
enum  OrthancPluginHttpMethod {
  OrthancPluginHttpMethod_Get ,
  OrthancPluginHttpMethod_Post ,
  OrthancPluginHttpMethod_Put ,
  OrthancPluginHttpMethod_Delete ,
enum  OrthancPluginIdentifierConstraint {
  OrthancPluginIdentifierConstraint_Equal ,
  OrthancPluginIdentifierConstraint_SmallerOrEqual ,
  OrthancPluginIdentifierConstraint_GreaterOrEqual ,
  OrthancPluginIdentifierConstraint_Wildcard ,
enum  OrthancPluginInstanceOrigin {
  OrthancPluginInstanceOrigin_Unknown ,
  OrthancPluginInstanceOrigin_DicomProtocol ,
  OrthancPluginInstanceOrigin_RestApi ,
  OrthancPluginInstanceOrigin_Plugin ,
  OrthancPluginInstanceOrigin_Lua ,
  OrthancPluginInstanceOrigin_WebDav ,
enum  OrthancPluginJobStepStatus {
  OrthancPluginJobStepStatus_Success ,
  OrthancPluginJobStepStatus_Failure ,
enum  OrthancPluginJobStopReason {
  OrthancPluginJobStopReason_Success ,
  OrthancPluginJobStopReason_Paused ,
  OrthancPluginJobStopReason_Failure ,
enum  OrthancPluginLoadDicomInstanceMode {
  OrthancPluginLoadDicomInstanceMode_WholeDicom ,
  OrthancPluginLoadDicomInstanceMode_UntilPixelData ,
  OrthancPluginLoadDicomInstanceMode_EmptyPixelData ,
enum  OrthancPluginLogCategory {
  OrthancPluginLogCategory_Generic ,
  OrthancPluginLogCategory_Plugins ,
  OrthancPluginLogCategory_Http ,
  OrthancPluginLogCategory_Sqlite ,
  OrthancPluginLogCategory_Dicom ,
  OrthancPluginLogCategory_Jobs ,
  OrthancPluginLogCategory_Lua ,
enum  OrthancPluginLogLevel {
  OrthancPluginLogLevel_Error ,
  OrthancPluginLogLevel_Warning ,
  OrthancPluginLogLevel_Info ,
  OrthancPluginLogLevel_Trace ,
enum  OrthancPluginMetricsType {
  OrthancPluginMetricsType_Default ,
enum  OrthancPluginReceivedInstanceAction {
  OrthancPluginReceivedInstanceAction_KeepAsIs ,
  OrthancPluginReceivedInstanceAction_Modify ,
  OrthancPluginReceivedInstanceAction_Discard ,
enum  OrthancPluginResourceType {
  OrthancPluginResourceType_Patient ,
  OrthancPluginResourceType_Study ,
  OrthancPluginResourceType_Series ,
  OrthancPluginResourceType_Instance ,
  OrthancPluginResourceType_None ,
enum  OrthancPluginStorageCommitmentFailureReason {
  OrthancPluginStorageCommitmentFailureReason_Success ,
  OrthancPluginStorageCommitmentFailureReason_ProcessingFailure ,
  OrthancPluginStorageCommitmentFailureReason_NoSuchObjectInstance ,
  OrthancPluginStorageCommitmentFailureReason_ResourceLimitation ,
  OrthancPluginStorageCommitmentFailureReason_ReferencedSOPClassNotSupported ,
  OrthancPluginStorageCommitmentFailureReason_ClassInstanceConflict ,
enum  OrthancPluginValueRepresentation {
  OrthancPluginValueRepresentation_AE ,
  OrthancPluginValueRepresentation_AS ,
  OrthancPluginValueRepresentation_AT ,
  OrthancPluginValueRepresentation_CS ,
  OrthancPluginValueRepresentation_DA ,
  OrthancPluginValueRepresentation_DS ,
  OrthancPluginValueRepresentation_DT ,
  OrthancPluginValueRepresentation_FD ,
  OrthancPluginValueRepresentation_FL ,
  OrthancPluginValueRepresentation_IS ,
  OrthancPluginValueRepresentation_LO ,
  OrthancPluginValueRepresentation_LT ,
  OrthancPluginValueRepresentation_OB ,
  OrthancPluginValueRepresentation_OF ,
  OrthancPluginValueRepresentation_OW ,
  OrthancPluginValueRepresentation_PN ,
  OrthancPluginValueRepresentation_SH ,
  OrthancPluginValueRepresentation_SL ,
  OrthancPluginValueRepresentation_SQ ,
  OrthancPluginValueRepresentation_SS ,
  OrthancPluginValueRepresentation_ST ,
  OrthancPluginValueRepresentation_TM ,
  OrthancPluginValueRepresentation_UI ,
  OrthancPluginValueRepresentation_UL ,
  OrthancPluginValueRepresentation_UN ,
  OrthancPluginValueRepresentation_US ,
  OrthancPluginValueRepresentation_UT ,


const char * OrthancPluginAutodetectMimeType (OrthancPluginContext *context, const char *path)
 Detect the MIME type of a file. More...
OrthancPluginErrorCode OrthancPluginCallPeerApi (OrthancPluginContext *context, OrthancPluginMemoryBuffer *answerBody, OrthancPluginMemoryBuffer *answerHeaders, uint16_t *httpStatus, const OrthancPluginPeers *peers, uint32_t peerIndex, OrthancPluginHttpMethod method, const char *uri, uint32_t additionalHeadersCount, const char *const *additionalHeadersKeys, const char *const *additionalHeadersValues, const void *body, uint32_t bodySize, uint32_t timeout)
 Call the REST API of an Orthanc peer. More...
OrthancPluginErrorCode OrthancPluginChunkedHttpClient (OrthancPluginContext *context, void *answer, OrthancPluginChunkedClientAnswerAddChunk answerAddChunk, OrthancPluginChunkedClientAnswerAddHeader answerAddHeader, uint16_t *httpStatus, OrthancPluginHttpMethod method, const char *url, uint32_t headersCount, const char *const *headersKeys, const char *const *headersValues, void *request, OrthancPluginChunkedClientRequestIsDone requestIsDone, OrthancPluginChunkedClientRequestGetChunkData requestChunkData, OrthancPluginChunkedClientRequestGetChunkSize requestChunkSize, OrthancPluginChunkedClientRequestNext requestNext, const char *username, const char *password, uint32_t timeout, const char *certificateFile, const char *certificateKeyFile, const char *certificateKeyPassword, uint8_t pkcs11)
 Issue a HTTP call, using chunked HTTP transfers. More...
char * OrthancPluginComputeMd5 (OrthancPluginContext *context, const void *buffer, uint32_t size)
 Compute an MD5 hash. More...
char * OrthancPluginComputeSha1 (OrthancPluginContext *context, const void *buffer, uint32_t size)
 Compute a SHA-1 hash. More...
OrthancPluginErrorCode OrthancPluginCreateDicom (OrthancPluginContext *context, OrthancPluginMemoryBuffer *target, const char *json, const OrthancPluginImage *pixelData, OrthancPluginCreateDicomFlags flags)
 Create a DICOM instance from a JSON string and an image. More...
OrthancPluginErrorCode OrthancPluginCreateDicom2 (OrthancPluginContext *context, OrthancPluginMemoryBuffer *target, const char *json, const OrthancPluginImage *pixelData, OrthancPluginCreateDicomFlags flags, const char *privateCreator)
 Create a DICOM instance from a JSON string and an image, with a private creator. More...
OrthancPluginFindMatcherOrthancPluginCreateFindMatcher (OrthancPluginContext *context, const void *query, uint32_t size)
 Create a C-Find matcher. More...
OrthancPluginJobOrthancPluginCreateJob (OrthancPluginContext *context, void *job, OrthancPluginJobFinalize finalize, const char *type, OrthancPluginJobGetProgress getProgress, OrthancPluginJobGetContent getContent, OrthancPluginJobGetSerialized getSerialized, OrthancPluginJobStep step, OrthancPluginJobStop stop, OrthancPluginJobReset reset)
 Create a custom job. More...
OrthancPluginJobOrthancPluginCreateJob2 (OrthancPluginContext *context, void *job, OrthancPluginJobFinalize finalize, const char *type, OrthancPluginJobGetProgress getProgress, OrthancPluginJobGetContent2 getContent, OrthancPluginJobGetSerialized2 getSerialized, OrthancPluginJobStep step, OrthancPluginJobStop stop, OrthancPluginJobReset reset)
 Create a custom job. More...
OrthancPluginErrorCode OrthancPluginCreateMemoryBuffer (OrthancPluginContext *context, OrthancPluginMemoryBuffer *target, uint32_t size)
 Create a 32-bit memory buffer. More...
OrthancPluginErrorCode OrthancPluginCreateMemoryBuffer64 (OrthancPluginContext *context, OrthancPluginMemoryBuffer64 *target, uint64_t size)
 Create a 64-bit memory buffer. More...
char * OrthancPluginDicomBufferToJson (OrthancPluginContext *context, const void *buffer, uint32_t size, OrthancPluginDicomToJsonFormat format, OrthancPluginDicomToJsonFlags flags, uint32_t maxStringLength)
 Format a DICOM memory buffer as a JSON string. More...
char * OrthancPluginDicomInstanceToJson (OrthancPluginContext *context, const char *instanceId, OrthancPluginDicomToJsonFormat format, OrthancPluginDicomToJsonFlags flags, uint32_t maxStringLength)
 Format a DICOM instance as a JSON string. More...
char * OrthancPluginEncodeDicomWebJson (OrthancPluginContext *context, const void *dicom, uint32_t dicomSize, OrthancPluginDicomWebBinaryCallback callback)
 Convert a DICOM instance to DICOMweb JSON. More...
char * OrthancPluginEncodeDicomWebJson2 (OrthancPluginContext *context, const void *dicom, uint32_t dicomSize, OrthancPluginDicomWebBinaryCallback2 callback, void *payload)
 Convert a DICOM instance to DICOMweb JSON. More...
char * OrthancPluginEncodeDicomWebXml (OrthancPluginContext *context, const void *dicom, uint32_t dicomSize, OrthancPluginDicomWebBinaryCallback callback)
 Convert a DICOM instance to DICOMweb XML. More...
char * OrthancPluginEncodeDicomWebXml2 (OrthancPluginContext *context, const void *dicom, uint32_t dicomSize, OrthancPluginDicomWebBinaryCallback2 callback, void *payload)
 Convert a DICOM instance to DICOMweb XML. More...
void OrthancPluginExtendOrthancExplorer (OrthancPluginContext *context, const char *javascript)
 Extend the JavaScript code of Orthanc Explorer. More...
void OrthancPluginExtendOrthancExplorer2 (OrthancPluginContext *context, const char *plugin, const char *javascript)
 Extend the JavaScript code of Orthanc Explorer. More...
int32_t OrthancPluginFindMatcherIsMatch (OrthancPluginContext *context, const OrthancPluginFindMatcher *matcher, const void *dicom, uint32_t size)
 Test whether a DICOM instance matches a C-Find query. More...
void OrthancPluginFreeFindMatcher (OrthancPluginContext *context, OrthancPluginFindMatcher *matcher)
 Free a C-Find matcher. More...
void OrthancPluginFreeJob (OrthancPluginContext *context, OrthancPluginJob *job)
 Free a custom job. More...
void OrthancPluginFreeMemoryBuffer (OrthancPluginContext *context, OrthancPluginMemoryBuffer *buffer)
 Free a memory buffer. More...
void OrthancPluginFreeMemoryBuffer64 (OrthancPluginContext *context, OrthancPluginMemoryBuffer64 *buffer)
 Free a memory buffer. More...
void OrthancPluginFreePeers (OrthancPluginContext *context, OrthancPluginPeers *peers)
 Free the list of available Orthanc peers. More...
void OrthancPluginFreeString (OrthancPluginContext *context, char *str)
 Free a string. More...
char * OrthancPluginGenerateUuid (OrthancPluginContext *context)
 Generate an UUID. More...
char * OrthancPluginGetCommandLineArgument (OrthancPluginContext *context, uint32_t argument)
 Get the value of a command-line argument. More...
uint32_t OrthancPluginGetCommandLineArgumentsCount (OrthancPluginContext *context)
 Get the number of command-line arguments. More...
char * OrthancPluginGetConfiguration (OrthancPluginContext *context)
 Return the content of the configuration file(s). More...
char * OrthancPluginGetConfigurationPath (OrthancPluginContext *context)
 Return the path to the configuration file(s). More...
const char * OrthancPluginGetDatabaseServerIdentifier (OrthancPluginContext *context)
 Gets the DatabaseServerIdentifier. More...
const char * OrthancPluginGetErrorDescription (OrthancPluginContext *context, OrthancPluginErrorCode error)
 Get the description of a given error code. More...
char * OrthancPluginGetOrthancDirectory (OrthancPluginContext *context)
 Return the directory containing the Orthanc. More...
char * OrthancPluginGetOrthancPath (OrthancPluginContext *context)
 Return the path to the Orthanc executable. More...
const char * OrthancPluginGetPeerName (OrthancPluginContext *context, const OrthancPluginPeers *peers, uint32_t peerIndex)
 Get the symbolic name of an Orthanc peer. More...
OrthancPluginPeersOrthancPluginGetPeers (OrthancPluginContext *context)
 Return the list of available Orthanc peers. More...
uint32_t OrthancPluginGetPeersCount (OrthancPluginContext *context, const OrthancPluginPeers *peers)
 Get the number of Orthanc peers. More...
const char * OrthancPluginGetPeerUrl (OrthancPluginContext *context, const OrthancPluginPeers *peers, uint32_t peerIndex)
 Get the base URL of an Orthanc peer. More...
const char * OrthancPluginGetPeerUserProperty (OrthancPluginContext *context, const OrthancPluginPeers *peers, uint32_t peerIndex, const char *userProperty)
 Get some user-defined property of an Orthanc peer. More...
char * OrthancPluginGetTagName (OrthancPluginContext *context, uint16_t group, uint16_t element, const char *privateCreator)
 Returns the symbolic name of a DICOM tag. More...
OrthancPluginErrorCode OrthancPluginHttpClient (OrthancPluginContext *context, OrthancPluginMemoryBuffer *answerBody, OrthancPluginMemoryBuffer *answerHeaders, uint16_t *httpStatus, OrthancPluginHttpMethod method, const char *url, uint32_t headersCount, const char *const *headersKeys, const char *const *headersValues, const void *body, uint32_t bodySize, const char *username, const char *password, uint32_t timeout, const char *certificateFile, const char *certificateKeyFile, const char *certificateKeyPassword, uint8_t pkcs11)
 Issue a HTTP call with full flexibility. More...
OrthancPluginErrorCode OrthancPluginHttpDelete (OrthancPluginContext *context, const char *url, const char *username, const char *password)
 Issue a HTTP DELETE call. More...
OrthancPluginErrorCode OrthancPluginHttpGet (OrthancPluginContext *context, OrthancPluginMemoryBuffer *target, const char *url, const char *username, const char *password)
 Issue a HTTP GET call. More...
OrthancPluginErrorCode OrthancPluginHttpPost (OrthancPluginContext *context, OrthancPluginMemoryBuffer *target, const char *url, const void *body, uint32_t bodySize, const char *username, const char *password)
 Issue a HTTP POST call. More...
OrthancPluginErrorCode OrthancPluginHttpPut (OrthancPluginContext *context, OrthancPluginMemoryBuffer *target, const char *url, const void *body, uint32_t bodySize, const char *username, const char *password)
 Issue a HTTP PUT call. More...
void OrthancPluginLogError (OrthancPluginContext *context, const char *message)
 Log an error. More...
void OrthancPluginLogInfo (OrthancPluginContext *context, const char *message)
 Log an information. More...
void OrthancPluginLogMessage (OrthancPluginContext *context, const char *message, const char *plugin, const char *file, uint32_t line, OrthancPluginLogCategory category, OrthancPluginLogLevel level)
 Log a message. More...
void OrthancPluginLogWarning (OrthancPluginContext *context, const char *message)
 Log a warning. More...
OrthancPluginErrorCode OrthancPluginLookupDictionary (OrthancPluginContext *context, OrthancPluginDictionaryEntry *target, const char *name)
 Get information about the given DICOM tag. More...
OrthancPluginErrorCode OrthancPluginReadFile (OrthancPluginContext *context, OrthancPluginMemoryBuffer *target, const char *path)
 Read a file. More...
OrthancPluginErrorCode OrthancPluginRegisterDictionaryTag (OrthancPluginContext *context, uint16_t group, uint16_t element, OrthancPluginValueRepresentation vr, const char *name, uint32_t minMultiplicity, uint32_t maxMultiplicity)
 Register a new tag into the DICOM dictionary. More...
OrthancPluginErrorCode OrthancPluginRegisterErrorCode (OrthancPluginContext *context, int32_t code, uint16_t httpStatus, const char *message)
 Declare a custom error code for this plugin. More...
OrthancPluginErrorCode OrthancPluginRegisterPrivateDictionaryTag (OrthancPluginContext *context, uint16_t group, uint16_t element, OrthancPluginValueRepresentation vr, const char *name, uint32_t minMultiplicity, uint32_t maxMultiplicity, const char *privateCreator)
 Register a new private tag into the DICOM dictionary. More...
OrthancPluginErrorCode OrthancPluginSetCurrentThreadName (OrthancPluginContext *context, const char *threadName)
 Set the name of the current thread. More...
void OrthancPluginSetDescription (OrthancPluginContext *context, const char *description)
 Set a description for this plugin. More...
void OrthancPluginSetDescription2 (OrthancPluginContext *context, const char *plugin, const char *description)
 Set a description for this plugin. More...
void OrthancPluginSetMetricsIntegerValue (OrthancPluginContext *context, const char *name, int64_t value, OrthancPluginMetricsType type)
 Set the value of an integer metrics. More...
void OrthancPluginSetMetricsValue (OrthancPluginContext *context, const char *name, float value, OrthancPluginMetricsType type)
 Set the value of a floating-point metrics. More...
void OrthancPluginSetRootUri (OrthancPluginContext *context, const char *uri)
 Set the URI where the plugin provides its Web interface. More...
void OrthancPluginSetRootUri2 (OrthancPluginContext *context, const char *plugin, const char *uri)
 Set the URI where the plugin provides its Web interface. More...
char * OrthancPluginSubmitJob (OrthancPluginContext *context, OrthancPluginJob *job, int32_t priority)
 Submit a new job to the jobs engine of Orthanc. More...
OrthancPluginErrorCode OrthancPluginWriteFile (OrthancPluginContext *context, const char *path, const void *data, uint32_t size)
 Write a file. More...

Detailed Description

Typedef Documentation

◆ OrthancPluginChunkedClientAnswerAddChunk

typedef OrthancPluginErrorCode(* OrthancPluginChunkedClientAnswerAddChunk) (void *answer, const void *data, uint32_t size)

Signature of a callback function that is called by Orthanc acting as a HTTP client during a chunked HTTP transfer, as soon as it receives one data chunk from the answer of the remote HTTP server.

See also
answerThe user payload, as provided by the calling plugin.
dataThe content of the data chunk.
sizeThe size of the data chunk.
0 if success, or the error code if failure.

◆ OrthancPluginChunkedClientAnswerAddHeader

typedef OrthancPluginErrorCode(* OrthancPluginChunkedClientAnswerAddHeader) (void *answer, const char *key, const char *value)

Signature of a callback function that is called by Orthanc acting as a HTTP client during a chunked HTTP transfer, as soon as it receives one HTTP header from the answer of the remote HTTP server.

See also
answerThe user payload, as provided by the calling plugin.
keyThe key of the HTTP header.
valueThe value of the HTTP header.
0 if success, or the error code if failure.

◆ OrthancPluginChunkedClientRequestGetChunkData

typedef const void*(* OrthancPluginChunkedClientRequestGetChunkData) (void *request)

Signature of a callback function that is called by Orthanc acting as a HTTP client during a chunked HTTP transfer, while reading the body of a POST or PUT request. The plugin must provide the content of the current chunk of data of the request body.

See also
requestThe user payload, as provided by the calling plugin.
The content of the current request chunk.

◆ OrthancPluginChunkedClientRequestGetChunkSize

typedef uint32_t(* OrthancPluginChunkedClientRequestGetChunkSize) (void *request)

Signature of a callback function that is called by Orthanc acting as a HTTP client during a chunked HTTP transfer, while reading the body of a POST or PUT request. The plugin must provide the size of the current chunk of data of the request body.

See also
requestThe user payload, as provided by the calling plugin.
The size of the current request chunk.

◆ OrthancPluginChunkedClientRequestIsDone

typedef uint8_t(* OrthancPluginChunkedClientRequestIsDone) (void *request)

Signature of a callback function that is called by Orthanc acting as a HTTP client during a chunked HTTP transfer, while reading the body of a POST or PUT request. The plugin must answer "1" as soon as the body is entirely read: The "request" data structure must act as an iterator.

See also
requestThe user payload, as provided by the calling plugin.
"1" if the body is over, or "0" if there is still data to be read.

◆ OrthancPluginChunkedClientRequestNext

typedef OrthancPluginErrorCode(* OrthancPluginChunkedClientRequestNext) (void *request)

Signature of a callback function that is called by Orthanc acting as a HTTP client during a chunked HTTP transfer, while reading the body of a POST or PUT request. This function asks the plugin to advance to the next chunk of data of the request body: The "request" data structure must act as an iterator.

See also
requestThe user payload, as provided by the calling plugin.
0 if success, or the error code if failure.

◆ OrthancPluginJobFinalize

typedef void(* OrthancPluginJobFinalize) (void *job)

Signature of a callback function that releases all the resources allocated by the given job. This job is the argument provided to OrthancPluginCreateJob().

jobThe job of interest.

◆ OrthancPluginJobGetContent

typedef const char*(* OrthancPluginJobGetContent) (void *job)

Signature of a callback function that returns human-readable statistics about the job. This statistics must be formatted as a JSON object. This information is notably displayed in the "Jobs" tab of "Orthanc Explorer".

jobThe job of interest.
The statistics, as a JSON object encoded as a string.
This signature should not be used anymore since Orthanc SDK 1.11.3.

◆ OrthancPluginJobGetContent2

typedef OrthancPluginErrorCode(* OrthancPluginJobGetContent2) (OrthancPluginMemoryBuffer *target, void *job)

Signature of a callback function that returns human-readable statistics about the job. This statistics must be formatted as a JSON object. This information is notably displayed in the "Jobs" tab of "Orthanc Explorer".

targetThe target memory buffer where to store the JSON string. This buffer must be allocated using OrthancPluginCreateMemoryBuffer() and will be freed by the Orthanc core.
jobThe job of interest.
0 if success, other value if error.

◆ OrthancPluginJobGetProgress

typedef float(* OrthancPluginJobGetProgress) (void *job)

Signature of a callback function that returns the progress of the job.

jobThe job of interest.
The progress, as a floating-point number ranging from 0 to 1.

◆ OrthancPluginJobGetSerialized

typedef const char*(* OrthancPluginJobGetSerialized) (void *job)

Signature of a callback function that returns a serialized version of the job, formatted as a JSON object. This serialization is stored in the Orthanc database, and is used to reload the job on the restart of Orthanc. The "unserialization" callback (with OrthancPluginJobsUnserializer signature) will receive this serialized object.

jobThe job of interest.
The serialized job, as a JSON object encoded as a string.
See also
This signature should not be used anymore since Orthanc SDK 1.11.3.

◆ OrthancPluginJobGetSerialized2

typedef int32_t(* OrthancPluginJobGetSerialized2) (OrthancPluginMemoryBuffer *target, void *job)

Signature of a callback function that returns a serialized version of the job, formatted as a JSON object. This serialization is stored in the Orthanc database, and is used to reload the job on the restart of Orthanc. The "unserialization" callback (with OrthancPluginJobsUnserializer signature) will receive this serialized object.

targetThe target memory buffer where to store the JSON string. This buffer must be allocated using OrthancPluginCreateMemoryBuffer() and will be freed by the Orthanc core.
jobThe job of interest.
1 if the serialization has succeeded, 0 if serialization is not implemented for this type of job, or -1 in case of error.

◆ OrthancPluginJobReset

typedef OrthancPluginErrorCode(* OrthancPluginJobReset) (void *job)

Signature of a callback function that is invoked once a job leaves the "failure/canceled" state, to be started again. This function will typically reset the progress to zero. Note that before being actually executed, the job would first be tagged as "pending" in the Orthanc jobs engine.

jobThe job of interest.
0 if success, or the error code if failure.

◆ OrthancPluginJobStep

typedef OrthancPluginJobStepStatus(* OrthancPluginJobStep) (void *job)

Signature of a callback function that executes one step in the job. The jobs engine of Orthanc will make successive calls to this method, as long as it returns OrthancPluginJobStepStatus_Continue.

jobThe job of interest.
The status of execution.

◆ OrthancPluginJobStop

typedef OrthancPluginErrorCode(* OrthancPluginJobStop) (void *job, OrthancPluginJobStopReason reason)

Signature of a callback function that is invoked once a job leaves the "running" state. This can happen if the previous call to OrthancPluginJobStep has failed/succeeded, if the host Orthanc server is being stopped, or if the user manually tags the job as paused/canceled. This callback allows the plugin to free resources allocated for running this custom job (e.g. to stop threads, or to remove temporary files).

Note that handling pauses might involves a specific treatment (such a stopping threads, but keeping temporary files on the disk). This "paused" situation can be checked by looking at the "reason" parameter.

jobThe job of interest.
reasonThe reason for leaving the "running" state.
0 if success, or the error code if failure.

◆ OrthancPluginServerChunkedRequestReaderAddChunk

typedef OrthancPluginErrorCode(* OrthancPluginServerChunkedRequestReaderAddChunk) (OrthancPluginServerChunkedRequestReader *reader, const void *data, uint32_t size)

Signature of a callback function that is called by Orthanc acting as a HTTP server that supports chunked HTTP transfers. This callback is invoked as soon as a new data chunk is available for the request body.

See also
readerThe user payload, as created by the OrthancPluginServerChunkedRequestReaderFactory() callback.
dataThe content of the data chunk.
sizeThe size of the data chunk.
0 if success, or the error code if failure.

◆ OrthancPluginServerChunkedRequestReaderExecute

typedef OrthancPluginErrorCode(* OrthancPluginServerChunkedRequestReaderExecute) (OrthancPluginServerChunkedRequestReader *reader, OrthancPluginRestOutput *output)

Signature of a callback function that is called by Orthanc acting as a HTTP server that supports chunked HTTP transfers. This callback is invoked as soon as the full body of the HTTP request is available. The plugin can then send its answer thanks to the provided "output" object.

See also
readerThe user payload, as created by the OrthancPluginServerChunkedRequestReaderFactory() callback.
outputThe HTTP connection to the client application.
0 if success, or the error code if failure.

◆ OrthancPluginServerChunkedRequestReaderFactory

typedef OrthancPluginErrorCode(* OrthancPluginServerChunkedRequestReaderFactory) (OrthancPluginServerChunkedRequestReader **reader, const char *url, const OrthancPluginHttpRequest *request)

Signature of a callback function that is called by Orthanc acting as a HTTP server that supports chunked HTTP transfers. This callback is only invoked if the HTTP method is POST or PUT. The callback must create an user-specific "reader" object that will be fed with the body of the incoming body.

See also
readerMemory location that must be filled with the newly-created reader.
urlThe URI that is accessed.
requestThe body of the HTTP request. Note that "body" and "bodySize" are not used.
0 if success, or the error code if failure.

◆ OrthancPluginServerChunkedRequestReaderFinalize

typedef void(* OrthancPluginServerChunkedRequestReaderFinalize) (OrthancPluginServerChunkedRequestReader *reader)

Signature of a callback function that is called by Orthanc acting as a HTTP server that supports chunked HTTP transfers. This callback is invoked to release all the resources allocated by the given reader. Note that this function might be invoked even if the entire body was not read, to deal with client error or disconnection.

See also
readerThe user payload, as created by the OrthancPluginServerChunkedRequestReaderFactory() callback.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ OrthancPluginConstraintType

The constraints on the tags (main DICOM tags and identifier tags) that must be supported by the database plugins.




Less or equal


More or equal


Wildcard matching


List of values

◆ OrthancPluginContentType

The content types that are supported by Orthanc plugins.


Unknown content type




JSON summary of a DICOM file


DICOM Header till pixel data

◆ OrthancPluginCreateDicomFlags

Flags for the creation of a DICOM file.

See also

Default mode


Decode fields encoded using data URI scheme


Automatically generate DICOM identifiers

◆ OrthancPluginDicomToJsonFlags

Flags to customize a DICOM-to-JSON conversion. By default, binary tags are formatted using Data URI scheme.


Default formatting


Include the binary tags


Include the private tags


Include the tags unknown by the dictionary


Include the pixel data


Output binary tags as-is, dropping non-ASCII


Signal binary tags as null values


Stop processing after pixel data (new in 1.9.1)


Skip tags whose element is zero (new in 1.9.1)

◆ OrthancPluginDicomToJsonFormat

The possible output formats for a DICOM-to-JSON conversion.

See also

Full output, with most details


Tags output as hexadecimal numbers


Human-readable JSON

◆ OrthancPluginDicomWebBinaryMode

The available modes to export a binary DICOM tag into a DICOMweb JSON or XML document.


Don't include binary tags


Inline encoding using Base64


Use a bulk data URI field

◆ OrthancPluginErrorCode

For Microsoft Visual Studio, a compatibility "stdint.h" can be downloaded at the following URL: https://orthanc.uclouvain.be/hg/orthanc/raw-file/default/OrthancFramework/Resources/ThirdParty/VisualStudio/stdint.h The various error codes that can be returned by the Orthanc core.


Internal error




Error encountered within the plugin engine


Not implemented yet


Parameter out of range


The server hosting Orthanc is running out of memory


Bad type for a parameter


Bad sequence of calls


Accessing an inexistent item


Bad request


Error in the network protocol


Error while calling a system command


Error with the database engine


Badly formatted URI


Inexistent file


Cannot write to file


Bad file format




Unknown resource


Incompatible version of the database


The file storage is full


Corrupted file (e.g. inconsistent MD5 hash)


Inexistent tag


Cannot modify a read-only data structure


Incompatible format of the images


Incompatible size of the images


Error while using a shared library (plugin)


Plugin invoking an unknown service


Unknown DICOM tag


Cannot parse a JSON document


Bad credentials were provided to an HTTP request


Badly formatted font file


The plugin implementing a custom database back-end does not fulfill the proper interface


Error in the plugin implementing a custom storage area


The request is empty


Cannot send a response which is acceptable according to the Accept HTTP header


Cannot handle a NULL pointer


The database is currently not available (probably a transient situation)


This job was canceled


Geometry error encountered in Stone


Cannot initialize SSL encryption, check out your certificates


Calling a function that has been removed from the Orthanc Framework


Incorrect range request


Database could not serialize access due to concurrent update, the transaction should be retried


A bad revision number was provided, which might indicate conflict between multiple writers


A main DICOM Tag has been defined multiple times for the same resource level


Access to a resource is forbidden


Duplicate resource


SQLite: The database is not opened


SQLite: Connection is already open


SQLite: Unable to open the database


SQLite: This cached statement is already being referred to


SQLite: Cannot execute a command


SQLite: Rolling back a nonexistent transaction (have you called Begin()?)


SQLite: Committing a nonexistent transaction


SQLite: Unable to register a function


SQLite: Unable to flush the database


SQLite: Cannot run a cached statement


SQLite: Cannot step over a cached statement


SQLite: Bing a value while out of range (serious error)


SQLite: Cannot prepare a cached statement


SQLite: Beginning the same transaction twice


SQLite: Failure when committing the transaction


SQLite: Cannot start a transaction


The directory to be created is already occupied by a regular file


Unable to create a subdirectory or a file in the file storage


The specified path does not point to a directory


The TCP port of the HTTP server is privileged or already in use


The TCP port of the DICOM server is privileged or already in use


This HTTP status is not allowed in a REST API


The specified path does not point to a regular file


Unable to get the path to the executable


Cannot create a directory


An application entity title (AET) cannot be empty or be longer than 16 characters


No request handler factory for DICOM C-FIND SCP


No request handler factory for DICOM C-MOVE SCP


No request handler factory for DICOM C-STORE SCP


No application entity filter


DicomUserConnection: Unable to find the SOP class and instance


DicomUserConnection: No acceptable presentation context for modality


DicomUserConnection: The C-FIND command is not supported by the remote SCP


DicomUserConnection: The C-MOVE command is not supported by the remote SCP


Cannot store an instance


Only string values are supported when creating DICOM instances


Trying to override a value inherited from a parent module


Use "Content" to inject an image into a new DICOM instance


No payload is present for one instance in the series


The payload of the DICOM instance must be specified according to Data URI scheme


Trying to attach a new DICOM instance to an inexistent resource


Trying to attach a new DICOM instance to an instance (must be a series, study or patient)


Unable to get the encoding of the parent resource


Unknown modality


Bad ordering of filters in a job


Cannot convert the given JSON object to a Lua table


Cannot create the Lua context


Cannot execute a Lua command


Arguments cannot be pushed after the Lua function is executed


The Lua function does not give the expected number of outputs


The Lua function is not a predicate (only true/false outputs allowed)


The Lua function does not return a string


Another plugin has already registered a custom storage area


Another plugin has already registered a custom database back-end


Plugin trying to call the database during its initialization


Orthanc has been built without SSL support


Unable to order the slices of the series


No request handler factory for DICOM C-Find Modality SCP


Cannot override the value of a tag that already exists


No request handler factory for DICOM N-ACTION SCP (storage commitment)


No request handler factory for DICOM C-GET SCP


Unsupported media type

◆ OrthancPluginHttpMethod

The various HTTP methods for a REST call.


GET request


POST request


PUT request


DELETE request

◆ OrthancPluginIdentifierConstraint

The constraints on the DICOM identifiers that must be supported by the database plugins.

Plugins using OrthancPluginConstraintType will be faster



Less or equal


More or equal


Case-sensitive wildcard matching (with * and ?)

◆ OrthancPluginInstanceOrigin

The origin of a DICOM instance that has been received by Orthanc.


Unknown origin


Instance received through DICOM protocol


Instance received through REST API of Orthanc


Instance added to Orthanc by a plugin


Instance added to Orthanc by a Lua script


Instance received through WebDAV (new in 1.8.0)

◆ OrthancPluginJobStepStatus

The possible status for one single step of a job.


The job has successfully executed all its steps


The job has failed while executing this step


The job has still data to process after this step

◆ OrthancPluginJobStopReason

Explains why the job should stop and release the resources it has allocated. This is especially important to disambiguate between the "paused" condition and the "final" conditions (success, failure, or canceled).


The job has succeeded


The job was paused, and will be resumed later


The job has failed, and might be resubmitted later


The job was canceled, and might be resubmitted later

◆ OrthancPluginLoadDicomInstanceMode

Mode specifying how to load a DICOM instance.

See also

Load the whole DICOM file, including pixel data


Load the whole DICOM file until pixel data, which speeds up the loading


Load the whole DICOM file until pixel data, and replace pixel data by an empty tag whose VR (value representation) is the same as those of the original DICOM file

◆ OrthancPluginLogCategory

The log categories supported by Orthanc.

These values must match those of enumeration "LogCategory" in the Orthanc Core.


Generic (default) category


Plugin engine related logs (shall not be used by plugins)


HTTP related logs


SQLite related logs (shall not be used by plugins)


DICOM related logs


jobs related logs


Lua related logs (shall not be used by plugins)

◆ OrthancPluginLogLevel

The log levels supported by Orthanc.

These values must match those of enumeration "LogLevel" in the Orthanc Core.


Error log level


Warning log level


Info log level


Trace log level

◆ OrthancPluginMetricsType

The available types of metrics.


Default metrics


This metrics represents a time duration. Orthanc will keep the maximum value of the metrics over a sliding window of ten seconds, which is useful if the metrics is sampled frequently.

◆ OrthancPluginReceivedInstanceAction

The action to be taken after ReceivedInstanceCallback is triggered


Keep the instance as is


Modify the instance


Discard the instance

◆ OrthancPluginResourceType

The supported types of DICOM resources.










Unavailable resource type

◆ OrthancPluginStorageCommitmentFailureReason

The available values for the Failure Reason (0008,1197) during storage commitment. http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/2019e/output/chtml/part03/sect_C.14.html#sect_C.14.1.1


Success: The DICOM instance is properly stored in the SCP


0110H: A general failure in processing the operation was encountered


0112H: One or more of the elements in the Referenced SOP Instance Sequence was not available


0213H: The SCP does not currently have enough resources to store the requested SOP Instance(s)


0122H: Storage Commitment has been requested for a SOP Instance with a SOP Class that is not supported by the SCP


0119H: The SOP Class of an element in the Referenced SOP Instance Sequence did not correspond to the SOP class registered for this SOP Instance at the SCP


0131H: The Transaction UID of the Storage Commitment Request is already in use

◆ OrthancPluginValueRepresentation

The value representations present in the DICOM standard (version 2013).


Application Entity


Age String


Attribute Tag


Code String




Decimal String


Date Time


Floating Point Double


Floating Point Single


Integer String


Long String


Long Text


Other Byte String


Other Float String


Other Word String


Person Name


Short String


Signed Long


Sequence of Items


Signed Short


Short Text




Unique Identifier (UID)


Unsigned Long




Unsigned Short


Unlimited Text

Function Documentation

◆ OrthancPluginAutodetectMimeType()

const char* OrthancPluginAutodetectMimeType ( OrthancPluginContext context,
const char *  path 

This function returns the MIME type of a file by inspecting its extension.

contextThe Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize().
pathPath to the file.
The MIME type. This is a statically-allocated string, do not free it.

◆ OrthancPluginCallPeerApi()

OrthancPluginErrorCode OrthancPluginCallPeerApi ( OrthancPluginContext context,
OrthancPluginMemoryBuffer answerBody,
OrthancPluginMemoryBuffer answerHeaders,
uint16_t *  httpStatus,
const OrthancPluginPeers peers,
uint32_t  peerIndex,
OrthancPluginHttpMethod  method,
const char *  uri,
uint32_t  additionalHeadersCount,
const char *const *  additionalHeadersKeys,
const char *const *  additionalHeadersValues,
const void *  body,
uint32_t  bodySize,
uint32_t  timeout 

Make a REST call to the given URI in the REST API of a remote Orthanc peer. The result to the query is stored into a newly allocated memory buffer. The HTTP request will be done according to the "OrthancPeers" configuration option of Orthanc.

This function is thread-safe: Several threads sharing the same OrthancPluginPeers object can simultaneously call this function.

contextThe Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize().
answerBodyThe target memory buffer (out argument). It must be freed with OrthancPluginFreeMemoryBuffer(). The value of this argument is ignored if the HTTP method is DELETE.
answerHeadersThe target memory buffer for the HTTP headers in the answers (out argument). The answer headers are formatted as a JSON object (associative array). The buffer must be freed with OrthancPluginFreeMemoryBuffer(). This argument can be set to NULL if the plugin has no interest in the HTTP headers.
httpStatusThe HTTP status after the execution of the request (out argument).
peersThe data structure describing the Orthanc peers.
peerIndexThe index of the peer of interest. This value must be lower than OrthancPluginGetPeersCount().
methodHTTP method to be used.
uriThe URI of interest in the REST API.
additionalHeadersCountThe number of HTTP headers to be added to the HTTP headers provided in the global configuration of Orthanc.
additionalHeadersKeysArray containing the keys of the HTTP headers (can be NULL if no header).
additionalHeadersValuesArray containing the values of the HTTP headers (can be NULL if no header).
bodyThe HTTP body for a POST or PUT request.
bodySizeThe size of the body.
timeoutTimeout in seconds (0 for default timeout).
0 if success, or the error code if failure.
See also

◆ OrthancPluginChunkedHttpClient()

OrthancPluginErrorCode OrthancPluginChunkedHttpClient ( OrthancPluginContext context,
void *  answer,
OrthancPluginChunkedClientAnswerAddChunk  answerAddChunk,
OrthancPluginChunkedClientAnswerAddHeader  answerAddHeader,
uint16_t *  httpStatus,
OrthancPluginHttpMethod  method,
const char *  url,
uint32_t  headersCount,
const char *const *  headersKeys,
const char *const *  headersValues,
void *  request,
OrthancPluginChunkedClientRequestIsDone  requestIsDone,
OrthancPluginChunkedClientRequestGetChunkData  requestChunkData,
OrthancPluginChunkedClientRequestGetChunkSize  requestChunkSize,
OrthancPluginChunkedClientRequestNext  requestNext,
const char *  username,
const char *  password,
uint32_t  timeout,
const char *  certificateFile,
const char *  certificateKeyFile,
const char *  certificateKeyPassword,
uint8_t  pkcs11 

Make a HTTP call to the given URL using chunked HTTP transfers. The request body is provided as an iterator over data chunks. The answer is provided as a sequence of function calls with the individual HTTP headers and answer chunks.

Contrarily to OrthancPluginHttpClient() that entirely stores the request body and the answer body in memory buffers, this function uses chunked HTTP transfers. This results in a lower memory consumption. Pay attention to the fact that Orthanc servers with version <= 1.5.6 do not support chunked transfers: You must use OrthancPluginHttpClient() if contacting such older servers.

The HTTP request will be done accordingly to the global configuration of Orthanc (in particular, the options "HttpProxy", "HttpTimeout", "HttpsVerifyPeers", "HttpsCACertificates", and "Pkcs11" will be taken into account).

contextThe Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize().
answerThe user payload for the answer body. It will be provided to the callbacks for the answer.
answerAddChunkCallback function to report a data chunk from the answer body.
answerAddHeaderCallback function to report an HTTP header sent by the remote server.
httpStatusThe HTTP status after the execution of the request (out argument).
methodHTTP method to be used.
urlThe URL of interest.
headersCountThe number of HTTP headers.
headersKeysArray containing the keys of the HTTP headers (can be NULL if no header).
headersValuesArray containing the values of the HTTP headers (can be NULL if no header).
requestThe user payload containing the request body, and acting as an iterator. It will be provided to the callbacks for the request.
requestIsDoneCallback function to tell whether the request body is entirely read.
requestChunkDataCallback function to get the content of the current data chunk of the request body.
requestChunkSizeCallback function to get the size of the current data chunk of the request body.
requestNextCallback function to advance to the next data chunk of the request body.
usernameThe username (can be NULL if no password protection).
passwordThe password (can be NULL if no password protection).
timeoutTimeout in seconds (0 for default timeout).
certificateFilePath to the client certificate for HTTPS, in PEM format (can be NULL if no client certificate or if not using HTTPS).
certificateKeyFilePath to the key of the client certificate for HTTPS, in PEM format (can be NULL if no client certificate or if not using HTTPS).
certificateKeyPasswordPassword to unlock the key of the client certificate (can be NULL if no client certificate or if not using HTTPS).
pkcs11Enable PKCS#11 client authentication for hardware security modules and smart cards.
0 if success, or the error code if failure.
See also

◆ OrthancPluginComputeMd5()

char* OrthancPluginComputeMd5 ( OrthancPluginContext context,
const void *  buffer,
uint32_t  size 

This functions computes the MD5 cryptographic hash of the given memory buffer.

contextThe Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize().
bufferThe source memory buffer.
sizeThe size in bytes of the source buffer.
The NULL value in case of error, or a string containing the cryptographic hash. This string must be freed by OrthancPluginFreeString().

◆ OrthancPluginComputeSha1()

char* OrthancPluginComputeSha1 ( OrthancPluginContext context,
const void *  buffer,
uint32_t  size 

This functions computes the SHA-1 cryptographic hash of the given memory buffer.

contextThe Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize().
bufferThe source memory buffer.
sizeThe size in bytes of the source buffer.
The NULL value in case of error, or a string containing the cryptographic hash. This string must be freed by OrthancPluginFreeString().

◆ OrthancPluginCreateDicom()

OrthancPluginErrorCode OrthancPluginCreateDicom ( OrthancPluginContext context,
OrthancPluginMemoryBuffer target,
const char *  json,
const OrthancPluginImage pixelData,
OrthancPluginCreateDicomFlags  flags 

This function takes as input a string containing a JSON file describing the content of a DICOM instance. As an output, it writes the corresponding DICOM instance to a newly allocated memory buffer. Additionally, an image to be encoded within the DICOM instance can also be provided.

Private tags will be associated with the private creator whose value is specified in the "DefaultPrivateCreator" configuration option of Orthanc. The function OrthancPluginCreateDicom2() can be used if another private creator must be used to create this instance.

contextThe Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize().
targetThe target memory buffer. It must be freed with OrthancPluginFreeMemoryBuffer().
jsonThe input JSON file.
pixelDataThe image. Can be NULL, if the pixel data is encoded inside the JSON with the data URI scheme.
flagsFlags governing the output.
0 if success, other value if error.
See also

◆ OrthancPluginCreateDicom2()

OrthancPluginErrorCode OrthancPluginCreateDicom2 ( OrthancPluginContext context,
OrthancPluginMemoryBuffer target,
const char *  json,
const OrthancPluginImage pixelData,
OrthancPluginCreateDicomFlags  flags,
const char *  privateCreator 

This function takes as input a string containing a JSON file describing the content of a DICOM instance. As an output, it writes the corresponding DICOM instance to a newly allocated memory buffer. Additionally, an image to be encoded within the DICOM instance can also be provided.

Contrarily to the function OrthancPluginCreateDicom(), this function can be explicitly provided with a private creator.

contextThe Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize().
targetThe target memory buffer. It must be freed with OrthancPluginFreeMemoryBuffer().
jsonThe input JSON file.
pixelDataThe image. Can be NULL, if the pixel data is encoded inside the JSON with the data URI scheme.
flagsFlags governing the output.
privateCreatorThe private creator to be used for the private DICOM tags. Check out the global configuration option "Dictionary" of Orthanc.
0 if success, other value if error.
See also

◆ OrthancPluginCreateFindMatcher()

OrthancPluginFindMatcher* OrthancPluginCreateFindMatcher ( OrthancPluginContext context,
const void *  query,
uint32_t  size 

This function creates a "matcher" object that can be used to check whether a DICOM instance matches a C-Find query. The C-Find query must be expressed as a DICOM buffer.

contextThe Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize().
queryThe C-Find DICOM query.
sizeThe size of the DICOM query.
The newly allocated matcher. It must be freed with OrthancPluginFreeFindMatcher().

◆ OrthancPluginCreateJob()

OrthancPluginJob* OrthancPluginCreateJob ( OrthancPluginContext context,
void *  job,
OrthancPluginJobFinalize  finalize,
const char *  type,
OrthancPluginJobGetProgress  getProgress,
OrthancPluginJobGetContent  getContent,
OrthancPluginJobGetSerialized  getSerialized,
OrthancPluginJobStep  step,
OrthancPluginJobStop  stop,
OrthancPluginJobReset  reset 

This function creates a custom job to be run by the jobs engine of Orthanc.

Orthanc starts one dedicated thread per custom job that is running. It is guaranteed that all the callbacks will only be called from this single dedicated thread, in mutual exclusion: As a consequence, it is not mandatory to protect the various callbacks by mutexes.

The custom job can nonetheless launch its own processing threads on the first call to the "step()" callback, and stop them once the "stop()" callback is called.

contextThe Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize().
jobThe job to be executed.
finalizeThe finalization callback.
typeThe type of the job, provided to the job unserializer. See OrthancPluginRegisterJobsUnserializer().
getProgressThe progress callback.
getContentThe content callback.
getSerializedThe serialization callback.
stepThe callback to execute the individual steps of the job.
stopThe callback that is invoked once the job leaves the "running" state.
resetThe callback that is invoked if a stopped job is started again.
The newly allocated job. It must be freed with OrthancPluginFreeJob(), as long as it is not submitted with OrthancPluginSubmitJob().
This signature should not be used anymore since Orthanc SDK 1.11.3.

◆ OrthancPluginCreateJob2()

OrthancPluginJob* OrthancPluginCreateJob2 ( OrthancPluginContext context,
void *  job,
OrthancPluginJobFinalize  finalize,
const char *  type,
OrthancPluginJobGetProgress  getProgress,
OrthancPluginJobGetContent2  getContent,
OrthancPluginJobGetSerialized2  getSerialized,
OrthancPluginJobStep  step,
OrthancPluginJobStop  stop,
OrthancPluginJobReset  reset 

This function creates a custom job to be run by the jobs engine of Orthanc.

Orthanc starts one dedicated thread per custom job that is running. It is guaranteed that all the callbacks will only be called from this single dedicated thread, in mutual exclusion: As a consequence, it is not mandatory to protect the various callbacks by mutexes.

The custom job can nonetheless launch its own processing threads on the first call to the "step()" callback, and stop them once the "stop()" callback is called.

contextThe Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize().
jobThe job to be executed.
finalizeThe finalization callback.
typeThe type of the job, provided to the job unserializer. See OrthancPluginRegisterJobsUnserializer().
getProgressThe progress callback.
getContentThe content callback.
getSerializedThe serialization callback.
stepThe callback to execute the individual steps of the job.
stopThe callback that is invoked once the job leaves the "running" state.
resetThe callback that is invoked if a stopped job is started again.
The newly allocated job. It must be freed with OrthancPluginFreeJob(), as long as it is not submitted with OrthancPluginSubmitJob().

◆ OrthancPluginCreateMemoryBuffer()

OrthancPluginErrorCode OrthancPluginCreateMemoryBuffer ( OrthancPluginContext context,
OrthancPluginMemoryBuffer target,
uint32_t  size 

This function creates a memory buffer that is managed by the Orthanc core. The main use case of this function is for plugins that act as DICOM transcoders.

Your plugin should never call "free()" on the resulting memory buffer, as the C library that is used by the plugin is in general not the same as the one used by the Orthanc core.

contextThe Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize().
targetThe target memory buffer. It must be freed with OrthancPluginFreeMemoryBuffer().
sizeSize of the memory buffer to be created.
0 if success, or the error code if failure.

◆ OrthancPluginCreateMemoryBuffer64()

OrthancPluginErrorCode OrthancPluginCreateMemoryBuffer64 ( OrthancPluginContext context,
OrthancPluginMemoryBuffer64 target,
uint64_t  size 

This function creates a 64-bit memory buffer that is managed by the Orthanc core. The main use case of this function is for plugins that read files from the storage area.

Your plugin should never call "free()" on the resulting memory buffer, as the C library that is used by the plugin is in general not the same as the one used by the Orthanc core.

contextThe Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize().
targetThe target memory buffer. It must be freed with OrthancPluginFreeMemoryBuffer().
sizeSize of the memory buffer to be created.
0 if success, or the error code if failure.

◆ OrthancPluginDicomBufferToJson()

char* OrthancPluginDicomBufferToJson ( OrthancPluginContext context,
const void *  buffer,
uint32_t  size,
OrthancPluginDicomToJsonFormat  format,
OrthancPluginDicomToJsonFlags  flags,
uint32_t  maxStringLength 

This function takes as input a memory buffer containing a DICOM file, and outputs a JSON string representing the tags of this DICOM file.

contextThe Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize().
bufferThe memory buffer containing the DICOM file.
sizeThe size of the memory buffer.
formatThe output format.
flagsFlags governing the output.
maxStringLengthThe maximum length of a field. Too long fields will be output as "null". The 0 value means no maximum length.
The NULL value if the case of an error, or the JSON string. This string must be freed by OrthancPluginFreeString().
See also

◆ OrthancPluginDicomInstanceToJson()

char* OrthancPluginDicomInstanceToJson ( OrthancPluginContext context,
const char *  instanceId,
OrthancPluginDicomToJsonFormat  format,
OrthancPluginDicomToJsonFlags  flags,
uint32_t  maxStringLength 

This function formats a DICOM instance that is stored in Orthanc, and outputs a JSON string representing the tags of this DICOM instance.

contextThe Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize().
instanceIdThe Orthanc identifier of the instance.
formatThe output format.
flagsFlags governing the output.
maxStringLengthThe maximum length of a field. Too long fields will be output as "null". The 0 value means no maximum length.
The NULL value if the case of an error, or the JSON string. This string must be freed by OrthancPluginFreeString().
See also

◆ OrthancPluginEncodeDicomWebJson()

char* OrthancPluginEncodeDicomWebJson ( OrthancPluginContext context,
const void *  dicom,
uint32_t  dicomSize,
OrthancPluginDicomWebBinaryCallback  callback 

This function converts a memory buffer containing a DICOM instance, into its DICOMweb JSON representation.

contextThe Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize().
dicomPointer to the DICOM instance.
dicomSizeSize of the DICOM instance.
callbackCallback to set the value of the binary tags.
See also
The NULL value in case of error, or the JSON document. This string must be freed by OrthancPluginFreeString().

◆ OrthancPluginEncodeDicomWebJson2()

char* OrthancPluginEncodeDicomWebJson2 ( OrthancPluginContext context,
const void *  dicom,
uint32_t  dicomSize,
OrthancPluginDicomWebBinaryCallback2  callback,
void *  payload 

This function converts a memory buffer containing a DICOM instance, into its DICOMweb JSON representation.

contextThe Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize().
dicomPointer to the DICOM instance.
dicomSizeSize of the DICOM instance.
callbackCallback to set the value of the binary tags.
payloadUser payload.
The NULL value in case of error, or the JSON document. This string must be freed by OrthancPluginFreeString().
See also

◆ OrthancPluginEncodeDicomWebXml()

char* OrthancPluginEncodeDicomWebXml ( OrthancPluginContext context,
const void *  dicom,
uint32_t  dicomSize,
OrthancPluginDicomWebBinaryCallback  callback 

This function converts a memory buffer containing a DICOM instance, into its DICOMweb XML representation.

contextThe Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize().
dicomPointer to the DICOM instance.
dicomSizeSize of the DICOM instance.
callbackCallback to set the value of the binary tags.
The NULL value in case of error, or the XML document. This string must be freed by OrthancPluginFreeString().
See also

◆ OrthancPluginEncodeDicomWebXml2()

char* OrthancPluginEncodeDicomWebXml2 ( OrthancPluginContext context,
const void *  dicom,
uint32_t  dicomSize,
OrthancPluginDicomWebBinaryCallback2  callback,
void *  payload 

This function converts a memory buffer containing a DICOM instance, into its DICOMweb XML representation.

contextThe Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize().
dicomPointer to the DICOM instance.
dicomSizeSize of the DICOM instance.
callbackCallback to set the value of the binary tags.
payloadUser payload.
The NULL value in case of error, or the XML document. This string must be freed by OrthancPluginFreeString().
See also

◆ OrthancPluginExtendOrthancExplorer()

void OrthancPluginExtendOrthancExplorer ( OrthancPluginContext context,
const char *  javascript 

Add JavaScript code to customize the default behavior of Orthanc Explorer. This can for instance be used to add new buttons.

contextThe Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize().
javascriptThe custom JavaScript code.
This function should not be used anymore because the result of the call to "OrthancPluginGetName()" depends on the system. Use "OrthancPluginExtendOrthancExplorer2()" instead.

◆ OrthancPluginExtendOrthancExplorer2()

void OrthancPluginExtendOrthancExplorer2 ( OrthancPluginContext context,
const char *  plugin,
const char *  javascript 

Add JavaScript code to customize the default behavior of Orthanc Explorer. This can for instance be used to add new buttons.

contextThe Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize().
pluginIdentifier of your plugin (it must match "OrthancPluginGetName()").
javascriptThe custom JavaScript code.

◆ OrthancPluginFindMatcherIsMatch()

int32_t OrthancPluginFindMatcherIsMatch ( OrthancPluginContext context,
const OrthancPluginFindMatcher matcher,
const void *  dicom,
uint32_t  size 

This function checks whether one DICOM instance matches C-Find matcher that was previously allocated using OrthancPluginCreateFindMatcher().

contextThe Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize().
matcherThe matcher of interest.
dicomThe DICOM instance to be matched.
sizeThe size of the DICOM instance.
1 if the DICOM instance matches the query, 0 otherwise.

◆ OrthancPluginFreeFindMatcher()

void OrthancPluginFreeFindMatcher ( OrthancPluginContext context,
OrthancPluginFindMatcher matcher 

This function frees a matcher that was created using OrthancPluginCreateFindMatcher().

contextThe Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize().
matcherThe matcher of interest.

◆ OrthancPluginFreeJob()

void OrthancPluginFreeJob ( OrthancPluginContext context,
OrthancPluginJob job 

This function frees an image that was created with OrthancPluginCreateJob().

contextThe Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize().
jobThe job.

◆ OrthancPluginFreeMemoryBuffer()

void OrthancPluginFreeMemoryBuffer ( OrthancPluginContext context,
OrthancPluginMemoryBuffer buffer 

Free a memory buffer that was allocated by the core system of Orthanc.

contextThe Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize().
bufferThe memory buffer to release.

◆ OrthancPluginFreeMemoryBuffer64()

void OrthancPluginFreeMemoryBuffer64 ( OrthancPluginContext context,
OrthancPluginMemoryBuffer64 buffer 

Free a memory buffer that was allocated by the core system of Orthanc.

contextThe Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize().
bufferThe memory buffer to release.

◆ OrthancPluginFreePeers()

void OrthancPluginFreePeers ( OrthancPluginContext context,
OrthancPluginPeers peers 

This function frees the data structure returned by OrthancPluginGetPeers().

contextThe Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize().
peersThe data structure describing the Orthanc peers.

◆ OrthancPluginFreeString()

void OrthancPluginFreeString ( OrthancPluginContext context,
char *  str 

Free a string that was allocated by the core system of Orthanc.

contextThe Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize().
strThe string to be freed.

◆ OrthancPluginGenerateUuid()

char* OrthancPluginGenerateUuid ( OrthancPluginContext context)

Generate a random GUID/UUID (globally unique identifier).

contextThe Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize().
NULL in the case of an error, or a newly allocated string containing the UUID. This string must be freed by OrthancPluginFreeString().

◆ OrthancPluginGetCommandLineArgument()

char* OrthancPluginGetCommandLineArgument ( OrthancPluginContext context,
uint32_t  argument 

Get the value of one of the command-line arguments that were used to launch Orthanc. The number of available arguments can be retrieved by OrthancPluginGetCommandLineArgumentsCount().

contextThe Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize().
argumentThe index of the argument.
The value of the argument, or NULL in the case of an error. This string must be freed by OrthancPluginFreeString().

◆ OrthancPluginGetCommandLineArgumentsCount()

uint32_t OrthancPluginGetCommandLineArgumentsCount ( OrthancPluginContext context)

Retrieve the number of command-line arguments that were used to launch Orthanc.

contextThe Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize().
The number of arguments.

◆ OrthancPluginGetConfiguration()

char* OrthancPluginGetConfiguration ( OrthancPluginContext context)

This function returns the content of the configuration that is used by Orthanc, formatted as a JSON string.

contextThe Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize().
NULL in the case of an error, or a newly allocated string containing the configuration. This string must be freed by OrthancPluginFreeString().

◆ OrthancPluginGetConfigurationPath()

char* OrthancPluginGetConfigurationPath ( OrthancPluginContext context)

This function returns the path to the configuration file(s) that was specified when starting Orthanc. Since version 0.9.1, this path can refer to a folder that stores a set of configuration files. This function is deprecated in favor of OrthancPluginGetConfiguration().

contextThe Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize().
NULL in the case of an error, or a newly allocated string containing the path. This string must be freed by OrthancPluginFreeString().
See also

◆ OrthancPluginGetDatabaseServerIdentifier()

const char* OrthancPluginGetDatabaseServerIdentifier ( OrthancPluginContext context)
contextThe Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize().
the database server identifier. This is a statically-allocated string, do not free it.

◆ OrthancPluginGetErrorDescription()

const char* OrthancPluginGetErrorDescription ( OrthancPluginContext context,
OrthancPluginErrorCode  error 

This function returns the description of a given error code.

contextThe Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize().
errorThe error code of interest.
The error description. This is a statically-allocated string, do not free it.

◆ OrthancPluginGetOrthancDirectory()

char* OrthancPluginGetOrthancDirectory ( OrthancPluginContext context)

This function returns the path to the directory containing the Orthanc executable.

contextThe Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize().
NULL in the case of an error, or a newly allocated string containing the path. This string must be freed by OrthancPluginFreeString().

◆ OrthancPluginGetOrthancPath()

char* OrthancPluginGetOrthancPath ( OrthancPluginContext context)

This function returns the path to the Orthanc executable.

contextThe Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize().
NULL in the case of an error, or a newly allocated string containing the path. This string must be freed by OrthancPluginFreeString().

◆ OrthancPluginGetPeerName()

const char* OrthancPluginGetPeerName ( OrthancPluginContext context,
const OrthancPluginPeers peers,
uint32_t  peerIndex 

This function returns the symbolic name of the Orthanc peer, which corresponds to the key of the "OrthancPeers" configuration option of Orthanc.

This function is thread-safe: Several threads sharing the same OrthancPluginPeers object can simultaneously call this function.

contextThe Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize().
peersThe data structure describing the Orthanc peers.
peerIndexThe index of the peer of interest. This value must be lower than OrthancPluginGetPeersCount().
The symbolic name, or NULL in the case of an error.

◆ OrthancPluginGetPeers()

OrthancPluginPeers* OrthancPluginGetPeers ( OrthancPluginContext context)

This function returns the parameters of the Orthanc peers that are known to the Orthanc server hosting the plugin.

contextThe Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize().
NULL if error, or a newly allocated opaque data structure containing the peers. This structure must be freed with OrthancPluginFreePeers().

◆ OrthancPluginGetPeersCount()

uint32_t OrthancPluginGetPeersCount ( OrthancPluginContext context,
const OrthancPluginPeers peers 

This function returns the number of Orthanc peers.

This function is thread-safe: Several threads sharing the same OrthancPluginPeers object can simultaneously call this function.

contextThe Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize().
peersThe data structure describing the Orthanc peers.
The number of peers.

◆ OrthancPluginGetPeerUrl()

const char* OrthancPluginGetPeerUrl ( OrthancPluginContext context,
const OrthancPluginPeers peers,
uint32_t  peerIndex 

This function returns the base URL to the REST API of some Orthanc peer.

This function is thread-safe: Several threads sharing the same OrthancPluginPeers object can simultaneously call this function.

contextThe Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize().
peersThe data structure describing the Orthanc peers.
peerIndexThe index of the peer of interest. This value must be lower than OrthancPluginGetPeersCount().
The URL, or NULL in the case of an error.

◆ OrthancPluginGetPeerUserProperty()

const char* OrthancPluginGetPeerUserProperty ( OrthancPluginContext context,
const OrthancPluginPeers peers,
uint32_t  peerIndex,
const char *  userProperty 

This function returns some user-defined property of some Orthanc peer. An user-defined property is a property that is associated with the peer in the Orthanc configuration file, but that is not recognized by the Orthanc core.

This function is thread-safe: Several threads sharing the same OrthancPluginPeers object can simultaneously call this function.

contextThe Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize().
peersThe data structure describing the Orthanc peers.
peerIndexThe index of the peer of interest. This value must be lower than OrthancPluginGetPeersCount().
userPropertyThe user property of interest.
The value of the user property, or NULL if it is not defined.

◆ OrthancPluginGetTagName()

char* OrthancPluginGetTagName ( OrthancPluginContext context,
uint16_t  group,
uint16_t  element,
const char *  privateCreator 

This function makes a lookup to the dictionary of DICOM tags that are known to Orthanc, and returns the symbolic name of a DICOM tag.

contextThe Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize().
groupThe group of the tag.
elementThe element of the tag.
privateCreatorFor private tags, the name of the private creator (can be NULL).
NULL in the case of an error, or a newly allocated string containing the path. This string must be freed by OrthancPluginFreeString().

◆ OrthancPluginHttpClient()

OrthancPluginErrorCode OrthancPluginHttpClient ( OrthancPluginContext context,
OrthancPluginMemoryBuffer answerBody,
OrthancPluginMemoryBuffer answerHeaders,
uint16_t *  httpStatus,
OrthancPluginHttpMethod  method,
const char *  url,
uint32_t  headersCount,
const char *const *  headersKeys,
const char *const *  headersValues,
const void *  body,
uint32_t  bodySize,
const char *  username,
const char *  password,
uint32_t  timeout,
const char *  certificateFile,
const char *  certificateKeyFile,
const char *  certificateKeyPassword,
uint8_t  pkcs11 

Make a HTTP call to the given URL. The result to the query is stored into a newly allocated memory buffer. The HTTP request will be done accordingly to the global configuration of Orthanc (in particular, the options "HttpProxy", "HttpTimeout", "HttpsVerifyPeers", "HttpsCACertificates", and "Pkcs11" will be taken into account).

contextThe Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize().
answerBodyThe target memory buffer (out argument). It must be freed with OrthancPluginFreeMemoryBuffer(). The value of this argument is ignored if the HTTP method is DELETE.
answerHeadersThe target memory buffer for the HTTP headers in the answers (out argument). The answer headers are formatted as a JSON object (associative array). The buffer must be freed with OrthancPluginFreeMemoryBuffer(). This argument can be set to NULL if the plugin has no interest in the HTTP headers.
httpStatusThe HTTP status after the execution of the request (out argument).
methodHTTP method to be used.
urlThe URL of interest.
headersCountThe number of HTTP headers.
headersKeysArray containing the keys of the HTTP headers (can be NULL if no header).
headersValuesArray containing the values of the HTTP headers (can be NULL if no header).
usernameThe username (can be NULL if no password protection).
passwordThe password (can be NULL if no password protection).
bodyThe HTTP body for a POST or PUT request.
bodySizeThe size of the body.
timeoutTimeout in seconds (0 for default timeout).
certificateFilePath to the client certificate for HTTPS, in PEM format (can be NULL if no client certificate or if not using HTTPS).
certificateKeyFilePath to the key of the client certificate for HTTPS, in PEM format (can be NULL if no client certificate or if not using HTTPS).
certificateKeyPasswordPassword to unlock the key of the client certificate (can be NULL if no client certificate or if not using HTTPS).
pkcs11Enable PKCS#11 client authentication for hardware security modules and smart cards.
0 if success, or the error code if failure.
See also

◆ OrthancPluginHttpDelete()

OrthancPluginErrorCode OrthancPluginHttpDelete ( OrthancPluginContext context,
const char *  url,
const char *  username,
const char *  password 

Make a HTTP DELETE call to the given URL. Favor OrthancPluginRestApiDelete() if calling the built-in REST API of the Orthanc instance that hosts this plugin.

contextThe Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize().
urlThe URL of interest.
usernameThe username (can be NULL if no password protection).
passwordThe password (can be NULL if no password protection).
0 if success, or the error code if failure.

◆ OrthancPluginHttpGet()

OrthancPluginErrorCode OrthancPluginHttpGet ( OrthancPluginContext context,
OrthancPluginMemoryBuffer target,
const char *  url,
const char *  username,
const char *  password 

Make a HTTP GET call to the given URL. The result to the query is stored into a newly allocated memory buffer. Favor OrthancPluginRestApiGet() if calling the built-in REST API of the Orthanc instance that hosts this plugin.

contextThe Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize().
targetThe target memory buffer. It must be freed with OrthancPluginFreeMemoryBuffer().
urlThe URL of interest.
usernameThe username (can be NULL if no password protection).
passwordThe password (can be NULL if no password protection).
0 if success, or the error code if failure.

◆ OrthancPluginHttpPost()

OrthancPluginErrorCode OrthancPluginHttpPost ( OrthancPluginContext context,
OrthancPluginMemoryBuffer target,
const char *  url,
const void *  body,
uint32_t  bodySize,
const char *  username,
const char *  password 

Make a HTTP POST call to the given URL. The result to the query is stored into a newly allocated memory buffer. Favor OrthancPluginRestApiPost() if calling the built-in REST API of the Orthanc instance that hosts this plugin.

contextThe Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize().
targetThe target memory buffer. It must be freed with OrthancPluginFreeMemoryBuffer().
urlThe URL of interest.
bodyThe content of the body of the request.
bodySizeThe size of the body of the request.
usernameThe username (can be NULL if no password protection).
passwordThe password (can be NULL if no password protection).
0 if success, or the error code if failure.

◆ OrthancPluginHttpPut()

OrthancPluginErrorCode OrthancPluginHttpPut ( OrthancPluginContext context,
OrthancPluginMemoryBuffer target,
const char *  url,
const void *  body,
uint32_t  bodySize,
const char *  username,
const char *  password 

Make a HTTP PUT call to the given URL. The result to the query is stored into a newly allocated memory buffer. Favor OrthancPluginRestApiPut() if calling the built-in REST API of the Orthanc instance that hosts this plugin.

contextThe Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize().
targetThe target memory buffer. It must be freed with OrthancPluginFreeMemoryBuffer().
urlThe URL of interest.
bodyThe content of the body of the request.
bodySizeThe size of the body of the request.
usernameThe username (can be NULL if no password protection).
passwordThe password (can be NULL if no password protection).
0 if success, or the error code if failure.

◆ OrthancPluginLogError()

void OrthancPluginLogError ( OrthancPluginContext context,
const char *  message 

Log an error message using the Orthanc logging system.

contextThe Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize().
messageThe message to be logged.

◆ OrthancPluginLogInfo()

void OrthancPluginLogInfo ( OrthancPluginContext context,
const char *  message 

Log an information message using the Orthanc logging system.

contextThe Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize().
messageThe message to be logged.

◆ OrthancPluginLogMessage()

void OrthancPluginLogMessage ( OrthancPluginContext context,
const char *  message,
const char *  plugin,
const char *  file,
uint32_t  line,
OrthancPluginLogCategory  category,
OrthancPluginLogLevel  level 

Log a message using the Orthanc logging system.

contextThe Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize().
messageThe message to be logged.
pluginThe plugin name.
fileThe filename in the plugin code.
lineThe file line in the plugin code.
categoryThe category.
levelThe level of the message.

◆ OrthancPluginLogWarning()

void OrthancPluginLogWarning ( OrthancPluginContext context,
const char *  message 

Log a warning message using the Orthanc logging system.

contextThe Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize().
messageThe message to be logged.

◆ OrthancPluginLookupDictionary()

OrthancPluginErrorCode OrthancPluginLookupDictionary ( OrthancPluginContext context,
OrthancPluginDictionaryEntry target,
const char *  name 

This functions makes a lookup in the dictionary of DICOM tags that are known to Orthanc, and returns information about this tag. The tag can be specified using its human-readable name (e.g. "PatientName") or a set of two hexadecimal numbers (e.g. "0010-0020").

contextThe Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize().
targetWhere to store the information about the tag.
nameThe name of the DICOM tag.
0 if success, other value if error.

◆ OrthancPluginReadFile()

OrthancPluginErrorCode OrthancPluginReadFile ( OrthancPluginContext context,
OrthancPluginMemoryBuffer target,
const char *  path 

Read the content of a file on the filesystem, and returns it into a newly allocated memory buffer.

contextThe Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize().
targetThe target memory buffer. It must be freed with OrthancPluginFreeMemoryBuffer().
pathThe path of the file to be read.
0 if success, or the error code if failure.

◆ OrthancPluginRegisterDictionaryTag()

OrthancPluginErrorCode OrthancPluginRegisterDictionaryTag ( OrthancPluginContext context,
uint16_t  group,
uint16_t  element,
OrthancPluginValueRepresentation  vr,
const char *  name,
uint32_t  minMultiplicity,
uint32_t  maxMultiplicity 

This function declares a new public tag in the dictionary of DICOM tags that are known to Orthanc. This function should be used in the OrthancPluginInitialize() callback.

contextThe Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize().
groupThe group of the tag.
elementThe element of the tag.
vrThe value representation of the tag.
nameThe nickname of the tag.
minMultiplicityThe minimum multiplicity of the tag (must be above 0).
maxMultiplicityThe maximum multiplicity of the tag. A value of 0 means an arbitrary multiplicity ("<tt>n</tt>").
0 if success, other value if error.
See also

◆ OrthancPluginRegisterErrorCode()

OrthancPluginErrorCode OrthancPluginRegisterErrorCode ( OrthancPluginContext context,
int32_t  code,
uint16_t  httpStatus,
const char *  message 

This function declares a custom error code that can be generated by this plugin. This declaration is used to enrich the body of the HTTP answer in the case of an error, and to set the proper HTTP status code.

contextThe Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize().
codeThe error code that is internal to this plugin.
httpStatusThe HTTP status corresponding to this error.
messageThe description of the error.
The error code that has been assigned inside the Orthanc core.

◆ OrthancPluginRegisterPrivateDictionaryTag()

OrthancPluginErrorCode OrthancPluginRegisterPrivateDictionaryTag ( OrthancPluginContext context,
uint16_t  group,
uint16_t  element,
OrthancPluginValueRepresentation  vr,
const char *  name,
uint32_t  minMultiplicity,
uint32_t  maxMultiplicity,
const char *  privateCreator 

This function declares a new private tag in the dictionary of DICOM tags that are known to Orthanc. This function should be used in the OrthancPluginInitialize() callback.

contextThe Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize().
groupThe group of the tag.
elementThe element of the tag.
vrThe value representation of the tag.
nameThe nickname of the tag.
minMultiplicityThe minimum multiplicity of the tag (must be above 0).
maxMultiplicityThe maximum multiplicity of the tag. A value of 0 means an arbitrary multiplicity ("<tt>n</tt>").
privateCreatorThe private creator of this private tag.
0 if success, other value if error.
See also

◆ OrthancPluginSetCurrentThreadName()

OrthancPluginErrorCode OrthancPluginSetCurrentThreadName ( OrthancPluginContext context,
const char *  threadName 

This function gives a name to the thread that is calling this function. This name is used in the Orthanc logs. This function must only be called from threads that the plugin has created itself.

contextThe Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize().
threadNameThe name of the current thread. A thread name cannot be longer than 16 characters.
0 if success, other value if error.

◆ OrthancPluginSetDescription()

void OrthancPluginSetDescription ( OrthancPluginContext context,
const char *  description 

Set a description for this plugin. It is displayed in the "Plugins" page of Orthanc Explorer.

contextThe Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize().
descriptionThe description.
This function should not be used anymore because the result of the call to "OrthancPluginGetName()" depends on the system. Use "OrthancPluginSetDescription2()" instead.

◆ OrthancPluginSetDescription2()

void OrthancPluginSetDescription2 ( OrthancPluginContext context,
const char *  plugin,
const char *  description 

Set a description for this plugin. It is displayed in the "Plugins" page of Orthanc Explorer.

contextThe Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize().
pluginIdentifier of your plugin (it must match "OrthancPluginGetName()").
descriptionThe description.

◆ OrthancPluginSetMetricsIntegerValue()

void OrthancPluginSetMetricsIntegerValue ( OrthancPluginContext context,
const char *  name,
int64_t  value,
OrthancPluginMetricsType  type 

This function sets the value of an integer metrics to monitor the behavior of the plugin through tools such as Prometheus. The values of all the metrics are stored within the Orthanc context.

contextThe Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize().
nameThe name of the metrics to be set.
valueThe value of the metrics.
typeThe type of the metrics. This parameter is only taken into consideration the first time this metrics is set.
See also

◆ OrthancPluginSetMetricsValue()

void OrthancPluginSetMetricsValue ( OrthancPluginContext context,
const char *  name,
float  value,
OrthancPluginMetricsType  type 

This function sets the value of a floating-point metrics to monitor the behavior of the plugin through tools such as Prometheus. The values of all the metrics are stored within the Orthanc context.

contextThe Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize().
nameThe name of the metrics to be set.
valueThe value of the metrics.
typeThe type of the metrics. This parameter is only taken into consideration the first time this metrics is set.
See also

◆ OrthancPluginSetRootUri()

void OrthancPluginSetRootUri ( OrthancPluginContext context,
const char *  uri 

For plugins that come with a Web interface, this function declares the entry path where to find this interface. This information is notably used in the "Plugins" page of Orthanc Explorer.

contextThe Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize().
uriThe root URI for this plugin.
This function should not be used anymore because the result of the call to "OrthancPluginGetName()" depends on the system. Use "OrthancPluginSetRootUri2()" instead.

◆ OrthancPluginSetRootUri2()

void OrthancPluginSetRootUri2 ( OrthancPluginContext context,
const char *  plugin,
const char *  uri 

For plugins that come with a Web interface, this function declares the entry path where to find this interface. This information is notably used in the "Plugins" page of Orthanc Explorer.

contextThe Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize().
pluginIdentifier of your plugin (it must match "OrthancPluginGetName()").
uriThe root URI for this plugin.

◆ OrthancPluginSubmitJob()

char* OrthancPluginSubmitJob ( OrthancPluginContext context,
OrthancPluginJob job,
int32_t  priority 

This function adds the given job to the pending jobs of Orthanc. Orthanc will take take of freeing it by invoking the finalization callback provided to OrthancPluginCreateJob().

contextThe Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize().
jobThe job, as received by OrthancPluginCreateJob().
priorityThe priority of the job.
ID of the newly-submitted job. This string must be freed by OrthancPluginFreeString().

◆ OrthancPluginWriteFile()

OrthancPluginErrorCode OrthancPluginWriteFile ( OrthancPluginContext context,
const char *  path,
const void *  data,
uint32_t  size 

Write the content of a memory buffer to the filesystem.

contextThe Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize().
pathThe path of the file to be written.
dataThe content of the memory buffer.
sizeThe size of the memory buffer.
0 if success, or the error code if failure.