Orthanc for WSI

This is a demonstration of Orthanc serving DICOM images for digital pathology (also known as whole-slide microscopic imaging).

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Sample DICOM images


  • The sample DICOM images are created according to the official the Supplement 145.
  • The Web viewer is powered by the OpenLayers toolkit. The whole-slide images can be exported as hierarchical TIFF to other tools (such as Cytomine) for further analysis besides simple Web viewing.
  • Most sample images come from public datasets courtesy of the OpenSlide project.
  • Some source images were encoded in the proprietary Ventana BIF format, and were converted using OpenSlide. Unfortunately, because of this proprietary file format, OpenSlide is affected by an issue that misaligns the tiles. As a consequence, the alignment problems you might observe in the demo images are not a bug inside Orthanc, but a direct consequence of the lack of interoperability in the whole-slide imaging domain. Using DICOM Supplement 145 is clearly a solution to this general issue.