view OrthancFramework/Sources/DicomParsing/FromDcmtkBridge.h @ 5911:bfae0fc2ea1b get-scu-test

Started to work on handling errors as warnings when trying to store instances whose SOPClassUID has not been accepted during the negotiation. Work to be finalized later
author Alain Mazy <>
date Mon, 09 Dec 2024 10:07:19 +0100
parents f7adfb22e20e
line wrap: on
line source

 * Orthanc - A Lightweight, RESTful DICOM Store
 * Copyright (C) 2012-2016 Sebastien Jodogne, Medical Physics
 * Department, University Hospital of Liege, Belgium
 * Copyright (C) 2017-2023 Osimis S.A., Belgium
 * Copyright (C) 2024-2024 Orthanc Team SRL, Belgium
 * Copyright (C) 2021-2024 Sebastien Jodogne, ICTEAM UCLouvain, Belgium
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
 * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this program. If not, see
 * <>.

#pragma once

#include "ITagVisitor.h"
#include "../DicomFormat/DicomElement.h"
#include "../DicomFormat/DicomMap.h"
#include "../DicomFormat/DicomPath.h"

#include <dcmtk/dcmdata/dcdatset.h>
#include <dcmtk/dcmdata/dcmetinf.h>
#include <dcmtk/dcmdata/dcpixseq.h>
#include <dcmtk/dcmdata/dcfilefo.h>
#include <json/value.h>

#  error The macro ORTHANC_ENABLE_DCMTK must be set to 1

#  include <gtest/gtest_prod.h>

#  error The macro ORTHANC_ENABLE_DCMTK_JPEG must be defined

#  error The macro ORTHANC_ENABLE_DCMTK_JPEG_LOSSLESS must be defined

namespace Orthanc
  class ORTHANC_PUBLIC FromDcmtkBridge : public boost::noncopyable
    FRIEND_TEST(FromDcmtkBridge, FromJson);

    friend class ParsedDicomFile;

    // New in Orthanc 1.9.4
    class ORTHANC_PUBLIC IDicomPathVisitor : public boost::noncopyable
      static void ApplyInternal(FromDcmtkBridge::IDicomPathVisitor& visitor,
                                DcmItem& item,
                                const DicomPath& pattern,
                                const DicomPath& actualPath);
      virtual ~IDicomPathVisitor()

      virtual void Visit(DcmItem& item,
                         const DicomPath& path) = 0;

      static void Apply(IDicomPathVisitor& visitor,
                        DcmDataset& dataset,
                        const DicomPath& path);

    FromDcmtkBridge();  // Pure static class

    static void DatasetToJson(Json::Value& parent,
                              DcmItem& item,
                              DicomToJsonFormat format,
                              DicomToJsonFlags flags,
                              unsigned int maxStringLength,
                              Encoding encoding,
                              bool hasCodeExtensions,
                              const std::set<DicomTag>& ignoreTagLength,
                              unsigned int depth);

    static void ElementToJson(Json::Value& parent,
                              DcmElement& element,
                              DicomToJsonFormat format,
                              DicomToJsonFlags flags,
                              unsigned int maxStringLength,
                              Encoding dicomEncoding,
                              bool hasCodeExtensions,
                              const std::set<DicomTag>& ignoreTagLength,
                              unsigned int depth);

    static void ChangeStringEncoding(DcmItem& dataset,
                                     Encoding source,
                                     bool hasSourceCodeExtensions,
                                     Encoding target);

     * Initialize DCMTK to use the default DICOM dictionaries (either
     * embedded into the binaries for official releases, or using the
     * environment variable "DCM_DICT_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE", or using
     * the system-wide path to the DCMTK library for developers)
    static void InitializeDictionary(bool loadPrivateDictionary);

     * Replace the default DICOM dictionaries by the manually-provided
     * external dictionaries. This is needed to use DICONDE for
     * instance. Pay attention to the fact that the current dictionary
     * will be reinitialized (all its tags are cleared).
    static void LoadExternalDictionaries(const std::vector<std::string>& dictionaries);

    static void RegisterDictionaryTag(const DicomTag& tag,
                                      ValueRepresentation vr,
                                      const std::string& name,
                                      unsigned int minMultiplicity,
                                      unsigned int maxMultiplicity,
                                      const std::string& privateCreator);

    static Encoding DetectEncoding(bool& hasCodeExtensions,
                                   DcmItem& dataset,
                                   Encoding defaultEncoding);

    // Compatibility wrapper for Orthanc <= 1.5.4
    static Encoding DetectEncoding(DcmItem& dataset,
                                   Encoding defaultEncoding);

    static DicomTag Convert(const DcmTag& tag);

    static DicomTag GetTag(const DcmElement& element);

    static bool IsUnknownTag(const DicomTag& tag);

    static DicomValue* ConvertLeafElement(DcmElement& element,
                                          DicomToJsonFlags flags,
                                          unsigned int maxStringLength,
                                          Encoding encoding,
                                          bool hasCodeExtensions,
                                          const std::set<DicomTag>& ignoreTagLength);

    static void ExtractHeaderAsJson(Json::Value& target, 
                                    DcmMetaInfo& header,
                                    DicomToJsonFormat format,
                                    DicomToJsonFlags flags,
                                    unsigned int maxStringLength);

    static std::string GetTagName(const DicomTag& tag,
                                  const std::string& privateCreator);

    static std::string GetTagName(const DcmElement& element);

    static std::string GetTagName(const DicomElement& element);

    static DicomTag ParseTag(const char* name);

    static DicomTag ParseTag(const std::string& name);

    // parses a list like "0010,0010;PatientBirthDate;0020,0020"
    static void ParseListOfTags(std::set<DicomTag>& result, const std::string& source);

    static void ParseListOfTags(std::set<DicomTag>& result, const Json::Value& source);

    static void FormatListOfTags(std::string& output, const std::set<DicomTag>& tags);

    static void FormatListOfTags(Json::Value& output, const std::set<DicomTag>& tags);

    static bool HasTag(const DicomMap& fields,
                       const std::string& tagName);

    static const DicomValue& GetValue(const DicomMap& fields,
                                      const std::string& tagName);

    static void SetValue(DicomMap& target,
                         const std::string& tagName,
                         DicomValue* value);

    static void ToJson(Json::Value& result,
                       const DicomMap& values,
                       DicomToJsonFormat format);

    static std::string GenerateUniqueIdentifier(ResourceType level);

    static bool SaveToMemoryBuffer(std::string& buffer,
                                   DcmDataset& dataSet);

    static bool SaveToMemoryBuffer(std::string& buffer,
                                   DcmDataset& dataSet,
                                   std::string& errorMessage);

    static bool Transcode(DcmFileFormat& dicom,
                          DicomTransferSyntax syntax,
                          const DcmRepresentationParameter* representation);

    static ValueRepresentation Convert(DcmEVR vr);

    static ValueRepresentation LookupValueRepresentation(const DicomTag& tag);

    static DcmElement* CreateElementForTag(const DicomTag& tag,
                                           const std::string& privateCreator);
    static void FillElementWithString(DcmElement& element,
                                      const std::string& utf8alue,  // Encoded using UTF-8
                                      bool decodeDataUriScheme,
                                      Encoding dicomEncoding);

    static DcmElement* FromJson(const DicomTag& tag,
                                const Json::Value& element,  // Encoded using UTF-8
                                bool decodeDataUriScheme,
                                Encoding dicomEncoding,
                                const std::string& privateCreator);

    static DcmPixelSequence* GetPixelSequence(DcmDataset& dataset);

    static Encoding ExtractEncoding(const Json::Value& json,
                                    Encoding defaultEncoding);

    static DcmDataset* FromJson(const Json::Value& json,  // Encoded using UTF-8
                                bool generateIdentifiers,
                                bool decodeDataUriScheme,
                                Encoding defaultEncoding,
                                const std::string& privateCreator);

    static DcmFileFormat* LoadFromMemoryBuffer(const void* buffer,
                                               size_t size);

    static void FromJson(DicomMap& values,
                         const Json::Value& result,
                         const char* fieldName = NULL);

    static void ExtractDicomSummary(DicomMap& target, 
                                    DcmItem& dataset,
                                    unsigned int maxStringLength,
                                    const std::set<DicomTag>& ignoreTagLength);

    static void ExtractDicomAsJson(Json::Value& target, 
                                   DcmDataset& dataset,
                                   DicomToJsonFormat format,
                                   DicomToJsonFlags flags,
                                   unsigned int maxStringLength,
                                   const std::set<DicomTag>& ignoreTagLength);

    static void InitializeCodecs();

    static void FinalizeCodecs();

    static void Apply(DcmItem& dataset,
                      ITagVisitor& visitor,
                      Encoding defaultEncoding);

    static bool LookupDcmtkTransferSyntax(E_TransferSyntax& target,
                                          DicomTransferSyntax source);

    static bool LookupOrthancTransferSyntax(DicomTransferSyntax& target,
                                            E_TransferSyntax source);

    static bool LookupOrthancTransferSyntax(DicomTransferSyntax& target,
                                            DcmFileFormat& dicom);

    static bool LookupOrthancTransferSyntax(DicomTransferSyntax& target,
                                            DcmDataset& dicom);

    static void LogMissingTagsForStore(DcmDataset& dicom);

    static void RemovePath(DcmDataset& dataset,
                           const DicomPath& path);

    static void ClearPath(DcmDataset& dataset,
                          const DicomPath& path,
                          bool onlyIfExists);

    static void ReplacePath(DcmDataset& dataset,
                            const DicomPath& path,
                            const DcmElement& element,
                            DicomReplaceMode mode);

    static bool LookupSequenceItem(DicomMap& target,
                                   DcmDataset& dataset,
                                   const DicomPath& path,
                                   size_t sequenceIndex);

    static bool LookupStringValue(std::string& target,
                                  DcmDataset& dataset,
                                  const DicomTag& key);