view OrthancFramework/Sources/DicomParsing/DicomModification.h @ 5911:bfae0fc2ea1b get-scu-test

Started to work on handling errors as warnings when trying to store instances whose SOPClassUID has not been accepted during the negotiation. Work to be finalized later
author Alain Mazy <>
date Mon, 09 Dec 2024 10:07:19 +0100
parents f7adfb22e20e
line wrap: on
line source

 * Orthanc - A Lightweight, RESTful DICOM Store
 * Copyright (C) 2012-2016 Sebastien Jodogne, Medical Physics
 * Department, University Hospital of Liege, Belgium
 * Copyright (C) 2017-2023 Osimis S.A., Belgium
 * Copyright (C) 2024-2024 Orthanc Team SRL, Belgium
 * Copyright (C) 2021-2024 Sebastien Jodogne, ICTEAM UCLouvain, Belgium
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
 * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this program. If not, see
 * <>.

#pragma once

#include "ParsedDicomFile.h"

#include <list>

namespace Orthanc
  class ORTHANC_PUBLIC DicomModification : public boost::noncopyable
     * Process:
     * (1) Remove private tags
     * (2) Remove tags specified by the user
     * (3) Replace tags

    class IDicomIdentifierGenerator : public boost::noncopyable
      virtual ~IDicomIdentifierGenerator()

      virtual bool Apply(std::string& target,
                         const std::string& sourceIdentifier,
                         ResourceType level,
                         const DicomMap& sourceDicom) = 0;                       

    class RelationshipsVisitor;

    class DicomTagRange
      uint16_t   groupFrom_;
      uint16_t   groupTo_;
      uint16_t   elementFrom_;
      uint16_t   elementTo_;

      DicomTagRange(uint16_t groupFrom,
                    uint16_t groupTo,
                    uint16_t elementFrom,
                    uint16_t elementTo);

      uint16_t GetGroupFrom() const
        return groupFrom_;

      uint16_t GetGroupTo() const
        return groupTo_;

      uint16_t GetElementFrom() const
        return elementFrom_;

      uint16_t GetElementTo() const
        return elementTo_;

      bool Contains(const DicomTag& tag) const;

    class SequenceReplacement : public boost::noncopyable
      DicomPath    path_;
      Json::Value  value_;

      SequenceReplacement(const DicomPath& path,
                          const Json::Value& value) :

      const DicomPath& GetPath() const
        return path_;

      const Json::Value& GetValue() const
        return value_;
    typedef std::set<DicomTag>                SetOfTags;
    typedef std::map<DicomTag, Json::Value*>  Replacements;
    typedef std::list<DicomTagRange>          RemovedRanges;
    typedef std::list<DicomPath>              ListOfPaths;
    typedef std::list<SequenceReplacement*>   SequenceReplacements;

    typedef std::map< std::pair<ResourceType, std::string>, std::string>  UidMap;
    SetOfTags removals_;
    SetOfTags clearings_;
    SetOfTags keep_;
    Replacements replacements_;
    bool removePrivateTags_;
    bool keepLabels_;
    ResourceType level_;
    UidMap uidMap_;
    SetOfTags privateTagsToKeep_;
    bool allowManualIdentifiers_;
    bool keepStudyInstanceUid_;
    bool keepSeriesInstanceUid_;
    bool keepSopInstanceUid_;
    bool updateReferencedRelationships_;
    bool isAnonymization_;
    DicomMap currentSource_;
    std::string privateCreator_;

    IDicomIdentifierGenerator* identifierGenerator_;

    // New in Orthanc 1.9.4
    SetOfTags            uids_;
    RemovedRanges        removedRanges_;
    ListOfPaths          keepSequences_;         // Can *possibly* be a path whose prefix is empty
    ListOfPaths          removeSequences_;       // Must *never* be a path whose prefix is empty
    SequenceReplacements sequenceReplacements_;  // Must *never* be a path whose prefix is empty

    std::string MapDicomIdentifier(const std::string& original,
                                   ResourceType level);

    void RegisterMappedDicomIdentifier(const std::string& original,
                                       const std::string& mapped,
                                       ResourceType level);

    void MapDicomTags(ParsedDicomFile& dicom,
                      ResourceType level);

    void MarkNotOrthancAnonymization();

    void ClearReplacements();

    void CancelReplacement(const DicomTag& tag);

    void ReplaceInternal(const DicomTag& tag,
                         const Json::Value& value);

    void SetupUidsFromOrthanc_1_9_3();

    void SetupAnonymization2008();

    void SetupAnonymization2017c();

    void SetupAnonymization2021b();

    void SetupAnonymization2023b();

    void UnserializeUidMap(ResourceType level,
                           const Json::Value& serialized,
                           const char* field);


    explicit DicomModification(const Json::Value& serialized);


    void Keep(const DicomTag& tag);

    void Remove(const DicomTag& tag);

    // Replace the DICOM tag as a NULL/empty value (e.g. for anonymization)
    void Clear(const DicomTag& tag);

    bool IsRemoved(const DicomTag& tag) const;

    bool IsCleared(const DicomTag& tag) const;

    // "safeForAnonymization" tells Orthanc that this replacement does
    // not break the anonymization process it implements (for internal use only)
    void Replace(const DicomTag& tag,
                 const Json::Value& value,   // Encoded using UTF-8
                 bool safeForAnonymization);

    bool IsReplaced(const DicomTag& tag) const;

    void GetReplacedTags(std::set<DicomTag>& target) const;

    const Json::Value& GetReplacement(const DicomTag& tag) const;

    std::string GetReplacementAsString(const DicomTag& tag) const;

    bool IsKept(const DicomTag& tag) const;

    void SetRemovePrivateTags(bool removed);

    bool ArePrivateTagsRemoved() const;

    void SetKeepLabels(bool keep);

    bool AreLabelsKept() const;

    void SetLevel(ResourceType level);

    ResourceType GetLevel() const;

    void SetupAnonymization(DicomVersion version);

    void Apply(ParsedDicomFile& toModify);

    void SetAllowManualIdentifiers(bool check);

    bool AreAllowManualIdentifiers() const;

    void ParseModifyRequest(const Json::Value& request);

    // "patientNameOverridden" is set to "true" iff. the PatientName
    // (0010,0010) tag is manually replaced, removed, cleared or kept
    void ParseAnonymizationRequest(bool& patientNameOverridden /* out */,
                                   const Json::Value& request);

    void SetDicomIdentifierGenerator(IDicomIdentifierGenerator& generator);

    void Serialize(Json::Value& value) const;

    void SetPrivateCreator(const std::string& privateCreator);

    const std::string& GetPrivateCreator() const;

    // New in Orthanc 1.9.4
    void Keep(const DicomPath& path);

    // New in Orthanc 1.9.4
    void Remove(const DicomPath& path);

    // New in Orthanc 1.9.4
    void Replace(const DicomPath& path,
                 const Json::Value& value,   // Encoded using UTF-8
                 bool safeForAnonymization);

    bool IsAlteredTag(const DicomTag& tag) const;