view OrthancFramework/Sources/DicomNetworking/DicomStoreUserConnection.h @ 5911:bfae0fc2ea1b get-scu-test

Started to work on handling errors as warnings when trying to store instances whose SOPClassUID has not been accepted during the negotiation. Work to be finalized later
author Alain Mazy <>
date Mon, 09 Dec 2024 10:07:19 +0100
parents f7adfb22e20e
line wrap: on
line source

 * Orthanc - A Lightweight, RESTful DICOM Store
 * Copyright (C) 2012-2016 Sebastien Jodogne, Medical Physics
 * Department, University Hospital of Liege, Belgium
 * Copyright (C) 2017-2023 Osimis S.A., Belgium
 * Copyright (C) 2024-2024 Orthanc Team SRL, Belgium
 * Copyright (C) 2021-2024 Sebastien Jodogne, ICTEAM UCLouvain, Belgium
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
 * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this program. If not, see
 * <>.

#pragma once

#  error Macro ORTHANC_ENABLE_DCMTK_TRANSCODING must be defined to use this file

#include "DicomAssociationParameters.h"

#  include "../DicomParsing/IDicomTranscoder.h"

#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <boost/noncopyable.hpp>
#include <set>
#include <stdint.h>  // For uint8_t

class DcmFileFormat;

namespace Orthanc

     Orthanc < 1.7.0:

     Input        | Output
     Compressed   | Same transfer syntax
     Uncompressed | Same transfer syntax, or other uncompressed

     Orthanc >= 1.7.0:

     Input        | Output
     Compressed   | Same transfer syntax, or uncompressed
     Uncompressed | Same transfer syntax, or other uncompressed


  class DicomAssociation;  // Forward declaration for PImpl design pattern

  class ORTHANC_PUBLIC DicomStoreUserConnection : public boost::noncopyable
    typedef std::map<std::string, std::set<DicomTransferSyntax> > RegisteredClasses;

    // "ProposedOriginalClasses" keeps track of the storage classes
    // that were proposed with a single transfer syntax
    typedef std::set< std::pair<std::string, DicomTransferSyntax> > ProposedOriginalClasses;

    DicomAssociationParameters           parameters_;
    boost::shared_ptr<DicomAssociation>  association_;  // "shared_ptr" is for PImpl
    RegisteredClasses                    registeredClasses_;
    ProposedOriginalClasses              proposedOriginalClasses_;
    bool                                 proposeCommonClasses_;
    bool                                 proposeUncompressedSyntaxes_;
    bool                                 proposeRetiredBigEndian_;

    // Return "false" if there is not enough room remaining in the association
    bool ProposeStorageClass(const std::string& sopClassUid,
                             const std::set<DicomTransferSyntax>& sourceSyntaxes,
                             bool hasPreferred,
                             DicomTransferSyntax preferred);

    bool LookupPresentationContext(uint8_t& presentationContextId,
                                   const std::string& sopClassUid,
                                   DicomTransferSyntax transferSyntax);
    bool NegotiatePresentationContext(uint8_t& presentationContextId,
                                      const std::string& sopClassUid,
                                      DicomTransferSyntax transferSyntax,
                                      bool hasPreferred,
                                      DicomTransferSyntax preferred);

    void LookupTranscoding(std::set<DicomTransferSyntax>& acceptedSyntaxes,
                           const std::string& sopClassUid,
                           DicomTransferSyntax sourceSyntax,
                           bool hasPreferred,
                           DicomTransferSyntax preferred);

    explicit DicomStoreUserConnection(const DicomAssociationParameters& params);
    const DicomAssociationParameters& GetParameters() const;

    void SetCommonClassesProposed(bool proposed);

    bool IsCommonClassesProposed() const;

    void SetUncompressedSyntaxesProposed(bool proposed);

    bool IsUncompressedSyntaxesProposed() const;

    void SetRetiredBigEndianProposed(bool propose);

    bool IsRetiredBigEndianProposed() const;

    void RegisterStorageClass(const std::string& sopClassUid,
                              DicomTransferSyntax syntax);

    void Store(std::string& sopClassUid,
               std::string& sopInstanceUid,
               DcmFileFormat& dicom,
               bool hasMoveOriginator,
               const std::string& moveOriginatorAET,
               uint16_t moveOriginatorID,
               bool ignoreErrors);

    void Store(std::string& sopClassUid,
               std::string& sopInstanceUid,
               const void* buffer,
               size_t size,
               bool hasMoveOriginator,
               const std::string& moveOriginatorAET,
               uint16_t moveOriginatorID,
               bool ignoreErrors);

    void LookupParameters(std::string& sopClassUid,
                          std::string& sopInstanceUid,
                          DicomTransferSyntax& transferSyntax,
                          DcmFileFormat& dicom);

    void Transcode(std::string& sopClassUid /* out */,
                   std::string& sopInstanceUid /* out */,
                   IDicomTranscoder& transcoder,
                   const void* buffer,
                   size_t size,
                   DicomTransferSyntax preferredTransferSyntax,
                   bool hasMoveOriginator,
                   const std::string& moveOriginatorAET,
                   uint16_t moveOriginatorID,
                   bool errorsAsWarning);
    void Transcode(std::string& sopClassUid /* out */,
                   std::string& sopInstanceUid /* out */,
                   IDicomTranscoder& transcoder,
                   const void* buffer,
                   size_t size,
                   bool hasMoveOriginator,
                   const std::string& moveOriginatorAET,
                   uint16_t moveOriginatorID,
                   bool errorsAsWarning);