Mercurial > hg > orthanc
view OrthancServer/OrthancExplorer/explorer.js @ 4148:732ad6c618ba
removing ChunkedBuffer::AddChunkDestructive()
author | Sebastien Jodogne <> |
date | Tue, 18 Aug 2020 16:56:33 +0200 |
parents | 4bb7522a63e0 |
children | d9473bd5ed43 |
line wrap: on
line source
/** * Orthanc - A Lightweight, RESTful DICOM Store * Copyright (C) 2012-2016 Sebastien Jodogne, Medical Physics * Department, University Hospital of Liege, Belgium * Copyright (C) 2017-2020 Osimis S.A., Belgium * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders of this * program give permission to link the code of its release with the * OpenSSL project's "OpenSSL" library (or with modified versions of it * that use the same license as the "OpenSSL" library), and distribute * the linked executables. You must obey the GNU General Public License * in all respects for all of the code used other than "OpenSSL". If you * modify file(s) with this exception, you may extend this exception to * your version of the file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If * you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your * version. If you delete this exception statement from all source files * in the program, then also delete it here. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. **/ // // Forbid the access to IE if ($.browser.msie) { alert("Please use Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome. Microsoft Internet Explorer is not supported."); } // //$.mobile.ajaxEnabled = false; //$ = true; //$.mobile.defaultPageTransition = 'slide'; var LIMIT_RESOURCES = 100; var currentPage = ''; var currentUuid = ''; function DeepCopy(obj) { return jQuery.extend(true, {}, obj); } function ChangePage(page, options) { var first = true; var value; if (options) { for (var key in options) { value = options[key]; if (first) { page += '?'; first = false; } else { page += '&'; } page += key + '=' + value; } } window.location.replace('explorer.html#' + page); /*$.mobile.changePage('#' + page, { changeHash: true });*/ } function Refresh() { if (currentPage == 'patient') RefreshPatient(); else if (currentPage == 'study') RefreshStudy(); else if (currentPage == 'series') RefreshSeries(); else if (currentPage == 'instance') RefreshInstance(); } $(document).ready(function() { var $tree = $('#dicom-tree'); $tree.tree({ autoEscape: false }); $('#dicom-tree').bind( '', function(event) { if (event.node.is_open) $tree.tree('closeNode', event.node, true); else $tree.tree('openNode', event.node, true); } ); // Inject the template of the warning about insecure setup as the // first child of each page var insecure = $('#template-insecure').html(); $('[data-role="page"]>[data-role="content"]').prepend(insecure); currentPage = $; currentUuid = $.mobile.pageData.uuid; if (!(typeof currentPage === 'undefined') && !(typeof currentUuid === 'undefined') && currentPage.length > 0 && currentUuid.length > 0) { Refresh(); } }); function GetAuthorizationTokensFromUrl() { var urlVariables ='&'); var dict = {}; for (var i = 0; i < urlVariables.length; i++) { var split = urlVariables[i].split('='); if (split.length == 2 && (split[0] == "token" || split[0] == "auth-token" || split[0] == "authorization")) { dict[split[0]] = split[1]; } } return dict; }; var authorizationTokens = GetAuthorizationTokensFromUrl(); /* Copy the authoziation toekn from the url search parameters into HTTP headers in every request to the Rest API. Thanks to this behaviour, you may specify a ?token=xxx in your url and this will be passed as the "token" header in every request to the API allowing you to use the authorization plugin */ $.ajaxSetup( { headers : authorizationTokens } ); function SplitLongUid(s) { return '<span>' + s.substr(0, s.length / 2) + '</span> <span>' + s.substr(s.length / 2, s.length - s.length / 2) + '</span>'; } function ParseDicomDate(s) { y = parseInt(s.substr(0, 4), 10); m = parseInt(s.substr(4, 2), 10) - 1; d = parseInt(s.substr(6, 2), 10); if (y == null || m == null || d == null || !isFinite(y) || !isFinite(m) || !isFinite(d)) { return null; } if (y < 1900 || y > 2100 || m < 0 || m >= 12 || d <= 0 || d >= 32) { return null; } return new Date(y, m, d); } function FormatDicomDate(s) { if (s == undefined) return "No date"; var d = ParseDicomDate(s); if (d == null) return '?'; else return d.toString('dddd, MMMM d, yyyy'); } function FormatFloatSequence(s) { if (s == undefined || s.length == 0) return "-"; if (s.indexOf("\\") == -1) return s; var oldValues = s.split("\\"); var newValues = []; for (var i = 0; i < oldValues.length; i++) { newValues.push(parseFloat(oldValues[i]).toFixed(3)); } return newValues.join("\\"); } function Sort(arr, fieldExtractor, isInteger, reverse) { var defaultValue; if (isInteger) defaultValue = 0; else defaultValue = ''; arr.sort(function(a, b) { var ta = fieldExtractor(a); var tb = fieldExtractor(b); var order; if (ta == undefined) ta = defaultValue; if (tb == undefined) tb = defaultValue; if (isInteger) { ta = parseInt(ta, 10); tb = parseInt(tb, 10); order = ta - tb; } else { if (ta < tb) order = -1; else if (ta > tb) order = 1; else order = 0; } if (reverse) return -order; else return order; }); } function SortOnDicomTag(arr, tag, isInteger, reverse) { return Sort(arr, function(a) { return a.MainDicomTags[tag]; }, isInteger, reverse); } function GetResource(uri, callback) { $.ajax({ url: '..' + uri, dataType: 'json', async: false, cache: false, success: function(s) { callback(s); } }); } function CompleteFormatting(node, link, isReverse, count) { if (count != null) { node = node.add($('<span>') .addClass('ui-li-count') .text(count)); } if (link != null) { node = $('<a>').attr('href', link).append(node); if (isReverse) node.attr('data-direction', 'reverse') } node = $('<li>').append(node); if (isReverse) node.attr('data-icon', 'back'); return node; } function FormatMainDicomTags(target, tags, tagsToIgnore) { var v; for (var i in tags) { if (tagsToIgnore.indexOf(i) == -1) { v = tags[i]; if (i == "PatientBirthDate" || i == "StudyDate" || i == "SeriesDate") { v = FormatDicomDate(v); } else if (i == "DicomStudyInstanceUID" || i == "DicomSeriesInstanceUID") { v = SplitLongUid(v); } else if (i == "ImagePositionPatient" || i == "ImageOrientationPatient") { v = FormatFloatSequence(v); } target.append($('<p>') .text(i + ': ') .append($('<strong>').text(v))); } } } function FormatPatient(patient, link, isReverse) { var node = $('<div>').append($('<h3>').text(patient.MainDicomTags.PatientName)); FormatMainDicomTags(node, patient.MainDicomTags, [ "PatientName" // "OtherPatientIDs" ]); return CompleteFormatting(node, link, isReverse, patient.Studies.length); } function FormatStudy(study, link, isReverse, includePatient) { var label; var node; if (includePatient) { label = study.Label; } else { label = study.MainDicomTags.StudyDescription; } node = $('<div>').append($('<h3>').text(label)); if (includePatient) { FormatMainDicomTags(node, study.PatientMainDicomTags, [ 'PatientName' ]); } FormatMainDicomTags(node, study.MainDicomTags, [ 'StudyDescription', 'StudyTime' ]); return CompleteFormatting(node, link, isReverse, study.Series.length); } function FormatSeries(series, link, isReverse) { var c; var node; if (series.ExpectedNumberOfInstances == null || series.Instances.length == series.ExpectedNumberOfInstances) { c = series.Instances.length; } else { c = series.Instances.length + '/' + series.ExpectedNumberOfInstances; } node = $('<div>') .append($('<h3>').text(series.MainDicomTags.SeriesDescription)) .append($('<p>').append($('<em>') .text('Status: ') .append($('<strong>').text(series.Status)))); FormatMainDicomTags(node, series.MainDicomTags, [ "SeriesDescription", "SeriesTime", "Manufacturer", "ImagesInAcquisition", "SeriesDate", "ImageOrientationPatient" ]); return CompleteFormatting(node, link, isReverse, c); } function FormatInstance(instance, link, isReverse) { var node = $('<div>').append($('<h3>').text('Instance: ' + instance.IndexInSeries)); FormatMainDicomTags(node, instance.MainDicomTags, [ "AcquisitionNumber", "InstanceNumber", "InstanceCreationDate", "InstanceCreationTime" ]); return CompleteFormatting(node, link, isReverse); } $('[data-role="page"]').live('pagebeforeshow', function() { $.ajax({ url: '../system', dataType: 'json', async: false, cache: false, success: function(s) { if (s.Name != "") { $('.orthanc-name').html($('<a>') .addClass('ui-link') .attr('href', 'explorer.html') .text(s.Name) .append(' » ')); } // New in Orthanc 1.5.8 if ('IsHttpServerSecure' in s && !s.IsHttpServerSecure) { $('.warning-insecure').show(); } else { $('.warning-insecure').hide(); } } }); }); $('#lookup').live('pagebeforeshow', function() { // NB: "GenerateDicomDate()" is defined in "query-retrieve.js" var target = $('#lookup-study-date'); $('option', target).remove(); target.append($('<option>').attr('value', '').text('Any date')); target.append($('<option>').attr('value', GenerateDicomDate(0)).text('Today')); target.append($('<option>').attr('value', GenerateDicomDate(-1)).text('Yesterday')); target.append($('<option>').attr('value', GenerateDicomDate(-7) + '-').text('Last 7 days')); target.append($('<option>').attr('value', GenerateDicomDate(-31) + '-').text('Last 31 days')); target.append($('<option>').attr('value', GenerateDicomDate(-31 * 3) + '-').text('Last 3 months')); target.append($('<option>').attr('value', GenerateDicomDate(-365) + '-').text('Last year')); target.selectmenu('refresh'); $('#lookup-result').hide(); }); $('#lookup-submit').live('click', function() { var lookup; $('#lookup-result').hide(); lookup = { 'Level' : 'Study', 'Expand' : true, 'Limit' : LIMIT_RESOURCES + 1, 'Query' : { 'StudyDate' : $('#lookup-study-date').val() } }; $('#lookup-form input').each(function(index, input) { if (input.value.length != 0) { if ( == 'lookup-patient-id') { lookup['Query']['PatientID'] = input.value; } else if ( == 'lookup-patient-name') { lookup['Query']['PatientName'] = input.value; } else if ( == 'lookup-accession-number') { lookup['Query']['AccessionNumber'] = input.value; } else if ( == 'lookup-study-description') { lookup['Query']['StudyDescription'] = input.value; } else { console.error('Unknown lookup field: ' +; } } }); $.ajax({ url: '../tools/find', type: 'POST', data: JSON.stringify(lookup), dataType: 'json', async: false, error: function() { alert('Error during lookup'); }, success: function(studies) { FormatListOfStudies('#lookup-result ul', '#lookup-alert', '#lookup-count', studies); $('#lookup-result').show(); } }); return false; }); $('#find-patients').live('pagebeforeshow', function() { GetResource('/patients?expand&since=0&limit=' + (LIMIT_RESOURCES + 1), function(patients) { var target = $('#all-patients'); var count, showAlert, p; $('li', target).remove(); SortOnDicomTag(patients, 'PatientName', false, false); if (patients.length <= LIMIT_RESOURCES) { count = patients.length; showAlert = false; } else { count = LIMIT_RESOURCES; showAlert = true; } for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { p = FormatPatient(patients[i], '#patient?uuid=' + patients[i].ID); target.append(p); } target.listview('refresh'); if (showAlert) { $('#count-patients').text(LIMIT_RESOURCES); $('#alert-patients').show(); } else { $('#alert-patients').hide(); } }); }); function FormatListOfStudies(targetId, alertId, countId, studies) { var target = $(targetId); var patient, study, s; var count, showAlert; $('li', target).remove(); for (var i = 0; i < studies.length; i++) { patient = studies[i].PatientMainDicomTags.PatientName; study = studies[i].MainDicomTags.StudyDescription; s = ""; if (typeof patient === 'string') { s = patient; } if (typeof study === 'string') { if (s.length > 0) { s += ' - '; } s += study; } studies[i]['Label'] = s; } Sort(studies, function(a) { return a.Label }, false, false); if (studies.length <= LIMIT_RESOURCES) { count = studies.length; showAlert = false; } else { count = LIMIT_RESOURCES; showAlert = true; } for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { s = FormatStudy(studies[i], '#study?uuid=' + studies[i].ID, false, true); target.append(s); } target.listview('refresh'); if (showAlert) { $(countId).text(LIMIT_RESOURCES); $(alertId).show(); } else { $(alertId).hide(); } } $('#find-studies').live('pagebeforeshow', function() { GetResource('/studies?expand&since=0&limit=' + (LIMIT_RESOURCES + 1), function(studies) { FormatListOfStudies('#all-studies', '#alert-studies', '#count-studies', studies); }); }); function SetupAnonymizedOrModifiedFrom(buttonSelector, resource, resourceType, field) { if (field in resource) { $(buttonSelector).closest('li').show(); $(buttonSelector).click(function(e) { window.location.assign('explorer.html#' + resourceType + '?uuid=' + resource[field]); }); } else { $(buttonSelector).closest('li').hide(); } } function RefreshPatient() { var pageData, target, v; if ($.mobile.pageData) { pageData = DeepCopy($.mobile.pageData); GetResource('/patients/' + pageData.uuid, function(patient) { GetResource('/patients/' + pageData.uuid + '/studies', function(studies) { SortOnDicomTag(studies, 'StudyDate', false, true); $('#patient-info li').remove(); $('#patient-info') .append('<li data-role="list-divider">Patient</li>') .append(FormatPatient(patient)) .listview('refresh'); target = $('#list-studies'); $('li', target).remove(); for (var i = 0; i < studies.length; i++) { if (i == 0 || studies[i].MainDicomTags.StudyDate != studies[i - 1].MainDicomTags.StudyDate) { target.append($('<li>') .attr('data-role', 'list-divider') .text(FormatDicomDate(studies[i].MainDicomTags.StudyDate))); } target.append(FormatStudy(studies[i], '#study?uuid=' + studies[i].ID)); } SetupAnonymizedOrModifiedFrom('#patient-anonymized-from', patient, 'patient', 'AnonymizedFrom'); SetupAnonymizedOrModifiedFrom('#patient-modified-from', patient, 'patient', 'ModifiedFrom'); target.listview('refresh'); // Check whether this patient is protected $.ajax({ url: '../patients/' + pageData.uuid + '/protected', type: 'GET', dataType: 'text', async: false, cache: false, success: function (s) { v = (s == '1') ? 'on' : 'off'; $('#protection').val(v).slider('refresh'); } }); currentPage = 'patient'; currentUuid = pageData.uuid; }); }); } } function RefreshStudy() { var pageData, target; if ($.mobile.pageData) { pageData = DeepCopy($.mobile.pageData); GetResource('/studies/' + pageData.uuid, function(study) { GetResource('/patients/' + study.ParentPatient, function(patient) { GetResource('/studies/' + pageData.uuid + '/series', function(series) { SortOnDicomTag(series, 'SeriesDate', false, true); $('#study .patient-link').attr('href', '#patient?uuid=' + patient.ID); $('#study-info li').remove(); $('#study-info') .append('<li data-role="list-divider">Patient</li>') .append(FormatPatient(patient, '#patient?uuid=' + patient.ID, true)) .append('<li data-role="list-divider">Study</li>') .append(FormatStudy(study)) .listview('refresh'); SetupAnonymizedOrModifiedFrom('#study-anonymized-from', study, 'study', 'AnonymizedFrom'); SetupAnonymizedOrModifiedFrom('#study-modified-from', study, 'study', 'ModifiedFrom'); target = $('#list-series'); $('li', target).remove(); for (var i = 0; i < series.length; i++) { if (i == 0 || series[i].MainDicomTags.SeriesDate != series[i - 1].MainDicomTags.SeriesDate) { target.append($('<li>') .attr('data-role', 'list-divider') .text(FormatDicomDate(series[i].MainDicomTags.SeriesDate))); } target.append(FormatSeries(series[i], '#series?uuid=' + series[i].ID)); } target.listview('refresh'); currentPage = 'study'; currentUuid = pageData.uuid; }); }); }); } } function RefreshSeries() { var pageData, target; if ($.mobile.pageData) { pageData = DeepCopy($.mobile.pageData); GetResource('/series/' + pageData.uuid, function(series) { GetResource('/studies/' + series.ParentStudy, function(study) { GetResource('/patients/' + study.ParentPatient, function(patient) { GetResource('/series/' + pageData.uuid + '/instances', function(instances) { Sort(instances, function(x) { return x.IndexInSeries; }, true, false); $('#series .patient-link').attr('href', '#patient?uuid=' + patient.ID); $('#series .study-link').attr('href', '#study?uuid=' + study.ID); $('#series-info li').remove(); $('#series-info') .append('<li data-role="list-divider">Patient</li>') .append(FormatPatient(patient, '#patient?uuid=' + patient.ID, true)) .append('<li data-role="list-divider">Study</li>') .append(FormatStudy(study, '#study?uuid=' + study.ID, true)) .append('<li data-role="list-divider">Series</li>') .append(FormatSeries(series)) .listview('refresh'); SetupAnonymizedOrModifiedFrom('#series-anonymized-from', series, 'series', 'AnonymizedFrom'); SetupAnonymizedOrModifiedFrom('#series-modified-from', series, 'series', 'ModifiedFrom'); target = $('#list-instances'); $('li', target).remove(); for (var i = 0; i < instances.length; i++) { target.append(FormatInstance(instances[i], '#instance?uuid=' + instances[i].ID)); } target.listview('refresh'); currentPage = 'series'; currentUuid = pageData.uuid; }); }); }); }); } } function EscapeHtml(value) { var ENTITY_MAP = { '&': '&', '<': '<', '>': '>', '"': '"', "'": ''', '/': '/', '`': '`', '=': '=' }; return String(value).replace(/[&<>"'`=\/]/g, function (s) { return ENTITY_MAP[s]; }); } function ConvertForTree(dicom) { var result = []; var label, c; for (var i in dicom) { if (dicom[i] != null) { label = (i + '<span class="tag-name"> (<i>' + EscapeHtml(dicom[i]["Name"]) + '</i>)</span>: '); if (dicom[i]["Type"] == 'String') { result.push({ label: label + '<strong>' + EscapeHtml(dicom[i]["Value"]) + '</strong>', children: [] }); } else if (dicom[i]["Type"] == 'TooLong') { result.push({ label: label + '<i>Too long</i>', children: [] }); } else if (dicom[i]["Type"] == 'Null') { result.push({ label: label + '<i>Null</i>', children: [] }); } else if (dicom[i]["Type"] == 'Sequence') { c = []; for (var j = 0; j < dicom[i]["Value"].length; j++) { c.push({ label: 'Item ' + j, children: ConvertForTree(dicom[i]["Value"][j]) }); } result.push({ label: label + '[]', children: c }); } } } return result; } function RefreshInstance() { var pageData; if ($.mobile.pageData) { pageData = DeepCopy($.mobile.pageData); GetResource('/instances/' + pageData.uuid, function(instance) { GetResource('/series/' + instance.ParentSeries, function(series) { GetResource('/studies/' + series.ParentStudy, function(study) { GetResource('/patients/' + study.ParentPatient, function(patient) { $('#instance .patient-link').attr('href', '#patient?uuid=' + patient.ID); $('#instance .study-link').attr('href', '#study?uuid=' + study.ID); $('#instance .series-link').attr('href', '#series?uuid=' + series.ID); $('#instance-info li').remove(); $('#instance-info') .append('<li data-role="list-divider">Patient</li>') .append(FormatPatient(patient, '#patient?uuid=' + patient.ID, true)) .append('<li data-role="list-divider">Study</li>') .append(FormatStudy(study, '#study?uuid=' + study.ID, true)) .append('<li data-role="list-divider">Series</li>') .append(FormatSeries(series, '#series?uuid=' + series.ID, true)) .append('<li data-role="list-divider">Instance</li>') .append(FormatInstance(instance)) .listview('refresh'); GetResource('/instances/' + instance.ID + '/tags', function(s) { $('#dicom-tree').tree('loadData', ConvertForTree(s)); }); SetupAnonymizedOrModifiedFrom('#instance-anonymized-from', instance, 'instance', 'AnonymizedFrom'); SetupAnonymizedOrModifiedFrom('#instance-modified-from', instance, 'instance', 'ModifiedFrom'); currentPage = 'instance'; currentUuid = pageData.uuid; }); }); }); }); } } $(document).live('pagebeforehide', function() { currentPage = ''; currentUuid = ''; }); $('#patient').live('pagebeforeshow', RefreshPatient); $('#study').live('pagebeforeshow', RefreshStudy); $('#series').live('pagebeforeshow', RefreshSeries); $('#instance').live('pagebeforeshow', RefreshInstance); $(function() { $(window).hashchange(function(e, data) { // This fixes the navigation with the back button and with the anonymization if ('uuid' in $.mobile.pageData && currentPage == $ && currentUuid != $.mobile.pageData.uuid) { Refresh(); } }); }); function DeleteResource(path) { $.ajax({ url: path, type: 'DELETE', dataType: 'json', async: false, success: function(s) { var ancestor = s.RemainingAncestor; if (ancestor == null) $.mobile.changePage('#lookup'); else $.mobile.changePage('#' + ancestor.Type.toLowerCase() + '?uuid=' + ancestor.ID); } }); } function OpenDeleteResourceDialog(path, title) { $(document).simpledialog2({ // // mode: 'button', animate: false, headerText: title, headerClose: true, width: '500px', buttons : { 'OK': { click: function () { DeleteResource(path); }, icon: "delete", theme: "c" }, 'Cancel': { click: function () { } } } }); } $('#instance-delete').live('click', function() { OpenDeleteResourceDialog('../instances/' + $.mobile.pageData.uuid, 'Delete this instance?'); }); $('#study-delete').live('click', function() { OpenDeleteResourceDialog('../studies/' + $.mobile.pageData.uuid, 'Delete this study?'); }); $('#series-delete').live('click', function() { OpenDeleteResourceDialog('../series/' + $.mobile.pageData.uuid, 'Delete this series?'); }); $('#patient-delete').live('click', function() { OpenDeleteResourceDialog('../patients/' + $.mobile.pageData.uuid, 'Delete this patient?'); }); $('#instance-download-dicom').live('click', function(e) { // e.preventDefault(); //stop the browser from following window.location.href = '../instances/' + $.mobile.pageData.uuid + '/file'; }); $('#instance-download-json').live('click', function(e) { // e.preventDefault(); //stop the browser from following window.location.href = '../instances/' + $.mobile.pageData.uuid + '/tags'; }); $('#instance-preview').live('click', function(e) { var pageData, pdf, images; if ($.mobile.pageData) { pageData = DeepCopy($.mobile.pageData); pdf = '../instances/' + pageData.uuid + '/pdf'; $.ajax({ url: pdf, cache: false, success: function(s) { window.location.assign(pdf); }, error: function() { GetResource('/instances/' + pageData.uuid + '/frames', function(frames) { if (frames.length == 1) { // Viewing a single-frame image jQuery.slimbox('../instances/' + pageData.uuid + '/preview', '', { overlayFadeDuration : 1, resizeDuration : 1, imageFadeDuration : 1 }); } else { // Viewing a multi-frame image images = []; for (var i = 0; i < frames.length; i++) { images.push([ '../instances/' + pageData.uuid + '/frames/' + i + '/preview' ]); } jQuery.slimbox(images, 0, { overlayFadeDuration : 1, resizeDuration : 1, imageFadeDuration : 1, loop : true }); } }); } }); } }); $('#series-preview').live('click', function(e) { var pageData, images; if ($.mobile.pageData) { pageData = DeepCopy($.mobile.pageData); GetResource('/series/' + pageData.uuid, function(series) { GetResource('/series/' + pageData.uuid + '/instances', function(instances) { Sort(instances, function(x) { return x.IndexInSeries; }, true, false); images = []; for (var i = 0; i < instances.length; i++) { images.push([ '../instances/' + instances[i].ID + '/preview', (i + 1).toString() + '/' + instances.length.toString() ]) } jQuery.slimbox(images, 0, { overlayFadeDuration : 1, resizeDuration : 1, imageFadeDuration : 1, loop : true }); }); }); } }); function ChooseDicomModality(callback) { var clickedModality = ''; var clickedPeer = ''; var items = $('<ul>') .attr('data-divider-theme', 'd') .attr('data-role', 'listview'); // Retrieve the list of the known DICOM modalities $.ajax({ url: '../modalities', type: 'GET', dataType: 'json', async: false, cache: false, success: function(modalities) { var name, item; if (modalities.length > 0) { items.append('<li data-role="list-divider">DICOM modalities</li>'); for (var i = 0; i < modalities.length; i++) { name = modalities[i]; item = $('<li>') .html('<a href="#" rel="close">' + name + '</a>') .attr('name', name) .click(function() { clickedModality = $(this).attr('name'); }); items.append(item); } } // Retrieve the list of the known Orthanc peers $.ajax({ url: '../peers', type: 'GET', dataType: 'json', async: false, cache: false, success: function(peers) { var name, item; if (peers.length > 0) { items.append('<li data-role="list-divider">Orthanc peers</li>'); for (var i = 0; i < peers.length; i++) { name = peers[i]; item = $('<li>') .html('<a href="#" rel="close">' + name + '</a>') .attr('name', name) .click(function() { clickedPeer = $(this).attr('name'); }); items.append(item); } } // Launch the dialog $('#dialog').simpledialog2({ mode: 'blank', animate: false, headerText: 'Choose target', headerClose: true, forceInput: false, width: '100%', blankContent: items, callbackClose: function() { var timer; function WaitForDialogToClose() { if (!$('#dialog').is(':visible')) { clearInterval(timer); callback(clickedModality, clickedPeer); } } timer = setInterval(WaitForDialogToClose, 100); } }); } }); } }); } $('#instance-store,#series-store,#study-store,#patient-store').live('click', function(e) { ChooseDicomModality(function(modality, peer) { var pageData = DeepCopy($.mobile.pageData); var url, loading; if (modality != '') { url = '../modalities/' + modality + '/store'; loading = '#dicom-store'; } if (peer != '') { url = '../peers/' + peer + '/store'; loading = '#peer-store'; } if (url != '') { $.ajax({ url: url, type: 'POST', dataType: 'text', data: pageData.uuid, async: true, // Necessary to block UI beforeSend: function() { $.blockUI({ message: $(loading) }); }, complete: function(s) { $.unblockUI(); }, success: function(s) { }, error: function() { alert('Error during store'); } }); } }); }); $('#show-tag-name').live('change', function(e) { var checked = e.currentTarget.checked; if (checked) $('.tag-name').show(); else $('.tag-name').hide(); }); $('#patient-archive').live('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); //stop the browser from following window.location.href = '../patients/' + $.mobile.pageData.uuid + '/archive'; }); $('#study-archive').live('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); //stop the browser from following window.location.href = '../studies/' + $.mobile.pageData.uuid + '/archive'; }); $('#series-archive').live('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); //stop the browser from following window.location.href = '../series/' + $.mobile.pageData.uuid + '/archive'; }); $('#patient-media').live('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); //stop the browser from following window.location.href = '../patients/' + $.mobile.pageData.uuid + '/media'; }); $('#study-media').live('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); //stop the browser from following window.location.href = '../studies/' + $.mobile.pageData.uuid + '/media'; }); $('#series-media').live('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); 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'1' : '0', async: false }); }); function OpenAnonymizeResourceDialog(path, title) { $(document).simpledialog2({ mode: 'button', animate: false, headerText: title, headerClose: true, width: '500px', buttons : { 'OK': { click: function () { $.ajax({ url: path + '/anonymize', type: 'POST', data: '{ "Keep" : [ "SeriesDescription", "StudyDescription" ] }', dataType: 'json', async: false, cache: false, success: function(s) { // The following line does not work... //$.mobile.changePage('explorer.html#patient?uuid=' + s.PatientID); window.location.assign('explorer.html#patient?uuid=' + s.PatientID); //window.location.reload(); } }); }, icon: "delete", theme: "c" }, 'Cancel': { click: function () { } } } }); } $('#instance-anonymize').live('click', function() { OpenAnonymizeResourceDialog('../instances/' + $.mobile.pageData.uuid, 'Anonymize this instance?'); }); $('#study-anonymize').live('click', function() { OpenAnonymizeResourceDialog('../studies/' + $.mobile.pageData.uuid, 'Anonymize this study?'); }); $('#series-anonymize').live('click', function() { OpenAnonymizeResourceDialog('../series/' + $.mobile.pageData.uuid, 'Anonymize this series?'); }); $('#patient-anonymize').live('click', function() { OpenAnonymizeResourceDialog('../patients/' + $.mobile.pageData.uuid, 'Anonymize this patient?'); }); $('#plugins').live('pagebeforeshow', function() { $.ajax({ url: '../plugins', dataType: 'json', async: false, cache: false, success: function(plugins) { var target = $('#all-plugins'); $('li', target).remove(); { return $.ajax({ url: '../plugins/' + id, dataType: 'json', async: false, cache: false, success: function(plugin) { var li = $('<li>'); var item = li; if ('RootUri' in plugin) { item = $('<a>'); li.append(item); {; }); } item.append($('<h1>').text(plugin.ID)); item.append($('<p>').text(plugin.Description)); item.append($('<span>').addClass('ui-li-count').text(plugin.Version)); target.append(li); } }); }); target.listview('refresh'); } }); }); function ParseJobTime(s) { var t = (s.substr(0, 4) + '-' + s.substr(4, 2) + '-' + s.substr(6, 5) + ':' + s.substr(11, 2) + ':' + s.substr(13)); 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target.append(inactive); { var li = $('<li>'); var item = $('<a>'); li.append(item); item.attr('href', '#job?uuid=' + job.ID); item.append($('<h1>').text(job.Type)); item.append($('<span>').addClass('ui-li-count').text(job.State)); AddJobField(item, 'ID: ', job.ID); AddJobField(item, 'Local AET: ', job.Content.LocalAet); AddJobField(item, 'Remote AET: ', job.Content.RemoteAet); AddJobDateField(item, 'Creation time: ', job.CreationTime); AddJobDateField(item, 'Completion time: ', job.CompletionTime); AddJobDateField(item, 'ETA: ', job.EstimatedTimeOfArrival); if (job.State == 'Running' || job.State == 'Pending' || job.State == 'Paused') { AddJobField(item, 'Priority: ', job.Priority); AddJobField(item, 'Progress: ', job.Progress); } if (job.State == 'Running') { li.insertAfter(running); } else if (job.State == 'Pending' || job.State == 'Paused') { li.insertAfter(pending); } else { li.insertAfter(inactive); } }); target.listview('refresh'); } }); }); $('#job').live('pagebeforeshow', function() { var pageData, target; 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