Mercurial > hg > orthanc
view OrthancFramework/Sources/Enumerations.cpp @ 4750:56ed4c11fc2a openssl-3.x
integration mainline->openssl-3.x
author | Sebastien Jodogne <> |
date | Thu, 08 Jul 2021 14:58:18 +0200 |
parents | 7826ac059c31 |
children | 7053502fbf97 |
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/** * Orthanc - A Lightweight, RESTful DICOM Store * Copyright (C) 2012-2016 Sebastien Jodogne, Medical Physics * Department, University Hospital of Liege, Belgium * Copyright (C) 2017-2021 Osimis S.A., Belgium * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this program. If not, see * <>. **/ #include "PrecompiledHeaders.h" #include "Enumerations.h" #include "OrthancException.h" #include "Toolbox.h" #include "Logging.h" #include <boost/thread/mutex.hpp> #include <string.h> #include <cassert> namespace Orthanc { static const char* const MIME_CSS = "text/css"; static const char* const MIME_DICOM = "application/dicom"; static const char* const MIME_GIF = "image/gif"; static const char* const MIME_GZIP = "application/gzip"; static const char* const MIME_HTML = "text/html"; static const char* const MIME_JAVASCRIPT = "application/javascript"; static const char* const MIME_JPEG2000 = "image/jp2"; static const char* const MIME_NACL = "application/x-nacl"; static const char* const MIME_PLAIN_TEXT = "text/plain"; static const char* const MIME_PNACL = "application/x-pnacl"; static const char* const MIME_SVG = "image/svg+xml"; static const char* const MIME_WEB_ASSEMBLY = "application/wasm"; static const char* const MIME_WOFF = "application/x-font-woff"; static const char* const MIME_WOFF2 = "font/woff2"; static const char* const MIME_XML_2 = "text/xml"; static const char* const MIME_ZIP = "application/zip"; static const char* const MIME_DICOM_WEB_JSON = "application/dicom+json"; static const char* const MIME_DICOM_WEB_XML = "application/dicom+xml"; // This function is autogenerated by the script // "Resources/" const char* EnumerationToString(ErrorCode error) { switch (error) { case ErrorCode_InternalError: return "Internal error"; case ErrorCode_Success: return "Success"; case ErrorCode_Plugin: return "Error encountered within the plugin engine"; case ErrorCode_NotImplemented: return "Not implemented yet"; case ErrorCode_ParameterOutOfRange: return "Parameter out of range"; case ErrorCode_NotEnoughMemory: return "The server hosting Orthanc is running out of memory"; case ErrorCode_BadParameterType: return "Bad type for a parameter"; case ErrorCode_BadSequenceOfCalls: return "Bad sequence of calls"; case ErrorCode_InexistentItem: return "Accessing an inexistent item"; case ErrorCode_BadRequest: return "Bad request"; case ErrorCode_NetworkProtocol: return "Error in the network protocol"; case ErrorCode_SystemCommand: return "Error while calling a system command"; case ErrorCode_Database: return "Error with the database engine"; case ErrorCode_UriSyntax: return "Badly formatted URI"; case ErrorCode_InexistentFile: return "Inexistent file"; case ErrorCode_CannotWriteFile: return "Cannot write to file"; case ErrorCode_BadFileFormat: return "Bad file format"; case ErrorCode_Timeout: return "Timeout"; case ErrorCode_UnknownResource: return "Unknown resource"; case ErrorCode_IncompatibleDatabaseVersion: return "Incompatible version of the database"; case ErrorCode_FullStorage: return "The file storage is full"; case ErrorCode_CorruptedFile: return "Corrupted file (e.g. inconsistent MD5 hash)"; case ErrorCode_InexistentTag: return "Inexistent tag"; case ErrorCode_ReadOnly: return "Cannot modify a read-only data structure"; case ErrorCode_IncompatibleImageFormat: return "Incompatible format of the images"; case ErrorCode_IncompatibleImageSize: return "Incompatible size of the images"; case ErrorCode_SharedLibrary: return "Error while using a shared library (plugin)"; case ErrorCode_UnknownPluginService: return "Plugin invoking an unknown service"; case ErrorCode_UnknownDicomTag: return "Unknown DICOM tag"; case ErrorCode_BadJson: return "Cannot parse a JSON document"; case ErrorCode_Unauthorized: return "Bad credentials were provided to an HTTP request"; case ErrorCode_BadFont: return "Badly formatted font file"; case ErrorCode_DatabasePlugin: return "The plugin implementing a custom database back-end does not fulfill the proper interface"; case ErrorCode_StorageAreaPlugin: return "Error in the plugin implementing a custom storage area"; case ErrorCode_EmptyRequest: return "The request is empty"; case ErrorCode_NotAcceptable: return "Cannot send a response which is acceptable according to the Accept HTTP header"; case ErrorCode_NullPointer: return "Cannot handle a NULL pointer"; case ErrorCode_DatabaseUnavailable: return "The database is currently not available (probably a transient situation)"; case ErrorCode_CanceledJob: return "This job was canceled"; case ErrorCode_BadGeometry: return "Geometry error encountered in Stone"; case ErrorCode_SslInitialization: return "Cannot initialize SSL encryption, check out your certificates"; case ErrorCode_DiscontinuedAbi: return "Calling a function that has been removed from the Orthanc Framework"; case ErrorCode_BadRange: return "Incorrect range request"; case ErrorCode_DatabaseCannotSerialize: return "Database could not serialize access due to concurrent update, the transaction should be retried"; case ErrorCode_Revision: return "A bad revision number was provided, which might indicate conflict between multiple writers"; case ErrorCode_SQLiteNotOpened: return "SQLite: The database is not opened"; case ErrorCode_SQLiteAlreadyOpened: return "SQLite: Connection is already open"; case ErrorCode_SQLiteCannotOpen: return "SQLite: Unable to open the database"; case ErrorCode_SQLiteStatementAlreadyUsed: return "SQLite: This cached statement is already being referred to"; case ErrorCode_SQLiteExecute: return "SQLite: Cannot execute a command"; case ErrorCode_SQLiteRollbackWithoutTransaction: return "SQLite: Rolling back a nonexistent transaction (have you called Begin()?)"; case ErrorCode_SQLiteCommitWithoutTransaction: return "SQLite: Committing a nonexistent transaction"; case ErrorCode_SQLiteRegisterFunction: return "SQLite: Unable to register a function"; case ErrorCode_SQLiteFlush: return "SQLite: Unable to flush the database"; case ErrorCode_SQLiteCannotRun: return "SQLite: Cannot run a cached statement"; case ErrorCode_SQLiteCannotStep: return "SQLite: Cannot step over a cached statement"; case ErrorCode_SQLiteBindOutOfRange: return "SQLite: Bing a value while out of range (serious error)"; case ErrorCode_SQLitePrepareStatement: return "SQLite: Cannot prepare a cached statement"; case ErrorCode_SQLiteTransactionAlreadyStarted: return "SQLite: Beginning the same transaction twice"; case ErrorCode_SQLiteTransactionCommit: return "SQLite: Failure when committing the transaction"; case ErrorCode_SQLiteTransactionBegin: return "SQLite: Cannot start a transaction"; case ErrorCode_DirectoryOverFile: return "The directory to be created is already occupied by a regular file"; case ErrorCode_FileStorageCannotWrite: return "Unable to create a subdirectory or a file in the file storage"; case ErrorCode_DirectoryExpected: return "The specified path does not point to a directory"; case ErrorCode_HttpPortInUse: return "The TCP port of the HTTP server is privileged or already in use"; case ErrorCode_DicomPortInUse: return "The TCP port of the DICOM server is privileged or already in use"; case ErrorCode_BadHttpStatusInRest: return "This HTTP status is not allowed in a REST API"; case ErrorCode_RegularFileExpected: return "The specified path does not point to a regular file"; case ErrorCode_PathToExecutable: return "Unable to get the path to the executable"; case ErrorCode_MakeDirectory: return "Cannot create a directory"; case ErrorCode_BadApplicationEntityTitle: return "An application entity title (AET) cannot be empty or be longer than 16 characters"; case ErrorCode_NoCFindHandler: return "No request handler factory for DICOM C-FIND SCP"; case ErrorCode_NoCMoveHandler: return "No request handler factory for DICOM C-MOVE SCP"; case ErrorCode_NoCStoreHandler: return "No request handler factory for DICOM C-STORE SCP"; case ErrorCode_NoApplicationEntityFilter: return "No application entity filter"; case ErrorCode_NoSopClassOrInstance: return "DicomUserConnection: Unable to find the SOP class and instance"; case ErrorCode_NoPresentationContext: return "DicomUserConnection: No acceptable presentation context for modality"; case ErrorCode_DicomFindUnavailable: return "DicomUserConnection: The C-FIND command is not supported by the remote SCP"; case ErrorCode_DicomMoveUnavailable: return "DicomUserConnection: The C-MOVE command is not supported by the remote SCP"; case ErrorCode_CannotStoreInstance: return "Cannot store an instance"; case ErrorCode_CreateDicomNotString: return "Only string values are supported when creating DICOM instances"; case ErrorCode_CreateDicomOverrideTag: return "Trying to override a value inherited from a parent module"; case ErrorCode_CreateDicomUseContent: return "Use \"Content\" to inject an image into a new DICOM instance"; case ErrorCode_CreateDicomNoPayload: return "No payload is present for one instance in the series"; case ErrorCode_CreateDicomUseDataUriScheme: return "The payload of the DICOM instance must be specified according to Data URI scheme"; case ErrorCode_CreateDicomBadParent: return "Trying to attach a new DICOM instance to an inexistent resource"; case ErrorCode_CreateDicomParentIsInstance: return "Trying to attach a new DICOM instance to an instance (must be a series, study or patient)"; case ErrorCode_CreateDicomParentEncoding: return "Unable to get the encoding of the parent resource"; case ErrorCode_UnknownModality: return "Unknown modality"; case ErrorCode_BadJobOrdering: return "Bad ordering of filters in a job"; case ErrorCode_JsonToLuaTable: return "Cannot convert the given JSON object to a Lua table"; case ErrorCode_CannotCreateLua: return "Cannot create the Lua context"; case ErrorCode_CannotExecuteLua: return "Cannot execute a Lua command"; case ErrorCode_LuaAlreadyExecuted: return "Arguments cannot be pushed after the Lua function is executed"; case ErrorCode_LuaBadOutput: return "The Lua function does not give the expected number of outputs"; case ErrorCode_NotLuaPredicate: return "The Lua function is not a predicate (only true/false outputs allowed)"; case ErrorCode_LuaReturnsNoString: return "The Lua function does not return a string"; case ErrorCode_StorageAreaAlreadyRegistered: return "Another plugin has already registered a custom storage area"; case ErrorCode_DatabaseBackendAlreadyRegistered: return "Another plugin has already registered a custom database back-end"; case ErrorCode_DatabaseNotInitialized: return "Plugin trying to call the database during its initialization"; case ErrorCode_SslDisabled: return "Orthanc has been built without SSL support"; case ErrorCode_CannotOrderSlices: return "Unable to order the slices of the series"; case ErrorCode_NoWorklistHandler: return "No request handler factory for DICOM C-Find Modality SCP"; case ErrorCode_AlreadyExistingTag: return "Cannot override the value of a tag that already exists"; case ErrorCode_NoStorageCommitmentHandler: return "No request handler factory for DICOM N-ACTION SCP (storage commitment)"; case ErrorCode_NoCGetHandler: return "No request handler factory for DICOM C-GET SCP"; case ErrorCode_UnsupportedMediaType: return "Unsupported media type"; default: if (error >= ErrorCode_START_PLUGINS) { return "Error encountered within some plugin"; } else { return "Unknown error code"; } } } const char* EnumerationToString(HttpMethod method) { switch (method) { case HttpMethod_Get: return "GET"; case HttpMethod_Post: return "POST"; case HttpMethod_Delete: return "DELETE"; case HttpMethod_Put: return "PUT"; default: return "?"; } } const char* EnumerationToString(HttpStatus status) { switch (status) { case HttpStatus_100_Continue: return "Continue"; case HttpStatus_101_SwitchingProtocols: return "Switching Protocols"; case HttpStatus_102_Processing: return "Processing"; case HttpStatus_200_Ok: return "OK"; case HttpStatus_201_Created: return "Created"; case HttpStatus_202_Accepted: return "Accepted"; case HttpStatus_203_NonAuthoritativeInformation: return "Non-Authoritative Information"; case HttpStatus_204_NoContent: return "No Content"; case HttpStatus_205_ResetContent: return "Reset Content"; case HttpStatus_206_PartialContent: return "Partial Content"; case HttpStatus_207_MultiStatus: return "Multi-Status"; case HttpStatus_208_AlreadyReported: return "Already Reported"; case HttpStatus_226_IMUsed: return "IM Used"; case HttpStatus_300_MultipleChoices: return "Multiple Choices"; case HttpStatus_301_MovedPermanently: return "Moved Permanently"; case HttpStatus_302_Found: return "Found"; case HttpStatus_303_SeeOther: return "See Other"; case HttpStatus_304_NotModified: return "Not Modified"; case HttpStatus_305_UseProxy: return "Use Proxy"; case HttpStatus_307_TemporaryRedirect: return "Temporary Redirect"; case HttpStatus_400_BadRequest: return "Bad Request"; case HttpStatus_401_Unauthorized: return "Unauthorized"; case HttpStatus_402_PaymentRequired: return "Payment Required"; case HttpStatus_403_Forbidden: return "Forbidden"; case HttpStatus_404_NotFound: return "Not Found"; case HttpStatus_405_MethodNotAllowed: return "Method Not Allowed"; case HttpStatus_406_NotAcceptable: return "Not Acceptable"; case HttpStatus_407_ProxyAuthenticationRequired: return "Proxy Authentication Required"; case HttpStatus_408_RequestTimeout: return "Request Timeout"; case HttpStatus_409_Conflict: return "Conflict"; case HttpStatus_410_Gone: return "Gone"; case HttpStatus_411_LengthRequired: return "Length Required"; case HttpStatus_412_PreconditionFailed: return "Precondition Failed"; case HttpStatus_413_RequestEntityTooLarge: return "Request Entity Too Large"; case HttpStatus_414_RequestUriTooLong: return "Request-URI Too Long"; case HttpStatus_415_UnsupportedMediaType: return "Unsupported Media Type"; case HttpStatus_416_RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable: return "Requested Range Not Satisfiable"; case HttpStatus_417_ExpectationFailed: return "Expectation Failed"; case HttpStatus_422_UnprocessableEntity: return "Unprocessable Entity"; case HttpStatus_423_Locked: return "Locked"; case HttpStatus_424_FailedDependency: return "Failed Dependency"; case HttpStatus_426_UpgradeRequired: return "Upgrade Required"; case HttpStatus_500_InternalServerError: return "Internal Server Error"; case HttpStatus_501_NotImplemented: return "Not Implemented"; case HttpStatus_502_BadGateway: return "Bad Gateway"; case HttpStatus_503_ServiceUnavailable: return "Service Unavailable"; case HttpStatus_504_GatewayTimeout: return "Gateway Timeout"; case HttpStatus_505_HttpVersionNotSupported: return "HTTP Version Not Supported"; case HttpStatus_506_VariantAlsoNegotiates: return "Variant Also Negotiates"; case HttpStatus_507_InsufficientStorage: return "Insufficient Storage"; case HttpStatus_509_BandwidthLimitExceeded: return "Bandwidth Limit Exceeded"; case HttpStatus_510_NotExtended: return "Not Extended"; default: throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_ParameterOutOfRange); } } const char* EnumerationToString(ResourceType type) { switch (type) { case ResourceType_Patient: return "Patient"; case ResourceType_Study: return "Study"; case ResourceType_Series: return "Series"; case ResourceType_Instance: return "Instance"; default: throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_ParameterOutOfRange); } } const char* EnumerationToString(ImageFormat format) { switch (format) { case ImageFormat_Png: return "Png"; default: throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_ParameterOutOfRange); } } const char* EnumerationToString(Encoding encoding) { switch (encoding) { case Encoding_Ascii: return "Ascii"; case Encoding_Utf8: return "Utf8"; case Encoding_Latin1: return "Latin1"; case Encoding_Latin2: return "Latin2"; case Encoding_Latin3: return "Latin3"; case Encoding_Latin4: return "Latin4"; case Encoding_Latin5: return "Latin5"; case Encoding_Cyrillic: return "Cyrillic"; case Encoding_Windows1251: return "Windows1251"; case Encoding_Arabic: return "Arabic"; case Encoding_Greek: return "Greek"; case Encoding_Hebrew: return "Hebrew"; case Encoding_Thai: return "Thai"; case Encoding_Japanese: return "Japanese"; case Encoding_Chinese: return "Chinese"; case Encoding_Korean: return "Korean"; case Encoding_JapaneseKanji: return "JapaneseKanji"; case Encoding_SimplifiedChinese: return "SimplifiedChinese"; default: throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_ParameterOutOfRange); } } const char* EnumerationToString(PhotometricInterpretation photometric) { switch (photometric) { case PhotometricInterpretation_RGB: return "RGB"; case PhotometricInterpretation_Monochrome1: return "MONOCHROME1"; case PhotometricInterpretation_Monochrome2: return "MONOCHROME2"; case PhotometricInterpretation_ARGB: return "ARGB"; case PhotometricInterpretation_CMYK: return "CMYK"; case PhotometricInterpretation_HSV: return "HSV"; case PhotometricInterpretation_Palette: return "PALETTE COLOR"; case PhotometricInterpretation_YBRFull: return "YBR_FULL"; case PhotometricInterpretation_YBRFull422: return "YBR_FULL_422"; case PhotometricInterpretation_YBRPartial420: return "YBR_PARTIAL_420"; case PhotometricInterpretation_YBRPartial422: return "YBR_PARTIAL_422"; case PhotometricInterpretation_YBR_ICT: return "YBR_ICT"; case PhotometricInterpretation_YBR_RCT: return "YBR_RCT"; case PhotometricInterpretation_Unknown: return "Unknown"; default: throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_ParameterOutOfRange); } } const char* EnumerationToString(RequestOrigin origin) { switch (origin) { case RequestOrigin_Unknown: return "Unknown"; case RequestOrigin_DicomProtocol: return "DicomProtocol"; case RequestOrigin_RestApi: return "RestApi"; case RequestOrigin_Plugins: return "Plugins"; case RequestOrigin_Lua: return "Lua"; case RequestOrigin_WebDav: return "WebDav"; default: throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_ParameterOutOfRange); } } const char* EnumerationToString(PixelFormat format) { switch (format) { case PixelFormat_RGB24: return "RGB24"; case PixelFormat_RGBA32: return "RGBA32"; case PixelFormat_BGRA32: return "BGRA32"; case PixelFormat_Grayscale8: return "Grayscale (unsigned 8bpp)"; case PixelFormat_Grayscale16: return "Grayscale (unsigned 16bpp)"; case PixelFormat_SignedGrayscale16: return "Grayscale (signed 16bpp)"; case PixelFormat_Float32: return "Grayscale (float 32bpp)"; case PixelFormat_Grayscale32: return "Grayscale (unsigned 32bpp)"; case PixelFormat_Grayscale64: return "Grayscale (unsigned 64bpp)"; case PixelFormat_RGB48: return "RGB48"; default: throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_ParameterOutOfRange); } } const char* EnumerationToString(ModalityManufacturer manufacturer) { switch (manufacturer) { case ModalityManufacturer_Generic: return "Generic"; case ModalityManufacturer_GenericNoWildcardInDates: return "GenericNoWildcardInDates"; case ModalityManufacturer_GenericNoUniversalWildcard: return "GenericNoUniversalWildcard"; case ModalityManufacturer_Vitrea: return "Vitrea"; case ModalityManufacturer_GE: return "GE"; default: throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_ParameterOutOfRange); } } const char* EnumerationToString(DicomRequestType type) { switch (type) { case DicomRequestType_Echo: return "Echo"; break; case DicomRequestType_Find: return "Find"; break; case DicomRequestType_Get: return "Get"; break; case DicomRequestType_Move: return "Move"; break; case DicomRequestType_Store: return "Store"; break; case DicomRequestType_NAction: return "N-ACTION"; break; case DicomRequestType_NEventReport: return "N-EVENT-REPORT"; break; default: throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_ParameterOutOfRange); } } const char* EnumerationToString(DicomVersion version) { switch (version) { case DicomVersion_2008: return "2008"; break; case DicomVersion_2017c: return "2017c"; break; case DicomVersion_2021b: return "2021b"; break; default: throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_ParameterOutOfRange); } } const char* EnumerationToString(ValueRepresentation vr) { switch (vr) { case ValueRepresentation_ApplicationEntity: // AE return "AE"; case ValueRepresentation_AgeString: // AS return "AS"; case ValueRepresentation_AttributeTag: // AT (2 x uint16_t) return "AT"; case ValueRepresentation_CodeString: // CS return "CS"; case ValueRepresentation_Date: // DA return "DA"; case ValueRepresentation_DecimalString: // DS return "DS"; case ValueRepresentation_DateTime: // DT return "DT"; case ValueRepresentation_FloatingPointSingle: // FL (float) return "FL"; case ValueRepresentation_FloatingPointDouble: // FD (double) return "FD"; case ValueRepresentation_IntegerString: // IS return "IS"; case ValueRepresentation_LongString: // LO return "LO"; case ValueRepresentation_LongText: // LT return "LT"; case ValueRepresentation_OtherByte: // OB return "OB"; case ValueRepresentation_OtherDouble: // OD return "OD"; case ValueRepresentation_OtherFloat: // OF return "OF"; case ValueRepresentation_OtherLong: // OL return "OL"; case ValueRepresentation_OtherWord: // OW return "OW"; case ValueRepresentation_PersonName: // PN return "PN"; case ValueRepresentation_ShortString: // SH return "SH"; case ValueRepresentation_SignedLong: // SL (int32_t) return "SL"; case ValueRepresentation_Sequence: // SQ return "SQ"; case ValueRepresentation_SignedShort: // SS (int16_t) return "SS"; case ValueRepresentation_ShortText: // ST return "ST"; case ValueRepresentation_Time: // TM return "TM"; case ValueRepresentation_UnlimitedCharacters: // UC return "UC"; case ValueRepresentation_UniqueIdentifier: // UI (UID) return "UI"; case ValueRepresentation_UnsignedLong: // UL (uint32_t) return "UL"; case ValueRepresentation_Unknown: // UN return "UN"; case ValueRepresentation_UniversalResource: // UR (URI or URL) return "UR"; case ValueRepresentation_UnsignedShort: // US (uint16_t) return "US"; case ValueRepresentation_UnlimitedText: // UT return "UT"; case ValueRepresentation_NotSupported: return "Not supported"; default: throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_ParameterOutOfRange); } } const char* EnumerationToString(JobState state) { switch (state) { case JobState_Pending: return "Pending"; case JobState_Running: return "Running"; case JobState_Success: return "Success"; case JobState_Failure: return "Failure"; case JobState_Paused: return "Paused"; case JobState_Retry: return "Retry"; default: throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_ParameterOutOfRange); } } const char* EnumerationToString(MimeType mime) { switch (mime) { case MimeType_Binary: return MIME_BINARY; case MimeType_Dicom: return MIME_DICOM; case MimeType_Jpeg: return MIME_JPEG; case MimeType_Jpeg2000: return MIME_JPEG2000; case MimeType_Json: return MIME_JSON; case MimeType_Pdf: return MIME_PDF; case MimeType_Png: return MIME_PNG; case MimeType_Xml: return MIME_XML; case MimeType_PlainText: return MIME_PLAIN_TEXT; case MimeType_Pam: return MIME_PAM; case MimeType_Html: return MIME_HTML; case MimeType_Gzip: return MIME_GZIP; case MimeType_JavaScript: return MIME_JAVASCRIPT; case MimeType_Css: return MIME_CSS; case MimeType_WebAssembly: return MIME_WEB_ASSEMBLY; case MimeType_Gif: return MIME_GIF; case MimeType_Zip: return MIME_ZIP; case MimeType_NaCl: return MIME_NACL; case MimeType_PNaCl: return MIME_PNACL; case MimeType_Svg: return MIME_SVG; case MimeType_Woff: return MIME_WOFF; case MimeType_Woff2: return MIME_WOFF2; case MimeType_PrometheusText: // return "text/plain; version=0.0.4"; case MimeType_DicomWebJson: return MIME_DICOM_WEB_JSON; case MimeType_DicomWebXml: return MIME_DICOM_WEB_XML; default: throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_ParameterOutOfRange); } } const char* EnumerationToString(Endianness endianness) { switch (endianness) { case Endianness_Little: return "Little-endian"; case Endianness_Big: return "Big-endian"; case Endianness_Unknown: return "Unknown endianness"; default: throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_ParameterOutOfRange); } } const char* EnumerationToString(StorageCommitmentFailureReason reason) { switch (reason) { case StorageCommitmentFailureReason_Success: return "Success"; case StorageCommitmentFailureReason_ProcessingFailure: return "A general failure in processing the operation was encountered"; case StorageCommitmentFailureReason_NoSuchObjectInstance: return "One or more of the elements in the Referenced SOP " "Instance Sequence was not available"; case StorageCommitmentFailureReason_ResourceLimitation: return "The SCP does not currently have enough resources to " "store the requested SOP Instance(s)"; case StorageCommitmentFailureReason_ReferencedSOPClassNotSupported: return "Storage Commitment has been requested for a SOP Instance " "with a SOP Class that is not supported by the SCP"; case StorageCommitmentFailureReason_ClassInstanceConflict: return "The SOP Class of an element in the Referenced SOP Instance Sequence " "did not correspond to the SOP class registered for this SOP Instance at the SCP"; case StorageCommitmentFailureReason_DuplicateTransactionUID: return "The Transaction UID of the Storage Commitment Request is already in use"; default: return "Unknown failure reason"; } } const char* EnumerationToString(DicomToJsonFormat format) { switch (format) { case DicomToJsonFormat_Full: return "Full"; case DicomToJsonFormat_Human: return "Simplify"; case DicomToJsonFormat_Short: return "Short"; default: throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_ParameterOutOfRange); } } Encoding StringToEncoding(const char* encoding) { std::string s(encoding); Toolbox::ToUpperCase(s); if (s == "UTF8") { return Encoding_Utf8; } if (s == "ASCII") { return Encoding_Ascii; } if (s == "LATIN1") { return Encoding_Latin1; } if (s == "LATIN2") { return Encoding_Latin2; } if (s == "LATIN3") { return Encoding_Latin3; } if (s == "LATIN4") { return Encoding_Latin4; } if (s == "LATIN5") { return Encoding_Latin5; } if (s == "CYRILLIC") { return Encoding_Cyrillic; } if (s == "WINDOWS1251") { return Encoding_Windows1251; } if (s == "ARABIC") { return Encoding_Arabic; } if (s == "GREEK") { return Encoding_Greek; } if (s == "HEBREW") { return Encoding_Hebrew; } if (s == "THAI") { return Encoding_Thai; } if (s == "JAPANESE") { return Encoding_Japanese; } if (s == "CHINESE") { return Encoding_Chinese; } if (s == "KOREAN") { return Encoding_Korean; } if (s == "JAPANESEKANJI") { return Encoding_JapaneseKanji; } if (s == "SIMPLIFIEDCHINESE") { return Encoding_SimplifiedChinese; } throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_ParameterOutOfRange); } ResourceType StringToResourceType(const char* type) { std::string s(type); Toolbox::ToUpperCase(s); if (s == "PATIENT" || s == "PATIENTS") { return ResourceType_Patient; } else if (s == "STUDY" || s == "STUDIES") { return ResourceType_Study; } else if (s == "SERIES") { return ResourceType_Series; } else if (s == "INSTANCE" || s == "IMAGE" || s == "INSTANCES" || s == "IMAGES") { return ResourceType_Instance; } throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_ParameterOutOfRange); } ImageFormat StringToImageFormat(const char* format) { std::string s(format); Toolbox::ToUpperCase(s); if (s == "PNG") { return ImageFormat_Png; } throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_ParameterOutOfRange); } ValueRepresentation StringToValueRepresentation(const std::string& vr, bool throwIfUnsupported) { if (vr == "AE") { return ValueRepresentation_ApplicationEntity; } else if (vr == "AS") { return ValueRepresentation_AgeString; } else if (vr == "AT") { return ValueRepresentation_AttributeTag; } else if (vr == "CS") { return ValueRepresentation_CodeString; } else if (vr == "DA") { return ValueRepresentation_Date; } else if (vr == "DS") { return ValueRepresentation_DecimalString; } else if (vr == "DT") { return ValueRepresentation_DateTime; } else if (vr == "FL") { return ValueRepresentation_FloatingPointSingle; } else if (vr == "FD") { return ValueRepresentation_FloatingPointDouble; } else if (vr == "IS") { return ValueRepresentation_IntegerString; } else if (vr == "LO") { return ValueRepresentation_LongString; } else if (vr == "LT") { return ValueRepresentation_LongText; } else if (vr == "OB") { return ValueRepresentation_OtherByte; } else if (vr == "OD") { return ValueRepresentation_OtherDouble; } else if (vr == "OF") { return ValueRepresentation_OtherFloat; } else if (vr == "OL") { return ValueRepresentation_OtherLong; } else if (vr == "OW") { return ValueRepresentation_OtherWord; } else if (vr == "PN") { return ValueRepresentation_PersonName; } else if (vr == "SH") { return ValueRepresentation_ShortString; } else if (vr == "SL") { return ValueRepresentation_SignedLong; } else if (vr == "SQ") { return ValueRepresentation_Sequence; } else if (vr == "SS") { return ValueRepresentation_SignedShort; } else if (vr == "ST") { return ValueRepresentation_ShortText; } else if (vr == "TM") { return ValueRepresentation_Time; } else if (vr == "UC") { return ValueRepresentation_UnlimitedCharacters; } else if (vr == "UI") { return ValueRepresentation_UniqueIdentifier; } else if (vr == "UL") { return ValueRepresentation_UnsignedLong; } else if (vr == "UN") { return ValueRepresentation_Unknown; } else if (vr == "UR") { return ValueRepresentation_UniversalResource; } else if (vr == "US") { return ValueRepresentation_UnsignedShort; } else if (vr == "UT") { return ValueRepresentation_UnlimitedText; } else { std::string s = "Unsupported value representation encountered: " + vr; if (throwIfUnsupported) { throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_ParameterOutOfRange, s); } else { LOG(INFO) << s; return ValueRepresentation_NotSupported; } } } PhotometricInterpretation StringToPhotometricInterpretation(const char* value) { // std::string s(value); if (s == "MONOCHROME1") { return PhotometricInterpretation_Monochrome1; } if (s == "MONOCHROME2") { return PhotometricInterpretation_Monochrome2; } if (s == "PALETTE COLOR") { return PhotometricInterpretation_Palette; } if (s == "RGB") { return PhotometricInterpretation_RGB; } if (s == "HSV") { return PhotometricInterpretation_HSV; } if (s == "ARGB") { return PhotometricInterpretation_ARGB; } if (s == "CMYK") { return PhotometricInterpretation_CMYK; } if (s == "YBR_FULL") { return PhotometricInterpretation_YBRFull; } if (s == "YBR_FULL_422") { return PhotometricInterpretation_YBRFull422; } if (s == "YBR_PARTIAL_422") { return PhotometricInterpretation_YBRPartial422; } if (s == "YBR_PARTIAL_420") { return PhotometricInterpretation_YBRPartial420; } if (s == "YBR_ICT") { return PhotometricInterpretation_YBR_ICT; } if (s == "YBR_RCT") { return PhotometricInterpretation_YBR_RCT; } throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_ParameterOutOfRange); } ModalityManufacturer StringToModalityManufacturer(const std::string& manufacturer) { ModalityManufacturer result; bool obsolete = false; if (manufacturer == "Generic") { return ModalityManufacturer_Generic; } else if (manufacturer == "GenericNoWildcardInDates") { return ModalityManufacturer_GenericNoWildcardInDates; } else if (manufacturer == "GenericNoUniversalWildcard") { return ModalityManufacturer_GenericNoUniversalWildcard; } else if (manufacturer == "Vitrea") { return ModalityManufacturer_Vitrea; } else if (manufacturer == "GE") { return ModalityManufacturer_GE; } else if (manufacturer == "AgfaImpax" || manufacturer == "SyngoVia") { result = ModalityManufacturer_GenericNoWildcardInDates; obsolete = true; } else if (manufacturer == "EFilm2" || manufacturer == "MedInria" || manufacturer == "ClearCanvas" || manufacturer == "Dcm4Chee" ) { result = ModalityManufacturer_Generic; obsolete = true; } else { throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_ParameterOutOfRange, "Unknown modality manufacturer: \"" + manufacturer + "\""); } if (obsolete) { LOG(WARNING) << "The \"" << manufacturer << "\" manufacturer is now obsolete. " << "To guarantee compatibility with future Orthanc " << "releases, you should replace it by \"" << EnumerationToString(result) << "\" in your configuration file."; } return result; } DicomVersion StringToDicomVersion(const std::string& version) { if (version == "2008") { return DicomVersion_2008; } else if (version == "2017c") { return DicomVersion_2017c; } else if (version == "2021b") { return DicomVersion_2021b; } else { throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_ParameterOutOfRange, "Unknown specific version of the DICOM standard: " + version); } } JobState StringToJobState(const std::string& state) { if (state == "Pending") { return JobState_Pending; } else if (state == "Running") { return JobState_Running; } else if (state == "Success") { return JobState_Success; } else if (state == "Failure") { return JobState_Failure; } else if (state == "Paused") { return JobState_Paused; } else if (state == "Retry") { return JobState_Retry; } else { throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_ParameterOutOfRange); } } RequestOrigin StringToRequestOrigin(const std::string& origin) { if (origin == "Unknown") { return RequestOrigin_Unknown; } else if (origin == "DicomProtocol") { return RequestOrigin_DicomProtocol; } else if (origin == "RestApi") { return RequestOrigin_RestApi; } else if (origin == "Plugins") { return RequestOrigin_Plugins; } else if (origin == "Lua") { return RequestOrigin_Lua; } else if (origin == "WebDav") { return RequestOrigin_WebDav; } else { throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_ParameterOutOfRange); } } bool LookupMimeType(MimeType& target, const std::string& source) { if (source == MIME_BINARY) { target = MimeType_Binary; return true; } else if (source == MIME_DICOM) { target = MimeType_Dicom; return true; } else if (source == MIME_JPEG) { target = MimeType_Jpeg; return true; } else if (source == MIME_JPEG2000) { target = MimeType_Jpeg2000; return true; } else if (source == MIME_JSON) { target = MimeType_Json; return true; } else if (source == MIME_PDF) { target = MimeType_Pdf; return true; } else if (source == MIME_PNG) { target = MimeType_Png; return true; } else if (source == MIME_XML || source == MIME_XML_2) { target = MimeType_Xml; return true; } else if (source == MIME_PLAIN_TEXT) { target = MimeType_PlainText; return true; } else if (source == MIME_PAM) { target = MimeType_Pam; return true; } else if (source == MIME_HTML) { target = MimeType_Html; return true; } else if (source == MIME_GZIP) { target = MimeType_Gzip; return true; } else if (source == MIME_JAVASCRIPT) { target = MimeType_JavaScript; return true; } else if (source == MIME_CSS) { target = MimeType_Css; return true; } else if (source == MIME_WEB_ASSEMBLY) { target = MimeType_WebAssembly; return true; } else if (source == MIME_GIF) { target = MimeType_Gif; return true; } else if (source == MIME_ZIP) { target = MimeType_Zip; return true; } else if (source == MIME_NACL) { target = MimeType_NaCl; return true; } else if (source == MIME_PNACL) { target = MimeType_PNaCl; return true; } else if (source == MIME_SVG) { target = MimeType_Svg; return true; } else if (source == MIME_WOFF) { target = MimeType_Woff; return true; } else if (source == MIME_WOFF2) { target = MimeType_Woff2; return true; } else if (source == MIME_DICOM_WEB_JSON) { target = MimeType_DicomWebJson; return true; } else if (source == MIME_DICOM_WEB_XML) { target = MimeType_DicomWebXml; return true; } else { return false; } } MimeType StringToMimeType(const std::string& mime) { MimeType result; if (LookupMimeType(result, mime)) { return result; } else { throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_ParameterOutOfRange); } } DicomToJsonFormat StringToDicomToJsonFormat(const std::string& format) { if (format == "Full") { return DicomToJsonFormat_Full; } else if (format == "Short") { return DicomToJsonFormat_Short; } else if (format == "Simplify") { return DicomToJsonFormat_Human; } else { throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_ParameterOutOfRange); } } unsigned int GetBytesPerPixel(PixelFormat format) { switch (format) { case PixelFormat_Grayscale8: return 1; case PixelFormat_Grayscale16: case PixelFormat_SignedGrayscale16: return 2; case PixelFormat_RGB24: return 3; case PixelFormat_RGBA32: case PixelFormat_BGRA32: case PixelFormat_Grayscale32: return 4; case PixelFormat_Float32: assert(sizeof(float) == 4); return 4; case PixelFormat_RGB48: return 6; case PixelFormat_Grayscale64: return 8; default: throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_ParameterOutOfRange); } } bool GetDicomEncoding(Encoding& encoding, const char* specificCharacterSet) { std::string s = Toolbox::StripSpaces(specificCharacterSet); Toolbox::ToUpperCase(s); // // if (s == "ISO_IR 6" || s == "ISO 2022 IR 6") { encoding = Encoding_Ascii; } else if (s == "ISO_IR 192") { encoding = Encoding_Utf8; } else if (s == "ISO_IR 100" || s == "ISO 2022 IR 100") { encoding = Encoding_Latin1; } else if (s == "ISO_IR 101" || s == "ISO 2022 IR 101") { encoding = Encoding_Latin2; } else if (s == "ISO_IR 109" || s == "ISO 2022 IR 109") { encoding = Encoding_Latin3; } else if (s == "ISO_IR 110" || s == "ISO 2022 IR 110") { encoding = Encoding_Latin4; } else if (s == "ISO_IR 148" || s == "ISO 2022 IR 148") { encoding = Encoding_Latin5; } else if (s == "ISO_IR 144" || s == "ISO 2022 IR 144") { encoding = Encoding_Cyrillic; } else if (s == "ISO_IR 127" || s == "ISO 2022 IR 127") { encoding = Encoding_Arabic; } else if (s == "ISO_IR 126" || s == "ISO 2022 IR 126") { encoding = Encoding_Greek; } else if (s == "ISO_IR 138" || s == "ISO 2022 IR 138") { encoding = Encoding_Hebrew; } else if (s == "ISO_IR 166" || s == "ISO 2022 IR 166") { encoding = Encoding_Thai; } else if (s == "ISO_IR 13" || s == "ISO 2022 IR 13") { encoding = Encoding_Japanese; } else if (s == "GB18030" || s == "GBK") { /** * According to, "In China, many dicom file's * 0008,0005 tag is set as "GBK", instead of "GB18030", GBK is a * subset of GB18030, and which is used frequently in China, * suggest support it." * **/ encoding = Encoding_Chinese; } else if (s == "ISO 2022 IR 149") { encoding = Encoding_Korean; } else if (s == "ISO 2022 IR 87") { encoding = Encoding_JapaneseKanji; } else if (s == "ISO 2022 IR 58") { encoding = Encoding_SimplifiedChinese; } /* else if (s == "ISO 2022 IR 159") { TODO - Supplementary Kanji set } */ else { return false; } // The encoding was properly detected return true; } ResourceType GetChildResourceType(ResourceType type) { switch (type) { case ResourceType_Patient: return ResourceType_Study; case ResourceType_Study: return ResourceType_Series; case ResourceType_Series: return ResourceType_Instance; default: throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_ParameterOutOfRange); } } ResourceType GetParentResourceType(ResourceType type) { switch (type) { case ResourceType_Study: return ResourceType_Patient; case ResourceType_Series: return ResourceType_Study; case ResourceType_Instance: return ResourceType_Series; default: throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_ParameterOutOfRange); } } bool IsResourceLevelAboveOrEqual(ResourceType level, ResourceType reference) { switch (reference) { case ResourceType_Patient: return (level == ResourceType_Patient); case ResourceType_Study: return (level == ResourceType_Patient || level == ResourceType_Study); case ResourceType_Series: return (level == ResourceType_Patient || level == ResourceType_Study || level == ResourceType_Series); case ResourceType_Instance: return (level == ResourceType_Patient || level == ResourceType_Study || level == ResourceType_Series || level == ResourceType_Instance); default: throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_ParameterOutOfRange); } } DicomModule GetModule(ResourceType type) { switch (type) { case ResourceType_Patient: return DicomModule_Patient; case ResourceType_Study: return DicomModule_Study; case ResourceType_Series: return DicomModule_Series; default: throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_ParameterOutOfRange); } } const char* GetDicomSpecificCharacterSet(Encoding encoding) { // switch (encoding) { case Encoding_Ascii: return "ISO_IR 6"; case Encoding_Utf8: return "ISO_IR 192"; case Encoding_Latin1: return "ISO_IR 100"; case Encoding_Latin2: return "ISO_IR 101"; case Encoding_Latin3: return "ISO_IR 109"; case Encoding_Latin4: return "ISO_IR 110"; case Encoding_Latin5: return "ISO_IR 148"; case Encoding_Cyrillic: return "ISO_IR 144"; case Encoding_Arabic: return "ISO_IR 127"; case Encoding_Greek: return "ISO_IR 126"; case Encoding_Hebrew: return "ISO_IR 138"; case Encoding_Japanese: return "ISO_IR 13"; case Encoding_Chinese: return "GB18030"; case Encoding_Thai: return "ISO_IR 166"; case Encoding_Korean: return "ISO 2022 IR 149"; case Encoding_JapaneseKanji: return "ISO 2022 IR 87"; case Encoding_SimplifiedChinese: return "ISO 2022 IR 58"; default: throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_ParameterOutOfRange); } } // This function is autogenerated by the script // "Resources/" HttpStatus ConvertErrorCodeToHttpStatus(ErrorCode error) { switch (error) { case ErrorCode_Success: return HttpStatus_200_Ok; case ErrorCode_ParameterOutOfRange: return HttpStatus_400_BadRequest; case ErrorCode_BadParameterType: return HttpStatus_400_BadRequest; case ErrorCode_InexistentItem: return HttpStatus_404_NotFound; case ErrorCode_BadRequest: return HttpStatus_400_BadRequest; case ErrorCode_UriSyntax: return HttpStatus_400_BadRequest; case ErrorCode_InexistentFile: return HttpStatus_404_NotFound; case ErrorCode_BadFileFormat: return HttpStatus_400_BadRequest; case ErrorCode_UnknownResource: return HttpStatus_404_NotFound; case ErrorCode_InexistentTag: return HttpStatus_404_NotFound; case ErrorCode_BadJson: return HttpStatus_400_BadRequest; case ErrorCode_Unauthorized: return HttpStatus_401_Unauthorized; case ErrorCode_NotAcceptable: return HttpStatus_406_NotAcceptable; case ErrorCode_DatabaseUnavailable: return HttpStatus_503_ServiceUnavailable; case ErrorCode_BadRange: return HttpStatus_416_RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable; case ErrorCode_DatabaseCannotSerialize: return HttpStatus_503_ServiceUnavailable; case ErrorCode_Revision: return HttpStatus_409_Conflict; case ErrorCode_CreateDicomNotString: return HttpStatus_400_BadRequest; case ErrorCode_CreateDicomOverrideTag: return HttpStatus_400_BadRequest; case ErrorCode_CreateDicomUseContent: return HttpStatus_400_BadRequest; case ErrorCode_CreateDicomNoPayload: return HttpStatus_400_BadRequest; case ErrorCode_CreateDicomUseDataUriScheme: return HttpStatus_400_BadRequest; case ErrorCode_CreateDicomBadParent: return HttpStatus_400_BadRequest; case ErrorCode_CreateDicomParentIsInstance: return HttpStatus_400_BadRequest; case ErrorCode_UnsupportedMediaType: return HttpStatus_415_UnsupportedMediaType; default: return HttpStatus_500_InternalServerError; } } bool IsUserContentType(FileContentType type) { return (type >= FileContentType_StartUser && type <= FileContentType_EndUser); } bool IsBinaryValueRepresentation(ValueRepresentation vr) { // switch (vr) { case ValueRepresentation_ApplicationEntity: // AE case ValueRepresentation_AgeString: // AS case ValueRepresentation_CodeString: // CS case ValueRepresentation_Date: // DA case ValueRepresentation_DecimalString: // DS case ValueRepresentation_DateTime: // DT case ValueRepresentation_IntegerString: // IS case ValueRepresentation_LongString: // LO case ValueRepresentation_LongText: // LT case ValueRepresentation_PersonName: // PN case ValueRepresentation_ShortString: // SH case ValueRepresentation_ShortText: // ST case ValueRepresentation_Time: // TM case ValueRepresentation_UnlimitedCharacters: // UC case ValueRepresentation_UniqueIdentifier: // UI (UID) case ValueRepresentation_UniversalResource: // UR (URI or URL) case ValueRepresentation_UnlimitedText: // UT { return false; } /** * Below are all the VR whose character repertoire is tagged as * "not applicable" **/ case ValueRepresentation_AttributeTag: // AT (2 x uint16_t) case ValueRepresentation_FloatingPointSingle: // FL (float) case ValueRepresentation_FloatingPointDouble: // FD (double) case ValueRepresentation_OtherByte: // OB case ValueRepresentation_OtherDouble: // OD case ValueRepresentation_OtherFloat: // OF case ValueRepresentation_OtherLong: // OL case ValueRepresentation_OtherWord: // OW case ValueRepresentation_SignedLong: // SL (int32_t) case ValueRepresentation_Sequence: // SQ case ValueRepresentation_SignedShort: // SS (int16_t) case ValueRepresentation_UnsignedLong: // UL (uint32_t) case ValueRepresentation_Unknown: // UN case ValueRepresentation_UnsignedShort: // US (uint16_t) { return true; } case ValueRepresentation_NotSupported: default: throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_ParameterOutOfRange); } } static boost::mutex defaultEncodingMutex_; // Should not be necessary static Encoding defaultEncoding_ = ORTHANC_DEFAULT_DICOM_ENCODING; Encoding GetDefaultDicomEncoding() { boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(defaultEncodingMutex_); return defaultEncoding_; } void SetDefaultDicomEncoding(Encoding encoding) { std::string name = EnumerationToString(encoding); { boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(defaultEncodingMutex_); defaultEncoding_ = encoding; } LOG(INFO) << "Default encoding for DICOM was changed to: " << name; } const char* GetResourceTypeText(ResourceType type, bool isPlural, bool isUpperCase) { if (isPlural && !isUpperCase) { switch (type) { case ResourceType_Patient: return "patients"; case ResourceType_Study: return "studies"; case ResourceType_Series: return "series"; case ResourceType_Instance: return "instances"; default: throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_ParameterOutOfRange); } } else if (isPlural && isUpperCase) { switch (type) { case ResourceType_Patient: return "Patients"; case ResourceType_Study: return "Studies"; case ResourceType_Series: return "Series"; case ResourceType_Instance: return "Instances"; default: throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_ParameterOutOfRange); } } else if (!isPlural && !isUpperCase) { switch (type) { case ResourceType_Patient: return "patient"; case ResourceType_Study: return "study"; case ResourceType_Series: return "series"; case ResourceType_Instance: return "instance"; default: throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_ParameterOutOfRange); } } else if (!isPlural && isUpperCase) { switch (type) { case ResourceType_Patient: return "Patient"; case ResourceType_Study: return "Study"; case ResourceType_Series: return "Series"; case ResourceType_Instance: return "Instance"; default: throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_ParameterOutOfRange); } } else { throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_InternalError); } } } #include "./Enumerations_TransferSyntaxes.impl.h"