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view Resources/Graveyard/DatabasePluginSample/DatabaseWrapperBase.h @ 3828:3d1bb2193832
fix build on os x
author | Sebastien Jodogne <> |
date | Fri, 10 Apr 2020 16:35:41 +0200 (2020-04-10) |
parents | 94f4a18a79cc |
children |
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/** * Orthanc - A Lightweight, RESTful DICOM Store * Copyright (C) 2012-2016 Sebastien Jodogne, Medical Physics * Department, University Hospital of Liege, Belgium * Copyright (C) 2017-2020 Osimis S.A., Belgium * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders of this * program give permission to link the code of its release with the * OpenSSL project's "OpenSSL" library (or with modified versions of it * that use the same license as the "OpenSSL" library), and distribute * the linked executables. You must obey the GNU General Public License * in all respects for all of the code used other than "OpenSSL". If you * modify file(s) with this exception, you may extend this exception to * your version of the file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If * you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your * version. If you delete this exception statement from all source files * in the program, then also delete it here. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. **/ #pragma once #include "../Core/DicomFormat/DicomMap.h" #include "../Core/DicomFormat/DicomTag.h" #include "../Core/Enumerations.h" #include "../Core/FileStorage/FileInfo.h" #include "../Core/SQLite/Connection.h" #include "../OrthancServer/ExportedResource.h" #include "../OrthancServer/ServerIndexChange.h" #include "ServerEnumerations.h" #include <list> namespace Orthanc { /** * This class is shared between the Orthanc core and the sample * database plugin whose code is in * "../Plugins/Samples/DatabasePlugin". **/ class DatabaseWrapperBase { private: SQLite::Connection& db_; ErrorCode GetChangesInternal(std::list<ServerIndexChange>& target, bool& done, SQLite::Statement& s, uint32_t maxResults); void GetExportedResourcesInternal(std::list<ExportedResource>& target, bool& done, SQLite::Statement& s, uint32_t maxResults); public: DatabaseWrapperBase(SQLite::Connection& db) : db_(db) { } void SetGlobalProperty(GlobalProperty property, const std::string& value); bool LookupGlobalProperty(std::string& target, GlobalProperty property); int64_t CreateResource(const std::string& publicId, ResourceType type); bool LookupResource(int64_t& id, ResourceType& type, const std::string& publicId); ErrorCode LookupParent(bool& found, int64_t& parentId, int64_t resourceId); bool GetPublicId(std::string& result, int64_t resourceId); ErrorCode GetResourceType(ResourceType& result, int64_t resourceId); void AttachChild(int64_t parent, int64_t child); void SetMetadata(int64_t id, MetadataType type, const std::string& value); void DeleteMetadata(int64_t id, MetadataType type); bool LookupMetadata(std::string& target, int64_t id, MetadataType type); void ListAvailableMetadata(std::list<MetadataType>& target, int64_t id); void AddAttachment(int64_t id, const FileInfo& attachment); void DeleteAttachment(int64_t id, FileContentType attachment); void ListAvailableAttachments(std::list<FileContentType>& target, int64_t id); bool LookupAttachment(FileInfo& attachment, int64_t id, FileContentType contentType); void ClearMainDicomTags(int64_t id); void SetMainDicomTag(int64_t id, const DicomTag& tag, const std::string& value); void SetIdentifierTag(int64_t id, const DicomTag& tag, const std::string& value); void GetMainDicomTags(DicomMap& map, int64_t id); void GetChildrenPublicId(std::list<std::string>& target, int64_t id); void GetChildrenInternalId(std::list<int64_t>& target, int64_t id); void LogChange(int64_t internalId, const ServerIndexChange& change); ErrorCode GetChanges(std::list<ServerIndexChange>& target, bool& done, int64_t since, uint32_t maxResults); ErrorCode GetLastChange(std::list<ServerIndexChange>& target); void LogExportedResource(const ExportedResource& resource); void GetExportedResources(std::list<ExportedResource>& target, bool& done, int64_t since, uint32_t maxResults); void GetLastExportedResource(std::list<ExportedResource>& target); uint64_t GetTotalCompressedSize(); uint64_t GetTotalUncompressedSize(); void GetAllInternalIds(std::list<int64_t>& target, ResourceType resourceType); void GetAllPublicIds(std::list<std::string>& target, ResourceType resourceType); void GetAllPublicIds(std::list<std::string>& target, ResourceType resourceType, size_t since, size_t limit); uint64_t GetResourceCount(ResourceType resourceType); bool SelectPatientToRecycle(int64_t& internalId); bool SelectPatientToRecycle(int64_t& internalId, int64_t patientIdToAvoid); bool IsProtectedPatient(int64_t internalId); void SetProtectedPatient(int64_t internalId, bool isProtected); bool IsExistingResource(int64_t internalId); void LookupIdentifier(std::list<int64_t>& result, ResourceType level, const DicomTag& tag, IdentifierConstraintType type, const std::string& value); void LookupIdentifierRange(std::list<int64_t>& result, ResourceType level, const DicomTag& tag, const std::string& start, const std::string& end); }; }