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view Plugins/Samples/ServeFolders/Plugin.cpp @ 3945:0b3256c3ee14 transcoding
simplified IDicomTranscoder
author | Sebastien Jodogne <> |
date | Tue, 19 May 2020 11:24:00 +0200 |
parents | 94f4a18a79cc |
children |
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/** * Orthanc - A Lightweight, RESTful DICOM Store * Copyright (C) 2012-2016 Sebastien Jodogne, Medical Physics * Department, University Hospital of Liege, Belgium * Copyright (C) 2017-2020 Osimis S.A., Belgium * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. **/ #include "../Common/OrthancPluginCppWrapper.h" #include <json/reader.h> #include <json/value.h> #include <boost/filesystem.hpp> #include <boost/date_time/posix_time/posix_time.hpp> #if HAS_ORTHANC_EXCEPTION == 1 # error The macro HAS_ORTHANC_EXCEPTION must be set to 0 to compile this plugin #endif static std::map<std::string, std::string> extensions_; static std::map<std::string, std::string> folders_; static const char* INDEX_URI = "/app/plugin-serve-folders.html"; static bool allowCache_ = false; static bool generateETag_ = true; static void SetHttpHeaders(OrthancPluginRestOutput* output) { if (!allowCache_) { // OrthancPluginContext* context = OrthancPlugins::GetGlobalContext(); OrthancPluginSetHttpHeader(context, output, "Cache-Control", "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate"); OrthancPluginSetHttpHeader(context, output, "Pragma", "no-cache"); OrthancPluginSetHttpHeader(context, output, "Expires", "0"); } } static void RegisterDefaultExtensions() { extensions_["css"] = "text/css"; extensions_["gif"] = "image/gif"; extensions_["html"] = "text/html"; extensions_["jpeg"] = "image/jpeg"; extensions_["jpg"] = "image/jpeg"; extensions_["js"] = "application/javascript"; extensions_["json"] = "application/json"; extensions_["nexe"] = "application/x-nacl"; extensions_["nmf"] = "application/json"; extensions_["pexe"] = "application/x-pnacl"; extensions_["png"] = "image/png"; extensions_["svg"] = "image/svg+xml"; extensions_["wasm"] = "application/wasm"; extensions_["woff"] = "application/x-font-woff"; extensions_["xml"] = "application/xml"; } static std::string GetMimeType(const std::string& path) { size_t dot = path.find_last_of('.'); std::string extension = (dot == std::string::npos) ? "" : path.substr(dot + 1); std::transform(extension.begin(), extension.end(), extension.begin(), tolower); std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator found = extensions_.find(extension); if (found != extensions_.end() && !found->second.empty()) { return found->second; } else { OrthancPlugins::LogWarning("ServeFolders: Unknown MIME type for extension \"" + extension + "\""); return "application/octet-stream"; } } static bool LookupFolder(std::string& folder, OrthancPluginRestOutput* output, const OrthancPluginHttpRequest* request) { const std::string uri = request->groups[0]; std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator found = folders_.find(uri); if (found == folders_.end()) { OrthancPlugins::LogError("Unknown URI in plugin server-folders: " + uri); OrthancPluginSendHttpStatusCode(OrthancPlugins::GetGlobalContext(), output, 404); return false; } else { folder = found->second; return true; } } static void Answer(OrthancPluginRestOutput* output, const char* content, size_t size, const std::string& mime) { if (generateETag_) { OrthancPlugins::OrthancString md5; md5.Assign(OrthancPluginComputeMd5(OrthancPlugins::GetGlobalContext(), content, size)); std::string etag = "\"" + std::string(md5.GetContent()) + "\""; OrthancPluginSetHttpHeader(OrthancPlugins::GetGlobalContext(), output, "ETag", etag.c_str()); } SetHttpHeaders(output); OrthancPluginAnswerBuffer(OrthancPlugins::GetGlobalContext(), output, content, size, mime.c_str()); } void ServeFolder(OrthancPluginRestOutput* output, const char* url, const OrthancPluginHttpRequest* request) { namespace fs = boost::filesystem; if (request->method != OrthancPluginHttpMethod_Get) { OrthancPluginSendMethodNotAllowed(OrthancPlugins::GetGlobalContext(), output, "GET"); return; } std::string folder; if (LookupFolder(folder, output, request)) { const fs::path item(request->groups[1]); const fs::path parent((fs::path(folder) / item).parent_path()); if (item.filename().string() == "index.html" && fs::is_directory(parent) && !fs::is_regular_file(fs::path(folder) / item)) { // On-the-fly generation of an "index.html" std::string s; s += "<html>\n"; s += " <body>\n"; s += " <ul>\n"; fs::directory_iterator end; for (fs::directory_iterator it(parent) ; it != end; ++it) { if (fs::is_directory(it->status())) { std::string f = it->path().filename().string(); s += " <li><a href=\"" + f + "/index.html\">" + f + "/</a></li>\n"; } } for (fs::directory_iterator it(parent) ; it != end; ++it) { fs::file_type type = it->status().type(); if (type == fs::regular_file || type == fs::reparse_file) // cf. BitBucket issue #11 { std::string f = it->path().filename().string(); s += " <li><a href=\"" + f + "\">" + f + "</a></li>\n"; } } s += " </ul>\n"; s += " </body>\n"; s += "</html>\n"; Answer(output, s.c_str(), s.size(), "text/html"); } else { std::string path = folder + "/" + item.string(); std::string mime = GetMimeType(path); OrthancPlugins::MemoryBuffer content; try { content.ReadFile(path); } catch (...) { ORTHANC_PLUGINS_THROW_EXCEPTION(InexistentFile); } boost::posix_time::ptime lastModification = boost::posix_time::from_time_t(fs::last_write_time(path)); std::string t = boost::posix_time::to_iso_string(lastModification); OrthancPluginSetHttpHeader(OrthancPlugins::GetGlobalContext(), output, "Last-Modified", t.c_str()); Answer(output, content.GetData(), content.GetSize(), mime); } } } void ListServedFolders(OrthancPluginRestOutput* output, const char* url, const OrthancPluginHttpRequest* request) { if (request->method != OrthancPluginHttpMethod_Get) { OrthancPluginSendMethodNotAllowed(OrthancPlugins::GetGlobalContext(), output, "GET"); return; } std::string s = "<html><body><h1>Additional folders served by Orthanc</h1>\n"; if (folders_.empty()) { s += "<p>Empty section <tt>ServeFolders</tt> in your configuration file: No additional folder is served.</p>\n"; } else { s += "<ul>\n"; for (std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator it = folders_.begin(); it != folders_.end(); ++it) { // The URI is relative to INDEX_URI ("/app/plugin-serve-folders.html") s += "<li><a href=\"../" + it->first + "/index.html\">" + it->first + "</li>\n"; } s += "</ul>\n"; } s += "</body></html>\n"; Answer(output, s.c_str(), s.size(), "text/html"); } static void ConfigureFolders(const Json::Value& folders) { if (folders.type() != Json::objectValue) { OrthancPlugins::LogError("The list of folders to be served is badly formatted (must be a JSON object)"); ORTHANC_PLUGINS_THROW_EXCEPTION(BadFileFormat); } Json::Value::Members members = folders.getMemberNames(); // Register the callback for each base URI for (Json::Value::Members::const_iterator it = members.begin(); it != members.end(); ++it) { if (folders[*it].type() != Json::stringValue) { OrthancPlugins::LogError("The folder to be served \"" + *it + "\" must be associated with a string value (its mapped URI)"); ORTHANC_PLUGINS_THROW_EXCEPTION(BadFileFormat); } std::string baseUri = *it; // Remove the heading and trailing slashes in the root URI, if any while (!baseUri.empty() && *baseUri.begin() == '/') { baseUri = baseUri.substr(1); } while (!baseUri.empty() && *baseUri.rbegin() == '/') { baseUri.resize(baseUri.size() - 1); } if (baseUri.empty()) { OrthancPlugins::LogError("The URI of a folder to be served cannot be empty"); ORTHANC_PLUGINS_THROW_EXCEPTION(BadFileFormat); } // Check whether the source folder exists and is indeed a directory const std::string folder = folders[*it].asString(); if (!boost::filesystem::is_directory(folder)) { OrthancPlugins::LogError("Trying to serve an inexistent folder: " + folder); ORTHANC_PLUGINS_THROW_EXCEPTION(InexistentFile); } folders_[baseUri] = folder; // Register the callback to serve the folder { const std::string regex = "/(" + baseUri + ")/(.*)"; OrthancPlugins::RegisterRestCallback<ServeFolder>(regex.c_str(), true); } } } static void ConfigureExtensions(const Json::Value& extensions) { if (extensions.type() != Json::objectValue) { OrthancPlugins::LogError("The list of extensions is badly formatted (must be a JSON object)"); ORTHANC_PLUGINS_THROW_EXCEPTION(BadFileFormat); } Json::Value::Members members = extensions.getMemberNames(); for (Json::Value::Members::const_iterator it = members.begin(); it != members.end(); ++it) { if (extensions[*it].type() != Json::stringValue) { OrthancPlugins::LogError("The file extension \"" + *it + "\" must be associated with a string value (its MIME type)"); ORTHANC_PLUGINS_THROW_EXCEPTION(BadFileFormat); } const std::string& mime = extensions[*it].asString(); std::string name = *it; if (!name.empty() && name[0] == '.') { name = name.substr(1); // Remove the leading dot "." } extensions_[name] = mime; if (mime.empty()) { OrthancPlugins::LogWarning("ServeFolders: Removing MIME type for file extension \"." + name + "\""); } else { OrthancPlugins::LogWarning("ServeFolders: Associating file extension \"." + name + "\" with MIME type \"" + mime + "\""); } } } static void ReadConfiguration() { OrthancPlugins::OrthancConfiguration configuration; { OrthancPlugins::OrthancConfiguration globalConfiguration; globalConfiguration.GetSection(configuration, "ServeFolders"); } if (!configuration.IsSection("Folders")) { // This is a basic configuration ConfigureFolders(configuration.GetJson()); } else { // This is an advanced configuration ConfigureFolders(configuration.GetJson()["Folders"]); bool tmp; if (configuration.LookupBooleanValue(tmp, "AllowCache")) { allowCache_ = tmp; OrthancPlugins::LogWarning("ServeFolders: Requesting the HTTP client to " + std::string(tmp ? "enable" : "disable") + " its caching mechanism"); } if (configuration.LookupBooleanValue(tmp, "GenerateETag")) { generateETag_ = tmp; OrthancPlugins::LogWarning("ServeFolders: The computation of an ETag for the " "served resources is " + std::string(tmp ? "enabled" : "disabled")); } OrthancPlugins::OrthancConfiguration extensions; configuration.GetSection(extensions, "Extensions"); ConfigureExtensions(extensions.GetJson()); } if (folders_.empty()) { OrthancPlugins::LogWarning("ServeFolders: Empty configuration file: " "No additional folder will be served!"); } } extern "C" { ORTHANC_PLUGINS_API int32_t OrthancPluginInitialize(OrthancPluginContext* context) { OrthancPlugins::SetGlobalContext(context); /* Check the version of the Orthanc core */ if (OrthancPluginCheckVersion(context) == 0) { OrthancPlugins::ReportMinimalOrthancVersion(ORTHANC_PLUGINS_MINIMAL_MAJOR_NUMBER, ORTHANC_PLUGINS_MINIMAL_MINOR_NUMBER, ORTHANC_PLUGINS_MINIMAL_REVISION_NUMBER); return -1; } RegisterDefaultExtensions(); OrthancPluginSetDescription(context, "Serve additional folders with the HTTP server of Orthanc."); OrthancPluginSetRootUri(context, INDEX_URI); OrthancPlugins::RegisterRestCallback<ListServedFolders>(INDEX_URI, true); try { ReadConfiguration(); } catch (OrthancPlugins::PluginException& e) { OrthancPlugins::LogError("Error while initializing the ServeFolders plugin: " + std::string(e.What(context))); } return 0; } ORTHANC_PLUGINS_API void OrthancPluginFinalize() { } ORTHANC_PLUGINS_API const char* OrthancPluginGetName() { return "serve-folders"; } ORTHANC_PLUGINS_API const char* OrthancPluginGetVersion() { return SERVE_FOLDERS_VERSION; } }