view README @ 48:0a04c70747d9

author Sebastien Jodogne <>
date Wed, 05 Sep 2012 15:36:45 +0200
parents db4d996ea264
children e0cac5540668
line wrap: on
line source

Palanthir - A Lightweight, RESTful DICOM Server

General Information

General information about this software can be found on our Google
Code hosting page:

The instructions for building Palanthir can be found in the "INSTALL"

Supported Platforms

Currently, the supported platforms are:

* Linux 32bit.
* Linux 64bit.
* Windows 32bit.

Supported Toolchains

Palanthir can currently be built using the following compiling

* Native Linux compilation, with gcc.
* Native Windows compilation, with Microsoft Visual Studio.
* Cross-compilation for Windows under Linux, with MinGW.


Palanthir is licensed under the GPLv3 license. Because Palanthir uses
the Software-as-a-Service paradigm, commercial products are allowed to
access the Palanthir REST services and to bundle Palanthir in an
commercial aggregate. 

We also kindly require scientific works that make use of Palanthir to
cite Palanthir in their associated publications.

Licensing of special directories

The following directories have separate licensing terms:

* The files of the "PalanthirCppClient/" directory are licensed under
  the MIT license, which allows commercial products to statically link
  against the C++ client library.

* The file of the "Core/SQLite/" directory are licensed under the
  3-clause BSD license, as they are derived from the Chromium project.


This archive contains the following directories:

* Core/               - The core C++ classes (independent of DCMTK)
* PalanthirCppClient/ - Code of the C++ client (under MIT license)
* PalanthirExplorer/  - Code of the Web application (HTML5/Javascript)
* PalanthirServer/    - Code of the Palanthir server (depends on DCMTK)
* Resources/          - Scripts, resources for building third-party code
* UnitTests/          - Unit tests

This archive contains the following files:

* AUTHORS             - The list of the authors
* CMakeLists.txt      - The main build script
* COPYING             - The GPLv3 license
* INSTALL             - How to build Palanthir
* README              - This file
* THANKS              - The list of the contributors
* NEWS                - The history of main changes between versions

We have decided not to maintain a separate "ChangeLog" file. Each
commit to the official Palanthir Mercurial repository should be
associated with a description of the changes.