diff OrthancServer/Sources/OrthancRestApi/OrthancRestResources.cpp @ 4044:d25f4c0fa160 framework

splitting code into OrthancFramework and OrthancServer
author Sebastien Jodogne <s.jodogne@gmail.com>
date Wed, 10 Jun 2020 20:30:34 +0200
parents OrthancServer/OrthancRestApi/OrthancRestResources.cpp@d86bddb50972
children 05b8fd21089c
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/OrthancServer/Sources/OrthancRestApi/OrthancRestResources.cpp	Wed Jun 10 20:30:34 2020 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,2165 @@
+ * Orthanc - A Lightweight, RESTful DICOM Store
+ * Copyright (C) 2012-2016 Sebastien Jodogne, Medical Physics
+ * Department, University Hospital of Liege, Belgium
+ * Copyright (C) 2017-2020 Osimis S.A., Belgium
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+ * License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders of this
+ * program give permission to link the code of its release with the
+ * OpenSSL project's "OpenSSL" library (or with modified versions of it
+ * that use the same license as the "OpenSSL" library), and distribute
+ * the linked executables. You must obey the GNU General Public License
+ * in all respects for all of the code used other than "OpenSSL". If you
+ * modify file(s) with this exception, you may extend this exception to
+ * your version of the file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If
+ * you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your
+ * version. If you delete this exception statement from all source files
+ * in the program, then also delete it here.
+ * 
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ **/
+#include "../PrecompiledHeadersServer.h"
+#include "OrthancRestApi.h"
+#include "../../Core/Compression/GzipCompressor.h"
+#include "../../Core/DicomFormat/DicomImageInformation.h"
+#include "../../Core/DicomParsing/DicomWebJsonVisitor.h"
+#include "../../Core/DicomParsing/FromDcmtkBridge.h"
+#include "../../Core/DicomParsing/Internals/DicomImageDecoder.h"
+#include "../../Core/HttpServer/HttpContentNegociation.h"
+#include "../../Core/Images/Image.h"
+#include "../../Core/Images/ImageProcessing.h"
+#include "../../Core/Logging.h"
+#include "../../Core/MultiThreading/Semaphore.h"
+#include "../OrthancConfiguration.h"
+#include "../Search/DatabaseLookup.h"
+#include "../ServerContext.h"
+#include "../ServerToolbox.h"
+#include "../SliceOrdering.h"
+#include "../../Plugins/Engine/OrthancPlugins.h"
+// This "include" is mandatory for Release builds using Linux Standard Base
+#include <boost/math/special_functions/round.hpp>
+ * This semaphore is used to limit the number of concurrent HTTP
+ * requests on CPU-intensive routes of the REST API, in order to
+ * prevent exhaustion of resources (new in Orthanc 1.7.0).
+ **/
+static Orthanc::Semaphore throttlingSemaphore_(4);  // TODO => PARAMETER?
+namespace Orthanc
+  static void AnswerDicomAsJson(RestApiCall& call,
+                                const Json::Value& dicom,
+                                DicomToJsonFormat mode)
+  {
+    if (mode != DicomToJsonFormat_Full)
+    {
+      Json::Value simplified;
+      ServerToolbox::SimplifyTags(simplified, dicom, mode);
+      call.GetOutput().AnswerJson(simplified);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      call.GetOutput().AnswerJson(dicom);
+    }
+  }
+  static DicomToJsonFormat GetDicomFormat(const RestApiGetCall& call)
+  {
+    if (call.HasArgument("simplify"))
+    {
+      return DicomToJsonFormat_Human;
+    }
+    else if (call.HasArgument("short"))
+    {
+      return DicomToJsonFormat_Short;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      return DicomToJsonFormat_Full;
+    }
+  }
+  static void AnswerDicomAsJson(RestApiGetCall& call,
+                                const Json::Value& dicom)
+  {
+    AnswerDicomAsJson(call, dicom, GetDicomFormat(call));
+  }
+  static void ParseSetOfTags(std::set<DicomTag>& target,
+                             const RestApiGetCall& call,
+                             const std::string& argument)
+  {
+    target.clear();
+    if (call.HasArgument(argument))
+    {
+      std::vector<std::string> tags;
+      Toolbox::TokenizeString(tags, call.GetArgument(argument, ""), ',');
+      for (size_t i = 0; i < tags.size(); i++)
+      {
+        target.insert(FromDcmtkBridge::ParseTag(tags[i]));
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  // List all the patients, studies, series or instances ----------------------
+  static void AnswerListOfResources(RestApiOutput& output,
+                                    ServerIndex& index,
+                                    const std::list<std::string>& resources,
+                                    ResourceType level,
+                                    bool expand)
+  {
+    Json::Value answer = Json::arrayValue;
+    for (std::list<std::string>::const_iterator
+           resource = resources.begin(); resource != resources.end(); ++resource)
+    {
+      if (expand)
+      {
+        Json::Value item;
+        if (index.LookupResource(item, *resource, level))
+        {
+          answer.append(item);
+        }
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        answer.append(*resource);
+      }
+    }
+    output.AnswerJson(answer);
+  }
+  template <enum ResourceType resourceType>
+  static void ListResources(RestApiGetCall& call)
+  {
+    ServerIndex& index = OrthancRestApi::GetIndex(call);
+    std::list<std::string> result;
+    if (call.HasArgument("limit") ||
+        call.HasArgument("since"))
+    {
+      if (!call.HasArgument("limit"))
+      {
+        throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_BadRequest,
+                               "Missing \"limit\" argument for GET request against: " +
+                               call.FlattenUri());
+      }
+      if (!call.HasArgument("since"))
+      {
+        throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_BadRequest,
+                               "Missing \"since\" argument for GET request against: " +
+                               call.FlattenUri());
+      }
+      size_t since = boost::lexical_cast<size_t>(call.GetArgument("since", ""));
+      size_t limit = boost::lexical_cast<size_t>(call.GetArgument("limit", ""));
+      index.GetAllUuids(result, resourceType, since, limit);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      index.GetAllUuids(result, resourceType);
+    }
+    AnswerListOfResources(call.GetOutput(), index, result, resourceType, call.HasArgument("expand"));
+  }
+  template <enum ResourceType resourceType>
+  static void GetSingleResource(RestApiGetCall& call)
+  {
+    Json::Value result;
+    if (OrthancRestApi::GetIndex(call).LookupResource(result, call.GetUriComponent("id", ""), resourceType))
+    {
+      call.GetOutput().AnswerJson(result);
+    }
+  }
+  template <enum ResourceType resourceType>
+  static void DeleteSingleResource(RestApiDeleteCall& call)
+  {
+    Json::Value result;
+    if (OrthancRestApi::GetContext(call).DeleteResource(result, call.GetUriComponent("id", ""), resourceType))
+    {
+      call.GetOutput().AnswerJson(result);
+    }
+  }
+  // Get information about a single patient -----------------------------------
+  static void IsProtectedPatient(RestApiGetCall& call)
+  {
+    std::string publicId = call.GetUriComponent("id", "");
+    bool isProtected = OrthancRestApi::GetIndex(call).IsProtectedPatient(publicId);
+    call.GetOutput().AnswerBuffer(isProtected ? "1" : "0", MimeType_PlainText);
+  }
+  static void SetPatientProtection(RestApiPutCall& call)
+  {
+    ServerContext& context = OrthancRestApi::GetContext(call);
+    std::string publicId = call.GetUriComponent("id", "");
+    std::string body;
+    call.BodyToString(body);
+    body = Toolbox::StripSpaces(body);
+    if (body == "0")
+    {
+      context.GetIndex().SetProtectedPatient(publicId, false);
+      call.GetOutput().AnswerBuffer("", MimeType_PlainText);
+    }
+    else if (body == "1")
+    {
+      context.GetIndex().SetProtectedPatient(publicId, true);
+      call.GetOutput().AnswerBuffer("", MimeType_PlainText);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      // Bad request
+    }
+  }
+  // Get information about a single instance ----------------------------------
+  static void GetInstanceFile(RestApiGetCall& call)
+  {
+    ServerContext& context = OrthancRestApi::GetContext(call);
+    std::string publicId = call.GetUriComponent("id", "");
+    IHttpHandler::Arguments::const_iterator accept = call.GetHttpHeaders().find("accept");
+    if (accept != call.GetHttpHeaders().end())
+    {
+      // New in Orthanc 1.5.4
+      try
+      {
+        MimeType mime = StringToMimeType(accept->second.c_str());
+        if (mime == MimeType_DicomWebJson ||
+            mime == MimeType_DicomWebXml)
+        {
+          DicomWebJsonVisitor visitor;
+          {
+            ServerContext::DicomCacheLocker locker(OrthancRestApi::GetContext(call), publicId);
+            locker.GetDicom().Apply(visitor);
+          }
+          if (mime == MimeType_DicomWebJson)
+          {
+            std::string s = visitor.GetResult().toStyledString();
+            call.GetOutput().AnswerBuffer(s, MimeType_DicomWebJson);
+          }
+          else
+          {
+            std::string xml;
+            visitor.FormatXml(xml);
+            call.GetOutput().AnswerBuffer(xml, MimeType_DicomWebXml);
+          }
+          return;
+        }
+      }
+      catch (OrthancException&)
+      {
+      }
+    }
+    context.AnswerAttachment(call.GetOutput(), publicId, FileContentType_Dicom);
+  }
+  static void ExportInstanceFile(RestApiPostCall& call)
+  {
+    ServerContext& context = OrthancRestApi::GetContext(call);
+    std::string publicId = call.GetUriComponent("id", "");
+    std::string dicom;
+    context.ReadDicom(dicom, publicId);
+    std::string target;
+    call.BodyToString(target);
+    SystemToolbox::WriteFile(dicom, target);
+    call.GetOutput().AnswerBuffer("{}", MimeType_Json);
+  }
+  template <DicomToJsonFormat format>
+  static void GetInstanceTags(RestApiGetCall& call)
+  {
+    ServerContext& context = OrthancRestApi::GetContext(call);
+    std::string publicId = call.GetUriComponent("id", "");
+    std::set<DicomTag> ignoreTagLength;
+    ParseSetOfTags(ignoreTagLength, call, "ignore-length");
+    if (format != DicomToJsonFormat_Full ||
+        !ignoreTagLength.empty())
+    {
+      Json::Value full;
+      context.ReadDicomAsJson(full, publicId, ignoreTagLength);
+      AnswerDicomAsJson(call, full, format);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      // This path allows one to avoid the JSON decoding if no
+      // simplification is asked, and if no "ignore-length" argument
+      // is present
+      std::string full;
+      context.ReadDicomAsJson(full, publicId);
+      call.GetOutput().AnswerBuffer(full, MimeType_Json);
+    }
+  }
+  static void GetInstanceTagsBis(RestApiGetCall& call)
+  {
+    switch (GetDicomFormat(call))
+    {
+      case DicomToJsonFormat_Human:
+        GetInstanceTags<DicomToJsonFormat_Human>(call);
+        break;
+      case DicomToJsonFormat_Short:
+        GetInstanceTags<DicomToJsonFormat_Short>(call);
+        break;
+      case DicomToJsonFormat_Full:
+        GetInstanceTags<DicomToJsonFormat_Full>(call);
+        break;
+      default:
+        throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_InternalError);
+    }
+  }
+  static void ListFrames(RestApiGetCall& call)
+  {
+    std::string publicId = call.GetUriComponent("id", "");
+    unsigned int numberOfFrames;
+    {
+      ServerContext::DicomCacheLocker locker(OrthancRestApi::GetContext(call), publicId);
+      numberOfFrames = locker.GetDicom().GetFramesCount();
+    }
+    Json::Value result = Json::arrayValue;
+    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numberOfFrames; i++)
+    {
+      result.append(i);
+    }
+    call.GetOutput().AnswerJson(result);
+  }
+  namespace
+  {
+    class ImageToEncode
+    {
+    private:
+      std::unique_ptr<ImageAccessor>&  image_;
+      ImageExtractionMode            mode_;
+      bool                           invert_;
+      MimeType                       format_;
+      std::string                    answer_;
+    public:
+      ImageToEncode(std::unique_ptr<ImageAccessor>& image,
+                    ImageExtractionMode mode,
+                    bool invert) :
+        image_(image),
+        mode_(mode),
+        invert_(invert)
+      {
+      }
+      void Answer(RestApiOutput& output)
+      {
+        output.AnswerBuffer(answer_, format_);
+      }
+      void EncodeUsingPng()
+      {
+        format_ = MimeType_Png;
+        DicomImageDecoder::ExtractPngImage(answer_, image_, mode_, invert_);
+      }
+      void EncodeUsingPam()
+      {
+        format_ = MimeType_Pam;
+        DicomImageDecoder::ExtractPamImage(answer_, image_, mode_, invert_);
+      }
+      void EncodeUsingJpeg(uint8_t quality)
+      {
+        format_ = MimeType_Jpeg;
+        DicomImageDecoder::ExtractJpegImage(answer_, image_, mode_, invert_, quality);
+      }
+    };
+    class EncodePng : public HttpContentNegociation::IHandler
+    {
+    private:
+      ImageToEncode&  image_;
+    public:
+      EncodePng(ImageToEncode& image) : image_(image)
+      {
+      }
+      virtual void Handle(const std::string& type,
+                          const std::string& subtype)
+      {
+        assert(type == "image");
+        assert(subtype == "png");
+        image_.EncodeUsingPng();
+      }
+    };
+    class EncodePam : public HttpContentNegociation::IHandler
+    {
+    private:
+      ImageToEncode&  image_;
+    public:
+      EncodePam(ImageToEncode& image) : image_(image)
+      {
+      }
+      virtual void Handle(const std::string& type,
+                          const std::string& subtype)
+      {
+        assert(type == "image");
+        assert(subtype == "x-portable-arbitrarymap");
+        image_.EncodeUsingPam();
+      }
+    };
+    class EncodeJpeg : public HttpContentNegociation::IHandler
+    {
+    private:
+      ImageToEncode&  image_;
+      unsigned int    quality_;
+    public:
+      EncodeJpeg(ImageToEncode& image,
+                 const RestApiGetCall& call) :
+        image_(image)
+      {
+        std::string v = call.GetArgument("quality", "90" /* default JPEG quality */);
+        bool ok = false;
+        try
+        {
+          quality_ = boost::lexical_cast<unsigned int>(v);
+          ok = (quality_ >= 1 && quality_ <= 100);
+        }
+        catch (boost::bad_lexical_cast&)
+        {
+        }
+        if (!ok)
+        {
+          throw OrthancException(
+            ErrorCode_BadRequest,
+            "Bad quality for a JPEG encoding (must be a number between 0 and 100): " + v);
+        }
+      }
+      virtual void Handle(const std::string& type,
+                          const std::string& subtype)
+      {
+        assert(type == "image");
+        assert(subtype == "jpeg");
+        image_.EncodeUsingJpeg(quality_);
+      }
+    };
+  }
+  namespace
+  {
+    class IDecodedFrameHandler : public boost::noncopyable
+    {
+    public:
+      virtual ~IDecodedFrameHandler()
+      {
+      }
+      virtual void Handle(RestApiGetCall& call,
+                          std::unique_ptr<ImageAccessor>& decoded,
+                          const DicomMap& dicom) = 0;
+      virtual bool RequiresDicomTags() const = 0;
+      static void Apply(RestApiGetCall& call,
+                        IDecodedFrameHandler& handler)
+      {
+        ServerContext& context = OrthancRestApi::GetContext(call);
+        std::string frameId = call.GetUriComponent("frame", "0");
+        unsigned int frame;
+        try
+        {
+          frame = boost::lexical_cast<unsigned int>(frameId);
+        }
+        catch (boost::bad_lexical_cast&)
+        {
+          return;
+        }
+        DicomMap dicom;
+        std::unique_ptr<ImageAccessor> decoded;
+        try
+        {
+          std::string publicId = call.GetUriComponent("id", "");
+          decoded.reset(context.DecodeDicomFrame(publicId, frame));
+          if (decoded.get() == NULL)
+          {
+            throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_NotImplemented,
+                                   "Cannot decode DICOM instance with ID: " + publicId);
+          }
+          if (handler.RequiresDicomTags())
+          {
+            /**
+             * Retrieve a summary of the DICOM tags, which is
+             * necessary to deal with MONOCHROME1 photometric
+             * interpretation, and with windowing parameters.
+             **/ 
+            ServerContext::DicomCacheLocker locker(context, publicId);
+            locker.GetDicom().ExtractDicomSummary(dicom);
+          }
+        }
+        catch (OrthancException& e)
+        {
+          if (e.GetErrorCode() == ErrorCode_ParameterOutOfRange ||
+              e.GetErrorCode() == ErrorCode_UnknownResource)
+          {
+            // The frame number is out of the range for this DICOM
+            // instance, the resource is not existent
+          }
+          else
+          {
+            std::string root = "";
+            for (size_t i = 1; i < call.GetFullUri().size(); i++)
+            {
+              root += "../";
+            }
+            call.GetOutput().Redirect(root + "app/images/unsupported.png");
+          }
+          return;
+        }
+        handler.Handle(call, decoded, dicom);
+      }
+      static void DefaultHandler(RestApiGetCall& call,
+                                 std::unique_ptr<ImageAccessor>& decoded,
+                                 ImageExtractionMode mode,
+                                 bool invert)
+      {
+        ImageToEncode image(decoded, mode, invert);
+        HttpContentNegociation negociation;
+        EncodePng png(image);
+        negociation.Register(MIME_PNG, png);
+        EncodeJpeg jpeg(image, call);
+        negociation.Register(MIME_JPEG, jpeg);
+        EncodePam pam(image);
+        negociation.Register(MIME_PAM, pam);
+        if (negociation.Apply(call.GetHttpHeaders()))
+        {
+          image.Answer(call.GetOutput());
+        }
+      }
+    };
+    class GetImageHandler : public IDecodedFrameHandler
+    {
+    private:
+      ImageExtractionMode mode_;
+    public:
+      GetImageHandler(ImageExtractionMode mode) :
+        mode_(mode)
+      {
+      }
+      virtual void Handle(RestApiGetCall& call,
+                          std::unique_ptr<ImageAccessor>& decoded,
+                          const DicomMap& dicom) ORTHANC_OVERRIDE
+      {
+        bool invert = false;
+        if (mode_ == ImageExtractionMode_Preview)
+        {
+          DicomImageInformation info(dicom);
+          invert = (info.GetPhotometricInterpretation() == PhotometricInterpretation_Monochrome1);
+        }
+        DefaultHandler(call, decoded, mode_, invert);
+      }
+      virtual bool RequiresDicomTags() const ORTHANC_OVERRIDE
+      {
+        return mode_ == ImageExtractionMode_Preview;
+      }
+    };
+    class RenderedFrameHandler : public IDecodedFrameHandler
+    {
+    private:
+      static void GetDicomParameters(bool& invert,
+                                     float& rescaleSlope,
+                                     float& rescaleIntercept,
+                                     float& windowWidth,
+                                     float& windowCenter,
+                                     const DicomMap& dicom)
+      {
+        DicomImageInformation info(dicom);
+        invert = (info.GetPhotometricInterpretation() == PhotometricInterpretation_Monochrome1);
+        rescaleSlope = 1.0f;
+        rescaleIntercept = 0.0f;
+        if (dicom.HasTag(Orthanc::DICOM_TAG_RESCALE_SLOPE) &&
+            dicom.HasTag(Orthanc::DICOM_TAG_RESCALE_INTERCEPT))
+        {
+          dicom.ParseFloat(rescaleSlope, Orthanc::DICOM_TAG_RESCALE_SLOPE);
+          dicom.ParseFloat(rescaleIntercept, Orthanc::DICOM_TAG_RESCALE_INTERCEPT);
+        }
+        windowWidth = static_cast<float>(1 << info.GetBitsStored()) * rescaleSlope;
+        windowCenter = windowWidth / 2.0f + rescaleIntercept;
+        if (dicom.HasTag(Orthanc::DICOM_TAG_WINDOW_CENTER) &&
+            dicom.HasTag(Orthanc::DICOM_TAG_WINDOW_WIDTH))
+        {
+          dicom.ParseFirstFloat(windowCenter, Orthanc::DICOM_TAG_WINDOW_CENTER);
+          dicom.ParseFirstFloat(windowWidth, Orthanc::DICOM_TAG_WINDOW_WIDTH);
+        }
+      }
+      static void GetUserArguments(float& windowWidth /* inout */,
+                                   float& windowCenter /* inout */,
+                                   unsigned int& argWidth,
+                                   unsigned int& argHeight,
+                                   bool& smooth,
+                                   RestApiGetCall& call)
+      {
+        static const char* ARG_WINDOW_CENTER = "window-center";
+        static const char* ARG_WINDOW_WIDTH = "window-width";
+        static const char* ARG_WIDTH = "width";
+        static const char* ARG_HEIGHT = "height";
+        static const char* ARG_SMOOTH = "smooth";
+        if (call.HasArgument(ARG_WINDOW_WIDTH))
+        {
+          try
+          {
+            windowWidth = boost::lexical_cast<float>(call.GetArgument(ARG_WINDOW_WIDTH, ""));
+          }
+          catch (boost::bad_lexical_cast&)
+          {
+            throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_ParameterOutOfRange,
+                                   "Bad value for argument: " + std::string(ARG_WINDOW_WIDTH));
+          }
+        }
+        if (call.HasArgument(ARG_WINDOW_CENTER))
+        {
+          try
+          {
+            windowCenter = boost::lexical_cast<float>(call.GetArgument(ARG_WINDOW_CENTER, ""));
+          }
+          catch (boost::bad_lexical_cast&)
+          {
+            throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_ParameterOutOfRange,
+                                   "Bad value for argument: " + std::string(ARG_WINDOW_CENTER));
+          }
+        }
+        argWidth = 0;
+        argHeight = 0;
+        if (call.HasArgument(ARG_WIDTH))
+        {
+          try
+          {
+            int tmp = boost::lexical_cast<int>(call.GetArgument(ARG_WIDTH, ""));
+            if (tmp < 0)
+            {
+              throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_ParameterOutOfRange,
+                                     "Argument cannot be negative: " + std::string(ARG_WIDTH));
+            }
+            else
+            {
+              argWidth = static_cast<unsigned int>(tmp);
+            }
+          }
+          catch (boost::bad_lexical_cast&)
+          {
+            throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_ParameterOutOfRange,
+                                   "Bad value for argument: " + std::string(ARG_WIDTH));
+          }
+        }
+        if (call.HasArgument(ARG_HEIGHT))
+        {
+          try
+          {
+            int tmp = boost::lexical_cast<int>(call.GetArgument(ARG_HEIGHT, ""));
+            if (tmp < 0)
+            {
+              throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_ParameterOutOfRange,
+                                     "Argument cannot be negative: " + std::string(ARG_HEIGHT));
+            }
+            else
+            {
+              argHeight = static_cast<unsigned int>(tmp);
+            }
+          }
+          catch (boost::bad_lexical_cast&)
+          {
+            throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_ParameterOutOfRange,
+                                   "Bad value for argument: " + std::string(ARG_HEIGHT));
+          }
+        }
+        smooth = false;
+        if (call.HasArgument(ARG_SMOOTH))
+        {
+          std::string value = call.GetArgument(ARG_SMOOTH, "");
+          if (value == "0" ||
+              value == "false")
+          {
+            smooth = false;
+          }
+          else if (value == "1" ||
+                   value == "true")
+          {
+            smooth = true;
+          }
+          else
+          {
+            throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_ParameterOutOfRange,
+                                   "Argument must be Boolean: " + std::string(ARG_SMOOTH));
+          }
+        }        
+      }
+    public:
+      virtual void Handle(RestApiGetCall& call,
+                          std::unique_ptr<ImageAccessor>& decoded,
+                          const DicomMap& dicom) ORTHANC_OVERRIDE
+      {
+        bool invert;
+        float rescaleSlope, rescaleIntercept, windowWidth, windowCenter;
+        GetDicomParameters(invert, rescaleSlope, rescaleIntercept, windowWidth, windowCenter, dicom);
+        unsigned int argWidth, argHeight;
+        bool smooth;
+        GetUserArguments(windowWidth, windowCenter, argWidth, argHeight, smooth, call);
+        unsigned int targetWidth = decoded->GetWidth();
+        unsigned int targetHeight = decoded->GetHeight();
+        if (decoded->GetWidth() != 0 &&
+            decoded->GetHeight() != 0)
+        {
+          float ratio = 1;
+          if (argWidth != 0 &&
+              argHeight != 0)
+          {
+            float ratioX = static_cast<float>(argWidth) / static_cast<float>(decoded->GetWidth());
+            float ratioY = static_cast<float>(argHeight) / static_cast<float>(decoded->GetHeight());
+            ratio = std::min(ratioX, ratioY);
+          }
+          else if (argWidth != 0)
+          {
+            ratio = static_cast<float>(argWidth) / static_cast<float>(decoded->GetWidth());
+          }
+          else if (argHeight != 0)
+          {
+            ratio = static_cast<float>(argHeight) / static_cast<float>(decoded->GetHeight());
+          }
+          targetWidth = boost::math::iround(ratio * static_cast<float>(decoded->GetWidth()));
+          targetHeight = boost::math::iround(ratio * static_cast<float>(decoded->GetHeight()));
+        }
+        if (decoded->GetFormat() == PixelFormat_RGB24)
+        {
+          if (targetWidth == decoded->GetWidth() &&
+              targetHeight == decoded->GetHeight())
+          {
+            DefaultHandler(call, decoded, ImageExtractionMode_Preview, false);
+          }
+          else
+          {
+            std::unique_ptr<ImageAccessor> resized(
+              new Image(decoded->GetFormat(), targetWidth, targetHeight, false));
+            if (smooth &&
+                (targetWidth < decoded->GetWidth() ||
+                 targetHeight < decoded->GetHeight()))
+            {
+              ImageProcessing::SmoothGaussian5x5(*decoded);
+            }
+            ImageProcessing::Resize(*resized, *decoded);
+            DefaultHandler(call, resized, ImageExtractionMode_Preview, false);
+          }
+        }
+        else
+        {
+          // Grayscale image: (1) convert to Float32, (2) apply
+          // windowing to get a Grayscale8, (3) possibly resize
+          Image converted(PixelFormat_Float32, decoded->GetWidth(), decoded->GetHeight(), false);
+          ImageProcessing::Convert(converted, *decoded);
+          // Avoid divisions by zero
+          if (windowWidth <= 1.0f)
+          {
+            windowWidth = 1;
+          }
+          if (std::abs(rescaleSlope) <= 0.1f)
+          {
+            rescaleSlope = 0.1f;
+          }
+          const float scaling = 255.0f * rescaleSlope / windowWidth;
+          const float offset = (rescaleIntercept - windowCenter + windowWidth / 2.0f) / rescaleSlope;
+          std::unique_ptr<ImageAccessor> rescaled(new Image(PixelFormat_Grayscale8, decoded->GetWidth(), decoded->GetHeight(), false));
+          ImageProcessing::ShiftScale(*rescaled, converted, offset, scaling, false);
+          if (targetWidth == decoded->GetWidth() &&
+              targetHeight == decoded->GetHeight())
+          {
+            DefaultHandler(call, rescaled, ImageExtractionMode_UInt8, invert);
+          }
+          else
+          {
+            std::unique_ptr<ImageAccessor> resized(
+              new Image(PixelFormat_Grayscale8, targetWidth, targetHeight, false));
+            if (smooth &&
+                (targetWidth < decoded->GetWidth() ||
+                 targetHeight < decoded->GetHeight()))
+            {
+              ImageProcessing::SmoothGaussian5x5(*rescaled);
+            }
+            ImageProcessing::Resize(*resized, *rescaled);
+            DefaultHandler(call, resized, ImageExtractionMode_UInt8, invert);
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      virtual bool RequiresDicomTags() const ORTHANC_OVERRIDE
+      {
+        return true;
+      }
+    };
+  }
+  template <enum ImageExtractionMode mode>
+  static void GetImage(RestApiGetCall& call)
+  {
+    Semaphore::Locker locker(throttlingSemaphore_);
+    GetImageHandler handler(mode);
+    IDecodedFrameHandler::Apply(call, handler);
+  }
+  static void GetRenderedFrame(RestApiGetCall& call)
+  {
+    Semaphore::Locker locker(throttlingSemaphore_);
+    RenderedFrameHandler handler;
+    IDecodedFrameHandler::Apply(call, handler);
+  }
+  static void GetMatlabImage(RestApiGetCall& call)
+  {
+    Semaphore::Locker locker(throttlingSemaphore_);
+    ServerContext& context = OrthancRestApi::GetContext(call);
+    std::string frameId = call.GetUriComponent("frame", "0");
+    unsigned int frame;
+    try
+    {
+      frame = boost::lexical_cast<unsigned int>(frameId);
+    }
+    catch (boost::bad_lexical_cast&)
+    {
+      return;
+    }
+    std::string publicId = call.GetUriComponent("id", "");
+    std::unique_ptr<ImageAccessor> decoded(context.DecodeDicomFrame(publicId, frame));
+    if (decoded.get() == NULL)
+    {
+      throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_NotImplemented,
+                             "Cannot decode DICOM instance with ID: " + publicId);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      std::string result;
+      decoded->ToMatlabString(result);
+      call.GetOutput().AnswerBuffer(result, MimeType_PlainText);
+    }
+  }
+  template <bool GzipCompression>
+  static void GetRawFrame(RestApiGetCall& call)
+  {
+    std::string frameId = call.GetUriComponent("frame", "0");
+    unsigned int frame;
+    try
+    {
+      frame = boost::lexical_cast<unsigned int>(frameId);
+    }
+    catch (boost::bad_lexical_cast&)
+    {
+      return;
+    }
+    std::string publicId = call.GetUriComponent("id", "");
+    std::string raw;
+    MimeType mime;
+    {
+      ServerContext::DicomCacheLocker locker(OrthancRestApi::GetContext(call), publicId);
+      locker.GetDicom().GetRawFrame(raw, mime, frame);
+    }
+    if (GzipCompression)
+    {
+      GzipCompressor gzip;
+      std::string compressed;
+      gzip.Compress(compressed, raw.empty() ? NULL : raw.c_str(), raw.size());
+      call.GetOutput().AnswerBuffer(compressed, MimeType_Gzip);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      call.GetOutput().AnswerBuffer(raw, mime);
+    }
+  }
+  static void GetResourceStatistics(RestApiGetCall& call)
+  {
+    static const uint64_t MEGA_BYTES = 1024 * 1024;
+    std::string publicId = call.GetUriComponent("id", "");
+    ResourceType type;
+    uint64_t diskSize, uncompressedSize, dicomDiskSize, dicomUncompressedSize;
+    unsigned int countStudies, countSeries, countInstances;
+    OrthancRestApi::GetIndex(call).GetResourceStatistics(
+      type, diskSize, uncompressedSize, countStudies, countSeries, 
+      countInstances, dicomDiskSize, dicomUncompressedSize, publicId);
+    Json::Value result = Json::objectValue;
+    result["DiskSize"] = boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(diskSize);
+    result["DiskSizeMB"] = static_cast<unsigned int>(diskSize / MEGA_BYTES);
+    result["UncompressedSize"] = boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(uncompressedSize);
+    result["UncompressedSizeMB"] = static_cast<unsigned int>(uncompressedSize / MEGA_BYTES);
+    result["DicomDiskSize"] = boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(dicomDiskSize);
+    result["DicomDiskSizeMB"] = static_cast<unsigned int>(dicomDiskSize / MEGA_BYTES);
+    result["DicomUncompressedSize"] = boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(dicomUncompressedSize);
+    result["DicomUncompressedSizeMB"] = static_cast<unsigned int>(dicomUncompressedSize / MEGA_BYTES);
+    switch (type)
+    {
+      // Do NOT add "break" below this point!
+      case ResourceType_Patient:
+        result["CountStudies"] = countStudies;
+      case ResourceType_Study:
+        result["CountSeries"] = countSeries;
+      case ResourceType_Series:
+        result["CountInstances"] = countInstances;
+      case ResourceType_Instance:
+      default:
+        break;
+    }
+    call.GetOutput().AnswerJson(result);
+  }
+  // Handling of metadata -----------------------------------------------------
+  static void CheckValidResourceType(RestApiCall& call)
+  {
+    std::string resourceType = call.GetUriComponent("resourceType", "");
+    StringToResourceType(resourceType.c_str());
+  }
+  static void ListMetadata(RestApiGetCall& call)
+  {
+    CheckValidResourceType(call);
+    std::string publicId = call.GetUriComponent("id", "");
+    std::map<MetadataType, std::string> metadata;
+    OrthancRestApi::GetIndex(call).GetAllMetadata(metadata, publicId);
+    Json::Value result;
+    if (call.HasArgument("expand"))
+    {
+      result = Json::objectValue;
+      for (std::map<MetadataType, std::string>::const_iterator 
+             it = metadata.begin(); it != metadata.end(); ++it)
+      {
+        std::string key = EnumerationToString(it->first);
+        result[key] = it->second;
+      }      
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      result = Json::arrayValue;
+      for (std::map<MetadataType, std::string>::const_iterator 
+             it = metadata.begin(); it != metadata.end(); ++it)
+      {       
+        result.append(EnumerationToString(it->first));
+      }
+    }
+    call.GetOutput().AnswerJson(result);
+  }
+  static void GetMetadata(RestApiGetCall& call)
+  {
+    CheckValidResourceType(call);
+    std::string publicId = call.GetUriComponent("id", "");
+    std::string name = call.GetUriComponent("name", "");
+    MetadataType metadata = StringToMetadata(name);
+    std::string value;
+    if (OrthancRestApi::GetIndex(call).LookupMetadata(value, publicId, metadata))
+    {
+      call.GetOutput().AnswerBuffer(value, MimeType_PlainText);
+    }
+  }
+  static void DeleteMetadata(RestApiDeleteCall& call)
+  {
+    CheckValidResourceType(call);
+    std::string publicId = call.GetUriComponent("id", "");
+    std::string name = call.GetUriComponent("name", "");
+    MetadataType metadata = StringToMetadata(name);
+    if (IsUserMetadata(metadata))  // It is forbidden to modify internal metadata
+    {      
+      OrthancRestApi::GetIndex(call).DeleteMetadata(publicId, metadata);
+      call.GetOutput().AnswerBuffer("", MimeType_PlainText);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      call.GetOutput().SignalError(HttpStatus_403_Forbidden);
+    }
+  }
+  static void SetMetadata(RestApiPutCall& call)
+  {
+    CheckValidResourceType(call);
+    std::string publicId = call.GetUriComponent("id", "");
+    std::string name = call.GetUriComponent("name", "");
+    MetadataType metadata = StringToMetadata(name);
+    std::string value;
+    call.BodyToString(value);
+    if (IsUserMetadata(metadata))  // It is forbidden to modify internal metadata
+    {
+      // It is forbidden to modify internal metadata
+      OrthancRestApi::GetIndex(call).SetMetadata(publicId, metadata, value);
+      call.GetOutput().AnswerBuffer("", MimeType_PlainText);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      call.GetOutput().SignalError(HttpStatus_403_Forbidden);
+    }
+  }
+  // Handling of attached files -----------------------------------------------
+  static void ListAttachments(RestApiGetCall& call)
+  {
+    std::string resourceType = call.GetUriComponent("resourceType", "");
+    std::string publicId = call.GetUriComponent("id", "");
+    std::list<FileContentType> attachments;
+    OrthancRestApi::GetIndex(call).ListAvailableAttachments(attachments, publicId, StringToResourceType(resourceType.c_str()));
+    Json::Value result = Json::arrayValue;
+    for (std::list<FileContentType>::const_iterator 
+           it = attachments.begin(); it != attachments.end(); ++it)
+    {
+      result.append(EnumerationToString(*it));
+    }
+    call.GetOutput().AnswerJson(result);
+  }
+  static bool GetAttachmentInfo(FileInfo& info, RestApiCall& call)
+  {
+    CheckValidResourceType(call);
+    std::string publicId = call.GetUriComponent("id", "");
+    std::string name = call.GetUriComponent("name", "");
+    FileContentType contentType = StringToContentType(name);
+    return OrthancRestApi::GetIndex(call).LookupAttachment(info, publicId, contentType);
+  }
+  static void GetAttachmentOperations(RestApiGetCall& call)
+  {
+    FileInfo info;
+    if (GetAttachmentInfo(info, call))
+    {
+      Json::Value operations = Json::arrayValue;
+      operations.append("compress");
+      operations.append("compressed-data");
+      if (info.GetCompressedMD5() != "")
+      {
+        operations.append("compressed-md5");
+      }
+      operations.append("compressed-size");
+      operations.append("data");
+      operations.append("is-compressed");
+      if (info.GetUncompressedMD5() != "")
+      {
+        operations.append("md5");
+      }
+      operations.append("size");
+      operations.append("uncompress");
+      if (info.GetCompressedMD5() != "" &&
+          info.GetUncompressedMD5() != "")
+      {
+        operations.append("verify-md5");
+      }
+      call.GetOutput().AnswerJson(operations);
+    }
+  }
+  template <int uncompress>
+  static void GetAttachmentData(RestApiGetCall& call)
+  {
+    ServerContext& context = OrthancRestApi::GetContext(call);
+    CheckValidResourceType(call);
+    std::string publicId = call.GetUriComponent("id", "");
+    FileContentType type = StringToContentType(call.GetUriComponent("name", ""));
+    if (uncompress)
+    {
+      context.AnswerAttachment(call.GetOutput(), publicId, type);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      // Return the raw data (possibly compressed), as stored on the filesystem
+      std::string content;
+      context.ReadAttachment(content, publicId, type, false);
+      call.GetOutput().AnswerBuffer(content, MimeType_Binary);
+    }
+  }
+  static void GetAttachmentSize(RestApiGetCall& call)
+  {
+    FileInfo info;
+    if (GetAttachmentInfo(info, call))
+    {
+      call.GetOutput().AnswerBuffer(boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(info.GetUncompressedSize()), MimeType_PlainText);
+    }
+  }
+  static void GetAttachmentCompressedSize(RestApiGetCall& call)
+  {
+    FileInfo info;
+    if (GetAttachmentInfo(info, call))
+    {
+      call.GetOutput().AnswerBuffer(boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(info.GetCompressedSize()), MimeType_PlainText);
+    }
+  }
+  static void GetAttachmentMD5(RestApiGetCall& call)
+  {
+    FileInfo info;
+    if (GetAttachmentInfo(info, call) &&
+        info.GetUncompressedMD5() != "")
+    {
+      call.GetOutput().AnswerBuffer(boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(info.GetUncompressedMD5()), MimeType_PlainText);
+    }
+  }
+  static void GetAttachmentCompressedMD5(RestApiGetCall& call)
+  {
+    FileInfo info;
+    if (GetAttachmentInfo(info, call) &&
+        info.GetCompressedMD5() != "")
+    {
+      call.GetOutput().AnswerBuffer(boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(info.GetCompressedMD5()), MimeType_PlainText);
+    }
+  }
+  static void VerifyAttachment(RestApiPostCall& call)
+  {
+    ServerContext& context = OrthancRestApi::GetContext(call);
+    CheckValidResourceType(call);
+    std::string publicId = call.GetUriComponent("id", "");
+    std::string name = call.GetUriComponent("name", "");
+    FileInfo info;
+    if (!GetAttachmentInfo(info, call) ||
+        info.GetCompressedMD5() == "" ||
+        info.GetUncompressedMD5() == "")
+    {
+      // Inexistent resource, or no MD5 available
+      return;
+    }
+    bool ok = false;
+    // First check whether the compressed data is correctly stored in the disk
+    std::string data;
+    context.ReadAttachment(data, publicId, StringToContentType(name), false);
+    std::string actualMD5;
+    Toolbox::ComputeMD5(actualMD5, data);
+    if (actualMD5 == info.GetCompressedMD5())
+    {
+      // The compressed data is OK. If a compression algorithm was
+      // applied to it, now check the MD5 of the uncompressed data.
+      if (info.GetCompressionType() == CompressionType_None)
+      {
+        ok = true;
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        context.ReadAttachment(data, publicId, StringToContentType(name), true);        
+        Toolbox::ComputeMD5(actualMD5, data);
+        ok = (actualMD5 == info.GetUncompressedMD5());
+      }
+    }
+    if (ok)
+    {
+      LOG(INFO) << "The attachment " << name << " of resource " << publicId << " has the right MD5";
+      call.GetOutput().AnswerBuffer("{}", MimeType_Json);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      LOG(INFO) << "The attachment " << name << " of resource " << publicId << " has bad MD5!";
+    }
+  }
+  static void UploadAttachment(RestApiPutCall& call)
+  {
+    ServerContext& context = OrthancRestApi::GetContext(call);
+    CheckValidResourceType(call);
+    std::string publicId = call.GetUriComponent("id", "");
+    std::string name = call.GetUriComponent("name", "");
+    FileContentType contentType = StringToContentType(name);
+    if (IsUserContentType(contentType) &&  // It is forbidden to modify internal attachments
+        context.AddAttachment(publicId, StringToContentType(name), call.GetBodyData(), call.GetBodySize()))
+    {
+      call.GetOutput().AnswerBuffer("{}", MimeType_Json);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      call.GetOutput().SignalError(HttpStatus_403_Forbidden);
+    }
+  }
+  static void DeleteAttachment(RestApiDeleteCall& call)
+  {
+    CheckValidResourceType(call);
+    std::string publicId = call.GetUriComponent("id", "");
+    std::string name = call.GetUriComponent("name", "");
+    FileContentType contentType = StringToContentType(name);
+    bool allowed;
+    if (IsUserContentType(contentType))
+    {
+      allowed = true;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      OrthancConfiguration::ReaderLock lock;
+      if (lock.GetConfiguration().GetBooleanParameter("StoreDicom", true) &&
+          contentType == FileContentType_DicomAsJson)
+      {
+        allowed = true;
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        // It is forbidden to delete internal attachments, except for
+        // the "DICOM as JSON" summary as of Orthanc 1.2.0 (this summary
+        // would be automatically reconstructed on the next GET call)
+        allowed = false;
+      }
+    }
+    if (allowed) 
+    {
+      OrthancRestApi::GetIndex(call).DeleteAttachment(publicId, contentType);
+      call.GetOutput().AnswerBuffer("{}", MimeType_Json);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      call.GetOutput().SignalError(HttpStatus_403_Forbidden);
+    }
+  }
+  template <enum CompressionType compression>
+  static void ChangeAttachmentCompression(RestApiPostCall& call)
+  {
+    CheckValidResourceType(call);
+    std::string publicId = call.GetUriComponent("id", "");
+    std::string name = call.GetUriComponent("name", "");
+    FileContentType contentType = StringToContentType(name);
+    OrthancRestApi::GetContext(call).ChangeAttachmentCompression(publicId, contentType, compression);
+    call.GetOutput().AnswerBuffer("{}", MimeType_Json);
+  }
+  static void IsAttachmentCompressed(RestApiGetCall& call)
+  {
+    FileInfo info;
+    if (GetAttachmentInfo(info, call))
+    {
+      std::string answer = (info.GetCompressionType() == CompressionType_None) ? "0" : "1";
+      call.GetOutput().AnswerBuffer(answer, MimeType_PlainText);
+    }
+  }
+  // Raw access to the DICOM tags of an instance ------------------------------
+  static void GetRawContent(RestApiGetCall& call)
+  {
+    std::string id = call.GetUriComponent("id", "");
+    ServerContext::DicomCacheLocker locker(OrthancRestApi::GetContext(call), id);
+    locker.GetDicom().SendPathValue(call.GetOutput(), call.GetTrailingUri());
+  }
+  static bool ExtractSharedTags(Json::Value& shared,
+                                ServerContext& context,
+                                const std::string& publicId)
+  {
+    // Retrieve all the instances of this patient/study/series
+    typedef std::list<std::string> Instances;
+    Instances instances;
+    context.GetIndex().GetChildInstances(instances, publicId);  // (*)
+    // Loop over the instances
+    bool isFirst = true;
+    shared = Json::objectValue;
+    for (Instances::const_iterator it = instances.begin();
+         it != instances.end(); ++it)
+    {
+      // Get the tags of the current instance, in the simplified format
+      Json::Value tags;
+      try
+      {
+        context.ReadDicomAsJson(tags, *it);
+      }
+      catch (OrthancException&)
+      {
+        // Race condition: This instance has been removed since
+        // (*). Ignore this instance.
+        continue;
+      }
+      if (tags.type() != Json::objectValue)
+      {
+        return false;   // Error
+      }
+      // Only keep the tags that are mapped to a string
+      Json::Value::Members members = tags.getMemberNames();
+      for (size_t i = 0; i < members.size(); i++)
+      {
+        const Json::Value& tag = tags[members[i]];
+        if (tag.type() != Json::objectValue ||
+            tag["Type"].type() != Json::stringValue ||
+            tag["Type"].asString() != "String")
+        {
+          tags.removeMember(members[i]);
+        }
+      }
+      if (isFirst)
+      {
+        // This is the first instance, keep its tags as such
+        shared = tags;
+        isFirst = false;
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        // Loop over all the members of the shared tags extracted so
+        // far. If the value of one of these tags does not match its
+        // value in the current instance, remove it.
+        members = shared.getMemberNames();
+        for (size_t i = 0; i < members.size(); i++)
+        {
+          if (!tags.isMember(members[i]) ||
+              tags[members[i]]["Value"].asString() != shared[members[i]]["Value"].asString())
+          {
+            shared.removeMember(members[i]);
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    return true;
+  }
+  static void GetSharedTags(RestApiGetCall& call)
+  {
+    ServerContext& context = OrthancRestApi::GetContext(call);
+    std::string publicId = call.GetUriComponent("id", "");
+    Json::Value sharedTags;
+    if (ExtractSharedTags(sharedTags, context, publicId))
+    {
+      // Success: Send the value of the shared tags
+      AnswerDicomAsJson(call, sharedTags);
+    }
+  }
+  static void GetModuleInternal(RestApiGetCall& call,
+                                ResourceType resourceType,
+                                DicomModule module)
+  {
+    if (!((resourceType == ResourceType_Patient && module == DicomModule_Patient) ||
+          (resourceType == ResourceType_Study && module == DicomModule_Patient) ||
+          (resourceType == ResourceType_Study && module == DicomModule_Study) ||
+          (resourceType == ResourceType_Series && module == DicomModule_Series) ||
+          (resourceType == ResourceType_Instance && module == DicomModule_Instance) ||
+          (resourceType == ResourceType_Instance && module == DicomModule_Image)))
+    {
+      throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_NotImplemented);
+    }
+    ServerContext& context = OrthancRestApi::GetContext(call);
+    std::string publicId = call.GetUriComponent("id", "");
+    std::set<DicomTag> ignoreTagLength;
+    ParseSetOfTags(ignoreTagLength, call, "ignore-length");
+    typedef std::set<DicomTag> ModuleTags;
+    ModuleTags moduleTags;
+    DicomTag::AddTagsForModule(moduleTags, module);
+    Json::Value tags;
+    if (resourceType != ResourceType_Instance)
+    {
+      // Retrieve all the instances of this patient/study/series
+      typedef std::list<std::string> Instances;
+      Instances instances;
+      context.GetIndex().GetChildInstances(instances, publicId);
+      if (instances.empty())
+      {
+        return;   // Error: No instance (should never happen)
+      }
+      // Select one child instance
+      publicId = instances.front();
+    }
+    context.ReadDicomAsJson(tags, publicId, ignoreTagLength);
+    // Filter the tags of the instance according to the module
+    Json::Value result = Json::objectValue;
+    for (ModuleTags::const_iterator tag = moduleTags.begin(); tag != moduleTags.end(); ++tag)
+    {
+      std::string s = tag->Format();
+      if (tags.isMember(s))
+      {
+        result[s] = tags[s];
+      }      
+    }
+    AnswerDicomAsJson(call, result);
+  }
+  template <enum ResourceType resourceType, 
+            enum DicomModule module>
+  static void GetModule(RestApiGetCall& call)
+  {
+    GetModuleInternal(call, resourceType, module);
+  }
+  namespace
+  {
+    typedef std::list< std::pair<ResourceType, std::string> >  LookupResults;
+  }
+  static void AccumulateLookupResults(LookupResults& result,
+                                      ServerIndex& index,
+                                      const DicomTag& tag,
+                                      const std::string& value,
+                                      ResourceType level)
+  {
+    std::vector<std::string> tmp;
+    index.LookupIdentifierExact(tmp, level, tag, value);
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < tmp.size(); i++)
+    {
+      result.push_back(std::make_pair(level, tmp[i]));
+    }
+  }
+  static void Lookup(RestApiPostCall& call)
+  {
+    std::string tag;
+    call.BodyToString(tag);
+    LookupResults resources;
+    ServerIndex& index = OrthancRestApi::GetIndex(call);
+    AccumulateLookupResults(resources, index, DICOM_TAG_PATIENT_ID, tag, ResourceType_Patient);
+    AccumulateLookupResults(resources, index, DICOM_TAG_STUDY_INSTANCE_UID, tag, ResourceType_Study);
+    AccumulateLookupResults(resources, index, DICOM_TAG_SERIES_INSTANCE_UID, tag, ResourceType_Series);
+    AccumulateLookupResults(resources, index, DICOM_TAG_SOP_INSTANCE_UID, tag, ResourceType_Instance);
+    Json::Value result = Json::arrayValue;    
+    for (LookupResults::const_iterator 
+           it = resources.begin(); it != resources.end(); ++it)
+    {     
+      ResourceType type = it->first;
+      const std::string& id = it->second;
+      Json::Value item = Json::objectValue;
+      item["Type"] = EnumerationToString(type);
+      item["ID"] = id;
+      item["Path"] = GetBasePath(type, id);
+      result.append(item);
+    }
+    call.GetOutput().AnswerJson(result);
+  }
+  namespace 
+  {
+    class FindVisitor : public ServerContext::ILookupVisitor
+    {
+    private:
+      bool                    isComplete_;
+      std::list<std::string>  resources_;
+    public:
+      FindVisitor() :
+        isComplete_(false)
+      {
+      }
+      virtual bool IsDicomAsJsonNeeded() const
+      {
+        return false;   // (*)
+      }
+      virtual void MarkAsComplete()
+      {
+        isComplete_ = true;  // Unused information as of Orthanc 1.5.0
+      }
+      virtual void Visit(const std::string& publicId,
+                         const std::string& instanceId   /* unused     */,
+                         const DicomMap& mainDicomTags   /* unused     */,
+                         const Json::Value* dicomAsJson  /* unused (*) */) 
+      {
+        resources_.push_back(publicId);
+      }
+      void Answer(RestApiOutput& output,
+                  ServerIndex& index,
+                  ResourceType level,
+                  bool expand) const
+      {
+        AnswerListOfResources(output, index, resources_, level, expand);
+      }
+    };
+  }
+  static void Find(RestApiPostCall& call)
+  {
+    static const char* const KEY_CASE_SENSITIVE = "CaseSensitive";
+    static const char* const KEY_EXPAND = "Expand";
+    static const char* const KEY_LEVEL = "Level";
+    static const char* const KEY_LIMIT = "Limit";
+    static const char* const KEY_QUERY = "Query";
+    static const char* const KEY_SINCE = "Since";
+    ServerContext& context = OrthancRestApi::GetContext(call);
+    Json::Value request;
+    if (!call.ParseJsonRequest(request) ||
+        request.type() != Json::objectValue)
+    {
+      throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_BadRequest, 
+                             "The body must contain a JSON object");
+    }
+    else if (!request.isMember(KEY_LEVEL) ||
+             request[KEY_LEVEL].type() != Json::stringValue)
+    {
+      throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_BadRequest, 
+                             "Field \"" + std::string(KEY_LEVEL) + "\" is missing, or should be a string");
+    }
+    else if (!request.isMember(KEY_QUERY) &&
+             request[KEY_QUERY].type() != Json::objectValue)
+    {
+      throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_BadRequest, 
+                             "Field \"" + std::string(KEY_QUERY) + "\" is missing, or should be a JSON object");
+    }
+    else if (request.isMember(KEY_CASE_SENSITIVE) && 
+             request[KEY_CASE_SENSITIVE].type() != Json::booleanValue)
+    {
+      throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_BadRequest, 
+                             "Field \"" + std::string(KEY_CASE_SENSITIVE) + "\" should be a Boolean");
+    }
+    else if (request.isMember(KEY_LIMIT) && 
+             request[KEY_LIMIT].type() != Json::intValue)
+    {
+      throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_BadRequest, 
+                             "Field \"" + std::string(KEY_LIMIT) + "\" should be an integer");
+    }
+    else if (request.isMember(KEY_SINCE) &&
+             request[KEY_SINCE].type() != Json::intValue)
+    {
+      throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_BadRequest, 
+                             "Field \"" + std::string(KEY_SINCE) + "\" should be an integer");
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      bool expand = false;
+      if (request.isMember(KEY_EXPAND))
+      {
+        expand = request[KEY_EXPAND].asBool();
+      }
+      bool caseSensitive = false;
+      if (request.isMember(KEY_CASE_SENSITIVE))
+      {
+        caseSensitive = request[KEY_CASE_SENSITIVE].asBool();
+      }
+      size_t limit = 0;
+      if (request.isMember(KEY_LIMIT))
+      {
+        int tmp = request[KEY_LIMIT].asInt();
+        if (tmp < 0)
+        {
+          throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_ParameterOutOfRange,
+                                 "Field \"" + std::string(KEY_LIMIT) + "\" should be a positive integer");
+        }
+        limit = static_cast<size_t>(tmp);
+      }
+      size_t since = 0;
+      if (request.isMember(KEY_SINCE))
+      {
+        int tmp = request[KEY_SINCE].asInt();
+        if (tmp < 0)
+        {
+          throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_ParameterOutOfRange,
+                                 "Field \"" + std::string(KEY_SINCE) + "\" should be a positive integer");
+        }
+        since = static_cast<size_t>(tmp);
+      }
+      ResourceType level = StringToResourceType(request[KEY_LEVEL].asCString());
+      DatabaseLookup query;
+      Json::Value::Members members = request[KEY_QUERY].getMemberNames();
+      for (size_t i = 0; i < members.size(); i++)
+      {
+        if (request[KEY_QUERY][members[i]].type() != Json::stringValue)
+        {
+          throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_BadRequest,
+                                 "Tag \"" + members[i] + "\" should be associated with a string");
+        }
+        const std::string value = request[KEY_QUERY][members[i]].asString();
+        if (!value.empty())
+        {
+          // An empty string corresponds to an universal constraint,
+          // so we ignore it. This mimics the behavior of class
+          // "OrthancFindRequestHandler"
+          query.AddRestConstraint(FromDcmtkBridge::ParseTag(members[i]), 
+                                  value, caseSensitive, true);
+        }
+      }
+      FindVisitor visitor;
+      context.Apply(visitor, query, level, since, limit);
+      visitor.Answer(call.GetOutput(), context.GetIndex(), level, expand);
+    }
+  }
+  template <enum ResourceType start, 
+            enum ResourceType end>
+  static void GetChildResources(RestApiGetCall& call)
+  {
+    ServerIndex& index = OrthancRestApi::GetIndex(call);
+    std::list<std::string> a, b, c;
+    a.push_back(call.GetUriComponent("id", ""));
+    ResourceType type = start;
+    while (type != end)
+    {
+      b.clear();
+      for (std::list<std::string>::const_iterator
+             it = a.begin(); it != a.end(); ++it)
+      {
+        index.GetChildren(c, *it);
+        b.splice(b.begin(), c);
+      }
+      type = GetChildResourceType(type);
+      a.clear();
+      a.splice(a.begin(), b);
+    }
+    Json::Value result = Json::arrayValue;
+    for (std::list<std::string>::const_iterator
+           it = a.begin(); it != a.end(); ++it)
+    {
+      Json::Value item;
+      if (OrthancRestApi::GetIndex(call).LookupResource(item, *it, end))
+      {
+        result.append(item);
+      }
+    }
+    call.GetOutput().AnswerJson(result);
+  }
+  static void GetChildInstancesTags(RestApiGetCall& call)
+  {
+    ServerContext& context = OrthancRestApi::GetContext(call);
+    std::string publicId = call.GetUriComponent("id", "");
+    DicomToJsonFormat format = GetDicomFormat(call);
+    std::set<DicomTag> ignoreTagLength;
+    ParseSetOfTags(ignoreTagLength, call, "ignore-length");
+    // Retrieve all the instances of this patient/study/series
+    typedef std::list<std::string> Instances;
+    Instances instances;
+    context.GetIndex().GetChildInstances(instances, publicId);  // (*)
+    Json::Value result = Json::objectValue;
+    for (Instances::const_iterator it = instances.begin();
+         it != instances.end(); ++it)
+    {
+      Json::Value full;
+      context.ReadDicomAsJson(full, *it, ignoreTagLength);
+      if (format != DicomToJsonFormat_Full)
+      {
+        Json::Value simplified;
+        ServerToolbox::SimplifyTags(simplified, full, format);
+        result[*it] = simplified;
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        result[*it] = full;
+      }
+    }
+    call.GetOutput().AnswerJson(result);
+  }
+  template <enum ResourceType start, 
+            enum ResourceType end>
+  static void GetParentResource(RestApiGetCall& call)
+  {
+    assert(start > end);
+    ServerIndex& index = OrthancRestApi::GetIndex(call);
+    std::string current = call.GetUriComponent("id", "");
+    ResourceType currentType = start;
+    while (currentType > end)
+    {
+      std::string parent;
+      if (!index.LookupParent(parent, current))
+      {
+        // Error that could happen if the resource gets deleted by
+        // another concurrent call
+        return;
+      }
+      current = parent;
+      currentType = GetParentResourceType(currentType);
+    }
+    assert(currentType == end);
+    Json::Value result;
+    if (index.LookupResource(result, current, end))
+    {
+      call.GetOutput().AnswerJson(result);
+    }
+  }
+  static void ExtractPdf(RestApiGetCall& call)
+  {
+    const std::string id = call.GetUriComponent("id", "");
+    std::string pdf;
+    ServerContext::DicomCacheLocker locker(OrthancRestApi::GetContext(call), id);
+    if (locker.GetDicom().ExtractPdf(pdf))
+    {
+      call.GetOutput().AnswerBuffer(pdf, MimeType_Pdf);
+      return;
+    }
+  }
+  static void OrderSlices(RestApiGetCall& call)
+  {
+    const std::string id = call.GetUriComponent("id", "");
+    ServerIndex& index = OrthancRestApi::GetIndex(call);
+    SliceOrdering ordering(index, id);
+    Json::Value result;
+    ordering.Format(result);
+    call.GetOutput().AnswerJson(result);
+  }
+  static void GetInstanceHeader(RestApiGetCall& call)
+  {
+    ServerContext& context = OrthancRestApi::GetContext(call);
+    std::string publicId = call.GetUriComponent("id", "");
+    std::string dicomContent;
+    context.ReadDicom(dicomContent, publicId);
+    // TODO Consider using "DicomMap::ParseDicomMetaInformation()" to
+    // speed up things here
+    ParsedDicomFile dicom(dicomContent);
+    Json::Value header;
+    dicom.HeaderToJson(header, DicomToJsonFormat_Full);
+    AnswerDicomAsJson(call, header);
+  }
+  static void InvalidateTags(RestApiPostCall& call)
+  {
+    ServerIndex& index = OrthancRestApi::GetIndex(call);
+    // Loop over the instances, grouping them by parent studies so as
+    // to avoid large memory consumption
+    std::list<std::string> studies;
+    index.GetAllUuids(studies, ResourceType_Study);
+    for (std::list<std::string>::const_iterator 
+           study = studies.begin(); study != studies.end(); ++study)
+    {
+      std::list<std::string> instances;
+      index.GetChildInstances(instances, *study);
+      for (std::list<std::string>::const_iterator 
+             instance = instances.begin(); instance != instances.end(); ++instance)
+      {
+        index.DeleteAttachment(*instance, FileContentType_DicomAsJson);
+      }
+    }
+    call.GetOutput().AnswerBuffer("", MimeType_PlainText);
+  }
+  template <enum ResourceType type>
+  static void ReconstructResource(RestApiPostCall& call)
+  {
+    ServerContext& context = OrthancRestApi::GetContext(call);
+    ServerToolbox::ReconstructResource(context, call.GetUriComponent("id", ""));
+    call.GetOutput().AnswerBuffer("", MimeType_PlainText);
+  }
+  static void ReconstructAllResources(RestApiPostCall& call)
+  {
+    ServerContext& context = OrthancRestApi::GetContext(call);
+    std::list<std::string> studies;
+    context.GetIndex().GetAllUuids(studies, ResourceType_Study);
+    for (std::list<std::string>::const_iterator 
+           study = studies.begin(); study != studies.end(); ++study)
+    {
+      ServerToolbox::ReconstructResource(context, *study);
+    }
+    call.GetOutput().AnswerBuffer("", MimeType_PlainText);
+  }
+  void OrthancRestApi::RegisterResources()
+  {
+    Register("/instances", ListResources<ResourceType_Instance>);
+    Register("/patients", ListResources<ResourceType_Patient>);
+    Register("/series", ListResources<ResourceType_Series>);
+    Register("/studies", ListResources<ResourceType_Study>);
+    Register("/instances/{id}", DeleteSingleResource<ResourceType_Instance>);
+    Register("/instances/{id}", GetSingleResource<ResourceType_Instance>);
+    Register("/patients/{id}", DeleteSingleResource<ResourceType_Patient>);
+    Register("/patients/{id}", GetSingleResource<ResourceType_Patient>);
+    Register("/series/{id}", DeleteSingleResource<ResourceType_Series>);
+    Register("/series/{id}", GetSingleResource<ResourceType_Series>);
+    Register("/studies/{id}", DeleteSingleResource<ResourceType_Study>);
+    Register("/studies/{id}", GetSingleResource<ResourceType_Study>);
+    Register("/instances/{id}/statistics", GetResourceStatistics);
+    Register("/patients/{id}/statistics", GetResourceStatistics);
+    Register("/studies/{id}/statistics", GetResourceStatistics);
+    Register("/series/{id}/statistics", GetResourceStatistics);
+    Register("/patients/{id}/shared-tags", GetSharedTags);
+    Register("/series/{id}/shared-tags", GetSharedTags);
+    Register("/studies/{id}/shared-tags", GetSharedTags);
+    Register("/instances/{id}/module", GetModule<ResourceType_Instance, DicomModule_Instance>);
+    Register("/patients/{id}/module", GetModule<ResourceType_Patient, DicomModule_Patient>);
+    Register("/series/{id}/module", GetModule<ResourceType_Series, DicomModule_Series>);
+    Register("/studies/{id}/module", GetModule<ResourceType_Study, DicomModule_Study>);
+    Register("/studies/{id}/module-patient", GetModule<ResourceType_Study, DicomModule_Patient>);
+    Register("/instances/{id}/file", GetInstanceFile);
+    Register("/instances/{id}/export", ExportInstanceFile);
+    Register("/instances/{id}/tags", GetInstanceTagsBis);
+    Register("/instances/{id}/simplified-tags", GetInstanceTags<DicomToJsonFormat_Human>);
+    Register("/instances/{id}/frames", ListFrames);
+    Register("/instances/{id}/frames/{frame}/preview", GetImage<ImageExtractionMode_Preview>);
+    Register("/instances/{id}/frames/{frame}/rendered", GetRenderedFrame);
+    Register("/instances/{id}/frames/{frame}/image-uint8", GetImage<ImageExtractionMode_UInt8>);
+    Register("/instances/{id}/frames/{frame}/image-uint16", GetImage<ImageExtractionMode_UInt16>);
+    Register("/instances/{id}/frames/{frame}/image-int16", GetImage<ImageExtractionMode_Int16>);
+    Register("/instances/{id}/frames/{frame}/matlab", GetMatlabImage);
+    Register("/instances/{id}/frames/{frame}/raw", GetRawFrame<false>);
+    Register("/instances/{id}/frames/{frame}/raw.gz", GetRawFrame<true>);
+    Register("/instances/{id}/pdf", ExtractPdf);
+    Register("/instances/{id}/preview", GetImage<ImageExtractionMode_Preview>);
+    Register("/instances/{id}/rendered", GetRenderedFrame);
+    Register("/instances/{id}/image-uint8", GetImage<ImageExtractionMode_UInt8>);
+    Register("/instances/{id}/image-uint16", GetImage<ImageExtractionMode_UInt16>);
+    Register("/instances/{id}/image-int16", GetImage<ImageExtractionMode_Int16>);
+    Register("/instances/{id}/matlab", GetMatlabImage);
+    Register("/instances/{id}/header", GetInstanceHeader);
+    Register("/patients/{id}/protected", IsProtectedPatient);
+    Register("/patients/{id}/protected", SetPatientProtection);
+    Register("/{resourceType}/{id}/metadata", ListMetadata);
+    Register("/{resourceType}/{id}/metadata/{name}", DeleteMetadata);
+    Register("/{resourceType}/{id}/metadata/{name}", GetMetadata);
+    Register("/{resourceType}/{id}/metadata/{name}", SetMetadata);
+    Register("/{resourceType}/{id}/attachments", ListAttachments);
+    Register("/{resourceType}/{id}/attachments/{name}", DeleteAttachment);
+    Register("/{resourceType}/{id}/attachments/{name}", GetAttachmentOperations);
+    Register("/{resourceType}/{id}/attachments/{name}", UploadAttachment);
+    Register("/{resourceType}/{id}/attachments/{name}/compress", ChangeAttachmentCompression<CompressionType_ZlibWithSize>);
+    Register("/{resourceType}/{id}/attachments/{name}/compressed-data", GetAttachmentData<0>);
+    Register("/{resourceType}/{id}/attachments/{name}/compressed-md5", GetAttachmentCompressedMD5);
+    Register("/{resourceType}/{id}/attachments/{name}/compressed-size", GetAttachmentCompressedSize);
+    Register("/{resourceType}/{id}/attachments/{name}/data", GetAttachmentData<1>);
+    Register("/{resourceType}/{id}/attachments/{name}/is-compressed", IsAttachmentCompressed);
+    Register("/{resourceType}/{id}/attachments/{name}/md5", GetAttachmentMD5);
+    Register("/{resourceType}/{id}/attachments/{name}/size", GetAttachmentSize);
+    Register("/{resourceType}/{id}/attachments/{name}/uncompress", ChangeAttachmentCompression<CompressionType_None>);
+    Register("/{resourceType}/{id}/attachments/{name}/verify-md5", VerifyAttachment);
+    Register("/tools/invalidate-tags", InvalidateTags);
+    Register("/tools/lookup", Lookup);
+    Register("/tools/find", Find);
+    Register("/patients/{id}/studies", GetChildResources<ResourceType_Patient, ResourceType_Study>);
+    Register("/patients/{id}/series", GetChildResources<ResourceType_Patient, ResourceType_Series>);
+    Register("/patients/{id}/instances", GetChildResources<ResourceType_Patient, ResourceType_Instance>);
+    Register("/studies/{id}/series", GetChildResources<ResourceType_Study, ResourceType_Series>);
+    Register("/studies/{id}/instances", GetChildResources<ResourceType_Study, ResourceType_Instance>);
+    Register("/series/{id}/instances", GetChildResources<ResourceType_Series, ResourceType_Instance>);
+    Register("/studies/{id}/patient", GetParentResource<ResourceType_Study, ResourceType_Patient>);
+    Register("/series/{id}/patient", GetParentResource<ResourceType_Series, ResourceType_Patient>);
+    Register("/series/{id}/study", GetParentResource<ResourceType_Series, ResourceType_Study>);
+    Register("/instances/{id}/patient", GetParentResource<ResourceType_Instance, ResourceType_Patient>);
+    Register("/instances/{id}/study", GetParentResource<ResourceType_Instance, ResourceType_Study>);
+    Register("/instances/{id}/series", GetParentResource<ResourceType_Instance, ResourceType_Series>);
+    Register("/patients/{id}/instances-tags", GetChildInstancesTags);
+    Register("/studies/{id}/instances-tags", GetChildInstancesTags);
+    Register("/series/{id}/instances-tags", GetChildInstancesTags);
+    Register("/instances/{id}/content/*", GetRawContent);
+    Register("/series/{id}/ordered-slices", OrderSlices);
+    Register("/patients/{id}/reconstruct", ReconstructResource<ResourceType_Patient>);
+    Register("/studies/{id}/reconstruct", ReconstructResource<ResourceType_Study>);
+    Register("/series/{id}/reconstruct", ReconstructResource<ResourceType_Series>);
+    Register("/instances/{id}/reconstruct", ReconstructResource<ResourceType_Instance>);
+    Register("/tools/reconstruct", ReconstructAllResources);
+  }