diff Resources/WebAssembly/dcdict.cc @ 2513:97a74f0eac7a

loading DICOM dictionaries in sandboxed environments
author Sebastien Jodogne <s.jodogne@gmail.com>
date Wed, 28 Mar 2018 18:02:07 +0200
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Resources/WebAssembly/dcdict.cc	Wed Mar 28 18:02:07 2018 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1087 @@
+ *
+ *  Copyright (C) 1994-2016, OFFIS e.V.
+ *  All rights reserved.  See COPYRIGHT file for details.
+ *
+ *  This software and supporting documentation were developed by
+ *
+ *    OFFIS e.V.
+ *    R&D Division Health
+ *    Escherweg 2
+ *    D-26121 Oldenburg, Germany
+ *
+ *
+ *  Module:  dcmdata
+ *
+ *  Author:  Andrew Hewett
+ *
+ *  Purpose: loadable DICOM data dictionary
+ *
+ */
+#include "dcmtk/config/osconfig.h"    /* make sure OS specific configuration is included first */
+#include "dcmtk/ofstd/ofstd.h"
+#include "dcmtk/dcmdata/dcdict.h"
+#include "dcmtk/ofstd/ofdefine.h"
+#include "dcmtk/dcmdata/dcdicent.h"
+#include "dcmtk/dcmdata/dctypes.h"
+#include "dcmtk/ofstd/ofstdinc.h"
+** The separator character between fields in the data dictionary file(s)
+** Comment character for the data dictionary file(s)
+** THE Global DICOM Data Dictionary
+GlobalDcmDataDictionary dcmDataDict;
+** Member Functions
+static DcmDictEntry*
+makeSkelEntry(Uint16 group, Uint16 element,
+              Uint16 upperGroup, Uint16 upperElement,
+              DcmEVR evr, const char* tagName, int vmMin, int vmMax,
+              const char* standardVersion,
+              DcmDictRangeRestriction groupRestriction,
+              DcmDictRangeRestriction elementRestriction,
+              const char* privCreator)
+    DcmDictEntry* e = NULL;
+    e = new DcmDictEntry(group, element, upperGroup, upperElement, evr,
+                         tagName, vmMin, vmMax, standardVersion, OFFalse, privCreator);
+    if (e != NULL) {
+        e->setGroupRangeRestriction(groupRestriction);
+        e->setElementRangeRestriction(elementRestriction);
+    }
+    return e;
+OFBool DcmDataDictionary::loadSkeletonDictionary()
+    /*
+    ** We need to know about Group Lengths to compute them
+    */
+    DcmDictEntry* e = NULL;
+    e = makeSkelEntry(0x0000, 0x0000, 0xffff, 0x0000,
+                      EVR_UL, "GenericGroupLength", 1, 1, "GENERIC",
+                      DcmDictRange_Unspecified, DcmDictRange_Unspecified, NULL);
+    addEntry(e);
+    /*
+    ** We need to know about Items and Delimitation Items to parse
+    ** (and construct) sequences.
+    */
+    e = makeSkelEntry(0xfffe, 0xe000, 0xfffe, 0xe000,
+                      EVR_na, "Item", 1, 1, "DICOM",
+                      DcmDictRange_Unspecified, DcmDictRange_Unspecified, NULL);
+    addEntry(e);
+    e = makeSkelEntry(0xfffe, 0xe00d, 0xfffe, 0xe00d,
+                      EVR_na, "ItemDelimitationItem", 1, 1, "DICOM",
+                      DcmDictRange_Unspecified, DcmDictRange_Unspecified, NULL);
+    addEntry(e);
+    e = makeSkelEntry(0xfffe, 0xe0dd, 0xfffe, 0xe0dd,
+                      EVR_na, "SequenceDelimitationItem", 1, 1, "DICOM",
+                      DcmDictRange_Unspecified, DcmDictRange_Unspecified, NULL);
+    addEntry(e);
+    skeletonCount = numberOfEntries();
+    return OFTrue;
+DcmDataDictionary::DcmDataDictionary(OFBool loadBuiltin, OFBool loadExternal)
+  : hashDict(),
+    repDict(),
+    skeletonCount(0),
+    dictionaryLoaded(OFFalse)
+    reloadDictionaries(loadBuiltin, loadExternal);
+    clear();
+void DcmDataDictionary::clear()
+   hashDict.clear();
+   repDict.clear();
+   skeletonCount = 0;
+   dictionaryLoaded = OFFalse;
+static void
+stripWhitespace(char* s)
+  if (s)
+  {
+    unsigned char c;
+    unsigned char *t;
+    unsigned char *p;
+    t=p=OFreinterpret_cast(unsigned char *, s);
+    while ((c = *t++)) if (!isspace(c)) *p++ = c;
+    *p = '\0';
+  }
+static char*
+stripTrailingWhitespace(char* s)
+    if (s == NULL) return s;
+    for
+    (
+        char* it = s + strlen(s) - 1;
+        it >= s && isspace(OFstatic_cast(unsigned char, *it));
+        *it-- = '\0'
+    );
+    return s;
+static void
+stripLeadingWhitespace(char* s)
+  if (s)
+  {
+    unsigned char c;
+    unsigned char *t;
+    unsigned char *p;
+    t=p=OFreinterpret_cast(unsigned char *, s);
+    while (isspace(*t)) t++;
+    while ((c = *t++)) *p++ = c;
+    *p = '\0';
+  }
+static OFBool
+parseVMField(char* vmField, int& vmMin, int& vmMax)
+    OFBool ok = OFTrue;
+    char c = 0;
+    int dummy = 0;
+    /* strip any whitespace */
+    stripWhitespace(vmField);
+    if (sscanf(vmField, "%d-%d%c", &vmMin, &dummy, &c) == 3) {
+        /* treat "2-2n" like "2-n" for the moment */
+        if ((c == 'n') || (c == 'N')) {
+            vmMax = DcmVariableVM;
+        } else {
+            ok = OFFalse;
+        }
+    } else if (sscanf(vmField, "%d-%d", &vmMin, &vmMax) == 2) {
+        /* range VM (e.g. "2-6") */
+    } else if (sscanf(vmField, "%d-%c", &vmMin, &c) == 2) {
+        if ((c == 'n') || (c == 'N')) {
+            vmMax = DcmVariableVM;
+        } else {
+            ok = OFFalse;
+        }
+    } else if (sscanf(vmField, "%d%c", &vmMin, &c) == 2) {
+        /* treat "2n" like "2-n" for the moment */
+        if ((c == 'n') || (c == 'N')) {
+            vmMax = DcmVariableVM;
+        } else {
+            ok = OFFalse;
+        }
+    } else if (sscanf(vmField, "%d", &vmMin) == 1) {
+        /* fixed VM */
+        vmMax = vmMin;
+    } else if (sscanf(vmField, "%c", &c) == 1) {
+        /* treat "n" like "1-n" */
+        if ((c == 'n') || (c == 'N')) {
+            vmMin = 1;
+            vmMax = DcmVariableVM;
+        } else {
+            ok = OFFalse;
+        }
+    } else {
+        ok = OFFalse;
+    }
+    return ok;
+static int
+splitFields(const char* line, char* fields[], int maxFields, char splitChar)
+    const char *p;
+    int foundFields = 0;
+    size_t len;
+    do {
+#ifdef __BORLANDC__
+        // Borland Builder expects a non-const argument
+        p = strchr(OFconst_cast(char *, line), splitChar);
+        p = strchr(line, splitChar);
+        if (p == NULL) {
+            len = strlen(line);
+        } else {
+            len = p - line;
+        }
+        fields[foundFields] = OFstatic_cast(char *, malloc(len + 1));
+        strncpy(fields[foundFields], line, len);
+        fields[foundFields][len] = '\0';
+        foundFields++;
+        line = p + 1;
+    } while ((foundFields < maxFields) && (p != NULL));
+    return foundFields;
+static OFBool
+parseTagPart(char *s, unsigned int& l, unsigned int& h,
+             DcmDictRangeRestriction& r)
+    OFBool ok = OFTrue;
+    char restrictor = ' ';
+    r = DcmDictRange_Unspecified; /* by default */
+    if (sscanf(s, "%x-%c-%x", &l, &restrictor, &h) == 3) {
+        switch (restrictor) {
+        case 'o':
+        case 'O':
+            r = DcmDictRange_Odd;
+            break;
+        case 'e':
+        case 'E':
+            r = DcmDictRange_Even;
+            break;
+        case 'u':
+        case 'U':
+            r = DcmDictRange_Unspecified;
+            break;
+        default:
+            DCMDATA_ERROR("DcmDataDictionary: Unknown range restrictor: " << restrictor);
+            ok = OFFalse;
+            break;
+        }
+    } else if (sscanf(s, "%x-%x", &l, &h) == 2) {
+        r = DcmDictRange_Even; /* by default */
+    } else if (sscanf(s, "%x", &l) == 1) {
+        h = l;
+    } else {
+        ok = OFFalse;
+    }
+    return ok;
+static OFBool
+parseWholeTagField(char* s, DcmTagKey& key,
+                   DcmTagKey& upperKey,
+                   DcmDictRangeRestriction& groupRestriction,
+                   DcmDictRangeRestriction& elementRestriction,
+                   char *&privCreator)
+    unsigned int gl, gh, el, eh;
+    groupRestriction = DcmDictRange_Unspecified;
+    elementRestriction = DcmDictRange_Unspecified;
+    stripLeadingWhitespace(s);
+    stripTrailingWhitespace(s);
+    char gs[64];
+    char es[64];
+    char pc[64];
+    size_t slen = strlen(s);
+    if (s[0] != '(') return OFFalse;
+    if (s[slen - 1] != ')') return OFFalse;
+    if (strchr(s, ',') == NULL) return OFFalse;
+    /* separate the group and element parts */
+    int i = 1; /* after the '(' */
+    int gi = 0;
+    for (; s[i] != ',' && s[i] != '\0'; i++)
+    {
+        gs[gi] = s[i];
+        gi++;
+    }
+    gs[gi] = '\0';
+    if (s[i] == '\0') return OFFalse; /* element part missing */
+    i++; /* after the ',' */
+    stripLeadingWhitespace(s + i);
+    int pi = 0;
+    if (s[i] == '\"') /* private creator */
+    {
+        i++;  // skip opening quotation mark
+        for (; s[i] != '\"' && s[i] != '\0'; i++) pc[pi++] = s[i];
+        pc[pi] = '\0';
+        if (s[i] == '\0') return OFFalse; /* closing quotation mark missing */
+        i++;
+        stripLeadingWhitespace(s + i);
+        if (s[i] != ',') return OFFalse; /* element part missing */
+        i++; /* after the ',' */
+    }
+    int ei = 0;
+    for (; s[i] != ')' && s[i] != '\0'; i++) {
+        es[ei] = s[i];
+        ei++;
+    }
+    es[ei] = '\0';
+    /* parse the tag parts into their components */
+    stripWhitespace(gs);
+    if (parseTagPart(gs, gl, gh, groupRestriction) == OFFalse)
+        return OFFalse;
+    stripWhitespace(es);
+    if (parseTagPart(es, el, eh, elementRestriction) == OFFalse)
+        return OFFalse;
+    if (pi > 0)
+    {
+      // copy private creator name
+      privCreator = new char[strlen(pc) + 1]; // deleted by caller
+      if (privCreator) strcpy(privCreator,pc);
+    }
+    key.set(OFstatic_cast(unsigned short, gl), OFstatic_cast(unsigned short, el));
+    upperKey.set(OFstatic_cast(unsigned short, gh), OFstatic_cast(unsigned short, eh));
+    return OFTrue;
+static OFBool
+onlyWhitespace(const char* s)
+    size_t len = strlen(s);
+    int charsFound = OFFalse;
+    for (size_t i = 0; (!charsFound) && (i < len); ++i) {
+        charsFound = !isspace(OFstatic_cast(unsigned char, s[i]));
+    }
+    return (!charsFound)? (OFTrue) : (OFFalse);
+static char*
+getLine(char* line, int maxLineLen, FILE* f)
+    char* s;
+    s = fgets(line, maxLineLen, f);
+    /* strip any trailing white space */
+    stripTrailingWhitespace(line);
+    return s;
+static OFBool
+isaCommentLine(const char* s)
+    OFBool isComment = OFFalse; /* assumption */
+    size_t len = strlen(s);
+    size_t i = 0;
+    for (i = 0; i < len && isspace(OFstatic_cast(unsigned char, s[i])); ++i) /*loop*/;
+    isComment = (s[i] == DCM_DICT_COMMENT_CHAR);
+    return isComment;
+DcmDataDictionary::reloadDictionaries(OFBool loadBuiltin, OFBool loadExternal)
+    OFBool result = OFTrue;
+    clear();
+    loadSkeletonDictionary();
+    if (loadBuiltin) {
+        loadBuiltinDictionary();
+        dictionaryLoaded = (numberOfEntries() > skeletonCount);
+        if (!dictionaryLoaded) result = OFFalse;
+    }
+    if (loadExternal) {
+        if (loadExternalDictionaries())
+            dictionaryLoaded = OFTrue;
+        else
+            result = OFFalse;
+    }
+    return result;
+DcmDataDictionary::loadDictionary(const char* fileName, OFBool errorIfAbsent)
+    char lineBuf[DCM_MAXDICTLINESIZE + 1];
+    FILE* f = NULL;
+    int lineNumber = 0;
+    char* lineFields[DCM_MAXDICTFIELDS + 1];
+    int fieldsPresent;
+    DcmDictEntry* e;
+    int errorsEncountered = 0;
+    OFBool errorOnThisLine = OFFalse;
+    int i;
+    DcmTagKey key, upperKey;
+    DcmDictRangeRestriction groupRestriction = DcmDictRange_Unspecified;
+    DcmDictRangeRestriction elementRestriction = DcmDictRange_Unspecified;
+    DcmVR vr;
+    char* vrName;
+    char* tagName;
+    char* privCreator;
+    int vmMin, vmMax = 1;
+    const char* standardVersion;
+    /* first, check whether 'fileName' really points to a file (and not to a directory or the like) */
+    if (!OFStandard::fileExists(fileName) || (f = fopen(fileName, "r")) == NULL) {
+        if (errorIfAbsent) {
+            DCMDATA_ERROR("DcmDataDictionary: Cannot open file: " << fileName);
+        }
+        return OFFalse;
+    }
+    DCMDATA_DEBUG("DcmDataDictionary: Loading file: " << fileName);
+    while (getLine(lineBuf, DCM_MAXDICTLINESIZE, f)) {
+        lineNumber++;
+        if (onlyWhitespace(lineBuf)) {
+            continue; /* ignore this line */
+        }
+        if (isaCommentLine(lineBuf)) {
+            continue; /* ignore this line */
+        }
+        errorOnThisLine = OFFalse;
+        /* fields are tab separated */
+        fieldsPresent = splitFields(lineBuf, lineFields,
+                                    DCM_MAXDICTFIELDS,
+                                    DCM_DICT_FIELD_SEPARATOR_CHAR);
+        /* initialize dict entry fields */
+        vrName = NULL;
+        tagName = NULL;
+        privCreator = NULL;
+        vmMin = vmMax = 1;
+        standardVersion = "DICOM";
+        switch (fieldsPresent) {
+        case 0:
+        case 1:
+        case 2:
+            DCMDATA_ERROR("DcmDataDictionary: "<< fileName << ": "
+                 << "too few fields (line " << lineNumber << ")");
+            errorOnThisLine = OFTrue;
+            break;
+        default:
+            DCMDATA_ERROR("DcmDataDictionary: " << fileName << ": "
+                 << "too many fields (line " << lineNumber << "): ");
+            errorOnThisLine = OFTrue;
+            break;
+        case 5:
+            stripWhitespace(lineFields[4]);
+            standardVersion = lineFields[4];
+            /* drop through to next case label */
+        case 4:
+            /* the VM field is present */
+            if (!parseVMField(lineFields[3], vmMin, vmMax)) {
+                DCMDATA_ERROR("DcmDataDictionary: " << fileName << ": "
+                     << "bad VM field (line " << lineNumber << "): " << lineFields[3]);
+                errorOnThisLine = OFTrue;
+            }
+            /* drop through to next case label */
+        case 3:
+            if (!parseWholeTagField(lineFields[0], key, upperKey,
+                 groupRestriction, elementRestriction, privCreator))
+            {
+                DCMDATA_ERROR("DcmDataDictionary: " << fileName << ": "
+                     << "bad Tag field (line " << lineNumber << "): " << lineFields[0]);
+                errorOnThisLine = OFTrue;
+            } else {
+                /* all is OK */
+                vrName = lineFields[1];
+                stripWhitespace(vrName);
+                tagName = lineFields[2];
+                stripWhitespace(tagName);
+            }
+        }
+        if (!errorOnThisLine) {
+            /* check the VR Field */
+            vr.setVR(vrName);
+            if (vr.getEVR() == EVR_UNKNOWN) {
+                DCMDATA_ERROR("DcmDataDictionary: " << fileName << ": "
+                     << "bad VR field (line " << lineNumber << "): " << vrName);
+                errorOnThisLine = OFTrue;
+            }
+        }
+        if (!errorOnThisLine) {
+            e = new DcmDictEntry(
+                key.getGroup(), key.getElement(),
+                upperKey.getGroup(), upperKey.getElement(),
+                vr, tagName, vmMin, vmMax, standardVersion, OFTrue,
+                privCreator);
+            e->setGroupRangeRestriction(groupRestriction);
+            e->setElementRangeRestriction(elementRestriction);
+            addEntry(e);
+        }
+        for (i = 0; i < fieldsPresent; i++) {
+            free(lineFields[i]);
+            lineFields[i] = NULL;
+        }
+        delete[] privCreator;
+        if (errorOnThisLine) {
+            errorsEncountered++;
+        }
+    }
+    fclose(f);
+    /* return OFFalse in case of errors and set internal state accordingly */
+    if (errorsEncountered == 0) {
+        dictionaryLoaded = OFTrue;
+        return OFTrue;
+    }
+    else {
+        dictionaryLoaded = OFFalse;
+        return OFFalse;
+    }
+#ifndef HAVE_GETENV
+char* getenv() {
+    return NULL;
+#endif /* !HAVE_GETENV */
+    const char* env = NULL;
+    size_t len;
+    int sepCnt = 0;
+    OFBool msgIfDictAbsent = OFTrue;
+    OFBool loadFailed = OFFalse;
+    if ((env == NULL) || (strlen(env) == 0)) {
+        env = DCM_DICT_DEFAULT_PATH;
+        msgIfDictAbsent = OFFalse;
+    }
+    if ((env != NULL) && (strlen(env) != 0)) {
+        len = strlen(env);
+        for (size_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
+            if (env[i] == ENVIRONMENT_PATH_SEPARATOR) {
+                sepCnt++;
+            }
+        }
+        if (sepCnt == 0) {
+            if (!loadDictionary(env, msgIfDictAbsent)) {
+                return OFFalse;
+            }
+        } else {
+            char** dictArray;
+            dictArray = OFstatic_cast(char **, malloc((sepCnt + 1) * sizeof(char*)));
+            int ndicts = splitFields(env, dictArray, sepCnt + 1,
+                                     ENVIRONMENT_PATH_SEPARATOR);
+            for (int ii = 0; ii < ndicts; ii++) {
+                if ((dictArray[ii] != NULL) && (strlen(dictArray[ii]) > 0)) {
+                    if (!loadDictionary(dictArray[ii], msgIfDictAbsent)) {
+                        loadFailed = OFTrue;
+                    }
+                }
+                free(dictArray[ii]);
+            }
+            free(dictArray);
+        }
+    }
+    return (loadFailed) ? (OFFalse) : (OFTrue);
+DcmDataDictionary::addEntry(DcmDictEntry* e)
+    if (e->isRepeating()) {
+        /*
+         * Find the best position in repeating tag list
+         * Existing entries are replaced if the ranges and repetition
+         * constraints are the same.
+         * If a range represents a subset of an existing range then it
+         * will be placed before it in the list.  This ensures that a
+         * search will find the subset rather than the superset.
+         * Otherwise entries are appended to the end of the list.
+         */
+        OFBool inserted = OFFalse;
+        DcmDictEntryListIterator iter(repDict.begin());
+        DcmDictEntryListIterator last(repDict.end());
+        for (; !inserted && iter != last; ++iter) {
+            if (e->setEQ(**iter)) {
+                /* replace the old entry with the new */
+                DcmDictEntry *old = *iter;
+                *iter = e;
+                DCMDATA_WARN("replacing " << *old);
+                delete old;
+                inserted = OFTrue;
+            } else if (e->subset(**iter)) {
+                /* e is a subset of the current list position, insert before */
+                repDict.insert(iter, e);
+                inserted = OFTrue;
+            }
+        }
+        if (!inserted) {
+            /* insert at end */
+            repDict.push_back(e);
+            inserted = OFTrue;
+        }
+    } else {
+        hashDict.put(e);
+    }
+DcmDataDictionary::deleteEntry(const DcmDictEntry& entry)
+    DcmDictEntry* e = NULL;
+    e = OFconst_cast(DcmDictEntry *, findEntry(entry));
+    if (e != NULL) {
+        if (e->isRepeating()) {
+            repDict.remove(e);
+            delete e;
+        } else {
+            hashDict.del(entry.getKey(), entry.getPrivateCreator());
+        }
+    }
+const DcmDictEntry*
+DcmDataDictionary::findEntry(const DcmDictEntry& entry) const
+    const DcmDictEntry* e = NULL;
+    if (entry.isRepeating()) {
+        OFBool found = OFFalse;
+        DcmDictEntryListConstIterator iter(repDict.begin());
+        DcmDictEntryListConstIterator last(repDict.end());
+        for (; !found && iter != last; ++iter) {
+            if (entry.setEQ(**iter)) {
+                found = OFTrue;
+                e = *iter;
+            }
+        }
+    } else {
+        e = hashDict.get(entry, entry.getPrivateCreator());
+    }
+    return e;
+const DcmDictEntry*
+DcmDataDictionary::findEntry(const DcmTagKey& key, const char *privCreator) const
+    /* search first in the normal tags dictionary and if not found
+     * then search in the repeating tags list.
+     */
+    const DcmDictEntry* e = NULL;
+    e = hashDict.get(key, privCreator);
+    if (e == NULL) {
+        /* search in the repeating tags dictionary */
+        OFBool found = OFFalse;
+        DcmDictEntryListConstIterator iter(repDict.begin());
+        DcmDictEntryListConstIterator last(repDict.end());
+        for (; !found && iter != last; ++iter) {
+            if ((*iter)->contains(key, privCreator)) {
+                found = OFTrue;
+                e = *iter;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return e;
+const DcmDictEntry*
+DcmDataDictionary::findEntry(const char *name) const
+    const DcmDictEntry* e = NULL;
+    const DcmDictEntry* ePrivate = NULL;
+    /* search first in the normal tags dictionary and if not found
+     * then search in the repeating tags list.
+     */
+    DcmHashDictIterator iter;
+    for (iter = hashDict.begin(); (e == NULL) && (iter != hashDict.end()); ++iter) {
+        if ((*iter)->contains(name)) {
+            e = *iter;
+            if (e->getGroup() % 2)
+            {
+                /* tag is a private tag - continue search to be sure to find non-private keys first */
+                if (!ePrivate) ePrivate = e;
+                e = NULL;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if (e == NULL) {
+        /* search in the repeating tags dictionary */
+        OFBool found = OFFalse;
+        DcmDictEntryListConstIterator iter2(repDict.begin());
+        DcmDictEntryListConstIterator last(repDict.end());
+        for (; !found && iter2 != last; ++iter2) {
+            if ((*iter2)->contains(name)) {
+                found = OFTrue;
+                e = *iter2;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if (e == NULL && ePrivate != NULL) {
+        /* no standard key found - use the first private key found */
+        e = ePrivate;
+    }
+    return e;
+/* ================================================================== */
+  : dataDict(NULL)
+  , dataDictLock()
+  /* No threads may be active any more, so no locking needed */
+  delete dataDict;
+void GlobalDcmDataDictionary::createDataDict()
+  /* Make sure only one thread tries to initialize the dictionary */
+  dataDictLock.wrlock();
+  const OFBool loadExternal = OFFalse;
+  const OFBool loadExternal = OFTrue;
+  /* Make sure no other thread managed to create the dictionary
+   * before we got our write lock. */
+  if (!dataDict)
+    dataDict = new DcmDataDictionary(OFTrue /*loadBuiltin*/, loadExternal);
+  dataDictLock.unlock();
+const DcmDataDictionary& GlobalDcmDataDictionary::rdlock()
+  dataDictLock.rdlock();
+  if (!dataDict)
+  {
+    /* dataDictLock must not be locked during createDataDict() */
+    dataDictLock.unlock();
+    createDataDict();
+    dataDictLock.rdlock();
+  }
+  return *dataDict;
+DcmDataDictionary& GlobalDcmDataDictionary::wrlock()
+  dataDictLock.wrlock();
+  if (!dataDict)
+  {
+    /* dataDictLock must not be locked during createDataDict() */
+    dataDictLock.unlock();
+    createDataDict();
+    dataDictLock.wrlock();
+  }
+  return *dataDict;
+void GlobalDcmDataDictionary::unlock()
+  dataDictLock.unlock();
+OFBool GlobalDcmDataDictionary::isDictionaryLoaded()
+  OFBool result = rdlock().isDictionaryLoaded();
+  unlock();
+  return result;
+void GlobalDcmDataDictionary::clear()
+  wrlock().clear();
+  unlock();
+// Function by the Orthanc project to load a dictionary from a memory
+// buffer, which is necessary in sandboxed environments. This is an
+// adapted version of DcmDataDictionary::loadDictionary().
+#include <boost/noncopyable.hpp>
+struct OrthancLinesIterator;
+// This plain old C class is implemented in "../../Core/Toolbox.h"
+OrthancLinesIterator* OrthancLinesIterator_Create(const std::string& content);
+bool OrthancLinesIterator_GetLine(std::string& target,
+                                  const OrthancLinesIterator* iterator);
+void OrthancLinesIterator_Next(OrthancLinesIterator* iterator);
+void OrthancLinesIterator_Free(OrthancLinesIterator* iterator);
+class LinesIterator : public boost::noncopyable
+  OrthancLinesIterator* iterator_;
+  LinesIterator(const std::string& content) :
+    iterator_(NULL)
+  {
+    iterator_ = OrthancLinesIterator_Create(content);
+  }
+  ~LinesIterator()
+  {
+    if (iterator_ != NULL)
+    {
+      OrthancLinesIterator_Free(iterator_);
+      iterator_ = NULL;
+    }
+  }
+  bool GetLine(std::string& target) const
+  {
+    if (iterator_ != NULL)
+    {
+      return OrthancLinesIterator_GetLine(target, iterator_);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      return false;
+    }
+  }
+  void Next()
+  {
+    if (iterator_ != NULL)
+    {
+      OrthancLinesIterator_Next(iterator_);
+    }
+  }
+DcmDataDictionary::loadFromMemory(const std::string& content, OFBool errorIfAbsent)
+  int lineNumber = 0;
+  char* lineFields[DCM_MAXDICTFIELDS + 1];
+  int fieldsPresent;
+  DcmDictEntry* e;
+  int errorsEncountered = 0;
+  OFBool errorOnThisLine = OFFalse;
+  int i;
+  DcmTagKey key, upperKey;
+  DcmDictRangeRestriction groupRestriction = DcmDictRange_Unspecified;
+  DcmDictRangeRestriction elementRestriction = DcmDictRange_Unspecified;
+  DcmVR vr;
+  char* vrName;
+  char* tagName;
+  char* privCreator;
+  int vmMin, vmMax = 1;
+  const char* standardVersion;
+  LinesIterator iterator(content);
+  std::string line;
+  while (iterator.GetLine(line)) {
+    iterator.Next();
+    if (line.size() >= DCM_MAXDICTLINESIZE) {
+      DCMDATA_ERROR("DcmDataDictionary: Too long line: " << line);
+      continue;
+    }
+    lineNumber++;
+    if (onlyWhitespace(line.c_str())) {
+      continue; /* ignore this line */
+    }
+    if (isaCommentLine(line.c_str())) {
+      continue; /* ignore this line */
+    }
+    errorOnThisLine = OFFalse;
+    /* fields are tab separated */
+    fieldsPresent = splitFields(line.c_str(), lineFields,
+                                DCM_MAXDICTFIELDS,
+                                DCM_DICT_FIELD_SEPARATOR_CHAR);
+    /* initialize dict entry fields */
+    vrName = NULL;
+    tagName = NULL;
+    privCreator = NULL;
+    vmMin = vmMax = 1;
+    standardVersion = "DICOM";
+    switch (fieldsPresent) {
+      case 0:
+      case 1:
+      case 2:
+        DCMDATA_ERROR("DcmDataDictionary: "
+                      << "too few fields (line " << lineNumber << ")");
+        errorOnThisLine = OFTrue;
+        break;
+      default:
+        DCMDATA_ERROR("DcmDataDictionary: "
+                      << "too many fields (line " << lineNumber << "): ");
+        errorOnThisLine = OFTrue;
+        break;
+      case 5:
+        stripWhitespace(lineFields[4]);
+        standardVersion = lineFields[4];
+        /* drop through to next case label */
+      case 4:
+        /* the VM field is present */
+        if (!parseVMField(lineFields[3], vmMin, vmMax)) {
+          DCMDATA_ERROR("DcmDataDictionary: "
+                        << "bad VM field (line " << lineNumber << "): " << lineFields[3]);
+          errorOnThisLine = OFTrue;
+        }
+        /* drop through to next case label */
+      case 3:
+        if (!parseWholeTagField(lineFields[0], key, upperKey,
+                                groupRestriction, elementRestriction, privCreator))
+        {
+          DCMDATA_ERROR("DcmDataDictionary: "
+                        << "bad Tag field (line " << lineNumber << "): " << lineFields[0]);
+          errorOnThisLine = OFTrue;
+        } else {
+          /* all is OK */
+          vrName = lineFields[1];
+          stripWhitespace(vrName);
+          tagName = lineFields[2];
+          stripWhitespace(tagName);
+        }
+    }
+    if (!errorOnThisLine) {
+      /* check the VR Field */
+      vr.setVR(vrName);
+      if (vr.getEVR() == EVR_UNKNOWN) {
+        DCMDATA_ERROR("DcmDataDictionary: "
+                      << "bad VR field (line " << lineNumber << "): " << vrName);
+        errorOnThisLine = OFTrue;
+      }
+    }
+    if (!errorOnThisLine) {
+      e = new DcmDictEntry(
+        key.getGroup(), key.getElement(),
+        upperKey.getGroup(), upperKey.getElement(),
+        vr, tagName, vmMin, vmMax, standardVersion, OFTrue,
+        privCreator);
+      e->setGroupRangeRestriction(groupRestriction);
+      e->setElementRangeRestriction(elementRestriction);
+      addEntry(e);
+    }
+    for (i = 0; i < fieldsPresent; i++) {
+      free(lineFields[i]);
+      lineFields[i] = NULL;
+    }
+    delete[] privCreator;
+    if (errorOnThisLine) {
+      errorsEncountered++;
+    }
+  }
+  /* return OFFalse in case of errors and set internal state accordingly */
+  if (errorsEncountered == 0) {
+    dictionaryLoaded = OFTrue;
+    return OFTrue;
+  }
+  else {
+    dictionaryLoaded = OFFalse;
+    return OFFalse;
+  }