changeset 222:0f03ee6ffa80

DICOMweb: test_wado_hierarchy, test_wado_bulk, test_bitbucket_issue_112
author Sebastien Jodogne <>
date Tue, 26 Feb 2019 17:34:32 +0100
parents 7daf6a227745
children f5aca0917d60
files Plugins/DicomWeb/ Plugins/DicomWeb/ Tests/
diffstat 3 files changed, 113 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/Plugins/DicomWeb/	Mon Feb 25 12:41:15 2019 +0100
+++ b/Plugins/DicomWeb/	Tue Feb 26 17:34:32 2019 +0100
@@ -66,3 +66,24 @@
     return DoPost(orthanc, uri, body, headers = headers)
+def DoGetMultipart(orthanc, uri, headers = {}):
+    answer = DoGetRaw(orthanc, uri, headers = headers)
+    header = ''
+    for i in answer[0]:
+        header += '%s: %s\r\n' % (i, answer[0][i])
+    msg = email.message_from_string(header + '\r\n' + answer[1])
+    if not msg.is_multipart():
+        raise Exception('Not a multipart message')
+    result = []
+    for part in msg.walk():
+        payload = part.get_payload(decode=True)
+        if payload != None:
+            result.append(payload)
+    return result
--- a/Plugins/DicomWeb/	Mon Feb 25 12:41:15 2019 +0100
+++ b/Plugins/DicomWeb/	Tue Feb 26 17:34:32 2019 +0100
@@ -343,13 +343,100 @@
         a = DoGet(ORTHANC, '/dicom-web/studies',
                   headers = { 'accept' : 'application/json' })
-        pprint.pprint(a)
         self.assertEqual(1, len(a))
         self.assertTrue('00080050' in a[0])  # AccessionNumber is null
         self.assertEqual(1, len(a[0]['00080050']))  # 'vr' is the only field to be present
         self.assertEqual('SH', a[0]['00080050']['vr'])
+    def test_wado_hierarchy(self):
+        def CheckJson(uri, headers = {}):
+            with open(GetDatabasePath('DummyCT.json'), 'r') as f:
+                expected = json.loads(
+                actual = DoGet(ORTHANC, uri, headers)
+                self.assertEqual(1, len(actual))
+                AssertAlmostEqualRecursive(self, expected, actual[0])
+        UploadInstance(ORTHANC, 'DummyCT.dcm')
+        study = '1.2.840.113619.2.176.2025.1499492.7391.1171285944.390'
+        series = '1.2.840.113619.2.176.2025.1499492.7391.1171285944.394'
+        instance = '1.2.840.113619.2.176.2025.1499492.7040.1171286242.109'
+        URI = '/dicom-web/studies/%s/series/%s/instances/%s/metadata'
+        self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: DoGet(ORTHANC, URI % (study, series, instance),
+                                                   headers = { 'accept' : 'application/nope' }))
+        CheckJson(URI % (study, series, instance), headers = { 'accept' : 'application/dicom+json' })
+        CheckJson('/dicom-web/studies/%s/series/%s/metadata' % (study, series))
+        CheckJson('/dicom-web/studies/%s/metadata' % study)
+        self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: DoGet(ORTHANC, URI % ('nope', series, instance)))
+        self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: DoGet(ORTHANC, URI % (study, 'nope', instance)))
+        self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: DoGet(ORTHANC, URI % (study, series, 'nope')))
+        self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: DoGet(ORTHANC, '/dicom-web/studies/%s/series/%s/metadata' % ('nope', series)))
+        self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: DoGet(ORTHANC, '/dicom-web/studies/%s/series/%s/metadata' % (study, 'nope')))
+        self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: DoGet(ORTHANC, '/dicom-web/studies/%s/metadata' % 'nope'))
+    def test_wado_bulk(self):
+        def CheckBulk(value, bulk):
+            self.assertEqual(2, len(value))
+            self.assertTrue('BulkDataURI' in value)
+            self.assertTrue('vr' in value)
+            self.assertEqual(value['BulkDataURI'], bulk)
+        orthanc = UploadInstance(ORTHANC, 'PrivateTags.dcm') ['ID']
+        study = '1.2.840.113619.2.115.147416.1094281639.0.29'
+        series = '1.2.840.113619.2.115.147416.1094281639.0.30'
+        sop = '1.2.840.113619.2.115.147416.1094281639.0.38'
+        a = DoGet(ORTHANC, '/dicom-web/studies/%s/metadata' % study)
+        self.assertEqual(1, len(a))
+        BASE_URI = '/dicom-web/studies/%s/series/%s/instances/%s/bulk' % (study, series, sop)
+        BASE_URL = 'http://localhost:8042%s' % BASE_URI
+        self.assertEqual(2, len(a[0]['60031010']['Value']))
+        CheckBulk(a[0]['60031010']['Value'][0]['60031011'], '%s/60031010/1/60031011' % BASE_URL)
+        CheckBulk(a[0]['60031010']['Value'][1]['60031011'], '%s/60031010/2/60031011' % BASE_URL)
+        CheckBulk(a[0]['7FE00010'], '%s/7fe00010' % BASE_URL)
+        b = DoGetRaw(ORTHANC, '/instances/%s/content/6003-1010/0/6003-1011' % orthanc) [1]
+        c = DoGetMultipart(ORTHANC, '%s/60031010/1/60031011' % BASE_URI)
+        self.assertEqual(12288, len(b))
+        self.assertEqual(1, len(c))
+        self.assertEqual(b, c[0])
+    def test_bitbucket_issue_112(self):
+        # QIDO-RS: wrong serialization of number values
+        #
+        #
+        UploadInstance(ORTHANC, 'DummyCT.dcm')
+        study = '1.2.840.113619.2.176.2025.1499492.7391.1171285944.390'
+        # This is the WADO-RS testing
+        a = DoGet(ORTHANC, '/dicom-web/studies/%s/metadata' % study)
+        self.assertEqual(1, len(a))
+        self.assertEqual('IS', a[0]['00180091']['vr'])  # EchoTrainLength
+        b = a[0]['00180091']['Value'][0]
+        self.assertTrue(isinstance(b, (int, long)))
+        self.assertEqual(10, b)
+        # This is the QIDO-RS testing
+        a = DoGet(ORTHANC, '/dicom-web/studies')
+        self.assertEqual(1, len(a))
+        self.assertEqual('IS', a[0]['00201208']['vr'])  # Number of Study Related Instances
+        b = a[0]['00201208']['Value'][0]
+        self.assertTrue(isinstance(b, (int, long)))
+        self.assertEqual(1, b)
     print('\nStarting the tests...')
     unittest.main(argv = [ sys.argv[0] ] + args.options)
--- a/Tests/	Mon Feb 25 12:41:15 2019 +0100
+++ b/Tests/	Tue Feb 26 17:34:32 2019 +0100
@@ -361,12 +361,13 @@
-def AssertAlmostEqualRecursive(self, a, b, places = 7):
+def AssertAlmostEqualRecursive(self, a, b, places = 7, ignoreKeys = []):
     if type(a) is dict:
         self.assertTrue(type(b) is dict)
         self.assertEqual(a.keys(), b.keys())
         for key, value in a.items():
-            AssertAlmostEqualRecursive(self, a[key], b[key], places)
+            if not key in ignoreKeys:
+                AssertAlmostEqualRecursive(self, a[key], b[key], places)
     elif type(a) is list:
         self.assertTrue(type(b) is list)