view Resources/CodeGeneration/ @ 493:6fbf2eae7c88 bgo-commands-codegen

All unit tests pass for generation, including handler and dispatcher
author bgo-osimis
date Fri, 22 Feb 2019 10:48:43 +0100
parents 8e7e151ef472
children fc17251477d6
line wrap: on
line source

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namespace {{rootName}}
  function StoneCheckSerializedValueType(value: any, typeStr: string)

    if (value['type'] != typeStr)
      throw new Error(
        `Cannot deserialize type ${value['type']} into ${typeStr}`);

  function isString(val: any) :boolean
    return ((typeof val === 'string') || (val instanceof String));
  function StoneCheckSerializedValueTypeGeneric(value: any)
    if ( (!('type' in value)) || (!isString(value)) )
      throw new Error(
        "Cannot deserialize value ('type' key invalid)");

// end of generic methods
{% for enum in enums%}
  export enum {{enum['name']}} {
    {% for key in enumDict.keys()%}

"""  // end of generic methods
{% for struct in structs%}  export class {{struct['name']}} {
{% for key in struct['fields']%}    {{key}}:{{CanonToTs(struct['fields'][key])}};
{% endfor %}
    constructor() {
{% for key in struct['fields']%}      {{key}} = new {{CanonToTs(struct['fields'][key])}}();
{% endfor %}    }

    public StoneSerialize(): string {
      let container: object = {};
      container['type'] = '{{rWholootName}}.{{struct['name']}}';
      container['value'] = this;
      return JSON.stringify(container);

    public static StoneDeserialize(valueStr: string) : {{struct['name']}}
      let value: any = JSON.parse(valueStr);
      StoneCheckSerializedValueType(value, '{{rootName}}.{{struct['name']}}');
      let result: {{struct['name']}} = value['value'] as {{struct['name']}};
      return result;


{% endfor %}


  export interface IDispatcher
    {% for struct in structs%}    HandleMessage1(value:  {{struct['name']}}): boolean;
    {% endfor %}

  /** Service function for StoneDispatchToHandler */
  export function StoneDispatchJsonToHandler(
    jsonValueStr: string, dispatcher: IDispatcher): boolean
    let jsonValue: any = JSON.parse(jsonValueStr);
    let type: string = jsonValue["type"];
    if (type == "")
      // this should never ever happen
      throw new Error("Caught empty type while dispatching");
{% for struct in structs%}    else if (type == "VsolStuff.{{struct['name']}}")
      let value = jsonValue["value"] as Message1;
      return dispatcher.HandleMessage1(value);
{% enfor %}
      return false;

  /** Takes a serialized type and passes this to the dispatcher */
  export function StoneDispatchToHandler(
    strValue: string, dispatcher: IDispatcher): boolean
    let jsonValue: any = JSON.parse(strValue)
    return StoneDispatchJsonToHandler(jsonValue, dispatcher);