view Resources/Computations/ @ 1327:4f8db2d202c8 broker

OrthancSeriesProgressiveLoader now has two modes that can be selected at object creation : - progressive (will first load jpeg50, then jpeg90 then PAM) - non-progressive (will directly load PAM (uncompressed)) Please note that the slice loading order remains dynamic and depending upon the slice that the client code wishes to extract from the volume.
author Benjamin Golinvaux <>
date Wed, 25 Mar 2020 14:34:27 +0100
parents 4abddd083374
line wrap: on
line source


from sympy import *
from sympy.solvers import solve
import pprint
import sys


# Create a test 3D vector using homogeneous coordinates
x, y, z, w = symbols('x y z w')
p = Matrix([ x, y, z, w ])

# Create a shear matrix, and a scale/shift "T * S" transform as in
# Lacroute's thesis (Equation A.16, page 209)
ex, ey, ew = symbols('ex ey ew')
sx, sy, tx, ty = symbols('sx sy tx ty')

TS = Matrix([[ sx, 0,  0, tx ],
             [ 0,  sy, 0, ty ],
             [ 0,  0,  1, 0  ],
             [ 0,  0,  0, 1  ]])

pureShear = Matrix([[ 1, 0, ex, 0 ],
                    [ 0, 1, ey, 0 ],
                    [ 0, 0, 1,  0 ],
                    [ 0, 0, ew, 1 ]])

# Create a general warp matrix, that corresponds to "M_warp" in
# Equation (A.17) of Lacroute's thesis:
ww11, ww12, ww13, ww14, ww21, ww22, ww23, ww24, ww31, ww32, ww33, ww34, ww41, ww42, ww43, ww44 = symbols('ww11 ww12 ww13 ww14 ww21 ww22 ww23 ww24 ww31 ww32 ww33 ww34 ww41 ww42 ww43 ww44')

WW = Matrix([[ ww11, ww12, ww13, ww14 ],
             [ ww21, ww22, ww23, ww24 ],
             [ ww31, ww32, ww33, ww34 ],
             [ ww41, ww43, ww43, ww44 ]])

# Create the matrix of intrinsic parameters of the camera
k11, k22, k14, k24 = symbols('k11 k22 k14 k24')
K = Matrix([[ k11, 0,   0, k14 ],
            [ 0,   k22, 0, k24 ],
            [ 0,   0,   0, 1   ]])

# The full decomposition is:
M_shear = TS * pureShear
M_warp = K * WW * TS.inv()
AA = M_warp * M_shear

# Check that the central component "M_warp == K * WW * TS.inv()" that
# is the left part of "A" is another general warp matrix (i.e. no
# exception is thrown about incompatible matrix sizes):
M_warp * p

if (M_warp.cols != 4 or
    M_warp.rows != 3):
    raise Exception('Invalid matrix size')

# We've just shown that "M_warp" is a general 3x4 matrix. Let's call
# it W:
w11, w12, w13, w14, w21, w22, w23, w24, w41, w42, w43, w44 = symbols('w11 w12 w13 w14 w21 w22 w23 w24 w41 w42 w43 w44')

W = Matrix([[ w11, w12, w13, w14 ],
            [ w21, w22, w23, w24 ],
            [ w41, w43, w43, w44 ]])

# This shows that it is sufficient to study a decomposition of the
# following form:
A = W * M_shear
print('\nA = W * M_shear =')

sys.stdout.write('\nW = ')

sys.stdout.write('\nM_shear = ')

# Let's consider one fixed 2D point (i,j) in the intermediate
# image. The 3D points (x,y,z,1) that are mapped to (i,j) must satisfy
# the equation "(i,j) == M_shear * (x,y,z,w)". As "M_shear" is
# invertible, we solve "(x,y,z,w) == inv(M_shear) * (i,j,k,1)".

i, j, k = symbols('i j k')
l = M_shear.inv() * Matrix([ i, j, k, 1 ])

print('\nLocus for points imaged to some fixed (i,j,k,l) point in the intermediate image:')
print('x = %s' % l[0])
print('y = %s' % l[1])
print('z = %s' % l[2])
print('w = %s' % l[3])

# By inspecting the 4 equations above, we see that the locus entirely
# depends upon the "k" value that encodes the Z-axis

print('\nGlobal effect of the shear-warp transform on this locus:')
q = expand(A * l)

print("\nWe can arbitrarily fix the value of 'k', so let's choose 'k=0':")
pprint.pprint(q.subs(k, 0))

print("\nThis gives the warp transform.")
print("QED: line after Equation (A.17) on page 209.\n")