view Resources/CodeGeneration/testWasmIntegrated/testWasmIntegrated.ts @ 1327:4f8db2d202c8 broker

OrthancSeriesProgressiveLoader now has two modes that can be selected at object creation : - progressive (will first load jpeg50, then jpeg90 then PAM) - non-progressive (will directly load PAM (uncompressed)) Please note that the slice loading order remains dynamic and depending upon the slice that the client code wishes to extract from the volume.
author Benjamin Golinvaux <>
date Wed, 25 Mar 2020 14:34:27 +0100
parents f185cfcb72a0
line wrap: on
line source

var SendMessageToCpp: Function = null;
export var TestWasmIntegratedModule : any;

import * as TestStoneCodeGen from './build-wasm/TestStoneCodeGen_generated'

|  install emscripten handlers                     |

// (<any> window).Module = {
//   preRun: [ 
//     function() {
//     console.log('Loading the Stone Framework using WebAssembly');
//     }
//   ],
//   postRun: [ 
//     function()  {
//     // This function is called by ".js" wrapper once the ".wasm"
//     // WebAssembly module has been loaded and compiled by the
//     // browser
//     console.log('WebAssembly is ready');
//     // window.SendMessageToCpp = (<any> window).Module.cwrap('SendMessageToCpp', 'string', ['string']);
//     // window.SendFreeTextToCpp = (<any> window).Module.cwrap('SendFreeTextToCpp', 'string', ['string']);
//     }
//   ],
//   print: function(text : string) {
//     console.log(text);
//   },
//   printErr: function(text : string) {
//     console.error(text);
//   },
//   totalDependencies: 0
// };

|  install handlers                                |
document.querySelectorAll(".TestWasm-button").forEach((e) => {
  (e as HTMLButtonElement).addEventListener("click", () => {

|  define stock messages                           |
let schemaText: string = null;
fetch("testTestStoneCodeGen.yaml").then(function(res) {return res.text();}).then(function(text) {schemaText = text;});

let stockSerializedMessages = new Map<string,string>();
stockSerializedMessages["Test CppHandler message2"] = null;
fetch("cppHandler_test_Message2.json").then(function(res) {return res.text();}).then(function(text) {stockSerializedMessages["Test CppHandler message2"] = text;});

stockSerializedMessages["Test 2"] = ` {
  "type" : "TestStoneCodeGen.Message1",
  "value" : {
    "memberInt32" : -987,
    "memberString" : "Salomé",
    "memberEnumMonth" : "March",
    "memberBool" : true,
    "memberFloat32" : 0.1,
    "memberFloat64" : -0.2,
    "extraMember" : "don't care"
stockSerializedMessages["Test 3"] = "Test 3 stock message sdfsfsdfsdf";
stockSerializedMessages["Test 4"] = "Test 4 stock message 355345345";
stockSerializedMessages["Test 5"] = "Test 5 stock message 34535";
stockSerializedMessages["Test 6"] = "Test 6 stock message xcvcxvx";
stockSerializedMessages["Test 7"] = "Test 7 stock message fgwqewqdgg";
stockSerializedMessages["Test 8"] = "Test 8 stock message fgfsdfsdgg";

|  define handler                                  |

function setSerializedInputValue(text: string) {
  let e : HTMLTextAreaElement = document.getElementById('TestWasm-SerializedInput') as HTMLTextAreaElement;
  e.value = text;

function getSerializedInputValue(): string {
  let e : HTMLTextAreaElement = document.getElementById('TestWasm-SerializedInput') as HTMLTextAreaElement;
  return e.value;

function setCppOutputValue(text: string) {
  let e : HTMLTextAreaElement = document.getElementById('TestWasm-CppOutput') as HTMLTextAreaElement;
  e.value = text;

function getCppOutputValue(): string {
  let e : HTMLTextAreaElement = document.getElementById('TestWasm-CppOutput') as HTMLTextAreaElement;
  return e.value;

function SendFreeTextFromCpp(txt: string):string
  setCppOutputValue(getCppOutputValue() + "\n" + txt);
  return "";
(<any> window).SendFreeTextFromCpp = SendFreeTextFromCpp;

var referenceMessages = Array<any>();

function testTsCppTs() {
  var r = new TestStoneCodeGen.Message2();
  r.memberEnumMovieType = TestStoneCodeGen.MovieType.RomCom;
  r.memberStringWithDefault = "overriden";
  r.memberMapEnumFloat[TestStoneCodeGen.CrispType.CreamAndChives] = 0.5;
  r.memberString = "reference-messsage2-test1";

  referenceMessages[r.memberString] = r;
  var strMsg2 = r.StoneSerialize();
  let SendMessageToCppForEchoLocal = (<any> window).Module.cwrap('SendMessageToCppForEcho', 'string', ['string']);

class MyEchoHandler implements TestStoneCodeGen.IHandler
  public HandleMessage2(value:  TestStoneCodeGen.Message2): boolean
    if (value.memberString in referenceMessages) {
      let r = referenceMessages[value.memberString];
      let equals = (value.memberStringWithDefault == r.memberStringWithDefault);
      if (TestStoneCodeGen.CrispType.CreamAndChives in r.memberMapEnumFloat) {
        equals == equals && r.memberMapEnumFloat[TestStoneCodeGen.CrispType.CreamAndChives] == value.memberMapEnumFloat[TestStoneCodeGen.CrispType.CreamAndChives];
      // TODO continue comparison

      if (equals) {
        console.log("objects are equals after round trip");
        return true;
    console.log("problem after round trip");
    return true;

function SendMessageFromCpp(txt: string):string
  setCppOutputValue(getCppOutputValue() + "\n" + txt);
  TestStoneCodeGen.StoneDispatchToHandler(txt, new MyEchoHandler());
  return "";
(<any> window).SendMessageFromCpp = SendMessageFromCpp;

function ButtonClick(buttonName: string) {
  if (buttonName.startsWith('Test ')) {
  else if (buttonName == "Test-ts-cpp-ts") {
  else if(buttonName == 'Trigger')
    let serializedInputValue:string = getSerializedInputValue();

    let SendMessageToCppLocal = (<any> window).Module.cwrap('SendMessageToCpp', 'string', ['string']);
  else if(buttonName == 'Clear')
  else if(buttonName == 'ShowSchema')
    throw new Error("Internal error!");

// this method is called "from the C++ code" when the StoneApplication is updated.
// it can be used to update the UI of the application
function UpdateWebApplicationWithString(statusUpdateMessageString: string) {
  console.log("updating web application (string): ", statusUpdateMessageString);
  let statusUpdateMessage = JSON.parse(statusUpdateMessageString);

  if ("event" in statusUpdateMessage)
    let eventName = statusUpdateMessage["event"];
    if (eventName == "appStatusUpdated")

function UpdateWebApplicationWithSerializedMessage(statusUpdateMessageString: string) {
  console.log("updating web application (serialized message): ", statusUpdateMessageString);
  console.log("<not supported!>");