view Resources/CodeGeneration/ @ 1327:4f8db2d202c8 broker

OrthancSeriesProgressiveLoader now has two modes that can be selected at object creation : - progressive (will first load jpeg50, then jpeg90 then PAM) - non-progressive (will directly load PAM (uncompressed)) Please note that the slice loading order remains dynamic and depending upon the slice that the client code wishes to extract from the volume.
author Benjamin Golinvaux <>
date Wed, 25 Mar 2020 14:34:27 +0100
parents 1b47f17863ba
line wrap: on
line source

import json
import yaml
import re
import os
import sys
from jinja2 import Template
from io import StringIO
import time
import datetime
import yamlloader

         1         2         3         4         5         6         7

# see
def trim(docstring):
    if not docstring:
        return ''
    # Convert tabs to spaces (following the normal Python rules)
    # and split into a list of lines:
    lines = docstring.expandtabs().splitlines()
    # Determine minimum indentation (first line doesn't count):
    indent = sys.maxsize
    for line in lines[1:]:
        stripped = line.lstrip()
        if stripped:
            indent = min(indent, len(line) - len(stripped))
    # Remove indentation (first line is special):
    trimmed = [lines[0].strip()]
    if indent < sys.maxsize:
        for line in lines[1:]:
    # Strip off trailing and leading blank lines:
    while trimmed and not trimmed[-1]:
    while trimmed and not trimmed[0]:
    # Return a single string:
    return '\n'.join(trimmed)

class JsonHelpers:
    """A set of utilities to perform JSON operations"""

    def removeCommentsFromJsonContent(string):
      Remove comments from a JSON file

      Comments are not allowed in JSON but, i.e., Orthanc configuration files
      contains C++ like comments that we need to remove before python can
      parse the file
        # remove all occurrence streamed comments (/*COMMENT */) from string
        string = re.sub(re.compile("/\*.*?\*/", re.DOTALL), "", string)

        # remove all occurrence singleline comments (//COMMENT\n ) from string
        string = re.sub(re.compile("//.*?\n"), "", string)

        return string

    def loadJsonWithComments(path):
      Reads a JSON file that may contain C++ like comments
        with open(path, "r") as fp:
            fileContent =
        fileContent = JsonHelpers.removeCommentsFromJsonContent(fileContent)
        return json.loads(fileContent)

class FieldDefinition:

    def __init__(self, name: str, type: str, defaultValue: str): = name
        self.type = type
        self.defaultValue = defaultValue

    def fromKeyValue(key: str, value: str):

        if "=" in value:
            splitValue = value.split(sep="=")
            type = splitValue[0].strip(" ")
            defaultValue = splitValue[1].strip(" ")
            type = value
            defaultValue = None

        return FieldDefinition(name = key, type = type, defaultValue = defaultValue)

def LoadSchemaFromJson(filePath):
    return JsonHelpers.loadJsonWithComments(filePath)

def CanonToCpp(canonicalTypename):
  # C++: prefix map vector and string with std::map, std::vector and
  # std::string
  # replace int32... by int32_t...
  # replace float32 by float
  # replace float64 by double
  retVal = canonicalTypename
  retVal = retVal.replace("map", "std::map")
  retVal = retVal.replace("vector", "std::vector")
  retVal = retVal.replace("set", "std::set")
  retVal = retVal.replace("string", "std::string")
  #uint32 and uint64 are handled by int32 and uint32 (because search and replace are done as partial words)
  retVal = retVal.replace("int32", "int32_t")
  retVal = retVal.replace("int64", "int64_t")
  retVal = retVal.replace("float32", "float")
  retVal = retVal.replace("float64", "double")
  retVal = retVal.replace("json", "Json::Value")
  return retVal

def CanonToTs(canonicalTypename):
  # TS: replace vector with Array and map with Map
  # string remains string
  # replace int32... by number
  # replace float32... by number
  retVal = canonicalTypename
  retVal = retVal.replace("map", "Map")
  retVal = retVal.replace("vector", "Array")
  retVal = retVal.replace("set", "Set")
  retVal = retVal.replace("uint32", "number")
  retVal = retVal.replace("uint64", "number")
  retVal = retVal.replace("int32", "number")
  retVal = retVal.replace("int64", "number")
  retVal = retVal.replace("float32", "number")
  retVal = retVal.replace("float64", "number")
  retVal = retVal.replace("bool", "boolean")
  retVal = retVal.replace("json", "Object")
  return retVal

def NeedsTsConstruction(enums, tsType):
  if tsType == 'boolean':
    return False
  elif tsType == 'number':
    return False
  elif tsType == 'string':
    return False
    enumNames = []
    for enum in enums:
    if tsType in enumNames:
      return False
  return True

def NeedsCppConstruction(canonTypename):
  return False

def DefaultValueToTs(enums, field:FieldDefinition):
    tsType = CanonToTs(field.type)

    enumNames = []
    for enum in enums:

    if tsType in enumNames:
        return tsType + "." + field.defaultValue
        return field.defaultValue

def DefaultValueToCpp(root, enums, field:FieldDefinition):
    cppType = CanonToCpp(field.type)

    enumNames = []
    for enum in enums:

    if cppType in enumNames:
        return root + "::" + cppType + "_" + field.defaultValue
        return field.defaultValue

def RegisterTemplateFunction(template,func):
  """Makes a function callable by a jinja2 template"""
  template.globals[func.__name__] = func
  return func

def MakeTemplate(templateStr):
  template = Template(templateStr)
  RegisterTemplateFunction(template, DefaultValueToTs)
  RegisterTemplateFunction(template, DefaultValueToCpp)
  return template

def MakeTemplateFromFile(templateFileName):

  with open(templateFileName, "r") as templateFile:
    templateFileContents =
    return MakeTemplate(templateFileContents)

def EatToken(sentence):
    """splits "A,B,C" into "A" and "B,C" where A, B and C are type names
  (including templates) like "int32", "TotoTutu", or 
  "map<map<int32,vector<string>>,map<string,int32>>" """

    if sentence.count("<") != sentence.count(">"):
        raise Exception(
            "Error in the partial template type list " + str(sentence) + "."
            + " The number of < and > do not match!"

    # the template level we're currently in
    templateLevel = 0
    for i in range(len(sentence)):
        if (sentence[i] == ",") and (templateLevel == 0):
            return (sentence[0:i], sentence[i + 1 :])
        elif sentence[i] == "<":
            templateLevel += 1
        elif sentence[i] == ">":
            templateLevel -= 1
    return (sentence, "")

def SplitListOfTypes(typename):
    """Splits something like
  - vector<string>
  - int32
  This is not possible with a regex so 
    stillStuffToEat = True
    tokenList = []
    restOfString = typename
    while stillStuffToEat:
        firstToken, restOfString = EatToken(restOfString)
        if restOfString == "":
            stillStuffToEat = False
    return tokenList

templateRegex = \

def ParseTemplateType(typename):
    """ If the type is a template like "SOMETHING<SOME<THING,EL<SE>>>", 
    then it returns (true,"SOMETHING","SOME<THING,EL<SE>>")
  otherwise it returns (false,"","")"""

    # let's remove all whitespace from the type
    # split without argument uses any whitespace string as separator
    # (space, tab, newline, return or formfeed)
    typename = "".join(typename.split())
    matches = templateRegex.match(typename)
    if matches == None:
        return (False, "", [])
        m = matches
        assert len(m.groups()) == 2
        # we need to split with the commas that are outside of the
        # defined types. Simply splitting at commas won't work
        listOfDependentTypes = SplitListOfTypes(
        return (True,, listOfDependentTypes)

def GetStructFields(struct):
  """This filters out the special metadata key from the struct fields"""
  return [k for k in struct.keys() if k != '__handler']

def ComputeOrderFromTypeTree(
  shortTypename, schema):

  if shortTypename in ancestors:
    raise Exception(
      "Cyclic dependency chain found: the last of " + str(ancestors) +
      + " depends on " + str(shortTypename) + " that is already in the list."

  if not (shortTypename in genOrder):
    (isTemplate, _, dependentTypenames) = ParseTemplateType(shortTypename)
    if isTemplate:
      # if it is a template, it HAS dependent types... They can be 
      # anything (primitive, collection, enum, structs..). 
      # Let's process them!
      for dependentTypename in dependentTypenames:
        # childAncestors = ancestors.copy()  NO TEMPLATE ANCESTOR!!!
        # childAncestors.append(typename)
            ancestors, genOrder, dependentTypename, schema
      # If it is not template, we are only interested if it is a 
      # dependency that we must take into account in the dep graph,
      # i.e., a struct.
      if IsShortStructType(shortTypename, schema):
        struct = schema[GetLongTypename(shortTypename, schema)]
        # The keys in the struct dict are the member names
        # The values in the struct dict are the member types
        if struct:
          # we reach this if struct is not None AND not empty
          for field in GetStructFields(struct):
            # we fill the chain of dependent types (starting here)
              ancestors, genOrder, struct[field], schema)
            # don't forget to restore it!
        # now we're pretty sure our dependencies have been processed,
        # we can start marking our code for generation (it might 
        # already have been done if someone referenced us earlier)
        if not shortTypename in genOrder:

# +-----------------------+
# |   Utility functions   |
# +-----------------------+

def IsShortStructType(typename, schema):
  fullStructName = "struct " + typename
  return (fullStructName in schema)

def GetLongTypename(shortTypename, schema):
  if shortTypename.startswith("enum "):
    raise RuntimeError('shortTypename.startswith("enum "):')
  enumName = "enum " + shortTypename
  isEnum = enumName in schema

  if shortTypename.startswith("struct "):
    raise RuntimeError('shortTypename.startswith("struct "):')
  structName = "struct " + shortTypename
  isStruct = ("struct " + shortTypename) in schema

  if isEnum and isStruct:
    raise RuntimeError('Enums and structs cannot have the same name')

  if isEnum:
    return enumName
  if isStruct:
    return structName

def IsTypename(fullName):
  return (fullName.startswith("enum ") or fullName.startswith("struct "))

def IsEnumType(fullName):
  return fullName.startswith("enum ")

def IsStructType(fullName):
  return fullName.startswith("struct ")

def GetShortTypename(fullTypename):
  if fullTypename.startswith("struct "):
    return fullTypename[7:] 
  elif fullTypename.startswith("enum"):
    return fullTypename[5:] 
    raise RuntimeError \
      ('fullTypename should start with either "struct " or "enum "')

def CheckSchemaSchema(schema):
  if not "rootName" in schema:
      raise Exception("schema lacks the 'rootName' key")
  for name in schema.keys():
    if (not IsEnumType(name)) and (not IsStructType(name)) and \
      (name != 'rootName'):
      raise RuntimeError \
        ('Type "' + str(name) + '" should start with "enum " or "struct "')

  # TODO: check enum fields are unique (in whole namespace)
  # TODO: check struct fields are unique (in each struct)
  # TODO: check that in the source schema, there are spaces after each colon

nonTypeKeys = ['rootName']
def GetTypesInSchema(schema):
  """Returns the top schema keys that are actual type names"""
  typeList = [k for k in schema if k not in nonTypeKeys]
  return typeList

# +-----------------------+
# | Main processing logic |
# +-----------------------+

def ComputeRequiredDeclarationOrder(schema):
  # sanity check

  # we traverse the type dependency graph and we fill a queue with
  # the required struct types, in a bottom-up fashion, to compute
  # the declaration order
  # The genOrder list contains the struct full names in the order
  # where they must be defined.
  # We do not care about the enums here... They do not depend upon
  # anything and we'll handle them, in their original declaration 
  # order, at the start
  genOrder = []
  for fullName in GetTypesInSchema(schema):
    if IsStructType(fullName):
      realName = GetShortTypename(fullName)
      ancestors = []
      ComputeOrderFromTypeTree(ancestors, genOrder, realName, schema)
  return genOrder

def GetStructFields(fieldDict):
  """Returns the regular (non __handler) struct fields"""
  # the following happens for empty structs
  if fieldDict == None:
    return fieldDict
  ret = {}
  for k,v in fieldDict.items():
    if k != "__handler":
      ret[k] = FieldDefinition.fromKeyValue(k, v)
    if k.startswith("__") and k != "__handler":
      raise RuntimeError("Fields starting with __ (double underscore) are reserved names!")
  return ret

def GetStructMetadata(fieldDict):
  """Returns the __handler struct fields (there are default values that
     can be overridden by entries in the schema
     Not tested because it's a fail-safe: if something is broken in this, 
     dependent projects will not build."""
  metadataDict = {}
  metadataDict['handleInCpp'] = False
  metadataDict['handleInTypescript'] = False
  if fieldDict != None:
    for k,v in fieldDict.items():
      if k.startswith("__") and k != "__handler":
        raise RuntimeError("Fields starting with __ (double underscore) are reserved names")
      if k == "__handler":
        if type(v) == list:
          for i in v:
            if i == "cpp":
              metadataDict['handleInCpp'] = True
            elif i == "ts":
              metadataDict['handleInTypescript'] = True
              raise RuntimeError("Error in schema. Allowed values for __handler are \"cpp\" or \"ts\"")
        elif type(v) == str:
          if v == "cpp":
            metadataDict['handleInCpp'] = True
          elif v == "ts":
            metadataDict['handleInTypescript'] = True
            raise RuntimeError("Error in schema. Allowed values for __handler are \"cpp\" or \"ts\" (or a list of both)")
            raise RuntimeError("Error in schema. Allowed values for __handler are \"cpp\" or \"ts\" (or a list of both)")
  return metadataDict

def ProcessSchema(schema, genOrder):
  # sanity check

  # let's doctor the schema to clean it up a bit
  # order DOES NOT matter for enums, even though it's a list
  enums = []
  for fullName in schema.keys():
    if IsEnumType(fullName):
      # convert "enum Toto" to "Toto"
      typename = GetShortTypename(fullName)
      enum = {}
      enum['name'] = typename
      assert(type(schema[fullName]) == list)
      enum['fields'] = schema[fullName] # must be a list

  # now that the order has been established, we actually store\
  # the structs in the correct order
  # the structs are like:
  # example = [
  #   {
  #     "name": "Message1",
  #     "fields": {
  #       "someMember":"int32",
  #       "someOtherMember":"vector<string>"
  #     }
  #   },
  #   { 
  #     "name": "Message2",
  #     "fields": {
  #       "someMember":"int32",
  #       "someOtherMember22":"vector<Message1>"
  #     }
  #   }
  # ]

  structs = []
  for i in range(len(genOrder)):
    # this is already the short name
    typename = genOrder[i]
    fieldDict = schema["struct " + typename]
    struct = {}
    struct['name'] = typename
    struct['fields'] = GetStructFields(fieldDict)
    struct['__meta__'] = GetStructMetadata(fieldDict)
  templatingDict = {}
  templatingDict['enums'] = enums
  templatingDict['structs'] = structs
  templatingDict['rootName'] = schema['rootName']

  return templatingDict

# +-----------------------+
# |    Write to files     |
# +-----------------------+

# def WriteStreamsToFiles(rootName: str, genc: Dict[str, StringIO]) \
#   -> None:
#   pass

def LoadSchema(fn):
  # latin-1 is a trick, when we do NOT care about NON-ascii chars but
  # we wish to avoid using a decoding error handler
  # (see
  # TL;DR: all 256 values are mapped to characters in latin-1 so the file 
  # contents never cause an error.
  with open(fn, 'r', encoding='latin-1') as f:
    schemaText =
    assert(type(schemaText) == str)
  return LoadSchemaFromString(schemaText = schemaText)

def LoadSchemaFromString(schemaText:str):
    # ensure there is a space after each colon. Otherwise, dicts could be
    # erroneously recognized as an array of strings containing ':'
    for i in range(len(schemaText)-1):
      ch = schemaText[i]
      nextCh = schemaText[i+1]
      if ch == ':':
        if not (nextCh == ' ' or nextCh == '\n'):
          lineNumber = schemaText.count("\n",0,i) + 1
          raise RuntimeError("Error at line " + str(lineNumber) + " in the schema: colons must be followed by a space or a newline!")
    schema = yaml.load(schemaText, Loader = yamlloader.ordereddict.SafeLoader)
    return schema

def GetTemplatingDictFromSchemaFilename(fn):
  return GetTemplatingDictFromSchema(LoadSchema(fn))

def GetTemplatingDictFromSchema(schema):
  genOrder = ComputeRequiredDeclarationOrder(schema)
  templatingDict = ProcessSchema(schema, genOrder)
  currentDT =
  templatingDict['currentDatetime'] = str(currentDT)
  return templatingDict

# +-----------------------+
# |      ENTRY POINT      |
# +-----------------------+
def Process(schemaFile, outDir):
  tdico = GetTemplatingDictFromSchemaFilename(schemaFile)

  tsTemplateFile = \
    os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '')
  template = MakeTemplateFromFile(tsTemplateFile)
  renderedTsCode = template.render(**tdico)
  outputTsFile = os.path.join( \
    outDir,str(tdico['rootName']) + "_generated.ts")
  with open(outputTsFile,"wt",encoding='utf8') as outFile:

  cppTemplateFile = \
    os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '')
  template = MakeTemplateFromFile(cppTemplateFile)
  renderedCppCode = template.render(**tdico)
  outputCppFile = os.path.join( \
    outDir, str(tdico['rootName']) + "_generated.hpp")
  with open(outputCppFile,"wt",encoding='utf8') as outFile:

if __name__ == "__main__":
  import argparse

  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
    usage=""" [-h] [-o OUT_DIR] [-v] input_schema
    EXAMPLE: python -o "generated_files/" """
      + """ "mainSchema.yaml,App Specific Commands.json" """
  parser.add_argument("input_schema", type=str, \
    help="path to the schema file")
    help="""path of the directory where the files 
                          will be generated. Default is current
                          working folder""",
    help="""increase output verbosity (0 == errors 
                          only, 1 == some verbosity, 2 == nerd

  args = parser.parse_args()
  schemaFile = args.input_schema
  outDir = args.out_dir
  Process(schemaFile, outDir)