view Resources/CodeGeneration/ @ 544:11510f92cc38 dev

passive events
author Alain Mazy <>
date Mon, 25 Mar 2019 15:23:45 +0100
parents 17106b29ed6d
children 84af39146e76
line wrap: on
line source

         1         2         3         4         5         6         7

Generated on {{currentDatetime}} by stonegentool


function StoneCheckSerializedValueType(value: any, typeStr: string)

  if (value['type'] != typeStr)
    throw new Error(
      `Cannot deserialize type ${value['type']} into ${typeStr}`);

function isString(val: any) :boolean
  return ((typeof val === 'string') || (val instanceof String));

function StoneCheckSerializedValueTypeGeneric(value: any)
  // console.//log("+-------------------------------------------------+");
  // console.//log("|            StoneCheckSerializedValueTypeGeneric |");
  // console.//log("+-------------------------------------------------+");
  // console.//log("value = ");
  // console.//log(value);
  if ( (!('type' in value)) || (!isString(value.type)) )
    throw new Error(
      "Cannot deserialize value ('type' key invalid)");

// end of generic methods
{% for enum in enums%}
export enum {{enum['name']}} {
{% for key in enum['fields']%}  {{key}} = "{{key}}"{% if not loop.last %},{%endif%}

export function {{enum['name']}}_FromString(strValue:string) : {{enum['name']}}
{% for key in enum['fields'] %}  if( strValue == "{{key}}" )
    return {{enum['name']}}.{{key}};
  let msg : string =  `String ${strValue} cannot be converted to {{enum['name']}}. Possible values are: {% for key in enum['fields']%}{{key}}{% if not loop.last %}, {%endif%}{% endfor %}`;
  throw new Error(msg);

export function {{enum['name']}}_ToString(value:{{enum['name']}}) : string
{% for key in enum['fields'] %}  if( value == {{enum['name']}}.{{key}} )
    return "{{key}}";
  let msg : string = `Value ${value} cannot be converted to {{enum['name']}}. Possible values are: `;
{% for key in enum['fields']%}  {
    let _{{key}}_enumValue : string = {{enum['name']}}.{{key}}; // enums are strings in stonecodegen, so this will work.
    let msg_{{key}} : string = `{{key}} (${_{{key}}_enumValue}){% if not loop.last %}, {%endif%}`;
    msg = msg + msg_{{key}};
{%endfor%}  throw new Error(msg);

{% for struct in structs%}export class {{struct['name']}} {
{% if struct %}{% if struct['fields'] %}{% for key in struct['fields']%}  {{key}}:{{CanonToTs(struct['fields'][key])}};
{% endfor %}{% endif %}{% endif %}
  constructor() {
{% if struct %}{% if struct['fields'] %}{% for key in struct['fields']%}{% if NeedsTsConstruction(enums,CanonToTs(struct['fields'][key])) %}    this.{{key}} = new {{CanonToTs(struct['fields'][key])}}();
{% endif %}{% endfor %}{% endif %}{% endif %}  }

  public StoneSerialize(): string {
    let container: object = {};
    container['type'] = '{{rootName}}.{{struct['name']}}';
    container['value'] = this;
    return JSON.stringify(container);

  public static StoneDeserialize(valueStr: string) : {{struct['name']}}
    let value: any = JSON.parse(valueStr);
    StoneCheckSerializedValueType(value, '{{rootName}}.{{struct['name']}}');
    let result: {{struct['name']}} = value['value'] as {{struct['name']}};
    return result;
{% endfor %}
export interface IHandler {
{% for struct in structs%}{% if struct['__meta__'].handleInTypescript %}  Handle{{struct['name']}}(value:  {{struct['name']}}): boolean;
{% endif %}{% endfor %}};

/** Service function for StoneDispatchToHandler */
export function StoneDispatchJsonToHandler(
  jsonValue: any, handler: IHandler): boolean
  let type: string = jsonValue["type"];
  if (type == "")
    // this should never ever happen
    throw new Error("Caught empty type while dispatching");
{% for struct in structs%}{% if struct['__meta__'].handleInTypescript %}  else if (type == "{{rootName}}.{{struct['name']}}")
    let value = jsonValue["value"] as {{struct['name']}};
    return handler.Handle{{struct['name']}}(value);
{% endif %}{% endfor %}  else
    return false;

/** Takes a serialized type and passes this to the handler */
export function StoneDispatchToHandler(
  strValue: string, handler: IHandler): boolean
  // console.//log("+------------------------------------------------+");
  // console.//log("|            StoneDispatchToHandler              |");
  // console.//log("+------------------------------------------------+");
  // console.//log("strValue = ");
  // console.//log(strValue);
  let jsonValue: any = JSON.parse(strValue)
  return StoneDispatchJsonToHandler(jsonValue, handler);