view Resources/CodeGeneration/ @ 700:059e1fd05fd6 refactor-viewport-controller

Introduced the ViewportController that sits between the application and the Scene2D to handle the trackers and measuring tools. This is a work in progress. The Scene2D is no longer an observable. Message sending is managed by the ViewportController. Move some refs to shared and weak to prevent lifetime issues.
author Benjamin Golinvaux <>
date Sun, 19 May 2019 16:26:17 +0200
parents 84af39146e76
line wrap: on
line source

         1         2         3         4         5         6         7

Generated on {{currentDatetime}} by stonegentool


function StoneCheckSerializedValueType(value: any, typeStr: string)

  if (value['type'] != typeStr)
    throw new Error(
      `Cannot deserialize type ${value['type']} into ${typeStr}`);

function isString(val: any) :boolean
  return ((typeof val === 'string') || (val instanceof String));

function StoneCheckSerializedValueTypeGeneric(value: any)
  // console.//log("+-------------------------------------------------+");
  // console.//log("|            StoneCheckSerializedValueTypeGeneric |");
  // console.//log("+-------------------------------------------------+");
  // console.//log("value = ");
  // console.//log(value);
  if ( (!('type' in value)) || (!isString(value.type)) )
    throw new Error(
      "Cannot deserialize value ('type' key invalid)");

// end of generic methods
{% for enum in enums%}
export enum {{enum['name']}} {
{% for key in enum['fields']%}  {{key}} = "{{key}}"{% if not loop.last %},{%endif%}

export function {{enum['name']}}_FromString(strValue:string) : {{enum['name']}}
{% for key in enum['fields'] %}  if( strValue == "{{key}}" )
    return {{enum['name']}}.{{key}};
  let msg : string =  `String ${strValue} cannot be converted to {{enum['name']}}. Possible values are: {% for key in enum['fields']%}{{key}}{% if not loop.last %}, {%endif%}{% endfor %}`;
  throw new Error(msg);

export function {{enum['name']}}_ToString(value:{{enum['name']}}) : string
{% for key in enum['fields'] %}  if( value == {{enum['name']}}.{{key}} )
    return "{{key}}";
  let msg : string = `Value ${value} cannot be converted to {{enum['name']}}. Possible values are: `;
{% for key in enum['fields']%}  {
    let _{{key}}_enumValue : string = {{enum['name']}}.{{key}}; // enums are strings in stonecodegen, so this will work.
    let msg_{{key}} : string = `{{key}} (${_{{key}}_enumValue}){% if not loop.last %}, {%endif%}`;
    msg = msg + msg_{{key}};
{%endfor%}  throw new Error(msg);

{% for struct in structs%}export class {{struct['name']}} {
{% if struct %}{% if struct['fields'] %}{% for key in struct['fields']%}  {{key}}:{{CanonToTs(struct['fields'][key]['type'])}};
{% endfor %}{% endif %}{% endif %}
  constructor() {
{% if struct %}{% if struct['fields'] %}{% for key in struct['fields']%}{% if NeedsTsConstruction(enums,CanonToTs(struct['fields'][key]['type'])) %}    this.{{key}} = new {{CanonToTs(struct['fields'][key]['type'])}}();
{% endif %}
{% if struct['fields'][key]['defaultValue'] %}    this.{{key}} = {{DefaultValueToTs(enums,struct['fields'][key])}};
{% endif %}{% endfor %}{% endif %}{% endif %}  }

  public StoneSerialize(): string {
    let container: object = {};
    container['type'] = '{{rootName}}.{{struct['name']}}';
    container['value'] = this;
    return JSON.stringify(container);

  public static StoneDeserialize(valueStr: string) : {{struct['name']}}
    let value: any = JSON.parse(valueStr);
    StoneCheckSerializedValueType(value, '{{rootName}}.{{struct['name']}}');
    let result: {{struct['name']}} = value['value'] as {{struct['name']}};
    return result;
{% endfor %}
export interface IHandler {
{% for struct in structs%}{% if struct['__meta__'].handleInTypescript %}  Handle{{struct['name']}}(value:  {{struct['name']}}): boolean;
{% endif %}{% endfor %}};

/** Service function for StoneDispatchToHandler */
export function StoneDispatchJsonToHandler(
  jsonValue: any, handler: IHandler): boolean
  let type: string = jsonValue["type"];
  if (type == "")
    // this should never ever happen
    throw new Error("Caught empty type while dispatching");
{% for struct in structs%}{% if struct['__meta__'].handleInTypescript %}  else if (type == "{{rootName}}.{{struct['name']}}")
    let value = jsonValue["value"] as {{struct['name']}};
    return handler.Handle{{struct['name']}}(value);
{% endif %}{% endfor %}  else
    return false;

/** Takes a serialized type and passes this to the handler */
export function StoneDispatchToHandler(
  strValue: string, handler: IHandler): boolean
  // console.//log("+------------------------------------------------+");
  // console.//log("|            StoneDispatchToHandler              |");
  // console.//log("+------------------------------------------------+");
  // console.//log("strValue = ");
  // console.//log(strValue);
  let jsonValue: any = JSON.parse(strValue)
  return StoneDispatchJsonToHandler(jsonValue, handler);