view Framework/Toolbox/ShearWarpProjectiveTransform.cpp @ 700:059e1fd05fd6 refactor-viewport-controller

Introduced the ViewportController that sits between the application and the Scene2D to handle the trackers and measuring tools. This is a work in progress. The Scene2D is no longer an observable. Message sending is managed by the ViewportController. Move some refs to shared and weak to prevent lifetime issues.
author Benjamin Golinvaux <>
date Sun, 19 May 2019 16:26:17 +0200
parents 9a474e90e832
children f45fca2ebd10
line wrap: on
line source

 * Stone of Orthanc
 * Copyright (C) 2012-2016 Sebastien Jodogne, Medical Physics
 * Department, University Hospital of Liege, Belgium
 * Copyright (C) 2017-2019 Osimis S.A., Belgium
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
 * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Affero General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
 * along with this program. If not, see <>.

#include "ShearWarpProjectiveTransform.h"

#include "ImageGeometry.h"
#include "Extent2D.h"
#include "FiniteProjectiveCamera.h"
#include "GeometryToolbox.h"

#include <Core/Images/PixelTraits.h>
#include <Core/Images/ImageProcessing.h>
#include <Core/OrthancException.h>
#include <Core/Logging.h>

#include <boost/numeric/ublas/matrix_proxy.hpp>
#include <boost/math/special_functions/round.hpp>
#include <cassert>

namespace OrthancStone
  static bool IsValidShear(const Matrix& M_shear)
    return (LinearAlgebra::IsCloseToZero(M_shear(0, 1)) &&
            LinearAlgebra::IsCloseToZero(M_shear(1, 0)) &&
            LinearAlgebra::IsCloseToZero(M_shear(2, 0)) &&
            LinearAlgebra::IsCloseToZero(M_shear(2, 1)) &&
            LinearAlgebra::IsNear(1.0,   M_shear(2, 2)) &&
            LinearAlgebra::IsCloseToZero(M_shear(2, 3)) &&
            LinearAlgebra::IsCloseToZero(M_shear(3, 0)) &&
            LinearAlgebra::IsCloseToZero(M_shear(3, 1)) &&
            LinearAlgebra::IsNear(1.0,   M_shear(3, 3)));

  static void ComputeShearParameters(double& scaling,
                                     double& offsetX,
                                     double& offsetY,
                                     const Matrix& shear,
                                     double z)
    // Check out: ../../Resources/Computations/
    if (!LinearAlgebra::IsShearMatrix(shear))
      LOG(ERROR) << "Not a valid shear matrix";
      throw Orthanc::OrthancException(Orthanc::ErrorCode_InternalError);
    scaling = 1.0 / (shear(3,2) * z + 1.0);
    offsetX = shear(0,2) * z * scaling;
    offsetY = shear(1,2) * z * scaling;

  ShearWarpProjectiveTransform(const Matrix& M_view,
                               //const Matrix& P,           // Permutation applied to the volume
                               unsigned int volumeWidth,
                               unsigned int volumeHeight,
                               unsigned int volumeDepth,
                               double pixelSpacingX,
                               double pixelSpacingY,
                               unsigned int imageWidth,
                               unsigned int imageHeight)

      // Find back the camera center given the "M_view" matrix
      const double m11 = M_view(0, 0);
      const double m12 = M_view(0, 1);
      const double m13 = M_view(0, 2);
      const double m14 = M_view(0, 3);
      const double m21 = M_view(1, 0);
      const double m22 = M_view(1, 1);
      const double m23 = M_view(1, 2);
      const double m24 = M_view(1, 3);
      const double m41 = M_view(3, 0);
      const double m42 = M_view(3, 1);
      const double m43 = M_view(3, 2);
      const double m44 = M_view(3, 3);

      // Equations (A.8) to (A.11) on page 203. Also check out
      // "Finding the camera center" in "Multiple View Geometry in
      // Computer Vision - 2nd edition", page 163.
      const double vx[9] = { m12, m13, m14, m22, m23, m24, m42, m43, m44 };
      const double vy[9] = { m11, m13, m14, m21, m23, m24, m41, m43, m44 };
      const double vz[9] = { m11, m12, m14, m21, m22, m24, m41, m42, m44 };
      const double vw[9] = { m11, m12, m13, m21, m22, m23, m41, m42, m43 };

      Matrix m;

      LinearAlgebra::FillMatrix(m, 3, 3, vx);
      eye_o[0] = -LinearAlgebra::ComputeDeterminant(m);

      LinearAlgebra::FillMatrix(m, 3, 3, vy);
      eye_o[1] = LinearAlgebra::ComputeDeterminant(m);

      LinearAlgebra::FillMatrix(m, 3, 3, vz);
      eye_o[2] = -LinearAlgebra::ComputeDeterminant(m);

      LinearAlgebra::FillMatrix(m, 3, 3, vw);
      eye_o[3] = LinearAlgebra::ComputeDeterminant(m);

      if (LinearAlgebra::IsCloseToZero(eye_o[3]))
        LOG(ERROR) << "The shear-warp projective transform is not applicable to affine cameras";
        throw Orthanc::OrthancException(Orthanc::ErrorCode_InternalError);

#if 0
    // Assume "T_shift = I" (the eye does not lie on plane k = 0)
    const Matrix T_shift = LinearAlgebra::IdentityMatrix(4);
    // Equation (A.13) on page 204, given that the inverse of a
    // permutation matrix is its transpose (TODO CHECK). If no T_shift
    // or permutation P is applied, M'_view == M_view
    const Matrix MM_view = LinearAlgebra::Product(
    // This is a shortcut, as we take "T_shift = I" and "P = I"
    const Matrix MM_view = M_view;

    // Equation (A.14) on page 207
    Matrix MM_shear = LinearAlgebra::IdentityMatrix(4);
    MM_shear(0, 2) = -eye_o[0] / eye_o[2];
    MM_shear(1, 2) = -eye_o[1] / eye_o[2];
    MM_shear(3, 2) = -eye_o[3] / eye_o[2];

    // Compute the extent of the intermediate image
    Extent2D extent;
    double maxScaling = 1;

      // Compute the shearing factors of the two extreme planes of the
      // volume (z=0 and z=volumeDepth)
      double scaling, offsetX, offsetY;
      ComputeShearParameters(scaling, offsetX, offsetY, MM_shear, 0);

      if (scaling > 0)
        extent.AddPoint(offsetX, offsetY);
        extent.AddPoint(offsetX + static_cast<double>(volumeWidth) * scaling,
                        offsetY + static_cast<double>(volumeHeight) * scaling);

        if (scaling > maxScaling)
          maxScaling = scaling;

      ComputeShearParameters(scaling, offsetX, offsetY, MM_shear, volumeDepth);

      if (scaling > 0)
        extent.AddPoint(offsetX, offsetY);
        extent.AddPoint(offsetX + static_cast<double>(volumeWidth) * scaling,
                        offsetY + static_cast<double>(volumeHeight) * scaling);

        if (scaling > maxScaling)
          maxScaling = scaling;
    if (LinearAlgebra::IsCloseToZero(extent.GetWidth()) ||
      throw Orthanc::OrthancException(Orthanc::ErrorCode_InternalError);

    intermediateWidth_ = 
      static_cast<unsigned int>(std::ceil(extent.GetWidth() / maxScaling));
    intermediateHeight_ = 
      static_cast<unsigned int>(std::ceil(extent.GetHeight() / maxScaling));

    // This is the product "T * S" in Equation (A.16) on page 209
    Matrix TS = LinearAlgebra::Product(
        static_cast<double>(intermediateWidth_) / 2.0,
        static_cast<double>(intermediateHeight_) / 2.0, 0),
        1.0 / maxScaling, 1.0 / maxScaling, 1),
        -extent.GetCenterX(), -extent.GetCenterY(), 0));
    // This is Equation (A.16) on page 209. WARNING: There is an
    // error in Lacroute's thesis: "inv(MM_shear)" is used instead
    // of "MM_shear".
    M_shear = LinearAlgebra::Product(TS, MM_shear);

    if (!IsValidShear(M_shear))
      throw Orthanc::OrthancException(Orthanc::ErrorCode_InternalError);

    // This is Equation (A.17) on page 209
    Matrix tmp;
    LinearAlgebra::InvertMatrix(tmp, M_shear);
    M_warp = LinearAlgebra::Product(MM_view, tmp);

    // Intrinsic parameters of the camera
    k_ = LinearAlgebra::ZeroMatrix(3, 4);
    k_(0, 0) = 1.0 / pixelSpacingX;
    k_(0, 3) = static_cast<double>(imageWidth) / 2.0;
    k_(1, 1) = 1.0 / pixelSpacingY;
    k_(1, 3) = static_cast<double>(imageHeight) / 2.0;
    k_(2, 3) = 1.0;

  FiniteProjectiveCamera *ShearWarpProjectiveTransform::CreateCamera() const
    Matrix p = LinearAlgebra::Product(k_, M_warp, M_shear);
    return new FiniteProjectiveCamera(p);

  void ShearWarpProjectiveTransform::ComputeShearOnSlice(double& a11,
                                                         double& b1,
                                                         double& a22,
                                                         double& b2,
                                                         double& shearedZ,
                                                         const double sourceZ)
    // Check out: ../../Resources/Computations/

    const double s11 = M_shear(0, 0);
    const double s13 = M_shear(0, 2);
    const double s14 = M_shear(0, 3);
    const double s22 = M_shear(1, 1);
    const double s23 = M_shear(1, 2);
    const double s24 = M_shear(1, 3);
    const double s43 = M_shear(3, 2);

    double scaling = 1.0 / (s43 * sourceZ + 1.0);
    shearedZ = sourceZ * scaling;

    a11 = s11 * scaling;
    a22 = s22 * scaling;

    b1 = (s13 * sourceZ + s14) * scaling;
    b2 = (s23 * sourceZ + s24) * scaling;

  Matrix ShearWarpProjectiveTransform::CalibrateView(const Vector& camera,
                                                     const Vector& principalPoint,
                                                     double angle)
    if (camera.size() != 3 ||
        principalPoint.size() != 3)
      throw Orthanc::OrthancException(Orthanc::ErrorCode_ParameterOutOfRange);

    const double sid = boost::numeric::ublas::norm_2(camera - principalPoint);
    Matrix a;
    GeometryToolbox::AlignVectorsWithRotation(a, camera - principalPoint,
                                              LinearAlgebra::CreateVector(0, 0, -1));

    Matrix r = LinearAlgebra::Product(GeometryToolbox::CreateRotationMatrixAlongZ(angle), a);

    a = LinearAlgebra::ZeroMatrix(4, 4);
    boost::numeric::ublas::subrange(a, 0, 3, 0, 3) = r;

    const Vector v = LinearAlgebra::Product(r, -camera);
    a(0, 3) = v[0];
    a(1, 3) = v[1];
    a(2, 3) = v[2];
    a(3, 3) = 1;

    Matrix perspective = LinearAlgebra::ZeroMatrix(4, 4);
    perspective(0, 0) = sid;
    perspective(1, 1) = sid;
    perspective(2, 2) = sid;
    perspective(3, 2) = 1;

    Matrix M_view = LinearAlgebra::Product(perspective, a);
    assert(M_view.size1() == 4 &&
           M_view.size2() == 4);

      // Sanity checks
      Vector p1 = LinearAlgebra::CreateVector(camera[0], camera[1], camera[2], 1.0);
      Vector p2 = LinearAlgebra::CreateVector(principalPoint[0], principalPoint[1], principalPoint[2], 1.0);
      Vector v1 = LinearAlgebra::Product(M_view, p1);
      Vector v2 = LinearAlgebra::Product(M_view, p2);

      if (!LinearAlgebra::IsCloseToZero(v1[3]) ||  // Must be mapped to singularity (w=0)
        throw Orthanc::OrthancException(Orthanc::ErrorCode_InternalError);

      // The principal point must be mapped to (0,0,z,1)
      v2 /= v2[3];
      if (!LinearAlgebra::IsCloseToZero(v2[0]) ||
        throw Orthanc::OrthancException(Orthanc::ErrorCode_InternalError);

    return M_view;

  template <Orthanc::PixelFormat SourceFormat,
            Orthanc::PixelFormat TargetFormat,
            bool MIP>
  static void ApplyAxialInternal(Orthanc::ImageAccessor& target,
                                 float& maxValue,
                                 const Matrix& M_view,
                                 const ImageBuffer3D& source,
                                 double pixelSpacing,
                                 unsigned int countSlices,
                                 ImageInterpolation shearInterpolation,
                                 ImageInterpolation warpInterpolation)
    typedef Orthanc::PixelTraits<SourceFormat> SourceTraits;
    typedef Orthanc::PixelTraits<TargetFormat> TargetTraits;

     * Step 1: Precompute some information.
    if (target.GetFormat() != TargetFormat ||
        source.GetFormat() != SourceFormat ||
        !std::numeric_limits<float>::is_iec559 ||
        sizeof(float) != 4)
      throw Orthanc::OrthancException(Orthanc::ErrorCode_InternalError);

    if (countSlices > source.GetDepth())
      countSlices = source.GetDepth();

    if (countSlices == 0)
      maxValue = 0;
      Orthanc::ImageProcessing::Set(target, 0);
    LOG(INFO) << "Number of rendered slices: " << countSlices;

     * Step 2: Extract the shear-warp transform corresponding to
     * M_view.
    // Compute the "world" matrix that maps the source volume to the
    // (0,0,0)->(1,1,1) unit cube
    Vector origin = source.GetGeometry().GetCoordinates(0, 0, 0);
    Vector ps = source.GetGeometry().GetVoxelDimensions(VolumeProjection_Axial);
    Matrix world = LinearAlgebra::Product(
      GeometryToolbox::CreateScalingMatrix(1.0 / ps[0], 1.0 / ps[1], 1.0 / ps[2]),
      GeometryToolbox::CreateTranslationMatrix(-origin[0], -origin[1], -origin[2]));

    Matrix worldInv;
    LinearAlgebra::InvertMatrix(worldInv, world);

    ShearWarpProjectiveTransform shearWarp(LinearAlgebra::Product(M_view, worldInv),
                                           pixelSpacing, pixelSpacing,
                                           target.GetWidth(), target.GetHeight());
    const unsigned int intermediateWidth = shearWarp.GetIntermediateWidth();
    const unsigned int intermediateHeight = shearWarp.GetIntermediateHeight();

     * Step 3: Apply the "shear" part of the transform to form the
     * intermediate image. The sheared images are accumulated into the
     * Float32 image "accumulator". The number of samples available
     * for each pixel is stored in the "counter" image.

    std::auto_ptr<Orthanc::ImageAccessor> accumulator, counter, intermediate;

    accumulator.reset(new Orthanc::Image(Orthanc::PixelFormat_Float32,
                                         intermediateWidth, intermediateHeight, false));
    counter.reset(new Orthanc::Image(Orthanc::PixelFormat_Grayscale16,
                                     intermediateWidth, intermediateHeight, false)); 
    intermediate.reset(new Orthanc::Image(SourceFormat, intermediateWidth, intermediateHeight, false));

    Orthanc::ImageProcessing::Set(*accumulator, 0);
    Orthanc::ImageProcessing::Set(*counter, 0);

    // Loop around the slices of the volume
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i <= countSlices; i++)
      // (3.a) Compute the shear for this specific slice
      unsigned int z = static_cast<unsigned int>(
        boost::math::iround(static_cast<double>(i) /
                            static_cast<double>(countSlices) *
                            static_cast<double>(source.GetDepth() - 1)));
      double a11, b1, a22, b2, vz;
      shearWarp.ComputeShearOnSlice(a11, b1, a22, b2, vz, static_cast<double>(z) + 0.5);

        // (3.b) Detect the "useful" portion of the intermediate image
        // for this slice (i.e. the bounding box where the source
        // slice is mapped to by the shear), so as to update "counter"
        Matrix a = LinearAlgebra::ZeroMatrix(3, 3);
        a(0,0) = a11;
        a(0,2) = b1;
        a(1,1) = a22;
        a(1,2) = b2;
        a(2,2) = 1;

        unsigned int x1, y1, x2, y2;
        if (GetProjectiveTransformExtent(x1, y1, x2, y2, a,
                                         source.GetWidth(), source.GetHeight(),
                                         intermediateWidth, intermediateHeight))
          for (unsigned int y = y1; y <= y2; y++)
            uint16_t* p = reinterpret_cast<uint16_t*>(counter->GetRow(y)) + x1;
            for (unsigned int x = x1; x <= x2; x++, p++)
              if (MIP)
                // TODO - In the case of MIP, "counter" could be
                // reduced to "PixelFormat_Grayscale8" to reduce
                // memory usage
                *p = 1;
                *p += 1;

        // (3.c) Shear the source slice into a temporary image
        ImageBuffer3D::SliceReader reader(source, VolumeProjection_Axial, z);      
        ApplyAffineTransform(*intermediate, reader.GetAccessor(),
                             a11, 0,   b1,
                             0,   a22, b2,
                             shearInterpolation, true);

      for (unsigned int y = 0; y < intermediateHeight; y++)
        // (3.d) Accumulate the pixels of the sheared image into "accumulator"
        const typename SourceTraits::PixelType* p =
          reinterpret_cast<const typename SourceTraits::PixelType*>(intermediate->GetConstRow(y));

        float* q = reinterpret_cast<float*>(accumulator->GetRow(y));
        for (unsigned int x = 0; x < intermediateWidth; x++)
          float pixel = SourceTraits::PixelToFloat(*p);
          if (MIP)
            // Get maximum for MIP
            if (*q < pixel)
              *q = pixel;
            *q += pixel;

     * Step 4: The intermediate image (that will be transformed by the
     * "warp") is now available as an accumulator image together with
     * a counter image. "Flatten" these two images into one.

    intermediate.reset(new Orthanc::Image
                       (TargetFormat, intermediateWidth, intermediateHeight, false));

    maxValue = 0;
    for (unsigned int y = 0; y < intermediateHeight; y++)
      const float *qacc = reinterpret_cast<const float*>(accumulator->GetConstRow(y));
      const uint16_t *qcount = reinterpret_cast<const uint16_t*>(counter->GetConstRow(y));
      typename TargetTraits::PixelType *p =
        reinterpret_cast<typename TargetTraits::PixelType*>(intermediate->GetRow(y));

      for (unsigned int x = 0; x < intermediateWidth; x++)
        if (*qcount == 0)
          *p = static_cast<TargetTraits::PixelType>
            (*qacc / static_cast<float>(*qcount));

          if (*p > maxValue)
            maxValue = *p;

    // We don't need the accumulator images anymore

     * Step 6: Apply the "warp" part of the transform to map the
     * intermediate image to the final image.

    Matrix warp;

      // (5.a) Compute the "warp" matrix by removing the 3rd row and
      // 3rd column from the GetWarp() matrix
      // Check out: ../../Resources/Computations/
      Matrix fullWarp = LinearAlgebra::Product
        (shearWarp.GetIntrinsicParameters(), shearWarp.GetWarp());

      const double v[] = {
        fullWarp(0,0), fullWarp(0,1), fullWarp(0,3), 
        fullWarp(1,0), fullWarp(1,1), fullWarp(1,3), 
        fullWarp(2,0), fullWarp(2,1), fullWarp(2,3)

      LinearAlgebra::FillMatrix(warp, 3, 3, v);

    // (5.b) Apply the projective transform to the image
    ApplyProjectiveTransform(target, *intermediate, warp, warpInterpolation, true);

  template <Orthanc::PixelFormat SourceFormat,
            Orthanc::PixelFormat TargetFormat>
  static void ApplyAxialInternal2(Orthanc::ImageAccessor& target,
                                  float& maxValue,
                                  const Matrix& M_view,
                                  const ImageBuffer3D& source,
                                  bool mip,
                                  double pixelSpacing,
                                  unsigned int countSlices,
                                  ImageInterpolation shearInterpolation,
                                  ImageInterpolation warpInterpolation)
    if (mip)
      ApplyAxialInternal<SourceFormat, TargetFormat, true>
        (target, maxValue, M_view, source, pixelSpacing,
         countSlices, shearInterpolation, warpInterpolation);
      ApplyAxialInternal<SourceFormat, TargetFormat, false>
        (target, maxValue, M_view, source, pixelSpacing,
         countSlices, shearInterpolation, warpInterpolation);

  ShearWarpProjectiveTransform::ApplyAxial(float& maxValue,
                                           const Matrix& M_view,
                                           const ImageBuffer3D& source,
                                           Orthanc::PixelFormat targetFormat,
                                           unsigned int targetWidth,
                                           unsigned int targetHeight,
                                           bool mip,
                                           double pixelSpacing,
                                           unsigned int countSlices,
                                           ImageInterpolation shearInterpolation,
                                           ImageInterpolation warpInterpolation)
    std::auto_ptr<Orthanc::ImageAccessor> target
      (new Orthanc::Image(targetFormat, targetWidth, targetHeight, false));
    if (source.GetFormat() == Orthanc::PixelFormat_Grayscale16 &&
        targetFormat == Orthanc::PixelFormat_Grayscale16)
        (*target, maxValue, M_view, source, mip, pixelSpacing,
         countSlices, shearInterpolation, warpInterpolation);
    else if (source.GetFormat() == Orthanc::PixelFormat_SignedGrayscale16 &&
             targetFormat == Orthanc::PixelFormat_SignedGrayscale16)
        (*target, maxValue, M_view, source, mip, pixelSpacing,
         countSlices, shearInterpolation, warpInterpolation);
      throw Orthanc::OrthancException(Orthanc::ErrorCode_NotImplemented);

    return target.release();