diff Resources/CodeGeneration/template.in.h.j2 @ 515:1dbf2d9ed1e4 bgo-commands-codegen

Added .j2 extension to the Jinja2 template files to allow for a better syntax highlighting experience (a.o. in vscode)
author Benjamin Golinvaux <bgo@osimis.io>
date Mon, 11 Mar 2019 14:39:31 +0100
parents Resources/CodeGeneration/template.in.h@381144d2434f
children 17106b29ed6d
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Resources/CodeGeneration/template.in.h.j2	Mon Mar 11 14:39:31 2019 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,410 @@
+         1         2         3         4         5         6         7
+Generated on {{currentDatetime}} by stonegentool
+#pragma once
+#include <exception>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <string>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <memory>
+#include <json/json.h>
+//#define STONEGEN_NO_CPP11 1
+#define StoneSmartPtr std::auto_ptr
+#define StoneSmartPtr std::unique_ptr
+namespace {{rootName}}
+  /** Throws in case of problem */
+  inline void _StoneDeserializeValue(int32_t& destValue, const Json::Value& jsonValue)
+  {
+    destValue = jsonValue.asInt();
+  }
+  inline Json::Value _StoneSerializeValue(int32_t value)
+  {
+    Json::Value result(value);
+    return result;
+  }
+  inline void _StoneDeserializeValue(Json::Value& destValue, const Json::Value& jsonValue)
+  {
+    destValue = jsonValue;
+  }
+  inline Json::Value _StoneSerializeValue(Json::Value value)
+  {
+    return value;
+  }
+  /** Throws in case of problem */
+  inline void _StoneDeserializeValue(double& destValue, const Json::Value& jsonValue)
+  {
+    destValue = jsonValue.asDouble();
+  }
+  inline Json::Value _StoneSerializeValue(double value)
+  {
+    Json::Value result(value);
+    return result;
+  }
+  /** Throws in case of problem */
+  inline void _StoneDeserializeValue(bool& destValue, const Json::Value& jsonValue)
+  {
+    destValue = jsonValue.asBool();
+  }
+  inline Json::Value _StoneSerializeValue(bool value)
+  {
+    Json::Value result(value);
+    return result;
+  }
+  /** Throws in case of problem */
+  inline void _StoneDeserializeValue(
+       std::string& destValue
+     , const Json::Value& jsonValue)
+  {
+    destValue = jsonValue.asString();
+  }
+  inline Json::Value _StoneSerializeValue(const std::string& value)
+  {
+    // the following is better than 
+    Json::Value result(value.data(),value.data()+value.size());
+    return result;
+  }
+  inline std::string MakeIndent(int indent)
+  {
+    char* txt = reinterpret_cast<char*>(malloc(indent+1)); // NO EXCEPTION BELOW!!!!!!!!!!!!
+    for(size_t i = 0; i < indent; ++i)
+      txt[i] = ' ';
+    txt[indent] = 0;
+    std::string retVal(txt);
+    free(txt); // NO EXCEPTION ABOVE !!!!!!!!!!
+    return retVal;
+  }
+  // generic dumper
+  template<typename T>
+  std::ostream& StoneDumpValue(std::ostream& out, const T& value, int indent)
+  {
+    out << MakeIndent(indent) << value;
+    return out;
+  }
+  // string dumper
+  inline std::ostream& StoneDumpValue(std::ostream& out, const std::string& value, int indent)
+  {
+    out << MakeIndent(indent) << "\"" << value  << "\"";
+    return out;
+  }
+  /** Throws in case of problem */
+  template<typename T>
+  void _StoneDeserializeValue(
+    std::map<std::string, T>& destValue, const Json::Value& jsonValue)
+  {
+    destValue.clear();
+    for (
+      Json::Value::const_iterator itr = jsonValue.begin();
+      itr != jsonValue.end();
+      itr++)
+    {
+      std::string key;
+      _StoneDeserializeValue(key, itr.key());
+      T innerDestValue;
+      _StoneDeserializeValue(innerDestValue, *itr);
+      destValue[key] = innerDestValue;
+    }
+  }
+  template<typename T>
+  Json::Value _StoneSerializeValue(const std::map<std::string,T>& value)
+  {
+    Json::Value result(Json::objectValue);
+    for (typename std::map<std::string, T>::const_iterator it = value.cbegin();
+      it != value.cend(); ++it)
+    {
+      // it->first it->second
+      result[it->first] = _StoneSerializeValue(it->second);
+    }
+    return result;
+  }
+  template<typename T>
+  std::ostream& StoneDumpValue(std::ostream& out, const std::map<std::string,T>& value, int indent)
+  {
+    out << MakeIndent(indent) << "{\n";
+    for (typename std::map<std::string, T>::const_iterator it = value.cbegin();
+      it != value.cend(); ++it)
+    {
+      out << MakeIndent(indent+2) << "\"" << it->first << "\" : ";
+      StoneDumpValue(out, it->second, indent+2);
+    }
+    out << MakeIndent(indent) << "}\n";
+    return out;
+  }
+  /** Throws in case of problem */
+  template<typename T>
+  void _StoneDeserializeValue(
+    std::vector<T>& destValue, const Json::Value& jsonValue)
+  {
+    destValue.clear();
+    destValue.reserve(jsonValue.size());
+    for (Json::Value::ArrayIndex i = 0; i != jsonValue.size(); i++)
+    {
+      T innerDestValue;
+      _StoneDeserializeValue(innerDestValue, jsonValue[i]);
+      destValue.push_back(innerDestValue);
+    }
+  }
+  template<typename T>
+  Json::Value _StoneSerializeValue(const std::vector<T>& value)
+  {
+    Json::Value result(Json::arrayValue);
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < value.size(); ++i)
+    {
+      result.append(_StoneSerializeValue(value[i]));
+    }
+    return result;
+  }
+  template<typename T>
+  std::ostream& StoneDumpValue(std::ostream& out, const std::vector<T>& value, int indent)
+  {
+    out << MakeIndent(indent) << "[\n";
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < value.size(); ++i)
+    {
+      StoneDumpValue(out, value[i], indent+2);
+    }
+    out << MakeIndent(indent) << "]\n";
+    return out;
+  }
+  inline void StoneCheckSerializedValueTypeGeneric(const Json::Value& value)
+  {
+    if ((!value.isMember("type")) || (!value["type"].isString()))
+    {
+      std::stringstream ss;
+      ss << "Cannot deserialize value ('type' key invalid)";
+      throw std::runtime_error(ss.str());
+    }
+  }
+  inline void StoneCheckSerializedValueType(
+    const Json::Value& value, std::string typeStr)
+  {
+    StoneCheckSerializedValueTypeGeneric(value);
+    std::string actTypeStr = value["type"].asString();
+    if (actTypeStr != typeStr)
+    {
+      std::stringstream ss;
+      ss << "Cannot deserialize type" << actTypeStr
+        << "into " << typeStr;
+      throw std::runtime_error(ss.str());
+    }
+  }
+  // end of generic methods
+// end of generic methods
+{% for enum in enums%}
+  enum {{enum['name']}} {
+{% for key in enum['fields']%}    {{enum['name']}}_{{key}},
+{%endfor%}  };
+  inline void _StoneDeserializeValue(
+    {{enum['name']}}& destValue, const Json::Value& jsonValue)
+  {
+    destValue = static_cast<{{enum['name']}}>(jsonValue.asInt64());
+  }
+  inline Json::Value _StoneSerializeValue(const {{enum['name']}}& value)
+  {
+    return Json::Value(static_cast<int64_t>(value));
+  }
+  inline std::string ToString(const {{enum['name']}}& value)
+  {
+{% for key in enum['fields']%}    if( value == {{enum['name']}}_{{key}})
+    {
+      return std::string("{{key}}");
+    }
+{%endfor%}    std::stringstream ss;
+    ss << "Value \"" << value << "\" cannot be converted to {{enum['name']}}. Possible values are: "
+{% for key in enum['fields']%}        << " {{key}} = " << static_cast<int64_t>({{enum['name']}}_{{key}})  << ", " 
+{% endfor %}        << std::endl;
+    std::string msg = ss.str();
+    throw std::runtime_error(msg);
+  }
+  inline void FromString({{enum['name']}}& value, std::string strValue)
+  {
+{% for key in enum['fields']%}    if( strValue == std::string("{{key}}") )
+    {
+      value = {{enum['name']}}_{{key}};
+    }
+    std::stringstream ss;
+    ss << "String \"" << strValue << "\" cannot be converted to {{enum['name']}}. Possible values are: {% for key in enum['fields']%}{{key}}{% endfor %}";
+    std::string msg = ss.str();
+    throw std::runtime_error(msg);
+  }
+  inline std::ostream& StoneDumpValue(std::ostream& out, const {{enum['name']}}& value, int indent = 0)
+  {
+{% for key in enum['fields']%}    if( value == {{enum['name']}}_{{key}})
+    {
+      out << MakeIndent(indent) << "{{key}}" << std::endl;
+    }
+{%endfor%}    return out;
+  }
+{% for struct in structs%}
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma region {{struct['name']}}
+#endif //_MSC_VER
+  struct {{struct['name']}}
+  {
+{% if struct %}{% if struct['fields'] %}{% for key in struct['fields']%}    {{CanonToCpp(struct['fields'][key])}} {{key}};
+{% endfor %}{% endif %}{% endif %}
+    {{struct['name']}}({% if struct %}{% if struct['fields'] %}{% for key in struct['fields']%}{{CanonToCpp(struct['fields'][key])}} {{key}} = {{CanonToCpp(struct['fields'][key])}}(){{ ", " if not loop.last }}{% endfor %}{% endif %}{% endif %})
+    {
+{% if struct %}{% if struct['fields'] %}{% for key in struct['fields']%}      this->{{key}} = {{key}};
+{% endfor %}{% endif %}{% endif %}    }
+  };
+  inline void _StoneDeserializeValue({{struct['name']}}& destValue, const Json::Value& value)
+  {
+{% if struct %}{% if struct['fields'] %}{% for key in struct['fields']%}    _StoneDeserializeValue(destValue.{{key}}, value["{{key}}"]);
+{% endfor %}{% endif %}{% endif %}    }
+  inline Json::Value _StoneSerializeValue(const {{struct['name']}}& value)
+  {
+    Json::Value result(Json::objectValue);
+{% if struct %}{% if struct['fields'] %}{% for key in struct['fields']%}    result["{{key}}"] = _StoneSerializeValue(value.{{key}});
+{% endfor %}{% endif %}{% endif %}
+    return result;
+  }
+  inline std::ostream& StoneDumpValue(std::ostream& out, const {{struct['name']}}& value, int indent = 0)
+  {
+    out << MakeIndent(indent) << "{\n";
+{% if struct %}{% if struct['fields'] %}{% for key in struct['fields']%}    out << MakeIndent(indent) << "{{key}}:\n";
+    StoneDumpValue(out, value.{{key}},indent+2);
+    out << "\n";
+{% endfor %}{% endif %}{% endif %}
+    out << MakeIndent(indent) << "}\n";
+    return out;
+  }
+  inline void StoneDeserialize({{struct['name']}}& destValue, const Json::Value& value)
+  {
+    StoneCheckSerializedValueType(value, "{{rootName}}.{{struct['name']}}");
+    _StoneDeserializeValue(destValue, value["value"]);
+  }
+  inline Json::Value StoneSerializeToJson(const {{struct['name']}}& value)
+  {
+    Json::Value result(Json::objectValue);
+    result["type"] = "{{rootName}}.{{struct['name']}}";
+    result["value"] = _StoneSerializeValue(value);
+    return result;
+  }
+  inline std::string StoneSerialize(const {{struct['name']}}& value)
+  {
+    Json::Value resultJson = StoneSerializeToJson(value);
+    std::string resultStr = resultJson.toStyledString();
+    return resultStr;
+  }
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma endregion {{struct['name']}}
+#endif //_MSC_VER
+{% endfor %}
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma region Dispatching code
+#endif //_MSC_VER
+  class IHandler
+  {
+  public:
+{% for struct in structs%}{% if struct['__meta__'].handleInCpp %}    virtual bool Handle(const {{struct['name']}}& value) = 0;
+{% endif %}{% endfor %}  };
+  /** Service function for StoneDispatchToHandler */
+  inline bool StoneDispatchJsonToHandler(
+    const Json::Value& jsonValue, IHandler* handler)
+  {
+    StoneCheckSerializedValueTypeGeneric(jsonValue);
+    std::string type = jsonValue["type"].asString();
+    if (type == "")
+    {
+      // this should never ever happen
+      throw std::runtime_error("Caught empty type while dispatching");
+    }
+{% for struct in structs%}{% if struct['__meta__'].handleInCpp %}    else if (type == "{{rootName}}.{{struct['name']}}")
+    {
+      {{struct['name']}} value;
+      _StoneDeserializeValue(value, jsonValue["value"]);
+      return handler->Handle(value);
+    }
+{% endif %}{% endfor %}    else
+    {
+      return false;
+    }
+  }
+  /** Takes a serialized type and passes this to the handler */
+  inline bool StoneDispatchToHandler(std::string strValue, IHandler* handler)
+  {
+    Json::Value readValue;
+    Json::CharReaderBuilder builder;
+    Json::CharReader* reader = builder.newCharReader();
+    StoneSmartPtr<Json::CharReader> ptr(reader);
+    std::string errors;
+    bool ok = reader->parse(
+      strValue.c_str(),
+      strValue.c_str() + strValue.size(),
+      &readValue,
+      &errors
+    );
+    if (!ok)
+    {
+      std::stringstream ss;
+      ss << "Jsoncpp parsing error: " << errors;
+      throw std::runtime_error(ss.str());
+    }
+    return StoneDispatchJsonToHandler(readValue, handler);
+  }
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma endregion Dispatching code
+#endif //_MSC_VER