view com/hjg/pngj/ @ 4:3f418d4451d6 pngj

add pngj
author Sebastien Jodogne <>
date Fri, 15 Apr 2016 09:52:58 +0200
line wrap: on
line source


import java.util.Arrays;


 * Bunch of utility static methods to proces an image line at the pixel level.
 * <p>
 * WARNING: this has little testing/optimizing, and this API is not stable. some methods will probably be changed or
 * removed if future releases.
 * <p>
 * WARNING: most methods for getting/setting values work currently only for ImageLine or ImageLineByte
public class ImageLineHelper {

  static int[] DEPTH_UNPACK_1;
  static int[] DEPTH_UNPACK_2;
  static int[] DEPTH_UNPACK_4;
  static int[][] DEPTH_UNPACK;

  static {

  private static void initDepthScale() {
    DEPTH_UNPACK_1 = new int[2];
    for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
      DEPTH_UNPACK_1[i] = i * 255;
    DEPTH_UNPACK_2 = new int[4];
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
      DEPTH_UNPACK_2[i] = (i * 255) / 3;
    DEPTH_UNPACK_4 = new int[16];
    for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
      DEPTH_UNPACK_4[i] = (i * 255) / 15;
    DEPTH_UNPACK = new int[][] {null, DEPTH_UNPACK_1, DEPTH_UNPACK_2, null, DEPTH_UNPACK_4};

   * When the bitdepth is less than 8, the imageLine is usually returned/expected unscaled. This method upscales it in
   * place. Eg, if bitdepth=1, values 0-1 will be converted to 0-255
  public static void scaleUp(IImageLineArray line) {
    if (line.getImageInfo().indexed || line.getImageInfo().bitDepth >= 8)
    final int[] scaleArray = DEPTH_UNPACK[line.getImageInfo().bitDepth];
    if (line instanceof ImageLineInt) {
      ImageLineInt iline = (ImageLineInt) line;
      for (int i = 0; i < iline.getSize(); i++)
        iline.scanline[i] = scaleArray[iline.scanline[i]];
    } else if (line instanceof ImageLineByte) {
      ImageLineByte iline = (ImageLineByte) line;
      for (int i = 0; i < iline.getSize(); i++)
        iline.scanline[i] = (byte) scaleArray[iline.scanline[i]];
    } else
      throw new PngjException("not implemented");

   * Reverse of {@link #scaleUp(IImageLineArray)}
  public static void scaleDown(IImageLineArray line) {
    if (line.getImageInfo().indexed || line.getImageInfo().bitDepth >= 8)
    if (line instanceof ImageLineInt) {
      final int scalefactor = 8 - line.getImageInfo().bitDepth;
      if (line instanceof ImageLineInt) {
        ImageLineInt iline = (ImageLineInt) line;
        for (int i = 0; i < line.getSize(); i++)
          iline.scanline[i] = iline.scanline[i] >> scalefactor;
      } else if (line instanceof ImageLineByte) {
        ImageLineByte iline = (ImageLineByte) line;
        for (int i = 0; i < line.getSize(); i++)
          iline.scanline[i] = (byte) ((iline.scanline[i] & 0xFF) >> scalefactor);
    } else
      throw new PngjException("not implemented");

  public static byte scaleUp(int bitdepth, byte v) {
    return bitdepth < 8 ? (byte) DEPTH_UNPACK[bitdepth][v] : v;

  public static byte scaleDown(int bitdepth, byte v) {
    return bitdepth < 8 ? (byte) (v >> (8 - bitdepth)) : v;

   * Given an indexed line with a palette, unpacks as a RGB array, or RGBA if a non nul PngChunkTRNS chunk is passed
   * @param line ImageLine as returned from PngReader
   * @param pal Palette chunk
   * @param trns Transparency chunk, can be null (absent)
   * @param buf Preallocated array, optional
   * @return R G B (A), one sample 0-255 per array element. Ready for pngw.writeRowInt()
  public static int[] palette2rgb(ImageLineInt line, PngChunkPLTE pal, PngChunkTRNS trns, int[] buf) {
    return palette2rgb(line, pal, trns, buf, false);

   * Warning: the line should be upscaled, see {@link #scaleUp(IImageLineArray)}
  static int[] lineToARGB32(ImageLineByte line, PngChunkPLTE pal, PngChunkTRNS trns, int[] buf) {
    boolean alphachannel = line.imgInfo.alpha;
    int cols = line.getImageInfo().cols;
    if (buf == null || buf.length < cols)
      buf = new int[cols];
    int index, rgb, alpha, ga, g;
    if (line.getImageInfo().indexed) {// palette
      int nindexesWithAlpha = trns != null ? trns.getPalletteAlpha().length : 0;
      for (int c = 0; c < cols; c++) {
        index = line.scanline[c] & 0xFF;
        rgb = pal.getEntry(index);
        alpha = index < nindexesWithAlpha ? trns.getPalletteAlpha()[index] : 255;
        buf[c] = (alpha << 24) | rgb;
    } else if (line.imgInfo.greyscale) { // gray
      ga = trns != null ? trns.getGray() : -1;
      for (int c = 0, c2 = 0; c < cols; c++) {
        g = (line.scanline[c2++] & 0xFF);
        alpha = alphachannel ? line.scanline[c2++] & 0xFF : (g != ga ? 255 : 0);
        buf[c] = (alpha << 24) | g | (g << 8) | (g << 16);
    } else { // true color
      ga = trns != null ? trns.getRGB888() : -1;
      for (int c = 0, c2 = 0; c < cols; c++) {
        rgb =
            ((line.scanline[c2++] & 0xFF) << 16) | ((line.scanline[c2++] & 0xFF) << 8)
                | (line.scanline[c2++] & 0xFF);
        alpha = alphachannel ? line.scanline[c2++] & 0xFF : (rgb != ga ? 255 : 0);
        buf[c] = (alpha << 24) | rgb;
    return buf;

   * Warning: the line should be upscaled, see {@link #scaleUp(IImageLineArray)}
  static byte[] lineToRGBA8888(ImageLineByte line, PngChunkPLTE pal, PngChunkTRNS trns, byte[] buf) {
    boolean alphachannel = line.imgInfo.alpha;
    int cols = line.imgInfo.cols;
    int bytes = cols * 4;
    if (buf == null || buf.length < bytes)
      buf = new byte[bytes];
    int index, rgb, ga;
    byte val;
    if (line.imgInfo.indexed) {// palette
      int nindexesWithAlpha = trns != null ? trns.getPalletteAlpha().length : 0;
      for (int c = 0, b = 0; c < cols; c++) {
        index = line.scanline[c] & 0xFF;
        rgb = pal.getEntry(index);
        buf[b++] = (byte) ((rgb >> 16) & 0xFF);
        buf[b++] = (byte) ((rgb >> 8) & 0xFF);
        buf[b++] = (byte) (rgb & 0xFF);
        buf[b++] = (byte) (index < nindexesWithAlpha ? trns.getPalletteAlpha()[index] : 255);
    } else if (line.imgInfo.greyscale) { //
      ga = trns != null ? trns.getGray() : -1;
      for (int c = 0, b = 0; b < bytes;) {
        val = line.scanline[c++];
        buf[b++] = val;
        buf[b++] = val;
        buf[b++] = val;
        buf[b++] =
            alphachannel ? line.scanline[c++] : ((int) (val & 0xFF) == ga) ? (byte) 0 : (byte) 255;
    } else { // true color
      if (alphachannel) // same format!
        System.arraycopy(line.scanline, 0, buf, 0, bytes);
      else {
        for (int c = 0, b = 0; b < bytes;) {
          buf[b++] = line.scanline[c++];
          buf[b++] = line.scanline[c++];
          buf[b++] = line.scanline[c++];
          buf[b++] = (byte) (255); // tentative (probable)
          if (trns != null && buf[b - 3] == (byte) trns.getRGB()[0]
              && buf[b - 2] == (byte) trns.getRGB()[1] && buf[b - 1] == (byte) trns.getRGB()[2]) // not
                                                                                                 // very
                                                                                                 // efficient,
                                                                                                 // but
                                                                                                 // not
                                                                                                 // frecuent
            buf[b - 1] = 0;
    return buf;

  static byte[] lineToRGB888(ImageLineByte line, PngChunkPLTE pal, byte[] buf) {
    boolean alphachannel = line.imgInfo.alpha;
    int cols = line.imgInfo.cols;
    int bytes = cols * 3;
    if (buf == null || buf.length < bytes)
      buf = new byte[bytes];
    byte val;
    int[] rgb = new int[3];
    if (line.imgInfo.indexed) {// palette
      for (int c = 0, b = 0; c < cols; c++) {
        pal.getEntryRgb(line.scanline[c] & 0xFF, rgb);
        buf[b++] = (byte) rgb[0];
        buf[b++] = (byte) rgb[1];
        buf[b++] = (byte) rgb[2];
    } else if (line.imgInfo.greyscale) { //
      for (int c = 0, b = 0; b < bytes;) {
        val = line.scanline[c++];
        buf[b++] = val;
        buf[b++] = val;
        buf[b++] = val;
        if (alphachannel)
          c++; // skip alpha
    } else { // true color
      if (!alphachannel) // same format!
        System.arraycopy(line.scanline, 0, buf, 0, bytes);
      else {
        for (int c = 0, b = 0; b < bytes;) {
          buf[b++] = line.scanline[c++];
          buf[b++] = line.scanline[c++];
          buf[b++] = line.scanline[c++];
          c++;// skip alpha
    return buf;

   * Same as palette2rgbx , but returns rgba always, even if trns is null
   * @param line ImageLine as returned from PngReader
   * @param pal Palette chunk
   * @param trns Transparency chunk, can be null (absent)
   * @param buf Preallocated array, optional
   * @return R G B (A), one sample 0-255 per array element. Ready for pngw.writeRowInt()
  public static int[] palette2rgba(ImageLineInt line, PngChunkPLTE pal, PngChunkTRNS trns, int[] buf) {
    return palette2rgb(line, pal, trns, buf, true);

  public static int[] palette2rgb(ImageLineInt line, PngChunkPLTE pal, int[] buf) {
    return palette2rgb(line, pal, null, buf, false);

  /** this is not very efficient, only for tests and troubleshooting */
  public static int[] convert2rgba(IImageLineArray line, PngChunkPLTE pal, PngChunkTRNS trns,
      int[] buf) {
    ImageInfo imi = line.getImageInfo();
    int nsamples = imi.cols * 4;
    if (buf == null || buf.length < nsamples)
      buf = new int[nsamples];
    int maxval = imi.bitDepth == 16 ? (1 << 16) - 1 : 255;
    Arrays.fill(buf, maxval);

    if (imi.indexed) {
      int tlen = trns != null ? trns.getPalletteAlpha().length : 0;
      for (int s = 0; s < imi.cols; s++) {
        int index = line.getElem(s);
        pal.getEntryRgb(index, buf, s * 4);
        if (index < tlen) {
          buf[s * 4 + 3] = trns.getPalletteAlpha()[index];
    } else if (imi.greyscale) {
      int[] unpack = null;
      if (imi.bitDepth < 8)
        unpack = ImageLineHelper.DEPTH_UNPACK[imi.bitDepth];
      for (int s = 0, i = 0, p = 0; p < imi.cols; p++) {
        buf[s++] = unpack != null ? unpack[line.getElem(i++)] : line.getElem(i++);
        buf[s] = buf[s - 1];
        buf[s] = buf[s - 1];
        if (imi.channels == 2)
          buf[s++] = unpack != null ? unpack[line.getElem(i++)] : line.getElem(i++);
          buf[s++] = maxval;
    } else {
      for (int s = 0, i = 0, p = 0; p < imi.cols; p++) {
        buf[s++] = line.getElem(i++);
        buf[s++] = line.getElem(i++);
        buf[s++] = line.getElem(i++);
        buf[s++] = imi.alpha ? line.getElem(i++) : maxval;
    return buf;

  private static int[] palette2rgb(IImageLine line, PngChunkPLTE pal, PngChunkTRNS trns, int[] buf,
      boolean alphaForced) {
    boolean isalpha = trns != null;
    int channels = isalpha ? 4 : 3;
    ImageLineInt linei = (ImageLineInt) (line instanceof ImageLineInt ? line : null);
    ImageLineByte lineb = (ImageLineByte) (line instanceof ImageLineByte ? line : null);
    boolean isbyte = lineb != null;
    int cols = linei != null ? linei.imgInfo.cols : lineb.imgInfo.cols;
    int nsamples = cols * channels;
    if (buf == null || buf.length < nsamples)
      buf = new int[nsamples];
    int nindexesWithAlpha = trns != null ? trns.getPalletteAlpha().length : 0;
    for (int c = 0; c < cols; c++) {
      int index = isbyte ? (lineb.scanline[c] & 0xFF) : linei.scanline[c];
      pal.getEntryRgb(index, buf, c * channels);
      if (isalpha) {
        int alpha = index < nindexesWithAlpha ? trns.getPalletteAlpha()[index] : 255;
        buf[c * channels + 3] = alpha;
    return buf;

   * what follows is pretty uninteresting/untested/obsolete, subject to change
   * Just for basic info or debugging. Shows values for first and last pixel. Does not include alpha
  public static String infoFirstLastPixels(ImageLineInt line) {
    return line.imgInfo.channels == 1 ? String.format("first=(%d) last=(%d)", line.scanline[0],
        line.scanline[line.scanline.length - 1]) : String.format(
        "first=(%d %d %d) last=(%d %d %d)", line.scanline[0], line.scanline[1], line.scanline[2],
        line.scanline[line.scanline.length - line.imgInfo.channels],
        line.scanline[line.scanline.length - line.imgInfo.channels + 1],
        line.scanline[line.scanline.length - line.imgInfo.channels + 2]);

   * integer packed R G B only for bitdepth=8! (does not check!)
  public static int getPixelRGB8(IImageLine line, int column) {
    if (line instanceof ImageLineInt) {
      int offset = column * ((ImageLineInt) line).imgInfo.channels;
      int[] scanline = ((ImageLineInt) line).getScanline();
      return (scanline[offset] << 16) | (scanline[offset + 1] << 8) | (scanline[offset + 2]);
    } else if (line instanceof ImageLineByte) {
      int offset = column * ((ImageLineByte) line).imgInfo.channels;
      byte[] scanline = ((ImageLineByte) line).getScanline();
      return ((scanline[offset] & 0xff) << 16) | ((scanline[offset + 1] & 0xff) << 8)
          | ((scanline[offset + 2] & 0xff));
    } else
      throw new PngjException("Not supported " + line.getClass());

  public static int getPixelARGB8(IImageLine line, int column) {
    if (line instanceof ImageLineInt) {
      int offset = column * ((ImageLineInt) line).imgInfo.channels;
      int[] scanline = ((ImageLineInt) line).getScanline();
      return (scanline[offset + 3] << 24) | (scanline[offset] << 16) | (scanline[offset + 1] << 8)
          | (scanline[offset + 2]);
    } else if (line instanceof ImageLineByte) {
      int offset = column * ((ImageLineByte) line).imgInfo.channels;
      byte[] scanline = ((ImageLineByte) line).getScanline();
      return (((scanline[offset + 3] & 0xff) << 24) | ((scanline[offset] & 0xff) << 16)
          | ((scanline[offset + 1] & 0xff) << 8) | ((scanline[offset + 2] & 0xff)));
    } else
      throw new PngjException("Not supported " + line.getClass());

  public static void setPixelsRGB8(ImageLineInt line, int[] rgb) {
    for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < line.imgInfo.cols; i++) {
      line.scanline[j++] = ((rgb[i] >> 16) & 0xFF);
      line.scanline[j++] = ((rgb[i] >> 8) & 0xFF);
      line.scanline[j++] = ((rgb[i] & 0xFF));

  public static void setPixelRGB8(ImageLineInt line, int col, int r, int g, int b) {
    col *= line.imgInfo.channels;
    line.scanline[col++] = r;
    line.scanline[col++] = g;
    line.scanline[col] = b;

  public static void setPixelRGB8(ImageLineInt line, int col, int rgb) {
    setPixelRGB8(line, col, (rgb >> 16) & 0xFF, (rgb >> 8) & 0xFF, rgb & 0xFF);

  public static void setPixelsRGBA8(ImageLineInt line, int[] rgb) {
    for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < line.imgInfo.cols; i++) {
      line.scanline[j++] = ((rgb[i] >> 16) & 0xFF);
      line.scanline[j++] = ((rgb[i] >> 8) & 0xFF);
      line.scanline[j++] = ((rgb[i] & 0xFF));
      line.scanline[j++] = ((rgb[i] >> 24) & 0xFF);

  public static void setPixelRGBA8(ImageLineInt line, int col, int r, int g, int b, int a) {
    col *= line.imgInfo.channels;
    line.scanline[col++] = r;
    line.scanline[col++] = g;
    line.scanline[col++] = b;
    line.scanline[col] = a;

  public static void setPixelRGBA8(ImageLineInt line, int col, int rgb) {
    setPixelRGBA8(line, col, (rgb >> 16) & 0xFF, (rgb >> 8) & 0xFF, rgb & 0xFF, (rgb >> 24) & 0xFF);

  public static void setValD(ImageLineInt line, int i, double d) {
    line.scanline[i] = double2int(line, d);

  public static int interpol(int a, int b, int c, int d, double dx, double dy) {
    // a b -> x (0-1)
    // c d
    double e = a * (1.0 - dx) + b * dx;
    double f = c * (1.0 - dx) + d * dx;
    return (int) (e * (1 - dy) + f * dy + 0.5);

  public static double int2double(ImageLineInt line, int p) {
    return line.imgInfo.bitDepth == 16 ? p / 65535.0 : p / 255.0;
    // TODO: replace my multiplication? check for other bitdepths

  public static double int2doubleClamped(ImageLineInt line, int p) {
    // TODO: replace my multiplication?
    double d = line.imgInfo.bitDepth == 16 ? p / 65535.0 : p / 255.0;
    return d <= 0.0 ? 0 : (d >= 1.0 ? 1.0 : d);

  public static int double2int(ImageLineInt line, double d) {
    d = d <= 0.0 ? 0 : (d >= 1.0 ? 1.0 : d);
    return line.imgInfo.bitDepth == 16 ? (int) (d * 65535.0 + 0.5) : (int) (d * 255.0 + 0.5); //

  public static int double2intClamped(ImageLineInt line, double d) {
    d = d <= 0.0 ? 0 : (d >= 1.0 ? 1.0 : d);
    return line.imgInfo.bitDepth == 16 ? (int) (d * 65535.0 + 0.5) : (int) (d * 255.0 + 0.5); //

  public static int clampTo_0_255(int i) {
    return i > 255 ? 255 : (i < 0 ? 0 : i);

  public static int clampTo_0_65535(int i) {
    return i > 65535 ? 65535 : (i < 0 ? 0 : i);

  public static int clampTo_128_127(int x) {
    return x > 127 ? 127 : (x < -128 ? -128 : x);

  public static int getMaskForPackedFormats(int bitDepth) { // Utility function for pack/unpack
    if (bitDepth == 4)
      return 0xf0;
    else if (bitDepth == 2)
      return 0xc0;
      return 0x80; // bitDepth == 1

  public static int getMaskForPackedFormatsLs(int bitDepth) { // Utility function for pack/unpack
    if (bitDepth == 4)
      return 0x0f;
    else if (bitDepth == 2)
      return 0x03;
      return 0x01; // bitDepth == 1
