Mercurial > hg > orthanc-dicomweb
view WebApplication/app.js @ 419:dc9bd56c24d2
fix default
author | Sebastien Jodogne <> |
date | Mon, 25 May 2020 13:02:28 +0200 |
parents | 39dd8b84b20f |
children | bdcea1ec1683 |
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var DICOM_TAG_ACCESSION_NUMBER = '00080050'; var DICOM_TAG_MODALITY = '00080060'; var DICOM_TAG_PATIENT_ID = '00100020'; var DICOM_TAG_PATIENT_NAME = '00100010'; var DICOM_TAG_SERIES_DESCRIPTION = '0008103E'; var DICOM_TAG_SERIES_INSTANCE_UID = '0020000E'; var DICOM_TAG_SOP_INSTANCE_UID = '00080018'; var DICOM_TAG_STUDY_DATE = '00080020'; var DICOM_TAG_STUDY_ID = '00200010'; var DICOM_TAG_STUDY_INSTANCE_UID = '0020000D'; var MAX_RESULTS = 100; /** * This is a minimal 1x1 PNG image with white background, as generated by: * $ convert -size 1x1 -define png:include-chunk=none xc:white png:- | base64 -w 0 **/ var DEFAULT_PREVIEW = ''; var app = new Vue({ el: '#app', computed: { studiesCount() { return this.studies.length }, seriesCount() { return this.series.length } }, data: { orthancApiRoot: '../../../', previewFailure: true, preview: DEFAULT_PREVIEW, showTruncatedStudies: false, showNoServer: false, showStudies: false, showSeries: false, maxResults: MAX_RESULTS, currentPage: 0, perPage: 10, servers: [ ], serversInfo: { }, activeServer: '', lookup: { }, studies: [ ], currentStudy: null, jobId: '', jobLevel: '', jobUri: '', jobDetails: '', studiesFields: [ { key: DICOM_TAG_PATIENT_ID + '.Value', label: 'Patient ID', sortable: true }, { key: DICOM_TAG_PATIENT_NAME + '.Value', label: 'Patient name', sortable: true }, { key: DICOM_TAG_ACCESSION_NUMBER + '.Value', label: 'Accession number', sortable: true }, { key: DICOM_TAG_STUDY_DATE + '.Value', label: 'Study date', sortable: true }, { key: 'operations', label: '' } ], studyToDelete: null, studyTags: [ ], studyTagsFields: [ { key: 'Tag', sortable: true }, { key: 'Name', label: 'Description', sortable: true }, { key: 'Value', sortable: true } ], series: [ ], seriesFields: [ { key: DICOM_TAG_SERIES_DESCRIPTION + '.Value', label: 'Series description', sortable: true }, { key: DICOM_TAG_MODALITY + '.Value', label: 'Modality', sortable: true }, { key: 'operations', label: '' } ], seriesToDelete: null, seriesTags: [ ], seriesTagsFields: [ { key: 'Tag', sortable: true }, { key: 'Name', label: 'Description', sortable: true }, { key: 'Value', sortable: true } ], scrollToSeries: false, scrollToStudies: false }, mounted: () => { axios .get('../../servers?expand') .then(response => { app.serversInfo =; app.servers = Object.keys( => i); app.Clear(); }); axios .get('../../info') .then(response => { app.orthancApiRoot =; if (!app.orthancApiRoot.endsWith('/')) { app.orthancApiRoot += '/'; } app.orthancApiRoot += '../../'; // To be at the same level as "info" }); }, methods: { /** * Toolbox **/ ScrollToRef: function(refName) { var element = app.$refs[refName]; window.scrollTo(0, element.offsetTop); }, ShowErrorModal: function() { app.$refs['modal-error'].show(); }, RefreshJobDetails: function() { axios .get(app.jobUri) .then(response => { app.jobDetails =; }) .catch(response => { app.jobDetails = 'Job details are not available'; }) }, /** * Studies **/ SetStudies: function(response) { if ( > app.maxResults) { app.showTruncatedStudies = true; app.studies =, app.maxResults); } else { app.showTruncatedStudies = false; app.studies =; } app.showStudies = true; app.showSeries = false; app.studyToDelete = null; app.scrollToStudies = true; }, ExecuteLookup: function() { var args = { 'fuzzymatching' : 'true', 'limit' : (app.maxResults + 1).toString() }; if ('patientName' in app.lookup) { args[DICOM_TAG_PATIENT_NAME] = app.lookup.patientName; } if ('patientID' in app.lookup) { args[DICOM_TAG_PATIENT_ID] = app.lookup.patientID; } if ('studyDate' in app.lookup) { args[DICOM_TAG_STUDY_DATE] = app.lookup.studyDate; } if ('accessionNumber' in app.lookup) { args[DICOM_TAG_ACCESSION_NUMBER] = app.lookup.accessionNumber; } app.activeServer = app.lookup.server; axios .post('../../servers/' + app.activeServer + '/qido', { 'Uri' : '/studies', 'Arguments' : args, }) .then(app.SetStudies) .catch(response => { app.showStudies = false; app.showSeries = false; app.ShowErrorModal(); }); }, Clear: function() { app.lookup = {}; currentStudy = null; app.showSeries = false; app.showStudies = false; if (app.servers.length == 0) { app.showNoServer = true; } else { app.showNoServer = false; app.lookup.server = app.servers[0]; } }, OnLookup: function(event) { event.preventDefault(); app.ExecuteLookup(); }, OnReset: function(event) { event.preventDefault(); app.Clear(); }, OpenStudyDetails: function(study) { app.studyTags = Object.keys(study).map(i => { var item = study[i]; item['Tag'] = i; return item; }); app.$refs['study-details'].show(); }, RetrieveStudy: function(study) { var base = '../../servers/'; axios .post(base + app.activeServer + '/wado', { 'Uri' : '/studies/' + study[DICOM_TAG_STUDY_INSTANCE_UID].Value }) .then(response => { app.jobLevel = 'study'; app.jobId =; app.jobUri = base +; app.$refs['retrieve-job'].show(); app.RefreshJobDetails(); }); }, ConfirmDeleteStudy: function(study) { app.studyToDelete = study; app.$'study-delete-confirm'); }, ExecuteDeleteStudy: function(study) { axios .post('../../servers/' + app.activeServer + '/delete', { 'Level': 'Study', 'StudyInstanceUID': app.studyToDelete[DICOM_TAG_STUDY_INSTANCE_UID].Value }) .then(app.ExecuteLookup) .catch(app.ShowErrorModal) }, /** * Series **/ LoadSeriesOfCurrentStudy: function() { axios .post('../../servers/' + app.activeServer + '/qido', { 'Uri' : '/studies/' + app.currentStudy + '/series' }) .then(response => { if ( > 0) { app.series =; app.showSeries = true; app.seriesToDelete = null; app.scrollToSeries = true; } else { // No more series, so no more study, so re-lookup app.ExecuteLookup(); } }) .catch(app.ShowErrorModal); }, OpenSeries: function(series) { app.currentStudy = series[DICOM_TAG_STUDY_INSTANCE_UID].Value; app.LoadSeriesOfCurrentStudy(); }, OpenSeriesDetails: function(series) { app.seriesTags = Object.keys(series).map(i => { var item = series[i]; item['Tag'] = i; return item; }); app.$refs['series-details'].show(); }, RetrieveSeries: function(series) { var base = '../../servers/'; axios .post(base + app.activeServer + '/wado', { 'Uri' : ('/studies/' + app.currentStudy + '/series/' + series[DICOM_TAG_SERIES_INSTANCE_UID].Value) }) .then(response => { app.jobLevel = 'series'; app.jobId =; app.jobUri = base +; app.$refs['retrieve-job'].show(); app.RefreshJobDetails(); }); }, OpenSeriesPreview: function(series) { axios .post('../../servers/' + app.activeServer + '/get', { 'Uri' : ('/studies/' + app.currentStudy + '/series/' + series[DICOM_TAG_SERIES_INSTANCE_UID].Value + '/instances') }) .then(response => { var instance =[Math.floor( / 2)]; axios .post('../../servers/' + app.activeServer + '/get', { 'Uri' : ('/studies/' + app.currentStudy + '/series/' + series[DICOM_TAG_SERIES_INSTANCE_UID].Value + '/instances/' + instance[DICOM_TAG_SOP_INSTANCE_UID].Value + '/rendered') }, { responseType: 'arraybuffer' }) .then(response => { // var image = btoa(new Uint8Array( .reduce((data, byte) => data + String.fromCharCode(byte), '')); app.preview = ("data:" + response.headers['content-type'].toLowerCase() + ";base64," + image); app.previewFailure = false; }) .catch(response => { app.previewFailure = true; }) .finally(function() { app.$refs['series-preview'].show(); }) }) }, ConfirmDeleteSeries: function(series) { app.seriesToDelete = series; app.$'series-delete-confirm'); }, ExecuteDeleteSeries: function(series) { axios .post('../../servers/' + app.activeServer + '/delete', { 'Level': 'Series', 'StudyInstanceUID': app.currentStudy, 'SeriesInstanceUID': app.seriesToDelete[DICOM_TAG_SERIES_INSTANCE_UID].Value }) .then(app.LoadSeriesOfCurrentStudy) .catch(app.ShowErrorModal) } }, updated: function () { this.$nextTick(function () { // Code that will run only after the // entire view has been re-rendered if (app.scrollToStudies) { app.scrollToStudies = false; app.ScrollToRef('studies-top'); } if (app.scrollToSeries) { app.scrollToSeries = false; app.ScrollToRef('series-top'); } }) } });