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view Orthanc/Plugins/Samples/Common/OrthancPluginCppWrapper.cpp @ 212:914f48b5cbc0
author | Sebastien Jodogne <> |
date | Thu, 22 Mar 2018 17:12:25 +0100 |
parents | 59dc84e00a4c |
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/** * Orthanc - A Lightweight, RESTful DICOM Store * Copyright (C) 2012-2016 Sebastien Jodogne, Medical Physics * Department, University Hospital of Liege, Belgium * Copyright (C) 2017-2018 Osimis S.A., Belgium * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders of this * program give permission to link the code of its release with the * OpenSSL project's "OpenSSL" library (or with modified versions of it * that use the same license as the "OpenSSL" library), and distribute * the linked executables. You must obey the GNU General Public License * in all respects for all of the code used other than "OpenSSL". If you * modify file(s) with this exception, you may extend this exception to * your version of the file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If * you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your * version. If you delete this exception statement from all source files * in the program, then also delete it here. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. **/ #include "OrthancPluginCppWrapper.h" #include <json/reader.h> #include <json/writer.h> namespace OrthancPlugins { void MemoryBuffer::Check(OrthancPluginErrorCode code) { if (code != OrthancPluginErrorCode_Success) { // Prevent using garbage information = NULL; buffer_.size = 0; ORTHANC_PLUGINS_THROW_PLUGIN_ERROR_CODE(code); } } bool MemoryBuffer::CheckHttp(OrthancPluginErrorCode code) { if (code != OrthancPluginErrorCode_Success) { // Prevent using garbage information = NULL; buffer_.size = 0; } if (code == OrthancPluginErrorCode_Success) { return true; } else if (code == OrthancPluginErrorCode_UnknownResource || code == OrthancPluginErrorCode_InexistentItem) { return false; } else { ORTHANC_PLUGINS_THROW_PLUGIN_ERROR_CODE(code); } } MemoryBuffer::MemoryBuffer(OrthancPluginContext* context) : context_(context) { = NULL; buffer_.size = 0; } void MemoryBuffer::Clear() { if ( != NULL) { OrthancPluginFreeMemoryBuffer(context_, &buffer_); = NULL; buffer_.size = 0; } } void MemoryBuffer::Assign(OrthancPluginMemoryBuffer& other) { Clear(); =; buffer_.size = other.size; = NULL; other.size = 0; } void MemoryBuffer::ToString(std::string& target) const { if (buffer_.size == 0) { target.clear(); } else { target.assign(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(, buffer_.size); } } void MemoryBuffer::ToJson(Json::Value& target) const { if ( == NULL || buffer_.size == 0) { ORTHANC_PLUGINS_THROW_EXCEPTION(InternalError); } const char* tmp = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(; Json::Reader reader; if (!reader.parse(tmp, tmp + buffer_.size, target)) { OrthancPluginLogError(context_, "Cannot convert some memory buffer to JSON"); ORTHANC_PLUGINS_THROW_EXCEPTION(BadFileFormat); } } bool MemoryBuffer::RestApiGet(const std::string& uri, bool applyPlugins) { Clear(); if (applyPlugins) { return CheckHttp(OrthancPluginRestApiGetAfterPlugins(context_, &buffer_, uri.c_str())); } else { return CheckHttp(OrthancPluginRestApiGet(context_, &buffer_, uri.c_str())); } } bool MemoryBuffer::RestApiPost(const std::string& uri, const char* body, size_t bodySize, bool applyPlugins) { Clear(); if (applyPlugins) { return CheckHttp(OrthancPluginRestApiPostAfterPlugins(context_, &buffer_, uri.c_str(), body, bodySize)); } else { return CheckHttp(OrthancPluginRestApiPost(context_, &buffer_, uri.c_str(), body, bodySize)); } } bool MemoryBuffer::RestApiPut(const std::string& uri, const char* body, size_t bodySize, bool applyPlugins) { Clear(); if (applyPlugins) { return CheckHttp(OrthancPluginRestApiPutAfterPlugins(context_, &buffer_, uri.c_str(), body, bodySize)); } else { return CheckHttp(OrthancPluginRestApiPut(context_, &buffer_, uri.c_str(), body, bodySize)); } } bool MemoryBuffer::RestApiPost(const std::string& uri, const Json::Value& body, bool applyPlugins) { Json::FastWriter writer; return RestApiPost(uri, writer.write(body), applyPlugins); } bool MemoryBuffer::RestApiPut(const std::string& uri, const Json::Value& body, bool applyPlugins) { Json::FastWriter writer; return RestApiPut(uri, writer.write(body), applyPlugins); } void MemoryBuffer::CreateDicom(const Json::Value& tags, OrthancPluginCreateDicomFlags flags) { Clear(); Json::FastWriter writer; std::string s = writer.write(tags); Check(OrthancPluginCreateDicom(context_, &buffer_, s.c_str(), NULL, flags)); } void MemoryBuffer::ReadFile(const std::string& path) { Clear(); Check(OrthancPluginReadFile(context_, &buffer_, path.c_str())); } void MemoryBuffer::GetDicomQuery(const OrthancPluginWorklistQuery* query) { Clear(); Check(OrthancPluginWorklistGetDicomQuery(context_, &buffer_, query)); } void OrthancString::Assign(char* str) { if (str == NULL) { ORTHANC_PLUGINS_THROW_EXCEPTION(InternalError); } else { Clear(); str_ = str; } } void OrthancString::Clear() { if (str_ != NULL) { OrthancPluginFreeString(context_, str_); str_ = NULL; } } void OrthancString::ToString(std::string& target) const { if (str_ == NULL) { target.clear(); } else { target.assign(str_); } } void OrthancString::ToJson(Json::Value& target) const { if (str_ == NULL) { OrthancPluginLogError(context_, "Cannot convert an empty memory buffer to JSON"); ORTHANC_PLUGINS_THROW_EXCEPTION(InternalError); } Json::Reader reader; if (!reader.parse(str_, target)) { OrthancPluginLogError(context_, "Cannot convert some memory buffer to JSON"); ORTHANC_PLUGINS_THROW_EXCEPTION(BadFileFormat); } } void MemoryBuffer::DicomToJson(Json::Value& target, OrthancPluginDicomToJsonFormat format, OrthancPluginDicomToJsonFlags flags, uint32_t maxStringLength) { OrthancString str(context_); str.Assign(OrthancPluginDicomBufferToJson(context_, GetData(), GetSize(), format, flags, maxStringLength)); str.ToJson(target); } bool MemoryBuffer::HttpGet(const std::string& url, const std::string& username, const std::string& password) { Clear(); return CheckHttp(OrthancPluginHttpGet(context_, &buffer_, url.c_str(), username.empty() ? NULL : username.c_str(), password.empty() ? NULL : password.c_str())); } bool MemoryBuffer::HttpPost(const std::string& url, const std::string& body, const std::string& username, const std::string& password) { Clear(); return CheckHttp(OrthancPluginHttpPost(context_, &buffer_, url.c_str(), body.c_str(), body.size(), username.empty() ? NULL : username.c_str(), password.empty() ? NULL : password.c_str())); } bool MemoryBuffer::HttpPut(const std::string& url, const std::string& body, const std::string& username, const std::string& password) { Clear(); return CheckHttp(OrthancPluginHttpPut(context_, &buffer_, url.c_str(), body.empty() ? NULL : body.c_str(), body.size(), username.empty() ? NULL : username.c_str(), password.empty() ? NULL : password.c_str())); } bool HttpDelete(OrthancPluginContext* context_, const std::string& url, const std::string& username, const std::string& password) { OrthancPluginErrorCode error = OrthancPluginHttpDelete (context_, url.c_str(), username.empty() ? NULL : username.c_str(), password.empty() ? NULL : password.c_str()); if (error == OrthancPluginErrorCode_Success) { return true; } else if (error == OrthancPluginErrorCode_UnknownResource || error == OrthancPluginErrorCode_InexistentItem) { return false; } else { ORTHANC_PLUGINS_THROW_PLUGIN_ERROR_CODE(error); } } OrthancConfiguration::OrthancConfiguration(OrthancPluginContext* context) : context_(context) { OrthancString str(context); str.Assign(OrthancPluginGetConfiguration(context)); if (str.GetContent() == NULL) { OrthancPluginLogError(context, "Cannot access the Orthanc configuration"); ORTHANC_PLUGINS_THROW_EXCEPTION(InternalError); } str.ToJson(configuration_); if (configuration_.type() != Json::objectValue) { OrthancPluginLogError(context, "Unable to read the Orthanc configuration"); ORTHANC_PLUGINS_THROW_EXCEPTION(InternalError); } } OrthancPluginContext* OrthancConfiguration::GetContext() const { if (context_ == NULL) { ORTHANC_PLUGINS_THROW_EXCEPTION(Plugin); } else { return context_; } } std::string OrthancConfiguration::GetPath(const std::string& key) const { if (path_.empty()) { return key; } else { return path_ + "." + key; } } bool OrthancConfiguration::IsSection(const std::string& key) const { assert(configuration_.type() == Json::objectValue); return (configuration_.isMember(key) && configuration_[key].type() == Json::objectValue); } void OrthancConfiguration::GetSection(OrthancConfiguration& target, const std::string& key) const { assert(configuration_.type() == Json::objectValue); target.context_ = context_; target.path_ = GetPath(key); if (!configuration_.isMember(key)) { target.configuration_ = Json::objectValue; } else { if (configuration_[key].type() != Json::objectValue) { if (context_ != NULL) { std::string s = "The configuration section \"" + target.path_ + "\" is not an associative array as expected"; OrthancPluginLogError(context_, s.c_str()); } ORTHANC_PLUGINS_THROW_EXCEPTION(BadFileFormat); } target.configuration_ = configuration_[key]; } } bool OrthancConfiguration::LookupStringValue(std::string& target, const std::string& key) const { assert(configuration_.type() == Json::objectValue); if (!configuration_.isMember(key)) { return false; } if (configuration_[key].type() != Json::stringValue) { if (context_ != NULL) { std::string s = "The configuration option \"" + GetPath(key) + "\" is not a string as expected"; OrthancPluginLogError(context_, s.c_str()); } ORTHANC_PLUGINS_THROW_EXCEPTION(BadFileFormat); } target = configuration_[key].asString(); return true; } bool OrthancConfiguration::LookupIntegerValue(int& target, const std::string& key) const { assert(configuration_.type() == Json::objectValue); if (!configuration_.isMember(key)) { return false; } switch (configuration_[key].type()) { case Json::intValue: target = configuration_[key].asInt(); return true; case Json::uintValue: target = configuration_[key].asUInt(); return true; default: if (context_ != NULL) { std::string s = "The configuration option \"" + GetPath(key) + "\" is not an integer as expected"; OrthancPluginLogError(context_, s.c_str()); } ORTHANC_PLUGINS_THROW_EXCEPTION(BadFileFormat); } } bool OrthancConfiguration::LookupUnsignedIntegerValue(unsigned int& target, const std::string& key) const { int tmp; if (!LookupIntegerValue(tmp, key)) { return false; } if (tmp < 0) { if (context_ != NULL) { std::string s = "The configuration option \"" + GetPath(key) + "\" is not a positive integer as expected"; OrthancPluginLogError(context_, s.c_str()); } ORTHANC_PLUGINS_THROW_EXCEPTION(BadFileFormat); } else { target = static_cast<unsigned int>(tmp); return true; } } bool OrthancConfiguration::LookupBooleanValue(bool& target, const std::string& key) const { assert(configuration_.type() == Json::objectValue); if (!configuration_.isMember(key)) { return false; } if (configuration_[key].type() != Json::booleanValue) { if (context_ != NULL) { std::string s = "The configuration option \"" + GetPath(key) + "\" is not a Boolean as expected"; OrthancPluginLogError(context_, s.c_str()); } ORTHANC_PLUGINS_THROW_EXCEPTION(BadFileFormat); } target = configuration_[key].asBool(); return true; } bool OrthancConfiguration::LookupFloatValue(float& target, const std::string& key) const { assert(configuration_.type() == Json::objectValue); if (!configuration_.isMember(key)) { return false; } switch (configuration_[key].type()) { case Json::realValue: target = configuration_[key].asFloat(); return true; case Json::intValue: target = static_cast<float>(configuration_[key].asInt()); return true; case Json::uintValue: target = static_cast<float>(configuration_[key].asUInt()); return true; default: if (context_ != NULL) { std::string s = "The configuration option \"" + GetPath(key) + "\" is not an integer as expected"; OrthancPluginLogError(context_, s.c_str()); } ORTHANC_PLUGINS_THROW_EXCEPTION(BadFileFormat); } } bool OrthancConfiguration::LookupListOfStrings(std::list<std::string>& target, const std::string& key, bool allowSingleString) const { assert(configuration_.type() == Json::objectValue); target.clear(); if (!configuration_.isMember(key)) { return false; } switch (configuration_[key].type()) { case Json::arrayValue: { bool ok = true; for (Json::Value::ArrayIndex i = 0; ok && i < configuration_[key].size(); i++) { if (configuration_[key][i].type() == Json::stringValue) { target.push_back(configuration_[key][i].asString()); } else { ok = false; } } if (ok) { return true; } break; } case Json::stringValue: if (allowSingleString) { target.push_back(configuration_[key].asString()); return true; } break; default: break; } if (context_ != NULL) { std::string s = ("The configuration option \"" + GetPath(key) + "\" is not a list of strings as expected"); OrthancPluginLogError(context_, s.c_str()); } ORTHANC_PLUGINS_THROW_EXCEPTION(BadFileFormat); } bool OrthancConfiguration::LookupSetOfStrings(std::set<std::string>& target, const std::string& key, bool allowSingleString) const { std::list<std::string> lst; if (LookupListOfStrings(lst, key, allowSingleString)) { target.clear(); for (std::list<std::string>::const_iterator it = lst.begin(); it != lst.end(); ++it) { target.insert(*it); } return true; } else { return false; } } std::string OrthancConfiguration::GetStringValue(const std::string& key, const std::string& defaultValue) const { std::string tmp; if (LookupStringValue(tmp, key)) { return tmp; } else { return defaultValue; } } int OrthancConfiguration::GetIntegerValue(const std::string& key, int defaultValue) const { int tmp; if (LookupIntegerValue(tmp, key)) { return tmp; } else { return defaultValue; } } unsigned int OrthancConfiguration::GetUnsignedIntegerValue(const std::string& key, unsigned int defaultValue) const { unsigned int tmp; if (LookupUnsignedIntegerValue(tmp, key)) { return tmp; } else { return defaultValue; } } bool OrthancConfiguration::GetBooleanValue(const std::string& key, bool defaultValue) const { bool tmp; if (LookupBooleanValue(tmp, key)) { return tmp; } else { return defaultValue; } } float OrthancConfiguration::GetFloatValue(const std::string& key, float defaultValue) const { float tmp; if (LookupFloatValue(tmp, key)) { return tmp; } else { return defaultValue; } } void OrthancImage::Clear() { if (image_ != NULL) { OrthancPluginFreeImage(context_, image_); image_ = NULL; } } void OrthancImage::CheckImageAvailable() { if (image_ == NULL) { OrthancPluginLogError(context_, "Trying to access a NULL image"); ORTHANC_PLUGINS_THROW_EXCEPTION(ParameterOutOfRange); } } OrthancImage::OrthancImage(OrthancPluginContext* context) : context_(context), image_(NULL) { if (context == NULL) { ORTHANC_PLUGINS_THROW_EXCEPTION(ParameterOutOfRange); } } OrthancImage::OrthancImage(OrthancPluginContext* context, OrthancPluginImage* image) : context_(context), image_(image) { if (context == NULL) { ORTHANC_PLUGINS_THROW_EXCEPTION(ParameterOutOfRange); } } OrthancImage::OrthancImage(OrthancPluginContext* context, OrthancPluginPixelFormat format, uint32_t width, uint32_t height) : context_(context) { if (context == NULL) { ORTHANC_PLUGINS_THROW_EXCEPTION(ParameterOutOfRange); } else { image_ = OrthancPluginCreateImage(context, format, width, height); } } void OrthancImage::UncompressPngImage(const void* data, size_t size) { Clear(); image_ = OrthancPluginUncompressImage(context_, data, size, OrthancPluginImageFormat_Png); if (image_ == NULL) { OrthancPluginLogError(context_, "Cannot uncompress a PNG image"); ORTHANC_PLUGINS_THROW_EXCEPTION(ParameterOutOfRange); } } void OrthancImage::UncompressJpegImage(const void* data, size_t size) { Clear(); image_ = OrthancPluginUncompressImage(context_, data, size, OrthancPluginImageFormat_Jpeg); if (image_ == NULL) { OrthancPluginLogError(context_, "Cannot uncompress a JPEG image"); ORTHANC_PLUGINS_THROW_EXCEPTION(ParameterOutOfRange); } } void OrthancImage::DecodeDicomImage(const void* data, size_t size, unsigned int frame) { Clear(); image_ = OrthancPluginDecodeDicomImage(context_, data, size, frame); if (image_ == NULL) { OrthancPluginLogError(context_, "Cannot uncompress a DICOM image"); ORTHANC_PLUGINS_THROW_EXCEPTION(ParameterOutOfRange); } } OrthancPluginPixelFormat OrthancImage::GetPixelFormat() { CheckImageAvailable(); return OrthancPluginGetImagePixelFormat(context_, image_); } unsigned int OrthancImage::GetWidth() { CheckImageAvailable(); return OrthancPluginGetImageWidth(context_, image_); } unsigned int OrthancImage::GetHeight() { CheckImageAvailable(); return OrthancPluginGetImageHeight(context_, image_); } unsigned int OrthancImage::GetPitch() { CheckImageAvailable(); return OrthancPluginGetImagePitch(context_, image_); } const void* OrthancImage::GetBuffer() { CheckImageAvailable(); return OrthancPluginGetImageBuffer(context_, image_); } void OrthancImage::CompressPngImage(MemoryBuffer& target) { CheckImageAvailable(); OrthancPluginMemoryBuffer tmp; OrthancPluginCompressPngImage(context_, &tmp, GetPixelFormat(), GetWidth(), GetHeight(), GetPitch(), GetBuffer()); target.Assign(tmp); } void OrthancImage::CompressJpegImage(MemoryBuffer& target, uint8_t quality) { CheckImageAvailable(); OrthancPluginMemoryBuffer tmp; OrthancPluginCompressJpegImage(context_, &tmp, GetPixelFormat(), GetWidth(), GetHeight(), GetPitch(), GetBuffer(), quality); target.Assign(tmp); } void OrthancImage::AnswerPngImage(OrthancPluginRestOutput* output) { CheckImageAvailable(); OrthancPluginCompressAndAnswerPngImage(context_, output, GetPixelFormat(), GetWidth(), GetHeight(), GetPitch(), GetBuffer()); } void OrthancImage::AnswerJpegImage(OrthancPluginRestOutput* output, uint8_t quality) { CheckImageAvailable(); OrthancPluginCompressAndAnswerJpegImage(context_, output, GetPixelFormat(), GetWidth(), GetHeight(), GetPitch(), GetBuffer(), quality); } #if HAS_ORTHANC_PLUGIN_FIND_MATCHER == 1 FindMatcher::FindMatcher(OrthancPluginContext* context, const OrthancPluginWorklistQuery* worklist) : context_(context), matcher_(NULL), worklist_(worklist) { if (worklist_ == NULL) { ORTHANC_PLUGINS_THROW_EXCEPTION(ParameterOutOfRange); } } void FindMatcher::SetupDicom(OrthancPluginContext* context, const void* query, uint32_t size) { context_ = context; worklist_ = NULL; matcher_ = OrthancPluginCreateFindMatcher(context_, query, size); if (matcher_ == NULL) { ORTHANC_PLUGINS_THROW_EXCEPTION(InternalError); } } FindMatcher::~FindMatcher() { // The "worklist_" field if (matcher_ != NULL) { OrthancPluginFreeFindMatcher(context_, matcher_); } } bool FindMatcher::IsMatch(const void* dicom, uint32_t size) const { int32_t result; if (matcher_ != NULL) { result = OrthancPluginFindMatcherIsMatch(context_, matcher_, dicom, size); } else if (worklist_ != NULL) { result = OrthancPluginWorklistIsMatch(context_, worklist_, dicom, size); } else { ORTHANC_PLUGINS_THROW_EXCEPTION(InternalError); } if (result == 0) { return false; } else if (result == 1) { return true; } else { ORTHANC_PLUGINS_THROW_EXCEPTION(InternalError); } } #endif /* HAS_ORTHANC_PLUGIN_FIND_MATCHER == 1 */ bool RestApiGet(Json::Value& result, OrthancPluginContext* context, const std::string& uri, bool applyPlugins) { MemoryBuffer answer(context); if (!answer.RestApiGet(uri, applyPlugins)) { return false; } else { answer.ToJson(result); return true; } } bool RestApiPost(Json::Value& result, OrthancPluginContext* context, const std::string& uri, const char* body, size_t bodySize, bool applyPlugins) { MemoryBuffer answer(context); if (!answer.RestApiPost(uri, body, bodySize, applyPlugins)) { return false; } else { answer.ToJson(result); return true; } } bool RestApiPost(Json::Value& result, OrthancPluginContext* context, const std::string& uri, const Json::Value& body, bool applyPlugins) { Json::FastWriter writer; return RestApiPost(result, context, uri, writer.write(body), applyPlugins); } bool RestApiPut(Json::Value& result, OrthancPluginContext* context, const std::string& uri, const char* body, size_t bodySize, bool applyPlugins) { MemoryBuffer answer(context); if (!answer.RestApiPut(uri, body, bodySize, applyPlugins)) { return false; } else { answer.ToJson(result); return true; } } bool RestApiPut(Json::Value& result, OrthancPluginContext* context, const std::string& uri, const Json::Value& body, bool applyPlugins) { Json::FastWriter writer; return RestApiPut(result, context, uri, writer.write(body), applyPlugins); } bool RestApiDelete(OrthancPluginContext* context, const std::string& uri, bool applyPlugins) { OrthancPluginErrorCode error; if (applyPlugins) { error = OrthancPluginRestApiDeleteAfterPlugins(context, uri.c_str()); } else { error = OrthancPluginRestApiDelete(context, uri.c_str()); } if (error == OrthancPluginErrorCode_Success) { return true; } else if (error == OrthancPluginErrorCode_UnknownResource || error == OrthancPluginErrorCode_InexistentItem) { return false; } else { ORTHANC_PLUGINS_THROW_PLUGIN_ERROR_CODE(error); } } void ReportMinimalOrthancVersion(OrthancPluginContext* context, unsigned int major, unsigned int minor, unsigned int revision) { std::string s = ("Your version of the Orthanc core (" + std::string(context->orthancVersion) + ") is too old to run this plugin (version " + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(major) + "." + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(minor) + "." + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(revision) + " is required)"); OrthancPluginLogError(context, s.c_str()); } bool CheckMinimalOrthancVersion(OrthancPluginContext* context, unsigned int major, unsigned int minor, unsigned int revision) { if (context == NULL) { OrthancPluginLogError(context, "Bad Orthanc context in the plugin"); return false; } if (!strcmp(context->orthancVersion, "mainline")) { // Assume compatibility with the mainline return true; } // Parse the version of the Orthanc core int aa, bb, cc; if ( #ifdef _MSC_VER sscanf_s #else sscanf #endif (context->orthancVersion, "%4d.%4d.%4d", &aa, &bb, &cc) != 3 || aa < 0 || bb < 0 || cc < 0) { throw false; } unsigned int a = static_cast<unsigned int>(aa); unsigned int b = static_cast<unsigned int>(bb); unsigned int c = static_cast<unsigned int>(cc); // Check the major version number if (a > major) { return true; } if (a < major) { return false; } // Check the minor version number assert(a == major); if (b > minor) { return true; } if (b < minor) { return false; } // Check the patch level version number assert(a == major && b == minor); if (c >= revision) { return true; } else { return false; } } }