diff Orthanc/Core/HttpClient.cpp @ 3:d5027f9f676a

fix build
author Sebastien Jodogne <s.jodogne@gmail.com>
date Mon, 01 Jun 2015 15:12:22 +0200
children e59bf2554e59
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Orthanc/Core/HttpClient.cpp	Mon Jun 01 15:12:22 2015 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
+ * Orthanc - A Lightweight, RESTful DICOM Store
+ * Copyright (C) 2012-2015 Sebastien Jodogne, Medical Physics
+ * Department, University Hospital of Liege, Belgium
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+ * License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders of this
+ * program give permission to link the code of its release with the
+ * OpenSSL project's "OpenSSL" library (or with modified versions of it
+ * that use the same license as the "OpenSSL" library), and distribute
+ * the linked executables. You must obey the GNU General Public License
+ * in all respects for all of the code used other than "OpenSSL". If you
+ * modify file(s) with this exception, you may extend this exception to
+ * your version of the file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If
+ * you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your
+ * version. If you delete this exception statement from all source files
+ * in the program, then also delete it here.
+ * 
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ **/
+#include "PrecompiledHeaders.h"
+#include "HttpClient.h"
+#include "Toolbox.h"
+#include "OrthancException.h"
+#include <string.h>
+#include <curl/curl.h>
+namespace Orthanc
+  struct HttpClient::PImpl
+  {
+    CURL* curl_;
+    struct curl_slist *postHeaders_;
+  };
+  static CURLcode CheckCode(CURLcode code)
+  {
+    if (code != CURLE_OK)
+    {
+      throw OrthancException("libCURL error: " + std::string(curl_easy_strerror(code)));
+    }
+    return code;
+  }
+  static size_t CurlCallback(void *buffer, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *payload)
+  {
+    std::string& target = *(static_cast<std::string*>(payload));
+    size_t length = size * nmemb;
+    if (length == 0)
+      return 0;
+    size_t pos = target.size();
+    target.resize(pos + length);
+    memcpy(&target.at(pos), buffer, length);
+    return length;
+  }
+  void HttpClient::Setup()
+  {
+    pimpl_->postHeaders_ = NULL;
+    if ((pimpl_->postHeaders_ = curl_slist_append(pimpl_->postHeaders_, "Expect:")) == NULL)
+    {
+      throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_NotEnoughMemory);
+    }
+    pimpl_->curl_ = curl_easy_init();
+    if (!pimpl_->curl_)
+    {
+      curl_slist_free_all(pimpl_->postHeaders_);
+      throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_NotEnoughMemory);
+    }
+    CheckCode(curl_easy_setopt(pimpl_->curl_, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, &CurlCallback));
+    CheckCode(curl_easy_setopt(pimpl_->curl_, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0));
+    CheckCode(curl_easy_setopt(pimpl_->curl_, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1));
+    CheckCode(curl_easy_setopt(pimpl_->curl_, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0)); 
+    // This fixes the "longjmp causes uninitialized stack frame" crash
+    // that happens on modern Linux versions.
+    // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9191668/error-longjmp-causes-uninitialized-stack-frame
+    CheckCode(curl_easy_setopt(pimpl_->curl_, CURLOPT_NOSIGNAL, 1));
+    url_ = "";
+    method_ = HttpMethod_Get;
+    lastStatus_ = HttpStatus_200_Ok;
+    isVerbose_ = false;
+    timeout_ = 0;
+  }
+  HttpClient::HttpClient() : pimpl_(new PImpl)
+  {
+    Setup();
+  }
+  HttpClient::HttpClient(const HttpClient& other) : pimpl_(new PImpl)
+  {
+    Setup();
+    if (other.IsVerbose())
+    {
+      SetVerbose(true);
+    }
+    if (other.credentials_.size() != 0)
+    {
+      credentials_ = other.credentials_;
+    }
+  }
+  HttpClient::~HttpClient()
+  {
+    curl_easy_cleanup(pimpl_->curl_);
+    curl_slist_free_all(pimpl_->postHeaders_);
+  }
+  void HttpClient::SetVerbose(bool isVerbose)
+  {
+    isVerbose_ = isVerbose;
+    if (isVerbose_)
+    {
+      CheckCode(curl_easy_setopt(pimpl_->curl_, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1));
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      CheckCode(curl_easy_setopt(pimpl_->curl_, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 0));
+    }
+  }
+  bool HttpClient::Apply(std::string& answer)
+  {
+    answer.clear();
+    CheckCode(curl_easy_setopt(pimpl_->curl_, CURLOPT_URL, url_.c_str()));
+    CheckCode(curl_easy_setopt(pimpl_->curl_, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, &answer));
+    // Reset the parameters from previous calls to Apply()
+    CheckCode(curl_easy_setopt(pimpl_->curl_, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, NULL));
+    CheckCode(curl_easy_setopt(pimpl_->curl_, CURLOPT_HTTPGET, 0L));
+    CheckCode(curl_easy_setopt(pimpl_->curl_, CURLOPT_POST, 0L));
+    CheckCode(curl_easy_setopt(pimpl_->curl_, CURLOPT_NOBODY, 0L));
+    CheckCode(curl_easy_setopt(pimpl_->curl_, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, NULL));
+    CheckCode(curl_easy_setopt(pimpl_->curl_, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, NULL));
+    CheckCode(curl_easy_setopt(pimpl_->curl_, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDSIZE, 0));
+    CheckCode(curl_easy_setopt(pimpl_->curl_, CURLOPT_PROXY, NULL));
+    // Set timeouts
+    if (timeout_ <= 0)
+    {
+      CheckCode(curl_easy_setopt(pimpl_->curl_, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 10));  /* default: 10 seconds */
+      CheckCode(curl_easy_setopt(pimpl_->curl_, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 10));  /* default: 10 seconds */
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      CheckCode(curl_easy_setopt(pimpl_->curl_, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, timeout_));
+      CheckCode(curl_easy_setopt(pimpl_->curl_, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, timeout_));
+    }
+    if (credentials_.size() != 0)
+    {
+      CheckCode(curl_easy_setopt(pimpl_->curl_, CURLOPT_USERPWD, credentials_.c_str()));
+    }
+    if (proxy_.size() != 0)
+    {
+      CheckCode(curl_easy_setopt(pimpl_->curl_, CURLOPT_PROXY, proxy_.c_str()));
+    }
+    switch (method_)
+    {
+    case HttpMethod_Get:
+      CheckCode(curl_easy_setopt(pimpl_->curl_, CURLOPT_HTTPGET, 1L));
+      break;
+    case HttpMethod_Post:
+      CheckCode(curl_easy_setopt(pimpl_->curl_, CURLOPT_POST, 1L));
+      CheckCode(curl_easy_setopt(pimpl_->curl_, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, pimpl_->postHeaders_));
+      break;
+    case HttpMethod_Delete:
+      CheckCode(curl_easy_setopt(pimpl_->curl_, CURLOPT_NOBODY, 1L));
+      CheckCode(curl_easy_setopt(pimpl_->curl_, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "DELETE"));
+      break;
+    case HttpMethod_Put:
+      // http://stackoverflow.com/a/7570281/881731: Don't use
+      // CURLOPT_PUT if there is a body
+      // CheckCode(curl_easy_setopt(pimpl_->curl_, CURLOPT_PUT, 1L));
+      curl_easy_setopt(pimpl_->curl_, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "PUT"); /* !!! */
+      CheckCode(curl_easy_setopt(pimpl_->curl_, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, pimpl_->postHeaders_));      
+      break;
+    default:
+      throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_InternalError);
+    }
+    if (method_ == HttpMethod_Post ||
+        method_ == HttpMethod_Put)
+    {
+      if (postData_.size() > 0)
+      {
+        CheckCode(curl_easy_setopt(pimpl_->curl_, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, postData_.c_str()));
+        CheckCode(curl_easy_setopt(pimpl_->curl_, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDSIZE, postData_.size()));
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        CheckCode(curl_easy_setopt(pimpl_->curl_, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, NULL));
+        CheckCode(curl_easy_setopt(pimpl_->curl_, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDSIZE, 0));
+      }
+    }
+    // Do the actual request
+    CheckCode(curl_easy_perform(pimpl_->curl_));
+    long status;
+    CheckCode(curl_easy_getinfo(pimpl_->curl_, CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE, &status));
+    if (status == 0)
+    {
+      // This corresponds to a call to an inexistent host
+      lastStatus_ = HttpStatus_500_InternalServerError;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      lastStatus_ = static_cast<HttpStatus>(status);
+    }
+    return (status >= 200 && status < 300);
+  }
+  bool HttpClient::Apply(Json::Value& answer)
+  {
+    std::string s;
+    if (Apply(s))
+    {
+      Json::Reader reader;
+      return reader.parse(s, answer);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      return false;
+    }
+  }
+  void HttpClient::SetCredentials(const char* username,
+                                  const char* password)
+  {
+    credentials_ = std::string(username) + ":" + std::string(password);
+  }
+  void HttpClient::GlobalInitialize()
+  {
+    CheckCode(curl_global_init(CURL_GLOBAL_DEFAULT));
+  }
+  void HttpClient::GlobalFinalize()
+  {
+    curl_global_cleanup();
+  }