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author | Sebastien Jodogne <> |
date | Tue, 02 Jan 2018 10:03:42 +0100 |
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.. _lua: Server-side scripting with Lua ============================== .. contents:: Since release 0.5.2, Orthanc supports server-side scripting through the `Lua <>`__ scripting language. Thanks to this major feature, Orthanc can be tuned to specific medical workflows without being driven by an external script. This page summarizes the possibilities of Orthanc server-side scripting. Many other examples are `available in the source distribution <>`__. Installing a Lua script ----------------------- .. highlight:: bash A custom Lua script can be installed either by the :ref:`configuration file <configuration>`, or by uploading it through the :ref:`REST API <rest-samples>`. To install it by the **configuration file** method, you just have to specify the path to the file containing the Lua script in the ``LuaScripts`` variable. To upload a script stored in the file "``script.lua``" through the **REST API**, use the following command:: $ curl -X POST http://localhost:8042/tools/execute-script --data-binary @script.lua Pay attention to the fact that, contrarily to the scripts installed from the configuration file, the scripts installed through the REST API are non-persistent: They are discarded after a restart of Orthanc, which makes them useful for script prototyping. You can also interpret a single Lua command through the REST API:: $ curl -X POST http://localhost:8042/tools/execute-script --data-binary "print(42)" *Note:* The ``--data-binary`` cURL option is used instead of ``--data`` to prevent the interpretation of newlines by cURL, which is `mandatory for the proper evaluation <>`__ of the possible comments inside the Lua script. Lua API ------- .. _lua-callbacks: Callbacks to react to events ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The Lua engine of Orthanc comes invokes the following callbacks that are triggered on various events. Here are the **generic events**: * ``function Initialize()``: Invoked as soon as the Orthanc server is started. * ``function Finalize()``: Invoked just before the Orthanc server is stopped. Some **permission-related events** allow to filter incoming requests: * ``function ReceivedInstanceFilter(dicom, origin)``: Invoked to known whether an incoming DICOM instance should be accepted. :ref:`See this section <lua-filter-dicom>`. The ``origin`` parameter is :ref:`documented separately <lua-origin>`. * ``function IncomingHttpRequestFilter(method, uri, ip, username, httpHeaders)``: Invoked to known whether a REST request should be accepted. :ref:`See this section <lua-filter-rest>`. Some **DICOM-related events** allow to react to the reception of new medical images: * ``function OnStoredInstance(instanceId, tags, metadata, origin)``: Invoked whenever a new instance has been stored into Orthanc. This is especially useful for :ref:`lua-auto-routing`. The ``origin`` parameter is :ref:`documented separately <lua-origin>`. * ``function OnStablePatient(patientId, tags, metadata)``: Invoked whenever a patient has not received any new instance for a certain amount of time (cf. the option ``StableAge`` in the :ref:`configuration file <configuration>`). The :ref:`identifier <orthanc-ids>` of the patient is provided, together with her DICOM tags and her :ref:`metadata <metadata>`. * ``function OnStableSeries(seriesId, tags, metadata)``: Invoked whenever a series has not received any new instance for a certain amount of time. * ``function OnStableStudy(studyId, tags, metadata)``: Invoked whenever a study has not received any new instance for a certain amount of time. * ``function IncomingFindRequestFilter(source, origin)``: Invoked whenever Orthanc receives an incoming C-Find query through the DICOM protocol. This allows to inspect the content of the C-Find query, and possibly modify it if a patch is needed for some manufacturer. A `sample script is available <>`__. Furthermore, whenever a DICOM association is negotiated for C-Store SCP, several callbacks are successively invoked to specify which **transfer syntaxes** are accepted for the association. These callbacks are listed in `this sample script <>`__. *Note:* All of these callbacks are guaranteed to be **invoked in mutual exclusion**. This implies that Lua scripting in Orthanc does not support any kind of concurrency. .. _lua-rest: Calling the REST API of Orthanc ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Lua scripts have :ref:`full access to the REST API <rest>` of Orthanc through the following functions: * ``RestApiGet(uri, builtin)`` * ``RestApiPost(uri, body, builtin)`` * ``RestApiPut(uri, body, builtin)`` * ``RestApiDelete(uri, builtin)`` The ``uri`` arguments specifies the URI against which to make the request, and ``body`` is a string containing the body of POST/PUT request. The ``builtin`` parameter is an optional Boolean that specifies whether the request targets only the built-in REST API of Orthanc (if set to ``true``), or the full the REST API after being tainted by the plugins (if set to ``false``). General-purpose functions ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The Lua engine of Orthanc contain several general-purpose ancillary functions: * ``PrintRecursive(v)`` recursively prints the content of a `Lua table <>`__ to the log file of Orthanc. * ``ParseJson(s)`` converts a string encoded in the `JSON format <>`__ to a Lua table. * ``DumpJson(v, keepStrings)`` encodes a Lua table as a JSON string. Setting the optional argument ``keepStrings`` (available from release 0.9.5) to ``true`` prevents the automatic conversion of strings to integers. * ``GetOrthancConfiguration()`` returns a Lua table containing the content of the :ref:`configuration files <configuration>` of Orthanc. Similarly to the functions to :ref:`call the REST API of Orthanc <lua-rest>`, several functions are available to make generic HTTP requests to Web services: * ``HttpGet(url, headers)`` * ``HttpPost(url, body, headers)`` * ``HttpPut(url, body, headers)`` * ``HttpDelete(url, headers)`` * ``SetHttpCredentials(username, password)`` can be used to setup the HTTP credentials. The ``headers`` argument is optional and has been added in release 1.2.1. It allows to set the HTTP headers for the HTTP client request. .. _lua-origin: Origin of the instances ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Whenever Orthanc decides whether it should should store a new instance (cf. the ``ReceivedInstanceFilter()`` callback), or whenever it has actually stored a new instance (cf. the ``OnStoredInstance`` callback), an ``origin`` parameter is provided. This parameter is a `Lua table <>`__ that describes from which Orthanc subsystem the new instance comes from. There are 4 possible subsystems, that can be distinguished according to the value of ``origin["RequestOrigin"]``: * ``RestApi``: The instance originates from some HTTP request to the REST API. In this case, the ``RemoteIp`` and ``Username`` fields are available in ``origin``. They respectively describe the IP address of the HTTP client, and the username that was used for HTTP authentication (as defined in the ``RegisteredUsers`` :ref:`configuration variable <configuration>`). * ``DicomProtocol``: The instance originates from a DICOM C-Store. The fields ``RemoteIp``, ``RemoteAet`` and ``CalledAet`` respectively provide the IP address of the DICOM SCU (client), the application entity title of the DICOM SCU client, and the application entity title of the Orthanc SCP server. The ``CalledAet`` can be used for :ref:`advanced auto-routing scenarios <lua-auto-routing>`, when a single instance of Orthanc acts as a proxy for several DICOM SCU clients. * ``Lua``: The instance originates from a Lua script. * ``Plugins``: The instance originates from a plugin. .. _lua-filter-dicom: Filtering incoming DICOM instances ---------------------------------- .. highlight:: lua Each time a DICOM instance is received by Orthanc (either through the DICOM protocol or through the REST API), the ``ReceivedInstanceFilter()`` Lua function is invoked. If this callback returns ``true``, the instance is accepted for storage. If it returns ``false``, the instance is discarded. This mechanism can be used to filter the incoming DICOM instances. Here is an example of a Lua filter that only allows incoming instances of MR modality:: function ReceivedInstanceFilter(dicom, origin) -- Only allow incoming MR images if dicom.Modality == 'MR' then return true else return false end end The argument dicom corresponds to a `Lua table <>`__ (i.e. an associative array) that contains the DICOM tags of the incoming instance. For debugging purpose, you can print this structure as follows:: function ReceivedInstanceFilter(dicom, origin) PrintRecursive(dicom) -- Accept all incoming instances (default behavior) return true end The argument ``origin`` is :ref:`documented separately <lua-origin>`. .. _lua-filter-rest: Filtering incoming REST requests -------------------------------- .. highlight:: lua Lua scripting can be used to control the access to the various URI of the REST API. Each time an incoming HTTP request is received, the ``IncomingHttpRequestFilter()`` Lua function is called. The access to the resource is granted if and only if this callback script returns ``true``. This mechanism can be used to implement fine-grained `access control lists <>`__. Here is an example of a Lua script that limits POST, PUT and DELETE requests to an user that is called "admin":: function IncomingHttpRequestFilter(method, uri, ip, username, httpHeaders) -- Only allow GET requests for non-admin users if method == 'GET' then return true elseif username == 'admin' then return true else return false end end Here is a description of the arguments of this Lua callback: * ``method``: The HTTP method (GET, POST, PUT or DELETE). * ``uri``: The path to the resource (e.g. ``/tools/generate-uid``). * ``ip``: The IP address of the host that has issued the HTTP request (e.g. ````). * ``username``: If HTTP Basic Authentication is enabled in the :ref:`configuration file <configuration>`, the name of the user that has issued the HTTP request (as defined in the ``RegisteredUsers`` configuration variable). If the authentication is disabled, this argument is set to the empty string. * ``httpHeaders``: The HTTP headers of the incoming request. This argument is available since Orthanc 1.0.1. It is useful if the authentication should be achieved through tokens, for instance against a `LDAP <>`__ or `OAuth2 <>`__ server. .. _lua-auto-routing: Auto-routing of DICOM images ---------------------------- .. highlight:: lua Since release 0.8.0, the routing of DICOM flows can be very easily automated with Orthanc. All you have to do is to declare your destination modality in the :ref:`configuration file <configuration>` (section ``DicomModalities``), then to create and install a Lua script. For instance, here is a sample script:: function OnStoredInstance(instanceId, tags, metadata) Delete(SendToModality(instanceId, 'sample')) end If this script is loaded into Orthanc, whenever a new DICOM instance is received by Orthanc, it will be routed to the modality whose symbolic name is ``sample`` (through a Store-SCU command), then it will be removed from Orthanc. In other words, this is a **one-liner script to implement DICOM auto-routing**. Very importantly, thanks to this feature, you do not have to use the REST API or to create external scripts in order to automate simple imaging flows. The scripting engine is entirely contained inside the Orthanc core system. Thanks to Lua expressiveness, you can also implement conditional auto-routing. For instance, if you wish to route only patients whose name contains "David", you would simply write:: function OnStoredInstance(instanceId, tags, metadata) -- Extract the value of the "PatientName" DICOM tag local patientName = string.lower(tags['PatientName']) if string.find(patientName, 'david') ~= nil then -- Only route patients whose name contains "David" Delete(SendToModality(instanceId, 'sample')) else -- Delete the patients that are not called "David" Delete(instanceId) end end Besides ``SendToModality()``, a mostly identical function with the same arguments called ``SendToPeer()`` can be used to route instances to :ref:`Orthanc peers <peers>`. It is also possible to modify the received instances before routing them. For instance, here is how you would replace the ``StationName`` DICOM tag:: function OnStoredInstance(instanceId, tags, metadata) -- Ignore the instances that result from a modification to avoid -- infinite loops if (metadata['ModifiedFrom'] == nil and metadata['AnonymizedFrom'] == nil) then -- The tags to be replaced local replace = {} replace['StationName'] = 'My Medical Device' -- The tags to be removed local remove = { 'MilitaryRank' } -- Modify the instance, send it, then delete the modified instance Delete(SendToModality(ModifyInstance(instanceId, replace, remove, true), 'sample')) -- Delete the original instance Delete(instanceId) end end Important remarks about auto-routing ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The ``SendToModality()``, ``SendToPeer()``, ``ModifyInstance()`` and ``Delete()`` functions are for the most basic cases of auto-routing (implying a single DICOM instance, and possibly a basic modification of this instance). The ``ModifyInstance()`` function `could also lead to problems <>`__ if it deals with tags wrongly interpreted as numbers by Lua. For more evolved auto-routing scenarios, remember that Lua scripts :ref:`have full to the REST API of Orthanc <lua-rest>`. This is illustrated by the ``AutoroutingModification.lua`` sample available in the source distribution of Orthanc:: function OnStoredInstance(instanceId, tags, metadata, origin) -- Ignore the instances that result from the present Lua script to -- avoid infinite loops if origin['RequestOrigin'] ~= 'Lua' then -- The tags to be replaced local replace = {} replace['StationName'] = 'My Medical Device' replace['0031-1020'] = 'Some private tag' -- The tags to be removed local remove = { 'MilitaryRank' } -- Modify the instance local command = {} command['Replace'] = replace command['Remove'] = remove local modifiedFile = RestApiPost('/instances/' .. instanceId .. '/modify', DumpJson(command, true)) -- Upload the modified instance to the Orthanc database so that -- it can be sent by Orthanc to other modalities local modifiedId = ParseJson(RestApiPost('/instances/', modifiedFile)) ['ID'] -- Send the modified instance to another modality RestApiPost('/modalities/sample/store', modifiedId) -- Delete the original and the modified instances RestApiDelete('/instances/' .. instanceId) RestApiDelete('/instances/' .. modifiedId) end end Also note that :ref:`other callbacks are available <lua-callbacks>` (``OnStablePatient()``, ``OnStableStudy()`` and ``OnStableSeries()``) to react to other events than the reception of a single instance with ``OnStoredInstance()``. .. _lua-fix-cfind: Fixing C-Find requests ---------------------- :ref:`C-Find requests <dicom-find>` are sometimes interpreted differently by different DICOM servers (e.g. the ``*`` wildcard, as `reported by users <>`__), and sometimes a querying modality might set unexpected DICOM tags (cf. `this real-world example <>`__). In such situations, it is possible to dynamically fix incoming or outgoing C-Find queries using a Lua script. Fixing incoming C-Find requests can be done by implementing the ``IncomingFindRequestFilter(query, origin)`` callback that is called whenever the Orthanc C-Find SCP is queried by a remote modality. For instance, here is Lua script to remove a private tag that is specified by some manufacturer:: function IncomingFindRequestFilter(query, origin) -- First display the content of the C-Find query PrintRecursive(query) PrintRecursive(origin) -- Remove the "PrivateCreator" tag from the query local v = query v['5555,0010'] = nil return v end The ``origin`` argument contains information about which modality has issued the request. Note that, as of Orthanc 1.2.1, the ``IncomingFindRequestFilter`` is not applied to C-Find requests targeting the Modality Worklists plugin. This might be fixed in a `future release <>`__. Similarly, the callback ``OutgoingFindRequestFilter(query, modality)`` is invoked whenever Orthanc acts as a C-Find SCU, which gives the opportunity to dynamically fix outgoing C-Find requests before they are actually sent to the queried modality. For instance, here is a sample Lua callback that would replace asterisk wildcards (i.e. ``*``) by an empty string for any query/retrieve issued by Orthanc (including from Orthanc Explorer):: function OutgoingFindRequestFilter(query, modality) for key, value in pairs(query) do if value == '*' then query[key] = '' end end return query end