view Sphinx/source/faq/matlab.rst @ 141:2f871e5728fe

author Sebastien Jodogne <>
date Tue, 29 May 2018 08:44:41 +0200
parents af1e13dac7e6
children 86e92d0cc53e
line wrap: on
line source

Interfacing with Matlab and Octave

Thanks to the REST API of Orthanc, it is easy to access DICOM images
from Matlab or Octave, as depicted in the following sample image:

.. image:: ../images/Matlab.png
           :align: center
           :width: 470px

Both Matlab and Octave have access to HTTP servers thanks to their
built-in `urlread() function
<>`__.  Once must
simply install a Matlab/Octave library to decode JSON files.  The
`JSONLab toolkit <>`__ works perfectly
to this end.

.. highlight:: matlab

Using JSONlab, the following code will download and display a DICOM image::

  SERIES = 'ae164c84-e5bd0366-ba937a6d-65414092-f294d6b6';
  URL = '';

  # Get information about the instances in this DICOM series
  instances = loadjson(urlread([ URL '/series/' SERIES '/instances' ]));

  # Select one slice from the series
  instance = instances{1}.ID

  # Decode the slice with Orthanc thanks to the "/matlab" URI
  slice = eval(urlread([ URL '/instances/' instance '/matlab' ]));

  # Compute the maximum value in this slice

  # Display the slice

  # Annotate the graph with the patient name and ID
  tags = loadjson(urlread([ URL '/instances/' instance '/tags?simplify' ]));
  title([ 'This is a slice from patient ' tags.PatientID ' (' tags.PatientName ')' ])

Opening the raw DICOM file

Here is another sample Matlab/Octave script explaining how to download
the raw DICOM file corresponding to one given instance stored in
Orthanc, then decode this DICOM file using Matlab/Octave::

  SERIES = 'ae164c84-e5bd0366-ba937a6d-65414092-f294d6b6';
  URL = '';

  # Get information about the instances in this DICOM series
  instances = loadjson(urlread([ URL '/series/' SERIES '/instances' ]));

  # Select one slice from the series
  instance = instances{1}.ID

  # Download the raw DICOM file and store it as a file named "instance.dcm"
  urlwrite([ URL '/instances/' instance '/file' ], 'instance.dcm');

  if exist('OCTAVE_VERSION', 'builtin') ~= 0
    # If running Octave instead of Matlab, load the "dicom" package from Octave Forge
    pkg load image
    pkg load dicom

  # Decode the downloaded DICOM file
  im = dicomread('instance.dcm');

.. highlight:: bash

**Note:** If running Octave, you will have to manually install the
`dicom package from Octave Forge
<>`__. Download the
source code of the package, make sure the ``libgdcm2-dev`` and
``octave-image`` packages are installed (for Ubuntu 16.04), then type
the following command to install the ``dicom`` package::

  $ octave --no-gui --eval "pkg install ./dicom-0.2.0.tar.gz"