view Sphinx/source/plugins/authorization.rst @ 97:20b9ecb43eed

author Sebastien Jodogne <>
date Mon, 27 Mar 2017 17:50:08 +0200
parents 750f7ab733c1
children b56083f38695
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.. _authorization:

Advanced authorization plugin

.. contents::

This **official plugin by Osimis** extends Orthanc with advanced
authorization mechanism. For each incoming REST request to some URI,
the plugin will query a Web service to know whether the access is
granted to the user.

Source code is `freely available under the terms of the AGPLv3 license


.. highlight:: bash

The procedure to compile these plugins is similar of that for the
:ref:`core of Orthanc <binaries>`. The following commands should work
for every UNIX-like distribution (including GNU/Linux)::

  $ mkdir Build
  $ cd Build
  $ make

The compilation will produce a shared library ``OrthancAuthorization``
that contains the authorization plugin.


.. highlight:: json

You of course first have to :ref:`install Orthanc <compiling>`. Once
Orthanc is installed, you must change the :ref:`configuration file
<configuration>` to tell Orthanc where it can find the plugin: This is
done by properly modifying the ``Plugins`` option. You could for
instance use the following configuration file::

    "Name" : "MyOrthanc",
    "Plugins" : [
    "Authorization" : {
      "WebService" : "http://localhost:8000/"

Orthanc must of course be restarted after the modification of its
configuration file.

Web Service

This section describes how a Web service suitable for the
authorization plugin can be designed.

**Note:** The behavior described in this section is implemented by the
``AuthorizationWebService`` C++ class in the source code. It is
possible to define a different authorization back-end by deriving
from interface ``IAuthorizationService``.

Incoming request

For each HTTP/REST request that Orthanc receives, the plugin will
issue a set of HTTP ``POST`` requests against the Web service that is
specified in the configuration file (in the basic configuration file
above, the Web service listening at ``http://localhost:8000/`` is
used). The body of each of those ``POST`` requests is a JSON file
similar to the following one::

    "dicom-uid" : "123ABC",
    "level" : "patient",
    "method" : "get",
    "orthanc-id" : "6eeded74-75005003-c3ae9738-d4a06a4f-6beedeb8"

In this example, the user is accessing an URI that is related to some
DICOM resource, namely a patient whose identifier is ``123ABC``. In
such a case, the following fields will be set in the JSON body:
* The ``level`` field specifies which type of resource the user is
  accessing, according to the :ref:`DICOM model of the real world
  <model-world>`. This field can be set to ``patient``, ``study``,
  ``series``, or ``instance``.
* The ``method`` field specifies which HTTP method is used by the
  to-be-authorized request. It can be set ``get``, ``post``,
  ``delete`` or ``put``.
* The ``dicom-uid`` field gives the :ref:`DICOM identifier
  <dicom-identifiers>` of the resource that will be accessed. If the
  resource is a patient, this field contains the ``PatientID`` DICOM
  tag. For a study, it contains its ``StudyInstanceUID``.  For a
  series, it contains its ``SeriesInstanceUID``. For an instance, it
  contains its ``SOPInstanceUID``.
* The ``orthanc-id`` field gives the :ref:`Orthanc identifier
  <orthanc-ids>` of the resource.

When the user accesses a lower-level resource in the DICOM hierarchy
(a study, a series or an instance), the authorization plugin will
issue one separate call to the Web service for each level of the
hierarchy.  For instance, here are the 3 successive requests that are
issued when accessing some series::

    "dicom-uid" : "123ABC",
    "level" : "patient",
    "method" : "get",
    "orthanc-id" : "6eeded74-75005003-c3ae9738-d4a06a4f-6beedeb8"
    "dicom-uid" : "",
    "level" : "study",
    "method" : "get",
    "orthanc-id" : "6e2c0ec2-5d99c8ca-c1c21cee-79a09605-68391d12"
    "dicom-uid" : "",
    "level" : "series",
    "method" : "get",
    "orthanc-id" : "6ca4c9f3-5e895cb3-4d82c6da-09e060fe-9c59f228"

It the user is accessing a URI that is not directly related to an
individual DICOM resource, the JSON body will look as follows::
    "level" : "system",
    "method" : "get",
    "uri" : "/changes"

In such a situation, the following fields are set:

* The ``level`` field is always set to ``system``.
* The ``method`` field is the same as above.
* The ``uri`` field provides the URI that was accessed by the user.
**Important note:** The plugin will transparently parse the URIs of
the core :ref:`REST API of Orthanc <rest>`, of the :ref:`Web viewer
plugin <webviewer>`, of the :ref:`DICOMweb plugin <dicomweb>`, and of
the :ref:`whole-slide imaging plugin <wsi>`. Unrecognized URIs (such
as those introduced by other plugins) will be handled as a ``system``
call. It is possible to introduce parsing support for more plugins by
modifying the ``DefaultAuthorizationParser`` C++ class in the source
code of the plugin.

Expected answer

The Web service must answer by sending a JSON file that tells whether
the access is granted or not to the user. Here is a sample answer::

    "granted": true,
    "validity" : 5

Here is a description of these two fields:

* ``granted`` tells whether access to the resource is granted
  (``true``) or not granted (``false``). In the case the user is
  accessing a DICOM resource, the access to *all* the levels of
  the hierarchy above this resource must be granted (conjunction).
* ``validity`` tells the authorization plugin for how many seconds the
  result of the Web service must be cached. If set to ``0`` second,
  the cache entry will never expire.

**Note:** The source code of the plugin contains a `basic example
of such a Web service written in node.js.

Authentication tokens




Full configuration