# HG changeset patch # User Sebastien Jodogne # Date 1490195632 -3600 # Node ID d5d3cb00556a9f5e0ef4aada104623b967bde606 # Parent decac5df19c4aa24efe56534b828a295397c80e4 initial release diff -r decac5df19c4 -r d5d3cb00556a AUTHORS --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/AUTHORS Wed Mar 22 16:13:52 2017 +0100 @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +Orthanc for Whole-Slide Imaging +=============================== + + +Authors +------- + +* Osimis + Rue des Chasseurs Ardennais 3 + 4031 Liege + Belgium diff -r decac5df19c4 -r d5d3cb00556a CMakeLists.txt --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/CMakeLists.txt Wed Mar 22 16:13:52 2017 +0100 @@ -0,0 +1,132 @@ +# Advanced authorization plugin for Orthanc +# Copyright (C) 2017 Osimis, Belgium +# +# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or +# modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License +# as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of +# the License, or (at your option) any later version. +# +# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but +# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU +# Affero General Public License for more details. +# +# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License +# along with this program. If not, see . + + +cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8) + +project(OrthancAuthorization) + +set(ORTHANC_AUTHORIZATION_VERSION "mainline") + +# Parameters of the build +set(STATIC_BUILD OFF CACHE BOOL "Static build of the third-party libraries (necessary for Windows)") +SET(STANDALONE_BUILD ON CACHE BOOL "Standalone build (all the resources are embedded, necessary for releases)") +set(ALLOW_DOWNLOADS OFF CACHE BOOL "Allow CMake to download packages") + +# Advanced parameters to fine-tune linking against system libraries +set(USE_SYSTEM_BOOST ON CACHE BOOL "Use the system version of Boost") +set(USE_SYSTEM_JSONCPP ON CACHE BOOL "Use the system version of JsonCpp") +set(USE_SYSTEM_ORTHANC_SDK ON CACHE BOOL "Use the system version of the Orthanc plugin SDK") + +set(ORTHANC_ROOT ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/Resources/Orthanc) +set(ORTHANC_DISABLE_PATCH ON) # No need for the "patch" command-line tool +include(CheckIncludeFiles) +include(CheckIncludeFileCXX) +include(CheckLibraryExists) +include(FindPythonInterp) +include(${ORTHANC_ROOT}/Resources/CMake/Compiler.cmake) +include(${ORTHANC_ROOT}/Resources/CMake/AutoGeneratedCode.cmake) +include(${ORTHANC_ROOT}/Resources/CMake/DownloadPackage.cmake) + +include(${ORTHANC_ROOT}/Resources/CMake/BoostConfiguration.cmake) +include(${ORTHANC_ROOT}/Resources/CMake/JsonCppConfiguration.cmake) + + +# Check that the Orthanc SDK headers are available +if (STATIC_BUILD OR NOT USE_SYSTEM_ORTHANC_SDK) + include_directories(${ORTHANC_ROOT}/Sdk-1.1.0) +else () + CHECK_INCLUDE_FILE_CXX(orthanc/OrthancCPlugin.h HAVE_ORTHANC_H) + if (NOT HAVE_ORTHANC_H) + message(FATAL_ERROR "Please install the headers of the Orthanc plugins SDK") + endif() +endif() + + +if (${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} STREQUAL "Linux" OR + ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} STREQUAL "kFreeBSD" OR + ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} STREQUAL "FreeBSD") + link_libraries(rt) +elseif (${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} STREQUAL "Windows") + SET(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD_LIBRARIES "${CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD_LIBRARIES} -lws2_32") + + execute_process( + COMMAND + ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} ${ORTHANC_ROOT}/Resources/WindowsResources.py + ${ORTHANC_AUTHORIZATION_VERSION} "OrthancAuthorization" OrthancAuthorization.dll "Advanced authorization plugin for Orthanc" + ERROR_VARIABLE Failure + OUTPUT_FILE ${AUTOGENERATED_DIR}/Version.rc + ) + + if (Failure) + message(FATAL_ERROR "Error while computing the version information: ${Failure}") + endif() + + list(APPEND AUTOGENERATED_SOURCES ${AUTOGENERATED_DIR}/Version.rc) +endif() + +if (APPLE) + SET(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS} -framework CoreFoundation") + SET(CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS} -framework CoreFoundation") +endif() + +add_definitions( + -DHAS_ORTHANC_EXCEPTION=1 + -DORTHANC_ENABLE_MD5=0 + -DORTHANC_ENABLE_BASE64=0 + -DORTHANC_ENABLE_LOGGING=1 + -DORTHANC_ENABLE_LOGGING_PLUGIN=1 + -DORTHANC_ENABLE_PUGIXML=0 + -DORTHANC_SANDBOXED=0 + ) + +add_library(OrthancAuthorization SHARED + ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/Plugin/AccessedResource.cpp + ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/Plugin/AssociativeArray.cpp + ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/Plugin/AuthorizationParserBase.cpp + ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/Plugin/AuthorizationWebService.cpp + ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/Plugin/CachedAuthorizationService.cpp + ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/Plugin/DefaultAuthorizationParser.cpp + ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/Plugin/Enumerations.cpp + ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/Plugin/MemoryCache.cpp + ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/Plugin/OrthancResource.cpp + ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/Plugin/Plugin.cpp + ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/Plugin/ResourceHierarchyCache.cpp + ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/Plugin/Token.cpp + + ${ORTHANC_ROOT}/Core/Logging.cpp + ${ORTHANC_ROOT}/Core/Enumerations.cpp + ${ORTHANC_ROOT}/Core/Toolbox.cpp + ${ORTHANC_ROOT}/Plugins/Samples/Common/OrthancPluginCppWrapper.cpp + + ${BOOST_SOURCES} + ${SQLITE_SOURCES} + ${JSONCPP_SOURCES} + ) + + +message("Setting the version of the plugin to ${ORTHANC_AUTHORIZATION_VERSION}") +add_definitions(-DORTHANC_AUTHORIZATION_VERSION="${ORTHANC_AUTHORIZATION_VERSION}") + +set_target_properties(OrthancAuthorization PROPERTIES + VERSION ${ORTHANC_AUTHORIZATION_VERSION} + SOVERSION ${ORTHANC_AUTHORIZATION_VERSION}) + +install( + TARGETS OrthancAuthorization + RUNTIME DESTINATION lib # Destination for Windows + LIBRARY DESTINATION share/orthanc/plugins # Destination for Linux + ) diff -r decac5df19c4 -r d5d3cb00556a COPYING --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/COPYING Wed Mar 22 16:13:52 2017 +0100 @@ -0,0 +1,661 @@ + GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 3, 19 November 2007 + + Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + + Preamble + + The GNU Affero General Public License is a free, copyleft license for +software and other kinds of works, specifically designed to ensure +cooperation with the community in the case of network server software. + + The licenses for most software and other practical works are designed +to take away your freedom to share and change the works. By contrast, +our General Public Licenses are intended to guarantee your freedom to +share and change all versions of a program--to make sure it remains free +software for all its users. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not +price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you +have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for +them if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you +want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new +free programs, and that you know you can do these things. + + Developers that use our General Public Licenses protect your rights +with two steps: (1) assert copyright on the software, and (2) offer +you this License which gives you legal permission to copy, distribute +and/or modify the software. + + A secondary benefit of defending all users' freedom is that +improvements made in alternate versions of the program, if they +receive widespread use, become available for other developers to +incorporate. Many developers of free software are heartened and +encouraged by the resulting cooperation. However, in the case of +software used on network servers, this result may fail to come about. +The GNU General Public License permits making a modified version and +letting the public access it on a server without ever releasing its +source code to the public. + + The GNU Affero General Public License is designed specifically to +ensure that, in such cases, the modified source code becomes available +to the community. It requires the operator of a network server to +provide the source code of the modified version running there to the +users of that server. Therefore, public use of a modified version, on +a publicly accessible server, gives the public access to the source +code of the modified version. + + An older license, called the Affero General Public License and +published by Affero, was designed to accomplish similar goals. This is +a different license, not a version of the Affero GPL, but Affero has +released a new version of the Affero GPL which permits relicensing under +this license. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. + + TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + 0. Definitions. + + "This License" refers to version 3 of the GNU Affero General Public License. + + "Copyright" also means copyright-like laws that apply to other kinds of +works, such as semiconductor masks. + + "The Program" refers to any copyrightable work licensed under this +License. Each licensee is addressed as "you". "Licensees" and +"recipients" may be individuals or organizations. + + To "modify" a work means to copy from or adapt all or part of the work +in a fashion requiring copyright permission, other than the making of an +exact copy. The resulting work is called a "modified version" of the +earlier work or a work "based on" the earlier work. + + A "covered work" means either the unmodified Program or a work based +on the Program. + + To "propagate" a work means to do anything with it that, without +permission, would make you directly or secondarily liable for +infringement under applicable copyright law, except executing it on a +computer or modifying a private copy. Propagation includes copying, +distribution (with or without modification), making available to the +public, and in some countries other activities as well. + + To "convey" a work means any kind of propagation that enables other +parties to make or receive copies. Mere interaction with a user through +a computer network, with no transfer of a copy, is not conveying. + + An interactive user interface displays "Appropriate Legal Notices" +to the extent that it includes a convenient and prominently visible +feature that (1) displays an appropriate copyright notice, and (2) +tells the user that there is no warranty for the work (except to the +extent that warranties are provided), that licensees may convey the +work under this License, and how to view a copy of this License. If +the interface presents a list of user commands or options, such as a +menu, a prominent item in the list meets this criterion. + + 1. Source Code. + + The "source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work +for making modifications to it. "Object code" means any non-source +form of a work. + + A "Standard Interface" means an interface that either is an official +standard defined by a recognized standards body, or, in the case of +interfaces specified for a particular programming language, one that +is widely used among developers working in that language. + + The "System Libraries" of an executable work include anything, other +than the work as a whole, that (a) is included in the normal form of +packaging a Major Component, but which is not part of that Major +Component, and (b) serves only to enable use of the work with that +Major Component, or to implement a Standard Interface for which an +implementation is available to the public in source code form. A +"Major Component", in this context, means a major essential component +(kernel, window system, and so on) of the specific operating system +(if any) on which the executable work runs, or a compiler used to +produce the work, or an object code interpreter used to run it. + + The "Corresponding Source" for a work in object code form means all +the source code needed to generate, install, and (for an executable +work) run the object code and to modify the work, including scripts to +control those activities. However, it does not include the work's +System Libraries, or general-purpose tools or generally available free +programs which are used unmodified in performing those activities but +which are not part of the work. For example, Corresponding Source +includes interface definition files associated with source files for +the work, and the source code for shared libraries and dynamically +linked subprograms that the work is specifically designed to require, +such as by intimate data communication or control flow between those +subprograms and other parts of the work. + + The Corresponding Source need not include anything that users +can regenerate automatically from other parts of the Corresponding +Source. + + The Corresponding Source for a work in source code form is that +same work. + + 2. Basic Permissions. + + All rights granted under this License are granted for the term of +copyright on the Program, and are irrevocable provided the stated +conditions are met. This License explicitly affirms your unlimited +permission to run the unmodified Program. The output from running a +covered work is covered by this License only if the output, given its +content, constitutes a covered work. This License acknowledges your +rights of fair use or other equivalent, as provided by copyright law. + + You may make, run and propagate covered works that you do not +convey, without conditions so long as your license otherwise remains +in force. You may convey covered works to others for the sole purpose +of having them make modifications exclusively for you, or provide you +with facilities for running those works, provided that you comply with +the terms of this License in conveying all material for which you do +not control copyright. Those thus making or running the covered works +for you must do so exclusively on your behalf, under your direction +and control, on terms that prohibit them from making any copies of +your copyrighted material outside their relationship with you. + + Conveying under any other circumstances is permitted solely under +the conditions stated below. Sublicensing is not allowed; section 10 +makes it unnecessary. + + 3. Protecting Users' Legal Rights From Anti-Circumvention Law. + + No covered work shall be deemed part of an effective technological +measure under any applicable law fulfilling obligations under article +11 of the WIPO copyright treaty adopted on 20 December 1996, or +similar laws prohibiting or restricting circumvention of such +measures. + + When you convey a covered work, you waive any legal power to forbid +circumvention of technological measures to the extent such circumvention +is effected by exercising rights under this License with respect to +the covered work, and you disclaim any intention to limit operation or +modification of the work as a means of enforcing, against the work's +users, your or third parties' legal rights to forbid circumvention of +technological measures. + + 4. Conveying Verbatim Copies. + + You may convey verbatim copies of the Program's source code as you +receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and +appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice; +keep intact all notices stating that this License and any +non-permissive terms added in accord with section 7 apply to the code; +keep intact all notices of the absence of any warranty; and give all +recipients a copy of this License along with the Program. + + You may charge any price or no price for each copy that you convey, +and you may offer support or warranty protection for a fee. + + 5. Conveying Modified Source Versions. + + You may convey a work based on the Program, or the modifications to +produce it from the Program, in the form of source code under the +terms of section 4, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) The work must carry prominent notices stating that you modified + it, and giving a relevant date. + + b) The work must carry prominent notices stating that it is + released under this License and any conditions added under section + 7. This requirement modifies the requirement in section 4 to + "keep intact all notices". + + c) You must license the entire work, as a whole, under this + License to anyone who comes into possession of a copy. This + License will therefore apply, along with any applicable section 7 + additional terms, to the whole of the work, and all its parts, + regardless of how they are packaged. This License gives no + permission to license the work in any other way, but it does not + invalidate such permission if you have separately received it. + + d) If the work has interactive user interfaces, each must display + Appropriate Legal Notices; however, if the Program has interactive + interfaces that do not display Appropriate Legal Notices, your + work need not make them do so. + + A compilation of a covered work with other separate and independent +works, which are not by their nature extensions of the covered work, +and which are not combined with it such as to form a larger program, +in or on a volume of a storage or distribution medium, is called an +"aggregate" if the compilation and its resulting copyright are not +used to limit the access or legal rights of the compilation's users +beyond what the individual works permit. Inclusion of a covered work +in an aggregate does not cause this License to apply to the other +parts of the aggregate. + + 6. Conveying Non-Source Forms. + + You may convey a covered work in object code form under the terms +of sections 4 and 5, provided that you also convey the +machine-readable Corresponding Source under the terms of this License, +in one of these ways: + + a) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product + (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by the + Corresponding Source fixed on a durable physical medium + customarily used for software interchange. + + b) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product + (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by a + written offer, valid for at least three years and valid for as + long as you offer spare parts or customer support for that product + model, to give anyone who possesses the object code either (1) a + copy of the Corresponding Source for all the software in the + product that is covered by this License, on a durable physical + medium customarily used for software interchange, for a price no + more than your reasonable cost of physically performing this + conveying of source, or (2) access to copy the + Corresponding Source from a network server at no charge. + + c) Convey individual copies of the object code with a copy of the + written offer to provide the Corresponding Source. This + alternative is allowed only occasionally and noncommercially, and + only if you received the object code with such an offer, in accord + with subsection 6b. + + d) Convey the object code by offering access from a designated + place (gratis or for a charge), and offer equivalent access to the + Corresponding Source in the same way through the same place at no + further charge. You need not require recipients to copy the + Corresponding Source along with the object code. If the place to + copy the object code is a network server, the Corresponding Source + may be on a different server (operated by you or a third party) + that supports equivalent copying facilities, provided you maintain + clear directions next to the object code saying where to find the + Corresponding Source. Regardless of what server hosts the + Corresponding Source, you remain obligated to ensure that it is + available for as long as needed to satisfy these requirements. + + e) Convey the object code using peer-to-peer transmission, provided + you inform other peers where the object code and Corresponding + Source of the work are being offered to the general public at no + charge under subsection 6d. + + A separable portion of the object code, whose source code is excluded +from the Corresponding Source as a System Library, need not be +included in conveying the object code work. + + A "User Product" is either (1) a "consumer product", which means any +tangible personal property which is normally used for personal, family, +or household purposes, or (2) anything designed or sold for incorporation +into a dwelling. In determining whether a product is a consumer product, +doubtful cases shall be resolved in favor of coverage. For a particular +product received by a particular user, "normally used" refers to a +typical or common use of that class of product, regardless of the status +of the particular user or of the way in which the particular user +actually uses, or expects or is expected to use, the product. A product +is a consumer product regardless of whether the product has substantial +commercial, industrial or non-consumer uses, unless such uses represent +the only significant mode of use of the product. + + "Installation Information" for a User Product means any methods, +procedures, authorization keys, or other information required to install +and execute modified versions of a covered work in that User Product from +a modified version of its Corresponding Source. The information must +suffice to ensure that the continued functioning of the modified object +code is in no case prevented or interfered with solely because +modification has been made. + + If you convey an object code work under this section in, or with, or +specifically for use in, a User Product, and the conveying occurs as +part of a transaction in which the right of possession and use of the +User Product is transferred to the recipient in perpetuity or for a +fixed term (regardless of how the transaction is characterized), the +Corresponding Source conveyed under this section must be accompanied +by the Installation Information. But this requirement does not apply +if neither you nor any third party retains the ability to install +modified object code on the User Product (for example, the work has +been installed in ROM). + + The requirement to provide Installation Information does not include a +requirement to continue to provide support service, warranty, or updates +for a work that has been modified or installed by the recipient, or for +the User Product in which it has been modified or installed. Access to a +network may be denied when the modification itself materially and +adversely affects the operation of the network or violates the rules and +protocols for communication across the network. + + Corresponding Source conveyed, and Installation Information provided, +in accord with this section must be in a format that is publicly +documented (and with an implementation available to the public in +source code form), and must require no special password or key for +unpacking, reading or copying. + + 7. Additional Terms. + + "Additional permissions" are terms that supplement the terms of this +License by making exceptions from one or more of its conditions. +Additional permissions that are applicable to the entire Program shall +be treated as though they were included in this License, to the extent +that they are valid under applicable law. If additional permissions +apply only to part of the Program, that part may be used separately +under those permissions, but the entire Program remains governed by +this License without regard to the additional permissions. + + When you convey a copy of a covered work, you may at your option +remove any additional permissions from that copy, or from any part of +it. (Additional permissions may be written to require their own +removal in certain cases when you modify the work.) You may place +additional permissions on material, added by you to a covered work, +for which you have or can give appropriate copyright permission. + + Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, for material you +add to a covered work, you may (if authorized by the copyright holders of +that material) supplement the terms of this License with terms: + + a) Disclaiming warranty or limiting liability differently from the + terms of sections 15 and 16 of this License; or + + b) Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or + author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal + Notices displayed by works containing it; or + + c) Prohibiting misrepresentation of the origin of that material, or + requiring that modified versions of such material be marked in + reasonable ways as different from the original version; or + + d) Limiting the use for publicity purposes of names of licensors or + authors of the material; or + + e) Declining to grant rights under trademark law for use of some + trade names, trademarks, or service marks; or + + f) Requiring indemnification of licensors and authors of that + material by anyone who conveys the material (or modified versions of + it) with contractual assumptions of liability to the recipient, for + any liability that these contractual assumptions directly impose on + those licensors and authors. + + All other non-permissive additional terms are considered "further +restrictions" within the meaning of section 10. If the Program as you +received it, or any part of it, contains a notice stating that it is +governed by this License along with a term that is a further +restriction, you may remove that term. If a license document contains +a further restriction but permits relicensing or conveying under this +License, you may add to a covered work material governed by the terms +of that license document, provided that the further restriction does +not survive such relicensing or conveying. + + If you add terms to a covered work in accord with this section, you +must place, in the relevant source files, a statement of the +additional terms that apply to those files, or a notice indicating +where to find the applicable terms. + + Additional terms, permissive or non-permissive, may be stated in the +form of a separately written license, or stated as exceptions; +the above requirements apply either way. + + 8. Termination. + + You may not propagate or modify a covered work except as expressly +provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to propagate or +modify it is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under +this License (including any patent licenses granted under the third +paragraph of section 11). + + However, if you cease all violation of this License, then your +license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated (a) +provisionally, unless and until the copyright holder explicitly and +finally terminates your license, and (b) permanently, if the copyright +holder fails to notify you of the violation by some reasonable means +prior to 60 days after the cessation. + + Moreover, your license from a particular copyright holder is +reinstated permanently if the copyright holder notifies you of the +violation by some reasonable means, this is the first time you have +received notice of violation of this License (for any work) from that +copyright holder, and you cure the violation prior to 30 days after +your receipt of the notice. + + Termination of your rights under this section does not terminate the +licenses of parties who have received copies or rights from you under +this License. If your rights have been terminated and not permanently +reinstated, you do not qualify to receive new licenses for the same +material under section 10. + + 9. Acceptance Not Required for Having Copies. + + You are not required to accept this License in order to receive or +run a copy of the Program. Ancillary propagation of a covered work +occurring solely as a consequence of using peer-to-peer transmission +to receive a copy likewise does not require acceptance. However, +nothing other than this License grants you permission to propagate or +modify any covered work. These actions infringe copyright if you do +not accept this License. Therefore, by modifying or propagating a +covered work, you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so. + + 10. Automatic Licensing of Downstream Recipients. + + Each time you convey a covered work, the recipient automatically +receives a license from the original licensors, to run, modify and +propagate that work, subject to this License. You are not responsible +for enforcing compliance by third parties with this License. + + An "entity transaction" is a transaction transferring control of an +organization, or substantially all assets of one, or subdividing an +organization, or merging organizations. If propagation of a covered +work results from an entity transaction, each party to that +transaction who receives a copy of the work also receives whatever +licenses to the work the party's predecessor in interest had or could +give under the previous paragraph, plus a right to possession of the +Corresponding Source of the work from the predecessor in interest, if +the predecessor has it or can get it with reasonable efforts. + + You may not impose any further restrictions on the exercise of the +rights granted or affirmed under this License. For example, you may +not impose a license fee, royalty, or other charge for exercise of +rights granted under this License, and you may not initiate litigation +(including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that +any patent claim is infringed by making, using, selling, offering for +sale, or importing the Program or any portion of it. + + 11. Patents. + + A "contributor" is a copyright holder who authorizes use under this +License of the Program or a work on which the Program is based. The +work thus licensed is called the contributor's "contributor version". + + A contributor's "essential patent claims" are all patent claims +owned or controlled by the contributor, whether already acquired or +hereafter acquired, that would be infringed by some manner, permitted +by this License, of making, using, or selling its contributor version, +but do not include claims that would be infringed only as a +consequence of further modification of the contributor version. For +purposes of this definition, "control" includes the right to grant +patent sublicenses in a manner consistent with the requirements of +this License. + + Each contributor grants you a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free +patent license under the contributor's essential patent claims, to +make, use, sell, offer for sale, import and otherwise run, modify and +propagate the contents of its contributor version. + + In the following three paragraphs, a "patent license" is any express +agreement or commitment, however denominated, not to enforce a patent +(such as an express permission to practice a patent or covenant not to +sue for patent infringement). To "grant" such a patent license to a +party means to make such an agreement or commitment not to enforce a +patent against the party. + + If you convey a covered work, knowingly relying on a patent license, +and the Corresponding Source of the work is not available for anyone +to copy, free of charge and under the terms of this License, through a +publicly available network server or other readily accessible means, +then you must either (1) cause the Corresponding Source to be so +available, or (2) arrange to deprive yourself of the benefit of the +patent license for this particular work, or (3) arrange, in a manner +consistent with the requirements of this License, to extend the patent +license to downstream recipients. "Knowingly relying" means you have +actual knowledge that, but for the patent license, your conveying the +covered work in a country, or your recipient's use of the covered work +in a country, would infringe one or more identifiable patents in that +country that you have reason to believe are valid. + + If, pursuant to or in connection with a single transaction or +arrangement, you convey, or propagate by procuring conveyance of, a +covered work, and grant a patent license to some of the parties +receiving the covered work authorizing them to use, propagate, modify +or convey a specific copy of the covered work, then the patent license +you grant is automatically extended to all recipients of the covered +work and works based on it. + + A patent license is "discriminatory" if it does not include within +the scope of its coverage, prohibits the exercise of, or is +conditioned on the non-exercise of one or more of the rights that are +specifically granted under this License. You may not convey a covered +work if you are a party to an arrangement with a third party that is +in the business of distributing software, under which you make payment +to the third party based on the extent of your activity of conveying +the work, and under which the third party grants, to any of the +parties who would receive the covered work from you, a discriminatory +patent license (a) in connection with copies of the covered work +conveyed by you (or copies made from those copies), or (b) primarily +for and in connection with specific products or compilations that +contain the covered work, unless you entered into that arrangement, +or that patent license was granted, prior to 28 March 2007. + + Nothing in this License shall be construed as excluding or limiting +any implied license or other defenses to infringement that may +otherwise be available to you under applicable patent law. + + 12. No Surrender of Others' Freedom. + + If conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot convey a +covered work so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may +not convey it at all. For example, if you agree to terms that obligate you +to collect a royalty for further conveying from those to whom you convey +the Program, the only way you could satisfy both those terms and this +License would be to refrain entirely from conveying the Program. + + 13. Remote Network Interaction; Use with the GNU General Public License. + + Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, if you modify the +Program, your modified version must prominently offer all users +interacting with it remotely through a computer network (if your version +supports such interaction) an opportunity to receive the Corresponding +Source of your version by providing access to the Corresponding Source +from a network server at no charge, through some standard or customary +means of facilitating copying of software. This Corresponding Source +shall include the Corresponding Source for any work covered by version 3 +of the GNU General Public License that is incorporated pursuant to the +following paragraph. + + Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, you have +permission to link or combine any covered work with a work licensed +under version 3 of the GNU General Public License into a single +combined work, and to convey the resulting work. The terms of this +License will continue to apply to the part which is the covered work, +but the work with which it is combined will remain governed by version +3 of the GNU General Public License. + + 14. Revised Versions of this License. + + The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of +the GNU Affero General Public License from time to time. Such new versions +will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to +address new problems or concerns. + + Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the +Program specifies that a certain numbered version of the GNU Affero General +Public License "or any later version" applies to it, you have the +option of following the terms and conditions either of that numbered +version or of any later version published by the Free Software +Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of the +GNU Affero General Public License, you may choose any version ever published +by the Free Software Foundation. + + If the Program specifies that a proxy can decide which future +versions of the GNU Affero General Public License can be used, that proxy's +public statement of acceptance of a version permanently authorizes you +to choose that version for the Program. + + Later license versions may give you additional or different +permissions. However, no additional obligations are imposed on any +author or copyright holder as a result of your choosing to follow a +later version. + + 15. Disclaimer of Warranty. + + THERE IS NO WARRANTY FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY +APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT +HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY +OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM +IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF +ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 16. Limitation of Liability. + + IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING +WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MODIFIES AND/OR CONVEYS +THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY +GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE +USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF +DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRD +PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER PROGRAMS), +EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF +SUCH DAMAGES. + + 17. Interpretation of Sections 15 and 16. + + If the disclaimer of warranty and limitation of liability provided +above cannot be given local legal effect according to their terms, +reviewing courts shall apply local law that most closely approximates +an absolute waiver of all civil liability in connection with the +Program, unless a warranty or assumption of liability accompanies a +copy of the Program in return for a fee. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs + + If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest +possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it +free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms. + + To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest +to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively +state the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least +the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. + + + Copyright (C) + + This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or + (at your option) any later version. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU Affero General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License + along with this program. If not, see . + +Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. + + If your software can interact with users remotely through a computer +network, you should also make sure that it provides a way for users to +get its source. For example, if your program is a web application, its +interface could display a "Source" link that leads users to an archive +of the code. There are many ways you could offer source, and different +solutions will be better for different programs; see section 13 for the +specific requirements. + + You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or school, +if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if necessary. +For more information on this, and how to apply and follow the GNU AGPL, see +. diff -r decac5df19c4 -r d5d3cb00556a NEWS --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/NEWS Wed Mar 22 16:13:52 2017 +0100 @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +Pending changes in the mainline +=============================== + + + +2017-03-22 +========== + +* Initial release diff -r decac5df19c4 -r d5d3cb00556a NOTES.txt --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/NOTES.txt Wed Mar 22 16:13:52 2017 +0100 @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +TODO +==== + +- map Orthanc/DICOM ids +- GET tokens + + + + + + + "Authorization" : { + "UncheckedResources" : [ + "/series", + "/instances", + "/patients", + "/studies", + "/plugins/explorer.js", + "/system" + ], + "UncheckedFolders" : [ + "/app/", + "/web-viewer/app/", + "/web-viewer/libs/", + "/wsi/app/" + ], + "WebService" : "http://localhost:8000/" + } + diff -r decac5df19c4 -r d5d3cb00556a Plugin/AccessedResource.cpp --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/Plugin/AccessedResource.cpp Wed Mar 22 16:13:52 2017 +0100 @@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ +/** + * Advanced authorization plugin for Orthanc + * Copyright (C) 2017 Osimis, Belgium + * + * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License + * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of + * the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but + * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Affero General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + **/ + +#include "AccessedResource.h" + +#include "../Resources/Orthanc/Core/OrthancException.h" + +namespace OrthancPlugins +{ + AccessedResource::AccessedResource(AccessLevel level, + const std::string& orthancId, + const std::string& dicomUid) : + level_(level), + orthancId_(orthancId), + dicomUid_(dicomUid) + { + if (level_ == AccessLevel_System && + !dicomUid.empty()) + { + // The "DICOM UID" makes no sense for custom Orthanc URIs + throw Orthanc::OrthancException(Orthanc::ErrorCode_ParameterOutOfRange); + } + } + + + AccessedResource::AccessedResource(Orthanc::ResourceType level, + const std::string& orthancId, + const std::string& dicomUid) : + orthancId_(orthancId), + dicomUid_(dicomUid) + { + switch (level) + { + case Orthanc::ResourceType_Patient: + level_ = AccessLevel_Patient; + break; + + case Orthanc::ResourceType_Study: + level_ = AccessLevel_Study; + break; + + case Orthanc::ResourceType_Series: + level_ = AccessLevel_Series; + break; + + case Orthanc::ResourceType_Instance: + level_ = AccessLevel_Instance; + break; + + default: + throw Orthanc::OrthancException(Orthanc::ErrorCode_ParameterOutOfRange); + } + } + + + const std::string& AccessedResource::GetDicomUid() const + { + if (level_ == AccessLevel_System) + { + throw Orthanc::OrthancException(Orthanc::ErrorCode_BadSequenceOfCalls); + } + else + { + return dicomUid_; + } + } +} diff -r decac5df19c4 -r d5d3cb00556a Plugin/AccessedResource.h --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/Plugin/AccessedResource.h Wed Mar 22 16:13:52 2017 +0100 @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +/** + * Advanced authorization plugin for Orthanc + * Copyright (C) 2017 Osimis, Belgium + * + * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License + * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of + * the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but + * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Affero General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + **/ + +#pragma once + +#include "Enumerations.h" + +namespace OrthancPlugins +{ + class AccessedResource + { + private: + AccessLevel level_; + std::string orthancId_; + std::string dicomUid_; + + public: + AccessedResource(AccessLevel level, + const std::string& orthancId, + const std::string& dicomUid); + + AccessedResource(Orthanc::ResourceType level, + const std::string& orthancId, + const std::string& dicomUid); + + AccessLevel GetLevel() const + { + return level_; + } + + const std::string& GetOrthancId() const + { + return orthancId_; + } + + const std::string& GetDicomUid() const; + }; +} diff -r decac5df19c4 -r d5d3cb00556a Plugin/AssociativeArray.cpp --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/Plugin/AssociativeArray.cpp Wed Mar 22 16:13:52 2017 +0100 @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +/** + * Advanced authorization plugin for Orthanc + * Copyright (C) 2017 Osimis, Belgium + * + * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License + * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of + * the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but + * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Affero General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + **/ + +#include "AssociativeArray.h" + +#include "../Resources/Orthanc/Core/Toolbox.h" + +namespace OrthancPlugins +{ + AssociativeArray::AssociativeArray(uint32_t headersCount, + const char *const *headersKeys, + const char *const *headersValues, + bool caseSensitive) : + caseSensitive_(caseSensitive) + { + for (uint32_t i = 0; i < headersCount; i++) + { + std::string value; + + if (caseSensitive) + { + Orthanc::Toolbox::ToLowerCase(value, headersValues[i]); + } + else + { + value = headersValues[i]; + } + + map_[headersKeys[i]] = value; + } + } + + + bool AssociativeArray::GetValue(std::string& value, + const std::string& key) const + { + if (key.empty()) + { + return false; + } + + Map::const_iterator found; + + if (caseSensitive_) + { + found = map_.find(key); + } + else + { + std::string lower; + Orthanc::Toolbox::ToLowerCase(lower, key); + found = map_.find(lower); + } + + if (found == map_.end()) + { + return false; + } + else + { + value = found->second; + return true; + } + } +} diff -r decac5df19c4 -r d5d3cb00556a Plugin/AssociativeArray.h --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/Plugin/AssociativeArray.h Wed Mar 22 16:13:52 2017 +0100 @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +/** + * Advanced authorization plugin for Orthanc + * Copyright (C) 2017 Osimis, Belgium + * + * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License + * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of + * the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but + * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Affero General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + **/ + +#pragma once + +#include +#include +#include +#include + +namespace OrthancPlugins +{ + class AssociativeArray : public boost::noncopyable + { + private: + typedef std::map Map; + + Map map_; + bool caseSensitive_; + + public: + AssociativeArray(uint32_t headersCount, + const char *const *headersKeys, + const char *const *headersValues, + bool caseSensitive); + + bool GetValue(std::string& value, + const std::string& key) const; + }; +} diff -r decac5df19c4 -r d5d3cb00556a Plugin/AuthorizationParserBase.cpp --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/Plugin/AuthorizationParserBase.cpp Wed Mar 22 16:13:52 2017 +0100 @@ -0,0 +1,151 @@ +/** + * Advanced authorization plugin for Orthanc + * Copyright (C) 2017 Osimis, Belgium + * + * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License + * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of + * the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but + * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Affero General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + **/ + +#include "AuthorizationParserBase.h" + +#include "../Resources/Orthanc/Core/OrthancException.h" + +namespace OrthancPlugins +{ + void AuthorizationParserBase::AddResourceInternal(AccessedResources& target, + Orthanc::ResourceType level, + const std::string& orthancId) + { + std::string dicomUid; + + if (resourceHierarchy_->LookupDicomUid(dicomUid, level, orthancId)) + { + target.push_back(AccessedResource(level, orthancId, dicomUid)); + } + } + + + void AuthorizationParserBase::AddOrthancInstance(AccessedResources& target, + const std::string& orthancId) + { + std::string patient, study, series; + if (!resourceHierarchy_->LookupInstance(patient, study, series, orthancId)) + { + throw Orthanc::OrthancException(Orthanc::ErrorCode_UnknownResource); + } + + AddResourceInternal(target, Orthanc::ResourceType_Patient, patient); + AddResourceInternal(target, Orthanc::ResourceType_Study, study); + AddResourceInternal(target, Orthanc::ResourceType_Series, series); + AddResourceInternal(target, Orthanc::ResourceType_Instance, orthancId); + } + + + void AuthorizationParserBase::AddOrthancSeries(AccessedResources& target, + const std::string& orthancId) + { + std::string patient, study; + if (!resourceHierarchy_->LookupSeries(patient, study, orthancId)) + { + throw Orthanc::OrthancException(Orthanc::ErrorCode_UnknownResource); + } + + AddResourceInternal(target, Orthanc::ResourceType_Patient, patient); + AddResourceInternal(target, Orthanc::ResourceType_Study, study); + AddResourceInternal(target, Orthanc::ResourceType_Series, orthancId); + } + + + void AuthorizationParserBase::AddOrthancStudy(AccessedResources& target, + const std::string& orthancId) + { + std::string patient; + if (!resourceHierarchy_->LookupStudy(patient, orthancId)) + { + throw Orthanc::OrthancException(Orthanc::ErrorCode_UnknownResource); + } + + AddResourceInternal(target, Orthanc::ResourceType_Patient, patient); + AddResourceInternal(target, Orthanc::ResourceType_Study, orthancId); + } + + + void AuthorizationParserBase::AddOrthancPatient(AccessedResources& target, + const std::string& orthancId) + { + AddResourceInternal(target, Orthanc::ResourceType_Patient, orthancId); + } + + + void AuthorizationParserBase::AddDicomStudy(AccessedResources& target, + const std::string& studyDicomUid) + { + std::string patient, study; + + if (!resourceHierarchy_->LookupOrthancId(study, Orthanc::ResourceType_Study, studyDicomUid) || + !resourceHierarchy_->LookupStudy(patient, study)) + { + throw Orthanc::OrthancException(Orthanc::ErrorCode_UnknownResource); + } + + AddResourceInternal(target, Orthanc::ResourceType_Patient, patient); + target.push_back(AccessedResource(Orthanc::ResourceType_Study, study, studyDicomUid)); + } + + + void AuthorizationParserBase::AddDicomSeries(AccessedResources& target, + const std::string& studyDicomUid, + const std::string& seriesDicomUid) + { + std::string series; + + if (!resourceHierarchy_->LookupOrthancId(series, Orthanc::ResourceType_Series, seriesDicomUid)) + { + throw Orthanc::OrthancException(Orthanc::ErrorCode_UnknownResource); + } + + AddDicomStudy(target, studyDicomUid); + target.push_back(AccessedResource(Orthanc::ResourceType_Series, series, seriesDicomUid)); + } + + + void AuthorizationParserBase::AddDicomInstance(AccessedResources& target, + const std::string& studyDicomUid, + const std::string& seriesDicomUid, + const std::string& instanceDicomUid) + { + std::string instance; + + if (!resourceHierarchy_->LookupOrthancId + (instance, Orthanc::ResourceType_Instance, instanceDicomUid)) + { + throw Orthanc::OrthancException(Orthanc::ErrorCode_UnknownResource); + } + + AddDicomSeries(target, studyDicomUid, seriesDicomUid); + target.push_back(AccessedResource(Orthanc::ResourceType_Instance, instance, instanceDicomUid)); + } + + + AuthorizationParserBase::AuthorizationParserBase(OrthancPluginContext* context, + ICacheFactory& factory) + { + resourceHierarchy_.reset(new ResourceHierarchyCache(context, factory)); + + if (resourceHierarchy_.get() == NULL) + { + throw Orthanc::OrthancException(Orthanc::ErrorCode_InternalError); + } + } +} + diff -r decac5df19c4 -r d5d3cb00556a Plugin/AuthorizationParserBase.h --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/Plugin/AuthorizationParserBase.h Wed Mar 22 16:13:52 2017 +0100 @@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ +/** + * Advanced authorization plugin for Orthanc + * Copyright (C) 2017 Osimis, Belgium + * + * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License + * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of + * the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but + * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Affero General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + **/ + +#pragma once + +#include "IAuthorizationParser.h" +#include "ResourceHierarchyCache.h" + +namespace OrthancPlugins +{ + class AuthorizationParserBase : public IAuthorizationParser + { + private: + std::auto_ptr resourceHierarchy_; + + void AddResourceInternal(AccessedResources& target, + Orthanc::ResourceType level, + const std::string& orthancId); + + protected: + void AddOrthancInstance(AccessedResources& target, + const std::string& orthancId); + + void AddOrthancSeries(AccessedResources& target, + const std::string& orthancId); + + void AddOrthancStudy(AccessedResources& target, + const std::string& orthancId); + + void AddOrthancPatient(AccessedResources& target, + const std::string& orthancId); + + void AddDicomStudy(AccessedResources& target, + const std::string& studyDicomUid); + + void AddDicomSeries(AccessedResources& target, + const std::string& studyDicomUid, + const std::string& seriesDicomUid); + + void AddDicomInstance(AccessedResources& target, + const std::string& studyDicomUid, + const std::string& seriesDicomUid, + const std::string& instanceDicomUid); + + public: + AuthorizationParserBase(OrthancPluginContext* context, + ICacheFactory& factory); + + virtual void Invalidate(Orthanc::ResourceType level, + const std::string& id) + { + resourceHierarchy_->Invalidate(level, id); + } + }; +} diff -r decac5df19c4 -r d5d3cb00556a Plugin/AuthorizationWebService.cpp --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/Plugin/AuthorizationWebService.cpp Wed Mar 22 16:13:52 2017 +0100 @@ -0,0 +1,157 @@ +/** + * Advanced authorization plugin for Orthanc + * Copyright (C) 2017 Osimis, Belgium + * + * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License + * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of + * the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but + * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Affero General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + **/ + +#include "AuthorizationWebService.h" + +#include "../Resources/Orthanc/Core/Logging.h" +#include "../Resources/Orthanc/Plugins/Samples/Common/OrthancPluginCppWrapper.h" + +namespace OrthancPlugins +{ + bool AuthorizationWebService::IsGrantedInternal(unsigned int& validity, + OrthancPluginHttpMethod method, + const AccessedResource& access, + const Token* token, + const std::string& tokenValue) + { + Json::Value body = Json::objectValue; + + switch (method) + { + case OrthancPluginHttpMethod_Get: + body["method"] ="get"; + break; + + case OrthancPluginHttpMethod_Post: + body["method"] ="post"; + break; + + case OrthancPluginHttpMethod_Put: + body["method"] ="put"; + break; + + case OrthancPluginHttpMethod_Delete: + body["method"] ="delete"; + break; + + default: + throw Orthanc::OrthancException(Orthanc::ErrorCode_ParameterOutOfRange); + } + + body["level"] = EnumerationToString(access.GetLevel()); + + if (access.GetLevel() == AccessLevel_System) + { + body["uri"] = access.GetOrthancId(); + } + else + { + body["orthanc-id"] = access.GetOrthancId(); + body["dicom-uid"] = access.GetDicomUid(); + } + + if (token != NULL) + { + body["token-key"] = token->GetKey(); + body["token-value"] = tokenValue; + } + + MemoryBuffer answerBody(context_); + MemoryBuffer answerHeaders(context_); + uint16_t httpStatus = 0; + + uint32_t headersCount = 0; + const char* headersKeys[1]; + const char* headersValues[1]; + + if (token != NULL && + token->GetType() == TokenType_HttpHeader) + { + // If the token source is a HTTP header, forward it also as a + // HTTP header + headersCount = 1; + headersKeys[0] = token->GetKey().c_str(); + headersValues[0] = tokenValue.c_str(); + } + + std::string flatBody = body.toStyledString(); + + if (OrthancPluginHttpClient(context_, *answerBody, *answerHeaders, + &httpStatus, OrthancPluginHttpMethod_Post, + url_.c_str(), headersCount, headersKeys, headersValues, + flatBody.c_str(), flatBody.size(), + username_.empty() ? NULL : username_.c_str(), + password_.empty() ? NULL : password_.c_str(), + 10 /* timeout */, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0) + != OrthancPluginErrorCode_Success) + { + throw Orthanc::OrthancException(Orthanc::ErrorCode_NetworkProtocol); + } + + Json::Value answer; + answerBody.ToJson(answer); + + static const char* GRANTED = "granted"; + static const char* VALIDITY = "validity"; + + if (answer.type() != Json::objectValue || + !answer.isMember(GRANTED) || + answer[GRANTED].type() != Json::booleanValue || + (answer.isMember(VALIDITY) && + answer[VALIDITY].type() != Json::intValue)) + { + LOG(ERROR) << "Syntax error in the result of the Web service"; + throw Orthanc::OrthancException(Orthanc::ErrorCode_NetworkProtocol); + } + + validity = 0; + if (answer.isMember(VALIDITY)) + { + int tmp = answer[VALIDITY].asInt(); + if (tmp < 0) + { + LOG(ERROR) << "A validity duration cannot be negative"; + throw Orthanc::OrthancException(Orthanc::ErrorCode_NetworkProtocol); + } + + validity = static_cast(tmp); + } + + return answer[GRANTED].asBool(); + } + + + AuthorizationWebService::AuthorizationWebService(OrthancPluginContext* context, + const std::string& url) : + context_(context), + url_(url) + { + if (context_ == NULL) + { + throw Orthanc::OrthancException(Orthanc::ErrorCode_ParameterOutOfRange); + } + } + + + void AuthorizationWebService::SetCredentials(const std::string& username, + const std::string& password) + { + username_ = username; + password_ = password; + } +} diff -r decac5df19c4 -r d5d3cb00556a Plugin/AuthorizationWebService.h --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/Plugin/AuthorizationWebService.h Wed Mar 22 16:13:52 2017 +0100 @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +/** + * Advanced authorization plugin for Orthanc + * Copyright (C) 2017 Osimis, Belgium + * + * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License + * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of + * the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but + * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Affero General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + **/ + +#pragma once + +#include "IAuthorizationService.h" + +namespace OrthancPlugins +{ + class AuthorizationWebService : public IAuthorizationService + { + private: + OrthancPluginContext* context_; + std::string url_; + std::string username_; + std::string password_; + + bool IsGrantedInternal(unsigned int& validity, + OrthancPluginHttpMethod method, + const AccessedResource& access, + const Token* token, + const std::string& tokenValue); + + public: + AuthorizationWebService(OrthancPluginContext* context, + const std::string& url); + + void SetCredentials(const std::string& username, + const std::string& password); + + virtual bool IsGranted(unsigned int& validity, + OrthancPluginHttpMethod method, + const AccessedResource& access, + const Token& token, + const std::string& tokenValue) + { + return IsGrantedInternal(validity, method, access, &token, tokenValue); + } + + virtual bool IsGranted(unsigned int& validity, + OrthancPluginHttpMethod method, + const AccessedResource& access) + { + return IsGrantedInternal(validity, method, access, NULL, ""); + } + }; +} diff -r decac5df19c4 -r d5d3cb00556a Plugin/CachedAuthorizationService.cpp --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/Plugin/CachedAuthorizationService.cpp Wed Mar 22 16:13:52 2017 +0100 @@ -0,0 +1,99 @@ +/** + * Advanced authorization plugin for Orthanc + * Copyright (C) 2017 Osimis, Belgium + * + * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License + * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of + * the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but + * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Affero General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + **/ + +#include "CachedAuthorizationService.h" + +#include "../Resources/Orthanc/Core/OrthancException.h" + +#include + +namespace OrthancPlugins +{ + std::string CachedAuthorizationService::ComputeKey(OrthancPluginHttpMethod method, + const AccessedResource& access, + const Token& token, + const std::string& tokenValue) const + { + return (boost::lexical_cast(method) + "|" + + boost::lexical_cast(access.GetLevel()) + "|" + + access.GetOrthancId() + "|" + token.GetKey() + "|" + tokenValue); + } + + + CachedAuthorizationService::CachedAuthorizationService(IAuthorizationService* decorated /* takes ownership */, + ICacheFactory& factory) : + decorated_(decorated), + cache_(factory.Create()) + { + if (decorated_.get() == NULL) + { + throw Orthanc::OrthancException(Orthanc::ErrorCode_InternalError); + } + } + + + bool CachedAuthorizationService::IsGranted(unsigned int& validity, + OrthancPluginHttpMethod method, + const AccessedResource& access, + const Token& token, + const std::string& tokenValue) + { + assert(decorated_.get() != NULL); + + std::string key = ComputeKey(method, access, token, tokenValue); + std::string value; + + if (cache_->Retrieve(value, key)) + { + // Return the previously cached value + return (value == "1"); + } + + bool granted = decorated_->IsGranted(validity, method, access, token, tokenValue); + + if (granted) + { + if (validity > 0) + { + cache_->Store(key, "1", validity); + } + + return true; + } + else + { + if (validity > 0) + { + cache_->Store(key, "0", validity); + } + + return false; + } + } + + + bool CachedAuthorizationService::IsGranted(unsigned int& validity, + OrthancPluginHttpMethod method, + const AccessedResource& access) + { + assert(decorated_.get() != NULL); + + // The cache is not used if no token is available + return decorated_->IsGranted(validity, method, access); + } +} diff -r decac5df19c4 -r d5d3cb00556a Plugin/CachedAuthorizationService.h --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/Plugin/CachedAuthorizationService.h Wed Mar 22 16:13:52 2017 +0100 @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +/** + * Advanced authorization plugin for Orthanc + * Copyright (C) 2017 Osimis, Belgium + * + * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License + * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of + * the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but + * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Affero General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + **/ + +#pragma once + +#include "IAuthorizationService.h" +#include "ICacheFactory.h" + +#include + +namespace OrthancPlugins +{ + /** + * Decorator design pattern to add a cache around an IAuthorizationService + **/ + class CachedAuthorizationService : public IAuthorizationService + { + private: + std::auto_ptr decorated_; + std::auto_ptr cache_; + + std::string ComputeKey(OrthancPluginHttpMethod method, + const AccessedResource& access, + const Token& token, + const std::string& tokenValue) const; + + public: + CachedAuthorizationService(IAuthorizationService* decorated /* takes ownership */, + ICacheFactory& factory); + + virtual bool IsGranted(unsigned int& validity, + OrthancPluginHttpMethod method, + const AccessedResource& access, + const Token& token, + const std::string& tokenValue); + + virtual bool IsGranted(unsigned int& validity, + OrthancPluginHttpMethod method, + const AccessedResource& access); + }; +} diff -r decac5df19c4 -r d5d3cb00556a Plugin/DefaultAuthorizationParser.cpp --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/Plugin/DefaultAuthorizationParser.cpp Wed Mar 22 16:13:52 2017 +0100 @@ -0,0 +1,129 @@ +/** + * Advanced authorization plugin for Orthanc + * Copyright (C) 2017 Osimis, Belgium + * + * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License + * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of + * the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but + * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Affero General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + **/ + +#include "DefaultAuthorizationParser.h" + +#include "../Resources/Orthanc/Core/OrthancException.h" + +namespace OrthancPlugins +{ + DefaultAuthorizationParser::DefaultAuthorizationParser(OrthancPluginContext* context, + ICacheFactory& factory, + const std::string& dicomWebRoot) : + AuthorizationParserBase(context, factory), + resourcesPattern_("^/(patients|studies|series|instances)/([a-f0-9-]+)(|/.*)$"), + seriesPattern_("^/(web-viewer/series|web-viewer/is-stable-series|wsi/pyramids|wsi/tiles)/([a-f0-9-]+)(|/.*)$"), + instancesPattern_("^/web-viewer/instances/[a-z0-9]+-([a-f0-9-]+)_[0-9]+$") + { + std::string tmp = dicomWebRoot; + while (!tmp.empty() && + tmp[tmp.size() - 1] == '/') + { + tmp = tmp.substr(0, tmp.size() - 1); + } + + dicomWebStudies_ = boost::regex( + "^" + tmp + "/studies/([.0-9]+)(|/series)(|/)$"); + + dicomWebSeries_ = boost::regex( + "^" + tmp + "/studies/([.0-9]+)/series/([.0-9]+)(|/instances)(|/)$"); + + dicomWebInstances_ = boost::regex( + "^" + tmp + "/studies/([.0-9]+)/series/([.0-9]+)/instances/([.0-9]+)(|/|/frames/.*)$"); + } + + + bool DefaultAuthorizationParser::Parse(AccessedResources& target, + const std::string& uri) + { + // The mutex below should not be necessary, but we prefer to + // ensure thread safety in boost::regex + boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(mutex_); + + boost::smatch what; + + if (boost::regex_match(uri, what, resourcesPattern_)) + { + AccessLevel level = StringToAccessLevel(what[1]); + + switch (level) + { + case AccessLevel_Instance: + AddOrthancInstance(target, what[2]); + break; + + case AccessLevel_Series: + AddOrthancSeries(target, what[2]); + break; + + case AccessLevel_Study: + AddOrthancStudy(target, what[2]); + break; + + case AccessLevel_Patient: + AddOrthancPatient(target, what[2]); + break; + + default: + throw Orthanc::OrthancException(Orthanc::ErrorCode_InternalError); + } + + return true; + } + else if (boost::regex_match(uri, what, seriesPattern_)) + { + AddOrthancSeries(target, what[2]); + return true; + } + else if (boost::regex_match(uri, what, instancesPattern_)) + { + AddOrthancInstance(target, what[1]); + return true; + } + else if (boost::regex_match(uri, what, dicomWebStudies_)) + { + AddDicomStudy(target, what[1]); + return true; + } + else if (boost::regex_match(uri, what, dicomWebSeries_)) + { + AddDicomSeries(target, what[1], what[2]); + return true; + } + else if (boost::regex_match(uri, what, dicomWebInstances_)) + { + AddDicomInstance(target, what[1], what[2], what[3]); + return true; + } + else + { + // Unknown type of resource: Consider it as a system access + + // Remove the trailing slashes if need be + std::string s = uri; + while (!s.empty() && + s[s.length() - 1] == '/') + { + s = s.substr(0, s.length() - 1); + } + + target.push_back(AccessedResource(AccessLevel_System, s, "")); + return true; + } + } +} diff -r decac5df19c4 -r d5d3cb00556a Plugin/DefaultAuthorizationParser.h --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/Plugin/DefaultAuthorizationParser.h Wed Mar 22 16:13:52 2017 +0100 @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +/** + * Advanced authorization plugin for Orthanc + * Copyright (C) 2017 Osimis, Belgium + * + * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License + * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of + * the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but + * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Affero General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + **/ + +#pragma once + +#include "AuthorizationParserBase.h" + +#include +#include + +namespace OrthancPlugins +{ + class DefaultAuthorizationParser : public AuthorizationParserBase + { + private: + boost::mutex mutex_; + boost::regex resourcesPattern_; + boost::regex seriesPattern_; + boost::regex instancesPattern_; + boost::regex dicomWebStudies_; + boost::regex dicomWebSeries_; + boost::regex dicomWebInstances_; + + public: + DefaultAuthorizationParser(OrthancPluginContext* context, + ICacheFactory& factory, + const std::string& dicomWebRoot); + + virtual bool Parse(AccessedResources& target, + const std::string& uri); + }; +} diff -r decac5df19c4 -r d5d3cb00556a Plugin/Enumerations.cpp --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/Plugin/Enumerations.cpp Wed Mar 22 16:13:52 2017 +0100 @@ -0,0 +1,85 @@ +/** + * Advanced authorization plugin for Orthanc + * Copyright (C) 2017 Osimis, Belgium + * + * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License + * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of + * the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but + * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Affero General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + **/ + + +#include "Enumerations.h" + +#include "../Resources/Orthanc/Core/OrthancException.h" +#include "../Resources/Orthanc/Core/Toolbox.h" + +namespace OrthancPlugins +{ + std::string EnumerationToString(AccessLevel level) + { + switch (level) + { + case AccessLevel_Patient: + return "patient"; + + case AccessLevel_Study: + return "study"; + + case AccessLevel_Series: + return "series"; + + case AccessLevel_Instance: + return "instance"; + + case AccessLevel_System: + return "system"; + + default: + throw Orthanc::OrthancException(Orthanc::ErrorCode_ParameterOutOfRange); + } + } + + + AccessLevel StringToAccessLevel(const std::string& level) + { + std::string tmp; + Orthanc::Toolbox::ToLowerCase(tmp, level); + + if (tmp == "patient" || + tmp == "patients") + { + return AccessLevel_Patient; + } + else if (tmp == "study" || + tmp == "studies") + { + return AccessLevel_Study; + } + else if (tmp == "series") + { + return AccessLevel_Series; + } + else if (tmp == "instance" || + tmp == "instances") + { + return AccessLevel_Instance; + } + else if (tmp == "system") + { + return AccessLevel_System; + } + else + { + throw Orthanc::OrthancException(Orthanc::ErrorCode_ParameterOutOfRange); + } + } +} diff -r decac5df19c4 -r d5d3cb00556a Plugin/Enumerations.h --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/Plugin/Enumerations.h Wed Mar 22 16:13:52 2017 +0100 @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +/** + * Advanced authorization plugin for Orthanc + * Copyright (C) 2017 Osimis, Belgium + * + * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License + * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of + * the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but + * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Affero General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + **/ + +#pragma once + +#include "../Resources/Orthanc/Core/Enumerations.h" + +namespace OrthancPlugins +{ + enum TokenType + { + TokenType_HttpHeader, + TokenType_GetArgument + }; + + + enum AccessLevel + { + AccessLevel_Patient, + AccessLevel_Study, + AccessLevel_Series, + AccessLevel_Instance, + AccessLevel_System + }; + + + std::string EnumerationToString(AccessLevel level); + + AccessLevel StringToAccessLevel(const std::string& level); +} diff -r decac5df19c4 -r d5d3cb00556a Plugin/IAuthorizationParser.h --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/Plugin/IAuthorizationParser.h Wed Mar 22 16:13:52 2017 +0100 @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +/** + * Advanced authorization plugin for Orthanc + * Copyright (C) 2017 Osimis, Belgium + * + * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License + * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of + * the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but + * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Affero General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + **/ + +#pragma once + +#include "AccessedResource.h" + +#include +#include + +namespace OrthancPlugins +{ + // NOTE: This interface must be thread-safe + class IAuthorizationParser : public boost::noncopyable + { + public: + typedef std::list AccessedResources; + + virtual ~IAuthorizationParser() + { + } + + virtual void Invalidate(Orthanc::ResourceType level, + const std::string& id) = 0; + + virtual bool Parse(AccessedResources& target, + const std::string& uri) = 0; + }; +} diff -r decac5df19c4 -r d5d3cb00556a Plugin/IAuthorizationService.h --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/Plugin/IAuthorizationService.h Wed Mar 22 16:13:52 2017 +0100 @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +/** + * Advanced authorization plugin for Orthanc + * Copyright (C) 2017 Osimis, Belgium + * + * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License + * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of + * the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but + * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Affero General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + **/ + +#pragma once + +#include "AccessedResource.h" +#include "Token.h" + +#include +#include + +namespace OrthancPlugins +{ + // NOTE: This interface must be thread-safe + class IAuthorizationService : public boost::noncopyable + { + public: + virtual ~IAuthorizationService() + { + } + + virtual bool IsGranted(unsigned int& validity /* out */, + OrthancPluginHttpMethod method, + const AccessedResource& access, + const Token& token, + const std::string& tokenValue) = 0; + + virtual bool IsGranted(unsigned int& validity /* out */, + OrthancPluginHttpMethod method, + const AccessedResource& access) = 0; + }; +} diff -r decac5df19c4 -r d5d3cb00556a Plugin/ICache.h --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/Plugin/ICache.h Wed Mar 22 16:13:52 2017 +0100 @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +/** + * Advanced authorization plugin for Orthanc + * Copyright (C) 2017 Osimis, Belgium + * + * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License + * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of + * the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but + * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Affero General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + **/ + +#pragma once + +#include +#include + +namespace OrthancPlugins +{ + class ICache : public boost::noncopyable + { + public: + virtual ~ICache() + { + } + + virtual void Store(const std::string& key, + const std::string& value, + unsigned int validity /* in seconds */) = 0; + + virtual void Invalidate(const std::string& key) = 0; + + virtual bool Retrieve(std::string& value, + const std::string& key) = 0; + }; +} diff -r decac5df19c4 -r d5d3cb00556a Plugin/ICacheFactory.h --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/Plugin/ICacheFactory.h Wed Mar 22 16:13:52 2017 +0100 @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +/** + * Advanced authorization plugin for Orthanc + * Copyright (C) 2017 Osimis, Belgium + * + * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License + * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of + * the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but + * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Affero General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + **/ + +#pragma once + +#include "ICache.h" + +namespace OrthancPlugins +{ + class ICacheFactory : public boost::noncopyable + { + public: + virtual ~ICacheFactory() + { + } + + virtual ICache *Create() = 0; + }; +} diff -r decac5df19c4 -r d5d3cb00556a Plugin/MemoryCache.cpp --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/Plugin/MemoryCache.cpp Wed Mar 22 16:13:52 2017 +0100 @@ -0,0 +1,161 @@ +/** + * Advanced authorization plugin for Orthanc + * Copyright (C) 2017 Osimis, Belgium + * + * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License + * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of + * the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but + * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Affero General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + **/ + +#include "MemoryCache.h" + +namespace OrthancPlugins +{ + class MemoryCache::Payload : public boost::noncopyable + { + private: + bool hasExpiration_; + boost::posix_time::ptime expiration_; + std::string value_; + + public: + Payload(const std::string& value, + unsigned int validity) : + value_(value) + { + if (validity == 0) + { + hasExpiration_ = false; + } + else + { + hasExpiration_ = true; + expiration_ = (boost::posix_time::second_clock::local_time() + + boost::posix_time::seconds(validity)); + } + } + + bool HasExpired() const + { + return (hasExpiration_ && + boost::posix_time::second_clock::local_time() >= expiration_); + } + + bool GetValue(std::string& target) const + { + if (HasExpired()) + { + return false; + } + else + { + target = value_; + return true; + } + } + }; + + + void MemoryCache::RemoveOldest() + { + Payload* payload = NULL; + index_.RemoveOldest(payload); + assert(payload != NULL); + delete payload; + } + + + void MemoryCache::InvalidateInternal(const std::string& key) + { + Payload* payload = NULL; + + if (index_.Contains(key, payload)) + { + assert(payload != NULL); + delete payload; + index_.Invalidate(key); + } + } + + + MemoryCache::MemoryCache(unsigned int maxSize) : + maxSize_(maxSize) + { + if (maxSize_ == 0) + { + throw Orthanc::OrthancException(Orthanc::ErrorCode_ParameterOutOfRange); + } + } + + + MemoryCache::~MemoryCache() + { + while (!index_.IsEmpty()) + { + RemoveOldest(); + } + } + + + void MemoryCache::Invalidate(const std::string& key) + { + boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(mutex_); + InvalidateInternal(key); + } + + + void MemoryCache::Store(const std::string& key, + const std::string& value, + unsigned int expiration /* in seconds */) + { + boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(mutex_); + + InvalidateInternal(key); + + if (index_.GetSize() == maxSize_) + { + // The cache is full: Make some room + RemoveOldest(); + } + + index_.Add(key, new Payload(value, expiration)); + } + + + bool MemoryCache::Retrieve(std::string& value, + const std::string& key) + { + boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(mutex_); + + Payload* payload = NULL; + + if (!index_.Contains(key, payload)) + { + return false; + } + + assert(payload != NULL); + + if (payload->GetValue(value)) + { + index_.MakeMostRecent(key); + return true; + } + else + { + // The value has expired in the cache: Invalidate it + delete payload; + index_.Invalidate(key); + return false; + } + } +} diff -r decac5df19c4 -r d5d3cb00556a Plugin/MemoryCache.h --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/Plugin/MemoryCache.h Wed Mar 22 16:13:52 2017 +0100 @@ -0,0 +1,75 @@ +/** + * Advanced authorization plugin for Orthanc + * Copyright (C) 2017 Osimis, Belgium + * + * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License + * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of + * the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but + * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Affero General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + **/ + +#pragma once + +#include "ICacheFactory.h" +#include "../Resources/Orthanc/Core/Cache/LeastRecentlyUsedIndex.h" + +#include + +namespace OrthancPlugins +{ + class MemoryCache : public ICache + { + public: + class Factory : public ICacheFactory + { + private: + unsigned int maxSize_; + + public: + Factory(unsigned int maxSize) : + maxSize_(maxSize) + { + } + + virtual ICache *Create() + { + return new MemoryCache(maxSize_); + } + }; + + private: + class Payload; + + typedef Orthanc::LeastRecentlyUsedIndex Index; + + boost::mutex mutex_; + unsigned int maxSize_; + Index index_; + + void RemoveOldest(); + + void InvalidateInternal(const std::string& key); + + public: + MemoryCache(unsigned int maxSize); + + ~MemoryCache(); + + virtual void Invalidate(const std::string& key); + + virtual void Store(const std::string& key, + const std::string& value, + unsigned int expiration /* in seconds */); + + virtual bool Retrieve(std::string& value, + const std::string& key); + }; +} diff -r decac5df19c4 -r d5d3cb00556a Plugin/OrthancResource.cpp --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/Plugin/OrthancResource.cpp Wed Mar 22 16:13:52 2017 +0100 @@ -0,0 +1,286 @@ +/** + * Advanced authorization plugin for Orthanc + * Copyright (C) 2017 Osimis, Belgium + * + * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License + * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of + * the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but + * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Affero General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + **/ + +#include "OrthancResource.h" + +#include "../Resources/Orthanc/Plugins/Samples/Common/OrthancPluginCppWrapper.h" + +namespace OrthancPlugins +{ + void OrthancResource::GetDicomUidInternal(std::string& result, + Orthanc::ResourceType level, + const Json::Value& content) + { + std::string uidTag; + + switch (level) + { + case Orthanc::ResourceType_Patient: + uidTag = "PatientID"; + break; + + case Orthanc::ResourceType_Study: + uidTag = "StudyInstanceUID"; + break; + + case Orthanc::ResourceType_Series: + uidTag = "SeriesInstanceUID"; + break; + + case Orthanc::ResourceType_Instance: + uidTag = "SOPInstanceUID"; + break; + + default: + throw Orthanc::OrthancException(Orthanc::ErrorCode_ParameterOutOfRange); + } + + static const char* MAIN_DICOM_TAGS = "MainDicomTags"; + + if (content.type() != Json::objectValue || + !content.isMember(MAIN_DICOM_TAGS)) + { + throw Orthanc::OrthancException(Orthanc::ErrorCode_Plugin); + } + + const Json::Value& mainDicomTags = content[MAIN_DICOM_TAGS]; + if (mainDicomTags.type() != Json::objectValue || + (mainDicomTags.isMember(uidTag) && + mainDicomTags[uidTag].type() != Json::stringValue)) + { + throw Orthanc::OrthancException(Orthanc::ErrorCode_Plugin); + } + + if (!mainDicomTags.isMember(uidTag)) + { + result.clear(); + } + else + { + result = mainDicomTags[uidTag].asString(); + } + } + + + Orthanc::ResourceType OrthancResource::GetLevel() const + { + if (IsValid()) + { + return level_; + } + else + { + throw Orthanc::OrthancException(Orthanc::ErrorCode_BadSequenceOfCalls); + } + } + + + const std::string& OrthancResource::GetIdentifier() const + { + if (IsValid()) + { + return id_; + } + else + { + throw Orthanc::OrthancException(Orthanc::ErrorCode_BadSequenceOfCalls); + } + } + + + bool OrthancResource::GetContent(Json::Value& content, + OrthancPluginContext* context) const + { + if (!IsValid()) + { + throw Orthanc::OrthancException(Orthanc::ErrorCode_BadSequenceOfCalls); + } + + std::string uri; + switch (level_) + { + case Orthanc::ResourceType_Patient: + uri = "patients"; + break; + + case Orthanc::ResourceType_Study: + uri = "studies"; + break; + + case Orthanc::ResourceType_Series: + uri = "series"; + break; + + case Orthanc::ResourceType_Instance: + uri = "instances"; + break; + + default: + throw Orthanc::OrthancException(Orthanc::ErrorCode_ParameterOutOfRange); + } + + uri = "/" + uri + "/" + id_; + + return RestApiGet(content, context, uri, false /* ignore plugins */); + } + + + bool OrthancResource::GetDicomUid(std::string& dicomUid /* out */, + OrthancPluginContext* context) const + { + Json::Value content; + + if (!GetContent(content, context)) + { + return false; + } + else + { + GetDicomUidInternal(dicomUid, level_, content); + return true; + } + } + + + bool OrthancResource::GetHierarchy(std::string& dicomUid /* out */, + OrthancResource& parent /* out */, + std::list& children /* out */, + OrthancPluginContext* context) const + { + Json::Value content; + + if (!GetContent(content, context)) + { + return false; + } + + std::string parentKey, childrenKey; + + switch (level_) + { + case Orthanc::ResourceType_Patient: + childrenKey = "Studies"; + break; + + case Orthanc::ResourceType_Study: + parentKey = "ParentPatient"; + childrenKey = "Series"; + break; + + case Orthanc::ResourceType_Series: + parentKey = "ParentStudy"; + childrenKey = "Instances"; + break; + + case Orthanc::ResourceType_Instance: + parentKey = "ParentSeries"; + break; + + default: + throw Orthanc::OrthancException(Orthanc::ErrorCode_ParameterOutOfRange); + } + + GetDicomUidInternal(dicomUid, level_, content); + + if (content.type() != Json::objectValue) + { + throw Orthanc::OrthancException(Orthanc::ErrorCode_Plugin); + } + + if (!parentKey.empty()) + { + if (!content.isMember(parentKey) || + content[parentKey].type() != Json::stringValue) + { + throw Orthanc::OrthancException(Orthanc::ErrorCode_Plugin); + } + + parent = OrthancResource(Orthanc::GetParentResourceType(level_), + content[parentKey].asString()); + } + + children.clear(); + + if (!childrenKey.empty()) + { + if (!content.isMember(childrenKey) || + content[childrenKey].type() != Json::arrayValue) + { + throw Orthanc::OrthancException(Orthanc::ErrorCode_Plugin); + } + + Orthanc::ResourceType childrenType = Orthanc::GetChildResourceType(level_); + + for (Json::Value::ArrayIndex i = 0; i < content[childrenKey].size(); i++) + { + const Json::Value& child = content[childrenKey][i]; + + if (child.type() != Json::stringValue) + { + throw Orthanc::OrthancException(Orthanc::ErrorCode_Plugin); + } + + children.push_back(OrthancResource(childrenType, child.asString())); + } + } + + return true; + } + + + bool OrthancResource::LookupOrthancId(std::string& result, + OrthancPluginContext* context, + Orthanc::ResourceType level, + const std::string& dicomUid) + { + OrthancString s(context); + + switch (level) + { + case Orthanc::ResourceType_Patient: + s.Assign(OrthancPluginLookupPatient(context, dicomUid.c_str())); + break; + + case Orthanc::ResourceType_Study: + s.Assign(OrthancPluginLookupStudy(context, dicomUid.c_str())); + break; + + case Orthanc::ResourceType_Series: + s.Assign(OrthancPluginLookupSeries(context, dicomUid.c_str())); + break; + + case Orthanc::ResourceType_Instance: + s.Assign(OrthancPluginLookupInstance(context, dicomUid.c_str())); + break; + + default: + throw Orthanc::OrthancException(Orthanc::ErrorCode_ParameterOutOfRange); + } + + if (s.GetContent() == NULL) + { + // Inexisting resource + return false; + } + else + { + result.assign(s.GetContent()); + return true; + } + } +} diff -r decac5df19c4 -r d5d3cb00556a Plugin/OrthancResource.h --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/Plugin/OrthancResource.h Wed Mar 22 16:13:52 2017 +0100 @@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ +/** + * Advanced authorization plugin for Orthanc + * Copyright (C) 2017 Osimis, Belgium + * + * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License + * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of + * the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but + * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Affero General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + **/ + +#pragma once + +#include "Enumerations.h" + +#include +#include +#include + +namespace OrthancPlugins +{ + class OrthancResource + { + private: + bool isValid_; + Orthanc::ResourceType level_; + std::string id_; + + static void GetDicomUidInternal(std::string& result, + Orthanc::ResourceType level, + const Json::Value& content); + + public: + OrthancResource() : + isValid_(false) + { + } + + OrthancResource(Orthanc::ResourceType level, + const std::string& id) : + isValid_(true), + level_(level), + id_(id) + { + } + + bool IsValid() const + { + return isValid_; + } + + Orthanc::ResourceType GetLevel() const; + + const std::string& GetIdentifier() const; + + bool GetContent(Json::Value& content, + OrthancPluginContext* context) const; + + bool GetDicomUid(std::string& dicomUid /* out */, + OrthancPluginContext* context) const; + + bool GetHierarchy(std::string& dicomUid /* out */, + OrthancResource& parent /* out */, + std::list& children /* out */, + OrthancPluginContext* context) const; + + static bool LookupOrthancId(std::string& result, + OrthancPluginContext* context, + Orthanc::ResourceType level, + const std::string& dicomUid); + }; +} diff -r decac5df19c4 -r d5d3cb00556a Plugin/Plugin.cpp --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/Plugin/Plugin.cpp Wed Mar 22 16:13:52 2017 +0100 @@ -0,0 +1,389 @@ +/** + * Advanced authorization plugin for Orthanc + * Copyright (C) 2017 Osimis, Belgium + * + * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License + * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of + * the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but + * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Affero General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + **/ + +#include "AssociativeArray.h" +#include "DefaultAuthorizationParser.h" +#include "CachedAuthorizationService.h" +#include "AuthorizationWebService.h" +#include "MemoryCache.h" + +#include "../Resources/Orthanc/Plugins/Samples/Common/OrthancPluginCppWrapper.h" +#include "../Resources/Orthanc/Core/Logging.h" +#include "../Resources/Orthanc/Core/Toolbox.h" + +static OrthancPluginContext* context_ = NULL; + + +// Configuration of the authorization plugin +static std::auto_ptr authorizationParser_; +static std::auto_ptr authorizationService_; +static std::set uncheckedResources_; +static std::list uncheckedFolders_; +static std::list tokens_; +static std::set uncheckedLevels_; + + +static int32_t FilterHttpRequests(OrthancPluginHttpMethod method, + const char *uri, + const char *ip, + uint32_t headersCount, + const char *const *headersKeys, + const char *const *headersValues, + uint32_t getArgumentsCount, + const char *const *getArgumentsKeys, + const char *const *getArgumentsValues) +{ + try + { + if (method == OrthancPluginHttpMethod_Get) + { + // Allow GET accesses to static resources + if (uncheckedResources_.find(uri) != uncheckedResources_.end()) + { + return 1; + } + + for (std::list::const_iterator + it = uncheckedFolders_.begin(); it != uncheckedFolders_.end(); ++it) + { + if (Orthanc::Toolbox::StartsWith(uri, *it)) + { + return 1; + } + } + } + + if (authorizationParser_.get() != NULL && + authorizationService_.get() != NULL) + { + // Parse the resources that are accessed through this URI + OrthancPlugins::IAuthorizationParser::AccessedResources accesses; + if (!authorizationParser_->Parse(accesses, uri)) + { + return 0; // Unable to parse this URI + } + + // Loop over all the accessed resources to ensure access is + // granted to each of them + for (OrthancPlugins::IAuthorizationParser::AccessedResources::const_iterator + access = accesses.begin(); access != accesses.end(); ++access) + { + // Ignored the access levels that are unchecked + // (cf. "UncheckedLevels" option) + if (uncheckedLevels_.find(access->GetLevel()) == uncheckedLevels_.end()) + { + LOG(INFO) << "Testing whether access to " + << OrthancPlugins::EnumerationToString(access->GetLevel()) + << " \"" << access->GetOrthancId() << "\" is allowed"; + + bool granted = false; + unsigned int validity; // ignored + + if (tokens_.empty()) + { + granted = authorizationService_->IsGranted(validity, method, *access); + } + else + { + OrthancPlugins::AssociativeArray headers + (headersCount, headersKeys, headersValues, false); + + OrthancPlugins::AssociativeArray getArguments + (getArgumentsCount, getArgumentsKeys, getArgumentsValues, true); + + // Loop over all the authorization tokens stored in the HTTP + // headers, until finding one that is granted + for (std::list::const_iterator + token = tokens_.begin(); token != tokens_.end(); ++token) + { + std::string value; + + bool hasValue = false; + switch (token->GetType()) + { + case OrthancPlugins::TokenType_HttpHeader: + hasValue = headers.GetValue(value, token->GetKey()); + break; + + case OrthancPlugins::TokenType_GetArgument: + hasValue = getArguments.GetValue(value, token->GetKey()); + break; + + default: + throw Orthanc::OrthancException(Orthanc::ErrorCode_ParameterOutOfRange); + } + + if (hasValue && + authorizationService_->IsGranted(validity, method, *access, *token, value)) + { + granted = true; + break; + } + } + } + + if (!granted) + { + return 0; + } + } + } + + // Access is granted to all the resources + return 1; + } + + // By default, forbid access to all the resources + return 0; + } + catch (std::runtime_error& e) + { + LOG(ERROR) << e.what(); + return OrthancPluginErrorCode_Success; // Ignore error + } + catch (Orthanc::OrthancException& e) + { + LOG(ERROR) << e.What(); + return OrthancPluginErrorCode_Success; // Ignore error + } + catch (...) + { + LOG(ERROR) << "Unhandled internal exception"; + return OrthancPluginErrorCode_Success; // Ignore error + } +} + + +#if !ORTHANC_PLUGINS_VERSION_IS_ABOVE(1, 2, 1) +static int32_t FilterHttpRequestsFallback(OrthancPluginHttpMethod method, + const char *uri, + const char *ip, + uint32_t headersCount, + const char *const *headersKeys, + const char *const *headersValues) +{ + // Fallback wrapper function for Orthanc <= 1.2.0, where the GET + // arguments were not available in the HTTP filters + return FilterHttpRequests(method, uri, ip, + headersCount, headersKeys, headersValues, + 0, NULL, NULL); +} +#endif + + +static OrthancPluginErrorCode OnChangeCallback(OrthancPluginChangeType changeType, + OrthancPluginResourceType resourceType, + const char* resourceId) +{ + try + { + if (authorizationParser_.get() == NULL) + { + throw Orthanc::OrthancException(Orthanc::ErrorCode_InternalError); + } + + if (changeType == OrthancPluginChangeType_Deleted) + { + switch (resourceType) + { + case OrthancPluginResourceType_Patient: + authorizationParser_->Invalidate(Orthanc::ResourceType_Patient, resourceId); + break; + + case OrthancPluginResourceType_Study: + authorizationParser_->Invalidate(Orthanc::ResourceType_Study, resourceId); + break; + + case OrthancPluginResourceType_Series: + authorizationParser_->Invalidate(Orthanc::ResourceType_Series, resourceId); + break; + + case OrthancPluginResourceType_Instance: + authorizationParser_->Invalidate(Orthanc::ResourceType_Instance, resourceId); + break; + + default: + break; + } + } + + return OrthancPluginErrorCode_Success; + } + catch (std::runtime_error& e) + { + LOG(ERROR) << e.what(); + return OrthancPluginErrorCode_Success; // Ignore error + } + catch (Orthanc::OrthancException& e) + { + LOG(ERROR) << e.What(); + return OrthancPluginErrorCode_Success; // Ignore error + } + catch (...) + { + LOG(ERROR) << "Unhandled internal exception"; + return OrthancPluginErrorCode_Success; // Ignore error + } +} + + +extern "C" +{ + ORTHANC_PLUGINS_API int32_t OrthancPluginInitialize(OrthancPluginContext* context) + { + context_ = context; + OrthancPluginLogWarning(context_, "Initializing the authorization plugin"); + + /* Check the version of the Orthanc core */ + if (OrthancPluginCheckVersion(context_) == 0) + { + OrthancPlugins::ReportMinimalOrthancVersion(context_, + ORTHANC_PLUGINS_MINIMAL_MAJOR_NUMBER, + ORTHANC_PLUGINS_MINIMAL_MINOR_NUMBER, + ORTHANC_PLUGINS_MINIMAL_REVISION_NUMBER); + return -1; + } + + Orthanc::Logging::Initialize(context_); + OrthancPluginSetDescription(context_, "Advanced authorization plugin for Orthanc."); + + try + { + OrthancPlugins::OrthancConfiguration general(context_); + + static const char* SECTION = "Authorization"; + if (general.IsSection(SECTION)) + { + OrthancPlugins::OrthancConfiguration configuration; + general.GetSection(configuration, "Authorization"); + + // TODO - The size of the caches is set to 10,000 items. Maybe add a configuration option? + OrthancPlugins::MemoryCache::Factory factory(10000); + + { + std::string root; + + if (configuration.IsSection("DicomWeb")) + { + OrthancPlugins::OrthancConfiguration dicomWeb; + dicomWeb.GetSection(configuration, "DicomWeb"); + root = dicomWeb.GetStringValue("Root", ""); + } + + if (root.empty()) + { + root = "/dicom-web/"; + } + + authorizationParser_.reset + (new OrthancPlugins::DefaultAuthorizationParser(context_, factory, root)); + } + + std::list tmp; + + configuration.LookupListOfStrings(tmp, "TokenHttpHeaders", true); + for (std::list::const_iterator + it = tmp.begin(); it != tmp.end(); ++it) + { + tokens_.push_back(OrthancPlugins::Token(OrthancPlugins::TokenType_HttpHeader, *it)); + } + + configuration.LookupListOfStrings(tmp, "TokenGetArguments", true); + +#if ORTHANC_PLUGINS_VERSION_IS_ABOVE(1, 2, 1) + for (std::list::const_iterator + it = tmp.begin(); it != tmp.end(); ++it) + { + tokens_.push_back(OrthancPlugins::Token(OrthancPlugins::TokenType_GetArgument, *it)); + } +#else + if (!tmp.empty()) + { + LOG(ERROR) << "The option \"TokenGetArguments\" of the authorization plugin " + << "is only valid if compiled against Orthanc >= 1.2.1"; + throw Orthanc::OrthancException(Orthanc::ErrorCode_Plugin); + } +#endif + + configuration.LookupSetOfStrings(uncheckedResources_, "UncheckedResources", false); + configuration.LookupListOfStrings(uncheckedFolders_, "UncheckedFolders", false); + + std::string url; + + static const char* WEB_SERVICE = "WebService"; + if (!configuration.LookupStringValue(url, WEB_SERVICE)) + { + LOG(ERROR) << "Missing mandatory option \"" << WEB_SERVICE + << "\" for the authorization plugin"; + throw Orthanc::OrthancException(Orthanc::ErrorCode_BadFileFormat); + } + + if (configuration.LookupListOfStrings(tmp, "UncheckedLevels", false)) + { + for (std::list::const_iterator + it = tmp.begin(); it != tmp.end(); ++it) + { + uncheckedLevels_.insert(OrthancPlugins::StringToAccessLevel(*it)); + } + } + + authorizationService_.reset + (new OrthancPlugins::CachedAuthorizationService + (new OrthancPlugins::AuthorizationWebService(context_, url), factory)); + + OrthancPluginRegisterOnChangeCallback(context_, OnChangeCallback); + +#if ORTHANC_PLUGINS_VERSION_IS_ABOVE(1, 2, 1) + OrthancPluginRegisterIncomingHttpRequestFilter2(context_, FilterHttpRequests); +#else + OrthancPluginRegisterIncomingHttpRequestFilter(context_, FilterHttpRequestsFallback); +#endif + } + else + { + LOG(WARNING) << "No section \"" << SECTION << "\" in the configuration file, " + << "the authorization plugin is disabled"; + } + } + catch (Orthanc::OrthancException& e) + { + LOG(ERROR) << e.What(); + return -1; + } + + return 0; + } + + + ORTHANC_PLUGINS_API void OrthancPluginFinalize() + { + authorizationParser_.reset(NULL); + } + + + ORTHANC_PLUGINS_API const char* OrthancPluginGetName() + { + return "authorization"; + } + + + ORTHANC_PLUGINS_API const char* OrthancPluginGetVersion() + { + return ORTHANC_AUTHORIZATION_VERSION; + } +} diff -r decac5df19c4 -r d5d3cb00556a Plugin/ResourceHierarchyCache.cpp --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/Plugin/ResourceHierarchyCache.cpp Wed Mar 22 16:13:52 2017 +0100 @@ -0,0 +1,200 @@ +/** + * Advanced authorization plugin for Orthanc + * Copyright (C) 2017 Osimis, Belgium + * + * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License + * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of + * the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but + * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Affero General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + **/ + +#include "ResourceHierarchyCache.h" + +#include "../Resources/Orthanc/Core/Logging.h" +#include "../Resources/Orthanc/Core/OrthancException.h" + +#include + +namespace OrthancPlugins +{ + std::string ResourceHierarchyCache::ComputeKey(Orthanc::ResourceType level, + const std::string identifier) const + { + return boost::lexical_cast(level) + "|" + identifier; + } + + + void ResourceHierarchyCache::LinkParent(const OrthancResource& child, + const OrthancResource& parent) + { + LOG(INFO) << "Linking " << Orthanc::EnumerationToString(child.GetLevel()) + << " \"" << child.GetIdentifier() << "\" to its parent " + << Orthanc::EnumerationToString(parent.GetLevel()) + << " \"" << parent.GetIdentifier() << "\""; + + cache_->Store(ComputeKey(child), parent.GetIdentifier(), 0 /* no expiration */); + } + + + bool ResourceHierarchyCache::LookupParent(std::string& target, + const OrthancResource& resource) + { + std::string key = ComputeKey(resource); + + if (cache_->Retrieve(target, key)) + { + // The parent was already stored in the cache + return true; + } + + // Not in the cache, reading the resource from the Orthanc store + std::string dicomUid; + OrthancResource parent; + std::list children; + + if (!resource.GetHierarchy(dicomUid, parent, children, context_)) + { + // The resource is non-existing (*) + return false; + } + + orthancToDicom_->Store(key, dicomUid, 0 /* no expiration */); + dicomToOrthanc_->Store(ComputeKey(resource.GetLevel(), dicomUid), + resource.GetIdentifier(), 0 /* no expiration */); + + for (std::list::const_iterator + it = children.begin(); it != children.end(); ++it) + { + // Cache the relation of the resource with its children + LinkParent(*it, resource); + } + + if (parent.IsValid()) + { + LinkParent(resource, parent); + target = parent.GetIdentifier(); + return true; + } + else + { + // We reached the patient level, or the resource was removed + // from Orthanc since (*) + return false; + } + } + + + ResourceHierarchyCache::ResourceHierarchyCache(OrthancPluginContext* context, + ICacheFactory& factory) : + context_(context), + cache_(factory.Create()), + orthancToDicom_(factory.Create()), + dicomToOrthanc_(factory.Create()) + { + if (cache_.get() == NULL) + { + throw Orthanc::OrthancException(Orthanc::ErrorCode_InternalError); + } + } + + + void ResourceHierarchyCache::Invalidate(Orthanc::ResourceType level, + const std::string& identifier) + { + LOG(INFO) << "Invalidating " << Orthanc::EnumerationToString(level) + << " resource with ID: " << identifier; + + std::string key = ComputeKey(level, identifier); + cache_->Invalidate(key); + orthancToDicom_->Invalidate(key); + } + + + bool ResourceHierarchyCache::LookupSeries(std::string& patient, + std::string& study, + const std::string& series) + { + if (LookupParent(study, Orthanc::ResourceType_Series, series)) + { + return LookupStudy(patient, study); + } + else + { + return false; + } + } + + + bool ResourceHierarchyCache::LookupInstance(std::string& patient, + std::string& study, + std::string& series, + const std::string& instance) + { + if (LookupParent(series, Orthanc::ResourceType_Instance, instance)) + { + return LookupSeries(patient, study, series); + } + else + { + return false; + } + } + + + bool ResourceHierarchyCache::LookupDicomUid(std::string& target, + Orthanc::ResourceType level, + const std::string& orthancId) + { + std::string key = ComputeKey(level, orthancId); + + if (orthancToDicom_->Retrieve(target, key)) + { + return true; + } + + OrthancResource resource(level, orthancId); + + if (resource.GetDicomUid(target, context_)) + { + orthancToDicom_->Store(key, target, 0 /* no expiration */); + return true; + } + else + { + return false; + } + } + + + bool ResourceHierarchyCache::LookupOrthancId(std::string& target, + Orthanc::ResourceType level, + const std::string& dicomUid) + { + std::string key = ComputeKey(level, dicomUid); + + if (dicomToOrthanc_->Retrieve(target, key)) + { + return true; + } + + OrthancResource resource(level, dicomUid); + + if (OrthancResource::LookupOrthancId(target, context_, level, dicomUid)) + { + dicomToOrthanc_->Store(key, target, 0 /* no expiration */); + return true; + } + else + { + return false; + } + } +} diff -r decac5df19c4 -r d5d3cb00556a Plugin/ResourceHierarchyCache.h --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/Plugin/ResourceHierarchyCache.h Wed Mar 22 16:13:52 2017 +0100 @@ -0,0 +1,89 @@ +/** + * Advanced authorization plugin for Orthanc + * Copyright (C) 2017 Osimis, Belgium + * + * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License + * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of + * the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but + * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Affero General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + **/ + +#pragma once + +#include "ICacheFactory.h" +#include "Enumerations.h" +#include "OrthancResource.h" + +#include +#include + +namespace OrthancPlugins +{ + class ResourceHierarchyCache : public boost::noncopyable + { + private: + OrthancPluginContext *context_; + std::auto_ptr cache_; // Maps resources to their parents + std::auto_ptr orthancToDicom_; + std::auto_ptr dicomToOrthanc_; + + std::string ComputeKey(Orthanc::ResourceType level, + const std::string identifier) const; + + std::string ComputeKey(const OrthancResource& resource) const + { + return ComputeKey(resource.GetLevel(), resource.GetIdentifier()); + } + + void LinkParent(const OrthancResource& child, + const OrthancResource& parent); + + bool LookupParent(std::string& target, + const OrthancResource& resource); + + bool LookupParent(std::string& target, + Orthanc::ResourceType level, + const std::string& identifier) + { + return LookupParent(target, OrthancResource(level, identifier)); + } + + public: + ResourceHierarchyCache(OrthancPluginContext* context, + ICacheFactory& factory); + + void Invalidate(Orthanc::ResourceType level, + const std::string& identifier); + + bool LookupStudy(std::string& patient, + const std::string& study) + { + return LookupParent(patient, Orthanc::ResourceType_Study, study); + } + + bool LookupSeries(std::string& patient, + std::string& study, + const std::string& series); + + bool LookupInstance(std::string& patient, + std::string& study, + std::string& series, + const std::string& instance); + + bool LookupDicomUid(std::string& target, + Orthanc::ResourceType level, + const std::string& orthancId); + + bool LookupOrthancId(std::string& target, + Orthanc::ResourceType level, + const std::string& dicomUid); + }; +} diff -r decac5df19c4 -r d5d3cb00556a Plugin/Token.cpp --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/Plugin/Token.cpp Wed Mar 22 16:13:52 2017 +0100 @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +/** + * Advanced authorization plugin for Orthanc + * Copyright (C) 2017 Osimis, Belgium + * + * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License + * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of + * the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but + * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Affero General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + **/ + +#include "Token.h" + +#include "../Resources/Orthanc/Core/OrthancException.h" + +namespace OrthancPlugins +{ + Token::Token(TokenType type, + const std::string& key) : + type_(type), + key_(key) + { + if (key.empty()) + { + throw Orthanc::OrthancException(Orthanc::ErrorCode_ParameterOutOfRange); + } + } +} diff -r decac5df19c4 -r d5d3cb00556a Plugin/Token.h --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/Plugin/Token.h Wed Mar 22 16:13:52 2017 +0100 @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +/** + * Advanced authorization plugin for Orthanc + * Copyright (C) 2017 Osimis, Belgium + * + * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License + * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of + * the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but + * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Affero General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + **/ + +#pragma once + +#include "Enumerations.h" + +namespace OrthancPlugins +{ + class Token + { + private: + TokenType type_; + std::string key_; + + public: + Token(TokenType type, + const std::string& key); + + TokenType GetType() const + { + return type_; + } + + const std::string& GetKey() const + { + return key_; + } + }; +} diff -r decac5df19c4 -r d5d3cb00556a README --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/README Wed Mar 22 16:13:52 2017 +0100 @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +Advanced authorization for Orthanc +================================== + + +General Information +------------------- + +This repository contains the source code of an advanced authorization +plugin for Orthanc. + +For each incoming REST request to some URI, the plugin will query a +Web service to know whether the access is granted to the +user. Authorization credentials can be retrieved either from a GET +argument, or from a HTTP header. + + +Installation and usage +---------------------- + +Build instructions are similar to that of Orthanc: +https://orthanc.chu.ulg.ac.be/book/faq/compiling.html + +Usage details are available as part of the Orthanc Book: +http://book.orthanc-server.com/plugins/authorization.html + + +Licensing +--------- + +The authorization plugin for Orthanc is licensed under the AGPL license. + +We also kindly ask scientific works and clinical studies that make +use of Orthanc to cite Orthanc in their associated publications. +Similarly, we ask open-source and closed-source products that make +use of Orthanc to warn us about this use. You can cite our work +using the following BibTeX entry: + +@inproceedings{Jodogne:ISBI2013, + author = {Jodogne, S. and Bernard, C. and Devillers, M. and Lenaerts, E. and Coucke, P.}, + title = {Orthanc -- {A} Lightweight, {REST}ful {DICOM} Server for Healthcare and Medical Research}, + booktitle={Biomedical Imaging ({ISBI}), {IEEE} 10th International Symposium on}, + year={2013}, + pages={190-193}, + ISSN={1945-7928}, + month=apr, + url={http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/articleDetails.jsp?tp=&arnumber=6556444}, + address={San Francisco, {CA}, {USA}} +} diff -r decac5df19c4 -r d5d3cb00556a README.md --- a/README.md Tue Feb 14 12:55:35 2017 +0000 +++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 @@ -1,1 +0,0 @@ -authorization plugin ... \ No newline at end of file diff -r decac5df19c4 -r d5d3cb00556a Resources/Orthanc/Core/Cache/LeastRecentlyUsedIndex.h --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/Resources/Orthanc/Core/Cache/LeastRecentlyUsedIndex.h Wed Mar 22 16:13:52 2017 +0100 @@ -0,0 +1,347 @@ +/** + * Orthanc - A Lightweight, RESTful DICOM Store + * Copyright (C) 2012-2016 Sebastien Jodogne, Medical Physics + * Department, University Hospital of Liege, Belgium + * Copyright (C) 2017 Osimis, Belgium + * + * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as + * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the + * License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders of this + * program give permission to link the code of its release with the + * OpenSSL project's "OpenSSL" library (or with modified versions of it + * that use the same license as the "OpenSSL" library), and distribute + * the linked executables. You must obey the GNU General Public License + * in all respects for all of the code used other than "OpenSSL". If you + * modify file(s) with this exception, you may extend this exception to + * your version of the file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If + * you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your + * version. If you delete this exception statement from all source files + * in the program, then also delete it here. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but + * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + **/ + + +#pragma once + +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "../OrthancException.h" +#include "../Toolbox.h" + +namespace Orthanc +{ + /** + * This class implements the index of a cache with least recently + * used (LRU) recycling policy. All the items of the cache index + * can be associated with a payload. + * Reference: http://stackoverflow.com/a/2504317 + **/ + template + class LeastRecentlyUsedIndex : public boost::noncopyable + { + private: + typedef std::list< std::pair > Queue; + typedef std::map Index; + + Index index_; + Queue queue_; + + /** + * Internal method for debug builds to check whether the internal + * data structures are not corrupted. + **/ + void CheckInvariants() const; + + public: + /** + * Add a new element to the cache index, and make it the most + * recent element. + * \param id The ID of the element. + * \param payload The payload of the element. + **/ + void Add(T id, Payload payload = Payload()); + + void AddOrMakeMostRecent(T id, Payload payload = Payload()); + + /** + * When accessing an element of the cache, this method tags the + * element as the most recently used. + * \param id The most recently accessed item. + **/ + void MakeMostRecent(T id); + + void MakeMostRecent(T id, Payload updatedPayload); + + /** + * Remove an element from the cache index. + * \param id The item to remove. + **/ + Payload Invalidate(T id); + + /** + * Get the oldest element in the cache and remove it. + * \return The oldest item. + **/ + T RemoveOldest(); + + /** + * Get the oldest element in the cache, remove it and return the + * associated payload. + * \param payload Where to store the associated payload. + * \return The oldest item. + **/ + T RemoveOldest(Payload& payload); + + /** + * Check whether an element is contained in the cache. + * \param id The item. + * \return \c true iff the item is indexed by the cache. + **/ + bool Contains(T id) const + { + return index_.find(id) != index_.end(); + } + + bool Contains(T id, Payload& payload) const + { + typename Index::const_iterator it = index_.find(id); + if (it == index_.end()) + { + return false; + } + else + { + payload = it->second->second; + return true; + } + } + + /** + * Return the number of elements in the cache. + * \return The number of elements. + **/ + size_t GetSize() const + { + assert(index_.size() == queue_.size()); + return queue_.size(); + } + + /** + * Check whether the cache index is empty. + * \return \c true iff the cache is empty. + **/ + bool IsEmpty() const + { + return index_.empty(); + } + + const T& GetOldest() const; + + const Payload& GetOldestPayload() const; + }; + + + + + /****************************************************************** + ** Implementation of the template + ******************************************************************/ + + template + void LeastRecentlyUsedIndex::CheckInvariants() const + { +#ifndef NDEBUG + assert(index_.size() == queue_.size()); + + for (typename Index::const_iterator + it = index_.begin(); it != index_.end(); it++) + { + assert(it->second != queue_.end()); + assert(it->second->first == it->first); + } +#endif + } + + + template + void LeastRecentlyUsedIndex::Add(T id, Payload payload) + { + if (Contains(id)) + { + throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_BadSequenceOfCalls); + } + + queue_.push_front(std::make_pair(id, payload)); + index_[id] = queue_.begin(); + + CheckInvariants(); + } + + + template + void LeastRecentlyUsedIndex::MakeMostRecent(T id) + { + if (!Contains(id)) + { + throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_InexistentItem); + } + + typename Index::iterator it = index_.find(id); + assert(it != index_.end()); + + std::pair item = *(it->second); + + queue_.erase(it->second); + queue_.push_front(item); + index_[id] = queue_.begin(); + + CheckInvariants(); + } + + + template + void LeastRecentlyUsedIndex::AddOrMakeMostRecent(T id, Payload payload) + { + typename Index::iterator it = index_.find(id); + + if (it != index_.end()) + { + // Already existing. Make it most recent. + std::pair item = *(it->second); + item.second = payload; + queue_.erase(it->second); + queue_.push_front(item); + } + else + { + // New item + queue_.push_front(std::make_pair(id, payload)); + } + + index_[id] = queue_.begin(); + + CheckInvariants(); + } + + + template + void LeastRecentlyUsedIndex::MakeMostRecent(T id, Payload updatedPayload) + { + if (!Contains(id)) + { + throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_InexistentItem); + } + + typename Index::iterator it = index_.find(id); + assert(it != index_.end()); + + std::pair item = *(it->second); + item.second = updatedPayload; + + queue_.erase(it->second); + queue_.push_front(item); + index_[id] = queue_.begin(); + + CheckInvariants(); + } + + + template + Payload LeastRecentlyUsedIndex::Invalidate(T id) + { + if (!Contains(id)) + { + throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_InexistentItem); + } + + typename Index::iterator it = index_.find(id); + assert(it != index_.end()); + + Payload payload = it->second->second; + queue_.erase(it->second); + index_.erase(it); + + CheckInvariants(); + return payload; + } + + + template + T LeastRecentlyUsedIndex::RemoveOldest(Payload& payload) + { + if (IsEmpty()) + { + throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_BadSequenceOfCalls); + } + + std::pair item = queue_.back(); + T oldest = item.first; + payload = item.second; + + queue_.pop_back(); + assert(index_.find(oldest) != index_.end()); + index_.erase(oldest); + + CheckInvariants(); + + return oldest; + } + + + template + T LeastRecentlyUsedIndex::RemoveOldest() + { + if (IsEmpty()) + { + throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_BadSequenceOfCalls); + } + + std::pair item = queue_.back(); + T oldest = item.first; + + queue_.pop_back(); + assert(index_.find(oldest) != index_.end()); + index_.erase(oldest); + + CheckInvariants(); + + return oldest; + } + + + template + const T& LeastRecentlyUsedIndex::GetOldest() const + { + if (IsEmpty()) + { + throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_BadSequenceOfCalls); + } + + return queue_.back().first; + } + + + template + const Payload& LeastRecentlyUsedIndex::GetOldestPayload() const + { + if (IsEmpty()) + { + throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_BadSequenceOfCalls); + } + + return queue_.back().second; + } +} diff -r decac5df19c4 -r d5d3cb00556a Resources/Orthanc/Core/Endianness.h --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/Resources/Orthanc/Core/Endianness.h Wed Mar 22 16:13:52 2017 +0100 @@ -0,0 +1,158 @@ +/** + * Orthanc - A Lightweight, RESTful DICOM Store + * Copyright (C) 2012-2016 Sebastien Jodogne, Medical Physics + * Department, University Hospital of Liege, Belgium + * Copyright (C) 2017 Osimis, Belgium + * + * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as + * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the + * License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders of this + * program give permission to link the code of its release with the + * OpenSSL project's "OpenSSL" library (or with modified versions of it + * that use the same license as the "OpenSSL" library), and distribute + * the linked executables. You must obey the GNU General Public License + * in all respects for all of the code used other than "OpenSSL". If you + * modify file(s) with this exception, you may extend this exception to + * your version of the file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If + * you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your + * version. If you delete this exception statement from all source files + * in the program, then also delete it here. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but + * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + **/ + + +#pragma once + + +/******************************************************************** + ** LINUX ARCHITECTURES + ********************************************************************/ + +#if defined(__linux__) +# define ORTHANC_HAS_BUILTIN_BYTE_SWAP 1 +# include +#endif + + +/******************************************************************** + ** WINDOWS ARCHITECTURES + ** + ** On Windows x86, "host" will always be little-endian ("le"). + ********************************************************************/ + +#if defined(_WIN32) +# if defined(_MSC_VER) +// Visual Studio - http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/a3140177.aspx +# define ORTHANC_HAS_BUILTIN_BYTE_SWAP 1 +# define be16toh(x) _byteswap_ushort(x) +# define be32toh(x) _byteswap_ulong(x) +# define be64toh(x) _byteswap_uint64(x) +# elif (__GNUC__ > 4 || (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 3)) +// MinGW >= 4.3 - Use builtin intrinsic for byte swapping +# define ORTHANC_HAS_BUILTIN_BYTE_SWAP 1 +# define be16toh(x) __builtin_bswap16(x) +# define be32toh(x) __builtin_bswap32(x) +# define be64toh(x) __builtin_bswap64(x) +# else +// MinGW <= 4.2, we must manually implement the byte swapping +# define ORTHANC_HAS_BUILTIN_BYTE_SWAP 0 +# define be16toh(x) __orthanc_bswap16(x) +# define be32toh(x) __orthanc_bswap32(x) +# define be64toh(x) __orthanc_bswap64(x) +# endif + +# define htobe16(x) be16toh(x) +# define htobe32(x) be32toh(x) +# define htobe64(x) be64toh(x) + +# define htole16(x) x +# define htole32(x) x +# define htole64(x) x + +# define le16toh(x) x +# define le32toh(x) x +# define le64toh(x) x +#endif + + +/******************************************************************** + ** FREEBSD ARCHITECTURES + ********************************************************************/ + +#if defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__FreeBSD_kernel__) +# define ORTHANC_HAS_BUILTIN_BYTE_SWAP 1 +# include +#endif + + +/******************************************************************** + ** APPLE ARCHITECTURES (including OS X) + ********************************************************************/ + +#if defined(__APPLE__) +# define ORTHANC_HAS_BUILTIN_BYTE_SWAP 1 +# include +# define be16toh(x) OSSwapBigToHostInt16(x) +# define be32toh(x) OSSwapBigToHostInt32(x) +# define be64toh(x) OSSwapBigToHostInt64(x) + +# define htobe16(x) OSSwapHostToBigInt16(x) +# define htobe32(x) OSSwapHostToBigInt32(x) +# define htobe64(x) OSSwapHostToBigInt64(x) + +# define htole16(x) OSSwapHostToLittleInt16(x) +# define htole32(x) OSSwapHostToLittleInt32(x) +# define htole64(x) OSSwapHostToLittleInt64(x) + +# define le16toh(x) OSSwapLittleToHostInt16(x) +# define le32toh(x) OSSwapLittleToHostInt32(x) +# define le64toh(x) OSSwapLittleToHostInt64(x) +#endif + + +/******************************************************************** + ** PORTABLE (BUT SLOW) IMPLEMENTATION OF BYTE-SWAPPING + ********************************************************************/ + +#if ORTHANC_HAS_BUILTIN_BYTE_SWAP != 1 + +#include + +static inline uint16_t __orthanc_bswap16(uint16_t a) +{ + return (a << 8) | (a >> 8); +} + +static inline uint32_t __orthanc_bswap32(uint32_t a) +{ + const uint8_t* p = reinterpret_cast(&a); + return (static_cast(p[0]) << 24 | + static_cast(p[1]) << 16 | + static_cast(p[2]) << 8 | + static_cast(p[3])); +} + +static inline uint64_t __orthanc_bswap64(uint64_t a) +{ + const uint8_t* p = reinterpret_cast(&a); + return (static_cast(p[0]) << 56 | + static_cast(p[1]) << 48 | + static_cast(p[2]) << 40 | + static_cast(p[3]) << 32 | + static_cast(p[4]) << 24 | + static_cast(p[5]) << 16 | + static_cast(p[6]) << 8 | + static_cast(p[7])); +} + +#endif diff -r decac5df19c4 -r d5d3cb00556a Resources/Orthanc/Core/Enumerations.cpp --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/Resources/Orthanc/Core/Enumerations.cpp Wed Mar 22 16:13:52 2017 +0100 @@ -0,0 +1,1405 @@ +/** + * Orthanc - A Lightweight, RESTful DICOM Store + * Copyright (C) 2012-2016 Sebastien Jodogne, Medical Physics + * Department, University Hospital of Liege, Belgium + * Copyright (C) 2017 Osimis, Belgium + * + * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as + * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the + * License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders of this + * program give permission to link the code of its release with the + * OpenSSL project's "OpenSSL" library (or with modified versions of it + * that use the same license as the "OpenSSL" library), and distribute + * the linked executables. You must obey the GNU General Public License + * in all respects for all of the code used other than "OpenSSL". If you + * modify file(s) with this exception, you may extend this exception to + * your version of the file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If + * you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your + * version. If you delete this exception statement from all source files + * in the program, then also delete it here. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but + * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + **/ + + +#include "PrecompiledHeaders.h" +#include "Enumerations.h" + +#include "OrthancException.h" +#include "Toolbox.h" +#include "Logging.h" + +#include +#include + +namespace Orthanc +{ + // This function is autogenerated by the script + // "Resources/GenerateErrorCodes.py" + const char* EnumerationToString(ErrorCode error) + { + switch (error) + { + case ErrorCode_InternalError: + return "Internal error"; + + case ErrorCode_Success: + return "Success"; + + case ErrorCode_Plugin: + return "Error encountered within the plugin engine"; + + case ErrorCode_NotImplemented: + return "Not implemented yet"; + + case ErrorCode_ParameterOutOfRange: + return "Parameter out of range"; + + case ErrorCode_NotEnoughMemory: + return "The server hosting Orthanc is running out of memory"; + + case ErrorCode_BadParameterType: + return "Bad type for a parameter"; + + case ErrorCode_BadSequenceOfCalls: + return "Bad sequence of calls"; + + case ErrorCode_InexistentItem: + return "Accessing an inexistent item"; + + case ErrorCode_BadRequest: + return "Bad request"; + + case ErrorCode_NetworkProtocol: + return "Error in the network protocol"; + + case ErrorCode_SystemCommand: + return "Error while calling a system command"; + + case ErrorCode_Database: + return "Error with the database engine"; + + case ErrorCode_UriSyntax: + return "Badly formatted URI"; + + case ErrorCode_InexistentFile: + return "Inexistent file"; + + case ErrorCode_CannotWriteFile: + return "Cannot write to file"; + + case ErrorCode_BadFileFormat: + return "Bad file format"; + + case ErrorCode_Timeout: + return "Timeout"; + + case ErrorCode_UnknownResource: + return "Unknown resource"; + + case ErrorCode_IncompatibleDatabaseVersion: + return "Incompatible version of the database"; + + case ErrorCode_FullStorage: + return "The file storage is full"; + + case ErrorCode_CorruptedFile: + return "Corrupted file (e.g. inconsistent MD5 hash)"; + + case ErrorCode_InexistentTag: + return "Inexistent tag"; + + case ErrorCode_ReadOnly: + return "Cannot modify a read-only data structure"; + + case ErrorCode_IncompatibleImageFormat: + return "Incompatible format of the images"; + + case ErrorCode_IncompatibleImageSize: + return "Incompatible size of the images"; + + case ErrorCode_SharedLibrary: + return "Error while using a shared library (plugin)"; + + case ErrorCode_UnknownPluginService: + return "Plugin invoking an unknown service"; + + case ErrorCode_UnknownDicomTag: + return "Unknown DICOM tag"; + + case ErrorCode_BadJson: + return "Cannot parse a JSON document"; + + case ErrorCode_Unauthorized: + return "Bad credentials were provided to an HTTP request"; + + case ErrorCode_BadFont: + return "Badly formatted font file"; + + case ErrorCode_DatabasePlugin: + return "The plugin implementing a custom database back-end does not fulfill the proper interface"; + + case ErrorCode_StorageAreaPlugin: + return "Error in the plugin implementing a custom storage area"; + + case ErrorCode_EmptyRequest: + return "The request is empty"; + + case ErrorCode_NotAcceptable: + return "Cannot send a response which is acceptable according to the Accept HTTP header"; + + case ErrorCode_NullPointer: + return "Cannot handle a NULL pointer"; + + case ErrorCode_SQLiteNotOpened: + return "SQLite: The database is not opened"; + + case ErrorCode_SQLiteAlreadyOpened: + return "SQLite: Connection is already open"; + + case ErrorCode_SQLiteCannotOpen: + return "SQLite: Unable to open the database"; + + case ErrorCode_SQLiteStatementAlreadyUsed: + return "SQLite: This cached statement is already being referred to"; + + case ErrorCode_SQLiteExecute: + return "SQLite: Cannot execute a command"; + + case ErrorCode_SQLiteRollbackWithoutTransaction: + return "SQLite: Rolling back a nonexistent transaction (have you called Begin()?)"; + + case ErrorCode_SQLiteCommitWithoutTransaction: + return "SQLite: Committing a nonexistent transaction"; + + case ErrorCode_SQLiteRegisterFunction: + return "SQLite: Unable to register a function"; + + case ErrorCode_SQLiteFlush: + return "SQLite: Unable to flush the database"; + + case ErrorCode_SQLiteCannotRun: + return "SQLite: Cannot run a cached statement"; + + case ErrorCode_SQLiteCannotStep: + return "SQLite: Cannot step over a cached statement"; + + case ErrorCode_SQLiteBindOutOfRange: + return "SQLite: Bing a value while out of range (serious error)"; + + case ErrorCode_SQLitePrepareStatement: + return "SQLite: Cannot prepare a cached statement"; + + case ErrorCode_SQLiteTransactionAlreadyStarted: + return "SQLite: Beginning the same transaction twice"; + + case ErrorCode_SQLiteTransactionCommit: + return "SQLite: Failure when committing the transaction"; + + case ErrorCode_SQLiteTransactionBegin: + return "SQLite: Cannot start a transaction"; + + case ErrorCode_DirectoryOverFile: + return "The directory to be created is already occupied by a regular file"; + + case ErrorCode_FileStorageCannotWrite: + return "Unable to create a subdirectory or a file in the file storage"; + + case ErrorCode_DirectoryExpected: + return "The specified path does not point to a directory"; + + case ErrorCode_HttpPortInUse: + return "The TCP port of the HTTP server is privileged or already in use"; + + case ErrorCode_DicomPortInUse: + return "The TCP port of the DICOM server is privileged or already in use"; + + case ErrorCode_BadHttpStatusInRest: + return "This HTTP status is not allowed in a REST API"; + + case ErrorCode_RegularFileExpected: + return "The specified path does not point to a regular file"; + + case ErrorCode_PathToExecutable: + return "Unable to get the path to the executable"; + + case ErrorCode_MakeDirectory: + return "Cannot create a directory"; + + case ErrorCode_BadApplicationEntityTitle: + return "An application entity title (AET) cannot be empty or be longer than 16 characters"; + + case ErrorCode_NoCFindHandler: + return "No request handler factory for DICOM C-FIND SCP"; + + case ErrorCode_NoCMoveHandler: + return "No request handler factory for DICOM C-MOVE SCP"; + + case ErrorCode_NoCStoreHandler: + return "No request handler factory for DICOM C-STORE SCP"; + + case ErrorCode_NoApplicationEntityFilter: + return "No application entity filter"; + + case ErrorCode_NoSopClassOrInstance: + return "DicomUserConnection: Unable to find the SOP class and instance"; + + case ErrorCode_NoPresentationContext: + return "DicomUserConnection: No acceptable presentation context for modality"; + + case ErrorCode_DicomFindUnavailable: + return "DicomUserConnection: The C-FIND command is not supported by the remote SCP"; + + case ErrorCode_DicomMoveUnavailable: + return "DicomUserConnection: The C-MOVE command is not supported by the remote SCP"; + + case ErrorCode_CannotStoreInstance: + return "Cannot store an instance"; + + case ErrorCode_CreateDicomNotString: + return "Only string values are supported when creating DICOM instances"; + + case ErrorCode_CreateDicomOverrideTag: + return "Trying to override a value inherited from a parent module"; + + case ErrorCode_CreateDicomUseContent: + return "Use \"Content\" to inject an image into a new DICOM instance"; + + case ErrorCode_CreateDicomNoPayload: + return "No payload is present for one instance in the series"; + + case ErrorCode_CreateDicomUseDataUriScheme: + return "The payload of the DICOM instance must be specified according to Data URI scheme"; + + case ErrorCode_CreateDicomBadParent: + return "Trying to attach a new DICOM instance to an inexistent resource"; + + case ErrorCode_CreateDicomParentIsInstance: + return "Trying to attach a new DICOM instance to an instance (must be a series, study or patient)"; + + case ErrorCode_CreateDicomParentEncoding: + return "Unable to get the encoding of the parent resource"; + + case ErrorCode_UnknownModality: + return "Unknown modality"; + + case ErrorCode_BadJobOrdering: + return "Bad ordering of filters in a job"; + + case ErrorCode_JsonToLuaTable: + return "Cannot convert the given JSON object to a Lua table"; + + case ErrorCode_CannotCreateLua: + return "Cannot create the Lua context"; + + case ErrorCode_CannotExecuteLua: + return "Cannot execute a Lua command"; + + case ErrorCode_LuaAlreadyExecuted: + return "Arguments cannot be pushed after the Lua function is executed"; + + case ErrorCode_LuaBadOutput: + return "The Lua function does not give the expected number of outputs"; + + case ErrorCode_NotLuaPredicate: + return "The Lua function is not a predicate (only true/false outputs allowed)"; + + case ErrorCode_LuaReturnsNoString: + return "The Lua function does not return a string"; + + case ErrorCode_StorageAreaAlreadyRegistered: + return "Another plugin has already registered a custom storage area"; + + case ErrorCode_DatabaseBackendAlreadyRegistered: + return "Another plugin has already registered a custom database back-end"; + + case ErrorCode_DatabaseNotInitialized: + return "Plugin trying to call the database during its initialization"; + + case ErrorCode_SslDisabled: + return "Orthanc has been built without SSL support"; + + case ErrorCode_CannotOrderSlices: + return "Unable to order the slices of the series"; + + case ErrorCode_NoWorklistHandler: + return "No request handler factory for DICOM C-Find Modality SCP"; + + case ErrorCode_AlreadyExistingTag: + return "Cannot override the value of a tag that already exists"; + + default: + if (error >= ErrorCode_START_PLUGINS) + { + return "Error encountered within some plugin"; + } + else + { + return "Unknown error code"; + } + } + } + + + const char* EnumerationToString(HttpMethod method) + { + switch (method) + { + case HttpMethod_Get: + return "GET"; + + case HttpMethod_Post: + return "POST"; + + case HttpMethod_Delete: + return "DELETE"; + + case HttpMethod_Put: + return "PUT"; + + default: + return "?"; + } + } + + + const char* EnumerationToString(HttpStatus status) + { + switch (status) + { + case HttpStatus_100_Continue: + return "Continue"; + + case HttpStatus_101_SwitchingProtocols: + return "Switching Protocols"; + + case HttpStatus_102_Processing: + return "Processing"; + + case HttpStatus_200_Ok: + return "OK"; + + case HttpStatus_201_Created: + return "Created"; + + case HttpStatus_202_Accepted: + return "Accepted"; + + case HttpStatus_203_NonAuthoritativeInformation: + return "Non-Authoritative Information"; + + case HttpStatus_204_NoContent: + return "No Content"; + + case HttpStatus_205_ResetContent: + return "Reset Content"; + + case HttpStatus_206_PartialContent: + return "Partial Content"; + + case HttpStatus_207_MultiStatus: + return "Multi-Status"; + + case HttpStatus_208_AlreadyReported: + return "Already Reported"; + + case HttpStatus_226_IMUsed: + return "IM Used"; + + case HttpStatus_300_MultipleChoices: + return "Multiple Choices"; + + case HttpStatus_301_MovedPermanently: + return "Moved Permanently"; + + case HttpStatus_302_Found: + return "Found"; + + case HttpStatus_303_SeeOther: + return "See Other"; + + case HttpStatus_304_NotModified: + return "Not Modified"; + + case HttpStatus_305_UseProxy: + return "Use Proxy"; + + case HttpStatus_307_TemporaryRedirect: + return "Temporary Redirect"; + + case HttpStatus_400_BadRequest: + return "Bad Request"; + + case HttpStatus_401_Unauthorized: + return "Unauthorized"; + + case HttpStatus_402_PaymentRequired: + return "Payment Required"; + + case HttpStatus_403_Forbidden: + return "Forbidden"; + + case HttpStatus_404_NotFound: + return "Not Found"; + + case HttpStatus_405_MethodNotAllowed: + return "Method Not Allowed"; + + case HttpStatus_406_NotAcceptable: + return "Not Acceptable"; + + case HttpStatus_407_ProxyAuthenticationRequired: + return "Proxy Authentication Required"; + + case HttpStatus_408_RequestTimeout: + return "Request Timeout"; + + case HttpStatus_409_Conflict: + return "Conflict"; + + case HttpStatus_410_Gone: + return "Gone"; + + case HttpStatus_411_LengthRequired: + return "Length Required"; + + case HttpStatus_412_PreconditionFailed: + return "Precondition Failed"; + + case HttpStatus_413_RequestEntityTooLarge: + return "Request Entity Too Large"; + + case HttpStatus_414_RequestUriTooLong: + return "Request-URI Too Long"; + + case HttpStatus_415_UnsupportedMediaType: + return "Unsupported Media Type"; + + case HttpStatus_416_RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable: + return "Requested Range Not Satisfiable"; + + case HttpStatus_417_ExpectationFailed: + return "Expectation Failed"; + + case HttpStatus_422_UnprocessableEntity: + return "Unprocessable Entity"; + + case HttpStatus_423_Locked: + return "Locked"; + + case HttpStatus_424_FailedDependency: + return "Failed Dependency"; + + case HttpStatus_426_UpgradeRequired: + return "Upgrade Required"; + + case HttpStatus_500_InternalServerError: + return "Internal Server Error"; + + case HttpStatus_501_NotImplemented: + return "Not Implemented"; + + case HttpStatus_502_BadGateway: + return "Bad Gateway"; + + case HttpStatus_503_ServiceUnavailable: + return "Service Unavailable"; + + case HttpStatus_504_GatewayTimeout: + return "Gateway Timeout"; + + case HttpStatus_505_HttpVersionNotSupported: + return "HTTP Version Not Supported"; + + case HttpStatus_506_VariantAlsoNegotiates: + return "Variant Also Negotiates"; + + case HttpStatus_507_InsufficientStorage: + return "Insufficient Storage"; + + case HttpStatus_509_BandwidthLimitExceeded: + return "Bandwidth Limit Exceeded"; + + case HttpStatus_510_NotExtended: + return "Not Extended"; + + default: + throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_ParameterOutOfRange); + } + } + + + const char* EnumerationToString(ResourceType type) + { + switch (type) + { + case ResourceType_Patient: + return "Patient"; + + case ResourceType_Study: + return "Study"; + + case ResourceType_Series: + return "Series"; + + case ResourceType_Instance: + return "Instance"; + + default: + throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_ParameterOutOfRange); + } + } + + + const char* EnumerationToString(ImageFormat format) + { + switch (format) + { + case ImageFormat_Png: + return "Png"; + + default: + throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_ParameterOutOfRange); + } + } + + + const char* EnumerationToString(Encoding encoding) + { + switch (encoding) + { + case Encoding_Ascii: + return "Ascii"; + + case Encoding_Utf8: + return "Utf8"; + + case Encoding_Latin1: + return "Latin1"; + + case Encoding_Latin2: + return "Latin2"; + + case Encoding_Latin3: + return "Latin3"; + + case Encoding_Latin4: + return "Latin4"; + + case Encoding_Latin5: + return "Latin5"; + + case Encoding_Cyrillic: + return "Cyrillic"; + + case Encoding_Windows1251: + return "Windows1251"; + + case Encoding_Arabic: + return "Arabic"; + + case Encoding_Greek: + return "Greek"; + + case Encoding_Hebrew: + return "Hebrew"; + + case Encoding_Thai: + return "Thai"; + + case Encoding_Japanese: + return "Japanese"; + + case Encoding_Chinese: + return "Chinese"; + + default: + throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_ParameterOutOfRange); + } + } + + + const char* EnumerationToString(PhotometricInterpretation photometric) + { + switch (photometric) + { + case PhotometricInterpretation_RGB: + return "RGB"; + + case PhotometricInterpretation_Monochrome1: + return "Monochrome1"; + + case PhotometricInterpretation_Monochrome2: + return "Monochrome2"; + + case PhotometricInterpretation_ARGB: + return "ARGB"; + + case PhotometricInterpretation_CMYK: + return "CMYK"; + + case PhotometricInterpretation_HSV: + return "HSV"; + + case PhotometricInterpretation_Palette: + return "Palette color"; + + case PhotometricInterpretation_YBRFull: + return "YBR full"; + + case PhotometricInterpretation_YBRFull422: + return "YBR full 422"; + + case PhotometricInterpretation_YBRPartial420: + return "YBR partial 420"; + + case PhotometricInterpretation_YBRPartial422: + return "YBR partial 422"; + + case PhotometricInterpretation_YBR_ICT: + return "YBR ICT"; + + case PhotometricInterpretation_YBR_RCT: + return "YBR RCT"; + + case PhotometricInterpretation_Unknown: + return "Unknown"; + + default: + throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_ParameterOutOfRange); + } + } + + + const char* EnumerationToString(RequestOrigin origin) + { + switch (origin) + { + case RequestOrigin_Unknown: + return "Unknown"; + + case RequestOrigin_DicomProtocol: + return "DicomProtocol"; + + case RequestOrigin_RestApi: + return "RestApi"; + + case RequestOrigin_Plugins: + return "Plugins"; + + case RequestOrigin_Lua: + return "Lua"; + + default: + throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_ParameterOutOfRange); + } + } + + + const char* EnumerationToString(LogLevel level) + { + switch (level) + { + case LogLevel_Error: + return "ERROR"; + + case LogLevel_Warning: + return "WARNING"; + + case LogLevel_Info: + return "INFO"; + + case LogLevel_Trace: + return "TRACE"; + + default: + throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_ParameterOutOfRange); + } + } + + + const char* EnumerationToString(PixelFormat format) + { + switch (format) + { + case PixelFormat_RGB24: + return "RGB24"; + + case PixelFormat_RGBA32: + return "RGBA32"; + + case PixelFormat_BGRA32: + return "BGRA32"; + + case PixelFormat_Grayscale8: + return "Grayscale (unsigned 8bpp)"; + + case PixelFormat_Grayscale16: + return "Grayscale (unsigned 16bpp)"; + + case PixelFormat_SignedGrayscale16: + return "Grayscale (signed 16bpp)"; + + case PixelFormat_Float32: + return "Grayscale (float 32bpp)"; + + default: + throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_ParameterOutOfRange); + } + } + + + Encoding StringToEncoding(const char* encoding) + { + std::string s(encoding); + Toolbox::ToUpperCase(s); + + if (s == "UTF8") + { + return Encoding_Utf8; + } + + if (s == "ASCII") + { + return Encoding_Ascii; + } + + if (s == "LATIN1") + { + return Encoding_Latin1; + } + + if (s == "LATIN2") + { + return Encoding_Latin2; + } + + if (s == "LATIN3") + { + return Encoding_Latin3; + } + + if (s == "LATIN4") + { + return Encoding_Latin4; + } + + if (s == "LATIN5") + { + return Encoding_Latin5; + } + + if (s == "CYRILLIC") + { + return Encoding_Cyrillic; + } + + if (s == "WINDOWS1251") + { + return Encoding_Windows1251; + } + + if (s == "ARABIC") + { + return Encoding_Arabic; + } + + if (s == "GREEK") + { + return Encoding_Greek; + } + + if (s == "HEBREW") + { + return Encoding_Hebrew; + } + + if (s == "THAI") + { + return Encoding_Thai; + } + + if (s == "JAPANESE") + { + return Encoding_Japanese; + } + + if (s == "CHINESE") + { + return Encoding_Chinese; + } + + throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_ParameterOutOfRange); + } + + + ResourceType StringToResourceType(const char* type) + { + std::string s(type); + Toolbox::ToUpperCase(s); + + if (s == "PATIENT" || s == "PATIENTS") + { + return ResourceType_Patient; + } + else if (s == "STUDY" || s == "STUDIES") + { + return ResourceType_Study; + } + else if (s == "SERIES") + { + return ResourceType_Series; + } + else if (s == "INSTANCE" || s == "IMAGE" || + s == "INSTANCES" || s == "IMAGES") + { + return ResourceType_Instance; + } + + throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_ParameterOutOfRange); + } + + + ImageFormat StringToImageFormat(const char* format) + { + std::string s(format); + Toolbox::ToUpperCase(s); + + if (s == "PNG") + { + return ImageFormat_Png; + } + + throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_ParameterOutOfRange); + } + + + LogLevel StringToLogLevel(const char *level) + { + if (strcmp(level, "ERROR") == 0) + { + return LogLevel_Error; + } + else if (strcmp(level, "WARNING") == 0) + { + return LogLevel_Warning; + } + else if (strcmp(level, "INFO") == 0) + { + return LogLevel_Info; + } + else if (strcmp(level, "TRACE") == 0) + { + return LogLevel_Trace; + } + else + { + throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_InternalError); + } + } + + + ValueRepresentation StringToValueRepresentation(const std::string& vr, + bool throwIfUnsupported) + { + if (vr == "AE") + { + return ValueRepresentation_ApplicationEntity; + } + else if (vr == "AS") + { + return ValueRepresentation_AgeString; + } + else if (vr == "AT") + { + return ValueRepresentation_AttributeTag; + } + else if (vr == "CS") + { + return ValueRepresentation_CodeString; + } + else if (vr == "DA") + { + return ValueRepresentation_Date; + } + else if (vr == "DS") + { + return ValueRepresentation_DecimalString; + } + else if (vr == "DT") + { + return ValueRepresentation_DateTime; + } + else if (vr == "FL") + { + return ValueRepresentation_FloatingPointSingle; + } + else if (vr == "FD") + { + return ValueRepresentation_FloatingPointDouble; + } + else if (vr == "IS") + { + return ValueRepresentation_IntegerString; + } + else if (vr == "LO") + { + return ValueRepresentation_LongString; + } + else if (vr == "LT") + { + return ValueRepresentation_LongText; + } + else if (vr == "OB") + { + return ValueRepresentation_OtherByte; + } + else if (vr == "OD") + { + return ValueRepresentation_OtherDouble; + } + else if (vr == "OF") + { + return ValueRepresentation_OtherFloat; + } + else if (vr == "OL") + { + return ValueRepresentation_OtherLong; + } + else if (vr == "OW") + { + return ValueRepresentation_OtherWord; + } + else if (vr == "PN") + { + return ValueRepresentation_PersonName; + } + else if (vr == "SH") + { + return ValueRepresentation_ShortString; + } + else if (vr == "SL") + { + return ValueRepresentation_SignedLong; + } + else if (vr == "SQ") + { + return ValueRepresentation_Sequence; + } + else if (vr == "SS") + { + return ValueRepresentation_SignedShort; + } + else if (vr == "ST") + { + return ValueRepresentation_ShortText; + } + else if (vr == "TM") + { + return ValueRepresentation_Time; + } + else if (vr == "UC") + { + return ValueRepresentation_UnlimitedCharacters; + } + else if (vr == "UI") + { + return ValueRepresentation_UniqueIdentifier; + } + else if (vr == "UL") + { + return ValueRepresentation_UnsignedLong; + } + else if (vr == "UN") + { + return ValueRepresentation_Unknown; + } + else if (vr == "UR") + { + return ValueRepresentation_UniversalResource; + } + else if (vr == "US") + { + return ValueRepresentation_UnsignedShort; + } + else if (vr == "UT") + { + return ValueRepresentation_UnlimitedText; + } + else + { + std::string s = "Unsupported value representation encountered: " + vr; + + if (throwIfUnsupported) + { + LOG(ERROR) << s; + throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_ParameterOutOfRange); + } + else + { + LOG(INFO) << s; + return ValueRepresentation_NotSupported; + } + } + } + + + unsigned int GetBytesPerPixel(PixelFormat format) + { + switch (format) + { + case PixelFormat_Grayscale8: + return 1; + + case PixelFormat_Grayscale16: + case PixelFormat_SignedGrayscale16: + return 2; + + case PixelFormat_RGB24: + return 3; + + case PixelFormat_RGBA32: + case PixelFormat_BGRA32: + return 4; + + case PixelFormat_Float32: + assert(sizeof(float) == 4); + return 4; + + default: + throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_ParameterOutOfRange); + } + } + + + bool GetDicomEncoding(Encoding& encoding, + const char* specificCharacterSet) + { + std::string s = Toolbox::StripSpaces(specificCharacterSet); + Toolbox::ToUpperCase(s); + + // http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/html/part03.html#sect_C. + // https://github.com/dcm4che/dcm4che/blob/master/dcm4che-core/src/main/java/org/dcm4che3/data/SpecificCharacterSet.java + if (s == "ISO_IR 6" || + s == "ISO 2022 IR 6") + { + encoding = Encoding_Ascii; + } + else if (s == "ISO_IR 192") + { + encoding = Encoding_Utf8; + } + else if (s == "ISO_IR 100" || + s == "ISO 2022 IR 100") + { + encoding = Encoding_Latin1; + } + else if (s == "ISO_IR 101" || + s == "ISO 2022 IR 101") + { + encoding = Encoding_Latin2; + } + else if (s == "ISO_IR 109" || + s == "ISO 2022 IR 109") + { + encoding = Encoding_Latin3; + } + else if (s == "ISO_IR 110" || + s == "ISO 2022 IR 110") + { + encoding = Encoding_Latin4; + } + else if (s == "ISO_IR 148" || + s == "ISO 2022 IR 148") + { + encoding = Encoding_Latin5; + } + else if (s == "ISO_IR 144" || + s == "ISO 2022 IR 144") + { + encoding = Encoding_Cyrillic; + } + else if (s == "ISO_IR 127" || + s == "ISO 2022 IR 127") + { + encoding = Encoding_Arabic; + } + else if (s == "ISO_IR 126" || + s == "ISO 2022 IR 126") + { + encoding = Encoding_Greek; + } + else if (s == "ISO_IR 138" || + s == "ISO 2022 IR 138") + { + encoding = Encoding_Hebrew; + } + else if (s == "ISO_IR 166" || s == "ISO 2022 IR 166") + { + encoding = Encoding_Thai; + } + else if (s == "ISO_IR 13" || s == "ISO 2022 IR 13") + { + encoding = Encoding_Japanese; + } + else if (s == "GB18030") + { + encoding = Encoding_Chinese; + } + /* + else if (s == "ISO 2022 IR 149") + { + TODO + } + else if (s == "ISO 2022 IR 159") + { + TODO + } + else if (s == "ISO 2022 IR 87") + { + TODO + } + */ + else + { + return false; + } + + // The encoding was properly detected + return true; + } + + + ResourceType GetChildResourceType(ResourceType type) + { + switch (type) + { + case ResourceType_Patient: + return ResourceType_Study; + + case ResourceType_Study: + return ResourceType_Series; + + case ResourceType_Series: + return ResourceType_Instance; + + default: + throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_ParameterOutOfRange); + } + } + + + ResourceType GetParentResourceType(ResourceType type) + { + switch (type) + { + case ResourceType_Study: + return ResourceType_Patient; + + case ResourceType_Series: + return ResourceType_Study; + + case ResourceType_Instance: + return ResourceType_Series; + + default: + throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_ParameterOutOfRange); + } + } + + + DicomModule GetModule(ResourceType type) + { + switch (type) + { + case ResourceType_Patient: + return DicomModule_Patient; + + case ResourceType_Study: + return DicomModule_Study; + + case ResourceType_Series: + return DicomModule_Series; + + default: + throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_ParameterOutOfRange); + } + } + + + + const char* GetDicomSpecificCharacterSet(Encoding encoding) + { + // http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/html/part03.html#sect_C. + switch (encoding) + { + case Encoding_Ascii: + return "ISO_IR 6"; + + case Encoding_Utf8: + return "ISO_IR 192"; + + case Encoding_Latin1: + return "ISO_IR 100"; + + case Encoding_Latin2: + return "ISO_IR 101"; + + case Encoding_Latin3: + return "ISO_IR 109"; + + case Encoding_Latin4: + return "ISO_IR 110"; + + case Encoding_Latin5: + return "ISO_IR 148"; + + case Encoding_Cyrillic: + return "ISO_IR 144"; + + case Encoding_Arabic: + return "ISO_IR 127"; + + case Encoding_Greek: + return "ISO_IR 126"; + + case Encoding_Hebrew: + return "ISO_IR 138"; + + case Encoding_Japanese: + return "ISO_IR 13"; + + case Encoding_Chinese: + return "GB18030"; + + case Encoding_Thai: + return "ISO_IR 166"; + + default: + throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_ParameterOutOfRange); + } + } + + + // This function is autogenerated by the script + // "Resources/GenerateErrorCodes.py" + HttpStatus ConvertErrorCodeToHttpStatus(ErrorCode error) + { + switch (error) + { + case ErrorCode_Success: + return HttpStatus_200_Ok; + + case ErrorCode_ParameterOutOfRange: + return HttpStatus_400_BadRequest; + + case ErrorCode_BadParameterType: + return HttpStatus_400_BadRequest; + + case ErrorCode_InexistentItem: + return HttpStatus_404_NotFound; + + case ErrorCode_BadRequest: + return HttpStatus_400_BadRequest; + + case ErrorCode_UriSyntax: + return HttpStatus_400_BadRequest; + + case ErrorCode_InexistentFile: + return HttpStatus_404_NotFound; + + case ErrorCode_BadFileFormat: + return HttpStatus_400_BadRequest; + + case ErrorCode_UnknownResource: + return HttpStatus_404_NotFound; + + case ErrorCode_InexistentTag: + return HttpStatus_404_NotFound; + + case ErrorCode_BadJson: + return HttpStatus_400_BadRequest; + + case ErrorCode_Unauthorized: + return HttpStatus_401_Unauthorized; + + case ErrorCode_NotAcceptable: + return HttpStatus_406_NotAcceptable; + + default: + return HttpStatus_500_InternalServerError; + } + } + + + bool IsUserContentType(FileContentType type) + { + return (type >= FileContentType_StartUser && + type <= FileContentType_EndUser); + } + + + bool IsBinaryValueRepresentation(ValueRepresentation vr) + { + // http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part05/sect_6.2.html + + switch (vr) + { + case ValueRepresentation_ApplicationEntity: // AE + case ValueRepresentation_AgeString: // AS + case ValueRepresentation_CodeString: // CS + case ValueRepresentation_Date: // DA + case ValueRepresentation_DecimalString: // DS + case ValueRepresentation_DateTime: // DT + case ValueRepresentation_IntegerString: // IS + case ValueRepresentation_LongString: // LO + case ValueRepresentation_LongText: // LT + case ValueRepresentation_PersonName: // PN + case ValueRepresentation_ShortString: // SH + case ValueRepresentation_ShortText: // ST + case ValueRepresentation_Time: // TM + case ValueRepresentation_UnlimitedCharacters: // UC + case ValueRepresentation_UniqueIdentifier: // UI (UID) + case ValueRepresentation_UniversalResource: // UR (URI or URL) + case ValueRepresentation_UnlimitedText: // UT + { + return false; + } + + /** + * Below are all the VR whose character repertoire is tagged as + * "not applicable" + **/ + case ValueRepresentation_AttributeTag: // AT (2 x uint16_t) + case ValueRepresentation_FloatingPointSingle: // FL (float) + case ValueRepresentation_FloatingPointDouble: // FD (double) + case ValueRepresentation_OtherByte: // OB + case ValueRepresentation_OtherDouble: // OD + case ValueRepresentation_OtherFloat: // OF + case ValueRepresentation_OtherLong: // OL + case ValueRepresentation_OtherWord: // OW + case ValueRepresentation_SignedLong: // SL (int32_t) + case ValueRepresentation_Sequence: // SQ + case ValueRepresentation_SignedShort: // SS (int16_t) + case ValueRepresentation_UnsignedLong: // UL (uint32_t) + case ValueRepresentation_Unknown: // UN + case ValueRepresentation_UnsignedShort: // US (uint16_t) + { + return true; + } + + case ValueRepresentation_NotSupported: + default: + throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_ParameterOutOfRange); + } + } +} diff -r decac5df19c4 -r d5d3cb00556a Resources/Orthanc/Core/Enumerations.h --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/Resources/Orthanc/Core/Enumerations.h Wed Mar 22 16:13:52 2017 +0100 @@ -0,0 +1,545 @@ +/** + * Orthanc - A Lightweight, RESTful DICOM Store + * Copyright (C) 2012-2016 Sebastien Jodogne, Medical Physics + * Department, University Hospital of Liege, Belgium + * Copyright (C) 2017 Osimis, Belgium + * + * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as + * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the + * License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders of this + * program give permission to link the code of its release with the + * OpenSSL project's "OpenSSL" library (or with modified versions of it + * that use the same license as the "OpenSSL" library), and distribute + * the linked executables. You must obey the GNU General Public License + * in all respects for all of the code used other than "OpenSSL". If you + * modify file(s) with this exception, you may extend this exception to + * your version of the file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If + * you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your + * version. If you delete this exception statement from all source files + * in the program, then also delete it here. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but + * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + **/ + + +#pragma once + +#include + +namespace Orthanc +{ + enum Endianness + { + Endianness_Unknown, + Endianness_Big, + Endianness_Little + }; + + // This enumeration is autogenerated by the script + // "Resources/GenerateErrorCodes.py" + enum ErrorCode + { + ErrorCode_InternalError = -1 /*!< Internal error */, + ErrorCode_Success = 0 /*!< Success */, + ErrorCode_Plugin = 1 /*!< Error encountered within the plugin engine */, + ErrorCode_NotImplemented = 2 /*!< Not implemented yet */, + ErrorCode_ParameterOutOfRange = 3 /*!< Parameter out of range */, + ErrorCode_NotEnoughMemory = 4 /*!< The server hosting Orthanc is running out of memory */, + ErrorCode_BadParameterType = 5 /*!< Bad type for a parameter */, + ErrorCode_BadSequenceOfCalls = 6 /*!< Bad sequence of calls */, + ErrorCode_InexistentItem = 7 /*!< Accessing an inexistent item */, + ErrorCode_BadRequest = 8 /*!< Bad request */, + ErrorCode_NetworkProtocol = 9 /*!< Error in the network protocol */, + ErrorCode_SystemCommand = 10 /*!< Error while calling a system command */, + ErrorCode_Database = 11 /*!< Error with the database engine */, + ErrorCode_UriSyntax = 12 /*!< Badly formatted URI */, + ErrorCode_InexistentFile = 13 /*!< Inexistent file */, + ErrorCode_CannotWriteFile = 14 /*!< Cannot write to file */, + ErrorCode_BadFileFormat = 15 /*!< Bad file format */, + ErrorCode_Timeout = 16 /*!< Timeout */, + ErrorCode_UnknownResource = 17 /*!< Unknown resource */, + ErrorCode_IncompatibleDatabaseVersion = 18 /*!< Incompatible version of the database */, + ErrorCode_FullStorage = 19 /*!< The file storage is full */, + ErrorCode_CorruptedFile = 20 /*!< Corrupted file (e.g. inconsistent MD5 hash) */, + ErrorCode_InexistentTag = 21 /*!< Inexistent tag */, + ErrorCode_ReadOnly = 22 /*!< Cannot modify a read-only data structure */, + ErrorCode_IncompatibleImageFormat = 23 /*!< Incompatible format of the images */, + ErrorCode_IncompatibleImageSize = 24 /*!< Incompatible size of the images */, + ErrorCode_SharedLibrary = 25 /*!< Error while using a shared library (plugin) */, + ErrorCode_UnknownPluginService = 26 /*!< Plugin invoking an unknown service */, + ErrorCode_UnknownDicomTag = 27 /*!< Unknown DICOM tag */, + ErrorCode_BadJson = 28 /*!< Cannot parse a JSON document */, + ErrorCode_Unauthorized = 29 /*!< Bad credentials were provided to an HTTP request */, + ErrorCode_BadFont = 30 /*!< Badly formatted font file */, + ErrorCode_DatabasePlugin = 31 /*!< The plugin implementing a custom database back-end does not fulfill the proper interface */, + ErrorCode_StorageAreaPlugin = 32 /*!< Error in the plugin implementing a custom storage area */, + ErrorCode_EmptyRequest = 33 /*!< The request is empty */, + ErrorCode_NotAcceptable = 34 /*!< Cannot send a response which is acceptable according to the Accept HTTP header */, + ErrorCode_NullPointer = 35 /*!< Cannot handle a NULL pointer */, + ErrorCode_SQLiteNotOpened = 1000 /*!< SQLite: The database is not opened */, + ErrorCode_SQLiteAlreadyOpened = 1001 /*!< SQLite: Connection is already open */, + ErrorCode_SQLiteCannotOpen = 1002 /*!< SQLite: Unable to open the database */, + ErrorCode_SQLiteStatementAlreadyUsed = 1003 /*!< SQLite: This cached statement is already being referred to */, + ErrorCode_SQLiteExecute = 1004 /*!< SQLite: Cannot execute a command */, + ErrorCode_SQLiteRollbackWithoutTransaction = 1005 /*!< SQLite: Rolling back a nonexistent transaction (have you called Begin()?) */, + ErrorCode_SQLiteCommitWithoutTransaction = 1006 /*!< SQLite: Committing a nonexistent transaction */, + ErrorCode_SQLiteRegisterFunction = 1007 /*!< SQLite: Unable to register a function */, + ErrorCode_SQLiteFlush = 1008 /*!< SQLite: Unable to flush the database */, + ErrorCode_SQLiteCannotRun = 1009 /*!< SQLite: Cannot run a cached statement */, + ErrorCode_SQLiteCannotStep = 1010 /*!< SQLite: Cannot step over a cached statement */, + ErrorCode_SQLiteBindOutOfRange = 1011 /*!< SQLite: Bing a value while out of range (serious error) */, + ErrorCode_SQLitePrepareStatement = 1012 /*!< SQLite: Cannot prepare a cached statement */, + ErrorCode_SQLiteTransactionAlreadyStarted = 1013 /*!< SQLite: Beginning the same transaction twice */, + ErrorCode_SQLiteTransactionCommit = 1014 /*!< SQLite: Failure when committing the transaction */, + ErrorCode_SQLiteTransactionBegin = 1015 /*!< SQLite: Cannot start a transaction */, + ErrorCode_DirectoryOverFile = 2000 /*!< The directory to be created is already occupied by a regular file */, + ErrorCode_FileStorageCannotWrite = 2001 /*!< Unable to create a subdirectory or a file in the file storage */, + ErrorCode_DirectoryExpected = 2002 /*!< The specified path does not point to a directory */, + ErrorCode_HttpPortInUse = 2003 /*!< The TCP port of the HTTP server is privileged or already in use */, + ErrorCode_DicomPortInUse = 2004 /*!< The TCP port of the DICOM server is privileged or already in use */, + ErrorCode_BadHttpStatusInRest = 2005 /*!< This HTTP status is not allowed in a REST API */, + ErrorCode_RegularFileExpected = 2006 /*!< The specified path does not point to a regular file */, + ErrorCode_PathToExecutable = 2007 /*!< Unable to get the path to the executable */, + ErrorCode_MakeDirectory = 2008 /*!< Cannot create a directory */, + ErrorCode_BadApplicationEntityTitle = 2009 /*!< An application entity title (AET) cannot be empty or be longer than 16 characters */, + ErrorCode_NoCFindHandler = 2010 /*!< No request handler factory for DICOM C-FIND SCP */, + ErrorCode_NoCMoveHandler = 2011 /*!< No request handler factory for DICOM C-MOVE SCP */, + ErrorCode_NoCStoreHandler = 2012 /*!< No request handler factory for DICOM C-STORE SCP */, + ErrorCode_NoApplicationEntityFilter = 2013 /*!< No application entity filter */, + ErrorCode_NoSopClassOrInstance = 2014 /*!< DicomUserConnection: Unable to find the SOP class and instance */, + ErrorCode_NoPresentationContext = 2015 /*!< DicomUserConnection: No acceptable presentation context for modality */, + ErrorCode_DicomFindUnavailable = 2016 /*!< DicomUserConnection: The C-FIND command is not supported by the remote SCP */, + ErrorCode_DicomMoveUnavailable = 2017 /*!< DicomUserConnection: The C-MOVE command is not supported by the remote SCP */, + ErrorCode_CannotStoreInstance = 2018 /*!< Cannot store an instance */, + ErrorCode_CreateDicomNotString = 2019 /*!< Only string values are supported when creating DICOM instances */, + ErrorCode_CreateDicomOverrideTag = 2020 /*!< Trying to override a value inherited from a parent module */, + ErrorCode_CreateDicomUseContent = 2021 /*!< Use \"Content\" to inject an image into a new DICOM instance */, + ErrorCode_CreateDicomNoPayload = 2022 /*!< No payload is present for one instance in the series */, + ErrorCode_CreateDicomUseDataUriScheme = 2023 /*!< The payload of the DICOM instance must be specified according to Data URI scheme */, + ErrorCode_CreateDicomBadParent = 2024 /*!< Trying to attach a new DICOM instance to an inexistent resource */, + ErrorCode_CreateDicomParentIsInstance = 2025 /*!< Trying to attach a new DICOM instance to an instance (must be a series, study or patient) */, + ErrorCode_CreateDicomParentEncoding = 2026 /*!< Unable to get the encoding of the parent resource */, + ErrorCode_UnknownModality = 2027 /*!< Unknown modality */, + ErrorCode_BadJobOrdering = 2028 /*!< Bad ordering of filters in a job */, + ErrorCode_JsonToLuaTable = 2029 /*!< Cannot convert the given JSON object to a Lua table */, + ErrorCode_CannotCreateLua = 2030 /*!< Cannot create the Lua context */, + ErrorCode_CannotExecuteLua = 2031 /*!< Cannot execute a Lua command */, + ErrorCode_LuaAlreadyExecuted = 2032 /*!< Arguments cannot be pushed after the Lua function is executed */, + ErrorCode_LuaBadOutput = 2033 /*!< The Lua function does not give the expected number of outputs */, + ErrorCode_NotLuaPredicate = 2034 /*!< The Lua function is not a predicate (only true/false outputs allowed) */, + ErrorCode_LuaReturnsNoString = 2035 /*!< The Lua function does not return a string */, + ErrorCode_StorageAreaAlreadyRegistered = 2036 /*!< Another plugin has already registered a custom storage area */, + ErrorCode_DatabaseBackendAlreadyRegistered = 2037 /*!< Another plugin has already registered a custom database back-end */, + ErrorCode_DatabaseNotInitialized = 2038 /*!< Plugin trying to call the database during its initialization */, + ErrorCode_SslDisabled = 2039 /*!< Orthanc has been built without SSL support */, + ErrorCode_CannotOrderSlices = 2040 /*!< Unable to order the slices of the series */, + ErrorCode_NoWorklistHandler = 2041 /*!< No request handler factory for DICOM C-Find Modality SCP */, + ErrorCode_AlreadyExistingTag = 2042 /*!< Cannot override the value of a tag that already exists */, + ErrorCode_START_PLUGINS = 1000000 + }; + + enum LogLevel + { + LogLevel_Error, + LogLevel_Warning, + LogLevel_Info, + LogLevel_Trace + }; + + + /** + * {summary}{The memory layout of the pixels (resp. voxels) of a 2D (resp. 3D) image.} + **/ + enum PixelFormat + { + /** + * {summary}{Color image in RGB24 format.} + * {description}{This format describes a color image. The pixels are stored in 3 + * consecutive bytes. The memory layout is RGB.} + **/ + PixelFormat_RGB24 = 1, + + /** + * {summary}{Color image in RGBA32 format.} + * {description}{This format describes a color image. The pixels are stored in 4 + * consecutive bytes. The memory layout is RGBA.} + **/ + PixelFormat_RGBA32 = 2, + + /** + * {summary}{Graylevel 8bpp image.} + * {description}{The image is graylevel. Each pixel is unsigned and stored in one byte.} + **/ + PixelFormat_Grayscale8 = 3, + + /** + * {summary}{Graylevel, unsigned 16bpp image.} + * {description}{The image is graylevel. Each pixel is unsigned and stored in two bytes.} + **/ + PixelFormat_Grayscale16 = 4, + + /** + * {summary}{Graylevel, signed 16bpp image.} + * {description}{The image is graylevel. Each pixel is signed and stored in two bytes.} + **/ + PixelFormat_SignedGrayscale16 = 5, + + /** + * {summary}{Graylevel, floating-point image.} + * {description}{The image is graylevel. Each pixel is floating-point and stored in 4 bytes.} + **/ + PixelFormat_Float32 = 6, + + // This is the memory layout for Cairo + PixelFormat_BGRA32 = 7 + }; + + + /** + * {summary}{The extraction mode specifies the way the values of the pixels are scaled when downloading a 2D image.} + **/ + enum ImageExtractionMode + { + /** + * {summary}{Rescaled to 8bpp.} + * {description}{The minimum value of the image is set to 0, and its maximum value is set to 255.} + **/ + ImageExtractionMode_Preview = 1, + + /** + * {summary}{Truncation to the [0, 255] range.} + **/ + ImageExtractionMode_UInt8 = 2, + + /** + * {summary}{Truncation to the [0, 65535] range.} + **/ + ImageExtractionMode_UInt16 = 3, + + /** + * {summary}{Truncation to the [-32768, 32767] range.} + **/ + ImageExtractionMode_Int16 = 4 + }; + + + /** + * Most common, non-joke and non-experimental HTTP status codes + * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_HTTP_status_codes + **/ + enum HttpStatus + { + HttpStatus_None = -1, + + // 1xx Informational + HttpStatus_100_Continue = 100, + HttpStatus_101_SwitchingProtocols = 101, + HttpStatus_102_Processing = 102, + + // 2xx Success + HttpStatus_200_Ok = 200, + HttpStatus_201_Created = 201, + HttpStatus_202_Accepted = 202, + HttpStatus_203_NonAuthoritativeInformation = 203, + HttpStatus_204_NoContent = 204, + HttpStatus_205_ResetContent = 205, + HttpStatus_206_PartialContent = 206, + HttpStatus_207_MultiStatus = 207, + HttpStatus_208_AlreadyReported = 208, + HttpStatus_226_IMUsed = 226, + + // 3xx Redirection + HttpStatus_300_MultipleChoices = 300, + HttpStatus_301_MovedPermanently = 301, + HttpStatus_302_Found = 302, + HttpStatus_303_SeeOther = 303, + HttpStatus_304_NotModified = 304, + HttpStatus_305_UseProxy = 305, + HttpStatus_307_TemporaryRedirect = 307, + + // 4xx Client Error + HttpStatus_400_BadRequest = 400, + HttpStatus_401_Unauthorized = 401, + HttpStatus_402_PaymentRequired = 402, + HttpStatus_403_Forbidden = 403, + HttpStatus_404_NotFound = 404, + HttpStatus_405_MethodNotAllowed = 405, + HttpStatus_406_NotAcceptable = 406, + HttpStatus_407_ProxyAuthenticationRequired = 407, + HttpStatus_408_RequestTimeout = 408, + HttpStatus_409_Conflict = 409, + HttpStatus_410_Gone = 410, + HttpStatus_411_LengthRequired = 411, + HttpStatus_412_PreconditionFailed = 412, + HttpStatus_413_RequestEntityTooLarge = 413, + HttpStatus_414_RequestUriTooLong = 414, + HttpStatus_415_UnsupportedMediaType = 415, + HttpStatus_416_RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable = 416, + HttpStatus_417_ExpectationFailed = 417, + HttpStatus_422_UnprocessableEntity = 422, + HttpStatus_423_Locked = 423, + HttpStatus_424_FailedDependency = 424, + HttpStatus_426_UpgradeRequired = 426, + + // 5xx Server Error + HttpStatus_500_InternalServerError = 500, + HttpStatus_501_NotImplemented = 501, + HttpStatus_502_BadGateway = 502, + HttpStatus_503_ServiceUnavailable = 503, + HttpStatus_504_GatewayTimeout = 504, + HttpStatus_505_HttpVersionNotSupported = 505, + HttpStatus_506_VariantAlsoNegotiates = 506, + HttpStatus_507_InsufficientStorage = 507, + HttpStatus_509_BandwidthLimitExceeded = 509, + HttpStatus_510_NotExtended = 510 + }; + + + enum HttpMethod + { + HttpMethod_Get = 0, + HttpMethod_Post = 1, + HttpMethod_Delete = 2, + HttpMethod_Put = 3 + }; + + + enum ImageFormat + { + ImageFormat_Png = 1 + }; + + + // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP_compression + enum HttpCompression + { + HttpCompression_None, + HttpCompression_Deflate, + HttpCompression_Gzip + }; + + + // Specific Character Sets + // http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/html/part03.html#sect_C. + enum Encoding + { + Encoding_Ascii, + Encoding_Utf8, + Encoding_Latin1, + Encoding_Latin2, + Encoding_Latin3, + Encoding_Latin4, + Encoding_Latin5, // Turkish + Encoding_Cyrillic, + Encoding_Windows1251, // Windows-1251 (commonly used for Cyrillic) + Encoding_Arabic, + Encoding_Greek, + Encoding_Hebrew, + Encoding_Thai, // TIS 620-2533 + Encoding_Japanese, // JIS X 0201 (Shift JIS): Katakana + Encoding_Chinese // GB18030 - Chinese simplified + //Encoding_JapaneseKanji, // Multibyte - JIS X 0208: Kanji + //Encoding_JapaneseSupplementaryKanji, // Multibyte - JIS X 0212: Supplementary Kanji set + //Encoding_Korean, // Multibyte - KS X 1001: Hangul and Hanja + }; + + + // http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/html/part03.html#sect_C. + enum PhotometricInterpretation + { + PhotometricInterpretation_ARGB, // Retired + PhotometricInterpretation_CMYK, // Retired + PhotometricInterpretation_HSV, // Retired + PhotometricInterpretation_Monochrome1, + PhotometricInterpretation_Monochrome2, + PhotometricInterpretation_Palette, + PhotometricInterpretation_RGB, + PhotometricInterpretation_YBRFull, + PhotometricInterpretation_YBRFull422, + PhotometricInterpretation_YBRPartial420, + PhotometricInterpretation_YBRPartial422, + PhotometricInterpretation_YBR_ICT, + PhotometricInterpretation_YBR_RCT, + PhotometricInterpretation_Unknown + }; + + enum DicomModule + { + DicomModule_Patient, + DicomModule_Study, + DicomModule_Series, + DicomModule_Instance, + DicomModule_Image + }; + + enum RequestOrigin + { + RequestOrigin_Unknown, + RequestOrigin_DicomProtocol, + RequestOrigin_RestApi, + RequestOrigin_Plugins, + RequestOrigin_Lua + }; + + enum ServerBarrierEvent + { + ServerBarrierEvent_Stop, + ServerBarrierEvent_Reload // SIGHUP signal: reload configuration file + }; + + enum FileMode + { + FileMode_ReadBinary, + FileMode_WriteBinary + }; + + /** + * The value representations Orthanc knows about. They correspond to + * the DICOM 2016b version of the standard. + * http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part05/sect_6.2.html + **/ + enum ValueRepresentation + { + ValueRepresentation_ApplicationEntity = 1, // AE + ValueRepresentation_AgeString = 2, // AS + ValueRepresentation_AttributeTag = 3, // AT (2 x uint16_t) + ValueRepresentation_CodeString = 4, // CS + ValueRepresentation_Date = 5, // DA + ValueRepresentation_DecimalString = 6, // DS + ValueRepresentation_DateTime = 7, // DT + ValueRepresentation_FloatingPointSingle = 8, // FL (float) + ValueRepresentation_FloatingPointDouble = 9, // FD (double) + ValueRepresentation_IntegerString = 10, // IS + ValueRepresentation_LongString = 11, // LO + ValueRepresentation_LongText = 12, // LT + ValueRepresentation_OtherByte = 13, // OB + ValueRepresentation_OtherDouble = 14, // OD + ValueRepresentation_OtherFloat = 15, // OF + ValueRepresentation_OtherLong = 16, // OL + ValueRepresentation_OtherWord = 17, // OW + ValueRepresentation_PersonName = 18, // PN + ValueRepresentation_ShortString = 19, // SH + ValueRepresentation_SignedLong = 20, // SL (int32_t) + ValueRepresentation_Sequence = 21, // SQ + ValueRepresentation_SignedShort = 22, // SS (int16_t) + ValueRepresentation_ShortText = 23, // ST + ValueRepresentation_Time = 24, // TM + ValueRepresentation_UnlimitedCharacters = 25, // UC + ValueRepresentation_UniqueIdentifier = 26, // UI (UID) + ValueRepresentation_UnsignedLong = 27, // UL (uint32_t) + ValueRepresentation_Unknown = 28, // UN + ValueRepresentation_UniversalResource = 29, // UR (URI or URL) + ValueRepresentation_UnsignedShort = 30, // US (uint16_t) + ValueRepresentation_UnlimitedText = 31, // UT + ValueRepresentation_NotSupported // Not supported by Orthanc, or tag not in dictionary + }; + + + /** + * WARNING: Do not change the explicit values in the enumerations + * below this point. This would result in incompatible databases + * between versions of Orthanc! + **/ + + enum CompressionType + { + /** + * Buffer/file that is stored as-is, in a raw fashion, without + * compression. + **/ + CompressionType_None = 1, + + /** + * Buffer that is compressed using the "deflate" algorithm (RFC + * 1951), wrapped inside the zlib data format (RFC 1950), prefixed + * with a "uint64_t" (8 bytes) that encodes the size of the + * uncompressed buffer. If the compressed buffer is empty, its + * represents an empty uncompressed buffer. This format is + * internal to Orthanc. If the 8 first bytes are skipped AND the + * buffer is non-empty, the buffer is compatible with the + * "deflate" HTTP compression. + **/ + CompressionType_ZlibWithSize = 2 + }; + + enum FileContentType + { + // If you add a value below, insert it in "PluginStorageArea" in + // the file "Plugins/Engine/OrthancPlugins.cpp" + FileContentType_Unknown = 0, + FileContentType_Dicom = 1, + FileContentType_DicomAsJson = 2, + + // Make sure that the value "65535" can be stored into this enumeration + FileContentType_StartUser = 1024, + FileContentType_EndUser = 65535 + }; + + enum ResourceType + { + ResourceType_Patient = 1, + ResourceType_Study = 2, + ResourceType_Series = 3, + ResourceType_Instance = 4 + }; + + + const char* EnumerationToString(ErrorCode code); + + const char* EnumerationToString(HttpMethod method); + + const char* EnumerationToString(HttpStatus status); + + const char* EnumerationToString(ResourceType type); + + const char* EnumerationToString(ImageFormat format); + + const char* EnumerationToString(Encoding encoding); + + const char* EnumerationToString(PhotometricInterpretation photometric); + + const char* EnumerationToString(LogLevel level); + + const char* EnumerationToString(RequestOrigin origin); + + const char* EnumerationToString(PixelFormat format); + + Encoding StringToEncoding(const char* encoding); + + ResourceType StringToResourceType(const char* type); + + ImageFormat StringToImageFormat(const char* format); + + LogLevel StringToLogLevel(const char* level); + + ValueRepresentation StringToValueRepresentation(const std::string& vr, + bool throwIfUnsupported); + + unsigned int GetBytesPerPixel(PixelFormat format); + + bool GetDicomEncoding(Encoding& encoding, + const char* specificCharacterSet); + + ResourceType GetChildResourceType(ResourceType type); + + ResourceType GetParentResourceType(ResourceType type); + + DicomModule GetModule(ResourceType type); + + const char* GetDicomSpecificCharacterSet(Encoding encoding); + + HttpStatus ConvertErrorCodeToHttpStatus(ErrorCode error); + + bool IsUserContentType(FileContentType type); + + bool IsBinaryValueRepresentation(ValueRepresentation vr); +} diff -r decac5df19c4 -r d5d3cb00556a Resources/Orthanc/Core/Logging.cpp --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/Resources/Orthanc/Core/Logging.cpp Wed Mar 22 16:13:52 2017 +0100 @@ -0,0 +1,543 @@ +/** + * Orthanc - A Lightweight, RESTful DICOM Store + * Copyright (C) 2012-2016 Sebastien Jodogne, Medical Physics + * Department, University Hospital of Liege, Belgium + * Copyright (C) 2017 Osimis, Belgium + * + * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as + * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the + * License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders of this + * program give permission to link the code of its release with the + * OpenSSL project's "OpenSSL" library (or with modified versions of it + * that use the same license as the "OpenSSL" library), and distribute + * the linked executables. You must obey the GNU General Public License + * in all respects for all of the code used other than "OpenSSL". If you + * modify file(s) with this exception, you may extend this exception to + * your version of the file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If + * you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your + * version. If you delete this exception statement from all source files + * in the program, then also delete it here. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but + * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + **/ + + +#include "PrecompiledHeaders.h" +#include "Logging.h" + +#if ORTHANC_ENABLE_LOGGING != 1 + +namespace Orthanc +{ + namespace Logging + { + void Initialize() + { + } + + void Finalize() + { + } + + void Reset() + { + } + + void Flush() + { + } + + void EnableInfoLevel(bool enabled) + { + } + + void EnableTraceLevel(bool enabled) + { + } + + void SetTargetFile(const std::string& path) + { + } + + void SetTargetFolder(const std::string& path) + { + } + } +} + + +#elif ORTHANC_ENABLE_LOGGING_PLUGIN == 1 + +/********************************************************* + * Logger compatible with the Orthanc plugin SDK + *********************************************************/ + +#include + +namespace Orthanc +{ + namespace Logging + { + static OrthancPluginContext* context_ = NULL; + + void Initialize(OrthancPluginContext* context) + { + context_ = context; + } + + InternalLogger::InternalLogger(const char* level, + const char* file /* ignored */, + int line /* ignored */) : + level_(level) + { + } + + InternalLogger::~InternalLogger() + { + if (context_ != NULL) + { + if (level_ == "ERROR") + { + OrthancPluginLogError(context_, message_.c_str()); + } + else if (level_ == "WARNING") + { + OrthancPluginLogWarning(context_, message_.c_str()); + } + else if (level_ == "INFO") + { + OrthancPluginLogInfo(context_, message_.c_str()); + } + else + { + std::string s = "Unknown log level (" + level_ + ") for message: " + message_; + OrthancPluginLogError(context_, s.c_str()); + } + } + } + + InternalLogger& InternalLogger::operator<< (const std::string& message) + { + message_ += message; + return *this; + } + + InternalLogger& InternalLogger::operator<< (const char* message) + { + message_ += std::string(message); + return *this; + } + + InternalLogger& InternalLogger::operator<< (int message) + { + message_ += boost::lexical_cast(message); + return *this; + } + } +} + + +#else /* ORTHANC_ENABLE_LOGGING_PLUGIN == 0 && ORTHANC_ENABLE_LOGGING == 1 */ + +/********************************************************* + * Internal logger of Orthanc, that mimics some + * behavior from Google Log. + *********************************************************/ + +#include "OrthancException.h" +#include "Enumerations.h" +#include "Toolbox.h" +#include "SystemToolbox.h" + +#include +#include +#include + +#if BOOST_HAS_DATE_TIME == 1 +# include +#else +# error Boost::date_time is required +#endif + + +namespace +{ + struct LoggingContext + { + bool infoEnabled_; + bool traceEnabled_; + std::string targetFile_; + std::string targetFolder_; + + std::ostream* error_; + std::ostream* warning_; + std::ostream* info_; + + std::auto_ptr file_; + + LoggingContext() : + infoEnabled_(false), + traceEnabled_(false), + error_(&std::cerr), + warning_(&std::cerr), + info_(&std::cerr) + { + } + }; +} + + + +static std::auto_ptr loggingContext_; +static boost::mutex loggingMutex_; + + + +namespace Orthanc +{ + namespace Logging + { + static void GetLogPath(boost::filesystem::path& log, + boost::filesystem::path& link, + const std::string& suffix, + const std::string& directory) + { + /** + From Google Log documentation: + + Unless otherwise specified, logs will be written to the filename + "...log.", + followed by the date, time, and pid (you can't prevent the date, + time, and pid from being in the filename). + + In this implementation : "hostname" and "username" are not used + **/ + + boost::posix_time::ptime now = boost::posix_time::second_clock::local_time(); + boost::filesystem::path root(directory); + boost::filesystem::path exe(SystemToolbox::GetPathToExecutable()); + + if (!boost::filesystem::exists(root) || + !boost::filesystem::is_directory(root)) + { + throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_CannotWriteFile); + } + + char date[64]; + sprintf(date, "%04d%02d%02d-%02d%02d%02d.%d", + static_cast(now.date().year()), + now.date().month().as_number(), + now.date().day().as_number(), + now.time_of_day().hours(), + now.time_of_day().minutes(), + now.time_of_day().seconds(), + SystemToolbox::GetProcessId()); + + std::string programName = exe.filename().replace_extension("").string(); + + log = (root / (programName + ".log" + suffix + "." + std::string(date))); + link = (root / (programName + ".log" + suffix)); + } + + + static void PrepareLogFolder(std::auto_ptr& file, + const std::string& suffix, + const std::string& directory) + { + boost::filesystem::path log, link; + GetLogPath(log, link, suffix, directory); + +#if !defined(_WIN32) && (defined(__unix__) || defined(__unix) || (defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__))) + boost::filesystem::remove(link); + boost::filesystem::create_symlink(log.filename(), link); +#endif + + file.reset(new std::ofstream(log.string().c_str())); + } + + + void Initialize() + { + boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(loggingMutex_); + loggingContext_.reset(new LoggingContext); + } + + void Finalize() + { + boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(loggingMutex_); + loggingContext_.reset(NULL); + } + + void Reset() + { + // Recover the old logging context + std::auto_ptr old; + + { + boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(loggingMutex_); + if (loggingContext_.get() == NULL) + { + return; + } + else + { + old = loggingContext_; + + // Create a new logging context, + loggingContext_.reset(new LoggingContext); + } + } + + EnableInfoLevel(old->infoEnabled_); + EnableTraceLevel(old->traceEnabled_); + + if (!old->targetFolder_.empty()) + { + SetTargetFolder(old->targetFolder_); + } + else if (!old->targetFile_.empty()) + { + SetTargetFile(old->targetFile_); + } + } + + void EnableInfoLevel(bool enabled) + { + boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(loggingMutex_); + assert(loggingContext_.get() != NULL); + + loggingContext_->infoEnabled_ = enabled; + + if (!enabled) + { + // Also disable the "TRACE" level when info-level debugging is disabled + loggingContext_->traceEnabled_ = false; + } + } + + void EnableTraceLevel(bool enabled) + { + boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(loggingMutex_); + assert(loggingContext_.get() != NULL); + + loggingContext_->traceEnabled_ = enabled; + + if (enabled) + { + // Also enable the "INFO" level when trace-level debugging is enabled + loggingContext_->infoEnabled_ = true; + } + } + + + static void CheckFile(std::auto_ptr& f) + { + if (loggingContext_->file_.get() == NULL || + !loggingContext_->file_->is_open()) + { + throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_CannotWriteFile); + } + } + + void SetTargetFolder(const std::string& path) + { + boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(loggingMutex_); + assert(loggingContext_.get() != NULL); + + PrepareLogFolder(loggingContext_->file_, "" /* no suffix */, path); + CheckFile(loggingContext_->file_); + + loggingContext_->targetFile_.clear(); + loggingContext_->targetFolder_ = path; + loggingContext_->warning_ = loggingContext_->file_.get(); + loggingContext_->error_ = loggingContext_->file_.get(); + loggingContext_->info_ = loggingContext_->file_.get(); + } + + + void SetTargetFile(const std::string& path) + { + boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(loggingMutex_); + assert(loggingContext_.get() != NULL); + + loggingContext_->file_.reset(new std::ofstream(path.c_str(), std::fstream::app)); + CheckFile(loggingContext_->file_); + + loggingContext_->targetFile_ = path; + loggingContext_->targetFolder_.clear(); + loggingContext_->warning_ = loggingContext_->file_.get(); + loggingContext_->error_ = loggingContext_->file_.get(); + loggingContext_->info_ = loggingContext_->file_.get(); + } + + + InternalLogger::InternalLogger(const char* level, + const char* file, + int line) : + lock_(loggingMutex_), + stream_(&null_) // By default, logging to "/dev/null" is simulated + { + if (loggingContext_.get() == NULL) + { + fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Trying to log a message after the finalization of the logging engine\n"); + return; + } + + try + { + LogLevel l = StringToLogLevel(level); + + if ((l == LogLevel_Info && !loggingContext_->infoEnabled_) || + (l == LogLevel_Trace && !loggingContext_->traceEnabled_)) + { + // This logging level is disabled, directly exit and unlock + // the mutex to speed-up things. The stream is set to "/dev/null" + lock_.unlock(); + return; + } + + // Compute the header of the line, temporary release the lock as + // this is a time-consuming operation + lock_.unlock(); + std::string header; + + { + boost::filesystem::path path(file); + boost::posix_time::ptime now = boost::posix_time::microsec_clock::local_time(); + boost::posix_time::time_duration duration = now.time_of_day(); + + /** + From Google Log documentation: + + "Log lines have this form: + + Lmmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu threadid file:line] msg... + + where the fields are defined as follows: + + L A single character, representing the log level (eg 'I' for INFO) + mm The month (zero padded; ie May is '05') + dd The day (zero padded) + hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu Time in hours, minutes and fractional seconds + threadid The space-padded thread ID as returned by GetTID() (this matches the PID on Linux) + file The file name + line The line number + msg The user-supplied message" + + In this implementation, "threadid" is not printed. + **/ + + char date[32]; + sprintf(date, "%c%02d%02d %02d:%02d:%02d.%06d ", + level[0], + now.date().month().as_number(), + now.date().day().as_number(), + duration.hours(), + duration.minutes(), + duration.seconds(), + static_cast(duration.fractional_seconds())); + + header = std::string(date) + path.filename().string() + ":" + boost::lexical_cast(line) + "] "; + } + + + // The header is computed, we now re-lock the mutex to access + // the stream objects. Pay attention that "loggingContext_", + // "infoEnabled_" or "traceEnabled_" might have changed while + // the mutex was unlocked. + lock_.lock(); + + if (loggingContext_.get() == NULL) + { + fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Trying to log a message after the finalization of the logging engine\n"); + return; + } + + switch (l) + { + case LogLevel_Error: + stream_ = loggingContext_->error_; + break; + + case LogLevel_Warning: + stream_ = loggingContext_->warning_; + break; + + case LogLevel_Info: + if (loggingContext_->infoEnabled_) + { + stream_ = loggingContext_->info_; + } + + break; + + case LogLevel_Trace: + if (loggingContext_->traceEnabled_) + { + stream_ = loggingContext_->info_; + } + + break; + + default: + throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_InternalError); + } + + if (stream_ == &null_) + { + // The logging is disabled for this level. The stream is the + // "null_" member of this object, so we can release the global + // mutex. + lock_.unlock(); + } + + (*stream_) << header; + } + catch (...) + { + // Something is going really wrong, probably running out of + // memory. Fallback to a degraded mode. + stream_ = loggingContext_->error_; + (*stream_) << "E???? ??:??:??.?????? ] "; + } + } + + + InternalLogger::~InternalLogger() + { + if (stream_ != &null_) + { +#if defined(_WIN32) + *stream_ << "\r\n"; +#else + *stream_ << "\n"; +#endif + + stream_->flush(); + } + } + + + void Flush() + { + boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(loggingMutex_); + + if (loggingContext_.get() != NULL && + loggingContext_->file_.get() != NULL) + { + loggingContext_->file_->flush(); + } + } + } +} + +#endif // ORTHANC_ENABLE_LOGGING diff -r decac5df19c4 -r d5d3cb00556a Resources/Orthanc/Core/Logging.h --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/Resources/Orthanc/Core/Logging.h Wed Mar 22 16:13:52 2017 +0100 @@ -0,0 +1,178 @@ +/** + * Orthanc - A Lightweight, RESTful DICOM Store + * Copyright (C) 2012-2016 Sebastien Jodogne, Medical Physics + * Department, University Hospital of Liege, Belgium + * Copyright (C) 2017 Osimis, Belgium + * + * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as + * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the + * License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders of this + * program give permission to link the code of its release with the + * OpenSSL project's "OpenSSL" library (or with modified versions of it + * that use the same license as the "OpenSSL" library), and distribute + * the linked executables. You must obey the GNU General Public License + * in all respects for all of the code used other than "OpenSSL". If you + * modify file(s) with this exception, you may extend this exception to + * your version of the file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If + * you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your + * version. If you delete this exception statement from all source files + * in the program, then also delete it here. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but + * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + **/ + + +#pragma once + +#include + +#if !defined(ORTHANC_ENABLE_LOGGING) +# error The macro ORTHANC_ENABLE_LOGGING must be defined +#endif + +#if !defined(ORTHANC_ENABLE_LOGGING_PLUGIN) +# if ORTHANC_ENABLE_LOGGING == 1 +# error The macro ORTHANC_ENABLE_LOGGING_PLUGIN must be defined +# else +# define ORTHANC_ENABLE_LOGGING_PLUGIN 0 +# endif +#endif + +#if ORTHANC_ENABLE_LOGGING_PLUGIN == 1 +# include +#endif + +namespace Orthanc +{ + namespace Logging + { +#if ORTHANC_ENABLE_LOGGING_PLUGIN == 1 + void Initialize(OrthancPluginContext* context); +#else + void Initialize(); +#endif + + void Finalize(); + + void Reset(); + + void Flush(); + + void EnableInfoLevel(bool enabled); + + void EnableTraceLevel(bool enabled); + + void SetTargetFile(const std::string& path); + + void SetTargetFolder(const std::string& path); + + struct NullStream : public std::ostream + { + NullStream() : + std::ios(0), + std::ostream(0) + { + } + + std::ostream& operator<< (const std::string& message) + { + return *this; + } + + // This overload fixes build problems with Visual Studio 2015 + std::ostream& operator<< (const char* message) + { + return *this; + } + }; + } +} + + +#if ORTHANC_ENABLE_LOGGING != 1 + +# define LOG(level) ::Orthanc::Logging::NullStream() +# define VLOG(level) ::Orthanc::Logging::NullStream() + + +#elif ORTHANC_ENABLE_LOGGING_PLUGIN == 1 + +# include +# define LOG(level) ::Orthanc::Logging::InternalLogger(#level, __FILE__, __LINE__) +# define VLOG(level) ::Orthanc::Logging::InternalLogger("TRACE", __FILE__, __LINE__) + +namespace Orthanc +{ + namespace Logging + { + class InternalLogger : public boost::noncopyable + { + private: + std::string level_; + std::string message_; + + public: + InternalLogger(const char* level, + const char* file, + int line); + + ~InternalLogger(); + + InternalLogger& operator<< (const std::string& message); + + InternalLogger& operator<< (const char* message); + + InternalLogger& operator<< (int message); + }; + } +} + + +#else /* ORTHANC_ENABLE_LOGGING_PLUGIN == 0 && ORTHANC_ENABLE_LOGGING == 1 */ + +# include +# define LOG(level) ::Orthanc::Logging::InternalLogger(#level, __FILE__, __LINE__) +# define VLOG(level) ::Orthanc::Logging::InternalLogger("TRACE", __FILE__, __LINE__) + +namespace Orthanc +{ + namespace Logging + { + class InternalLogger + { + private: + boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock_; + NullStream null_; + std::ostream* stream_; + + public: + InternalLogger(const char* level, + const char* file, + int line); + + ~InternalLogger(); + + std::ostream& operator<< (const std::string& message) + { + return (*stream_) << message; + } + + // This overload fixes build problems with Visual Studio 2015 + std::ostream& operator<< (const char* message) + { + return (*stream_) << message; + } + }; + } +} + +#endif // ORTHANC_ENABLE_LOGGING diff -r decac5df19c4 -r d5d3cb00556a Resources/Orthanc/Core/OrthancException.h --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/Resources/Orthanc/Core/OrthancException.h Wed Mar 22 16:13:52 2017 +0100 @@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ +/** + * Orthanc - A Lightweight, RESTful DICOM Store + * Copyright (C) 2012-2016 Sebastien Jodogne, Medical Physics + * Department, University Hospital of Liege, Belgium + * Copyright (C) 2017 Osimis, Belgium + * + * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as + * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the + * License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders of this + * program give permission to link the code of its release with the + * OpenSSL project's "OpenSSL" library (or with modified versions of it + * that use the same license as the "OpenSSL" library), and distribute + * the linked executables. You must obey the GNU General Public License + * in all respects for all of the code used other than "OpenSSL". If you + * modify file(s) with this exception, you may extend this exception to + * your version of the file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If + * you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your + * version. If you delete this exception statement from all source files + * in the program, then also delete it here. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but + * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + **/ + + +#pragma once + +#include +#include +#include "Enumerations.h" + +namespace Orthanc +{ + class OrthancException + { + protected: + ErrorCode errorCode_; + HttpStatus httpStatus_; + + public: + explicit OrthancException(ErrorCode errorCode) : + errorCode_(errorCode), + httpStatus_(ConvertErrorCodeToHttpStatus(errorCode)) + { + } + + OrthancException(ErrorCode errorCode, + HttpStatus httpStatus) : + errorCode_(errorCode), + httpStatus_(httpStatus) + { + } + + ErrorCode GetErrorCode() const + { + return errorCode_; + } + + HttpStatus GetHttpStatus() const + { + return httpStatus_; + } + + const char* What() const + { + return EnumerationToString(errorCode_); + } + }; +} diff -r decac5df19c4 -r d5d3cb00556a Resources/Orthanc/Core/PrecompiledHeaders.cpp --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/Resources/Orthanc/Core/PrecompiledHeaders.cpp Wed Mar 22 16:13:52 2017 +0100 @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +/** + * Orthanc - A Lightweight, RESTful DICOM Store + * Copyright (C) 2012-2016 Sebastien Jodogne, Medical Physics + * Department, University Hospital of Liege, Belgium + * Copyright (C) 2017 Osimis, Belgium + * + * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as + * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the + * License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders of this + * program give permission to link the code of its release with the + * OpenSSL project's "OpenSSL" library (or with modified versions of it + * that use the same license as the "OpenSSL" library), and distribute + * the linked executables. You must obey the GNU General Public License + * in all respects for all of the code used other than "OpenSSL". If you + * modify file(s) with this exception, you may extend this exception to + * your version of the file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If + * you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your + * version. If you delete this exception statement from all source files + * in the program, then also delete it here. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but + * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + **/ + + +#include "PrecompiledHeaders.h" diff -r decac5df19c4 -r d5d3cb00556a Resources/Orthanc/Core/PrecompiledHeaders.h --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/Resources/Orthanc/Core/PrecompiledHeaders.h Wed Mar 22 16:13:52 2017 +0100 @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ +/** + * Orthanc - A Lightweight, RESTful DICOM Store + * Copyright (C) 2012-2016 Sebastien Jodogne, Medical Physics + * Department, University Hospital of Liege, Belgium + * Copyright (C) 2017 Osimis, Belgium + * + * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as + * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the + * License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders of this + * program give permission to link the code of its release with the + * OpenSSL project's "OpenSSL" library (or with modified versions of it + * that use the same license as the "OpenSSL" library), and distribute + * the linked executables. You must obey the GNU General Public License + * in all respects for all of the code used other than "OpenSSL". If you + * modify file(s) with this exception, you may extend this exception to + * your version of the file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If + * you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your + * version. If you delete this exception statement from all source files + * in the program, then also delete it here. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but + * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + **/ + + +#pragma once + +#if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(NOMINMAX) +#define NOMINMAX +#endif + +#if ORTHANC_USE_PRECOMPILED_HEADERS == 1 + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include + +#if ORTHANC_ENABLE_PUGIXML == 1 +#include +#endif + +#include "Enumerations.h" +#include "Logging.h" +#include "OrthancException.h" +#include "Toolbox.h" + +#endif diff -r decac5df19c4 -r d5d3cb00556a Resources/Orthanc/Core/Toolbox.cpp --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/Resources/Orthanc/Core/Toolbox.cpp Wed Mar 22 16:13:52 2017 +0100 @@ -0,0 +1,1254 @@ +/** + * Orthanc - A Lightweight, RESTful DICOM Store + * Copyright (C) 2012-2016 Sebastien Jodogne, Medical Physics + * Department, University Hospital of Liege, Belgium + * Copyright (C) 2017 Osimis, Belgium + * + * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as + * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the + * License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders of this + * program give permission to link the code of its release with the + * OpenSSL project's "OpenSSL" library (or with modified versions of it + * that use the same license as the "OpenSSL" library), and distribute + * the linked executables. You must obey the GNU General Public License + * in all respects for all of the code used other than "OpenSSL". If you + * modify file(s) with this exception, you may extend this exception to + * your version of the file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If + * you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your + * version. If you delete this exception statement from all source files + * in the program, then also delete it here. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but + * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + **/ + + +#include "PrecompiledHeaders.h" +#include "Toolbox.h" + +#include "OrthancException.h" +#include "Logging.h" + +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#if BOOST_HAS_REGEX == 1 +# include +#endif + +#if BOOST_HAS_LOCALE != 1 +# error Since version 0.7.6, Orthanc entirely relies on boost::locale +#endif + +#if ORTHANC_ENABLE_MD5 == 1 +# include "../Resources/ThirdParty/md5/md5.h" +#endif + +#if ORTHANC_ENABLE_BASE64 == 1 +# include "../Resources/ThirdParty/base64/base64.h" +#endif + + +#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER < 1800) +// Patch for the missing "_strtoll" symbol when compiling with Visual Studio < 2013 +extern "C" +{ + int64_t _strtoi64(const char *nptr, char **endptr, int base); + int64_t strtoll(const char *nptr, char **endptr, int base) + { + return _strtoi64(nptr, endptr, base); + } +} +#endif + + +#if defined(_WIN32) +# include // For ::Sleep +#endif + + +#if ORTHANC_ENABLE_PUGIXML == 1 +# include "ChunkedBuffer.h" +# include +#endif + + +namespace Orthanc +{ + void Toolbox::ToUpperCase(std::string& s) + { + std::transform(s.begin(), s.end(), s.begin(), toupper); + } + + + void Toolbox::ToLowerCase(std::string& s) + { + std::transform(s.begin(), s.end(), s.begin(), tolower); + } + + + void Toolbox::ToUpperCase(std::string& result, + const std::string& source) + { + result = source; + ToUpperCase(result); + } + + void Toolbox::ToLowerCase(std::string& result, + const std::string& source) + { + result = source; + ToLowerCase(result); + } + + + void Toolbox::SplitUriComponents(UriComponents& components, + const std::string& uri) + { + static const char URI_SEPARATOR = '/'; + + components.clear(); + + if (uri.size() == 0 || + uri[0] != URI_SEPARATOR) + { + throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_UriSyntax); + } + + // Count the number of slashes in the URI to make an assumption + // about the number of components in the URI + unsigned int estimatedSize = 0; + for (unsigned int i = 0; i < uri.size(); i++) + { + if (uri[i] == URI_SEPARATOR) + estimatedSize++; + } + + components.reserve(estimatedSize - 1); + + unsigned int start = 1; + unsigned int end = 1; + while (end < uri.size()) + { + // This is the loop invariant + assert(uri[start - 1] == '/' && (end >= start)); + + if (uri[end] == '/') + { + components.push_back(std::string(&uri[start], end - start)); + end++; + start = end; + } + else + { + end++; + } + } + + if (start < uri.size()) + { + components.push_back(std::string(&uri[start], end - start)); + } + + for (size_t i = 0; i < components.size(); i++) + { + if (components[i].size() == 0) + { + // Empty component, as in: "/coucou//e" + throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_UriSyntax); + } + } + } + + + void Toolbox::TruncateUri(UriComponents& target, + const UriComponents& source, + size_t fromLevel) + { + target.clear(); + + if (source.size() > fromLevel) + { + target.resize(source.size() - fromLevel); + + size_t j = 0; + for (size_t i = fromLevel; i < source.size(); i++, j++) + { + target[j] = source[i]; + } + + assert(j == target.size()); + } + } + + + + bool Toolbox::IsChildUri(const UriComponents& baseUri, + const UriComponents& testedUri) + { + if (testedUri.size() < baseUri.size()) + { + return false; + } + + for (size_t i = 0; i < baseUri.size(); i++) + { + if (baseUri[i] != testedUri[i]) + return false; + } + + return true; + } + + + std::string Toolbox::AutodetectMimeType(const std::string& path) + { + std::string contentType; + size_t lastDot = path.rfind('.'); + size_t lastSlash = path.rfind('/'); + + if (lastDot == std::string::npos || + (lastSlash != std::string::npos && lastDot < lastSlash)) + { + // No trailing dot, unable to detect the content type + } + else + { + const char* extension = &path[lastDot + 1]; + + // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mime_types + // Text types + if (!strcmp(extension, "txt")) + contentType = "text/plain"; + else if (!strcmp(extension, "html")) + contentType = "text/html"; + else if (!strcmp(extension, "xml")) + contentType = "text/xml"; + else if (!strcmp(extension, "css")) + contentType = "text/css"; + + // Application types + else if (!strcmp(extension, "js")) + contentType = "application/javascript"; + else if (!strcmp(extension, "json")) + contentType = "application/json"; + else if (!strcmp(extension, "pdf")) + contentType = "application/pdf"; + + // Images types + else if (!strcmp(extension, "jpg") || !strcmp(extension, "jpeg")) + contentType = "image/jpeg"; + else if (!strcmp(extension, "gif")) + contentType = "image/gif"; + else if (!strcmp(extension, "png")) + contentType = "image/png"; + } + + return contentType; + } + + + std::string Toolbox::FlattenUri(const UriComponents& components, + size_t fromLevel) + { + if (components.size() <= fromLevel) + { + return "/"; + } + else + { + std::string r; + + for (size_t i = fromLevel; i < components.size(); i++) + { + r += "/" + components[i]; + } + + return r; + } + } + + +#if ORTHANC_ENABLE_MD5 == 1 + static char GetHexadecimalCharacter(uint8_t value) + { + assert(value < 16); + + if (value < 10) + { + return value + '0'; + } + else + { + return (value - 10) + 'a'; + } + } + + + void Toolbox::ComputeMD5(std::string& result, + const std::string& data) + { + if (data.size() > 0) + { + ComputeMD5(result, &data[0], data.size()); + } + else + { + ComputeMD5(result, NULL, 0); + } + } + + + void Toolbox::ComputeMD5(std::string& result, + const void* data, + size_t size) + { + md5_state_s state; + md5_init(&state); + + if (size > 0) + { + md5_append(&state, + reinterpret_cast(data), + static_cast(size)); + } + + md5_byte_t actualHash[16]; + md5_finish(&state, actualHash); + + result.resize(32); + for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 16; i++) + { + result[2 * i] = GetHexadecimalCharacter(static_cast(actualHash[i] / 16)); + result[2 * i + 1] = GetHexadecimalCharacter(static_cast(actualHash[i] % 16)); + } + } +#endif + + +#if ORTHANC_ENABLE_BASE64 == 1 + void Toolbox::EncodeBase64(std::string& result, + const std::string& data) + { + result = base64_encode(data); + } + + void Toolbox::DecodeBase64(std::string& result, + const std::string& data) + { + for (size_t i = 0; i < data.length(); i++) + { + if (!isalnum(data[i]) && + data[i] != '+' && + data[i] != '/' && + data[i] != '=') + { + // This is not a valid character for a Base64 string + throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_BadFileFormat); + } + } + + result = base64_decode(data); + } + + +# if BOOST_HAS_REGEX == 1 + bool Toolbox::DecodeDataUriScheme(std::string& mime, + std::string& content, + const std::string& source) + { + boost::regex pattern("data:([^;]+);base64,([a-zA-Z0-9=+/]*)", + boost::regex::icase /* case insensitive search */); + + boost::cmatch what; + if (regex_match(source.c_str(), what, pattern)) + { + mime = what[1]; + DecodeBase64(content, what[2]); + return true; + } + else + { + return false; + } + } +# endif + + + void Toolbox::EncodeDataUriScheme(std::string& result, + const std::string& mime, + const std::string& content) + { + result = "data:" + mime + ";base64," + base64_encode(content); + } + +#endif + + + static const char* GetBoostLocaleEncoding(const Encoding sourceEncoding) + { + switch (sourceEncoding) + { + case Encoding_Utf8: + return "UTF-8"; + + case Encoding_Ascii: + return "ASCII"; + + case Encoding_Latin1: + return "ISO-8859-1"; + break; + + case Encoding_Latin2: + return "ISO-8859-2"; + break; + + case Encoding_Latin3: + return "ISO-8859-3"; + break; + + case Encoding_Latin4: + return "ISO-8859-4"; + break; + + case Encoding_Latin5: + return "ISO-8859-9"; + break; + + case Encoding_Cyrillic: + return "ISO-8859-5"; + break; + + case Encoding_Windows1251: + return "WINDOWS-1251"; + break; + + case Encoding_Arabic: + return "ISO-8859-6"; + break; + + case Encoding_Greek: + return "ISO-8859-7"; + break; + + case Encoding_Hebrew: + return "ISO-8859-8"; + break; + + case Encoding_Japanese: + return "SHIFT-JIS"; + break; + + case Encoding_Chinese: + return "GB18030"; + break; + + case Encoding_Thai: + return "TIS620.2533-0"; + break; + + default: + throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_NotImplemented); + } + } + + + std::string Toolbox::ConvertToUtf8(const std::string& source, + Encoding sourceEncoding) + { + if (sourceEncoding == Encoding_Utf8) + { + // Already in UTF-8: No conversion is required + return source; + } + + if (sourceEncoding == Encoding_Ascii) + { + return ConvertToAscii(source); + } + + const char* encoding = GetBoostLocaleEncoding(sourceEncoding); + + try + { + return boost::locale::conv::to_utf(source, encoding); + } + catch (std::runtime_error&) + { + // Bad input string or bad encoding + return ConvertToAscii(source); + } + } + + + std::string Toolbox::ConvertFromUtf8(const std::string& source, + Encoding targetEncoding) + { + if (targetEncoding == Encoding_Utf8) + { + // Already in UTF-8: No conversion is required + return source; + } + + if (targetEncoding == Encoding_Ascii) + { + return ConvertToAscii(source); + } + + const char* encoding = GetBoostLocaleEncoding(targetEncoding); + + try + { + return boost::locale::conv::from_utf(source, encoding); + } + catch (std::runtime_error&) + { + // Bad input string or bad encoding + return ConvertToAscii(source); + } + } + + + bool Toolbox::IsAsciiString(const void* data, + size_t size) + { + const uint8_t* p = reinterpret_cast(data); + + for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++, p++) + { + if (*p > 127 || (*p != 0 && iscntrl(*p))) + { + return false; + } + } + + return true; + } + + + std::string Toolbox::ConvertToAscii(const std::string& source) + { + std::string result; + + result.reserve(source.size() + 1); + for (size_t i = 0; i < source.size(); i++) + { + if (source[i] <= 127 && source[i] >= 0 && !iscntrl(source[i])) + { + result.push_back(source[i]); + } + } + + return result; + } + + + void Toolbox::ComputeSHA1(std::string& result, + const void* data, + size_t size) + { + boost::uuids::detail::sha1 sha1; + + if (size > 0) + { + sha1.process_bytes(data, size); + } + + unsigned int digest[5]; + + // Sanity check for the memory layout: A SHA-1 digest is 160 bits wide + assert(sizeof(unsigned int) == 4 && sizeof(digest) == (160 / 8)); + + sha1.get_digest(digest); + + result.resize(8 * 5 + 4); + sprintf(&result[0], "%08x-%08x-%08x-%08x-%08x", + digest[0], + digest[1], + digest[2], + digest[3], + digest[4]); + } + + void Toolbox::ComputeSHA1(std::string& result, + const std::string& data) + { + if (data.size() > 0) + { + ComputeSHA1(result, data.c_str(), data.size()); + } + else + { + ComputeSHA1(result, NULL, 0); + } + } + + + bool Toolbox::IsSHA1(const char* str, + size_t size) + { + if (size == 0) + { + return false; + } + + const char* start = str; + const char* end = str + size; + + // Trim the beginning of the string + while (start < end) + { + if (*start == '\0' || + isspace(*start)) + { + start++; + } + else + { + break; + } + } + + // Trim the trailing of the string + while (start < end) + { + if (*(end - 1) == '\0' || + isspace(*(end - 1))) + { + end--; + } + else + { + break; + } + } + + if (end - start != 44) + { + return false; + } + + for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 44; i++) + { + if (i == 8 || + i == 17 || + i == 26 || + i == 35) + { + if (start[i] != '-') + return false; + } + else + { + if (!isalnum(start[i])) + return false; + } + } + + return true; + } + + + bool Toolbox::IsSHA1(const std::string& s) + { + if (s.size() == 0) + { + return false; + } + else + { + return IsSHA1(s.c_str(), s.size()); + } + } + + + std::string Toolbox::StripSpaces(const std::string& source) + { + size_t first = 0; + + while (first < source.length() && + isspace(source[first])) + { + first++; + } + + if (first == source.length()) + { + // String containing only spaces + return ""; + } + + size_t last = source.length(); + while (last > first && + isspace(source[last - 1])) + { + last--; + } + + assert(first <= last); + return source.substr(first, last - first); + } + + + static char Hex2Dec(char c) + { + return ((c >= '0' && c <= '9') ? c - '0' : + ((c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') ? c - 'a' + 10 : c - 'A' + 10)); + } + + void Toolbox::UrlDecode(std::string& s) + { + // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Percent-encoding + // http://www.w3schools.com/tags/ref_urlencode.asp + // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/154536/encode-decode-urls-in-c + + if (s.size() == 0) + { + return; + } + + size_t source = 0; + size_t target = 0; + + while (source < s.size()) + { + if (s[source] == '%' && + source + 2 < s.size() && + isalnum(s[source + 1]) && + isalnum(s[source + 2])) + { + s[target] = (Hex2Dec(s[source + 1]) << 4) | Hex2Dec(s[source + 2]); + source += 3; + target += 1; + } + else + { + if (s[source] == '+') + s[target] = ' '; + else + s[target] = s[source]; + + source++; + target++; + } + } + + s.resize(target); + } + + + Endianness Toolbox::DetectEndianness() + { + // http://sourceforge.net/p/predef/wiki/Endianness/ + + uint8_t buffer[4]; + + buffer[0] = 0x00; + buffer[1] = 0x01; + buffer[2] = 0x02; + buffer[3] = 0x03; + + switch (*((uint32_t *)buffer)) + { + case 0x00010203: + return Endianness_Big; + + case 0x03020100: + return Endianness_Little; + + default: + throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_NotImplemented); + } + } + + +#if BOOST_HAS_REGEX == 1 + std::string Toolbox::WildcardToRegularExpression(const std::string& source) + { + // TODO - Speed up this with a regular expression + + std::string result = source; + + // Escape all special characters + boost::replace_all(result, "\\", "\\\\"); + boost::replace_all(result, "^", "\\^"); + boost::replace_all(result, ".", "\\."); + boost::replace_all(result, "$", "\\$"); + boost::replace_all(result, "|", "\\|"); + boost::replace_all(result, "(", "\\("); + boost::replace_all(result, ")", "\\)"); + boost::replace_all(result, "[", "\\["); + boost::replace_all(result, "]", "\\]"); + boost::replace_all(result, "+", "\\+"); + boost::replace_all(result, "/", "\\/"); + boost::replace_all(result, "{", "\\{"); + boost::replace_all(result, "}", "\\}"); + + // Convert wildcards '*' and '?' to their regex equivalents + boost::replace_all(result, "?", "."); + boost::replace_all(result, "*", ".*"); + + return result; + } +#endif + + + + void Toolbox::TokenizeString(std::vector& result, + const std::string& value, + char separator) + { + result.clear(); + + std::string currentItem; + + for (size_t i = 0; i < value.size(); i++) + { + if (value[i] == separator) + { + result.push_back(currentItem); + currentItem.clear(); + } + else + { + currentItem.push_back(value[i]); + } + } + + result.push_back(currentItem); + } + + +#if ORTHANC_ENABLE_PUGIXML == 1 + class ChunkedBufferWriter : public pugi::xml_writer + { + private: + ChunkedBuffer buffer_; + + public: + virtual void write(const void *data, size_t size) + { + if (size > 0) + { + buffer_.AddChunk(reinterpret_cast(data), size); + } + } + + void Flatten(std::string& s) + { + buffer_.Flatten(s); + } + }; + + + static void JsonToXmlInternal(pugi::xml_node& target, + const Json::Value& source, + const std::string& arrayElement) + { + // http://jsoncpp.sourceforge.net/value_8h_source.html#l00030 + + switch (source.type()) + { + case Json::nullValue: + { + target.append_child(pugi::node_pcdata).set_value("null"); + break; + } + + case Json::intValue: + { + std::string s = boost::lexical_cast(source.asInt()); + target.append_child(pugi::node_pcdata).set_value(s.c_str()); + break; + } + + case Json::uintValue: + { + std::string s = boost::lexical_cast(source.asUInt()); + target.append_child(pugi::node_pcdata).set_value(s.c_str()); + break; + } + + case Json::realValue: + { + std::string s = boost::lexical_cast(source.asFloat()); + target.append_child(pugi::node_pcdata).set_value(s.c_str()); + break; + } + + case Json::stringValue: + { + target.append_child(pugi::node_pcdata).set_value(source.asString().c_str()); + break; + } + + case Json::booleanValue: + { + target.append_child(pugi::node_pcdata).set_value(source.asBool() ? "true" : "false"); + break; + } + + case Json::arrayValue: + { + for (Json::Value::ArrayIndex i = 0; i < source.size(); i++) + { + pugi::xml_node node = target.append_child(); + node.set_name(arrayElement.c_str()); + JsonToXmlInternal(node, source[i], arrayElement); + } + break; + } + + case Json::objectValue: + { + Json::Value::Members members = source.getMemberNames(); + + for (size_t i = 0; i < members.size(); i++) + { + pugi::xml_node node = target.append_child(); + node.set_name(members[i].c_str()); + JsonToXmlInternal(node, source[members[i]], arrayElement); + } + + break; + } + + default: + throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_NotImplemented); + } + } + + + void Toolbox::JsonToXml(std::string& target, + const Json::Value& source, + const std::string& rootElement, + const std::string& arrayElement) + { + pugi::xml_document doc; + + pugi::xml_node n = doc.append_child(rootElement.c_str()); + JsonToXmlInternal(n, source, arrayElement); + + pugi::xml_node decl = doc.prepend_child(pugi::node_declaration); + decl.append_attribute("version").set_value("1.0"); + decl.append_attribute("encoding").set_value("utf-8"); + + ChunkedBufferWriter writer; + doc.save(writer, " ", pugi::format_default, pugi::encoding_utf8); + writer.Flatten(target); + } + +#endif + + + + bool Toolbox::IsInteger(const std::string& str) + { + std::string s = StripSpaces(str); + + if (s.size() == 0) + { + return false; + } + + size_t pos = 0; + if (s[0] == '-') + { + if (s.size() == 1) + { + return false; + } + + pos = 1; + } + + while (pos < s.size()) + { + if (!isdigit(s[pos])) + { + return false; + } + + pos++; + } + + return true; + } + + + void Toolbox::CopyJsonWithoutComments(Json::Value& target, + const Json::Value& source) + { + switch (source.type()) + { + case Json::nullValue: + target = Json::nullValue; + break; + + case Json::intValue: + target = source.asInt64(); + break; + + case Json::uintValue: + target = source.asUInt64(); + break; + + case Json::realValue: + target = source.asDouble(); + break; + + case Json::stringValue: + target = source.asString(); + break; + + case Json::booleanValue: + target = source.asBool(); + break; + + case Json::arrayValue: + { + target = Json::arrayValue; + for (Json::Value::ArrayIndex i = 0; i < source.size(); i++) + { + Json::Value& item = target.append(Json::nullValue); + CopyJsonWithoutComments(item, source[i]); + } + + break; + } + + case Json::objectValue: + { + target = Json::objectValue; + Json::Value::Members members = source.getMemberNames(); + for (Json::Value::ArrayIndex i = 0; i < members.size(); i++) + { + const std::string item = members[i]; + CopyJsonWithoutComments(target[item], source[item]); + } + + break; + } + + default: + break; + } + } + + + bool Toolbox::StartsWith(const std::string& str, + const std::string& prefix) + { + if (str.size() < prefix.size()) + { + return false; + } + else + { + return str.compare(0, prefix.size(), prefix) == 0; + } + } + + + static bool IsUnreservedCharacter(char c) + { + // This function checks whether "c" is an unserved character + // wrt. an URI percent-encoding + // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Percent-encoding#Percent-encoding%5Fin%5Fa%5FURI + + return ((c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || + (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || + (c >= '0' && c <= '9') || + c == '-' || + c == '_' || + c == '.' || + c == '~'); + } + + void Toolbox::UriEncode(std::string& target, + const std::string& source) + { + // Estimate the length of the percent-encoded URI + size_t length = 0; + + for (size_t i = 0; i < source.size(); i++) + { + if (IsUnreservedCharacter(source[i])) + { + length += 1; + } + else + { + // This character must be percent-encoded + length += 3; + } + } + + target.clear(); + target.reserve(length); + + for (size_t i = 0; i < source.size(); i++) + { + if (IsUnreservedCharacter(source[i])) + { + target.push_back(source[i]); + } + else + { + // This character must be percent-encoded + uint8_t byte = static_cast(source[i]); + uint8_t a = byte >> 4; + uint8_t b = byte & 0x0f; + + target.push_back('%'); + target.push_back(a < 10 ? a + '0' : a - 10 + 'A'); + target.push_back(b < 10 ? b + '0' : b - 10 + 'A'); + } + } + } + + + static bool HasField(const Json::Value& json, + const std::string& key, + Json::ValueType expectedType) + { + if (json.type() != Json::objectValue || + !json.isMember(key)) + { + return false; + } + else if (json[key].type() == expectedType) + { + return true; + } + else + { + throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_BadParameterType); + } + } + + + std::string Toolbox::GetJsonStringField(const Json::Value& json, + const std::string& key, + const std::string& defaultValue) + { + if (HasField(json, key, Json::stringValue)) + { + return json[key].asString(); + } + else + { + return defaultValue; + } + } + + + bool Toolbox::GetJsonBooleanField(const ::Json::Value& json, + const std::string& key, + bool defaultValue) + { + if (HasField(json, key, Json::booleanValue)) + { + return json[key].asBool(); + } + else + { + return defaultValue; + } + } + + + int Toolbox::GetJsonIntegerField(const ::Json::Value& json, + const std::string& key, + int defaultValue) + { + if (HasField(json, key, Json::intValue)) + { + return json[key].asInt(); + } + else + { + return defaultValue; + } + } + + + unsigned int Toolbox::GetJsonUnsignedIntegerField(const ::Json::Value& json, + const std::string& key, + unsigned int defaultValue) + { + int v = GetJsonIntegerField(json, key, defaultValue); + + if (v < 0) + { + throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_ParameterOutOfRange); + } + else + { + return static_cast(v); + } + } + + + bool Toolbox::IsUuid(const std::string& str) + { + if (str.size() != 36) + { + return false; + } + + for (size_t i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) + { + if (i == 8 || i == 13 || i == 18 || i == 23) + { + if (str[i] != '-') + return false; + } + else + { + if (!isalnum(str[i])) + return false; + } + } + + return true; + } + + + bool Toolbox::StartsWithUuid(const std::string& str) + { + if (str.size() < 36) + { + return false; + } + + if (str.size() == 36) + { + return IsUuid(str); + } + + assert(str.size() > 36); + if (!isspace(str[36])) + { + return false; + } + + return IsUuid(str.substr(0, 36)); + } +} diff -r decac5df19c4 -r d5d3cb00556a Resources/Orthanc/Core/Toolbox.h --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/Resources/Orthanc/Core/Toolbox.h Wed Mar 22 16:13:52 2017 +0100 @@ -0,0 +1,210 @@ +/** + * Orthanc - A Lightweight, RESTful DICOM Store + * Copyright (C) 2012-2016 Sebastien Jodogne, Medical Physics + * Department, University Hospital of Liege, Belgium + * Copyright (C) 2017 Osimis, Belgium + * + * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as + * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the + * License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders of this + * program give permission to link the code of its release with the + * OpenSSL project's "OpenSSL" library (or with modified versions of it + * that use the same license as the "OpenSSL" library), and distribute + * the linked executables. You must obey the GNU General Public License + * in all respects for all of the code used other than "OpenSSL". If you + * modify file(s) with this exception, you may extend this exception to + * your version of the file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If + * you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your + * version. If you delete this exception statement from all source files + * in the program, then also delete it here. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but + * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + **/ + + +#pragma once + +#include "Enumerations.h" + +#include +#include +#include +#include + + +#if !defined(ORTHANC_ENABLE_BASE64) +# error The macro ORTHANC_ENABLE_BASE64 must be defined +#endif + +#if !defined(ORTHANC_ENABLE_MD5) +# error The macro ORTHANC_ENABLE_MD5 must be defined +#endif + +#if !defined(ORTHANC_ENABLE_PUGIXML) +# error The macro ORTHANC_ENABLE_PUGIXML must be defined +#endif + +#if !defined(BOOST_HAS_REGEX) +# error The macro BOOST_HAS_REGEX must be defined +#endif + + +/** + * NOTE: GUID vs. UUID + * The simple answer is: no difference, they are the same thing. Treat + * them as a 16 byte (128 bits) value that is used as a unique + * value. In Microsoft-speak they are called GUIDs, but call them + * UUIDs when not using Microsoft-speak. + * http://stackoverflow.com/questions/246930/is-there-any-difference-between-a-guid-and-a-uuid + **/ + + + +namespace Orthanc +{ + typedef std::vector UriComponents; + + class NullType + { + }; + + namespace Toolbox + { + void ToUpperCase(std::string& s); // Inplace version + + void ToLowerCase(std::string& s); // Inplace version + + void ToUpperCase(std::string& result, + const std::string& source); + + void ToLowerCase(std::string& result, + const std::string& source); + + void SplitUriComponents(UriComponents& components, + const std::string& uri); + + void TruncateUri(UriComponents& target, + const UriComponents& source, + size_t fromLevel); + + bool IsChildUri(const UriComponents& baseUri, + const UriComponents& testedUri); + + std::string AutodetectMimeType(const std::string& path); + + std::string FlattenUri(const UriComponents& components, + size_t fromLevel = 0); + +#if ORTHANC_ENABLE_MD5 == 1 + void ComputeMD5(std::string& result, + const std::string& data); + + void ComputeMD5(std::string& result, + const void* data, + size_t size); +#endif + + void ComputeSHA1(std::string& result, + const std::string& data); + + void ComputeSHA1(std::string& result, + const void* data, + size_t size); + + bool IsSHA1(const char* str, + size_t size); + + bool IsSHA1(const std::string& s); + +#if ORTHANC_ENABLE_BASE64 == 1 + void DecodeBase64(std::string& result, + const std::string& data); + + void EncodeBase64(std::string& result, + const std::string& data); + +# if BOOST_HAS_REGEX == 1 + bool DecodeDataUriScheme(std::string& mime, + std::string& content, + const std::string& source); +# endif + + void EncodeDataUriScheme(std::string& result, + const std::string& mime, + const std::string& content); +#endif + + std::string ConvertToUtf8(const std::string& source, + Encoding sourceEncoding); + + std::string ConvertFromUtf8(const std::string& source, + Encoding targetEncoding); + + bool IsAsciiString(const void* data, + size_t size); + + std::string ConvertToAscii(const std::string& source); + + std::string StripSpaces(const std::string& source); + + // In-place percent-decoding for URL + void UrlDecode(std::string& s); + + Endianness DetectEndianness(); + +#if BOOST_HAS_REGEX == 1 + std::string WildcardToRegularExpression(const std::string& s); +#endif + + void TokenizeString(std::vector& result, + const std::string& source, + char separator); + +#if ORTHANC_ENABLE_PUGIXML == 1 + void JsonToXml(std::string& target, + const Json::Value& source, + const std::string& rootElement = "root", + const std::string& arrayElement = "item"); +#endif + + bool IsInteger(const std::string& str); + + void CopyJsonWithoutComments(Json::Value& target, + const Json::Value& source); + + bool StartsWith(const std::string& str, + const std::string& prefix); + + void UriEncode(std::string& target, + const std::string& source); + + std::string GetJsonStringField(const ::Json::Value& json, + const std::string& key, + const std::string& defaultValue); + + bool GetJsonBooleanField(const ::Json::Value& json, + const std::string& key, + bool defaultValue); + + int GetJsonIntegerField(const ::Json::Value& json, + const std::string& key, + int defaultValue); + + unsigned int GetJsonUnsignedIntegerField(const ::Json::Value& json, + const std::string& key, + unsigned int defaultValue); + + bool IsUuid(const std::string& str); + + bool StartsWithUuid(const std::string& str); + } +} diff -r decac5df19c4 -r d5d3cb00556a Resources/Orthanc/Plugins/Samples/Common/ExportedSymbols.list --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/Resources/Orthanc/Plugins/Samples/Common/ExportedSymbols.list Wed Mar 22 16:13:52 2017 +0100 @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +# This is the list of the symbols that must be exported by Orthanc +# plugins, if targeting OS X + +_OrthancPluginInitialize +_OrthancPluginFinalize +_OrthancPluginGetName +_OrthancPluginGetVersion diff -r decac5df19c4 -r d5d3cb00556a Resources/Orthanc/Plugins/Samples/Common/OrthancPluginCppWrapper.cpp --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/Resources/Orthanc/Plugins/Samples/Common/OrthancPluginCppWrapper.cpp Wed Mar 22 16:13:52 2017 +0100 @@ -0,0 +1,1222 @@ +/** + * Orthanc - A Lightweight, RESTful DICOM Store + * Copyright (C) 2012-2016 Sebastien Jodogne, Medical Physics + * Department, University Hospital of Liege, Belgium + * Copyright (C) 2017 Osimis, Belgium + * + * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as + * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the + * License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders of this + * program give permission to link the code of its release with the + * OpenSSL project's "OpenSSL" library (or with modified versions of it + * that use the same license as the "OpenSSL" library), and distribute + * the linked executables. You must obey the GNU General Public License + * in all respects for all of the code used other than "OpenSSL". If you + * modify file(s) with this exception, you may extend this exception to + * your version of the file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If + * you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your + * version. If you delete this exception statement from all source files + * in the program, then also delete it here. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but + * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + **/ + + +#include "OrthancPluginCppWrapper.h" + +#include +#include + + +namespace OrthancPlugins +{ + void MemoryBuffer::Check(OrthancPluginErrorCode code) + { + if (code != OrthancPluginErrorCode_Success) + { + // Prevent using garbage information + buffer_.data = NULL; + buffer_.size = 0; + ORTHANC_PLUGINS_THROW_PLUGIN_ERROR_CODE(code); + } + } + + + bool MemoryBuffer::CheckHttp(OrthancPluginErrorCode code) + { + if (code != OrthancPluginErrorCode_Success) + { + // Prevent using garbage information + buffer_.data = NULL; + buffer_.size = 0; + } + + if (code == OrthancPluginErrorCode_Success) + { + return true; + } + else if (code == OrthancPluginErrorCode_UnknownResource || + code == OrthancPluginErrorCode_InexistentItem) + { + return false; + } + else + { + ORTHANC_PLUGINS_THROW_PLUGIN_ERROR_CODE(code); + } + } + + + MemoryBuffer::MemoryBuffer(OrthancPluginContext* context) : + context_(context) + { + buffer_.data = NULL; + buffer_.size = 0; + } + + + void MemoryBuffer::Clear() + { + if (buffer_.data != NULL) + { + OrthancPluginFreeMemoryBuffer(context_, &buffer_); + buffer_.data = NULL; + buffer_.size = 0; + } + } + + + void MemoryBuffer::Assign(OrthancPluginMemoryBuffer& other) + { + Clear(); + + buffer_.data = other.data; + buffer_.size = other.size; + + other.data = NULL; + other.size = 0; + } + + + void MemoryBuffer::ToString(std::string& target) const + { + if (buffer_.size == 0) + { + target.clear(); + } + else + { + target.assign(reinterpret_cast(buffer_.data), buffer_.size); + } + } + + + void MemoryBuffer::ToJson(Json::Value& target) const + { + if (buffer_.data == NULL || + buffer_.size == 0) + { + ORTHANC_PLUGINS_THROW_EXCEPTION(InternalError); + } + + const char* tmp = reinterpret_cast(buffer_.data); + + Json::Reader reader; + if (!reader.parse(tmp, tmp + buffer_.size, target)) + { + OrthancPluginLogError(context_, "Cannot convert some memory buffer to JSON"); + ORTHANC_PLUGINS_THROW_EXCEPTION(BadFileFormat); + } + } + + + bool MemoryBuffer::RestApiGet(const std::string& uri, + bool applyPlugins) + { + Clear(); + + if (applyPlugins) + { + return CheckHttp(OrthancPluginRestApiGetAfterPlugins(context_, &buffer_, uri.c_str())); + } + else + { + return CheckHttp(OrthancPluginRestApiGet(context_, &buffer_, uri.c_str())); + } + } + + + bool MemoryBuffer::RestApiPost(const std::string& uri, + const char* body, + size_t bodySize, + bool applyPlugins) + { + Clear(); + + if (applyPlugins) + { + return CheckHttp(OrthancPluginRestApiPostAfterPlugins(context_, &buffer_, uri.c_str(), body, bodySize)); + } + else + { + return CheckHttp(OrthancPluginRestApiPost(context_, &buffer_, uri.c_str(), body, bodySize)); + } + } + + + bool MemoryBuffer::RestApiPut(const std::string& uri, + const char* body, + size_t bodySize, + bool applyPlugins) + { + Clear(); + + if (applyPlugins) + { + return CheckHttp(OrthancPluginRestApiPutAfterPlugins(context_, &buffer_, uri.c_str(), body, bodySize)); + } + else + { + return CheckHttp(OrthancPluginRestApiPut(context_, &buffer_, uri.c_str(), body, bodySize)); + } + } + + + bool MemoryBuffer::RestApiPost(const std::string& uri, + const Json::Value& body, + bool applyPlugins) + { + Json::FastWriter writer; + return RestApiPost(uri, writer.write(body), applyPlugins); + } + + + bool MemoryBuffer::RestApiPut(const std::string& uri, + const Json::Value& body, + bool applyPlugins) + { + Json::FastWriter writer; + return RestApiPut(uri, writer.write(body), applyPlugins); + } + + + void MemoryBuffer::CreateDicom(const Json::Value& tags, + OrthancPluginCreateDicomFlags flags) + { + Clear(); + + Json::FastWriter writer; + std::string s = writer.write(tags); + + Check(OrthancPluginCreateDicom(context_, &buffer_, s.c_str(), NULL, flags)); + } + + + void MemoryBuffer::ReadFile(const std::string& path) + { + Clear(); + Check(OrthancPluginReadFile(context_, &buffer_, path.c_str())); + } + + + void MemoryBuffer::GetDicomQuery(const OrthancPluginWorklistQuery* query) + { + Clear(); + Check(OrthancPluginWorklistGetDicomQuery(context_, &buffer_, query)); + } + + + void OrthancString::Assign(char* str) + { + if (str == NULL) + { + ORTHANC_PLUGINS_THROW_EXCEPTION(InternalError); + } + else + { + Clear(); + str_ = str; + } + } + + + void OrthancString::Clear() + { + if (str_ != NULL) + { + OrthancPluginFreeString(context_, str_); + str_ = NULL; + } + } + + + void OrthancString::ToString(std::string& target) const + { + if (str_ == NULL) + { + target.clear(); + } + else + { + target.assign(str_); + } + } + + + void OrthancString::ToJson(Json::Value& target) const + { + if (str_ == NULL) + { + OrthancPluginLogError(context_, "Cannot convert an empty memory buffer to JSON"); + ORTHANC_PLUGINS_THROW_EXCEPTION(InternalError); + } + + Json::Reader reader; + if (!reader.parse(str_, target)) + { + OrthancPluginLogError(context_, "Cannot convert some memory buffer to JSON"); + ORTHANC_PLUGINS_THROW_EXCEPTION(BadFileFormat); + } + } + + + void MemoryBuffer::DicomToJson(Json::Value& target, + OrthancPluginDicomToJsonFormat format, + OrthancPluginDicomToJsonFlags flags, + uint32_t maxStringLength) + { + OrthancString str(context_); + str.Assign(OrthancPluginDicomBufferToJson(context_, GetData(), GetSize(), format, flags, maxStringLength)); + str.ToJson(target); + } + + + bool MemoryBuffer::HttpGet(const std::string& url, + const std::string& username, + const std::string& password) + { + Clear(); + return CheckHttp(OrthancPluginHttpGet(context_, &buffer_, url.c_str(), + username.empty() ? NULL : username.c_str(), + password.empty() ? NULL : password.c_str())); + } + + + bool MemoryBuffer::HttpPost(const std::string& url, + const std::string& body, + const std::string& username, + const std::string& password) + { + Clear(); + return CheckHttp(OrthancPluginHttpPost(context_, &buffer_, url.c_str(), + body.c_str(), body.size(), + username.empty() ? NULL : username.c_str(), + password.empty() ? NULL : password.c_str())); + } + + + bool MemoryBuffer::HttpPut(const std::string& url, + const std::string& body, + const std::string& username, + const std::string& password) + { + Clear(); + return CheckHttp(OrthancPluginHttpPut(context_, &buffer_, url.c_str(), + body.empty() ? NULL : body.c_str(), + body.size(), + username.empty() ? NULL : username.c_str(), + password.empty() ? NULL : password.c_str())); + } + + + bool HttpDelete(OrthancPluginContext* context_, + const std::string& url, + const std::string& username, + const std::string& password) + { + OrthancPluginErrorCode error = OrthancPluginHttpDelete + (context_, url.c_str(), + username.empty() ? NULL : username.c_str(), + password.empty() ? NULL : password.c_str()); + + if (error == OrthancPluginErrorCode_Success) + { + return true; + } + else if (error == OrthancPluginErrorCode_UnknownResource || + error == OrthancPluginErrorCode_InexistentItem) + { + return false; + } + else + { + ORTHANC_PLUGINS_THROW_PLUGIN_ERROR_CODE(error); + } + } + + + OrthancConfiguration::OrthancConfiguration(OrthancPluginContext* context) : + context_(context) + { + OrthancString str(context); + str.Assign(OrthancPluginGetConfiguration(context)); + + if (str.GetContent() == NULL) + { + OrthancPluginLogError(context, "Cannot access the Orthanc configuration"); + ORTHANC_PLUGINS_THROW_EXCEPTION(InternalError); + } + + str.ToJson(configuration_); + + if (configuration_.type() != Json::objectValue) + { + OrthancPluginLogError(context, "Unable to read the Orthanc configuration"); + ORTHANC_PLUGINS_THROW_EXCEPTION(InternalError); + } + } + + + OrthancPluginContext* OrthancConfiguration::GetContext() const + { + if (context_ == NULL) + { + ORTHANC_PLUGINS_THROW_EXCEPTION(Plugin); + } + else + { + return context_; + } + } + + + std::string OrthancConfiguration::GetPath(const std::string& key) const + { + if (path_.empty()) + { + return key; + } + else + { + return path_ + "." + key; + } + } + + + bool OrthancConfiguration::IsSection(const std::string& key) const + { + assert(configuration_.type() == Json::objectValue); + + return (configuration_.isMember(key) && + configuration_[key].type() == Json::objectValue); + } + + + void OrthancConfiguration::GetSection(OrthancConfiguration& target, + const std::string& key) const + { + assert(configuration_.type() == Json::objectValue); + + target.context_ = context_; + target.path_ = GetPath(key); + + if (!configuration_.isMember(key)) + { + target.configuration_ = Json::objectValue; + } + else + { + if (configuration_[key].type() != Json::objectValue) + { + if (context_ != NULL) + { + std::string s = "The configuration section \"" + target.path_ + "\" is not an associative array as expected"; + OrthancPluginLogError(context_, s.c_str()); + } + + ORTHANC_PLUGINS_THROW_EXCEPTION(BadFileFormat); + } + + target.configuration_ = configuration_[key]; + } + } + + + bool OrthancConfiguration::LookupStringValue(std::string& target, + const std::string& key) const + { + assert(configuration_.type() == Json::objectValue); + + if (!configuration_.isMember(key)) + { + return false; + } + + if (configuration_[key].type() != Json::stringValue) + { + if (context_ != NULL) + { + std::string s = "The configuration option \"" + GetPath(key) + "\" is not a string as expected"; + OrthancPluginLogError(context_, s.c_str()); + } + + ORTHANC_PLUGINS_THROW_EXCEPTION(BadFileFormat); + } + + target = configuration_[key].asString(); + return true; + } + + + bool OrthancConfiguration::LookupIntegerValue(int& target, + const std::string& key) const + { + assert(configuration_.type() == Json::objectValue); + + if (!configuration_.isMember(key)) + { + return false; + } + + switch (configuration_[key].type()) + { + case Json::intValue: + target = configuration_[key].asInt(); + return true; + + case Json::uintValue: + target = configuration_[key].asUInt(); + return true; + + default: + if (context_ != NULL) + { + std::string s = "The configuration option \"" + GetPath(key) + "\" is not an integer as expected"; + OrthancPluginLogError(context_, s.c_str()); + } + + ORTHANC_PLUGINS_THROW_EXCEPTION(BadFileFormat); + } + } + + + bool OrthancConfiguration::LookupUnsignedIntegerValue(unsigned int& target, + const std::string& key) const + { + int tmp; + if (!LookupIntegerValue(tmp, key)) + { + return false; + } + + if (tmp < 0) + { + if (context_ != NULL) + { + std::string s = "The configuration option \"" + GetPath(key) + "\" is not a positive integer as expected"; + OrthancPluginLogError(context_, s.c_str()); + } + + ORTHANC_PLUGINS_THROW_EXCEPTION(BadFileFormat); + } + else + { + target = static_cast(tmp); + return true; + } + } + + + bool OrthancConfiguration::LookupBooleanValue(bool& target, + const std::string& key) const + { + assert(configuration_.type() == Json::objectValue); + + if (!configuration_.isMember(key)) + { + return false; + } + + if (configuration_[key].type() != Json::booleanValue) + { + if (context_ != NULL) + { + std::string s = "The configuration option \"" + GetPath(key) + "\" is not a Boolean as expected"; + OrthancPluginLogError(context_, s.c_str()); + } + + ORTHANC_PLUGINS_THROW_EXCEPTION(BadFileFormat); + } + + target = configuration_[key].asBool(); + return true; + } + + + bool OrthancConfiguration::LookupFloatValue(float& target, + const std::string& key) const + { + assert(configuration_.type() == Json::objectValue); + + if (!configuration_.isMember(key)) + { + return false; + } + + switch (configuration_[key].type()) + { + case Json::realValue: + target = configuration_[key].asFloat(); + return true; + + case Json::intValue: + target = static_cast(configuration_[key].asInt()); + return true; + + case Json::uintValue: + target = static_cast(configuration_[key].asUInt()); + return true; + + default: + if (context_ != NULL) + { + std::string s = "The configuration option \"" + GetPath(key) + "\" is not an integer as expected"; + OrthancPluginLogError(context_, s.c_str()); + } + + ORTHANC_PLUGINS_THROW_EXCEPTION(BadFileFormat); + } + } + + + bool OrthancConfiguration::LookupListOfStrings(std::list& target, + const std::string& key, + bool allowSingleString) const + { + assert(configuration_.type() == Json::objectValue); + + target.clear(); + + if (!configuration_.isMember(key)) + { + return false; + } + + switch (configuration_[key].type()) + { + case Json::arrayValue: + { + bool ok = true; + + for (Json::Value::ArrayIndex i = 0; ok && i < configuration_[key].size(); i++) + { + if (configuration_[key][i].type() == Json::stringValue) + { + target.push_back(configuration_[key][i].asString()); + } + else + { + ok = false; + } + } + + if (ok) + { + return true; + } + + break; + } + + case Json::stringValue: + if (allowSingleString) + { + target.push_back(configuration_[key].asString()); + return true; + } + + break; + + default: + break; + } + + if (context_ != NULL) + { + std::string s = ("The configuration option \"" + GetPath(key) + + "\" is not a list of strings as expected"); + OrthancPluginLogError(context_, s.c_str()); + } + + ORTHANC_PLUGINS_THROW_EXCEPTION(BadFileFormat); + } + + + bool OrthancConfiguration::LookupSetOfStrings(std::set& target, + const std::string& key, + bool allowSingleString) const + { + std::list lst; + + if (LookupListOfStrings(lst, key, allowSingleString)) + { + target.clear(); + + for (std::list::const_iterator + it = lst.begin(); it != lst.end(); ++it) + { + target.insert(*it); + } + + return true; + } + else + { + return false; + } + } + + + std::string OrthancConfiguration::GetStringValue(const std::string& key, + const std::string& defaultValue) const + { + std::string tmp; + if (LookupStringValue(tmp, key)) + { + return tmp; + } + else + { + return defaultValue; + } + } + + + int OrthancConfiguration::GetIntegerValue(const std::string& key, + int defaultValue) const + { + int tmp; + if (LookupIntegerValue(tmp, key)) + { + return tmp; + } + else + { + return defaultValue; + } + } + + + unsigned int OrthancConfiguration::GetUnsignedIntegerValue(const std::string& key, + unsigned int defaultValue) const + { + unsigned int tmp; + if (LookupUnsignedIntegerValue(tmp, key)) + { + return tmp; + } + else + { + return defaultValue; + } + } + + + bool OrthancConfiguration::GetBooleanValue(const std::string& key, + bool defaultValue) const + { + bool tmp; + if (LookupBooleanValue(tmp, key)) + { + return tmp; + } + else + { + return defaultValue; + } + } + + + float OrthancConfiguration::GetFloatValue(const std::string& key, + float defaultValue) const + { + float tmp; + if (LookupFloatValue(tmp, key)) + { + return tmp; + } + else + { + return defaultValue; + } + } + + + void OrthancImage::Clear() + { + if (image_ != NULL) + { + OrthancPluginFreeImage(context_, image_); + image_ = NULL; + } + } + + + void OrthancImage::CheckImageAvailable() + { + if (image_ == NULL) + { + OrthancPluginLogError(context_, "Trying to access a NULL image"); + ORTHANC_PLUGINS_THROW_EXCEPTION(ParameterOutOfRange); + } + } + + + OrthancImage::OrthancImage(OrthancPluginContext* context) : + context_(context), + image_(NULL) + { + if (context == NULL) + { + ORTHANC_PLUGINS_THROW_EXCEPTION(ParameterOutOfRange); + } + } + + + OrthancImage::OrthancImage(OrthancPluginContext* context, + OrthancPluginImage* image) : + context_(context), + image_(image) + { + if (context == NULL) + { + ORTHANC_PLUGINS_THROW_EXCEPTION(ParameterOutOfRange); + } + } + + + OrthancImage::OrthancImage(OrthancPluginContext* context, + OrthancPluginPixelFormat format, + uint32_t width, + uint32_t height) : + context_(context) + { + if (context == NULL) + { + ORTHANC_PLUGINS_THROW_EXCEPTION(ParameterOutOfRange); + } + else + { + image_ = OrthancPluginCreateImage(context, format, width, height); + } + } + + + void OrthancImage::UncompressPngImage(const void* data, + size_t size) + { + Clear(); + image_ = OrthancPluginUncompressImage(context_, data, size, OrthancPluginImageFormat_Png); + if (image_ == NULL) + { + OrthancPluginLogError(context_, "Cannot uncompress a PNG image"); + ORTHANC_PLUGINS_THROW_EXCEPTION(ParameterOutOfRange); + } + } + + + void OrthancImage::UncompressJpegImage(const void* data, + size_t size) + { + Clear(); + image_ = OrthancPluginUncompressImage(context_, data, size, OrthancPluginImageFormat_Jpeg); + if (image_ == NULL) + { + OrthancPluginLogError(context_, "Cannot uncompress a JPEG image"); + ORTHANC_PLUGINS_THROW_EXCEPTION(ParameterOutOfRange); + } + } + + + void OrthancImage::DecodeDicomImage(const void* data, + size_t size, + unsigned int frame) + { + Clear(); + image_ = OrthancPluginDecodeDicomImage(context_, data, size, frame); + if (image_ == NULL) + { + OrthancPluginLogError(context_, "Cannot uncompress a DICOM image"); + ORTHANC_PLUGINS_THROW_EXCEPTION(ParameterOutOfRange); + } + } + + + OrthancPluginPixelFormat OrthancImage::GetPixelFormat() + { + CheckImageAvailable(); + return OrthancPluginGetImagePixelFormat(context_, image_); + } + + + unsigned int OrthancImage::GetWidth() + { + CheckImageAvailable(); + return OrthancPluginGetImageWidth(context_, image_); + } + + + unsigned int OrthancImage::GetHeight() + { + CheckImageAvailable(); + return OrthancPluginGetImageHeight(context_, image_); + } + + + unsigned int OrthancImage::GetPitch() + { + CheckImageAvailable(); + return OrthancPluginGetImagePitch(context_, image_); + } + + + const void* OrthancImage::GetBuffer() + { + CheckImageAvailable(); + return OrthancPluginGetImageBuffer(context_, image_); + } + + + void OrthancImage::CompressPngImage(MemoryBuffer& target) + { + CheckImageAvailable(); + + OrthancPluginMemoryBuffer tmp; + OrthancPluginCompressPngImage(context_, &tmp, GetPixelFormat(), + GetWidth(), GetHeight(), GetPitch(), GetBuffer()); + + target.Assign(tmp); + } + + + void OrthancImage::CompressJpegImage(MemoryBuffer& target, + uint8_t quality) + { + CheckImageAvailable(); + + OrthancPluginMemoryBuffer tmp; + OrthancPluginCompressJpegImage(context_, &tmp, GetPixelFormat(), + GetWidth(), GetHeight(), GetPitch(), GetBuffer(), quality); + + target.Assign(tmp); + } + + + void OrthancImage::AnswerPngImage(OrthancPluginRestOutput* output) + { + CheckImageAvailable(); + OrthancPluginCompressAndAnswerPngImage(context_, output, GetPixelFormat(), + GetWidth(), GetHeight(), GetPitch(), GetBuffer()); + } + + + void OrthancImage::AnswerJpegImage(OrthancPluginRestOutput* output, + uint8_t quality) + { + CheckImageAvailable(); + OrthancPluginCompressAndAnswerJpegImage(context_, output, GetPixelFormat(), + GetWidth(), GetHeight(), GetPitch(), GetBuffer(), quality); + } + + + +#if HAS_ORTHANC_PLUGIN_FIND_MATCHER == 1 + FindMatcher::FindMatcher(OrthancPluginContext* context, + const OrthancPluginWorklistQuery* worklist) : + context_(context), + matcher_(NULL), + worklist_(worklist) + { + if (worklist_ == NULL) + { + ORTHANC_PLUGINS_THROW_EXCEPTION(ParameterOutOfRange); + } + } + + + void FindMatcher::SetupDicom(OrthancPluginContext* context, + const void* query, + uint32_t size) + { + context_ = context; + worklist_ = NULL; + + matcher_ = OrthancPluginCreateFindMatcher(context_, query, size); + if (matcher_ == NULL) + { + ORTHANC_PLUGINS_THROW_EXCEPTION(InternalError); + } + } + + + FindMatcher::~FindMatcher() + { + // The "worklist_" field + + if (matcher_ != NULL) + { + OrthancPluginFreeFindMatcher(context_, matcher_); + } + } + + + + bool FindMatcher::IsMatch(const void* dicom, + uint32_t size) const + { + int32_t result; + + if (matcher_ != NULL) + { + result = OrthancPluginFindMatcherIsMatch(context_, matcher_, dicom, size); + } + else if (worklist_ != NULL) + { + result = OrthancPluginWorklistIsMatch(context_, worklist_, dicom, size); + } + else + { + ORTHANC_PLUGINS_THROW_EXCEPTION(InternalError); + } + + if (result == 0) + { + return false; + } + else if (result == 1) + { + return true; + } + else + { + ORTHANC_PLUGINS_THROW_EXCEPTION(InternalError); + } + } + +#endif /* HAS_ORTHANC_PLUGIN_FIND_MATCHER == 1 */ + + + bool RestApiGet(Json::Value& result, + OrthancPluginContext* context, + const std::string& uri, + bool applyPlugins) + { + MemoryBuffer answer(context); + if (!answer.RestApiGet(uri, applyPlugins)) + { + return false; + } + else + { + answer.ToJson(result); + return true; + } + } + + + bool RestApiPost(Json::Value& result, + OrthancPluginContext* context, + const std::string& uri, + const char* body, + size_t bodySize, + bool applyPlugins) + { + MemoryBuffer answer(context); + if (!answer.RestApiPost(uri, body, bodySize, applyPlugins)) + { + return false; + } + else + { + answer.ToJson(result); + return true; + } + } + + + bool RestApiPost(Json::Value& result, + OrthancPluginContext* context, + const std::string& uri, + const Json::Value& body, + bool applyPlugins) + { + Json::FastWriter writer; + return RestApiPost(result, context, uri, writer.write(body), applyPlugins); + } + + + bool RestApiPut(Json::Value& result, + OrthancPluginContext* context, + const std::string& uri, + const char* body, + size_t bodySize, + bool applyPlugins) + { + MemoryBuffer answer(context); + if (!answer.RestApiPut(uri, body, bodySize, applyPlugins)) + { + return false; + } + else + { + answer.ToJson(result); + return true; + } + } + + + bool RestApiPut(Json::Value& result, + OrthancPluginContext* context, + const std::string& uri, + const Json::Value& body, + bool applyPlugins) + { + Json::FastWriter writer; + return RestApiPut(result, context, uri, writer.write(body), applyPlugins); + } + + + bool RestApiDelete(OrthancPluginContext* context, + const std::string& uri, + bool applyPlugins) + { + OrthancPluginErrorCode error; + + if (applyPlugins) + { + error = OrthancPluginRestApiDeleteAfterPlugins(context, uri.c_str()); + } + else + { + error = OrthancPluginRestApiDelete(context, uri.c_str()); + } + + if (error == OrthancPluginErrorCode_Success) + { + return true; + } + else if (error == OrthancPluginErrorCode_UnknownResource || + error == OrthancPluginErrorCode_InexistentItem) + { + return false; + } + else + { + ORTHANC_PLUGINS_THROW_PLUGIN_ERROR_CODE(error); + } + } + + + void ReportMinimalOrthancVersion(OrthancPluginContext* context, + unsigned int major, + unsigned int minor, + unsigned int revision) + { + std::string s = ("Your version of the Orthanc core (" + + std::string(context->orthancVersion) + + ") is too old to run this plugin (version " + + boost::lexical_cast(major) + "." + + boost::lexical_cast(minor) + "." + + boost::lexical_cast(revision) + + " is required)"); + + OrthancPluginLogError(context, s.c_str()); + } + + + bool CheckMinimalOrthancVersion(OrthancPluginContext* context, + unsigned int major, + unsigned int minor, + unsigned int revision) + { + if (context == NULL) + { + OrthancPluginLogError(context, "Bad Orthanc context in the plugin"); + return false; + } + + if (!strcmp(context->orthancVersion, "mainline")) + { + // Assume compatibility with the mainline + return true; + } + + // Parse the version of the Orthanc core + int aa, bb, cc; + if ( +#ifdef _MSC_VER + sscanf_s +#else + sscanf +#endif + (context->orthancVersion, "%4d.%4d.%4d", &aa, &bb, &cc) != 3 || + aa < 0 || + bb < 0 || + cc < 0) + { + throw false; + } + + unsigned int a = static_cast(aa); + unsigned int b = static_cast(bb); + unsigned int c = static_cast(cc); + + // Check the major version number + + if (a > major) + { + return true; + } + + if (a < major) + { + return false; + } + + + // Check the minor version number + assert(a == major); + + if (b > minor) + { + return true; + } + + if (b < minor) + { + return false; + } + + // Check the patch level version number + assert(a == major && b == minor); + + if (c >= revision) + { + return true; + } + else + { + return false; + } + } +} + diff -r decac5df19c4 -r d5d3cb00556a Resources/Orthanc/Plugins/Samples/Common/OrthancPluginCppWrapper.h --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/Resources/Orthanc/Plugins/Samples/Common/OrthancPluginCppWrapper.h Wed Mar 22 16:13:52 2017 +0100 @@ -0,0 +1,524 @@ +/** + * Orthanc - A Lightweight, RESTful DICOM Store + * Copyright (C) 2012-2016 Sebastien Jodogne, Medical Physics + * Department, University Hospital of Liege, Belgium + * Copyright (C) 2017 Osimis, Belgium + * + * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as + * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the + * License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders of this + * program give permission to link the code of its release with the + * OpenSSL project's "OpenSSL" library (or with modified versions of it + * that use the same license as the "OpenSSL" library), and distribute + * the linked executables. You must obey the GNU General Public License + * in all respects for all of the code used other than "OpenSSL". If you + * modify file(s) with this exception, you may extend this exception to + * your version of the file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If + * you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your + * version. If you delete this exception statement from all source files + * in the program, then also delete it here. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but + * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + **/ + + +#pragma once + +#include "OrthancPluginException.h" + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + + + +#define ORTHANC_PLUGINS_VERSION_IS_ABOVE(major, minor, revision) \ + (ORTHANC_PLUGINS_MINIMAL_MAJOR_NUMBER > major || \ + (ORTHANC_PLUGINS_MINIMAL_MAJOR_NUMBER == major && \ + (ORTHANC_PLUGINS_MINIMAL_MINOR_NUMBER > minor || \ + (ORTHANC_PLUGINS_MINIMAL_MINOR_NUMBER == minor && \ + ORTHANC_PLUGINS_MINIMAL_REVISION_NUMBER >= revision)))) + + +#if ORTHANC_PLUGINS_VERSION_IS_ABOVE(1, 2, 0) +// The "OrthancPluginFindMatcher()" primitive was introduced in Orthanc 1.2.0 +# define HAS_ORTHANC_PLUGIN_FIND_MATCHER 1 +#else +# define HAS_ORTHANC_PLUGIN_FIND_MATCHER 0 +#endif + + + +namespace OrthancPlugins +{ + typedef void (*RestCallback) (OrthancPluginRestOutput* output, + const char* url, + const OrthancPluginHttpRequest* request); + + class MemoryBuffer : public boost::noncopyable + { + private: + OrthancPluginContext* context_; + OrthancPluginMemoryBuffer buffer_; + + void Check(OrthancPluginErrorCode code); + + bool CheckHttp(OrthancPluginErrorCode code); + + public: + MemoryBuffer(OrthancPluginContext* context); + + ~MemoryBuffer() + { + Clear(); + } + + OrthancPluginMemoryBuffer* operator*() + { + return &buffer_; + } + + // This transfers ownership + void Assign(OrthancPluginMemoryBuffer& other); + + const char* GetData() const + { + if (buffer_.size > 0) + { + return reinterpret_cast(buffer_.data); + } + else + { + return NULL; + } + } + + size_t GetSize() const + { + return buffer_.size; + } + + void Clear(); + + void ToString(std::string& target) const; + + void ToJson(Json::Value& target) const; + + bool RestApiGet(const std::string& uri, + bool applyPlugins); + + bool RestApiPost(const std::string& uri, + const char* body, + size_t bodySize, + bool applyPlugins); + + bool RestApiPut(const std::string& uri, + const char* body, + size_t bodySize, + bool applyPlugins); + + bool RestApiPost(const std::string& uri, + const Json::Value& body, + bool applyPlugins); + + bool RestApiPut(const std::string& uri, + const Json::Value& body, + bool applyPlugins); + + bool RestApiPost(const std::string& uri, + const std::string& body, + bool applyPlugins) + { + return RestApiPost(uri, body.empty() ? NULL : body.c_str(), body.size(), applyPlugins); + } + + bool RestApiPut(const std::string& uri, + const std::string& body, + bool applyPlugins) + { + return RestApiPut(uri, body.empty() ? NULL : body.c_str(), body.size(), applyPlugins); + } + + void CreateDicom(const Json::Value& tags, + OrthancPluginCreateDicomFlags flags); + + void ReadFile(const std::string& path); + + void GetDicomQuery(const OrthancPluginWorklistQuery* query); + + void DicomToJson(Json::Value& target, + OrthancPluginDicomToJsonFormat format, + OrthancPluginDicomToJsonFlags flags, + uint32_t maxStringLength); + + bool HttpGet(const std::string& url, + const std::string& username, + const std::string& password); + + bool HttpPost(const std::string& url, + const std::string& body, + const std::string& username, + const std::string& password); + + bool HttpPut(const std::string& url, + const std::string& body, + const std::string& username, + const std::string& password); + }; + + + class OrthancString : public boost::noncopyable + { + private: + OrthancPluginContext* context_; + char* str_; + + void Clear(); + + public: + OrthancString(OrthancPluginContext* context) : + context_(context), + str_(NULL) + { + } + + ~OrthancString() + { + Clear(); + } + + // This transfers ownership, warning: The string must have been + // allocated by the Orthanc core + void Assign(char* str); + + const char* GetContent() const + { + return str_; + } + + void ToString(std::string& target) const; + + void ToJson(Json::Value& target) const; + }; + + + class OrthancConfiguration : public boost::noncopyable + { + private: + OrthancPluginContext* context_; + Json::Value configuration_; // Necessarily a Json::objectValue + std::string path_; + + std::string GetPath(const std::string& key) const; + + public: + OrthancConfiguration() : context_(NULL) + { + } + + OrthancConfiguration(OrthancPluginContext* context); + + OrthancPluginContext* GetContext() const; + + const Json::Value& GetJson() const + { + return configuration_; + } + + bool IsSection(const std::string& key) const; + + void GetSection(OrthancConfiguration& target, + const std::string& key) const; + + bool LookupStringValue(std::string& target, + const std::string& key) const; + + bool LookupIntegerValue(int& target, + const std::string& key) const; + + bool LookupUnsignedIntegerValue(unsigned int& target, + const std::string& key) const; + + bool LookupBooleanValue(bool& target, + const std::string& key) const; + + bool LookupFloatValue(float& target, + const std::string& key) const; + + bool LookupListOfStrings(std::list& target, + const std::string& key, + bool allowSingleString) const; + + bool LookupSetOfStrings(std::set& target, + const std::string& key, + bool allowSingleString) const; + + std::string GetStringValue(const std::string& key, + const std::string& defaultValue) const; + + int GetIntegerValue(const std::string& key, + int defaultValue) const; + + unsigned int GetUnsignedIntegerValue(const std::string& key, + unsigned int defaultValue) const; + + bool GetBooleanValue(const std::string& key, + bool defaultValue) const; + + float GetFloatValue(const std::string& key, + float defaultValue) const; + }; + + class OrthancImage : public boost::noncopyable + { + private: + OrthancPluginContext* context_; + OrthancPluginImage* image_; + + void Clear(); + + void CheckImageAvailable(); + + public: + OrthancImage(OrthancPluginContext* context); + + OrthancImage(OrthancPluginContext* context, + OrthancPluginImage* image); + + OrthancImage(OrthancPluginContext* context, + OrthancPluginPixelFormat format, + uint32_t width, + uint32_t height); + + ~OrthancImage() + { + Clear(); + } + + void UncompressPngImage(const void* data, + size_t size); + + void UncompressJpegImage(const void* data, + size_t size); + + void DecodeDicomImage(const void* data, + size_t size, + unsigned int frame); + + OrthancPluginPixelFormat GetPixelFormat(); + + unsigned int GetWidth(); + + unsigned int GetHeight(); + + unsigned int GetPitch(); + + const void* GetBuffer(); + + void CompressPngImage(MemoryBuffer& target); + + void CompressJpegImage(MemoryBuffer& target, + uint8_t quality); + + void AnswerPngImage(OrthancPluginRestOutput* output); + + void AnswerJpegImage(OrthancPluginRestOutput* output, + uint8_t quality); + }; + + +#if HAS_ORTHANC_PLUGIN_FIND_MATCHER == 1 + class FindMatcher : public boost::noncopyable + { + private: + OrthancPluginContext* context_; + OrthancPluginFindMatcher* matcher_; + const OrthancPluginWorklistQuery* worklist_; + + void SetupDicom(OrthancPluginContext* context, + const void* query, + uint32_t size); + + public: + FindMatcher(OrthancPluginContext* context, + const OrthancPluginWorklistQuery* worklist); + + FindMatcher(OrthancPluginContext* context, + const void* query, + uint32_t size) + { + SetupDicom(context, query, size); + } + + FindMatcher(OrthancPluginContext* context, + const MemoryBuffer& dicom) + { + SetupDicom(context, dicom.GetData(), dicom.GetSize()); + } + + ~FindMatcher(); + + bool IsMatch(const void* dicom, + uint32_t size) const; + + bool IsMatch(const MemoryBuffer& dicom) const + { + return IsMatch(dicom.GetData(), dicom.GetSize()); + } + }; +#endif + + + bool RestApiGet(Json::Value& result, + OrthancPluginContext* context, + const std::string& uri, + bool applyPlugins); + + bool RestApiPost(Json::Value& result, + OrthancPluginContext* context, + const std::string& uri, + const char* body, + size_t bodySize, + bool applyPlugins); + + bool RestApiPost(Json::Value& result, + OrthancPluginContext* context, + const std::string& uri, + const Json::Value& body, + bool applyPlugins); + + inline bool RestApiPost(Json::Value& result, + OrthancPluginContext* context, + const std::string& uri, + const std::string& body, + bool applyPlugins) + { + return RestApiPost(result, context, uri, body.empty() ? NULL : body.c_str(), + body.size(), applyPlugins); + } + + bool RestApiPut(Json::Value& result, + OrthancPluginContext* context, + const std::string& uri, + const char* body, + size_t bodySize, + bool applyPlugins); + + bool RestApiPut(Json::Value& result, + OrthancPluginContext* context, + const std::string& uri, + const Json::Value& body, + bool applyPlugins); + + inline bool RestApiPut(Json::Value& result, + OrthancPluginContext* context, + const std::string& uri, + const std::string& body, + bool applyPlugins) + { + return RestApiPut(result, context, uri, body.empty() ? NULL : body.c_str(), + body.size(), applyPlugins); + } + + bool RestApiDelete(OrthancPluginContext* context, + const std::string& uri, + bool applyPlugins); + + bool HttpDelete(OrthancPluginContext* context, + const std::string& url, + const std::string& username, + const std::string& password); + + inline void LogError(OrthancPluginContext* context, + const std::string& message) + { + if (context != NULL) + { + OrthancPluginLogError(context, message.c_str()); + } + } + + inline void LogWarning(OrthancPluginContext* context, + const std::string& message) + { + if (context != NULL) + { + OrthancPluginLogWarning(context, message.c_str()); + } + } + + inline void LogInfo(OrthancPluginContext* context, + const std::string& message) + { + if (context != NULL) + { + OrthancPluginLogInfo(context, message.c_str()); + } + } + + void ReportMinimalOrthancVersion(OrthancPluginContext* context, + unsigned int major, + unsigned int minor, + unsigned int revision); + + bool CheckMinimalOrthancVersion(OrthancPluginContext* context, + unsigned int major, + unsigned int minor, + unsigned int revision); + + + namespace Internals + { + template + OrthancPluginErrorCode Protect(OrthancPluginRestOutput* output, + const char* url, + const OrthancPluginHttpRequest* request) + { + try + { + Callback(output, url, request); + return OrthancPluginErrorCode_Success; + } + catch (ORTHANC_PLUGINS_EXCEPTION_CLASS& e) + { + return static_cast(e.GetErrorCode()); + } + catch (boost::bad_lexical_cast&) + { + return OrthancPluginErrorCode_BadFileFormat; + } + catch (...) + { + return OrthancPluginErrorCode_Plugin; + } + } + } + + + template + void RegisterRestCallback(OrthancPluginContext* context, + const std::string& uri, + bool isThreadSafe) + { + if (isThreadSafe) + { + OrthancPluginRegisterRestCallbackNoLock(context, uri.c_str(), Internals::Protect); + } + else + { + OrthancPluginRegisterRestCallback(context, uri.c_str(), Internals::Protect); + } + } +} diff -r decac5df19c4 -r d5d3cb00556a Resources/Orthanc/Plugins/Samples/Common/OrthancPluginException.h --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/Resources/Orthanc/Plugins/Samples/Common/OrthancPluginException.h Wed Mar 22 16:13:52 2017 +0100 @@ -0,0 +1,101 @@ +/** + * Orthanc - A Lightweight, RESTful DICOM Store + * Copyright (C) 2012-2016 Sebastien Jodogne, Medical Physics + * Department, University Hospital of Liege, Belgium + * Copyright (C) 2017 Osimis, Belgium + * + * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as + * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the + * License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders of this + * program give permission to link the code of its release with the + * OpenSSL project's "OpenSSL" library (or with modified versions of it + * that use the same license as the "OpenSSL" library), and distribute + * the linked executables. You must obey the GNU General Public License + * in all respects for all of the code used other than "OpenSSL". If you + * modify file(s) with this exception, you may extend this exception to + * your version of the file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If + * you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your + * version. If you delete this exception statement from all source files + * in the program, then also delete it here. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but + * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + **/ + + +#pragma once + +#if !defined(HAS_ORTHANC_EXCEPTION) +# error The macro HAS_ORTHANC_EXCEPTION must be defined +#endif + + +#if HAS_ORTHANC_EXCEPTION == 1 +# include "../../../Core/OrthancException.h" +# define ORTHANC_PLUGINS_ERROR_ENUMERATION ::Orthanc::ErrorCode +# define ORTHANC_PLUGINS_EXCEPTION_CLASS ::Orthanc::OrthancException +# define ORTHANC_PLUGINS_GET_ERROR_CODE(code) ::Orthanc::ErrorCode_ ## code +#else +# include +# define ORTHANC_PLUGINS_ERROR_ENUMERATION ::OrthancPluginErrorCode +# define ORTHANC_PLUGINS_EXCEPTION_CLASS ::OrthancPlugins::PluginException +# define ORTHANC_PLUGINS_GET_ERROR_CODE(code) ::OrthancPluginErrorCode_ ## code +#endif + + +#define ORTHANC_PLUGINS_THROW_PLUGIN_ERROR_CODE(code) \ + throw ORTHANC_PLUGINS_EXCEPTION_CLASS(static_cast(code)); + + +#define ORTHANC_PLUGINS_THROW_EXCEPTION(code) \ + throw ORTHANC_PLUGINS_EXCEPTION_CLASS(ORTHANC_PLUGINS_GET_ERROR_CODE(code)); + + +#define ORTHANC_PLUGINS_CHECK_ERROR(code) \ + if (code != ORTHANC_PLUGINS_GET_ERROR_CODE(Success)) \ + { \ + ORTHANC_PLUGINS_THROW_EXCEPTION(code); \ + } + + +namespace OrthancPlugins +{ +#if HAS_ORTHANC_EXCEPTION == 0 + class PluginException + { + private: + OrthancPluginErrorCode code_; + + public: + explicit PluginException(OrthancPluginErrorCode code) : code_(code) + { + } + + OrthancPluginErrorCode GetErrorCode() const + { + return code_; + } + + const char* What(OrthancPluginContext* context) const + { + const char* description = OrthancPluginGetErrorDescription(context, code_); + if (description) + { + return description; + } + else + { + return "No description available"; + } + } + }; +#endif +} diff -r decac5df19c4 -r d5d3cb00556a Resources/Orthanc/Plugins/Samples/Common/VersionScript.map --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/Resources/Orthanc/Plugins/Samples/Common/VersionScript.map Wed Mar 22 16:13:52 2017 +0100 @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +# This is a version-script for Orthanc plugins + +{ +global: + OrthancPluginInitialize; + OrthancPluginFinalize; + OrthancPluginGetName; + OrthancPluginGetVersion; + +local: + *; +}; diff -r decac5df19c4 -r d5d3cb00556a Resources/Orthanc/Resources/CMake/AutoGeneratedCode.cmake --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/Resources/Orthanc/Resources/CMake/AutoGeneratedCode.cmake Wed Mar 22 16:13:52 2017 +0100 @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +set(AUTOGENERATED_DIR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/AUTOGENERATED") +set(AUTOGENERATED_SOURCES) + +file(MAKE_DIRECTORY ${AUTOGENERATED_DIR}) +include_directories(${AUTOGENERATED_DIR}) + +macro(EmbedResources) + # Convert a semicolon separated list to a whitespace separated string + set(SCRIPT_OPTIONS) + set(SCRIPT_ARGUMENTS) + set(DEPENDENCIES) + set(IS_PATH_NAME false) + + # Loop over the arguments of the function + foreach(arg ${ARGN}) + # Extract the first character of the argument + string(SUBSTRING "${arg}" 0 1 FIRST_CHAR) + if (${FIRST_CHAR} STREQUAL "-") + # If the argument starts with a dash "-", this is an option to + # EmbedResources.py + list(APPEND SCRIPT_OPTIONS ${arg}) + else() + if (${IS_PATH_NAME}) + list(APPEND SCRIPT_ARGUMENTS "${arg}") + list(APPEND DEPENDENCIES "${arg}") + set(IS_PATH_NAME false) + else() + list(APPEND SCRIPT_ARGUMENTS "${arg}") + set(IS_PATH_NAME true) + endif() + endif() + endforeach() + + set(TARGET_BASE "${AUTOGENERATED_DIR}/EmbeddedResources") + add_custom_command( + OUTPUT + "${TARGET_BASE}.h" + "${TARGET_BASE}.cpp" + COMMAND + ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} + "${ORTHANC_ROOT}/Resources/EmbedResources.py" + ${SCRIPT_OPTIONS} + "${AUTOGENERATED_DIR}/EmbeddedResources" + ${SCRIPT_ARGUMENTS} + DEPENDS + "${ORTHANC_ROOT}/Resources/EmbedResources.py" + ${DEPENDENCIES} + ) + + list(APPEND AUTOGENERATED_SOURCES + "${AUTOGENERATED_DIR}/EmbeddedResources.cpp" + ) +endmacro() diff -r decac5df19c4 -r d5d3cb00556a Resources/Orthanc/Resources/CMake/BoostConfiguration.cmake --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/Resources/Orthanc/Resources/CMake/BoostConfiguration.cmake Wed Mar 22 16:13:52 2017 +0100 @@ -0,0 +1,238 @@ +if (STATIC_BUILD OR NOT USE_SYSTEM_BOOST) + set(BOOST_STATIC 1) +else() + include(FindBoost) + + set(BOOST_STATIC 0) + #set(Boost_DEBUG 1) + #set(Boost_USE_STATIC_LIBS ON) + + find_package(Boost + COMPONENTS filesystem thread system date_time regex locale ${ORTHANC_BOOST_COMPONENTS}) + + if (NOT Boost_FOUND) + message(FATAL_ERROR "Unable to locate Boost on this system") + endif() + + # Boost releases 1.44 through 1.47 supply both V2 and V3 filesystem + # http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_46_1/libs/filesystem/v3/doc/index.htm + if (${Boost_VERSION} LESS 104400) + add_definitions( + -DBOOST_HAS_FILESYSTEM_V3=0 + ) + else() + add_definitions( + -DBOOST_HAS_FILESYSTEM_V3=1 + -DBOOST_FILESYSTEM_VERSION=3 + ) + endif() + + #if (${Boost_VERSION} LESS 104800) + # boost::locale is only available from 1.48.00 + #message("Too old version of Boost (${Boost_LIB_VERSION}): Building the static version") + # set(BOOST_STATIC 1) + #endif() + + include_directories(${Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS}) + link_libraries(${Boost_LIBRARIES}) +endif() + + +if (BOOST_STATIC) + # Parameters for Boost 1.60.0 + set(BOOST_NAME boost_1_60_0) + set(BOOST_BCP_SUFFIX bcpdigest-1.0.1) + set(BOOST_MD5 "a789f8ec2056ad1c2d5f0cb64687cc7b") + set(BOOST_URL "http://www.orthanc-server.com/downloads/third-party/${BOOST_NAME}_${BOOST_BCP_SUFFIX}.tar.gz") + set(BOOST_FILESYSTEM_SOURCES_DIR "${BOOST_NAME}/libs/filesystem/src") + set(BOOST_SOURCES_DIR ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${BOOST_NAME}) + + DownloadPackage(${BOOST_MD5} ${BOOST_URL} "${BOOST_SOURCES_DIR}") + + set(BOOST_SOURCES) + + if (${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} STREQUAL "Linux" OR + ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} STREQUAL "Darwin" OR + ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} STREQUAL "FreeBSD" OR + ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} STREQUAL "kFreeBSD" OR + ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} STREQUAL "PNaCl" OR + ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} STREQUAL "NaCl32" OR + ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} STREQUAL "NaCl64") + list(APPEND BOOST_SOURCES + ${BOOST_SOURCES_DIR}/libs/atomic/src/lockpool.cpp + ${BOOST_SOURCES_DIR}/libs/thread/src/pthread/once.cpp + ${BOOST_SOURCES_DIR}/libs/thread/src/pthread/thread.cpp + ) + add_definitions( + -DBOOST_LOCALE_WITH_ICONV=1 + -DBOOST_LOCALE_NO_WINAPI_BACKEND=1 + -DBOOST_LOCALE_NO_STD_BACKEND=1 + ) + + if ("${CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION}" STREQUAL "LinuxStandardBase" OR + ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} STREQUAL "PNaCl" OR + ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} STREQUAL "NaCl32" OR + ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} STREQUAL "NaCl64") + add_definitions(-DBOOST_HAS_SCHED_YIELD=1) + endif() + + elseif(${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} STREQUAL "Windows") + list(APPEND BOOST_SOURCES + ${BOOST_SOURCES_DIR}/libs/thread/src/win32/tss_dll.cpp + ${BOOST_SOURCES_DIR}/libs/thread/src/win32/thread.cpp + ${BOOST_SOURCES_DIR}/libs/thread/src/win32/tss_pe.cpp + ${BOOST_FILESYSTEM_SOURCES_DIR}/windows_file_codecvt.cpp + ) + + # Starting with release 0.8.2, Orthanc statically links against + # libiconv, even on Windows. Indeed, the "WCONV" library of + # Windows XP seems not to support properly several codepages + # (notably "Latin3", "Hebrew", and "Arabic"). + + if (USE_BOOST_ICONV) + include(${ORTHANC_ROOT}/Resources/CMake/LibIconvConfiguration.cmake) + else() + add_definitions(-DBOOST_LOCALE_WITH_WCONV=1) + endif() + + add_definitions( + -DBOOST_LOCALE_NO_POSIX_BACKEND=1 + -DBOOST_LOCALE_NO_STD_BACKEND=1 + ) + + elseif (${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} STREQUAL "Emscripten") + add_definitions( + -DBOOST_LOCALE_NO_POSIX_BACKEND=1 + -DBOOST_LOCALE_NO_STD_BACKEND=1 + ) + + else() + message(FATAL_ERROR "Support your platform here") + endif() + + if (${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} STREQUAL "Darwin") + list(APPEND BOOST_SOURCES + ${BOOST_SOURCES_DIR}/libs/filesystem/src/utf8_codecvt_facet.cpp + ) + endif() + + aux_source_directory(${BOOST_SOURCES_DIR}/libs/regex/src BOOST_REGEX_SOURCES) + + list(APPEND BOOST_SOURCES + ${BOOST_REGEX_SOURCES} + ${BOOST_SOURCES_DIR}/libs/date_time/src/gregorian/greg_month.cpp + ${BOOST_SOURCES_DIR}/libs/system/src/error_code.cpp + ) + + if (NOT ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} STREQUAL "Emscripten") + list(APPEND BOOST_SOURCES + ${BOOST_SOURCES_DIR}/libs/locale/src/encoding/codepage.cpp + ) + endif() + + if (${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} STREQUAL "PNaCl" OR + ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} STREQUAL "NaCl32" OR + ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} STREQUAL "NaCl64") + # boost::filesystem is not available on PNaCl + add_definitions( + -DBOOST_HAS_FILESYSTEM_V3=0 + -D__INTEGRITY=1 + ) + else() + add_definitions( + -DBOOST_HAS_FILESYSTEM_V3=1 + ) + list(APPEND BOOST_SOURCES + ${BOOST_FILESYSTEM_SOURCES_DIR}/codecvt_error_category.cpp + ${BOOST_FILESYSTEM_SOURCES_DIR}/operations.cpp + ${BOOST_FILESYSTEM_SOURCES_DIR}/path.cpp + ${BOOST_FILESYSTEM_SOURCES_DIR}/path_traits.cpp + ) + endif() + + if (USE_BOOST_LOCALE_BACKENDS) + if (${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} STREQUAL "Linux" OR + ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} STREQUAL "Darwin" OR + ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} STREQUAL "FreeBSD" OR + ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} STREQUAL "kFreeBSD" OR + ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} STREQUAL "PNaCl" OR + ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} STREQUAL "NaCl32" OR + ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} STREQUAL "NaCl64") + list(APPEND BOOST_SOURCES + ${BOOST_SOURCES_DIR}/libs/locale/src/posix/codecvt.cpp + ${BOOST_SOURCES_DIR}/libs/locale/src/posix/collate.cpp + ${BOOST_SOURCES_DIR}/libs/locale/src/posix/converter.cpp + ${BOOST_SOURCES_DIR}/libs/locale/src/posix/numeric.cpp + ${BOOST_SOURCES_DIR}/libs/locale/src/posix/posix_backend.cpp + ) + elseif(${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} STREQUAL "Windows") + list(APPEND BOOST_SOURCES + ${BOOST_SOURCES_DIR}/libs/locale/src/win32/collate.cpp + ${BOOST_SOURCES_DIR}/libs/locale/src/win32/converter.cpp + ${BOOST_SOURCES_DIR}/libs/locale/src/win32/lcid.cpp + ${BOOST_SOURCES_DIR}/libs/locale/src/win32/numeric.cpp + ${BOOST_SOURCES_DIR}/libs/locale/src/win32/win_backend.cpp + ) + else() + message(FATAL_ERROR "Support your platform here") + endif() + + list(APPEND BOOST_SOURCES + ${BOOST_REGEX_SOURCES} + ${BOOST_SOURCES_DIR}/libs/date_time/src/gregorian/greg_month.cpp + ${BOOST_SOURCES_DIR}/libs/system/src/error_code.cpp + + ${BOOST_FILESYSTEM_SOURCES_DIR}/codecvt_error_category.cpp + ${BOOST_FILESYSTEM_SOURCES_DIR}/operations.cpp + ${BOOST_FILESYSTEM_SOURCES_DIR}/path.cpp + ${BOOST_FILESYSTEM_SOURCES_DIR}/path_traits.cpp + + ${BOOST_SOURCES_DIR}/libs/locale/src/shared/generator.cpp + ${BOOST_SOURCES_DIR}/libs/locale/src/shared/date_time.cpp + ${BOOST_SOURCES_DIR}/libs/locale/src/shared/formatting.cpp + ${BOOST_SOURCES_DIR}/libs/locale/src/shared/ids.cpp + ${BOOST_SOURCES_DIR}/libs/locale/src/shared/localization_backend.cpp + ${BOOST_SOURCES_DIR}/libs/locale/src/shared/message.cpp + ${BOOST_SOURCES_DIR}/libs/locale/src/shared/mo_lambda.cpp + ${BOOST_SOURCES_DIR}/libs/locale/src/util/codecvt_converter.cpp + ${BOOST_SOURCES_DIR}/libs/locale/src/util/default_locale.cpp + ${BOOST_SOURCES_DIR}/libs/locale/src/util/gregorian.cpp + ${BOOST_SOURCES_DIR}/libs/locale/src/util/info.cpp + ${BOOST_SOURCES_DIR}/libs/locale/src/util/locale_data.cpp + ) + endif() + + add_definitions( + # Static build of Boost + -DBOOST_ALL_NO_LIB + -DBOOST_ALL_NOLIB + -DBOOST_DATE_TIME_NO_LIB + -DBOOST_THREAD_BUILD_LIB + -DBOOST_PROGRAM_OPTIONS_NO_LIB + -DBOOST_REGEX_NO_LIB + -DBOOST_SYSTEM_NO_LIB + -DBOOST_LOCALE_NO_LIB + -DBOOST_HAS_LOCALE=1 + ) + + if (CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX) + add_definitions(-isystem ${BOOST_SOURCES_DIR}) + endif() + + include_directories( + ${BOOST_SOURCES_DIR} + ) + + source_group(ThirdParty\\boost REGULAR_EXPRESSION ${BOOST_SOURCES_DIR}/.*) + +else() + add_definitions( + -DBOOST_HAS_LOCALE=1 + ) +endif() + + +add_definitions( + -DBOOST_HAS_DATE_TIME=1 + -DBOOST_HAS_REGEX=1 + ) diff -r decac5df19c4 -r d5d3cb00556a Resources/Orthanc/Resources/CMake/Compiler.cmake --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/Resources/Orthanc/Resources/CMake/Compiler.cmake Wed Mar 22 16:13:52 2017 +0100 @@ -0,0 +1,188 @@ +# This file sets all the compiler-related flags + +if (CMAKE_CROSSCOMPILING) + # Cross-compilation necessarily implies standalone and static build + SET(STATIC_BUILD ON) + SET(STANDALONE_BUILD ON) +endif() + +if (CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX) + set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -Wall -Wno-long-long -Wno-implicit-function-declaration") + # --std=c99 makes libcurl not to compile + # -pedantic gives a lot of warnings on OpenSSL + set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -Wall -Wno-long-long -Wno-variadic-macros") + + if (CMAKE_CROSSCOMPILING) + # http://stackoverflow.com/a/3543845/881731 + set(CMAKE_RC_COMPILE_OBJECT " -O coff -I ") + endif() + +elseif (MSVC) + # Use static runtime under Visual Studio + # http://www.cmake.org/Wiki/CMake_FAQ#Dynamic_Replace + # http://stackoverflow.com/a/6510446 + foreach(flag_var + CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG + CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG + CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE + CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE + CMAKE_C_FLAGS_MINSIZEREL + CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_MINSIZEREL + CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO + CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO) + string(REGEX REPLACE "/MD" "/MT" ${flag_var} "${${flag_var}}") + string(REGEX REPLACE "/MDd" "/MTd" ${flag_var} "${${flag_var}}") + endforeach(flag_var) + + # Add /Zm256 compiler option to Visual Studio to fix PCH errors + set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} /Zm256") + + add_definitions( + -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS=1 + -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE=1 + ) + + if (MSVC_VERSION LESS 1600) + # Starting with Visual Studio >= 2010 (i.e. macro _MSC_VER >= + # 1600), Microsoft ships a standard-compliant + # header. For earlier versions of Visual Studio, give access to a + # compatibility header. + # http://stackoverflow.com/a/70630/881731 + # https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/C_Programming/C_Reference/stdint.h#External_links + include_directories(${ORTHANC_ROOT}/Resources/ThirdParty/VisualStudio) + endif() + + link_libraries(netapi32) +endif() + + +if (${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} STREQUAL "Linux" OR + ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} STREQUAL "kFreeBSD" OR + ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} STREQUAL "FreeBSD") + set(CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS} -Wl,--no-undefined") + set(CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS} -Wl,--no-undefined") + + if (NOT DEFINED ENABLE_PLUGINS_VERSION_SCRIPT OR + ENABLE_PLUGINS_VERSION_SCRIPT) + set(CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS} -Wl,--version-script=${ORTHANC_ROOT}/Plugins/Samples/Common/VersionScript.map") + endif() + + # Remove the "-rdynamic" option + # http://www.mail-archive.com/cmake@cmake.org/msg08837.html + set(CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_LINK_CXX_FLAGS "") + link_libraries(uuid pthread rt) + + if (NOT ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} STREQUAL "FreeBSD") + set(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS} -Wl,--as-needed") + set(CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS} -Wl,--as-needed") + set(CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS} -Wl,--as-needed") + add_definitions( + -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE=1 + -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 + ) + link_libraries(dl) + endif() + + CHECK_INCLUDE_FILES(uuid/uuid.h HAVE_UUID_H) + if (NOT HAVE_UUID_H) + message(FATAL_ERROR "Please install the uuid-dev package") + endif() + +elseif(${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} STREQUAL "Windows") + if (MSVC) + message("MSVC compiler version = " ${MSVC_VERSION} "\n") + # Starting Visual Studio 2013 (version 1800), it is not possible + # to target Windows XP anymore + if (MSVC_VERSION LESS 1800) + add_definitions( + -DWINVER=0x0501 + -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0501 + ) + endif() + else() + add_definitions( + -DWINVER=0x0501 + -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0501 + ) + endif() + + add_definitions( + -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS=1 + ) + link_libraries(rpcrt4 ws2_32) + + if (CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX) + # Some additional C/C++ compiler flags for MinGW + SET(MINGW_NO_WARNINGS "-Wno-unused-function -Wno-unused-variable") + SET(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} ${MINGW_NO_WARNINGS} -Wno-pointer-to-int-cast -Wno-int-to-pointer-cast") + SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} ${MINGW_NO_WARNINGS}") + + # This is a patch for MinGW64 + SET(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS} -Wl,--allow-multiple-definition -static-libgcc -static-libstdc++") + SET(CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS} -Wl,--allow-multiple-definition -static-libgcc -static-libstdc++") + + CHECK_LIBRARY_EXISTS(winpthread pthread_create "" HAVE_WIN_PTHREAD) + if (HAVE_WIN_PTHREAD) + # This line is necessary to compile with recent versions of MinGW, + # otherwise "libwinpthread-1.dll" is not statically linked. + SET(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD_LIBRARIES "${CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD_LIBRARIES} -Wl,-Bstatic -lstdc++ -lpthread -Wl,-Bdynamic") + add_definitions(-DHAVE_WIN_PTHREAD=1) + else() + add_definitions(-DHAVE_WIN_PTHREAD=0) + endif() + endif() + +elseif (${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} STREQUAL "Darwin") + SET(CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS} -exported_symbols_list ${ORTHANC_ROOT}/Plugins/Samples/Common/ExportedSymbols.list") + + add_definitions( + -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=1 + ) + link_libraries(iconv) + + CHECK_INCLUDE_FILES(uuid/uuid.h HAVE_UUID_H) + if (NOT HAVE_UUID_H) + message(FATAL_ERROR "Please install the uuid-dev package") + endif() + +endif() + + +if ("${CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION}" STREQUAL "LinuxStandardBase") + SET(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} --lsb-target-version=${LSB_TARGET_VERSION} -I${LSB_PATH}/include") + SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} --lsb-target-version=${LSB_TARGET_VERSION} -nostdinc++ -I${LSB_PATH}/include -I${LSB_PATH}/include/c++ -I${LSB_PATH}/include/c++/backward -fpermissive") + SET(CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS} --lsb-target-version=${LSB_TARGET_VERSION} -L${LSB_LIBPATH}") +endif() + + +if (${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} STREQUAL "FreeBSD") + # In FreeBSD, the "/usr/local/" folder contains the ports and need to be imported + SET(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -I/usr/local/include") + SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -I/usr/local/include") + SET(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS} -L/usr/local/lib") + SET(CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS} -L/usr/local/lib") +endif() + + +if (DEFINED ENABLE_PROFILING AND ENABLE_PROFILING) + if (NOT CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE STREQUAL "Debug") + message(WARNING "Enabling profiling on a non-debug build will not produce full information") + endif() + + if (CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX) + set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -pg") + set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -pg") + set(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS} -pg") + set(CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS} -pg") + set(CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS} -pg") + else() + message(FATAL_ERROR "Don't know how to enable profiling on your configuration") + endif() +endif() + + +if (STATIC_BUILD) + add_definitions(-DORTHANC_STATIC=1) +else() + add_definitions(-DORTHANC_STATIC=0) +endif() diff -r decac5df19c4 -r d5d3cb00556a Resources/Orthanc/Resources/CMake/DownloadPackage.cmake --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/Resources/Orthanc/Resources/CMake/DownloadPackage.cmake Wed Mar 22 16:13:52 2017 +0100 @@ -0,0 +1,172 @@ +macro(GetUrlFilename TargetVariable Url) + string(REGEX REPLACE "^.*/" "" ${TargetVariable} "${Url}") +endmacro() + + +macro(GetUrlExtension TargetVariable Url) + #string(REGEX REPLACE "^.*/[^.]*\\." "" TMP "${Url}") + string(REGEX REPLACE "^.*\\." "" TMP "${Url}") + string(TOLOWER "${TMP}" "${TargetVariable}") +endmacro() + + + +## +## Setup the patch command-line tool +## + +if (NOT ORTHANC_DISABLE_PATCH) + if ("${CMAKE_HOST_SYSTEM_NAME}" STREQUAL "Windows") + set(PATCH_EXECUTABLE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/../ThirdParty/patch/patch.exe) + if (NOT EXISTS ${PATCH_EXECUTABLE}) + message(FATAL_ERROR "Unable to find the patch.exe tool that is shipped with Orthanc") + endif() + + else () + find_program(PATCH_EXECUTABLE patch) + if (${PATCH_EXECUTABLE} MATCHES "PATCH_EXECUTABLE-NOTFOUND") + message(FATAL_ERROR "Please install the 'patch' standard command-line tool") + endif() + endif() +endif() + + + +## +## Check the existence of the required decompression tools +## + +if ("${CMAKE_HOST_SYSTEM_NAME}" STREQUAL "Windows") + find_program(ZIP_EXECUTABLE 7z + PATHS + "$ENV{ProgramFiles}/7-Zip" + "$ENV{ProgramW6432}/7-Zip" + ) + + if (${ZIP_EXECUTABLE} MATCHES "ZIP_EXECUTABLE-NOTFOUND") + message(FATAL_ERROR "Please install the '7-zip' software (http://www.7-zip.org/)") + endif() + +else() + find_program(UNZIP_EXECUTABLE unzip) + if (${UNZIP_EXECUTABLE} MATCHES "UNZIP_EXECUTABLE-NOTFOUND") + message(FATAL_ERROR "Please install the 'unzip' package") + endif() + + find_program(TAR_EXECUTABLE tar) + if (${TAR_EXECUTABLE} MATCHES "TAR_EXECUTABLE-NOTFOUND") + message(FATAL_ERROR "Please install the 'tar' package") + endif() +endif() + + +macro(DownloadPackage MD5 Url TargetDirectory) + if (NOT IS_DIRECTORY "${TargetDirectory}") + GetUrlFilename(TMP_FILENAME "${Url}") + + set(TMP_PATH "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/ThirdPartyDownloads/${TMP_FILENAME}") + if (NOT EXISTS "${TMP_PATH}") + message("Downloading ${Url}") + + # This fixes issue 6: "I think cmake shouldn't download the + # packages which are not in the system, it should stop and let + # user know." + # https://code.google.com/p/orthanc/issues/detail?id=6 + if (NOT STATIC_BUILD AND NOT ALLOW_DOWNLOADS) + message(FATAL_ERROR "CMake is not allowed to download from Internet. Please set the ALLOW_DOWNLOADS option to ON") + endif() + + file(DOWNLOAD "${Url}" "${TMP_PATH}" + SHOW_PROGRESS EXPECTED_MD5 "${MD5}" + TIMEOUT 60 INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT 60) + else() + message("Using local copy of ${Url}") + endif() + + GetUrlExtension(TMP_EXTENSION "${Url}") + #message(${TMP_EXTENSION}) + message("Uncompressing ${TMP_FILENAME}") + + if ("${CMAKE_HOST_SYSTEM_NAME}" STREQUAL "Windows") + # How to silently extract files using 7-zip + # http://superuser.com/questions/331148/7zip-command-line-extract-silently-quietly + + if (("${TMP_EXTENSION}" STREQUAL "gz") OR + ("${TMP_EXTENSION}" STREQUAL "tgz") OR + ("${TMP_EXTENSION}" STREQUAL "xz")) + execute_process( + COMMAND ${ZIP_EXECUTABLE} e -y ${TMP_PATH} + WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} + RESULT_VARIABLE Failure + OUTPUT_QUIET + ) + + if (Failure) + message(FATAL_ERROR "Error while running the uncompression tool") + endif() + + if ("${TMP_EXTENSION}" STREQUAL "tgz") + string(REGEX REPLACE ".tgz$" ".tar" TMP_FILENAME2 "${TMP_FILENAME}") + elseif ("${TMP_EXTENSION}" STREQUAL "gz") + string(REGEX REPLACE ".gz$" "" TMP_FILENAME2 "${TMP_FILENAME}") + elseif ("${TMP_EXTENSION}" STREQUAL "xz") + string(REGEX REPLACE ".xz" "" TMP_FILENAME2 "${TMP_FILENAME}") + endif() + + execute_process( + COMMAND ${ZIP_EXECUTABLE} x -y ${TMP_FILENAME2} + WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} + RESULT_VARIABLE Failure + OUTPUT_QUIET + ) + elseif ("${TMP_EXTENSION}" STREQUAL "zip") + execute_process( + COMMAND ${ZIP_EXECUTABLE} x -y ${TMP_PATH} + WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} + RESULT_VARIABLE Failure + OUTPUT_QUIET + ) + else() + message(FATAL_ERROR "Support your platform here") + endif() + + else() + if ("${TMP_EXTENSION}" STREQUAL "zip") + execute_process( + COMMAND sh -c "${UNZIP_EXECUTABLE} -q ${TMP_PATH}" + WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} + RESULT_VARIABLE Failure + ) + elseif (("${TMP_EXTENSION}" STREQUAL "gz") OR ("${TMP_EXTENSION}" STREQUAL "tgz")) + #message("tar xvfz ${TMP_PATH}") + execute_process( + COMMAND sh -c "${TAR_EXECUTABLE} xfz ${TMP_PATH}" + WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} + RESULT_VARIABLE Failure + ) + elseif ("${TMP_EXTENSION}" STREQUAL "bz2") + execute_process( + COMMAND sh -c "${TAR_EXECUTABLE} xfj ${TMP_PATH}" + WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} + RESULT_VARIABLE Failure + ) + elseif ("${TMP_EXTENSION}" STREQUAL "xz") + execute_process( + COMMAND sh -c "${TAR_EXECUTABLE} xf ${TMP_PATH}" + WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} + RESULT_VARIABLE Failure + ) + else() + message(FATAL_ERROR "Unknown package format.") + endif() + endif() + + if (Failure) + message(FATAL_ERROR "Error while running the uncompression tool") + endif() + + if (NOT IS_DIRECTORY "${TargetDirectory}") + message(FATAL_ERROR "The package was not uncompressed at the proper location. Check the CMake instructions.") + endif() + endif() +endmacro() diff -r decac5df19c4 -r d5d3cb00556a Resources/Orthanc/Resources/CMake/JsonCppConfiguration.cmake --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/Resources/Orthanc/Resources/CMake/JsonCppConfiguration.cmake Wed Mar 22 16:13:52 2017 +0100 @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +if (STATIC_BUILD OR NOT USE_SYSTEM_JSONCPP) + set(JSONCPP_SOURCES_DIR ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/jsoncpp-0.10.5) + set(JSONCPP_URL "http://www.orthanc-server.com/downloads/third-party/jsoncpp-0.10.5.tar.gz") + set(JSONCPP_MD5 "db146bac5a126ded9bd728ab7b61ed6b") + + DownloadPackage(${JSONCPP_MD5} ${JSONCPP_URL} "${JSONCPP_SOURCES_DIR}") + + set(JSONCPP_SOURCES + ${JSONCPP_SOURCES_DIR}/src/lib_json/json_reader.cpp + ${JSONCPP_SOURCES_DIR}/src/lib_json/json_value.cpp + ${JSONCPP_SOURCES_DIR}/src/lib_json/json_writer.cpp + ) + + include_directories( + ${JSONCPP_SOURCES_DIR}/include + ) + + source_group(ThirdParty\\JsonCpp REGULAR_EXPRESSION ${JSONCPP_SOURCES_DIR}/.*) + +else() + find_path(JSONCPP_INCLUDE_DIR json/reader.h + /usr/include/jsoncpp + /usr/local/include/jsoncpp + ) + + message("JsonCpp include dir: ${JSONCPP_INCLUDE_DIR}") + include_directories(${JSONCPP_INCLUDE_DIR}) + link_libraries(jsoncpp) + + CHECK_INCLUDE_FILE_CXX(${JSONCPP_INCLUDE_DIR}/json/reader.h HAVE_JSONCPP_H) + if (NOT HAVE_JSONCPP_H) + message(FATAL_ERROR "Please install the libjsoncpp-dev package") + endif() + + # Switch to the C++11 standard if the version of JsonCpp is 1.y.z + if (EXISTS ${JSONCPP_INCLUDE_DIR}/json/version.h) + file(STRINGS + "${JSONCPP_INCLUDE_DIR}/json/version.h" + JSONCPP_VERSION_MAJOR1 REGEX + ".*define JSONCPP_VERSION_MAJOR.*") + + if (NOT JSONCPP_VERSION_MAJOR1) + message(FATAL_ERROR "Unable to extract the major version of JsonCpp") + endif() + + string(REGEX REPLACE + ".*JSONCPP_VERSION_MAJOR.*([0-9]+)$" "\\1" + JSONCPP_VERSION_MAJOR ${JSONCPP_VERSION_MAJOR1}) + message("JsonCpp major version: ${JSONCPP_VERSION_MAJOR}") + + if (CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX AND + JSONCPP_VERSION_MAJOR GREATER 0) + message("Switching to C++11 standard, as version of JsonCpp is >= 1.0.0") + set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -std=c++11 -Wno-deprecated-declarations") + endif() + else() + message("Unable to detect the major version of JsonCpp, assuming < 1.0.0") + endif() + +endif() diff -r decac5df19c4 -r d5d3cb00556a Resources/Orthanc/Resources/EmbedResources.py --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/Resources/Orthanc/Resources/EmbedResources.py Wed Mar 22 16:13:52 2017 +0100 @@ -0,0 +1,431 @@ +#!/usr/bin/python + +# Orthanc - A Lightweight, RESTful DICOM Store +# Copyright (C) 2012-2016 Sebastien Jodogne, Medical Physics +# Department, University Hospital of Liege, Belgium +# Copyright (C) 2017 Osimis, Belgium +# +# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or +# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as +# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the +# License, or (at your option) any later version. +# +# In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders of this +# program give permission to link the code of its release with the +# OpenSSL project's "OpenSSL" library (or with modified versions of it +# that use the same license as the "OpenSSL" library), and distribute +# the linked executables. You must obey the GNU General Public License +# in all respects for all of the code used other than "OpenSSL". If you +# modify file(s) with this exception, you may extend this exception to +# your version of the file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If +# you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your +# version. If you delete this exception statement from all source files +# in the program, then also delete it here. +# +# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but +# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU +# General Public License for more details. +# +# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +# along with this program. If not, see . + + +import sys +import os +import os.path +import pprint +import re + +UPCASE_CHECK = True +USE_SYSTEM_EXCEPTION = False +EXCEPTION_CLASS = 'OrthancException' +OUT_OF_RANGE_EXCEPTION = 'OrthancException(ErrorCode_ParameterOutOfRange)' +INEXISTENT_PATH_EXCEPTION = 'OrthancException(ErrorCode_InexistentItem)' +NAMESPACE = 'Orthanc' + +ARGS = [] +for i in range(len(sys.argv)): + if not sys.argv[i].startswith('--'): + ARGS.append(sys.argv[i]) + elif sys.argv[i].lower() == '--no-upcase-check': + UPCASE_CHECK = False + elif sys.argv[i].lower() == '--system-exception': + USE_SYSTEM_EXCEPTION = True + EXCEPTION_CLASS = '::std::runtime_error' + OUT_OF_RANGE_EXCEPTION = '%s("Parameter out of range")' % EXCEPTION_CLASS + INEXISTENT_PATH_EXCEPTION = '%s("Unknown path in a directory resource")' % EXCEPTION_CLASS + elif sys.argv[i].startswith('--namespace='): + NAMESPACE = sys.argv[i][sys.argv[i].find('=') + 1 : ] + +if len(ARGS) < 2 or len(ARGS) % 2 != 0: + print ('Usage:') + print ('python %s [--no-upcase-check] [--system-exception] [--namespace=] [ ]*' % sys.argv[0]) + exit(-1) + +TARGET_BASE_FILENAME = ARGS[1] +SOURCES = ARGS[2:] + +try: + # Make sure the destination directory exists + os.makedirs(os.path.normpath(os.path.join(TARGET_BASE_FILENAME, '..'))) +except: + pass + + +##################################################################### +## Read each resource file +##################################################################### + +def CheckNoUpcase(s): + global UPCASE_CHECK + if (UPCASE_CHECK and + re.search('[A-Z]', s) != None): + raise Exception("Path in a directory with an upcase letter: %s" % s) + +resources = {} + +counter = 0 +i = 0 +while i < len(SOURCES): + resourceName = SOURCES[i].upper() + pathName = SOURCES[i + 1] + + if not os.path.exists(pathName): + raise Exception("Non existing path: %s" % pathName) + + if resourceName in resources: + raise Exception("Twice the same resource: " + resourceName) + + if os.path.isdir(pathName): + # The resource is a directory: Recursively explore its files + content = {} + for root, dirs, files in os.walk(pathName): + base = os.path.relpath(root, pathName) + + # Fix issue #24 (Build fails on OSX when directory has .DS_Store files): + # Ignore folders whose name starts with a dot (".") + if base.find('/.') != -1: + print('Ignoring folder: %s' % root) + continue + + for f in files: + if f.find('~') == -1: # Ignore Emacs backup files + if base == '.': + r = f + else: + r = os.path.join(base, f) + + CheckNoUpcase(r) + r = '/' + r.replace('\\', '/') + if r in content: + raise Exception("Twice the same filename (check case): " + r) + + content[r] = { + 'Filename' : os.path.join(root, f), + 'Index' : counter + } + counter += 1 + + resources[resourceName] = { + 'Type' : 'Directory', + 'Files' : content + } + + elif os.path.isfile(pathName): + resources[resourceName] = { + 'Type' : 'File', + 'Index' : counter, + 'Filename' : pathName + } + counter += 1 + + else: + raise Exception("Not a regular file, nor a directory: " + pathName) + + i += 2 + +#pprint.pprint(resources) + + +##################################################################### +## Write .h header +##################################################################### + +header = open(TARGET_BASE_FILENAME + '.h', 'w') + +header.write(""" +#pragma once + +#include +#include + +#if defined(_MSC_VER) +# pragma warning(disable: 4065) // "Switch statement contains 'default' but no 'case' labels" +#endif + +namespace %s +{ + namespace EmbeddedResources + { + enum FileResourceId + { +""" % NAMESPACE) + +isFirst = True +for name in resources: + if resources[name]['Type'] == 'File': + if isFirst: + isFirst = False + else: + header.write(',\n') + header.write(' %s' % name) + +header.write(""" + }; + + enum DirectoryResourceId + { +""") + +isFirst = True +for name in resources: + if resources[name]['Type'] == 'Directory': + if isFirst: + isFirst = False + else: + header.write(',\n') + header.write(' %s' % name) + +header.write(""" + }; + + const void* GetFileResourceBuffer(FileResourceId id); + size_t GetFileResourceSize(FileResourceId id); + void GetFileResource(std::string& result, FileResourceId id); + + const void* GetDirectoryResourceBuffer(DirectoryResourceId id, const char* path); + size_t GetDirectoryResourceSize(DirectoryResourceId id, const char* path); + void GetDirectoryResource(std::string& result, DirectoryResourceId id, const char* path); + + void ListResources(std::list& result, DirectoryResourceId id); + } +} +""") +header.close() + + + +##################################################################### +## Write the resource content in the .cpp source +##################################################################### + +PYTHON_MAJOR_VERSION = sys.version_info[0] + +def WriteResource(cpp, item): + cpp.write(' static const uint8_t resource%dBuffer[] = {' % item['Index']) + + f = open(item['Filename'], "rb") + content = f.read() + f.close() + + # http://stackoverflow.com/a/1035360 + pos = 0 + for b in content: + if PYTHON_MAJOR_VERSION == 2: + c = ord(b[0]) + else: + c = b + + if pos > 0: + cpp.write(', ') + + if (pos % 16) == 0: + cpp.write('\n ') + + if c < 0: + raise Exception("Internal error") + + cpp.write("0x%02x" % c) + pos += 1 + + # Zero-size array are disallowed, so we put one single void character in it. + if pos == 0: + cpp.write(' 0') + + cpp.write(' };\n') + cpp.write(' static const size_t resource%dSize = %d;\n' % (item['Index'], pos)) + + +cpp = open(TARGET_BASE_FILENAME + '.cpp', 'w') + +cpp.write('#include "%s.h"\n' % os.path.basename(TARGET_BASE_FILENAME)) + +if USE_SYSTEM_EXCEPTION: + cpp.write('#include ') +else: + cpp.write('#include "%s/Core/OrthancException.h"' % os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..'))) + +cpp.write(""" +#include +#include + +namespace %s +{ + namespace EmbeddedResources + { +""" % NAMESPACE) + + +for name in resources: + if resources[name]['Type'] == 'File': + WriteResource(cpp, resources[name]) + else: + for f in resources[name]['Files']: + WriteResource(cpp, resources[name]['Files'][f]) + + + +##################################################################### +## Write the accessors to the file resources in .cpp +##################################################################### + +cpp.write(""" + const void* GetFileResourceBuffer(FileResourceId id) + { + switch (id) + { +""") +for name in resources: + if resources[name]['Type'] == 'File': + cpp.write(' case %s:\n' % name) + cpp.write(' return resource%dBuffer;\n' % resources[name]['Index']) + +cpp.write(""" + default: + throw %s; + } + } + + size_t GetFileResourceSize(FileResourceId id) + { + switch (id) + { +""" % OUT_OF_RANGE_EXCEPTION) + +for name in resources: + if resources[name]['Type'] == 'File': + cpp.write(' case %s:\n' % name) + cpp.write(' return resource%dSize;\n' % resources[name]['Index']) + +cpp.write(""" + default: + throw %s; + } + } +""" % OUT_OF_RANGE_EXCEPTION) + + + +##################################################################### +## Write the accessors to the directory resources in .cpp +##################################################################### + +cpp.write(""" + const void* GetDirectoryResourceBuffer(DirectoryResourceId id, const char* path) + { + switch (id) + { +""") + +for name in resources: + if resources[name]['Type'] == 'Directory': + cpp.write(' case %s:\n' % name) + isFirst = True + for path in resources[name]['Files']: + cpp.write(' if (!strcmp(path, "%s"))\n' % path) + cpp.write(' return resource%dBuffer;\n' % resources[name]['Files'][path]['Index']) + cpp.write(' throw %s;\n\n' % INEXISTENT_PATH_EXCEPTION) + +cpp.write(""" default: + throw %s; + } + } + + size_t GetDirectoryResourceSize(DirectoryResourceId id, const char* path) + { + switch (id) + { +""" % OUT_OF_RANGE_EXCEPTION) + +for name in resources: + if resources[name]['Type'] == 'Directory': + cpp.write(' case %s:\n' % name) + isFirst = True + for path in resources[name]['Files']: + cpp.write(' if (!strcmp(path, "%s"))\n' % path) + cpp.write(' return resource%dSize;\n' % resources[name]['Files'][path]['Index']) + cpp.write(' throw %s;\n\n' % INEXISTENT_PATH_EXCEPTION) + +cpp.write(""" default: + throw %s; + } + } +""" % OUT_OF_RANGE_EXCEPTION) + + + + +##################################################################### +## List the resources in a directory +##################################################################### + +cpp.write(""" + void ListResources(std::list& result, DirectoryResourceId id) + { + result.clear(); + + switch (id) + { +""") + +for name in resources: + if resources[name]['Type'] == 'Directory': + cpp.write(' case %s:\n' % name) + for path in sorted(resources[name]['Files']): + cpp.write(' result.push_back("%s");\n' % path) + cpp.write(' break;\n\n') + +cpp.write(""" default: + throw %s; + } + } +""" % OUT_OF_RANGE_EXCEPTION) + + + + +##################################################################### +## Write the convenience wrappers in .cpp +##################################################################### + +cpp.write(""" + void GetFileResource(std::string& result, FileResourceId id) + { + size_t size = GetFileResourceSize(id); + result.resize(size); + if (size > 0) + memcpy(&result[0], GetFileResourceBuffer(id), size); + } + + void GetDirectoryResource(std::string& result, DirectoryResourceId id, const char* path) + { + size_t size = GetDirectoryResourceSize(id, path); + result.resize(size); + if (size > 0) + memcpy(&result[0], GetDirectoryResourceBuffer(id, path), size); + } + } +} +""") +cpp.close() diff -r decac5df19c4 -r d5d3cb00556a Resources/Orthanc/Resources/MinGW-W64-Toolchain32.cmake --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/Resources/Orthanc/Resources/MinGW-W64-Toolchain32.cmake Wed Mar 22 16:13:52 2017 +0100 @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +# the name of the target operating system +set(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME Windows) + +# which compilers to use for C and C++ +set(CMAKE_C_COMPILER i686-w64-mingw32-gcc) +set(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER i686-w64-mingw32-g++) +set(CMAKE_RC_COMPILER i686-w64-mingw32-windres) + +# here is the target environment located +set(CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH /usr/i686-w64-mingw32) + +# adjust the default behaviour of the FIND_XXX() commands: +# search headers and libraries in the target environment, search +# programs in the host environment +set(CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_MODE_PROGRAM NEVER) +set(CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_MODE_LIBRARY ONLY) +set(CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_MODE_INCLUDE ONLY) diff -r decac5df19c4 -r d5d3cb00556a Resources/Orthanc/Resources/MinGW-W64-Toolchain64.cmake --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/Resources/Orthanc/Resources/MinGW-W64-Toolchain64.cmake Wed Mar 22 16:13:52 2017 +0100 @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +# the name of the target operating system +set(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME Windows) + +# which compilers to use for C and C++ +set(CMAKE_C_COMPILER x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc) +set(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++) +set(CMAKE_RC_COMPILER x86_64-w64-mingw32-windres) + +# here is the target environment located +set(CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH /usr/i686-w64-mingw32) + +# adjust the default behaviour of the FIND_XXX() commands: +# search headers and libraries in the target environment, search +# programs in the host environment +set(CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_MODE_PROGRAM NEVER) +set(CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_MODE_LIBRARY ONLY) +set(CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_MODE_INCLUDE ONLY) diff -r decac5df19c4 -r d5d3cb00556a Resources/Orthanc/Resources/MinGWToolchain.cmake --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/Resources/Orthanc/Resources/MinGWToolchain.cmake Wed Mar 22 16:13:52 2017 +0100 @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +# the name of the target operating system +set(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME Windows) + +# which compilers to use for C and C++ +set(CMAKE_C_COMPILER i586-mingw32msvc-gcc) +set(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER i586-mingw32msvc-g++) +set(CMAKE_RC_COMPILER i586-mingw32msvc-windres) + +# here is the target environment located +set(CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH /usr/i586-mingw32msvc) + +# adjust the default behaviour of the FIND_XXX() commands: +# search headers and libraries in the target environment, search +# programs in the host environment +set(CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_MODE_PROGRAM NEVER) +set(CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_MODE_LIBRARY ONLY) +set(CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_MODE_INCLUDE ONLY) diff -r decac5df19c4 -r d5d3cb00556a Resources/Orthanc/Resources/ThirdParty/VisualStudio/stdint.h --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/Resources/Orthanc/Resources/ThirdParty/VisualStudio/stdint.h Wed Mar 22 16:13:52 2017 +0100 @@ -0,0 +1,259 @@ +// ISO C9x compliant stdint.h for Microsoft Visual Studio +// Based on ISO/IEC 9899:TC2 Committee draft (May 6, 2005) WG14/N1124 +// +// Copyright (c) 2006-2013 Alexander Chemeris +// +// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: +// +// 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, +// this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +// +// 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright +// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the +// documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. +// +// 3. Neither the name of the product nor the names of its contributors may +// be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software +// without specific prior written permission. +// +// THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED +// WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF +// MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO +// EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, +// SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +// PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; +// OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, +// WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR +// OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF +// ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +// +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +#ifndef _MSC_VER // [ +#error "Use this header only with Microsoft Visual C++ compilers!" +#endif // _MSC_VER ] + +#ifndef _MSC_STDINT_H_ // [ +#define _MSC_STDINT_H_ + +#if _MSC_VER > 1000 +#pragma once +#endif + +#if _MSC_VER >= 1600 // [ +#include +#else // ] _MSC_VER >= 1600 [ + +#include + +// For Visual Studio 6 in C++ mode and for many Visual Studio versions when +// compiling for ARM we should wrap include with 'extern "C++" {}' +// or compiler give many errors like this: +// error C2733: second C linkage of overloaded function 'wmemchr' not allowed +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif +# include +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + +// Define _W64 macros to mark types changing their size, like intptr_t. +#ifndef _W64 +# if !defined(__midl) && (defined(_X86_) || defined(_M_IX86)) && _MSC_VER >= 1300 +# define _W64 __w64 +# else +# define _W64 +# endif +#endif + + +// 7.18.1 Integer types + +// Exact-width integer types + +// Visual Studio 6 and Embedded Visual C++ 4 doesn't +// realize that, e.g. char has the same size as __int8 +// so we give up on __intX for them. +#if (_MSC_VER < 1300) + typedef signed char int8_t; + typedef signed short int16_t; + typedef signed int int32_t; + typedef unsigned char uint8_t; + typedef unsigned short uint16_t; + typedef unsigned int uint32_t; +#else + typedef signed __int8 int8_t; + typedef signed __int16 int16_t; + typedef signed __int32 int32_t; + typedef unsigned __int8 uint8_t; + typedef unsigned __int16 uint16_t; + typedef unsigned __int32 uint32_t; +#endif +typedef signed __int64 int64_t; +typedef unsigned __int64 uint64_t; + + +// Minimum-width integer types +typedef int8_t int_least8_t; +typedef int16_t int_least16_t; +typedef int32_t int_least32_t; +typedef int64_t int_least64_t; +typedef uint8_t uint_least8_t; +typedef uint16_t uint_least16_t; +typedef uint32_t uint_least32_t; +typedef uint64_t uint_least64_t; + +// Fastest minimum-width integer types +typedef int8_t int_fast8_t; +typedef int16_t int_fast16_t; +typedef int32_t int_fast32_t; +typedef int64_t int_fast64_t; +typedef uint8_t uint_fast8_t; +typedef uint16_t uint_fast16_t; +typedef uint32_t uint_fast32_t; +typedef uint64_t uint_fast64_t; + +// Integer types capable of holding object pointers +#ifdef _WIN64 // [ + typedef signed __int64 intptr_t; + typedef unsigned __int64 uintptr_t; +#else // _WIN64 ][ + typedef _W64 signed int intptr_t; + typedef _W64 unsigned int uintptr_t; +#endif // _WIN64 ] + +// Greatest-width integer types +typedef int64_t intmax_t; +typedef uint64_t uintmax_t; + + +// 7.18.2 Limits of specified-width integer types + +#if !defined(__cplusplus) || defined(__STDC_LIMIT_MACROS) // [ See footnote 220 at page 257 and footnote 221 at page 259 + +// Limits of exact-width integer types +#define INT8_MIN ((int8_t)_I8_MIN) +#define INT8_MAX _I8_MAX +#define INT16_MIN ((int16_t)_I16_MIN) +#define INT16_MAX _I16_MAX +#define INT32_MIN ((int32_t)_I32_MIN) +#define INT32_MAX _I32_MAX +#define INT64_MIN ((int64_t)_I64_MIN) +#define INT64_MAX _I64_MAX +#define UINT8_MAX _UI8_MAX +#define UINT16_MAX _UI16_MAX +#define UINT32_MAX _UI32_MAX +#define UINT64_MAX _UI64_MAX + +// Limits of minimum-width integer types +#define INT_LEAST8_MIN INT8_MIN +#define INT_LEAST8_MAX INT8_MAX +#define INT_LEAST16_MIN INT16_MIN +#define INT_LEAST16_MAX INT16_MAX +#define INT_LEAST32_MIN INT32_MIN +#define INT_LEAST32_MAX INT32_MAX +#define INT_LEAST64_MIN INT64_MIN +#define INT_LEAST64_MAX INT64_MAX +#define UINT_LEAST8_MAX UINT8_MAX +#define UINT_LEAST16_MAX UINT16_MAX +#define UINT_LEAST32_MAX UINT32_MAX +#define UINT_LEAST64_MAX UINT64_MAX + +// Limits of fastest minimum-width integer types +#define INT_FAST8_MIN INT8_MIN +#define INT_FAST8_MAX INT8_MAX +#define INT_FAST16_MIN INT16_MIN +#define INT_FAST16_MAX INT16_MAX +#define INT_FAST32_MIN INT32_MIN +#define INT_FAST32_MAX INT32_MAX +#define INT_FAST64_MIN INT64_MIN +#define INT_FAST64_MAX INT64_MAX +#define UINT_FAST8_MAX UINT8_MAX +#define UINT_FAST16_MAX UINT16_MAX +#define UINT_FAST32_MAX UINT32_MAX +#define UINT_FAST64_MAX UINT64_MAX + +// Limits of integer types capable of holding object pointers +#ifdef _WIN64 // [ +# define INTPTR_MIN INT64_MIN +# define INTPTR_MAX INT64_MAX +# define UINTPTR_MAX UINT64_MAX +#else // _WIN64 ][ +# define INTPTR_MIN INT32_MIN +# define INTPTR_MAX INT32_MAX +# define UINTPTR_MAX UINT32_MAX +#endif // _WIN64 ] + +// Limits of greatest-width integer types +#define INTMAX_MIN INT64_MIN +#define INTMAX_MAX INT64_MAX +#define UINTMAX_MAX UINT64_MAX + +// 7.18.3 Limits of other integer types + +#ifdef _WIN64 // [ +# define PTRDIFF_MIN _I64_MIN +# define PTRDIFF_MAX _I64_MAX +#else // _WIN64 ][ +# define PTRDIFF_MIN _I32_MIN +# define PTRDIFF_MAX _I32_MAX +#endif // _WIN64 ] + +#define SIG_ATOMIC_MIN INT_MIN +#define SIG_ATOMIC_MAX INT_MAX + +#ifndef SIZE_MAX // [ +# ifdef _WIN64 // [ +# define SIZE_MAX _UI64_MAX +# else // _WIN64 ][ +# define SIZE_MAX _UI32_MAX +# endif // _WIN64 ] +#endif // SIZE_MAX ] + +// WCHAR_MIN and WCHAR_MAX are also defined in +#ifndef WCHAR_MIN // [ +# define WCHAR_MIN 0 +#endif // WCHAR_MIN ] +#ifndef WCHAR_MAX // [ +# define WCHAR_MAX _UI16_MAX +#endif // WCHAR_MAX ] + +#define WINT_MIN 0 +#define WINT_MAX _UI16_MAX + +#endif // __STDC_LIMIT_MACROS ] + + +// 7.18.4 Limits of other integer types + +#if !defined(__cplusplus) || defined(__STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS) // [ See footnote 224 at page 260 + +// Macros for minimum-width integer constants + +#define INT8_C(val) val##i8 +#define INT16_C(val) val##i16 +#define INT32_C(val) val##i32 +#define INT64_C(val) val##i64 + +#define UINT8_C(val) val##ui8 +#define UINT16_C(val) val##ui16 +#define UINT32_C(val) val##ui32 +#define UINT64_C(val) val##ui64 + +// Macros for greatest-width integer constants +// These #ifndef's are needed to prevent collisions with . +// Check out Issue 9 for the details. +#ifndef INTMAX_C // [ +# define INTMAX_C INT64_C +#endif // INTMAX_C ] +#ifndef UINTMAX_C // [ +# define UINTMAX_C UINT64_C +#endif // UINTMAX_C ] + +#endif // __STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS ] + +#endif // _MSC_VER >= 1600 ] + +#endif // _MSC_STDINT_H_ ] diff -r decac5df19c4 -r d5d3cb00556a Resources/Orthanc/Resources/ThirdParty/base64/base64.cpp --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/Resources/Orthanc/Resources/ThirdParty/base64/base64.cpp Wed Mar 22 16:13:52 2017 +0100 @@ -0,0 +1,128 @@ +/* + base64.cpp and base64.h + + Copyright (C) 2004-2008 René Nyffenegger + + This source code is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied + warranty. In no event will the author be held liable for any damages + arising from the use of this software. + + Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, + including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it + freely, subject to the following restrictions: + + 1. The origin of this source code must not be misrepresented; you must not + claim that you wrote the original source code. If you use this source code + in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be + appreciated but is not required. + + 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be + misrepresented as being the original source code. + + 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. + + René Nyffenegger rene.nyffenegger@adp-gmbh.ch + +*/ + +#include "base64.h" +#include + +static const std::string base64_chars = + "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" + "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" + "0123456789+/"; + + +static inline bool is_base64(unsigned char c) { + return (isalnum(c) || (c == '+') || (c == '/')); +} + +std::string base64_encode(const std::string& stringToEncode) +{ + const unsigned char* bytes_to_encode = reinterpret_cast + (stringToEncode.size() > 0 ? &stringToEncode[0] : NULL); + unsigned int in_len = stringToEncode.size(); + + std::string ret; + int i = 0; + int j = 0; + unsigned char char_array_3[3]; + unsigned char char_array_4[4]; + + while (in_len--) { + char_array_3[i++] = *(bytes_to_encode++); + if (i == 3) { + char_array_4[0] = (char_array_3[0] & 0xfc) >> 2; + char_array_4[1] = ((char_array_3[0] & 0x03) << 4) + ((char_array_3[1] & 0xf0) >> 4); + char_array_4[2] = ((char_array_3[1] & 0x0f) << 2) + ((char_array_3[2] & 0xc0) >> 6); + char_array_4[3] = char_array_3[2] & 0x3f; + + for(i = 0; (i <4) ; i++) + ret += base64_chars[char_array_4[i]]; + i = 0; + } + } + + if (i) + { + for(j = i; j < 3; j++) + char_array_3[j] = '\0'; + + char_array_4[0] = (char_array_3[0] & 0xfc) >> 2; + char_array_4[1] = ((char_array_3[0] & 0x03) << 4) + ((char_array_3[1] & 0xf0) >> 4); + char_array_4[2] = ((char_array_3[1] & 0x0f) << 2) + ((char_array_3[2] & 0xc0) >> 6); + char_array_4[3] = char_array_3[2] & 0x3f; + + for (j = 0; (j < i + 1); j++) + ret += base64_chars[char_array_4[j]]; + + while((i++ < 3)) + ret += '='; + + } + + return ret; +} + + +std::string base64_decode(const std::string& encoded_string) { + int in_len = encoded_string.size(); + int i = 0; + int j = 0; + int in_ = 0; + unsigned char char_array_4[4], char_array_3[3]; + std::string ret; + + while (in_len-- && ( encoded_string[in_] != '=') && is_base64(encoded_string[in_])) { + char_array_4[i++] = encoded_string[in_]; in_++; + if (i ==4) { + for (i = 0; i <4; i++) + char_array_4[i] = base64_chars.find(char_array_4[i]); + + char_array_3[0] = (char_array_4[0] << 2) + ((char_array_4[1] & 0x30) >> 4); + char_array_3[1] = ((char_array_4[1] & 0xf) << 4) + ((char_array_4[2] & 0x3c) >> 2); + char_array_3[2] = ((char_array_4[2] & 0x3) << 6) + char_array_4[3]; + + for (i = 0; (i < 3); i++) + ret += char_array_3[i]; + i = 0; + } + } + + if (i) { + for (j = i; j <4; j++) + char_array_4[j] = 0; + + for (j = 0; j <4; j++) + char_array_4[j] = base64_chars.find(char_array_4[j]); + + char_array_3[0] = (char_array_4[0] << 2) + ((char_array_4[1] & 0x30) >> 4); + char_array_3[1] = ((char_array_4[1] & 0xf) << 4) + ((char_array_4[2] & 0x3c) >> 2); + char_array_3[2] = ((char_array_4[2] & 0x3) << 6) + char_array_4[3]; + + for (j = 0; (j < i - 1); j++) ret += char_array_3[j]; + } + + return ret; +} diff -r decac5df19c4 -r d5d3cb00556a Resources/Orthanc/Resources/ThirdParty/base64/base64.h --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/Resources/Orthanc/Resources/ThirdParty/base64/base64.h Wed Mar 22 16:13:52 2017 +0100 @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +#include + +std::string base64_encode(const std::string& stringToEncode); +std::string base64_decode(const std::string& s); diff -r decac5df19c4 -r d5d3cb00556a Resources/Orthanc/Resources/WindowsResources.py --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/Resources/Orthanc/Resources/WindowsResources.py Wed Mar 22 16:13:52 2017 +0100 @@ -0,0 +1,90 @@ +#!/usr/bin/python + +# Orthanc - A Lightweight, RESTful DICOM Store +# Copyright (C) 2012-2016 Sebastien Jodogne, Medical Physics +# Department, University Hospital of Liege, Belgium +# Copyright (C) 2017 Osimis, Belgium +# +# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or +# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as +# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the +# License, or (at your option) any later version. +# +# In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders of this +# program give permission to link the code of its release with the +# OpenSSL project's "OpenSSL" library (or with modified versions of it +# that use the same license as the "OpenSSL" library), and distribute +# the linked executables. You must obey the GNU General Public License +# in all respects for all of the code used other than "OpenSSL". If you +# modify file(s) with this exception, you may extend this exception to +# your version of the file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If +# you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your +# version. If you delete this exception statement from all source files +# in the program, then also delete it here. +# +# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but +# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU +# General Public License for more details. +# +# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +# along with this program. If not, see . + + +import os +import sys +import datetime + +if len(sys.argv) != 5: + sys.stderr.write('Usage: %s \n\n' % sys.argv[0]) + sys.stderr.write('Example: %s 0.9.1 Orthanc Orthanc.exe "Lightweight, RESTful DICOM server for medical imaging"\n' % sys.argv[0]) + sys.exit(-1) + +SOURCE = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'WindowsResources.rc') + +VERSION = sys.argv[1] +PRODUCT = sys.argv[2] +FILENAME = sys.argv[3] +DESCRIPTION = sys.argv[4] + +if VERSION == 'mainline': + VERSION = '999.999.999' + RELEASE = 'This is a mainline build, not an official release' +else: + RELEASE = 'Release %s' % VERSION + +v = VERSION.split('.') +if len(v) != 2 and len(v) != 3: + sys.stderr.write('Bad version number: %s\n' % VERSION) + sys.exit(-1) + +if len(v) == 2: + v.append('0') + +extension = os.path.splitext(FILENAME)[1] +if extension.lower() == '.dll': + BLOCK = '040904E4' + TYPE = 'VFT_DLL' +elif extension.lower() == '.exe': + #BLOCK = '040904B0' # LANG_ENGLISH/SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US, + BLOCK = '040904E4' # Lang=US English, CharSet=Windows Multilingual + TYPE = 'VFT_APP' +else: + sys.stderr.write('Unsupported extension (.EXE or .DLL only): %s\n' % extension) + sys.exit(-1) + + +with open(SOURCE, 'r') as source: + content = source.read() + content = content.replace('${VERSION_MAJOR}', v[0]) + content = content.replace('${VERSION_MINOR}', v[1]) + content = content.replace('${VERSION_PATCH}', v[2]) + content = content.replace('${RELEASE}', RELEASE) + content = content.replace('${DESCRIPTION}', DESCRIPTION) + content = content.replace('${PRODUCT}', PRODUCT) + content = content.replace('${FILENAME}', FILENAME) + content = content.replace('${YEAR}', str(datetime.datetime.now().year)) + content = content.replace('${BLOCK}', BLOCK) + content = content.replace('${TYPE}', TYPE) + + sys.stdout.write(content) diff -r decac5df19c4 -r d5d3cb00556a Resources/Orthanc/Resources/WindowsResources.rc --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/Resources/Orthanc/Resources/WindowsResources.rc Wed Mar 22 16:13:52 2017 +0100 @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +#include + +VS_VERSION_INFO VERSIONINFO + FILEVERSION ${VERSION_MAJOR},${VERSION_MINOR},0,${VERSION_PATCH} + PRODUCTVERSION ${VERSION_MAJOR},${VERSION_MINOR},0,0 + FILEOS VOS_NT_WINDOWS32 + FILETYPE ${TYPE} + BEGIN + BLOCK "StringFileInfo" + BEGIN + BLOCK "${BLOCK}" + BEGIN + VALUE "Comments", "${RELEASE}" + VALUE "CompanyName", "University Hospital of Liege, Belgium" + VALUE "FileDescription", "${DESCRIPTION}" + VALUE "FileVersion", "${VERSION_MAJOR}.${VERSION_MINOR}.0.${VERSION_PATCH}" + VALUE "InternalName", "${PRODUCT}" + VALUE "LegalCopyright", "(c) 2012-${YEAR}, Sebastien Jodogne, University Hospital of Liege, Belgium" + VALUE "LegalTrademarks", "Licensing information is available at http://www.orthanc-server.com/" + VALUE "OriginalFilename", "${FILENAME}" + VALUE "ProductName", "${PRODUCT}" + VALUE "ProductVersion", "${VERSION_MAJOR}.${VERSION_MINOR}" + END + END + + BLOCK "VarFileInfo" + BEGIN + VALUE "Translation", 0x409, 1252 // U.S. English + END + END diff -r decac5df19c4 -r d5d3cb00556a Resources/Orthanc/Sdk-1.1.0/orthanc/OrthancCPlugin.h --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/Resources/Orthanc/Sdk-1.1.0/orthanc/OrthancCPlugin.h Wed Mar 22 16:13:52 2017 +0100 @@ -0,0 +1,5365 @@ +/** + * \mainpage + * + * This C/C++ SDK allows external developers to create plugins that + * can be loaded into Orthanc to extend its functionality. Each + * Orthanc plugin must expose 4 public functions with the following + * signatures: + * + * -# int32_t OrthancPluginInitialize(const OrthancPluginContext* context): + * This function is invoked by Orthanc when it loads the plugin on startup. + * The plugin must: + * - Check its compatibility with the Orthanc version using + * ::OrthancPluginCheckVersion(). + * - Store the context pointer so that it can use the plugin + * services of Orthanc. + * - Register all its REST callbacks using ::OrthancPluginRegisterRestCallback(). + * - Possibly register its callback for received DICOM instances using ::OrthancPluginRegisterOnStoredInstanceCallback(). + * - Possibly register its callback for changes to the DICOM store using ::OrthancPluginRegisterOnChangeCallback(). + * - Possibly register a custom storage area using ::OrthancPluginRegisterStorageArea(). + * - Possibly register a custom database back-end area using OrthancPluginRegisterDatabaseBackendV2(). + * - Possibly register a handler for C-Find SCP using OrthancPluginRegisterFindCallback(). + * - Possibly register a handler for C-Find SCP against DICOM worklists using OrthancPluginRegisterWorklistCallback(). + * - Possibly register a handler for C-Move SCP using OrthancPluginRegisterMoveCallback(). + * - Possibly register a custom decoder for DICOM images using OrthancPluginRegisterDecodeImageCallback(). + * - Possibly register a callback to filter incoming HTTP requests using OrthancPluginRegisterIncomingHttpRequestFilter(). + * -# void OrthancPluginFinalize(): + * This function is invoked by Orthanc during its shutdown. The plugin + * must free all its memory. + * -# const char* OrthancPluginGetName(): + * The plugin must return a short string to identify itself. + * -# const char* OrthancPluginGetVersion(): + * The plugin must return a string containing its version number. + * + * The name and the version of a plugin is only used to prevent it + * from being loaded twice. Note that, in C++, it is mandatory to + * declare these functions within an extern "C" section. + * + * To ensure multi-threading safety, the various REST callbacks are + * guaranteed to be executed in mutual exclusion since Orthanc + * 0.8.5. If this feature is undesired (notably when developing + * high-performance plugins handling simultaneous requests), use + * ::OrthancPluginRegisterRestCallbackNoLock(). + **/ + + + +/** + * @defgroup Images Images and compression + * @brief Functions to deal with images and compressed buffers. + * + * @defgroup REST REST + * @brief Functions to answer REST requests in a callback. + * + * @defgroup Callbacks Callbacks + * @brief Functions to register and manage callbacks by the plugins. + * + * @defgroup DicomCallbaks DicomCallbaks + * @brief Functions to register and manage DICOM callbacks (worklists, C-Find, C-MOVE). + * + * @defgroup Orthanc Orthanc + * @brief Functions to access the content of the Orthanc server. + **/ + + + +/** + * @defgroup Toolbox Toolbox + * @brief Generic functions to help with the creation of plugins. + **/ + + + +/** + * Orthanc - A Lightweight, RESTful DICOM Store + * Copyright (C) 2012-2016 Sebastien Jodogne, Medical Physics + * Department, University Hospital of Liege, Belgium + * + * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as + * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the + * License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders of this + * program give permission to link the code of its release with the + * OpenSSL project's "OpenSSL" library (or with modified versions of it + * that use the same license as the "OpenSSL" library), and distribute + * the linked executables. You must obey the GNU General Public License + * in all respects for all of the code used other than "OpenSSL". If you + * modify file(s) with this exception, you may extend this exception to + * your version of the file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If + * you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your + * version. If you delete this exception statement from all source files + * in the program, then also delete it here. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but + * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + **/ + + + +#pragma once + + +#include +#include + +#ifdef WIN32 +#define ORTHANC_PLUGINS_API __declspec(dllexport) +#else +#define ORTHANC_PLUGINS_API +#endif + +#define ORTHANC_PLUGINS_MINIMAL_MAJOR_NUMBER 1 +#define ORTHANC_PLUGINS_MINIMAL_MINOR_NUMBER 1 +#define ORTHANC_PLUGINS_MINIMAL_REVISION_NUMBER 0 + + + +/******************************************************************** + ** Check that function inlining is properly supported. The use of + ** inlining is required, to avoid the duplication of object code + ** between two compilation modules that would use the Orthanc Plugin + ** API. + ********************************************************************/ + +/* If the auto-detection of the "inline" keyword below does not work + automatically and that your compiler is known to properly support + inlining, uncomment the following #define and adapt the definition + of "static inline". */ + +/* #define ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE static inline */ + +#ifndef ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE +# if __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L +/* This is C99 or above: http://predef.sourceforge.net/prestd.html */ +# define ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE static inline +# elif defined(__cplusplus) +/* This is C++ */ +# define ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE static inline +# elif defined(__GNUC__) +/* This is GCC running in C89 mode */ +# define ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE static __inline +# elif defined(_MSC_VER) +/* This is Visual Studio running in C89 mode */ +# define ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE static __inline +# else +# error Your compiler is not known to support the "inline" keyword +# endif +#endif + + + +/******************************************************************** + ** Inclusion of standard libraries. + ********************************************************************/ + +/** + * For Microsoft Visual Studio, a compatibility "stdint.h" can be + * downloaded at the following URL: + * https://orthanc.googlecode.com/hg/Resources/ThirdParty/VisualStudio/stdint.h + **/ +#include + +#include + + + +/******************************************************************** + ** Definition of the Orthanc Plugin API. + ********************************************************************/ + +/** @{ */ + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" +{ +#endif + + /** + * The various error codes that can be returned by the Orthanc core. + **/ + typedef enum + { + OrthancPluginErrorCode_InternalError = -1 /*!< Internal error */, + OrthancPluginErrorCode_Success = 0 /*!< Success */, + OrthancPluginErrorCode_Plugin = 1 /*!< Error encountered within the plugin engine */, + OrthancPluginErrorCode_NotImplemented = 2 /*!< Not implemented yet */, + OrthancPluginErrorCode_ParameterOutOfRange = 3 /*!< Parameter out of range */, + OrthancPluginErrorCode_NotEnoughMemory = 4 /*!< Not enough memory */, + OrthancPluginErrorCode_BadParameterType = 5 /*!< Bad type for a parameter */, + OrthancPluginErrorCode_BadSequenceOfCalls = 6 /*!< Bad sequence of calls */, + OrthancPluginErrorCode_InexistentItem = 7 /*!< Accessing an inexistent item */, + OrthancPluginErrorCode_BadRequest = 8 /*!< Bad request */, + OrthancPluginErrorCode_NetworkProtocol = 9 /*!< Error in the network protocol */, + OrthancPluginErrorCode_SystemCommand = 10 /*!< Error while calling a system command */, + OrthancPluginErrorCode_Database = 11 /*!< Error with the database engine */, + OrthancPluginErrorCode_UriSyntax = 12 /*!< Badly formatted URI */, + OrthancPluginErrorCode_InexistentFile = 13 /*!< Inexistent file */, + OrthancPluginErrorCode_CannotWriteFile = 14 /*!< Cannot write to file */, + OrthancPluginErrorCode_BadFileFormat = 15 /*!< Bad file format */, + OrthancPluginErrorCode_Timeout = 16 /*!< Timeout */, + OrthancPluginErrorCode_UnknownResource = 17 /*!< Unknown resource */, + OrthancPluginErrorCode_IncompatibleDatabaseVersion = 18 /*!< Incompatible version of the database */, + OrthancPluginErrorCode_FullStorage = 19 /*!< The file storage is full */, + OrthancPluginErrorCode_CorruptedFile = 20 /*!< Corrupted file (e.g. inconsistent MD5 hash) */, + OrthancPluginErrorCode_InexistentTag = 21 /*!< Inexistent tag */, + OrthancPluginErrorCode_ReadOnly = 22 /*!< Cannot modify a read-only data structure */, + OrthancPluginErrorCode_IncompatibleImageFormat = 23 /*!< Incompatible format of the images */, + OrthancPluginErrorCode_IncompatibleImageSize = 24 /*!< Incompatible size of the images */, + OrthancPluginErrorCode_SharedLibrary = 25 /*!< Error while using a shared library (plugin) */, + OrthancPluginErrorCode_UnknownPluginService = 26 /*!< Plugin invoking an unknown service */, + OrthancPluginErrorCode_UnknownDicomTag = 27 /*!< Unknown DICOM tag */, + OrthancPluginErrorCode_BadJson = 28 /*!< Cannot parse a JSON document */, + OrthancPluginErrorCode_Unauthorized = 29 /*!< Bad credentials were provided to an HTTP request */, + OrthancPluginErrorCode_BadFont = 30 /*!< Badly formatted font file */, + OrthancPluginErrorCode_DatabasePlugin = 31 /*!< The plugin implementing a custom database back-end does not fulfill the proper interface */, + OrthancPluginErrorCode_StorageAreaPlugin = 32 /*!< Error in the plugin implementing a custom storage area */, + OrthancPluginErrorCode_EmptyRequest = 33 /*!< The request is empty */, + OrthancPluginErrorCode_NotAcceptable = 34 /*!< Cannot send a response which is acceptable according to the Accept HTTP header */, + OrthancPluginErrorCode_SQLiteNotOpened = 1000 /*!< SQLite: The database is not opened */, + OrthancPluginErrorCode_SQLiteAlreadyOpened = 1001 /*!< SQLite: Connection is already open */, + OrthancPluginErrorCode_SQLiteCannotOpen = 1002 /*!< SQLite: Unable to open the database */, + OrthancPluginErrorCode_SQLiteStatementAlreadyUsed = 1003 /*!< SQLite: This cached statement is already being referred to */, + OrthancPluginErrorCode_SQLiteExecute = 1004 /*!< SQLite: Cannot execute a command */, + OrthancPluginErrorCode_SQLiteRollbackWithoutTransaction = 1005 /*!< SQLite: Rolling back a nonexistent transaction (have you called Begin()?) */, + OrthancPluginErrorCode_SQLiteCommitWithoutTransaction = 1006 /*!< SQLite: Committing a nonexistent transaction */, + OrthancPluginErrorCode_SQLiteRegisterFunction = 1007 /*!< SQLite: Unable to register a function */, + OrthancPluginErrorCode_SQLiteFlush = 1008 /*!< SQLite: Unable to flush the database */, + OrthancPluginErrorCode_SQLiteCannotRun = 1009 /*!< SQLite: Cannot run a cached statement */, + OrthancPluginErrorCode_SQLiteCannotStep = 1010 /*!< SQLite: Cannot step over a cached statement */, + OrthancPluginErrorCode_SQLiteBindOutOfRange = 1011 /*!< SQLite: Bing a value while out of range (serious error) */, + OrthancPluginErrorCode_SQLitePrepareStatement = 1012 /*!< SQLite: Cannot prepare a cached statement */, + OrthancPluginErrorCode_SQLiteTransactionAlreadyStarted = 1013 /*!< SQLite: Beginning the same transaction twice */, + OrthancPluginErrorCode_SQLiteTransactionCommit = 1014 /*!< SQLite: Failure when committing the transaction */, + OrthancPluginErrorCode_SQLiteTransactionBegin = 1015 /*!< SQLite: Cannot start a transaction */, + OrthancPluginErrorCode_DirectoryOverFile = 2000 /*!< The directory to be created is already occupied by a regular file */, + OrthancPluginErrorCode_FileStorageCannotWrite = 2001 /*!< Unable to create a subdirectory or a file in the file storage */, + OrthancPluginErrorCode_DirectoryExpected = 2002 /*!< The specified path does not point to a directory */, + OrthancPluginErrorCode_HttpPortInUse = 2003 /*!< The TCP port of the HTTP server is privileged or already in use */, + OrthancPluginErrorCode_DicomPortInUse = 2004 /*!< The TCP port of the DICOM server is privileged or already in use */, + OrthancPluginErrorCode_BadHttpStatusInRest = 2005 /*!< This HTTP status is not allowed in a REST API */, + OrthancPluginErrorCode_RegularFileExpected = 2006 /*!< The specified path does not point to a regular file */, + OrthancPluginErrorCode_PathToExecutable = 2007 /*!< Unable to get the path to the executable */, + OrthancPluginErrorCode_MakeDirectory = 2008 /*!< Cannot create a directory */, + OrthancPluginErrorCode_BadApplicationEntityTitle = 2009 /*!< An application entity title (AET) cannot be empty or be longer than 16 characters */, + OrthancPluginErrorCode_NoCFindHandler = 2010 /*!< No request handler factory for DICOM C-FIND SCP */, + OrthancPluginErrorCode_NoCMoveHandler = 2011 /*!< No request handler factory for DICOM C-MOVE SCP */, + OrthancPluginErrorCode_NoCStoreHandler = 2012 /*!< No request handler factory for DICOM C-STORE SCP */, + OrthancPluginErrorCode_NoApplicationEntityFilter = 2013 /*!< No application entity filter */, + OrthancPluginErrorCode_NoSopClassOrInstance = 2014 /*!< DicomUserConnection: Unable to find the SOP class and instance */, + OrthancPluginErrorCode_NoPresentationContext = 2015 /*!< DicomUserConnection: No acceptable presentation context for modality */, + OrthancPluginErrorCode_DicomFindUnavailable = 2016 /*!< DicomUserConnection: The C-FIND command is not supported by the remote SCP */, + OrthancPluginErrorCode_DicomMoveUnavailable = 2017 /*!< DicomUserConnection: The C-MOVE command is not supported by the remote SCP */, + OrthancPluginErrorCode_CannotStoreInstance = 2018 /*!< Cannot store an instance */, + OrthancPluginErrorCode_CreateDicomNotString = 2019 /*!< Only string values are supported when creating DICOM instances */, + OrthancPluginErrorCode_CreateDicomOverrideTag = 2020 /*!< Trying to override a value inherited from a parent module */, + OrthancPluginErrorCode_CreateDicomUseContent = 2021 /*!< Use \"Content\" to inject an image into a new DICOM instance */, + OrthancPluginErrorCode_CreateDicomNoPayload = 2022 /*!< No payload is present for one instance in the series */, + OrthancPluginErrorCode_CreateDicomUseDataUriScheme = 2023 /*!< The payload of the DICOM instance must be specified according to Data URI scheme */, + OrthancPluginErrorCode_CreateDicomBadParent = 2024 /*!< Trying to attach a new DICOM instance to an inexistent resource */, + OrthancPluginErrorCode_CreateDicomParentIsInstance = 2025 /*!< Trying to attach a new DICOM instance to an instance (must be a series, study or patient) */, + OrthancPluginErrorCode_CreateDicomParentEncoding = 2026 /*!< Unable to get the encoding of the parent resource */, + OrthancPluginErrorCode_UnknownModality = 2027 /*!< Unknown modality */, + OrthancPluginErrorCode_BadJobOrdering = 2028 /*!< Bad ordering of filters in a job */, + OrthancPluginErrorCode_JsonToLuaTable = 2029 /*!< Cannot convert the given JSON object to a Lua table */, + OrthancPluginErrorCode_CannotCreateLua = 2030 /*!< Cannot create the Lua context */, + OrthancPluginErrorCode_CannotExecuteLua = 2031 /*!< Cannot execute a Lua command */, + OrthancPluginErrorCode_LuaAlreadyExecuted = 2032 /*!< Arguments cannot be pushed after the Lua function is executed */, + OrthancPluginErrorCode_LuaBadOutput = 2033 /*!< The Lua function does not give the expected number of outputs */, + OrthancPluginErrorCode_NotLuaPredicate = 2034 /*!< The Lua function is not a predicate (only true/false outputs allowed) */, + OrthancPluginErrorCode_LuaReturnsNoString = 2035 /*!< The Lua function does not return a string */, + OrthancPluginErrorCode_StorageAreaAlreadyRegistered = 2036 /*!< Another plugin has already registered a custom storage area */, + OrthancPluginErrorCode_DatabaseBackendAlreadyRegistered = 2037 /*!< Another plugin has already registered a custom database back-end */, + OrthancPluginErrorCode_DatabaseNotInitialized = 2038 /*!< Plugin trying to call the database during its initialization */, + OrthancPluginErrorCode_SslDisabled = 2039 /*!< Orthanc has been built without SSL support */, + OrthancPluginErrorCode_CannotOrderSlices = 2040 /*!< Unable to order the slices of the series */, + OrthancPluginErrorCode_NoWorklistHandler = 2041 /*!< No request handler factory for DICOM C-Find Modality SCP */, + OrthancPluginErrorCode_AlreadyExistingTag = 2042 /*!< Cannot override the value of a tag that already exists */, + + _OrthancPluginErrorCode_INTERNAL = 0x7fffffff + } OrthancPluginErrorCode; + + + /** + * Forward declaration of one of the mandatory functions for Orthanc + * plugins. + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGINS_API const char* OrthancPluginGetName(); + + + /** + * The various HTTP methods for a REST call. + **/ + typedef enum + { + OrthancPluginHttpMethod_Get = 1, /*!< GET request */ + OrthancPluginHttpMethod_Post = 2, /*!< POST request */ + OrthancPluginHttpMethod_Put = 3, /*!< PUT request */ + OrthancPluginHttpMethod_Delete = 4, /*!< DELETE request */ + + _OrthancPluginHttpMethod_INTERNAL = 0x7fffffff + } OrthancPluginHttpMethod; + + + /** + * @brief The parameters of a REST request. + * @ingroup Callbacks + **/ + typedef struct + { + /** + * @brief The HTTP method. + **/ + OrthancPluginHttpMethod method; + + /** + * @brief The number of groups of the regular expression. + **/ + uint32_t groupsCount; + + /** + * @brief The matched values for the groups of the regular expression. + **/ + const char* const* groups; + + /** + * @brief For a GET request, the number of GET parameters. + **/ + uint32_t getCount; + + /** + * @brief For a GET request, the keys of the GET parameters. + **/ + const char* const* getKeys; + + /** + * @brief For a GET request, the values of the GET parameters. + **/ + const char* const* getValues; + + /** + * @brief For a PUT or POST request, the content of the body. + **/ + const char* body; + + /** + * @brief For a PUT or POST request, the number of bytes of the body. + **/ + uint32_t bodySize; + + + /* -------------------------------------------------- + New in version 0.8.1 + -------------------------------------------------- */ + + /** + * @brief The number of HTTP headers. + **/ + uint32_t headersCount; + + /** + * @brief The keys of the HTTP headers (always converted to low-case). + **/ + const char* const* headersKeys; + + /** + * @brief The values of the HTTP headers. + **/ + const char* const* headersValues; + + } OrthancPluginHttpRequest; + + + typedef enum + { + /* Generic services */ + _OrthancPluginService_LogInfo = 1, + _OrthancPluginService_LogWarning = 2, + _OrthancPluginService_LogError = 3, + _OrthancPluginService_GetOrthancPath = 4, + _OrthancPluginService_GetOrthancDirectory = 5, + _OrthancPluginService_GetConfigurationPath = 6, + _OrthancPluginService_SetPluginProperty = 7, + _OrthancPluginService_GetGlobalProperty = 8, + _OrthancPluginService_SetGlobalProperty = 9, + _OrthancPluginService_GetCommandLineArgumentsCount = 10, + _OrthancPluginService_GetCommandLineArgument = 11, + _OrthancPluginService_GetExpectedDatabaseVersion = 12, + _OrthancPluginService_GetConfiguration = 13, + _OrthancPluginService_BufferCompression = 14, + _OrthancPluginService_ReadFile = 15, + _OrthancPluginService_WriteFile = 16, + _OrthancPluginService_GetErrorDescription = 17, + _OrthancPluginService_CallHttpClient = 18, + _OrthancPluginService_RegisterErrorCode = 19, + _OrthancPluginService_RegisterDictionaryTag = 20, + _OrthancPluginService_DicomBufferToJson = 21, + _OrthancPluginService_DicomInstanceToJson = 22, + _OrthancPluginService_CreateDicom = 23, + _OrthancPluginService_ComputeMd5 = 24, + _OrthancPluginService_ComputeSha1 = 25, + _OrthancPluginService_LookupDictionary = 26, + _OrthancPluginService_CallHttpClient2 = 27, + _OrthancPluginService_GenerateUuid = 28, + + /* Registration of callbacks */ + _OrthancPluginService_RegisterRestCallback = 1000, + _OrthancPluginService_RegisterOnStoredInstanceCallback = 1001, + _OrthancPluginService_RegisterStorageArea = 1002, + _OrthancPluginService_RegisterOnChangeCallback = 1003, + _OrthancPluginService_RegisterRestCallbackNoLock = 1004, + _OrthancPluginService_RegisterWorklistCallback = 1005, + _OrthancPluginService_RegisterDecodeImageCallback = 1006, + _OrthancPluginService_RegisterIncomingHttpRequestFilter = 1007, + _OrthancPluginService_RegisterFindCallback = 1008, + _OrthancPluginService_RegisterMoveCallback = 1009, + + /* Sending answers to REST calls */ + _OrthancPluginService_AnswerBuffer = 2000, + _OrthancPluginService_CompressAndAnswerPngImage = 2001, /* Unused as of Orthanc 0.9.4 */ + _OrthancPluginService_Redirect = 2002, + _OrthancPluginService_SendHttpStatusCode = 2003, + _OrthancPluginService_SendUnauthorized = 2004, + _OrthancPluginService_SendMethodNotAllowed = 2005, + _OrthancPluginService_SetCookie = 2006, + _OrthancPluginService_SetHttpHeader = 2007, + _OrthancPluginService_StartMultipartAnswer = 2008, + _OrthancPluginService_SendMultipartItem = 2009, + _OrthancPluginService_SendHttpStatus = 2010, + _OrthancPluginService_CompressAndAnswerImage = 2011, + _OrthancPluginService_SendMultipartItem2 = 2012, + + /* Access to the Orthanc database and API */ + _OrthancPluginService_GetDicomForInstance = 3000, + _OrthancPluginService_RestApiGet = 3001, + _OrthancPluginService_RestApiPost = 3002, + _OrthancPluginService_RestApiDelete = 3003, + _OrthancPluginService_RestApiPut = 3004, + _OrthancPluginService_LookupPatient = 3005, + _OrthancPluginService_LookupStudy = 3006, + _OrthancPluginService_LookupSeries = 3007, + _OrthancPluginService_LookupInstance = 3008, + _OrthancPluginService_LookupStudyWithAccessionNumber = 3009, + _OrthancPluginService_RestApiGetAfterPlugins = 3010, + _OrthancPluginService_RestApiPostAfterPlugins = 3011, + _OrthancPluginService_RestApiDeleteAfterPlugins = 3012, + _OrthancPluginService_RestApiPutAfterPlugins = 3013, + _OrthancPluginService_ReconstructMainDicomTags = 3014, + _OrthancPluginService_RestApiGet2 = 3015, + + /* Access to DICOM instances */ + _OrthancPluginService_GetInstanceRemoteAet = 4000, + _OrthancPluginService_GetInstanceSize = 4001, + _OrthancPluginService_GetInstanceData = 4002, + _OrthancPluginService_GetInstanceJson = 4003, + _OrthancPluginService_GetInstanceSimplifiedJson = 4004, + _OrthancPluginService_HasInstanceMetadata = 4005, + _OrthancPluginService_GetInstanceMetadata = 4006, + _OrthancPluginService_GetInstanceOrigin = 4007, + + /* Services for plugins implementing a database back-end */ + _OrthancPluginService_RegisterDatabaseBackend = 5000, + _OrthancPluginService_DatabaseAnswer = 5001, + _OrthancPluginService_RegisterDatabaseBackendV2 = 5002, + _OrthancPluginService_StorageAreaCreate = 5003, + _OrthancPluginService_StorageAreaRead = 5004, + _OrthancPluginService_StorageAreaRemove = 5005, + + /* Primitives for handling images */ + _OrthancPluginService_GetImagePixelFormat = 6000, + _OrthancPluginService_GetImageWidth = 6001, + _OrthancPluginService_GetImageHeight = 6002, + _OrthancPluginService_GetImagePitch = 6003, + _OrthancPluginService_GetImageBuffer = 6004, + _OrthancPluginService_UncompressImage = 6005, + _OrthancPluginService_FreeImage = 6006, + _OrthancPluginService_CompressImage = 6007, + _OrthancPluginService_ConvertPixelFormat = 6008, + _OrthancPluginService_GetFontsCount = 6009, + _OrthancPluginService_GetFontInfo = 6010, + _OrthancPluginService_DrawText = 6011, + _OrthancPluginService_CreateImage = 6012, + _OrthancPluginService_CreateImageAccessor = 6013, + _OrthancPluginService_DecodeDicomImage = 6014, + + /* Primitives for handling C-Find, C-Move and worklists */ + _OrthancPluginService_WorklistAddAnswer = 7000, + _OrthancPluginService_WorklistMarkIncomplete = 7001, + _OrthancPluginService_WorklistIsMatch = 7002, + _OrthancPluginService_WorklistGetDicomQuery = 7003, + _OrthancPluginService_FindAddAnswer = 7004, + _OrthancPluginService_FindMarkIncomplete = 7005, + _OrthancPluginService_GetFindQuerySize = 7006, + _OrthancPluginService_GetFindQueryTag = 7007, + _OrthancPluginService_GetFindQueryTagName = 7008, + _OrthancPluginService_GetFindQueryValue = 7009, + + _OrthancPluginService_INTERNAL = 0x7fffffff + } _OrthancPluginService; + + + typedef enum + { + _OrthancPluginProperty_Description = 1, + _OrthancPluginProperty_RootUri = 2, + _OrthancPluginProperty_OrthancExplorer = 3, + + _OrthancPluginProperty_INTERNAL = 0x7fffffff + } _OrthancPluginProperty; + + + + /** + * The memory layout of the pixels of an image. + * @ingroup Images + **/ + typedef enum + { + /** + * @brief Graylevel 8bpp image. + * + * The image is graylevel. Each pixel is unsigned and stored in + * one byte. + **/ + OrthancPluginPixelFormat_Grayscale8 = 1, + + /** + * @brief Graylevel, unsigned 16bpp image. + * + * The image is graylevel. Each pixel is unsigned and stored in + * two bytes. + **/ + OrthancPluginPixelFormat_Grayscale16 = 2, + + /** + * @brief Graylevel, signed 16bpp image. + * + * The image is graylevel. Each pixel is signed and stored in two + * bytes. + **/ + OrthancPluginPixelFormat_SignedGrayscale16 = 3, + + /** + * @brief Color image in RGB24 format. + * + * This format describes a color image. The pixels are stored in 3 + * consecutive bytes. The memory layout is RGB. + **/ + OrthancPluginPixelFormat_RGB24 = 4, + + /** + * @brief Color image in RGBA32 format. + * + * This format describes a color image. The pixels are stored in 4 + * consecutive bytes. The memory layout is RGBA. + **/ + OrthancPluginPixelFormat_RGBA32 = 5, + + OrthancPluginPixelFormat_Unknown = 6, /*!< Unknown pixel format */ + + _OrthancPluginPixelFormat_INTERNAL = 0x7fffffff + } OrthancPluginPixelFormat; + + + + /** + * The content types that are supported by Orthanc plugins. + **/ + typedef enum + { + OrthancPluginContentType_Unknown = 0, /*!< Unknown content type */ + OrthancPluginContentType_Dicom = 1, /*!< DICOM */ + OrthancPluginContentType_DicomAsJson = 2, /*!< JSON summary of a DICOM file */ + + _OrthancPluginContentType_INTERNAL = 0x7fffffff + } OrthancPluginContentType; + + + + /** + * The supported types of DICOM resources. + **/ + typedef enum + { + OrthancPluginResourceType_Patient = 0, /*!< Patient */ + OrthancPluginResourceType_Study = 1, /*!< Study */ + OrthancPluginResourceType_Series = 2, /*!< Series */ + OrthancPluginResourceType_Instance = 3, /*!< Instance */ + OrthancPluginResourceType_None = 4, /*!< Unavailable resource type */ + + _OrthancPluginResourceType_INTERNAL = 0x7fffffff + } OrthancPluginResourceType; + + + + /** + * The supported types of changes that can happen to DICOM resources. + * @ingroup Callbacks + **/ + typedef enum + { + OrthancPluginChangeType_CompletedSeries = 0, /*!< Series is now complete */ + OrthancPluginChangeType_Deleted = 1, /*!< Deleted resource */ + OrthancPluginChangeType_NewChildInstance = 2, /*!< A new instance was added to this resource */ + OrthancPluginChangeType_NewInstance = 3, /*!< New instance received */ + OrthancPluginChangeType_NewPatient = 4, /*!< New patient created */ + OrthancPluginChangeType_NewSeries = 5, /*!< New series created */ + OrthancPluginChangeType_NewStudy = 6, /*!< New study created */ + OrthancPluginChangeType_StablePatient = 7, /*!< Timeout: No new instance in this patient */ + OrthancPluginChangeType_StableSeries = 8, /*!< Timeout: No new instance in this series */ + OrthancPluginChangeType_StableStudy = 9, /*!< Timeout: No new instance in this study */ + OrthancPluginChangeType_OrthancStarted = 10, /*!< Orthanc has started */ + OrthancPluginChangeType_OrthancStopped = 11, /*!< Orthanc is stopping */ + OrthancPluginChangeType_UpdatedAttachment = 12, /*!< Some user-defined attachment has changed for this resource */ + OrthancPluginChangeType_UpdatedMetadata = 13, /*!< Some user-defined metadata has changed for this resource */ + + _OrthancPluginChangeType_INTERNAL = 0x7fffffff + } OrthancPluginChangeType; + + + /** + * The compression algorithms that are supported by the Orthanc core. + * @ingroup Images + **/ + typedef enum + { + OrthancPluginCompressionType_Zlib = 0, /*!< Standard zlib compression */ + OrthancPluginCompressionType_ZlibWithSize = 1, /*!< zlib, prefixed with uncompressed size (uint64_t) */ + OrthancPluginCompressionType_Gzip = 2, /*!< Standard gzip compression */ + OrthancPluginCompressionType_GzipWithSize = 3, /*!< gzip, prefixed with uncompressed size (uint64_t) */ + + _OrthancPluginCompressionType_INTERNAL = 0x7fffffff + } OrthancPluginCompressionType; + + + /** + * The image formats that are supported by the Orthanc core. + * @ingroup Images + **/ + typedef enum + { + OrthancPluginImageFormat_Png = 0, /*!< Image compressed using PNG */ + OrthancPluginImageFormat_Jpeg = 1, /*!< Image compressed using JPEG */ + OrthancPluginImageFormat_Dicom = 2, /*!< Image compressed using DICOM */ + + _OrthancPluginImageFormat_INTERNAL = 0x7fffffff + } OrthancPluginImageFormat; + + + /** + * The value representations present in the DICOM standard (version 2013). + * @ingroup Toolbox + **/ + typedef enum + { + OrthancPluginValueRepresentation_AE = 1, /*!< Application Entity */ + OrthancPluginValueRepresentation_AS = 2, /*!< Age String */ + OrthancPluginValueRepresentation_AT = 3, /*!< Attribute Tag */ + OrthancPluginValueRepresentation_CS = 4, /*!< Code String */ + OrthancPluginValueRepresentation_DA = 5, /*!< Date */ + OrthancPluginValueRepresentation_DS = 6, /*!< Decimal String */ + OrthancPluginValueRepresentation_DT = 7, /*!< Date Time */ + OrthancPluginValueRepresentation_FD = 8, /*!< Floating Point Double */ + OrthancPluginValueRepresentation_FL = 9, /*!< Floating Point Single */ + OrthancPluginValueRepresentation_IS = 10, /*!< Integer String */ + OrthancPluginValueRepresentation_LO = 11, /*!< Long String */ + OrthancPluginValueRepresentation_LT = 12, /*!< Long Text */ + OrthancPluginValueRepresentation_OB = 13, /*!< Other Byte String */ + OrthancPluginValueRepresentation_OF = 14, /*!< Other Float String */ + OrthancPluginValueRepresentation_OW = 15, /*!< Other Word String */ + OrthancPluginValueRepresentation_PN = 16, /*!< Person Name */ + OrthancPluginValueRepresentation_SH = 17, /*!< Short String */ + OrthancPluginValueRepresentation_SL = 18, /*!< Signed Long */ + OrthancPluginValueRepresentation_SQ = 19, /*!< Sequence of Items */ + OrthancPluginValueRepresentation_SS = 20, /*!< Signed Short */ + OrthancPluginValueRepresentation_ST = 21, /*!< Short Text */ + OrthancPluginValueRepresentation_TM = 22, /*!< Time */ + OrthancPluginValueRepresentation_UI = 23, /*!< Unique Identifier (UID) */ + OrthancPluginValueRepresentation_UL = 24, /*!< Unsigned Long */ + OrthancPluginValueRepresentation_UN = 25, /*!< Unknown */ + OrthancPluginValueRepresentation_US = 26, /*!< Unsigned Short */ + OrthancPluginValueRepresentation_UT = 27, /*!< Unlimited Text */ + + _OrthancPluginValueRepresentation_INTERNAL = 0x7fffffff + } OrthancPluginValueRepresentation; + + + /** + * The possible output formats for a DICOM-to-JSON conversion. + * @ingroup Toolbox + * @see OrthancPluginDicomToJson() + **/ + typedef enum + { + OrthancPluginDicomToJsonFormat_Full = 1, /*!< Full output, with most details */ + OrthancPluginDicomToJsonFormat_Short = 2, /*!< Tags output as hexadecimal numbers */ + OrthancPluginDicomToJsonFormat_Human = 3, /*!< Human-readable JSON */ + + _OrthancPluginDicomToJsonFormat_INTERNAL = 0x7fffffff + } OrthancPluginDicomToJsonFormat; + + + /** + * Flags to customize a DICOM-to-JSON conversion. By default, binary + * tags are formatted using Data URI scheme. + * @ingroup Toolbox + **/ + typedef enum + { + OrthancPluginDicomToJsonFlags_IncludeBinary = (1 << 0), /*!< Include the binary tags */ + OrthancPluginDicomToJsonFlags_IncludePrivateTags = (1 << 1), /*!< Include the private tags */ + OrthancPluginDicomToJsonFlags_IncludeUnknownTags = (1 << 2), /*!< Include the tags unknown by the dictionary */ + OrthancPluginDicomToJsonFlags_IncludePixelData = (1 << 3), /*!< Include the pixel data */ + OrthancPluginDicomToJsonFlags_ConvertBinaryToAscii = (1 << 4), /*!< Output binary tags as-is, dropping non-ASCII */ + OrthancPluginDicomToJsonFlags_ConvertBinaryToNull = (1 << 5), /*!< Signal binary tags as null values */ + + _OrthancPluginDicomToJsonFlags_INTERNAL = 0x7fffffff + } OrthancPluginDicomToJsonFlags; + + + /** + * Flags to the creation of a DICOM file. + * @ingroup Toolbox + * @see OrthancPluginCreateDicom() + **/ + typedef enum + { + OrthancPluginCreateDicomFlags_DecodeDataUriScheme = (1 << 0), /*!< Decode fields encoded using data URI scheme */ + OrthancPluginCreateDicomFlags_GenerateIdentifiers = (1 << 1), /*!< Automatically generate DICOM identifiers */ + + _OrthancPluginCreateDicomFlags_INTERNAL = 0x7fffffff + } OrthancPluginCreateDicomFlags; + + + /** + * The constraints on the DICOM identifiers that must be supported + * by the database plugins. + **/ + typedef enum + { + OrthancPluginIdentifierConstraint_Equal = 1, /*!< Equal */ + OrthancPluginIdentifierConstraint_SmallerOrEqual = 2, /*!< Less or equal */ + OrthancPluginIdentifierConstraint_GreaterOrEqual = 3, /*!< More or equal */ + OrthancPluginIdentifierConstraint_Wildcard = 4, /*!< Case-sensitive wildcard matching (with * and ?) */ + + _OrthancPluginIdentifierConstraint_INTERNAL = 0x7fffffff + } OrthancPluginIdentifierConstraint; + + + /** + * The origin of a DICOM instance that has been received by Orthanc. + **/ + typedef enum + { + OrthancPluginInstanceOrigin_Unknown = 1, /*!< Unknown origin */ + OrthancPluginInstanceOrigin_DicomProtocol = 2, /*!< Instance received through DICOM protocol */ + OrthancPluginInstanceOrigin_RestApi = 3, /*!< Instance received through REST API of Orthanc */ + OrthancPluginInstanceOrigin_Plugin = 4, /*!< Instance added to Orthanc by a plugin */ + OrthancPluginInstanceOrigin_Lua = 5, /*!< Instance added to Orthanc by a Lua script */ + + _OrthancPluginInstanceOrigin_INTERNAL = 0x7fffffff + } OrthancPluginInstanceOrigin; + + + /** + * @brief A memory buffer allocated by the core system of Orthanc. + * + * A memory buffer allocated by the core system of Orthanc. When the + * content of the buffer is not useful anymore, it must be free by a + * call to ::OrthancPluginFreeMemoryBuffer(). + **/ + typedef struct + { + /** + * @brief The content of the buffer. + **/ + void* data; + + /** + * @brief The number of bytes in the buffer. + **/ + uint32_t size; + } OrthancPluginMemoryBuffer; + + + + + /** + * @brief Opaque structure that represents the HTTP connection to the client application. + * @ingroup Callback + **/ + typedef struct _OrthancPluginRestOutput_t OrthancPluginRestOutput; + + + + /** + * @brief Opaque structure that represents a DICOM instance received by Orthanc. + **/ + typedef struct _OrthancPluginDicomInstance_t OrthancPluginDicomInstance; + + + + /** + * @brief Opaque structure that represents an image that is uncompressed in memory. + * @ingroup Images + **/ + typedef struct _OrthancPluginImage_t OrthancPluginImage; + + + + /** + * @brief Opaque structure that represents the storage area that is actually used by Orthanc. + * @ingroup Images + **/ + typedef struct _OrthancPluginStorageArea_t OrthancPluginStorageArea; + + + + /** + * @brief Opaque structure to an object that represents a C-Find query for worklists. + * @ingroup DicomCallbacks + **/ + typedef struct _OrthancPluginWorklistQuery_t OrthancPluginWorklistQuery; + + + + /** + * @brief Opaque structure to an object that represents the answers to a C-Find query for worklists. + * @ingroup DicomCallbacks + **/ + typedef struct _OrthancPluginWorklistAnswers_t OrthancPluginWorklistAnswers; + + + + /** + * @brief Opaque structure to an object that represents a C-Find query. + * @ingroup DicomCallbacks + **/ + typedef struct _OrthancPluginFindQuery_t OrthancPluginFindQuery; + + + + /** + * @brief Opaque structure to an object that represents the answers to a C-Find query for worklists. + * @ingroup DicomCallbacks + **/ + typedef struct _OrthancPluginFindAnswers_t OrthancPluginFindAnswers; + + + + /** + * @brief Signature of a callback function that answers to a REST request. + * @ingroup Callbacks + **/ + typedef OrthancPluginErrorCode (*OrthancPluginRestCallback) ( + OrthancPluginRestOutput* output, + const char* url, + const OrthancPluginHttpRequest* request); + + + + /** + * @brief Signature of a callback function that is triggered when Orthanc receives a DICOM instance. + * @ingroup Callbacks + **/ + typedef OrthancPluginErrorCode (*OrthancPluginOnStoredInstanceCallback) ( + OrthancPluginDicomInstance* instance, + const char* instanceId); + + + + /** + * @brief Signature of a callback function that is triggered when a change happens to some DICOM resource. + * @ingroup Callbacks + **/ + typedef OrthancPluginErrorCode (*OrthancPluginOnChangeCallback) ( + OrthancPluginChangeType changeType, + OrthancPluginResourceType resourceType, + const char* resourceId); + + + + /** + * @brief Signature of a callback function to decode a DICOM instance as an image. + * @ingroup Callbacks + **/ + typedef OrthancPluginErrorCode (*OrthancPluginDecodeImageCallback) ( + OrthancPluginImage** target, + const void* dicom, + const uint32_t size, + uint32_t frameIndex); + + + + /** + * @brief Signature of a function to free dynamic memory. + **/ + typedef void (*OrthancPluginFree) (void* buffer); + + + + /** + * @brief Callback for writing to the storage area. + * + * Signature of a callback function that is triggered when Orthanc writes a file to the storage area. + * + * @param uuid The UUID of the file. + * @param content The content of the file. + * @param size The size of the file. + * @param type The content type corresponding to this file. + * @return 0 if success, other value if error. + * @ingroup Callbacks + **/ + typedef OrthancPluginErrorCode (*OrthancPluginStorageCreate) ( + const char* uuid, + const void* content, + int64_t size, + OrthancPluginContentType type); + + + + /** + * @brief Callback for reading from the storage area. + * + * Signature of a callback function that is triggered when Orthanc reads a file from the storage area. + * + * @param content The content of the file (output). + * @param size The size of the file (output). + * @param uuid The UUID of the file of interest. + * @param type The content type corresponding to this file. + * @return 0 if success, other value if error. + * @ingroup Callbacks + **/ + typedef OrthancPluginErrorCode (*OrthancPluginStorageRead) ( + void** content, + int64_t* size, + const char* uuid, + OrthancPluginContentType type); + + + + /** + * @brief Callback for removing a file from the storage area. + * + * Signature of a callback function that is triggered when Orthanc deletes a file from the storage area. + * + * @param uuid The UUID of the file to be removed. + * @param type The content type corresponding to this file. + * @return 0 if success, other value if error. + * @ingroup Callbacks + **/ + typedef OrthancPluginErrorCode (*OrthancPluginStorageRemove) ( + const char* uuid, + OrthancPluginContentType type); + + + + /** + * @brief Callback to handle the C-Find SCP requests for worklists. + * + * Signature of a callback function that is triggered when Orthanc + * receives a C-Find SCP request against modality worklists. + * + * @param answers The target structure where answers must be stored. + * @param query The worklist query. + * @param issuerAet The Application Entity Title (AET) of the modality from which the request originates. + * @param calledAet The Application Entity Title (AET) of the modality that is called by the request. + * @return 0 if success, other value if error. + * @ingroup DicomCallbacks + **/ + typedef OrthancPluginErrorCode (*OrthancPluginWorklistCallback) ( + OrthancPluginWorklistAnswers* answers, + const OrthancPluginWorklistQuery* query, + const char* issuerAet, + const char* calledAet); + + + + /** + * @brief Callback to filter incoming HTTP requests received by Orthanc. + * + * Signature of a callback function that is triggered whenever + * Orthanc receives an HTTP/REST request, and that answers whether + * this request should be allowed. If the callback returns "0" + * ("false"), the server answers with HTTP status code 403 + * (Forbidden). + * + * @param method The HTTP method used by the request. + * @param uri The URI of interest. + * @param ip The IP address of the HTTP client. + * @param headersCount The number of HTTP headers. + * @param headersKeys The keys of the HTTP headers (always converted to low-case). + * @param headersValues The values of the HTTP headers. + * @return 0 if forbidden access, 1 if allowed access, -1 if error. + * @ingroup Callback + **/ + typedef int32_t (*OrthancPluginIncomingHttpRequestFilter) ( + OrthancPluginHttpMethod method, + const char* uri, + const char* ip, + uint32_t headersCount, + const char* const* headersKeys, + const char* const* headersValues); + + + + /** + * @brief Callback to handle incoming C-Find SCP requests. + * + * Signature of a callback function that is triggered whenever + * Orthanc receives a C-Find SCP request not concerning modality + * worklists. + * + * @param answers The target structure where answers must be stored. + * @param query The worklist query. + * @param issuerAet The Application Entity Title (AET) of the modality from which the request originates. + * @param calledAet The Application Entity Title (AET) of the modality that is called by the request. + * @return 0 if success, other value if error. + * @ingroup DicomCallbacks + **/ + typedef OrthancPluginErrorCode (*OrthancPluginFindCallback) ( + OrthancPluginFindAnswers* answers, + const OrthancPluginFindQuery* query, + const char* issuerAet, + const char* calledAet); + + + + /** + * @brief Callback to handle incoming C-Move SCP requests. + * + * Signature of a callback function that is triggered whenever + * Orthanc receives a C-Move SCP request. The callback receives the + * type of the resource of interest (study, series, instance...) + * together with the DICOM tags containing its identifiers. In turn, + * the plugin must create a driver object that will be responsible + * for driving the successive move suboperations. + * + * @param resourceType The type of the resource of interest. Note + * that this might be set to ResourceType_None if the + * QueryRetrieveLevel (0008,0052) tag was not provided by the + * issuer. + * @param patientId Content of the PatientID (0x0010, 0x0020) tag of the resource of interest. Might be NULL. + * @param accessionNumber Content of the AccessionNumber (0x0008, 0x0050) tag. Might be NULL. + * @param studyInstanceUid Content of the StudyInstanceUID (0x0020, 0x000d) tag. Might be NULL. + * @param seriesInstanceUid Content of the SeriesInstanceUID (0x0020, 0x000e) tag. Might be NULL. + * @param sopInstanceUid Content of the SOPInstanceUID (0x0008, 0x0018) tag. Might be NULL. + * @param issuerAet The Application Entity Title (AET) of the + * modality from which the request originates. + * @param sourceAet The Application Entity Title (AET) of the + * modality that should send its DICOM files to another modality. + * @param targetAet The Application Entity Title (AET) of the + * modality that should receive the DICOM files. + * + * @return The NULL value if the plugin cannot deal with this query, + * or a pointer to the driver object that is responsible for + * handling the successive move suboperations. + * + * @note If targetAet equals sourceAet, this is actually a query/retrieve operation. + * @ingroup DicomCallbacks + **/ + typedef void* (*OrthancPluginMoveCallback) ( + OrthancPluginResourceType resourceType, + const char* patientId, + const char* accessionNumber, + const char* studyInstanceUid, + const char* seriesInstanceUid, + const char* sopInstanceUid, + const char* issuerAet, + const char* sourceAet, + const char* targetAet, + uint16_t moveOriginatorId); + + + /** + * @brief Callback to read the size of a C-Move driver. + * + * Signature of a callback function that returns the number of + * C-Move suboperations that are to be achieved by the given C-Move + * driver. This driver is the return value of a previous call to the + * OrthancPluginMoveCallback() callback. + * + * @param moveDriver The C-Move driver of interest. + * @return The number of suboperations. + **/ + typedef uint32_t (*OrthancPluginGetMoveSize) (void* moveDriver); + + + /** + * @brief Callback to apply one C-Move suboperation. + * + * Signature of a callback function that applies the next C-Move + * suboperation that os to be achieved by the given C-Move + * driver. This driver is the return value of a previous call to the + * OrthancPluginMoveCallback() callback. + * + * @param moveDriver The C-Move driver of interest. + * @return 0 if success, or the error code if failure. + **/ + typedef OrthancPluginErrorCode (*OrthancPluginApplyMove) (void* moveDriver); + + + /** + * @brief Callback to free one C-Move driver. + * + * Signature of a callback function that releases the resources + * allocated by the given C-Move driver. This driver is the return + * value of a previous call to the OrthancPluginMoveCallback() + * callback. + * + * @param moveDriver The C-Move driver of interest. + **/ + typedef void (*OrthancPluginFreeMove) (void* moveDriver); + + + + /** + * @brief Data structure that contains information about the Orthanc core. + **/ + typedef struct _OrthancPluginContext_t + { + void* pluginsManager; + const char* orthancVersion; + OrthancPluginFree Free; + OrthancPluginErrorCode (*InvokeService) (struct _OrthancPluginContext_t* context, + _OrthancPluginService service, + const void* params); + } OrthancPluginContext; + + + + /** + * @brief An entry in the dictionary of DICOM tags. + **/ + typedef struct + { + uint16_t group; /*!< The group of the tag */ + uint16_t element; /*!< The element of the tag */ + OrthancPluginValueRepresentation vr; /*!< The value representation of the tag */ + uint32_t minMultiplicity; /*!< The minimum multiplicity of the tag */ + uint32_t maxMultiplicity; /*!< The maximum multiplicity of the tag (0 means arbitrary) */ + } OrthancPluginDictionaryEntry; + + + + /** + * @brief Free a string. + * + * Free a string that was allocated by the core system of Orthanc. + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param str The string to be freed. + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE void OrthancPluginFreeString( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + char* str) + { + if (str != NULL) + { + context->Free(str); + } + } + + + /** + * @brief Check the compatibility of the plugin wrt. the version of its hosting Orthanc. + * + * This function checks whether the version of this C header is + * compatible with the current version of Orthanc. The result of + * this function should always be checked in the + * OrthancPluginInitialize() entry point of the plugin. + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @return 1 if and only if the versions are compatible. If the + * result is 0, the initialization of the plugin should fail. + * @ingroup Callbacks + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE int OrthancPluginCheckVersion( + OrthancPluginContext* context) + { + int major, minor, revision; + + if (sizeof(int32_t) != sizeof(OrthancPluginErrorCode) || + sizeof(int32_t) != sizeof(OrthancPluginHttpMethod) || + sizeof(int32_t) != sizeof(_OrthancPluginService) || + sizeof(int32_t) != sizeof(_OrthancPluginProperty) || + sizeof(int32_t) != sizeof(OrthancPluginPixelFormat) || + sizeof(int32_t) != sizeof(OrthancPluginContentType) || + sizeof(int32_t) != sizeof(OrthancPluginResourceType) || + sizeof(int32_t) != sizeof(OrthancPluginChangeType) || + sizeof(int32_t) != sizeof(OrthancPluginCompressionType) || + sizeof(int32_t) != sizeof(OrthancPluginImageFormat) || + sizeof(int32_t) != sizeof(OrthancPluginValueRepresentation) || + sizeof(int32_t) != sizeof(OrthancPluginDicomToJsonFormat) || + sizeof(int32_t) != sizeof(OrthancPluginDicomToJsonFlags) || + sizeof(int32_t) != sizeof(OrthancPluginCreateDicomFlags) || + sizeof(int32_t) != sizeof(OrthancPluginIdentifierConstraint) || + sizeof(int32_t) != sizeof(OrthancPluginInstanceOrigin)) + { + /* Mismatch in the size of the enumerations */ + return 0; + } + + /* Assume compatibility with the mainline */ + if (!strcmp(context->orthancVersion, "mainline")) + { + return 1; + } + + /* Parse the version of the Orthanc core */ + if ( +#ifdef _MSC_VER + sscanf_s +#else + sscanf +#endif + (context->orthancVersion, "%4d.%4d.%4d", &major, &minor, &revision) != 3) + { + return 0; + } + + /* Check the major number of the version */ + + if (major > ORTHANC_PLUGINS_MINIMAL_MAJOR_NUMBER) + { + return 1; + } + + if (major < ORTHANC_PLUGINS_MINIMAL_MAJOR_NUMBER) + { + return 0; + } + + /* Check the minor number of the version */ + + if (minor > ORTHANC_PLUGINS_MINIMAL_MINOR_NUMBER) + { + return 1; + } + + if (minor < ORTHANC_PLUGINS_MINIMAL_MINOR_NUMBER) + { + return 0; + } + + /* Check the revision number of the version */ + + if (revision >= ORTHANC_PLUGINS_MINIMAL_REVISION_NUMBER) + { + return 1; + } + else + { + return 0; + } + } + + + /** + * @brief Free a memory buffer. + * + * Free a memory buffer that was allocated by the core system of Orthanc. + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param buffer The memory buffer to release. + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE void OrthancPluginFreeMemoryBuffer( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + OrthancPluginMemoryBuffer* buffer) + { + context->Free(buffer->data); + } + + + /** + * @brief Log an error. + * + * Log an error message using the Orthanc logging system. + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param message The message to be logged. + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE void OrthancPluginLogError( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + const char* message) + { + context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_LogError, message); + } + + + /** + * @brief Log a warning. + * + * Log a warning message using the Orthanc logging system. + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param message The message to be logged. + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE void OrthancPluginLogWarning( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + const char* message) + { + context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_LogWarning, message); + } + + + /** + * @brief Log an information. + * + * Log an information message using the Orthanc logging system. + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param message The message to be logged. + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE void OrthancPluginLogInfo( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + const char* message) + { + context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_LogInfo, message); + } + + + + typedef struct + { + const char* pathRegularExpression; + OrthancPluginRestCallback callback; + } _OrthancPluginRestCallback; + + /** + * @brief Register a REST callback. + * + * This function registers a REST callback against a regular + * expression for a URI. This function must be called during the + * initialization of the plugin, i.e. inside the + * OrthancPluginInitialize() public function. + * + * Each REST callback is guaranteed to run in mutual exclusion. + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param pathRegularExpression Regular expression for the URI. May contain groups. + * @param callback The callback function to handle the REST call. + * @see OrthancPluginRegisterRestCallbackNoLock() + * @ingroup Callbacks + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE void OrthancPluginRegisterRestCallback( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + const char* pathRegularExpression, + OrthancPluginRestCallback callback) + { + _OrthancPluginRestCallback params; + params.pathRegularExpression = pathRegularExpression; + params.callback = callback; + context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_RegisterRestCallback, ¶ms); + } + + + + /** + * @brief Register a REST callback, without locking. + * + * This function registers a REST callback against a regular + * expression for a URI. This function must be called during the + * initialization of the plugin, i.e. inside the + * OrthancPluginInitialize() public function. + * + * Contrarily to OrthancPluginRegisterRestCallback(), the callback + * will NOT be invoked in mutual exclusion. This can be useful for + * high-performance plugins that must handle concurrent requests + * (Orthanc uses a pool of threads, one thread being assigned to + * each incoming HTTP request). Of course, it is up to the plugin to + * implement the required locking mechanisms. + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param pathRegularExpression Regular expression for the URI. May contain groups. + * @param callback The callback function to handle the REST call. + * @see OrthancPluginRegisterRestCallback() + * @ingroup Callbacks + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE void OrthancPluginRegisterRestCallbackNoLock( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + const char* pathRegularExpression, + OrthancPluginRestCallback callback) + { + _OrthancPluginRestCallback params; + params.pathRegularExpression = pathRegularExpression; + params.callback = callback; + context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_RegisterRestCallbackNoLock, ¶ms); + } + + + + typedef struct + { + OrthancPluginOnStoredInstanceCallback callback; + } _OrthancPluginOnStoredInstanceCallback; + + /** + * @brief Register a callback for received instances. + * + * This function registers a callback function that is called + * whenever a new DICOM instance is stored into the Orthanc core. + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param callback The callback function. + * @ingroup Callbacks + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE void OrthancPluginRegisterOnStoredInstanceCallback( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + OrthancPluginOnStoredInstanceCallback callback) + { + _OrthancPluginOnStoredInstanceCallback params; + params.callback = callback; + + context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_RegisterOnStoredInstanceCallback, ¶ms); + } + + + + typedef struct + { + OrthancPluginRestOutput* output; + const char* answer; + uint32_t answerSize; + const char* mimeType; + } _OrthancPluginAnswerBuffer; + + /** + * @brief Answer to a REST request. + * + * This function answers to a REST request with the content of a memory buffer. + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param output The HTTP connection to the client application. + * @param answer Pointer to the memory buffer containing the answer. + * @param answerSize Number of bytes of the answer. + * @param mimeType The MIME type of the answer. + * @ingroup REST + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE void OrthancPluginAnswerBuffer( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + OrthancPluginRestOutput* output, + const char* answer, + uint32_t answerSize, + const char* mimeType) + { + _OrthancPluginAnswerBuffer params; + params.output = output; + params.answer = answer; + params.answerSize = answerSize; + params.mimeType = mimeType; + context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_AnswerBuffer, ¶ms); + } + + + typedef struct + { + OrthancPluginRestOutput* output; + OrthancPluginPixelFormat format; + uint32_t width; + uint32_t height; + uint32_t pitch; + const void* buffer; + } _OrthancPluginCompressAndAnswerPngImage; + + typedef struct + { + OrthancPluginRestOutput* output; + OrthancPluginImageFormat imageFormat; + OrthancPluginPixelFormat pixelFormat; + uint32_t width; + uint32_t height; + uint32_t pitch; + const void* buffer; + uint8_t quality; + } _OrthancPluginCompressAndAnswerImage; + + + /** + * @brief Answer to a REST request with a PNG image. + * + * This function answers to a REST request with a PNG image. The + * parameters of this function describe a memory buffer that + * contains an uncompressed image. The image will be automatically compressed + * as a PNG image by the core system of Orthanc. + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param output The HTTP connection to the client application. + * @param format The memory layout of the uncompressed image. + * @param width The width of the image. + * @param height The height of the image. + * @param pitch The pitch of the image (i.e. the number of bytes + * between 2 successive lines of the image in the memory buffer). + * @param buffer The memory buffer containing the uncompressed image. + * @ingroup REST + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE void OrthancPluginCompressAndAnswerPngImage( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + OrthancPluginRestOutput* output, + OrthancPluginPixelFormat format, + uint32_t width, + uint32_t height, + uint32_t pitch, + const void* buffer) + { + _OrthancPluginCompressAndAnswerImage params; + params.output = output; + params.imageFormat = OrthancPluginImageFormat_Png; + params.pixelFormat = format; + params.width = width; + params.height = height; + params.pitch = pitch; + params.buffer = buffer; + params.quality = 0; /* No quality for PNG */ + context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_CompressAndAnswerImage, ¶ms); + } + + + + typedef struct + { + OrthancPluginMemoryBuffer* target; + const char* instanceId; + } _OrthancPluginGetDicomForInstance; + + /** + * @brief Retrieve a DICOM instance using its Orthanc identifier. + * + * Retrieve a DICOM instance using its Orthanc identifier. The DICOM + * file is stored into a newly allocated memory buffer. + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param target The target memory buffer. It must be freed with OrthancPluginFreeMemoryBuffer(). + * @param instanceId The Orthanc identifier of the DICOM instance of interest. + * @return 0 if success, or the error code if failure. + * @ingroup Orthanc + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE OrthancPluginErrorCode OrthancPluginGetDicomForInstance( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + OrthancPluginMemoryBuffer* target, + const char* instanceId) + { + _OrthancPluginGetDicomForInstance params; + params.target = target; + params.instanceId = instanceId; + return context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_GetDicomForInstance, ¶ms); + } + + + + typedef struct + { + OrthancPluginMemoryBuffer* target; + const char* uri; + } _OrthancPluginRestApiGet; + + /** + * @brief Make a GET call to the built-in Orthanc REST API. + * + * Make a GET call to the built-in Orthanc REST API. The result to + * the query is stored into a newly allocated memory buffer. + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param target The target memory buffer. It must be freed with OrthancPluginFreeMemoryBuffer(). + * @param uri The URI in the built-in Orthanc API. + * @return 0 if success, or the error code if failure. + * @note If the resource is not existing (error 404), the error code will be OrthancPluginErrorCode_UnknownResource. + * @see OrthancPluginRestApiGetAfterPlugins + * @ingroup Orthanc + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE OrthancPluginErrorCode OrthancPluginRestApiGet( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + OrthancPluginMemoryBuffer* target, + const char* uri) + { + _OrthancPluginRestApiGet params; + params.target = target; + params.uri = uri; + return context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_RestApiGet, ¶ms); + } + + + + /** + * @brief Make a GET call to the REST API, as tainted by the plugins. + * + * Make a GET call to the Orthanc REST API, after all the plugins + * are applied. In other words, if some plugin overrides or adds the + * called URI to the built-in Orthanc REST API, this call will + * return the result provided by this plugin. The result to the + * query is stored into a newly allocated memory buffer. + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param target The target memory buffer. It must be freed with OrthancPluginFreeMemoryBuffer(). + * @param uri The URI in the built-in Orthanc API. + * @return 0 if success, or the error code if failure. + * @note If the resource is not existing (error 404), the error code will be OrthancPluginErrorCode_UnknownResource. + * @see OrthancPluginRestApiGet + * @ingroup Orthanc + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE OrthancPluginErrorCode OrthancPluginRestApiGetAfterPlugins( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + OrthancPluginMemoryBuffer* target, + const char* uri) + { + _OrthancPluginRestApiGet params; + params.target = target; + params.uri = uri; + return context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_RestApiGetAfterPlugins, ¶ms); + } + + + + typedef struct + { + OrthancPluginMemoryBuffer* target; + const char* uri; + const char* body; + uint32_t bodySize; + } _OrthancPluginRestApiPostPut; + + /** + * @brief Make a POST call to the built-in Orthanc REST API. + * + * Make a POST call to the built-in Orthanc REST API. The result to + * the query is stored into a newly allocated memory buffer. + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param target The target memory buffer. It must be freed with OrthancPluginFreeMemoryBuffer(). + * @param uri The URI in the built-in Orthanc API. + * @param body The body of the POST request. + * @param bodySize The size of the body. + * @return 0 if success, or the error code if failure. + * @note If the resource is not existing (error 404), the error code will be OrthancPluginErrorCode_UnknownResource. + * @see OrthancPluginRestApiPostAfterPlugins + * @ingroup Orthanc + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE OrthancPluginErrorCode OrthancPluginRestApiPost( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + OrthancPluginMemoryBuffer* target, + const char* uri, + const char* body, + uint32_t bodySize) + { + _OrthancPluginRestApiPostPut params; + params.target = target; + params.uri = uri; + params.body = body; + params.bodySize = bodySize; + return context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_RestApiPost, ¶ms); + } + + + /** + * @brief Make a POST call to the REST API, as tainted by the plugins. + * + * Make a POST call to the Orthanc REST API, after all the plugins + * are applied. In other words, if some plugin overrides or adds the + * called URI to the built-in Orthanc REST API, this call will + * return the result provided by this plugin. The result to the + * query is stored into a newly allocated memory buffer. + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param target The target memory buffer. It must be freed with OrthancPluginFreeMemoryBuffer(). + * @param uri The URI in the built-in Orthanc API. + * @param body The body of the POST request. + * @param bodySize The size of the body. + * @return 0 if success, or the error code if failure. + * @note If the resource is not existing (error 404), the error code will be OrthancPluginErrorCode_UnknownResource. + * @see OrthancPluginRestApiPost + * @ingroup Orthanc + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE OrthancPluginErrorCode OrthancPluginRestApiPostAfterPlugins( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + OrthancPluginMemoryBuffer* target, + const char* uri, + const char* body, + uint32_t bodySize) + { + _OrthancPluginRestApiPostPut params; + params.target = target; + params.uri = uri; + params.body = body; + params.bodySize = bodySize; + return context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_RestApiPostAfterPlugins, ¶ms); + } + + + + /** + * @brief Make a DELETE call to the built-in Orthanc REST API. + * + * Make a DELETE call to the built-in Orthanc REST API. + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param uri The URI to delete in the built-in Orthanc API. + * @return 0 if success, or the error code if failure. + * @note If the resource is not existing (error 404), the error code will be OrthancPluginErrorCode_UnknownResource. + * @see OrthancPluginRestApiDeleteAfterPlugins + * @ingroup Orthanc + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE OrthancPluginErrorCode OrthancPluginRestApiDelete( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + const char* uri) + { + return context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_RestApiDelete, uri); + } + + + /** + * @brief Make a DELETE call to the REST API, as tainted by the plugins. + * + * Make a DELETE call to the Orthanc REST API, after all the plugins + * are applied. In other words, if some plugin overrides or adds the + * called URI to the built-in Orthanc REST API, this call will + * return the result provided by this plugin. + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param uri The URI to delete in the built-in Orthanc API. + * @return 0 if success, or the error code if failure. + * @note If the resource is not existing (error 404), the error code will be OrthancPluginErrorCode_UnknownResource. + * @see OrthancPluginRestApiDelete + * @ingroup Orthanc + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE OrthancPluginErrorCode OrthancPluginRestApiDeleteAfterPlugins( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + const char* uri) + { + return context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_RestApiDeleteAfterPlugins, uri); + } + + + + /** + * @brief Make a PUT call to the built-in Orthanc REST API. + * + * Make a PUT call to the built-in Orthanc REST API. The result to + * the query is stored into a newly allocated memory buffer. + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param target The target memory buffer. It must be freed with OrthancPluginFreeMemoryBuffer(). + * @param uri The URI in the built-in Orthanc API. + * @param body The body of the PUT request. + * @param bodySize The size of the body. + * @return 0 if success, or the error code if failure. + * @note If the resource is not existing (error 404), the error code will be OrthancPluginErrorCode_UnknownResource. + * @see OrthancPluginRestApiPutAfterPlugins + * @ingroup Orthanc + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE OrthancPluginErrorCode OrthancPluginRestApiPut( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + OrthancPluginMemoryBuffer* target, + const char* uri, + const char* body, + uint32_t bodySize) + { + _OrthancPluginRestApiPostPut params; + params.target = target; + params.uri = uri; + params.body = body; + params.bodySize = bodySize; + return context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_RestApiPut, ¶ms); + } + + + + /** + * @brief Make a PUT call to the REST API, as tainted by the plugins. + * + * Make a PUT call to the Orthanc REST API, after all the plugins + * are applied. In other words, if some plugin overrides or adds the + * called URI to the built-in Orthanc REST API, this call will + * return the result provided by this plugin. The result to the + * query is stored into a newly allocated memory buffer. + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param target The target memory buffer. It must be freed with OrthancPluginFreeMemoryBuffer(). + * @param uri The URI in the built-in Orthanc API. + * @param body The body of the PUT request. + * @param bodySize The size of the body. + * @return 0 if success, or the error code if failure. + * @note If the resource is not existing (error 404), the error code will be OrthancPluginErrorCode_UnknownResource. + * @see OrthancPluginRestApiPut + * @ingroup Orthanc + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE OrthancPluginErrorCode OrthancPluginRestApiPutAfterPlugins( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + OrthancPluginMemoryBuffer* target, + const char* uri, + const char* body, + uint32_t bodySize) + { + _OrthancPluginRestApiPostPut params; + params.target = target; + params.uri = uri; + params.body = body; + params.bodySize = bodySize; + return context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_RestApiPutAfterPlugins, ¶ms); + } + + + + typedef struct + { + OrthancPluginRestOutput* output; + const char* argument; + } _OrthancPluginOutputPlusArgument; + + /** + * @brief Redirect a REST request. + * + * This function answers to a REST request by redirecting the user + * to another URI using HTTP status 301. + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param output The HTTP connection to the client application. + * @param redirection Where to redirect. + * @ingroup REST + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE void OrthancPluginRedirect( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + OrthancPluginRestOutput* output, + const char* redirection) + { + _OrthancPluginOutputPlusArgument params; + params.output = output; + params.argument = redirection; + context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_Redirect, ¶ms); + } + + + + typedef struct + { + char** result; + const char* argument; + } _OrthancPluginRetrieveDynamicString; + + /** + * @brief Look for a patient. + * + * Look for a patient stored in Orthanc, using its Patient ID tag (0x0010, 0x0020). + * This function uses the database index to run as fast as possible (it does not loop + * over all the stored patients). + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param patientID The Patient ID of interest. + * @return The NULL value if the patient is non-existent, or a string containing the + * Orthanc ID of the patient. This string must be freed by OrthancPluginFreeString(). + * @ingroup Orthanc + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE char* OrthancPluginLookupPatient( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + const char* patientID) + { + char* result; + + _OrthancPluginRetrieveDynamicString params; + params.result = &result; + params.argument = patientID; + + if (context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_LookupPatient, ¶ms) != OrthancPluginErrorCode_Success) + { + /* Error */ + return NULL; + } + else + { + return result; + } + } + + + /** + * @brief Look for a study. + * + * Look for a study stored in Orthanc, using its Study Instance UID tag (0x0020, 0x000d). + * This function uses the database index to run as fast as possible (it does not loop + * over all the stored studies). + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param studyUID The Study Instance UID of interest. + * @return The NULL value if the study is non-existent, or a string containing the + * Orthanc ID of the study. This string must be freed by OrthancPluginFreeString(). + * @ingroup Orthanc + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE char* OrthancPluginLookupStudy( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + const char* studyUID) + { + char* result; + + _OrthancPluginRetrieveDynamicString params; + params.result = &result; + params.argument = studyUID; + + if (context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_LookupStudy, ¶ms) != OrthancPluginErrorCode_Success) + { + /* Error */ + return NULL; + } + else + { + return result; + } + } + + + /** + * @brief Look for a study, using the accession number. + * + * Look for a study stored in Orthanc, using its Accession Number tag (0x0008, 0x0050). + * This function uses the database index to run as fast as possible (it does not loop + * over all the stored studies). + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param accessionNumber The Accession Number of interest. + * @return The NULL value if the study is non-existent, or a string containing the + * Orthanc ID of the study. This string must be freed by OrthancPluginFreeString(). + * @ingroup Orthanc + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE char* OrthancPluginLookupStudyWithAccessionNumber( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + const char* accessionNumber) + { + char* result; + + _OrthancPluginRetrieveDynamicString params; + params.result = &result; + params.argument = accessionNumber; + + if (context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_LookupStudyWithAccessionNumber, ¶ms) != OrthancPluginErrorCode_Success) + { + /* Error */ + return NULL; + } + else + { + return result; + } + } + + + /** + * @brief Look for a series. + * + * Look for a series stored in Orthanc, using its Series Instance UID tag (0x0020, 0x000e). + * This function uses the database index to run as fast as possible (it does not loop + * over all the stored series). + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param seriesUID The Series Instance UID of interest. + * @return The NULL value if the series is non-existent, or a string containing the + * Orthanc ID of the series. This string must be freed by OrthancPluginFreeString(). + * @ingroup Orthanc + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE char* OrthancPluginLookupSeries( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + const char* seriesUID) + { + char* result; + + _OrthancPluginRetrieveDynamicString params; + params.result = &result; + params.argument = seriesUID; + + if (context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_LookupSeries, ¶ms) != OrthancPluginErrorCode_Success) + { + /* Error */ + return NULL; + } + else + { + return result; + } + } + + + /** + * @brief Look for an instance. + * + * Look for an instance stored in Orthanc, using its SOP Instance UID tag (0x0008, 0x0018). + * This function uses the database index to run as fast as possible (it does not loop + * over all the stored instances). + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param sopInstanceUID The SOP Instance UID of interest. + * @return The NULL value if the instance is non-existent, or a string containing the + * Orthanc ID of the instance. This string must be freed by OrthancPluginFreeString(). + * @ingroup Orthanc + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE char* OrthancPluginLookupInstance( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + const char* sopInstanceUID) + { + char* result; + + _OrthancPluginRetrieveDynamicString params; + params.result = &result; + params.argument = sopInstanceUID; + + if (context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_LookupInstance, ¶ms) != OrthancPluginErrorCode_Success) + { + /* Error */ + return NULL; + } + else + { + return result; + } + } + + + + typedef struct + { + OrthancPluginRestOutput* output; + uint16_t status; + } _OrthancPluginSendHttpStatusCode; + + /** + * @brief Send a HTTP status code. + * + * This function answers to a REST request by sending a HTTP status + * code (such as "400 - Bad Request"). Note that: + * - Successful requests (status 200) must use ::OrthancPluginAnswerBuffer(). + * - Redirections (status 301) must use ::OrthancPluginRedirect(). + * - Unauthorized access (status 401) must use ::OrthancPluginSendUnauthorized(). + * - Methods not allowed (status 405) must use ::OrthancPluginSendMethodNotAllowed(). + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param output The HTTP connection to the client application. + * @param status The HTTP status code to be sent. + * @ingroup REST + * @see OrthancPluginSendHttpStatus() + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE void OrthancPluginSendHttpStatusCode( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + OrthancPluginRestOutput* output, + uint16_t status) + { + _OrthancPluginSendHttpStatusCode params; + params.output = output; + params.status = status; + context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_SendHttpStatusCode, ¶ms); + } + + + /** + * @brief Signal that a REST request is not authorized. + * + * This function answers to a REST request by signaling that it is + * not authorized. + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param output The HTTP connection to the client application. + * @param realm The realm for the authorization process. + * @ingroup REST + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE void OrthancPluginSendUnauthorized( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + OrthancPluginRestOutput* output, + const char* realm) + { + _OrthancPluginOutputPlusArgument params; + params.output = output; + params.argument = realm; + context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_SendUnauthorized, ¶ms); + } + + + /** + * @brief Signal that this URI does not support this HTTP method. + * + * This function answers to a REST request by signaling that the + * queried URI does not support this method. + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param output The HTTP connection to the client application. + * @param allowedMethods The allowed methods for this URI (e.g. "GET,POST" after a PUT or a POST request). + * @ingroup REST + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE void OrthancPluginSendMethodNotAllowed( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + OrthancPluginRestOutput* output, + const char* allowedMethods) + { + _OrthancPluginOutputPlusArgument params; + params.output = output; + params.argument = allowedMethods; + context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_SendMethodNotAllowed, ¶ms); + } + + + typedef struct + { + OrthancPluginRestOutput* output; + const char* key; + const char* value; + } _OrthancPluginSetHttpHeader; + + /** + * @brief Set a cookie. + * + * This function sets a cookie in the HTTP client. + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param output The HTTP connection to the client application. + * @param cookie The cookie to be set. + * @param value The value of the cookie. + * @ingroup REST + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE void OrthancPluginSetCookie( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + OrthancPluginRestOutput* output, + const char* cookie, + const char* value) + { + _OrthancPluginSetHttpHeader params; + params.output = output; + params.key = cookie; + params.value = value; + context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_SetCookie, ¶ms); + } + + + /** + * @brief Set some HTTP header. + * + * This function sets a HTTP header in the HTTP answer. + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param output The HTTP connection to the client application. + * @param key The HTTP header to be set. + * @param value The value of the HTTP header. + * @ingroup REST + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE void OrthancPluginSetHttpHeader( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + OrthancPluginRestOutput* output, + const char* key, + const char* value) + { + _OrthancPluginSetHttpHeader params; + params.output = output; + params.key = key; + params.value = value; + context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_SetHttpHeader, ¶ms); + } + + + typedef struct + { + char** resultStringToFree; + const char** resultString; + int64_t* resultInt64; + const char* key; + OrthancPluginDicomInstance* instance; + OrthancPluginInstanceOrigin* resultOrigin; /* New in Orthanc 0.9.5 SDK */ + } _OrthancPluginAccessDicomInstance; + + + /** + * @brief Get the AET of a DICOM instance. + * + * This function returns the Application Entity Title (AET) of the + * DICOM modality from which a DICOM instance originates. + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param instance The instance of interest. + * @return The AET if success, NULL if error. + * @ingroup Callbacks + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE const char* OrthancPluginGetInstanceRemoteAet( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + OrthancPluginDicomInstance* instance) + { + const char* result; + + _OrthancPluginAccessDicomInstance params; + memset(¶ms, 0, sizeof(params)); + params.resultString = &result; + params.instance = instance; + + if (context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_GetInstanceRemoteAet, ¶ms) != OrthancPluginErrorCode_Success) + { + /* Error */ + return NULL; + } + else + { + return result; + } + } + + + /** + * @brief Get the size of a DICOM file. + * + * This function returns the number of bytes of the given DICOM instance. + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param instance The instance of interest. + * @return The size of the file, -1 in case of error. + * @ingroup Callbacks + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE int64_t OrthancPluginGetInstanceSize( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + OrthancPluginDicomInstance* instance) + { + int64_t size; + + _OrthancPluginAccessDicomInstance params; + memset(¶ms, 0, sizeof(params)); + params.resultInt64 = &size; + params.instance = instance; + + if (context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_GetInstanceSize, ¶ms) != OrthancPluginErrorCode_Success) + { + /* Error */ + return -1; + } + else + { + return size; + } + } + + + /** + * @brief Get the data of a DICOM file. + * + * This function returns a pointer to the content of the given DICOM instance. + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param instance The instance of interest. + * @return The pointer to the DICOM data, NULL in case of error. + * @ingroup Callbacks + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE const char* OrthancPluginGetInstanceData( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + OrthancPluginDicomInstance* instance) + { + const char* result; + + _OrthancPluginAccessDicomInstance params; + memset(¶ms, 0, sizeof(params)); + params.resultString = &result; + params.instance = instance; + + if (context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_GetInstanceData, ¶ms) != OrthancPluginErrorCode_Success) + { + /* Error */ + return NULL; + } + else + { + return result; + } + } + + + /** + * @brief Get the DICOM tag hierarchy as a JSON file. + * + * This function returns a pointer to a newly created string + * containing a JSON file. This JSON file encodes the tag hierarchy + * of the given DICOM instance. + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param instance The instance of interest. + * @return The NULL value in case of error, or a string containing the JSON file. + * This string must be freed by OrthancPluginFreeString(). + * @ingroup Callbacks + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE char* OrthancPluginGetInstanceJson( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + OrthancPluginDicomInstance* instance) + { + char* result; + + _OrthancPluginAccessDicomInstance params; + memset(¶ms, 0, sizeof(params)); + params.resultStringToFree = &result; + params.instance = instance; + + if (context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_GetInstanceJson, ¶ms) != OrthancPluginErrorCode_Success) + { + /* Error */ + return NULL; + } + else + { + return result; + } + } + + + /** + * @brief Get the DICOM tag hierarchy as a JSON file (with simplification). + * + * This function returns a pointer to a newly created string + * containing a JSON file. This JSON file encodes the tag hierarchy + * of the given DICOM instance. In contrast with + * ::OrthancPluginGetInstanceJson(), the returned JSON file is in + * its simplified version. + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param instance The instance of interest. + * @return The NULL value in case of error, or a string containing the JSON file. + * This string must be freed by OrthancPluginFreeString(). + * @ingroup Callbacks + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE char* OrthancPluginGetInstanceSimplifiedJson( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + OrthancPluginDicomInstance* instance) + { + char* result; + + _OrthancPluginAccessDicomInstance params; + memset(¶ms, 0, sizeof(params)); + params.resultStringToFree = &result; + params.instance = instance; + + if (context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_GetInstanceSimplifiedJson, ¶ms) != OrthancPluginErrorCode_Success) + { + /* Error */ + return NULL; + } + else + { + return result; + } + } + + + /** + * @brief Check whether a DICOM instance is associated with some metadata. + * + * This function checks whether the DICOM instance of interest is + * associated with some metadata. As of Orthanc 0.8.1, in the + * callbacks registered by + * ::OrthancPluginRegisterOnStoredInstanceCallback(), the only + * possibly available metadata are "ReceptionDate", "RemoteAET" and + * "IndexInSeries". + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param instance The instance of interest. + * @param metadata The metadata of interest. + * @return 1 if the metadata is present, 0 if it is absent, -1 in case of error. + * @ingroup Callbacks + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE int OrthancPluginHasInstanceMetadata( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + OrthancPluginDicomInstance* instance, + const char* metadata) + { + int64_t result; + + _OrthancPluginAccessDicomInstance params; + memset(¶ms, 0, sizeof(params)); + params.resultInt64 = &result; + params.instance = instance; + params.key = metadata; + + if (context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_HasInstanceMetadata, ¶ms) != OrthancPluginErrorCode_Success) + { + /* Error */ + return -1; + } + else + { + return (result != 0); + } + } + + + /** + * @brief Get the value of some metadata associated with a given DICOM instance. + * + * This functions returns the value of some metadata that is associated with the DICOM instance of interest. + * Before calling this function, the existence of the metadata must have been checked with + * ::OrthancPluginHasInstanceMetadata(). + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param instance The instance of interest. + * @param metadata The metadata of interest. + * @return The metadata value if success, NULL if error. + * @ingroup Callbacks + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE const char* OrthancPluginGetInstanceMetadata( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + OrthancPluginDicomInstance* instance, + const char* metadata) + { + const char* result; + + _OrthancPluginAccessDicomInstance params; + memset(¶ms, 0, sizeof(params)); + params.resultString = &result; + params.instance = instance; + params.key = metadata; + + if (context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_GetInstanceMetadata, ¶ms) != OrthancPluginErrorCode_Success) + { + /* Error */ + return NULL; + } + else + { + return result; + } + } + + + + typedef struct + { + OrthancPluginStorageCreate create; + OrthancPluginStorageRead read; + OrthancPluginStorageRemove remove; + OrthancPluginFree free; + } _OrthancPluginRegisterStorageArea; + + /** + * @brief Register a custom storage area. + * + * This function registers a custom storage area, to replace the + * built-in way Orthanc stores its files on the filesystem. This + * function must be called during the initialization of the plugin, + * i.e. inside the OrthancPluginInitialize() public function. + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param create The callback function to store a file on the custom storage area. + * @param read The callback function to read a file from the custom storage area. + * @param remove The callback function to remove a file from the custom storage area. + * @ingroup Callbacks + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE void OrthancPluginRegisterStorageArea( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + OrthancPluginStorageCreate create, + OrthancPluginStorageRead read, + OrthancPluginStorageRemove remove) + { + _OrthancPluginRegisterStorageArea params; + params.create = create; + params.read = read; + params.remove = remove; + +#ifdef __cplusplus + params.free = ::free; +#else + params.free = free; +#endif + + context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_RegisterStorageArea, ¶ms); + } + + + + /** + * @brief Return the path to the Orthanc executable. + * + * This function returns the path to the Orthanc executable. + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @return NULL in the case of an error, or a newly allocated string + * containing the path. This string must be freed by + * OrthancPluginFreeString(). + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE char *OrthancPluginGetOrthancPath(OrthancPluginContext* context) + { + char* result; + + _OrthancPluginRetrieveDynamicString params; + params.result = &result; + params.argument = NULL; + + if (context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_GetOrthancPath, ¶ms) != OrthancPluginErrorCode_Success) + { + /* Error */ + return NULL; + } + else + { + return result; + } + } + + + /** + * @brief Return the directory containing the Orthanc. + * + * This function returns the path to the directory containing the Orthanc executable. + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @return NULL in the case of an error, or a newly allocated string + * containing the path. This string must be freed by + * OrthancPluginFreeString(). + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE char *OrthancPluginGetOrthancDirectory(OrthancPluginContext* context) + { + char* result; + + _OrthancPluginRetrieveDynamicString params; + params.result = &result; + params.argument = NULL; + + if (context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_GetOrthancDirectory, ¶ms) != OrthancPluginErrorCode_Success) + { + /* Error */ + return NULL; + } + else + { + return result; + } + } + + + /** + * @brief Return the path to the configuration file(s). + * + * This function returns the path to the configuration file(s) that + * was specified when starting Orthanc. Since version 0.9.1, this + * path can refer to a folder that stores a set of configuration + * files. This function is deprecated in favor of + * OrthancPluginGetConfiguration(). + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @return NULL in the case of an error, or a newly allocated string + * containing the path. This string must be freed by + * OrthancPluginFreeString(). + * @see OrthancPluginGetConfiguration() + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE char *OrthancPluginGetConfigurationPath(OrthancPluginContext* context) + { + char* result; + + _OrthancPluginRetrieveDynamicString params; + params.result = &result; + params.argument = NULL; + + if (context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_GetConfigurationPath, ¶ms) != OrthancPluginErrorCode_Success) + { + /* Error */ + return NULL; + } + else + { + return result; + } + } + + + + typedef struct + { + OrthancPluginOnChangeCallback callback; + } _OrthancPluginOnChangeCallback; + + /** + * @brief Register a callback to monitor changes. + * + * This function registers a callback function that is called + * whenever a change happens to some DICOM resource. + * + * @warning If your change callback has to call the REST API of + * Orthanc, you should make these calls in a separate thread (with + * the events passing through a message queue). Otherwise, this + * could result in deadlocks in the presence of other plugins or Lua + * scripts. + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param callback The callback function. + * @ingroup Callbacks + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE void OrthancPluginRegisterOnChangeCallback( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + OrthancPluginOnChangeCallback callback) + { + _OrthancPluginOnChangeCallback params; + params.callback = callback; + + context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_RegisterOnChangeCallback, ¶ms); + } + + + + typedef struct + { + const char* plugin; + _OrthancPluginProperty property; + const char* value; + } _OrthancPluginSetPluginProperty; + + + /** + * @brief Set the URI where the plugin provides its Web interface. + * + * For plugins that come with a Web interface, this function + * declares the entry path where to find this interface. This + * information is notably used in the "Plugins" page of Orthanc + * Explorer. + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param uri The root URI for this plugin. + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE void OrthancPluginSetRootUri( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + const char* uri) + { + _OrthancPluginSetPluginProperty params; + params.plugin = OrthancPluginGetName(); + params.property = _OrthancPluginProperty_RootUri; + params.value = uri; + + context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_SetPluginProperty, ¶ms); + } + + + /** + * @brief Set a description for this plugin. + * + * Set a description for this plugin. It is displayed in the + * "Plugins" page of Orthanc Explorer. + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param description The description. + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE void OrthancPluginSetDescription( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + const char* description) + { + _OrthancPluginSetPluginProperty params; + params.plugin = OrthancPluginGetName(); + params.property = _OrthancPluginProperty_Description; + params.value = description; + + context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_SetPluginProperty, ¶ms); + } + + + /** + * @brief Extend the JavaScript code of Orthanc Explorer. + * + * Add JavaScript code to customize the default behavior of Orthanc + * Explorer. This can for instance be used to add new buttons. + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param javascript The custom JavaScript code. + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE void OrthancPluginExtendOrthancExplorer( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + const char* javascript) + { + _OrthancPluginSetPluginProperty params; + params.plugin = OrthancPluginGetName(); + params.property = _OrthancPluginProperty_OrthancExplorer; + params.value = javascript; + + context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_SetPluginProperty, ¶ms); + } + + + typedef struct + { + char** result; + int32_t property; + const char* value; + } _OrthancPluginGlobalProperty; + + + /** + * @brief Get the value of a global property. + * + * Get the value of a global property that is stored in the Orthanc database. Global + * properties whose index is below 1024 are reserved by Orthanc. + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param property The global property of interest. + * @param defaultValue The value to return, if the global property is unset. + * @return The value of the global property, or NULL in the case of an error. This + * string must be freed by OrthancPluginFreeString(). + * @ingroup Orthanc + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE char* OrthancPluginGetGlobalProperty( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + int32_t property, + const char* defaultValue) + { + char* result; + + _OrthancPluginGlobalProperty params; + params.result = &result; + params.property = property; + params.value = defaultValue; + + if (context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_GetGlobalProperty, ¶ms) != OrthancPluginErrorCode_Success) + { + /* Error */ + return NULL; + } + else + { + return result; + } + } + + + /** + * @brief Set the value of a global property. + * + * Set the value of a global property into the Orthanc + * database. Setting a global property can be used by plugins to + * save their internal parameters. Plugins are only allowed to set + * properties whose index are above or equal to 1024 (properties + * below 1024 are read-only and reserved by Orthanc). + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param property The global property of interest. + * @param value The value to be set in the global property. + * @return 0 if success, or the error code if failure. + * @ingroup Orthanc + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE OrthancPluginErrorCode OrthancPluginSetGlobalProperty( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + int32_t property, + const char* value) + { + _OrthancPluginGlobalProperty params; + params.result = NULL; + params.property = property; + params.value = value; + + return context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_SetGlobalProperty, ¶ms); + } + + + + typedef struct + { + int32_t *resultInt32; + uint32_t *resultUint32; + int64_t *resultInt64; + uint64_t *resultUint64; + } _OrthancPluginReturnSingleValue; + + /** + * @brief Get the number of command-line arguments. + * + * Retrieve the number of command-line arguments that were used to launch Orthanc. + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @return The number of arguments. + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE uint32_t OrthancPluginGetCommandLineArgumentsCount( + OrthancPluginContext* context) + { + uint32_t count = 0; + + _OrthancPluginReturnSingleValue params; + memset(¶ms, 0, sizeof(params)); + params.resultUint32 = &count; + + if (context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_GetCommandLineArgumentsCount, ¶ms) != OrthancPluginErrorCode_Success) + { + /* Error */ + return 0; + } + else + { + return count; + } + } + + + + /** + * @brief Get the value of a command-line argument. + * + * Get the value of one of the command-line arguments that were used + * to launch Orthanc. The number of available arguments can be + * retrieved by OrthancPluginGetCommandLineArgumentsCount(). + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param argument The index of the argument. + * @return The value of the argument, or NULL in the case of an error. This + * string must be freed by OrthancPluginFreeString(). + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE char* OrthancPluginGetCommandLineArgument( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + uint32_t argument) + { + char* result; + + _OrthancPluginGlobalProperty params; + params.result = &result; + params.property = (int32_t) argument; + params.value = NULL; + + if (context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_GetCommandLineArgument, ¶ms) != OrthancPluginErrorCode_Success) + { + /* Error */ + return NULL; + } + else + { + return result; + } + } + + + /** + * @brief Get the expected version of the database schema. + * + * Retrieve the expected version of the database schema. + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @return The version. + * @ingroup Callbacks + * @deprecated Please instead use IDatabaseBackend::UpgradeDatabase() + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE uint32_t OrthancPluginGetExpectedDatabaseVersion( + OrthancPluginContext* context) + { + uint32_t count = 0; + + _OrthancPluginReturnSingleValue params; + memset(¶ms, 0, sizeof(params)); + params.resultUint32 = &count; + + if (context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_GetExpectedDatabaseVersion, ¶ms) != OrthancPluginErrorCode_Success) + { + /* Error */ + return 0; + } + else + { + return count; + } + } + + + + /** + * @brief Return the content of the configuration file(s). + * + * This function returns the content of the configuration that is + * used by Orthanc, formatted as a JSON string. + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @return NULL in the case of an error, or a newly allocated string + * containing the configuration. This string must be freed by + * OrthancPluginFreeString(). + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE char *OrthancPluginGetConfiguration(OrthancPluginContext* context) + { + char* result; + + _OrthancPluginRetrieveDynamicString params; + params.result = &result; + params.argument = NULL; + + if (context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_GetConfiguration, ¶ms) != OrthancPluginErrorCode_Success) + { + /* Error */ + return NULL; + } + else + { + return result; + } + } + + + + typedef struct + { + OrthancPluginRestOutput* output; + const char* subType; + const char* contentType; + } _OrthancPluginStartMultipartAnswer; + + /** + * @brief Start an HTTP multipart answer. + * + * Initiates a HTTP multipart answer, as the result of a REST request. + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param output The HTTP connection to the client application. + * @param subType The sub-type of the multipart answer ("mixed" or "related"). + * @param contentType The MIME type of the items in the multipart answer. + * @return 0 if success, or the error code if failure. + * @see OrthancPluginSendMultipartItem(), OrthancPluginSendMultipartItem2() + * @ingroup REST + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE OrthancPluginErrorCode OrthancPluginStartMultipartAnswer( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + OrthancPluginRestOutput* output, + const char* subType, + const char* contentType) + { + _OrthancPluginStartMultipartAnswer params; + params.output = output; + params.subType = subType; + params.contentType = contentType; + return context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_StartMultipartAnswer, ¶ms); + } + + + /** + * @brief Send an item as a part of some HTTP multipart answer. + * + * This function sends an item as a part of some HTTP multipart + * answer that was initiated by OrthancPluginStartMultipartAnswer(). + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param output The HTTP connection to the client application. + * @param answer Pointer to the memory buffer containing the item. + * @param answerSize Number of bytes of the item. + * @return 0 if success, or the error code if failure (this notably happens + * if the connection is closed by the client). + * @see OrthancPluginSendMultipartItem2() + * @ingroup REST + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE OrthancPluginErrorCode OrthancPluginSendMultipartItem( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + OrthancPluginRestOutput* output, + const char* answer, + uint32_t answerSize) + { + _OrthancPluginAnswerBuffer params; + params.output = output; + params.answer = answer; + params.answerSize = answerSize; + params.mimeType = NULL; + return context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_SendMultipartItem, ¶ms); + } + + + + typedef struct + { + OrthancPluginMemoryBuffer* target; + const void* source; + uint32_t size; + OrthancPluginCompressionType compression; + uint8_t uncompress; + } _OrthancPluginBufferCompression; + + + /** + * @brief Compress or decompress a buffer. + * + * This function compresses or decompresses a buffer, using the + * version of the zlib library that is used by the Orthanc core. + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param target The target memory buffer. It must be freed with OrthancPluginFreeMemoryBuffer(). + * @param source The source buffer. + * @param size The size in bytes of the source buffer. + * @param compression The compression algorithm. + * @param uncompress If set to "0", the buffer must be compressed. + * If set to "1", the buffer must be uncompressed. + * @return 0 if success, or the error code if failure. + * @ingroup Images + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE OrthancPluginErrorCode OrthancPluginBufferCompression( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + OrthancPluginMemoryBuffer* target, + const void* source, + uint32_t size, + OrthancPluginCompressionType compression, + uint8_t uncompress) + { + _OrthancPluginBufferCompression params; + params.target = target; + params.source = source; + params.size = size; + params.compression = compression; + params.uncompress = uncompress; + + return context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_BufferCompression, ¶ms); + } + + + + typedef struct + { + OrthancPluginMemoryBuffer* target; + const char* path; + } _OrthancPluginReadFile; + + /** + * @brief Read a file. + * + * Read the content of a file on the filesystem, and returns it into + * a newly allocated memory buffer. + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param target The target memory buffer. It must be freed with OrthancPluginFreeMemoryBuffer(). + * @param path The path of the file to be read. + * @return 0 if success, or the error code if failure. + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE OrthancPluginErrorCode OrthancPluginReadFile( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + OrthancPluginMemoryBuffer* target, + const char* path) + { + _OrthancPluginReadFile params; + params.target = target; + params.path = path; + return context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_ReadFile, ¶ms); + } + + + + typedef struct + { + const char* path; + const void* data; + uint32_t size; + } _OrthancPluginWriteFile; + + /** + * @brief Write a file. + * + * Write the content of a memory buffer to the filesystem. + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param path The path of the file to be written. + * @param data The content of the memory buffer. + * @param size The size of the memory buffer. + * @return 0 if success, or the error code if failure. + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE OrthancPluginErrorCode OrthancPluginWriteFile( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + const char* path, + const void* data, + uint32_t size) + { + _OrthancPluginWriteFile params; + params.path = path; + params.data = data; + params.size = size; + return context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_WriteFile, ¶ms); + } + + + + typedef struct + { + const char** target; + OrthancPluginErrorCode error; + } _OrthancPluginGetErrorDescription; + + /** + * @brief Get the description of a given error code. + * + * This function returns the description of a given error code. + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param error The error code of interest. + * @return The error description. This is a statically-allocated + * string, do not free it. + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE const char* OrthancPluginGetErrorDescription( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + OrthancPluginErrorCode error) + { + const char* result = NULL; + + _OrthancPluginGetErrorDescription params; + params.target = &result; + params.error = error; + + if (context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_GetErrorDescription, ¶ms) != OrthancPluginErrorCode_Success || + result == NULL) + { + return "Unknown error code"; + } + else + { + return result; + } + } + + + + typedef struct + { + OrthancPluginRestOutput* output; + uint16_t status; + const char* body; + uint32_t bodySize; + } _OrthancPluginSendHttpStatus; + + /** + * @brief Send a HTTP status, with a custom body. + * + * This function answers to a HTTP request by sending a HTTP status + * code (such as "400 - Bad Request"), together with a body + * describing the error. The body will only be returned if the + * configuration option "HttpDescribeErrors" of Orthanc is set to "true". + * + * Note that: + * - Successful requests (status 200) must use ::OrthancPluginAnswerBuffer(). + * - Redirections (status 301) must use ::OrthancPluginRedirect(). + * - Unauthorized access (status 401) must use ::OrthancPluginSendUnauthorized(). + * - Methods not allowed (status 405) must use ::OrthancPluginSendMethodNotAllowed(). + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param output The HTTP connection to the client application. + * @param status The HTTP status code to be sent. + * @param body The body of the answer. + * @param bodySize The size of the body. + * @see OrthancPluginSendHttpStatusCode() + * @ingroup REST + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE void OrthancPluginSendHttpStatus( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + OrthancPluginRestOutput* output, + uint16_t status, + const char* body, + uint32_t bodySize) + { + _OrthancPluginSendHttpStatus params; + params.output = output; + params.status = status; + params.body = body; + params.bodySize = bodySize; + context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_SendHttpStatus, ¶ms); + } + + + + typedef struct + { + const OrthancPluginImage* image; + uint32_t* resultUint32; + OrthancPluginPixelFormat* resultPixelFormat; + void** resultBuffer; + } _OrthancPluginGetImageInfo; + + + /** + * @brief Return the pixel format of an image. + * + * This function returns the type of memory layout for the pixels of the given image. + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param image The image of interest. + * @return The pixel format. + * @ingroup Images + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE OrthancPluginPixelFormat OrthancPluginGetImagePixelFormat( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + const OrthancPluginImage* image) + { + OrthancPluginPixelFormat target; + + _OrthancPluginGetImageInfo params; + memset(¶ms, 0, sizeof(params)); + params.image = image; + params.resultPixelFormat = ⌖ + + if (context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_GetImagePixelFormat, ¶ms) != OrthancPluginErrorCode_Success) + { + return OrthancPluginPixelFormat_Unknown; + } + else + { + return (OrthancPluginPixelFormat) target; + } + } + + + + /** + * @brief Return the width of an image. + * + * This function returns the width of the given image. + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param image The image of interest. + * @return The width. + * @ingroup Images + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE uint32_t OrthancPluginGetImageWidth( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + const OrthancPluginImage* image) + { + uint32_t width; + + _OrthancPluginGetImageInfo params; + memset(¶ms, 0, sizeof(params)); + params.image = image; + params.resultUint32 = &width; + + if (context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_GetImageWidth, ¶ms) != OrthancPluginErrorCode_Success) + { + return 0; + } + else + { + return width; + } + } + + + + /** + * @brief Return the height of an image. + * + * This function returns the height of the given image. + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param image The image of interest. + * @return The height. + * @ingroup Images + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE uint32_t OrthancPluginGetImageHeight( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + const OrthancPluginImage* image) + { + uint32_t height; + + _OrthancPluginGetImageInfo params; + memset(¶ms, 0, sizeof(params)); + params.image = image; + params.resultUint32 = &height; + + if (context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_GetImageHeight, ¶ms) != OrthancPluginErrorCode_Success) + { + return 0; + } + else + { + return height; + } + } + + + + /** + * @brief Return the pitch of an image. + * + * This function returns the pitch of the given image. The pitch is + * defined as the number of bytes between 2 successive lines of the + * image in the memory buffer. + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param image The image of interest. + * @return The pitch. + * @ingroup Images + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE uint32_t OrthancPluginGetImagePitch( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + const OrthancPluginImage* image) + { + uint32_t pitch; + + _OrthancPluginGetImageInfo params; + memset(¶ms, 0, sizeof(params)); + params.image = image; + params.resultUint32 = &pitch; + + if (context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_GetImagePitch, ¶ms) != OrthancPluginErrorCode_Success) + { + return 0; + } + else + { + return pitch; + } + } + + + + /** + * @brief Return a pointer to the content of an image. + * + * This function returns a pointer to the memory buffer that + * contains the pixels of the image. + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param image The image of interest. + * @return The pointer. + * @ingroup Images + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE void* OrthancPluginGetImageBuffer( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + const OrthancPluginImage* image) + { + void* target = NULL; + + _OrthancPluginGetImageInfo params; + memset(¶ms, 0, sizeof(params)); + params.resultBuffer = ⌖ + params.image = image; + + if (context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_GetImageBuffer, ¶ms) != OrthancPluginErrorCode_Success) + { + return NULL; + } + else + { + return target; + } + } + + + typedef struct + { + OrthancPluginImage** target; + const void* data; + uint32_t size; + OrthancPluginImageFormat format; + } _OrthancPluginUncompressImage; + + + /** + * @brief Decode a compressed image. + * + * This function decodes a compressed image from a memory buffer. + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param data Pointer to a memory buffer containing the compressed image. + * @param size Size of the memory buffer containing the compressed image. + * @param format The file format of the compressed image. + * @return The uncompressed image. It must be freed with OrthancPluginFreeImage(). + * @ingroup Images + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE OrthancPluginImage *OrthancPluginUncompressImage( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + const void* data, + uint32_t size, + OrthancPluginImageFormat format) + { + OrthancPluginImage* target = NULL; + + _OrthancPluginUncompressImage params; + memset(¶ms, 0, sizeof(params)); + params.target = ⌖ + params.data = data; + params.size = size; + params.format = format; + + if (context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_UncompressImage, ¶ms) != OrthancPluginErrorCode_Success) + { + return NULL; + } + else + { + return target; + } + } + + + + + typedef struct + { + OrthancPluginImage* image; + } _OrthancPluginFreeImage; + + /** + * @brief Free an image. + * + * This function frees an image that was decoded with OrthancPluginUncompressImage(). + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param image The image. + * @ingroup Images + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE void OrthancPluginFreeImage( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + OrthancPluginImage* image) + { + _OrthancPluginFreeImage params; + params.image = image; + + context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_FreeImage, ¶ms); + } + + + + + typedef struct + { + OrthancPluginMemoryBuffer* target; + OrthancPluginImageFormat imageFormat; + OrthancPluginPixelFormat pixelFormat; + uint32_t width; + uint32_t height; + uint32_t pitch; + const void* buffer; + uint8_t quality; + } _OrthancPluginCompressImage; + + + /** + * @brief Encode a PNG image. + * + * This function compresses the given memory buffer containing an + * image using the PNG specification, and stores the result of the + * compression into a newly allocated memory buffer. + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param target The target memory buffer. It must be freed with OrthancPluginFreeMemoryBuffer(). + * @param format The memory layout of the uncompressed image. + * @param width The width of the image. + * @param height The height of the image. + * @param pitch The pitch of the image (i.e. the number of bytes + * between 2 successive lines of the image in the memory buffer). + * @param buffer The memory buffer containing the uncompressed image. + * @return 0 if success, or the error code if failure. + * @see OrthancPluginCompressAndAnswerPngImage() + * @ingroup Images + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE OrthancPluginErrorCode OrthancPluginCompressPngImage( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + OrthancPluginMemoryBuffer* target, + OrthancPluginPixelFormat format, + uint32_t width, + uint32_t height, + uint32_t pitch, + const void* buffer) + { + _OrthancPluginCompressImage params; + memset(¶ms, 0, sizeof(params)); + params.target = target; + params.imageFormat = OrthancPluginImageFormat_Png; + params.pixelFormat = format; + params.width = width; + params.height = height; + params.pitch = pitch; + params.buffer = buffer; + params.quality = 0; /* Unused for PNG */ + + return context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_CompressImage, ¶ms); + } + + + /** + * @brief Encode a JPEG image. + * + * This function compresses the given memory buffer containing an + * image using the JPEG specification, and stores the result of the + * compression into a newly allocated memory buffer. + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param target The target memory buffer. It must be freed with OrthancPluginFreeMemoryBuffer(). + * @param format The memory layout of the uncompressed image. + * @param width The width of the image. + * @param height The height of the image. + * @param pitch The pitch of the image (i.e. the number of bytes + * between 2 successive lines of the image in the memory buffer). + * @param buffer The memory buffer containing the uncompressed image. + * @param quality The quality of the JPEG encoding, between 1 (worst + * quality, best compression) and 100 (best quality, worst + * compression). + * @return 0 if success, or the error code if failure. + * @ingroup Images + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE OrthancPluginErrorCode OrthancPluginCompressJpegImage( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + OrthancPluginMemoryBuffer* target, + OrthancPluginPixelFormat format, + uint32_t width, + uint32_t height, + uint32_t pitch, + const void* buffer, + uint8_t quality) + { + _OrthancPluginCompressImage params; + memset(¶ms, 0, sizeof(params)); + params.target = target; + params.imageFormat = OrthancPluginImageFormat_Jpeg; + params.pixelFormat = format; + params.width = width; + params.height = height; + params.pitch = pitch; + params.buffer = buffer; + params.quality = quality; + + return context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_CompressImage, ¶ms); + } + + + + /** + * @brief Answer to a REST request with a JPEG image. + * + * This function answers to a REST request with a JPEG image. The + * parameters of this function describe a memory buffer that + * contains an uncompressed image. The image will be automatically compressed + * as a JPEG image by the core system of Orthanc. + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param output The HTTP connection to the client application. + * @param format The memory layout of the uncompressed image. + * @param width The width of the image. + * @param height The height of the image. + * @param pitch The pitch of the image (i.e. the number of bytes + * between 2 successive lines of the image in the memory buffer). + * @param buffer The memory buffer containing the uncompressed image. + * @param quality The quality of the JPEG encoding, between 1 (worst + * quality, best compression) and 100 (best quality, worst + * compression). + * @ingroup REST + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE void OrthancPluginCompressAndAnswerJpegImage( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + OrthancPluginRestOutput* output, + OrthancPluginPixelFormat format, + uint32_t width, + uint32_t height, + uint32_t pitch, + const void* buffer, + uint8_t quality) + { + _OrthancPluginCompressAndAnswerImage params; + params.output = output; + params.imageFormat = OrthancPluginImageFormat_Jpeg; + params.pixelFormat = format; + params.width = width; + params.height = height; + params.pitch = pitch; + params.buffer = buffer; + params.quality = quality; + context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_CompressAndAnswerImage, ¶ms); + } + + + + + typedef struct + { + OrthancPluginMemoryBuffer* target; + OrthancPluginHttpMethod method; + const char* url; + const char* username; + const char* password; + const char* body; + uint32_t bodySize; + } _OrthancPluginCallHttpClient; + + + /** + * @brief Issue a HTTP GET call. + * + * Make a HTTP GET call to the given URL. The result to the query is + * stored into a newly allocated memory buffer. Favor + * OrthancPluginRestApiGet() if calling the built-in REST API of the + * Orthanc instance that hosts this plugin. + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param target The target memory buffer. It must be freed with OrthancPluginFreeMemoryBuffer(). + * @param url The URL of interest. + * @param username The username (can be NULL if no password protection). + * @param password The password (can be NULL if no password protection). + * @return 0 if success, or the error code if failure. + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE OrthancPluginErrorCode OrthancPluginHttpGet( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + OrthancPluginMemoryBuffer* target, + const char* url, + const char* username, + const char* password) + { + _OrthancPluginCallHttpClient params; + memset(¶ms, 0, sizeof(params)); + + params.target = target; + params.method = OrthancPluginHttpMethod_Get; + params.url = url; + params.username = username; + params.password = password; + + return context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_CallHttpClient, ¶ms); + } + + + /** + * @brief Issue a HTTP POST call. + * + * Make a HTTP POST call to the given URL. The result to the query + * is stored into a newly allocated memory buffer. Favor + * OrthancPluginRestApiPost() if calling the built-in REST API of + * the Orthanc instance that hosts this plugin. + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param target The target memory buffer. It must be freed with OrthancPluginFreeMemoryBuffer(). + * @param url The URL of interest. + * @param body The content of the body of the request. + * @param bodySize The size of the body of the request. + * @param username The username (can be NULL if no password protection). + * @param password The password (can be NULL if no password protection). + * @return 0 if success, or the error code if failure. + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE OrthancPluginErrorCode OrthancPluginHttpPost( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + OrthancPluginMemoryBuffer* target, + const char* url, + const char* body, + uint32_t bodySize, + const char* username, + const char* password) + { + _OrthancPluginCallHttpClient params; + memset(¶ms, 0, sizeof(params)); + + params.target = target; + params.method = OrthancPluginHttpMethod_Post; + params.url = url; + params.body = body; + params.bodySize = bodySize; + params.username = username; + params.password = password; + + return context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_CallHttpClient, ¶ms); + } + + + /** + * @brief Issue a HTTP PUT call. + * + * Make a HTTP PUT call to the given URL. The result to the query is + * stored into a newly allocated memory buffer. Favor + * OrthancPluginRestApiPut() if calling the built-in REST API of the + * Orthanc instance that hosts this plugin. + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param target The target memory buffer. It must be freed with OrthancPluginFreeMemoryBuffer(). + * @param url The URL of interest. + * @param body The content of the body of the request. + * @param bodySize The size of the body of the request. + * @param username The username (can be NULL if no password protection). + * @param password The password (can be NULL if no password protection). + * @return 0 if success, or the error code if failure. + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE OrthancPluginErrorCode OrthancPluginHttpPut( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + OrthancPluginMemoryBuffer* target, + const char* url, + const char* body, + uint32_t bodySize, + const char* username, + const char* password) + { + _OrthancPluginCallHttpClient params; + memset(¶ms, 0, sizeof(params)); + + params.target = target; + params.method = OrthancPluginHttpMethod_Put; + params.url = url; + params.body = body; + params.bodySize = bodySize; + params.username = username; + params.password = password; + + return context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_CallHttpClient, ¶ms); + } + + + /** + * @brief Issue a HTTP DELETE call. + * + * Make a HTTP DELETE call to the given URL. Favor + * OrthancPluginRestApiDelete() if calling the built-in REST API of + * the Orthanc instance that hosts this plugin. + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param url The URL of interest. + * @param username The username (can be NULL if no password protection). + * @param password The password (can be NULL if no password protection). + * @return 0 if success, or the error code if failure. + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE OrthancPluginErrorCode OrthancPluginHttpDelete( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + const char* url, + const char* username, + const char* password) + { + _OrthancPluginCallHttpClient params; + memset(¶ms, 0, sizeof(params)); + + params.method = OrthancPluginHttpMethod_Delete; + params.url = url; + params.username = username; + params.password = password; + + return context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_CallHttpClient, ¶ms); + } + + + + typedef struct + { + OrthancPluginImage** target; + const OrthancPluginImage* source; + OrthancPluginPixelFormat targetFormat; + } _OrthancPluginConvertPixelFormat; + + + /** + * @brief Change the pixel format of an image. + * + * This function creates a new image, changing the memory layout of the pixels. + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param source The source image. + * @param targetFormat The target pixel format. + * @return The resulting image. It must be freed with OrthancPluginFreeImage(). + * @ingroup Images + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE OrthancPluginImage *OrthancPluginConvertPixelFormat( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + const OrthancPluginImage* source, + OrthancPluginPixelFormat targetFormat) + { + OrthancPluginImage* target = NULL; + + _OrthancPluginConvertPixelFormat params; + params.target = ⌖ + params.source = source; + params.targetFormat = targetFormat; + + if (context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_ConvertPixelFormat, ¶ms) != OrthancPluginErrorCode_Success) + { + return NULL; + } + else + { + return target; + } + } + + + + /** + * @brief Return the number of available fonts. + * + * This function returns the number of fonts that are built in the + * Orthanc core. These fonts can be used to draw texts on images + * through OrthancPluginDrawText(). + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @return The number of fonts. + * @ingroup Images + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE uint32_t OrthancPluginGetFontsCount( + OrthancPluginContext* context) + { + uint32_t count = 0; + + _OrthancPluginReturnSingleValue params; + memset(¶ms, 0, sizeof(params)); + params.resultUint32 = &count; + + if (context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_GetFontsCount, ¶ms) != OrthancPluginErrorCode_Success) + { + /* Error */ + return 0; + } + else + { + return count; + } + } + + + + + typedef struct + { + uint32_t fontIndex; /* in */ + const char** name; /* out */ + uint32_t* size; /* out */ + } _OrthancPluginGetFontInfo; + + /** + * @brief Return the name of a font. + * + * This function returns the name of a font that is built in the Orthanc core. + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param fontIndex The index of the font. This value must be less than OrthancPluginGetFontsCount(). + * @return The font name. This is a statically-allocated string, do not free it. + * @ingroup Images + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE const char* OrthancPluginGetFontName( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + uint32_t fontIndex) + { + const char* result = NULL; + + _OrthancPluginGetFontInfo params; + memset(¶ms, 0, sizeof(params)); + params.name = &result; + params.fontIndex = fontIndex; + + if (context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_GetFontInfo, ¶ms) != OrthancPluginErrorCode_Success) + { + return NULL; + } + else + { + return result; + } + } + + + /** + * @brief Return the size of a font. + * + * This function returns the size of a font that is built in the Orthanc core. + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param fontIndex The index of the font. This value must be less than OrthancPluginGetFontsCount(). + * @return The font size. + * @ingroup Images + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE uint32_t OrthancPluginGetFontSize( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + uint32_t fontIndex) + { + uint32_t result; + + _OrthancPluginGetFontInfo params; + memset(¶ms, 0, sizeof(params)); + params.size = &result; + params.fontIndex = fontIndex; + + if (context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_GetFontInfo, ¶ms) != OrthancPluginErrorCode_Success) + { + return 0; + } + else + { + return result; + } + } + + + + typedef struct + { + OrthancPluginImage* image; + uint32_t fontIndex; + const char* utf8Text; + int32_t x; + int32_t y; + uint8_t r; + uint8_t g; + uint8_t b; + } _OrthancPluginDrawText; + + + /** + * @brief Draw text on an image. + * + * This function draws some text on some image. + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param image The image upon which to draw the text. + * @param fontIndex The index of the font. This value must be less than OrthancPluginGetFontsCount(). + * @param utf8Text The text to be drawn, encoded as an UTF-8 zero-terminated string. + * @param x The X position of the text over the image. + * @param y The Y position of the text over the image. + * @param r The value of the red color channel of the text. + * @param g The value of the green color channel of the text. + * @param b The value of the blue color channel of the text. + * @return 0 if success, other value if error. + * @ingroup Images + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE OrthancPluginErrorCode OrthancPluginDrawText( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + OrthancPluginImage* image, + uint32_t fontIndex, + const char* utf8Text, + int32_t x, + int32_t y, + uint8_t r, + uint8_t g, + uint8_t b) + { + _OrthancPluginDrawText params; + memset(¶ms, 0, sizeof(params)); + params.image = image; + params.fontIndex = fontIndex; + params.utf8Text = utf8Text; + params.x = x; + params.y = y; + params.r = r; + params.g = g; + params.b = b; + + return context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_DrawText, ¶ms); + } + + + + typedef struct + { + OrthancPluginStorageArea* storageArea; + const char* uuid; + const void* content; + uint64_t size; + OrthancPluginContentType type; + } _OrthancPluginStorageAreaCreate; + + + /** + * @brief Create a file inside the storage area. + * + * This function creates a new file inside the storage area that is + * currently used by Orthanc. + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param storageArea The storage area. + * @param uuid The identifier of the file to be created. + * @param content The content to store in the newly created file. + * @param size The size of the content. + * @param type The type of the file content. + * @return 0 if success, other value if error. + * @ingroup Callbacks + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE OrthancPluginErrorCode OrthancPluginStorageAreaCreate( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + OrthancPluginStorageArea* storageArea, + const char* uuid, + const void* content, + uint64_t size, + OrthancPluginContentType type) + { + _OrthancPluginStorageAreaCreate params; + params.storageArea = storageArea; + params.uuid = uuid; + params.content = content; + params.size = size; + params.type = type; + + return context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_StorageAreaCreate, ¶ms); + } + + + typedef struct + { + OrthancPluginMemoryBuffer* target; + OrthancPluginStorageArea* storageArea; + const char* uuid; + OrthancPluginContentType type; + } _OrthancPluginStorageAreaRead; + + + /** + * @brief Read a file from the storage area. + * + * This function reads the content of a given file from the storage + * area that is currently used by Orthanc. + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param target The target memory buffer. It must be freed with OrthancPluginFreeMemoryBuffer(). + * @param storageArea The storage area. + * @param uuid The identifier of the file to be read. + * @param type The type of the file content. + * @return 0 if success, other value if error. + * @ingroup Callbacks + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE OrthancPluginErrorCode OrthancPluginStorageAreaRead( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + OrthancPluginMemoryBuffer* target, + OrthancPluginStorageArea* storageArea, + const char* uuid, + OrthancPluginContentType type) + { + _OrthancPluginStorageAreaRead params; + params.target = target; + params.storageArea = storageArea; + params.uuid = uuid; + params.type = type; + + return context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_StorageAreaRead, ¶ms); + } + + + typedef struct + { + OrthancPluginStorageArea* storageArea; + const char* uuid; + OrthancPluginContentType type; + } _OrthancPluginStorageAreaRemove; + + /** + * @brief Remove a file from the storage area. + * + * This function removes a given file from the storage area that is + * currently used by Orthanc. + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param storageArea The storage area. + * @param uuid The identifier of the file to be removed. + * @param type The type of the file content. + * @return 0 if success, other value if error. + * @ingroup Callbacks + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE OrthancPluginErrorCode OrthancPluginStorageAreaRemove( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + OrthancPluginStorageArea* storageArea, + const char* uuid, + OrthancPluginContentType type) + { + _OrthancPluginStorageAreaRemove params; + params.storageArea = storageArea; + params.uuid = uuid; + params.type = type; + + return context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_StorageAreaRemove, ¶ms); + } + + + + typedef struct + { + OrthancPluginErrorCode* target; + int32_t code; + uint16_t httpStatus; + const char* message; + } _OrthancPluginRegisterErrorCode; + + /** + * @brief Declare a custom error code for this plugin. + * + * This function declares a custom error code that can be generated + * by this plugin. This declaration is used to enrich the body of + * the HTTP answer in the case of an error, and to set the proper + * HTTP status code. + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param code The error code that is internal to this plugin. + * @param httpStatus The HTTP status corresponding to this error. + * @param message The description of the error. + * @return The error code that has been assigned inside the Orthanc core. + * @ingroup Toolbox + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE OrthancPluginErrorCode OrthancPluginRegisterErrorCode( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + int32_t code, + uint16_t httpStatus, + const char* message) + { + OrthancPluginErrorCode target; + + _OrthancPluginRegisterErrorCode params; + params.target = ⌖ + params.code = code; + params.httpStatus = httpStatus; + params.message = message; + + if (context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_RegisterErrorCode, ¶ms) == OrthancPluginErrorCode_Success) + { + return target; + } + else + { + /* There was an error while assigned the error. Use a generic code. */ + return OrthancPluginErrorCode_Plugin; + } + } + + + + typedef struct + { + uint16_t group; + uint16_t element; + OrthancPluginValueRepresentation vr; + const char* name; + uint32_t minMultiplicity; + uint32_t maxMultiplicity; + } _OrthancPluginRegisterDictionaryTag; + + /** + * @brief Register a new tag into the DICOM dictionary. + * + * This function declares a new tag in the dictionary of DICOM tags + * that are known to Orthanc. This function should be used in the + * OrthancPluginInitialize() callback. + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param group The group of the tag. + * @param element The element of the tag. + * @param vr The value representation of the tag. + * @param name The nickname of the tag. + * @param minMultiplicity The minimum multiplicity of the tag (must be above 0). + * @param maxMultiplicity The maximum multiplicity of the tag. A value of 0 means + * an arbitrary multiplicity ("n"). + * @return 0 if success, other value if error. + * @ingroup Toolbox + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE OrthancPluginErrorCode OrthancPluginRegisterDictionaryTag( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + uint16_t group, + uint16_t element, + OrthancPluginValueRepresentation vr, + const char* name, + uint32_t minMultiplicity, + uint32_t maxMultiplicity) + { + _OrthancPluginRegisterDictionaryTag params; + params.group = group; + params.element = element; + params.vr = vr; + params.name = name; + params.minMultiplicity = minMultiplicity; + params.maxMultiplicity = maxMultiplicity; + + return context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_RegisterDictionaryTag, ¶ms); + } + + + + + typedef struct + { + OrthancPluginStorageArea* storageArea; + OrthancPluginResourceType level; + } _OrthancPluginReconstructMainDicomTags; + + /** + * @brief Reconstruct the main DICOM tags. + * + * This function requests the Orthanc core to reconstruct the main + * DICOM tags of all the resources of the given type. This function + * can only be used as a part of the upgrade of a custom database + * back-end + * (cf. OrthancPlugins::IDatabaseBackend::UpgradeDatabase). A + * database transaction will be automatically setup. + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param storageArea The storage area. + * @param level The type of the resources of interest. + * @return 0 if success, other value if error. + * @ingroup Callbacks + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE OrthancPluginErrorCode OrthancPluginReconstructMainDicomTags( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + OrthancPluginStorageArea* storageArea, + OrthancPluginResourceType level) + { + _OrthancPluginReconstructMainDicomTags params; + params.level = level; + params.storageArea = storageArea; + + return context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_ReconstructMainDicomTags, ¶ms); + } + + + typedef struct + { + char** result; + const char* instanceId; + const void* buffer; + uint32_t size; + OrthancPluginDicomToJsonFormat format; + OrthancPluginDicomToJsonFlags flags; + uint32_t maxStringLength; + } _OrthancPluginDicomToJson; + + + /** + * @brief Format a DICOM memory buffer as a JSON string. + * + * This function takes as input a memory buffer containing a DICOM + * file, and outputs a JSON string representing the tags of this + * DICOM file. + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param buffer The memory buffer containing the DICOM file. + * @param size The size of the memory buffer. + * @param format The output format. + * @param flags Flags governing the output. + * @param maxStringLength The maximum length of a field. Too long fields will + * be output as "null". The 0 value means no maximum length. + * @return The NULL value if the case of an error, or the JSON + * string. This string must be freed by OrthancPluginFreeString(). + * @ingroup Toolbox + * @see OrthancPluginDicomInstanceToJson + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE char* OrthancPluginDicomBufferToJson( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + const void* buffer, + uint32_t size, + OrthancPluginDicomToJsonFormat format, + OrthancPluginDicomToJsonFlags flags, + uint32_t maxStringLength) + { + char* result; + + _OrthancPluginDicomToJson params; + memset(¶ms, 0, sizeof(params)); + params.result = &result; + params.buffer = buffer; + params.size = size; + params.format = format; + params.flags = flags; + params.maxStringLength = maxStringLength; + + if (context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_DicomBufferToJson, ¶ms) != OrthancPluginErrorCode_Success) + { + /* Error */ + return NULL; + } + else + { + return result; + } + } + + + /** + * @brief Format a DICOM instance as a JSON string. + * + * This function formats a DICOM instance that is stored in Orthanc, + * and outputs a JSON string representing the tags of this DICOM + * instance. + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param instanceId The Orthanc identifier of the instance. + * @param format The output format. + * @param flags Flags governing the output. + * @param maxStringLength The maximum length of a field. Too long fields will + * be output as "null". The 0 value means no maximum length. + * @return The NULL value if the case of an error, or the JSON + * string. This string must be freed by OrthancPluginFreeString(). + * @ingroup Toolbox + * @see OrthancPluginDicomInstanceToJson + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE char* OrthancPluginDicomInstanceToJson( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + const char* instanceId, + OrthancPluginDicomToJsonFormat format, + OrthancPluginDicomToJsonFlags flags, + uint32_t maxStringLength) + { + char* result; + + _OrthancPluginDicomToJson params; + memset(¶ms, 0, sizeof(params)); + params.result = &result; + params.instanceId = instanceId; + params.format = format; + params.flags = flags; + params.maxStringLength = maxStringLength; + + if (context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_DicomInstanceToJson, ¶ms) != OrthancPluginErrorCode_Success) + { + /* Error */ + return NULL; + } + else + { + return result; + } + } + + + typedef struct + { + OrthancPluginMemoryBuffer* target; + const char* uri; + uint32_t headersCount; + const char* const* headersKeys; + const char* const* headersValues; + int32_t afterPlugins; + } _OrthancPluginRestApiGet2; + + /** + * @brief Make a GET call to the Orthanc REST API, with custom HTTP headers. + * + * Make a GET call to the Orthanc REST API with extended + * parameters. The result to the query is stored into a newly + * allocated memory buffer. + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param target The target memory buffer. It must be freed with OrthancPluginFreeMemoryBuffer(). + * @param uri The URI in the built-in Orthanc API. + * @param headersCount The number of HTTP headers. + * @param headersKeys Array containing the keys of the HTTP headers (can be NULL if no header). + * @param headersValues Array containing the values of the HTTP headers (can be NULL if no header). + * @param afterPlugins If 0, the built-in API of Orthanc is used. + * If 1, the API is tainted by the plugins. + * @return 0 if success, or the error code if failure. + * @see OrthancPluginRestApiGet, OrthancPluginRestApiGetAfterPlugins + * @ingroup Orthanc + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE OrthancPluginErrorCode OrthancPluginRestApiGet2( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + OrthancPluginMemoryBuffer* target, + const char* uri, + uint32_t headersCount, + const char* const* headersKeys, + const char* const* headersValues, + int32_t afterPlugins) + { + _OrthancPluginRestApiGet2 params; + params.target = target; + params.uri = uri; + params.headersCount = headersCount; + params.headersKeys = headersKeys; + params.headersValues = headersValues; + params.afterPlugins = afterPlugins; + + return context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_RestApiGet2, ¶ms); + } + + + + typedef struct + { + OrthancPluginWorklistCallback callback; + } _OrthancPluginWorklistCallback; + + /** + * @brief Register a callback to handle modality worklists requests. + * + * This function registers a callback to handle C-Find SCP requests + * on modality worklists. + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param callback The callback. + * @return 0 if success, other value if error. + * @ingroup DicomCallbacks + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE OrthancPluginErrorCode OrthancPluginRegisterWorklistCallback( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + OrthancPluginWorklistCallback callback) + { + _OrthancPluginWorklistCallback params; + params.callback = callback; + + return context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_RegisterWorklistCallback, ¶ms); + } + + + + typedef struct + { + OrthancPluginWorklistAnswers* answers; + const OrthancPluginWorklistQuery* query; + const void* dicom; + uint32_t size; + } _OrthancPluginWorklistAnswersOperation; + + /** + * @brief Add one answer to some modality worklist request. + * + * This function adds one worklist (encoded as a DICOM file) to the + * set of answers corresponding to some C-Find SCP request against + * modality worklists. + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param answers The set of answers. + * @param query The worklist query, as received by the callback. + * @param dicom The worklist to answer, encoded as a DICOM file. + * @param size The size of the DICOM file. + * @return 0 if success, other value if error. + * @ingroup DicomCallbacks + * @see OrthancPluginCreateDicom() + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE OrthancPluginErrorCode OrthancPluginWorklistAddAnswer( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + OrthancPluginWorklistAnswers* answers, + const OrthancPluginWorklistQuery* query, + const void* dicom, + uint32_t size) + { + _OrthancPluginWorklistAnswersOperation params; + params.answers = answers; + params.query = query; + params.dicom = dicom; + params.size = size; + + return context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_WorklistAddAnswer, ¶ms); + } + + + /** + * @brief Mark the set of worklist answers as incomplete. + * + * This function marks as incomplete the set of answers + * corresponding to some C-Find SCP request against modality + * worklists. This must be used if canceling the handling of a + * request when too many answers are to be returned. + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param answers The set of answers. + * @return 0 if success, other value if error. + * @ingroup DicomCallbacks + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE OrthancPluginErrorCode OrthancPluginWorklistMarkIncomplete( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + OrthancPluginWorklistAnswers* answers) + { + _OrthancPluginWorklistAnswersOperation params; + params.answers = answers; + params.query = NULL; + params.dicom = NULL; + params.size = 0; + + return context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_WorklistMarkIncomplete, ¶ms); + } + + + typedef struct + { + const OrthancPluginWorklistQuery* query; + const void* dicom; + uint32_t size; + int32_t* isMatch; + OrthancPluginMemoryBuffer* target; + } _OrthancPluginWorklistQueryOperation; + + /** + * @brief Test whether a worklist matches the query. + * + * This function checks whether one worklist (encoded as a DICOM + * file) matches the C-Find SCP query against modality + * worklists. This function must be called before adding the + * worklist as an answer through OrthancPluginWorklistAddAnswer(). + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param query The worklist query, as received by the callback. + * @param dicom The worklist to answer, encoded as a DICOM file. + * @param size The size of the DICOM file. + * @return 1 if the worklist matches the query, 0 otherwise. + * @ingroup DicomCallbacks + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE int32_t OrthancPluginWorklistIsMatch( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + const OrthancPluginWorklistQuery* query, + const void* dicom, + uint32_t size) + { + int32_t isMatch = 0; + + _OrthancPluginWorklistQueryOperation params; + params.query = query; + params.dicom = dicom; + params.size = size; + params.isMatch = &isMatch; + params.target = NULL; + + if (context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_WorklistIsMatch, ¶ms) == OrthancPluginErrorCode_Success) + { + return isMatch; + } + else + { + /* Error: Assume non-match */ + return 0; + } + } + + + /** + * @brief Retrieve the worklist query as a DICOM file. + * + * This function retrieves the DICOM file that underlies a C-Find + * SCP query against modality worklists. + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param target Memory buffer where to store the DICOM file. It must be freed with OrthancPluginFreeMemoryBuffer(). + * @param query The worklist query, as received by the callback. + * @return 0 if success, other value if error. + * @ingroup DicomCallbacks + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE OrthancPluginErrorCode OrthancPluginWorklistGetDicomQuery( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + OrthancPluginMemoryBuffer* target, + const OrthancPluginWorklistQuery* query) + { + _OrthancPluginWorklistQueryOperation params; + params.query = query; + params.dicom = NULL; + params.size = 0; + params.isMatch = NULL; + params.target = target; + + return context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_WorklistGetDicomQuery, ¶ms); + } + + + /** + * @brief Get the origin of a DICOM file. + * + * This function returns the origin of a DICOM instance that has been received by Orthanc. + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param instance The instance of interest. + * @return The origin of the instance. + * @ingroup Callbacks + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE OrthancPluginInstanceOrigin OrthancPluginGetInstanceOrigin( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + OrthancPluginDicomInstance* instance) + { + OrthancPluginInstanceOrigin origin; + + _OrthancPluginAccessDicomInstance params; + memset(¶ms, 0, sizeof(params)); + params.resultOrigin = &origin; + params.instance = instance; + + if (context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_GetInstanceOrigin, ¶ms) != OrthancPluginErrorCode_Success) + { + /* Error */ + return OrthancPluginInstanceOrigin_Unknown; + } + else + { + return origin; + } + } + + + typedef struct + { + OrthancPluginMemoryBuffer* target; + const char* json; + const OrthancPluginImage* pixelData; + OrthancPluginCreateDicomFlags flags; + } _OrthancPluginCreateDicom; + + /** + * @brief Create a DICOM instance from a JSON string and an image. + * + * This function takes as input a string containing a JSON file + * describing the content of a DICOM instance. As an output, it + * writes the corresponding DICOM instance to a newly allocated + * memory buffer. Additionally, an image to be encoded within the + * DICOM instance can also be provided. + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param target The target memory buffer. It must be freed with OrthancPluginFreeMemoryBuffer(). + * @param json The input JSON file. + * @param pixelData The image. Can be NULL, if the pixel data is encoded inside the JSON with the data URI scheme. + * @param flags Flags governing the output. + * @return 0 if success, other value if error. + * @ingroup Toolbox + * @see OrthancPluginDicomBufferToJson + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE OrthancPluginErrorCode OrthancPluginCreateDicom( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + OrthancPluginMemoryBuffer* target, + const char* json, + const OrthancPluginImage* pixelData, + OrthancPluginCreateDicomFlags flags) + { + _OrthancPluginCreateDicom params; + params.target = target; + params.json = json; + params.pixelData = pixelData; + params.flags = flags; + + return context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_CreateDicom, ¶ms); + } + + + typedef struct + { + OrthancPluginDecodeImageCallback callback; + } _OrthancPluginDecodeImageCallback; + + /** + * @brief Register a callback to handle the decoding of DICOM images. + * + * This function registers a custom callback to the decoding of + * DICOM images, replacing the built-in decoder of Orthanc. + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param callback The callback. + * @return 0 if success, other value if error. + * @ingroup Callbacks + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE OrthancPluginErrorCode OrthancPluginRegisterDecodeImageCallback( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + OrthancPluginDecodeImageCallback callback) + { + _OrthancPluginDecodeImageCallback params; + params.callback = callback; + + return context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_RegisterDecodeImageCallback, ¶ms); + } + + + + typedef struct + { + OrthancPluginImage** target; + OrthancPluginPixelFormat format; + uint32_t width; + uint32_t height; + uint32_t pitch; + void* buffer; + const void* constBuffer; + uint32_t bufferSize; + uint32_t frameIndex; + } _OrthancPluginCreateImage; + + + /** + * @brief Create an image. + * + * This function creates an image of given size and format. + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param format The format of the pixels. + * @param width The width of the image. + * @param height The height of the image. + * @return The newly allocated image. It must be freed with OrthancPluginFreeImage(). + * @ingroup Images + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE OrthancPluginImage* OrthancPluginCreateImage( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + OrthancPluginPixelFormat format, + uint32_t width, + uint32_t height) + { + OrthancPluginImage* target = NULL; + + _OrthancPluginCreateImage params; + memset(¶ms, 0, sizeof(params)); + params.target = ⌖ + params.format = format; + params.width = width; + params.height = height; + + if (context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_CreateImage, ¶ms) != OrthancPluginErrorCode_Success) + { + return NULL; + } + else + { + return target; + } + } + + + /** + * @brief Create an image pointing to a memory buffer. + * + * This function creates an image whose content points to a memory + * buffer managed by the plugin. Note that the buffer is directly + * accessed, no memory is allocated and no data is copied. + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param format The format of the pixels. + * @param width The width of the image. + * @param height The height of the image. + * @param pitch The pitch of the image (i.e. the number of bytes + * between 2 successive lines of the image in the memory buffer). + * @param buffer The memory buffer. + * @return The newly allocated image. It must be freed with OrthancPluginFreeImage(). + * @ingroup Images + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE OrthancPluginImage* OrthancPluginCreateImageAccessor( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + OrthancPluginPixelFormat format, + uint32_t width, + uint32_t height, + uint32_t pitch, + void* buffer) + { + OrthancPluginImage* target = NULL; + + _OrthancPluginCreateImage params; + memset(¶ms, 0, sizeof(params)); + params.target = ⌖ + params.format = format; + params.width = width; + params.height = height; + params.pitch = pitch; + params.buffer = buffer; + + if (context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_CreateImageAccessor, ¶ms) != OrthancPluginErrorCode_Success) + { + return NULL; + } + else + { + return target; + } + } + + + + /** + * @brief Decode one frame from a DICOM instance. + * + * This function decodes one frame of a DICOM image that is stored + * in a memory buffer. This function will give the same result as + * OrthancPluginUncompressImage() for single-frame DICOM images. + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param buffer Pointer to a memory buffer containing the DICOM image. + * @param bufferSize Size of the memory buffer containing the DICOM image. + * @param frameIndex The index of the frame of interest in a multi-frame image. + * @return The uncompressed image. It must be freed with OrthancPluginFreeImage(). + * @ingroup Images + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE OrthancPluginImage* OrthancPluginDecodeDicomImage( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + const void* buffer, + uint32_t bufferSize, + uint32_t frameIndex) + { + OrthancPluginImage* target = NULL; + + _OrthancPluginCreateImage params; + memset(¶ms, 0, sizeof(params)); + params.target = ⌖ + params.constBuffer = buffer; + params.bufferSize = bufferSize; + params.frameIndex = frameIndex; + + if (context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_DecodeDicomImage, ¶ms) != OrthancPluginErrorCode_Success) + { + return NULL; + } + else + { + return target; + } + } + + + + typedef struct + { + char** result; + const void* buffer; + uint32_t size; + } _OrthancPluginComputeHash; + + /** + * @brief Compute an MD5 hash. + * + * This functions computes the MD5 cryptographic hash of the given memory buffer. + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param buffer The source memory buffer. + * @param size The size in bytes of the source buffer. + * @return The NULL value in case of error, or a string containing the cryptographic hash. + * This string must be freed by OrthancPluginFreeString(). + * @ingroup Toolbox + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE char* OrthancPluginComputeMd5( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + const void* buffer, + uint32_t size) + { + char* result; + + _OrthancPluginComputeHash params; + params.result = &result; + params.buffer = buffer; + params.size = size; + + if (context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_ComputeMd5, ¶ms) != OrthancPluginErrorCode_Success) + { + /* Error */ + return NULL; + } + else + { + return result; + } + } + + + /** + * @brief Compute a SHA-1 hash. + * + * This functions computes the SHA-1 cryptographic hash of the given memory buffer. + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param buffer The source memory buffer. + * @param size The size in bytes of the source buffer. + * @return The NULL value in case of error, or a string containing the cryptographic hash. + * This string must be freed by OrthancPluginFreeString(). + * @ingroup Toolbox + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE char* OrthancPluginComputeSha1( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + const void* buffer, + uint32_t size) + { + char* result; + + _OrthancPluginComputeHash params; + params.result = &result; + params.buffer = buffer; + params.size = size; + + if (context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_ComputeSha1, ¶ms) != OrthancPluginErrorCode_Success) + { + /* Error */ + return NULL; + } + else + { + return result; + } + } + + + + typedef struct + { + OrthancPluginDictionaryEntry* target; + const char* name; + } _OrthancPluginLookupDictionary; + + /** + * @brief Get information about the given DICOM tag. + * + * This functions makes a lookup in the dictionary of DICOM tags + * that are known to Orthanc, and returns information about this + * tag. The tag can be specified using its human-readable name + * (e.g. "PatientName") or a set of two hexadecimal numbers + * (e.g. "0010-0020"). + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param target Where to store the information about the tag. + * @param name The name of the DICOM tag. + * @return 0 if success, other value if error. + * @ingroup Toolbox + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE OrthancPluginErrorCode OrthancPluginLookupDictionary( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + OrthancPluginDictionaryEntry* target, + const char* name) + { + _OrthancPluginLookupDictionary params; + params.target = target; + params.name = name; + return context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_LookupDictionary, ¶ms); + } + + + + typedef struct + { + OrthancPluginRestOutput* output; + const char* answer; + uint32_t answerSize; + uint32_t headersCount; + const char* const* headersKeys; + const char* const* headersValues; + } _OrthancPluginSendMultipartItem2; + + /** + * @brief Send an item as a part of some HTTP multipart answer, with custom headers. + * + * This function sends an item as a part of some HTTP multipart + * answer that was initiated by OrthancPluginStartMultipartAnswer(). In addition to + * OrthancPluginSendMultipartItem(), this function will set HTTP header associated + * with the item. + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param output The HTTP connection to the client application. + * @param answer Pointer to the memory buffer containing the item. + * @param answerSize Number of bytes of the item. + * @param headersCount The number of HTTP headers. + * @param headersKeys Array containing the keys of the HTTP headers. + * @param headersValues Array containing the values of the HTTP headers. + * @return 0 if success, or the error code if failure (this notably happens + * if the connection is closed by the client). + * @see OrthancPluginSendMultipartItem() + * @ingroup REST + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE OrthancPluginErrorCode OrthancPluginSendMultipartItem2( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + OrthancPluginRestOutput* output, + const char* answer, + uint32_t answerSize, + uint32_t headersCount, + const char* const* headersKeys, + const char* const* headersValues) + { + _OrthancPluginSendMultipartItem2 params; + params.output = output; + params.answer = answer; + params.answerSize = answerSize; + params.headersCount = headersCount; + params.headersKeys = headersKeys; + params.headersValues = headersValues; + + return context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_SendMultipartItem2, ¶ms); + } + + + typedef struct + { + OrthancPluginIncomingHttpRequestFilter callback; + } _OrthancPluginIncomingHttpRequestFilter; + + /** + * @brief Register a callback to filter incoming HTTP requests. + * + * This function registers a custom callback to filter incoming HTTP/REST + * requests received by the HTTP server of Orthanc. + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param callback The callback. + * @return 0 if success, other value if error. + * @ingroup Callbacks + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE OrthancPluginErrorCode OrthancPluginRegisterIncomingHttpRequestFilter( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + OrthancPluginIncomingHttpRequestFilter callback) + { + _OrthancPluginIncomingHttpRequestFilter params; + params.callback = callback; + + return context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_RegisterIncomingHttpRequestFilter, ¶ms); + } + + + + typedef struct + { + OrthancPluginMemoryBuffer* answerBody; + OrthancPluginMemoryBuffer* answerHeaders; + uint16_t* httpStatus; + OrthancPluginHttpMethod method; + const char* url; + uint32_t headersCount; + const char* const* headersKeys; + const char* const* headersValues; + const char* body; + uint32_t bodySize; + const char* username; + const char* password; + uint32_t timeout; + const char* certificateFile; + const char* certificateKeyFile; + const char* certificateKeyPassword; + uint8_t pkcs11; + } _OrthancPluginCallHttpClient2; + + + + /** + * @brief Issue a HTTP call with full flexibility. + * + * Make a HTTP call to the given URL. The result to the query is + * stored into a newly allocated memory buffer. The HTTP request + * will be done accordingly to the global configuration of Orthanc + * (in particular, the options "HttpProxy", "HttpTimeout", + * "HttpsVerifyPeers", "HttpsCACertificates", and "Pkcs11" will be + * taken into account). + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param answerBody The target memory buffer (out argument). + * It must be freed with OrthancPluginFreeMemoryBuffer(). + * @param answerHeaders The target memory buffer for the HTTP headers in the answers (out argument). + * The answer headers are formatted as a JSON object (associative array). + * The buffer must be freed with OrthancPluginFreeMemoryBuffer(). + * This argument can be set to NULL if the plugin has no interest in the HTTP headers. + * @param httpStatus The HTTP status after the execution of the request (out argument). + * @param method HTTP method to be used. + * @param url The URL of interest. + * @param headersCount The number of HTTP headers. + * @param headersKeys Array containing the keys of the HTTP headers (can be NULL if no header). + * @param headersValues Array containing the values of the HTTP headers (can be NULL if no header). + * @param username The username (can be NULL if no password protection). + * @param password The password (can be NULL if no password protection). + * @param body The body of the POST request. + * @param bodySize The size of the body. + * @param timeout Timeout in seconds (0 for default timeout). + * @param certificateFile Path to the client certificate for HTTPS, in PEM format + * (can be NULL if no client certificate or if not using HTTPS). + * @param certificateKeyFile Path to the key of the client certificate for HTTPS, in PEM format + * (can be NULL if no client certificate or if not using HTTPS). + * @param certificateKeyPassword Password to unlock the key of the client certificate + * (can be NULL if no client certificate or if not using HTTPS). + * @param pkcs11 Enable PKCS#11 client authentication for hardware security modules and smart cards. + * @return 0 if success, or the error code if failure. + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE OrthancPluginErrorCode OrthancPluginHttpClient( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + OrthancPluginMemoryBuffer* answerBody, + OrthancPluginMemoryBuffer* answerHeaders, + uint16_t* httpStatus, + OrthancPluginHttpMethod method, + const char* url, + uint32_t headersCount, + const char* const* headersKeys, + const char* const* headersValues, + const char* body, + uint32_t bodySize, + const char* username, + const char* password, + uint32_t timeout, + const char* certificateFile, + const char* certificateKeyFile, + const char* certificateKeyPassword, + uint8_t pkcs11) + { + _OrthancPluginCallHttpClient2 params; + memset(¶ms, 0, sizeof(params)); + + params.answerBody = answerBody; + params.answerHeaders = answerHeaders; + params.httpStatus = httpStatus; + params.method = method; + params.url = url; + params.headersCount = headersCount; + params.headersKeys = headersKeys; + params.headersValues = headersValues; + params.body = body; + params.bodySize = bodySize; + params.username = username; + params.password = password; + params.timeout = timeout; + params.certificateFile = certificateFile; + params.certificateKeyFile = certificateKeyFile; + params.certificateKeyPassword = certificateKeyPassword; + params.pkcs11 = pkcs11; + + return context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_CallHttpClient2, ¶ms); + } + + + /** + * @brief Generate an UUID. + * + * Generate a random GUID/UUID (globally unique identifier). + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @return NULL in the case of an error, or a newly allocated string + * containing the UUID. This string must be freed by OrthancPluginFreeString(). + * @ingroup Toolbox + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE char* OrthancPluginGenerateUuid( + OrthancPluginContext* context) + { + char* result; + + _OrthancPluginRetrieveDynamicString params; + params.result = &result; + params.argument = NULL; + + if (context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_GenerateUuid, ¶ms) != OrthancPluginErrorCode_Success) + { + /* Error */ + return NULL; + } + else + { + return result; + } + } + + + + + typedef struct + { + OrthancPluginFindCallback callback; + } _OrthancPluginFindCallback; + + /** + * @brief Register a callback to handle C-Find requests. + * + * This function registers a callback to handle C-Find SCP requests + * that are not related to modality worklists. + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param callback The callback. + * @return 0 if success, other value if error. + * @ingroup DicomCallbacks + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE OrthancPluginErrorCode OrthancPluginRegisterFindCallback( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + OrthancPluginFindCallback callback) + { + _OrthancPluginFindCallback params; + params.callback = callback; + + return context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_RegisterFindCallback, ¶ms); + } + + + typedef struct + { + OrthancPluginFindAnswers *answers; + const OrthancPluginFindQuery *query; + const void *dicom; + uint32_t size; + uint32_t index; + uint32_t *resultUint32; + uint16_t *resultGroup; + uint16_t *resultElement; + char **resultString; + } _OrthancPluginFindOperation; + + /** + * @brief Add one answer to some C-Find request. + * + * This function adds one answer (encoded as a DICOM file) to the + * set of answers corresponding to some C-Find SCP request that is + * not related to modality worklists. + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param answers The set of answers. + * @param dicom The answer to be added, encoded as a DICOM file. + * @param size The size of the DICOM file. + * @return 0 if success, other value if error. + * @ingroup DicomCallbacks + * @see OrthancPluginCreateDicom() + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE OrthancPluginErrorCode OrthancPluginFindAddAnswer( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + OrthancPluginFindAnswers* answers, + const void* dicom, + uint32_t size) + { + _OrthancPluginFindOperation params; + memset(¶ms, 0, sizeof(params)); + params.answers = answers; + params.dicom = dicom; + params.size = size; + + return context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_FindAddAnswer, ¶ms); + } + + + /** + * @brief Mark the set of C-Find answers as incomplete. + * + * This function marks as incomplete the set of answers + * corresponding to some C-Find SCP request that is not related to + * modality worklists. This must be used if canceling the handling + * of a request when too many answers are to be returned. + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param answers The set of answers. + * @return 0 if success, other value if error. + * @ingroup DicomCallbacks + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE OrthancPluginErrorCode OrthancPluginFindMarkIncomplete( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + OrthancPluginFindAnswers* answers) + { + _OrthancPluginFindOperation params; + memset(¶ms, 0, sizeof(params)); + params.answers = answers; + + return context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_FindMarkIncomplete, ¶ms); + } + + + + /** + * @brief Get the number of tags in a C-Find query. + * + * This function returns the number of tags that are contained in + * the given C-Find query. + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param query The C-Find query. + * @return The number of tags. + * @ingroup DicomCallbacks + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE uint32_t OrthancPluginGetFindQuerySize( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + const OrthancPluginFindQuery* query) + { + uint32_t count = 0; + + _OrthancPluginFindOperation params; + memset(¶ms, 0, sizeof(params)); + params.query = query; + params.resultUint32 = &count; + + if (context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_GetFindQuerySize, ¶ms) != OrthancPluginErrorCode_Success) + { + /* Error */ + return 0; + } + else + { + return count; + } + } + + + /** + * @brief Get one tag in a C-Find query. + * + * This function returns the group and the element of one DICOM tag + * in the given C-Find query. + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param group The group of the tag (output). + * @param element The element of the tag (output). + * @param query The C-Find query. + * @param index The index of the tag of interest. + * @return 0 if success, other value if error. + * @ingroup DicomCallbacks + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE OrthancPluginErrorCode OrthancPluginGetFindQueryTag( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + uint16_t* group, + uint16_t* element, + const OrthancPluginFindQuery* query, + uint32_t index) + { + _OrthancPluginFindOperation params; + memset(¶ms, 0, sizeof(params)); + params.query = query; + params.index = index; + params.resultGroup = group; + params.resultElement = element; + + return context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_GetFindQueryTag, ¶ms); + } + + + /** + * @brief Get the symbolic name of one tag in a C-Find query. + * + * This function returns the symbolic name of one DICOM tag in the + * given C-Find query. + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param query The C-Find query. + * @param index The index of the tag of interest. + * @return The NULL value in case of error, or a string containing the name of the tag. + * @return 0 if success, other value if error. + * @ingroup DicomCallbacks + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE char* OrthancPluginGetFindQueryTagName( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + const OrthancPluginFindQuery* query, + uint32_t index) + { + char* result; + + _OrthancPluginFindOperation params; + memset(¶ms, 0, sizeof(params)); + params.query = query; + params.index = index; + params.resultString = &result; + + if (context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_GetFindQueryTagName, ¶ms) != OrthancPluginErrorCode_Success) + { + /* Error */ + return NULL; + } + else + { + return result; + } + } + + + /** + * @brief Get the value associated with one tag in a C-Find query. + * + * This function returns the value associated with one tag in the + * given C-Find query. + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param query The C-Find query. + * @param index The index of the tag of interest. + * @return The NULL value in case of error, or a string containing the value of the tag. + * @return 0 if success, other value if error. + * @ingroup DicomCallbacks + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE char* OrthancPluginGetFindQueryValue( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + const OrthancPluginFindQuery* query, + uint32_t index) + { + char* result; + + _OrthancPluginFindOperation params; + memset(¶ms, 0, sizeof(params)); + params.query = query; + params.index = index; + params.resultString = &result; + + if (context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_GetFindQueryValue, ¶ms) != OrthancPluginErrorCode_Success) + { + /* Error */ + return NULL; + } + else + { + return result; + } + } + + + + + typedef struct + { + OrthancPluginMoveCallback callback; + OrthancPluginGetMoveSize getMoveSize; + OrthancPluginApplyMove applyMove; + OrthancPluginFreeMove freeMove; + } _OrthancPluginMoveCallback; + + /** + * @brief Register a callback to handle C-Move requests. + * + * This function registers a callback to handle C-Move SCP requests. + * + * @param context The Orthanc plugin context, as received by OrthancPluginInitialize(). + * @param callback The main callback. + * @param getMoveSize Callback to read the number of C-Move suboperations. + * @param applyMove Callback to apply one C-Move suboperations. + * @param freeMove Callback to free the C-Move driver. + * @return 0 if success, other value if error. + * @ingroup DicomCallbacks + **/ + ORTHANC_PLUGIN_INLINE OrthancPluginErrorCode OrthancPluginRegisterMoveCallback( + OrthancPluginContext* context, + OrthancPluginMoveCallback callback, + OrthancPluginGetMoveSize getMoveSize, + OrthancPluginApplyMove applyMove, + OrthancPluginFreeMove freeMove) + { + _OrthancPluginMoveCallback params; + params.callback = callback; + params.getMoveSize = getMoveSize; + params.applyMove = applyMove; + params.freeMove = freeMove; + + return context->InvokeService(context, _OrthancPluginService_RegisterMoveCallback, ¶ms); + } + + + + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + + +/** @} */ + diff -r decac5df19c4 -r d5d3cb00556a Resources/SyncOrthancFolder.py --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/Resources/SyncOrthancFolder.py Wed Mar 22 16:13:52 2017 +0100 @@ -0,0 +1,102 @@ +#!/usr/bin/python + +# +# This maintenance script updates the content of the "Orthanc" folder +# to match the latest version of the Orthanc source code. +# + +import multiprocessing +import os +import stat +import urllib2 + +TARGET = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'Orthanc') +PLUGIN_SDK_VERSION = '1.1.0' # TODO Switch to 1.2.1 when available +REPOSITORY = 'https://bitbucket.org/sjodogne/orthanc/raw' + +FILES = [ + 'Core/Cache/LeastRecentlyUsedIndex.h', + 'Core/Endianness.h', + 'Core/Enumerations.cpp', + 'Core/Enumerations.h', + 'Core/Logging.cpp', + 'Core/Logging.h', + 'Core/OrthancException.h', + 'Core/PrecompiledHeaders.cpp', + 'Core/PrecompiledHeaders.h', + 'Core/Toolbox.cpp', + 'Core/Toolbox.h', + 'Plugins/Samples/Common/ExportedSymbols.list', + 'Plugins/Samples/Common/OrthancPluginCppWrapper.cpp', + 'Plugins/Samples/Common/OrthancPluginCppWrapper.h', + 'Plugins/Samples/Common/OrthancPluginException.h', + 'Plugins/Samples/Common/VersionScript.map', + 'Resources/CMake/AutoGeneratedCode.cmake', + 'Resources/CMake/BoostConfiguration.cmake', + 'Resources/CMake/Compiler.cmake', + 'Resources/CMake/DownloadPackage.cmake', + 'Resources/CMake/JsonCppConfiguration.cmake', + 'Resources/EmbedResources.py', + 'Resources/MinGW-W64-Toolchain32.cmake', + 'Resources/MinGW-W64-Toolchain64.cmake', + 'Resources/MinGWToolchain.cmake', + 'Resources/ThirdParty/VisualStudio/stdint.h', + 'Resources/ThirdParty/base64/base64.cpp', + 'Resources/ThirdParty/base64/base64.h', + 'Resources/WindowsResources.py', + 'Resources/WindowsResources.rc', +] + +SDK = [ + 'orthanc/OrthancCPlugin.h', +] + +EXE = [ + 'Resources/EmbedResources.py', + 'Resources/WindowsResources.py', +] + + +def Download(x): + branch = x[0] + source = x[1] + target = os.path.join(TARGET, x[2]) + print target + + try: + os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(target)) + except: + pass + + url = '%s/%s/%s' % (REPOSITORY, branch, source) + + try: + with open(target, 'w') as f: + f.write(urllib2.urlopen(url).read()) + except: + print 'Cannot download %s' % url + raise + + +commands = [] + +for f in FILES: + commands.append([ 'default', f, f ]) + +for f in SDK: + commands.append([ + 'Orthanc-%s' % PLUGIN_SDK_VERSION, + 'Plugins/Include/%s' % f, + 'Sdk-%s/%s' % (PLUGIN_SDK_VERSION, f) + ]) + + +pool = multiprocessing.Pool(10) # simultaneous downloads +pool.map(Download, commands) + + +for exe in EXE: + path = os.path.join(TARGET, exe) + st = os.stat(path) + os.chmod(path, st.st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC) + diff -r decac5df19c4 -r d5d3cb00556a Resources/TestService.js --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/Resources/TestService.js Wed Mar 22 16:13:52 2017 +0100 @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +var port = 8000; + +var http = require('http'); +var url = require('url'); + +function GrantAccess(response, granted, validity) { + var answer = { + granted: granted + } + + if (typeof validity == 'number') { + answer.validity = validity; + } + + response.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type' : 'application/json' }); + response.end(JSON.stringify(answer)); +} + +var server = http.createServer(function(request, response) { + if (request.method == 'POST') { + var body = ''; + + request.on('data', function (data) { + body += data; + }); + + request.on('end', function () { + console.log('Received authentication request: ' + body); + console.log('HTTP headers: ' + JSON.stringify(request.headers)); + + var query = JSON.parse(body); + + //GrantAccess(response, query["level"] != "system", 5); + GrantAccess(response, true, 5); + //GrantAccess(response, false, 5); + }); + + } else { + response.writeHead(405); + response.end(); + } +}); + + +console.log('The demo is running at http://localhost:' + port + '/'); +server.listen(port);