Mercurial > hg > orthanc-authorization
view Plugin/Plugin.cpp @ 212:ffa6e2388943 default tip
Allow using the auth-plugin together with AuthenticationEnabled=true
author | Alain Mazy <> |
date | Thu, 06 Feb 2025 15:57:49 +0100 |
parents | 88ba174ff553 |
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/** * Advanced authorization plugin for Orthanc * Copyright (C) 2017-2023 Osimis S.A., Belgium * Copyright (C) 2024-2025 Orthanc Team SRL, Belgium * Copyright (C) 2021-2025 Sebastien Jodogne, ICTEAM UCLouvain, Belgium * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. **/ #include "AssociativeArray.h" #include "DefaultAuthorizationParser.h" #include "CachedAuthorizationService.h" #include "AuthorizationWebService.h" #include "PermissionParser.h" #include "MemoryCache.h" #include "../Resources/Orthanc/Plugins/OrthancPluginCppWrapper.h" #include <Compatibility.h> // For std::unique_ptr<> #include <Logging.h> #include <Toolbox.h> #include <SerializationToolbox.h> #include <EmbeddedResources.h> #define ORTHANC_PLUGIN_NAME "authorization" // Configuration of the authorization plugin static bool resourceTokensEnabled_ = false; static bool userTokensEnabled_ = false; static std::unique_ptr<OrthancPlugins::IAuthorizationParser> authorizationParser_; static std::unique_ptr<OrthancPlugins::IAuthorizationService> authorizationService_; static std::unique_ptr<OrthancPlugins::PermissionParser> permissionParser_; static std::set<std::string> uncheckedResources_; static std::list<std::string> uncheckedFolders_; static std::set<OrthancPlugins::Token> tokens_; static std::set<OrthancPlugins::AccessLevel> uncheckedLevels_; static std::string JoinStrings(const std::set<std::string>& values) { std::string out; std::set<std::string> copy = values; // TODO: remove after upgrading to OrthancFramework 1.11.3+ Orthanc::Toolbox::JoinStrings(out, copy, "|"); return out; } // For Orthanc prior to 1.12.2, we can not use the Forbidden error code and report the error ourselves static void SendForbiddenError(const char* message, OrthancPluginRestOutput* output) { OrthancPluginContext* context = OrthancPlugins::GetGlobalContext(); OrthancPluginSendHttpStatus(context, output, 403, message, strlen(message)); } class TokenAndValue { private: OrthancPlugins::Token token_; std::string value_; public: TokenAndValue(const OrthancPlugins::Token& token, const std::string& value) : token_(token), value_(value) { } const OrthancPlugins::Token& GetToken() const { return token_; } const std::string& GetValue() const { return value_; } }; bool HasAccessToAllLabels(const OrthancPlugins::IAuthorizationService::UserProfile& profile) { return (profile.authorizedLabels.find("*") != profile.authorizedLabels.end()); } bool HasAccessToSomeLabels(const OrthancPlugins::IAuthorizationService::UserProfile& profile) { return (profile.authorizedLabels.size() > 0); } static bool HasAuthorizedLabelsForResource(bool& granted, const OrthancPlugins::IAuthorizationParser::AccessedResources& accesses, const OrthancPlugins::IAuthorizationService::UserProfile& profile) { granted = false; if (HasAccessToAllLabels(profile)) { granted = true; return true; // we could check labels } // Loop over all the accessed resources to ensure access is // granted to each of them for (OrthancPlugins::IAuthorizationParser::AccessedResources::const_iterator access = accesses.begin(); access != accesses.end(); ++access) { // Ignored the access levels that are unchecked // (cf. "UncheckedLevels" option) if (uncheckedLevels_.find(access->GetLevel()) == uncheckedLevels_.end()) { std::string msg = std::string("Testing whether access to ") + OrthancPlugins::EnumerationToString(access->GetLevel()) + " \"" + access->GetOrthancId() + "\" is allowed wrt Labels for User '" + + "'"; const std::set<std::string>& resourceLabels = access->GetLabels(); std::set<std::string> authorizedResourceLabels; Orthanc::Toolbox::GetIntersection(authorizedResourceLabels, resourceLabels, profile.authorizedLabels); if (authorizedResourceLabels.size() == 0) { LOG(INFO) << msg << " -> not granted, no authorized labels"; granted = false; return true; // we could check labels } else { LOG(INFO) << msg << " -> granted, at least one authorized labels"; granted = true; return true; // we could check labels } } } // This method only checks if a resource is accessible thanks to its labels. If we could not check it, we always return false !! return false; // we could not check labels } static bool CheckAuthorizedLabelsForResource(bool& granted, const std::string& uri, OrthancPluginHttpMethod method, const OrthancPlugins::AssociativeArray& getArguments, const OrthancPlugins::IAuthorizationService::UserProfile& profile) { granted = false; if (HasAccessToAllLabels(profile)) { granted = true; return true; // we could check labels } if (authorizationParser_.get() != NULL && authorizationService_.get() != NULL) { // Parse the resources that are accessed through this URI OrthancPlugins::IAuthorizationParser::AccessedResources accesses; if (!authorizationParser_->Parse(accesses, uri, getArguments.GetMap())) { return false; // Unable to parse this URI, we could not check labels } if (authorizationParser_->IsListOfResources(uri) && method == OrthancPluginHttpMethod_Get) { granted = false; // if a user does not have access to all labels, he can not have access to a list of resources return true; // we could check labels } return HasAuthorizedLabelsForResource(granted, accesses, profile); } // This method only checks if a resource is accessible thanks to its labels. If we could not check it, we always return false !! return false; // we could not check labels } static void GetAuthTokens(std::vector<TokenAndValue>& authTokens, uint32_t headersCount, const char *const *headersKeys, const char *const *headersValues, uint32_t getArgumentsCount, const char *const *getArgumentsKeys, const char *const *getArgumentsValues) // the tokens that are set in this request { // Extract auth tokens from headers and url get arguments //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// OrthancPlugins::AssociativeArray headers(headersCount, headersKeys, headersValues, false); OrthancPlugins::AssociativeArray getArguments(getArgumentsCount, getArgumentsKeys, getArgumentsValues, true); for (std::set<OrthancPlugins::Token>::const_iterator token = tokens_.begin(); token != tokens_.end(); ++token) { std::string value; bool hasValue = false; switch (token->GetType()) { case OrthancPlugins::TokenType_HttpHeader: hasValue = headers.GetValue(value, token->GetKey()); break; case OrthancPlugins::TokenType_GetArgument: hasValue = getArguments.GetValue(value, token->GetKey()); break; default: throw Orthanc::OrthancException(Orthanc::ErrorCode_ParameterOutOfRange); } if (hasValue) { authTokens.push_back(TokenAndValue(*token, value)); } } } static bool IsResourceAccessGranted(const std::vector<TokenAndValue>& authTokens, OrthancPluginHttpMethod method, const OrthancPlugins::AccessedResource& access) { // Ignored the access levels that are unchecked // (cf. "UncheckedLevels" option) if (uncheckedLevels_.find(access.GetLevel()) == uncheckedLevels_.end()) { std::string msg = std::string("Testing whether access to ") + OrthancPlugins::EnumerationToString(access.GetLevel()) + " \"" + access.GetOrthancId() + "\" is allowed with a resource token"; LOG(INFO) << msg; bool granted = false; if (authTokens.empty()) { unsigned int validity; // ignored granted = authorizationService_->IsGrantedToAnonymousUser(validity, method, access); } else { // Loop over all the authorization tokens in the request until finding one that is granted for (size_t i = 0; i < authTokens.size(); ++i) { unsigned int validity; // ignored if (authorizationService_->IsGranted(validity, method, access, authTokens[i].GetToken(), authTokens[i].GetValue())) { granted = true; break; } } } if (!granted) { LOG(INFO) << msg << " -> not granted"; return false; } else { LOG(INFO) << msg << " -> granted"; return true; } } return false; } static int32_t FilterHttpRequests(OrthancPluginHttpMethod method, const char *uri, const char *ip, uint32_t headersCount, const char *const *headersKeys, const char *const *headersValues, uint32_t getArgumentsCount, const char *const *getArgumentsKeys, const char *const *getArgumentsValues) { try { // Allow GET accesses to unchecked resources/folders (usually static resources) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (method == OrthancPluginHttpMethod_Get) { if (uncheckedResources_.find(uri) != uncheckedResources_.end()) { return 1; } for (std::list<std::string>::const_iterator it = uncheckedFolders_.begin(); it != uncheckedFolders_.end(); ++it) { if (Orthanc::Toolbox::StartsWith(uri, *it)) { return 1; } } } std::vector<TokenAndValue> authTokens; // the tokens that are set in this request GetAuthTokens(authTokens, headersCount, headersKeys, headersValues, getArgumentsCount, getArgumentsKeys, getArgumentsValues); OrthancPlugins::AssociativeArray getArguments(getArgumentsCount, getArgumentsKeys, getArgumentsValues, true); // Based on the tokens, check if the user has access based on its permissions and the mapping between urls and permissions //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool hasUserRequiredPermissions = false; if (permissionParser_.get() != NULL && authorizationService_.get() != NULL) { std::set<std::string> requiredPermissions; std::string matchedPattern; if (permissionParser_->Parse(requiredPermissions, matchedPattern, method, uri)) { if (authTokens.empty()) { std::string msg = std::string("Testing whether anonymous user has any of the required permissions '") + JoinStrings(requiredPermissions) + "'"; LOG(INFO) << msg; unsigned int validity; // ignored if (authorizationService_->HasAnonymousUserPermission(validity, requiredPermissions)) { LOG(INFO) << msg << " -> granted"; hasUserRequiredPermissions = true; } else { LOG(INFO) << msg << " -> not granted"; hasUserRequiredPermissions = false; // continue in order to check if there is a resource token that could grant access to the resource } } else { for (size_t i = 0; i < authTokens.size(); ++i) { std::string msg = std::string("Testing whether user has the required permissions '") + JoinStrings(requiredPermissions) + "' based on the HTTP header '" + authTokens[i].GetToken().GetKey() + "' required to match '" + matchedPattern + "'"; // LOG(INFO) << msg; OrthancPlugins::IAuthorizationService::UserProfile profile; unsigned int validityNotUsed; authorizationService_->GetUserProfile(validityNotUsed, profile, authTokens[i].GetToken(), authTokens[i].GetValue()); unsigned int validity; // ignored if (authorizationService_->HasUserPermission(validity, requiredPermissions, profile)) { LOG(INFO) << msg << " -> granted"; hasUserRequiredPermissions = true; // check labels permissions msg = std::string("Testing whether user has the authorized_labels to access '") + uri + "' based on the HTTP header '" + authTokens[i].GetToken().GetKey() + "'"; bool hasAuthorizedLabelsForResource = false; if (CheckAuthorizedLabelsForResource(hasAuthorizedLabelsForResource, uri, method, getArguments, profile)) { if (hasAuthorizedLabelsForResource) { LOG(INFO) << msg << " -> granted"; } else { LOG(INFO) << msg << " -> not granted"; return 0; // the labels for this resource prevents access -> stop checking now ! } } } else { LOG(INFO) << msg << " -> not granted"; hasUserRequiredPermissions = false; } } } } } // no need to check for resource token if the user has access and if the labels checking has not prevented access if (hasUserRequiredPermissions) { return 1; } // If we get till here, it means that we have a resource token -> check that the resource is accessible //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (resourceTokensEnabled_ && authorizationService_.get() != NULL) { // Parse the resources that are accessed through this URI OrthancPlugins::IAuthorizationParser::AccessedResources accesses; if (!authorizationParser_->Parse(accesses, uri, getArguments.GetMap())) { return 0; // Unable to parse this URI } // Loop over all the accessed resources to ensure access is // granted to each of them int checkedResources = 0; int grantedResources = 0; for (OrthancPlugins::IAuthorizationParser::AccessedResources::const_iterator access = accesses.begin(); access != accesses.end(); ++access) { if (uncheckedLevels_.find(access->GetLevel()) == uncheckedLevels_.end()) { checkedResources++; if (IsResourceAccessGranted(authTokens, method, *access)) { grantedResources++; } } } if (checkedResources > 0 && grantedResources == checkedResources) { return 1; } } // By default, forbid access to all the resources return 0; } catch (std::runtime_error& e) { LOG(ERROR) << e.what(); return OrthancPluginErrorCode_Success; // Ignore error } catch (Orthanc::OrthancException& e) { LOG(ERROR) << e.What(); return OrthancPluginErrorCode_Success; // Ignore error } catch (...) { LOG(ERROR) << "Unhandled internal exception"; return OrthancPluginErrorCode_Success; // Ignore error } } #if !ORTHANC_PLUGINS_VERSION_IS_ABOVE(1, 2, 1) static int32_t FilterHttpRequestsFallback(OrthancPluginHttpMethod method, const char *uri, const char *ip, uint32_t headersCount, const char *const *headersKeys, const char *const *headersValues) { // Fallback wrapper function for Orthanc <= 1.2.0, where the GET // arguments were not available in the HTTP filters return FilterHttpRequests(method, uri, ip, headersCount, headersKeys, headersValues, 0, NULL, NULL); } #endif static OrthancPluginErrorCode OnChangeCallback(OrthancPluginChangeType changeType, OrthancPluginResourceType resourceType, const char* resourceId) { try { if (authorizationParser_.get() == NULL) { return OrthancPluginErrorCode_Success; } if (changeType == OrthancPluginChangeType_Deleted) { switch (resourceType) { case OrthancPluginResourceType_Patient: authorizationParser_->Invalidate(Orthanc::ResourceType_Patient, resourceId); break; case OrthancPluginResourceType_Study: authorizationParser_->Invalidate(Orthanc::ResourceType_Study, resourceId); break; case OrthancPluginResourceType_Series: authorizationParser_->Invalidate(Orthanc::ResourceType_Series, resourceId); break; case OrthancPluginResourceType_Instance: authorizationParser_->Invalidate(Orthanc::ResourceType_Instance, resourceId); break; default: break; } } return OrthancPluginErrorCode_Success; } catch (std::runtime_error& e) { LOG(ERROR) << e.what(); return OrthancPluginErrorCode_Success; // Ignore error } catch (Orthanc::OrthancException& e) { LOG(ERROR) << e.What(); return OrthancPluginErrorCode_Success; // Ignore error } catch (...) { LOG(ERROR) << "Unhandled internal exception"; return OrthancPluginErrorCode_Success; // Ignore error } } bool GetUserProfileInternal(OrthancPlugins::IAuthorizationService::UserProfile& profile, const OrthancPluginHttpRequest* request) { OrthancPlugins::AssociativeArray headers (request->headersCount, request->headersKeys, request->headersValues, false); OrthancPlugins::AssociativeArray getArguments (request->getCount, request->getKeys, request->getValues, true); // Loop over all the authorization tokens stored in the HTTP // headers, until finding one that is granted for (std::set<OrthancPlugins::Token>::const_iterator token = tokens_.begin(); token != tokens_.end(); ++token) { OrthancPlugins::IAuthorizationService::UserProfile tryProfile; std::string value; bool hasValue = false; switch (token->GetType()) { case OrthancPlugins::TokenType_HttpHeader: hasValue = headers.GetValue(value, token->GetKey()); break; case OrthancPlugins::TokenType_GetArgument: hasValue = getArguments.GetValue(value, token->GetKey()); break; default: throw Orthanc::OrthancException(Orthanc::ErrorCode_ParameterOutOfRange); } if (hasValue) { unsigned int validity; // not used if (authorizationService_->GetUserProfile(validity, tryProfile, *token, value)) { profile = tryProfile; return true; } } } return false; } void AdjustToolsFindQueryLabels(Json::Value& query, const OrthancPlugins::IAuthorizationService::UserProfile& profile) { std::set<std::string> labelsToFind; std::string labelsConstraint = "Invalid"; if (query.isMember("Labels") && query.isMember("LabelsConstraint")) { Orthanc::SerializationToolbox::ReadSetOfStrings(labelsToFind, query, "Labels"); labelsConstraint = Orthanc::SerializationToolbox::ReadString(query, "LabelsConstraint"); } else if (query.isMember("Labels") || query.isMember("LabelsConstraint")) { throw Orthanc::OrthancException(Orthanc::ErrorCode_ForbiddenAccess, "Auth plugin: unable to transform tools/find query, both 'Labels' and 'LabelsConstraint' must be defined together if one of them is defined."); } if (!HasAccessToSomeLabels(profile)) { throw Orthanc::OrthancException(Orthanc::ErrorCode_ForbiddenAccess, "Auth plugin: unable to call tools/find when the user does not have access to any labels."); } else if (profile.authorizedLabels.size() > 0) { // if the user has access to all labels: no need to transform the tools/find body, we keep it as is if (!HasAccessToAllLabels(profile)) { // the user does not have access to all labels -> transform the tools/find body if (labelsToFind.size() == 0) { if (profile.authorizedLabels.size() > 0) { query.removeMember("Labels"); Orthanc::SerializationToolbox::WriteSetOfStrings(query, profile.authorizedLabels, "Labels"); query["LabelsConstraint"] = "Any"; } } else if (labelsConstraint == "All") { if (profile.authorizedLabels.size() > 0) { if (!Orthanc::Toolbox::IsSetInSet(labelsToFind, profile.authorizedLabels)) { throw Orthanc::OrthancException(Orthanc::ErrorCode_ForbiddenAccess, "Auth plugin: unable to transform tools/find query with 'All' labels constraint when the user does not have access to all listed labels."); } } } else if (labelsConstraint == "Any") { if (profile.authorizedLabels.size() > 0) { std::set<std::string> newLabelsToFind; Orthanc::Toolbox::GetIntersection(newLabelsToFind, labelsToFind, profile.authorizedLabels); if (newLabelsToFind.size() == 0) { throw Orthanc::OrthancException(Orthanc::ErrorCode_ForbiddenAccess, "Auth plugin: unable to transform tools/find query with 'All' labels constraint when none of the labels to find is authorized for the user."); } query.removeMember("Labels"); Orthanc::SerializationToolbox::WriteSetOfStrings(query, newLabelsToFind, "Labels"); } } else if (labelsConstraint == "None") { if (profile.authorizedLabels.size() > 0) { throw Orthanc::OrthancException(Orthanc::ErrorCode_ForbiddenAccess, "Auth plugin: unable to transform tools/find query with 'None' labels constraint when the user only has authorized_labels."); } } } } } bool GetStudyInstanceUIDFromQuery(std::string& studyInstanceUID, const Json::Value& body) { if (!body.isMember("Query")) { return false; } if (body["Query"].isMember("StudyInstanceUID")) { studyInstanceUID = body["Query"]["StudyInstanceUID"].asString(); } else if (body["Query"].isMember("0020,000d")) { studyInstanceUID = body["Query"]["0020,000d"].asString(); } else if (body["Query"].isMember("0020,000D")) { studyInstanceUID = body["Query"]["0020,000D"].asString(); } else if (body["Query"].isMember("0020000D")) { studyInstanceUID = body["Query"]["0020000D"].asString(); } else { return false; } return true; } void GetStudyOrthancIdFromStudyInstanceUID(std::vector<std::string>& studyOrthancIds, const std::string& studyInstanceUID) { studyOrthancIds.clear(); Json::Value response; if (OrthancPlugins::RestApiPost(response, "/tools/lookup", studyInstanceUID, false)) { for (Json::ArrayIndex i = 0; i < response.size(); ++i) { if (response[i]["Type"] == "Study") { studyOrthancIds.push_back(response[i]["ID"].asString()); } } } } void ToolsFindOrCountResources(OrthancPluginRestOutput* output, const char* /*url*/, const OrthancPluginHttpRequest* request, const char* nativeUrl) { OrthancPluginContext* context = OrthancPlugins::GetGlobalContext(); try { if (request->method != OrthancPluginHttpMethod_Post) { OrthancPluginSendMethodNotAllowed(context, output, "POST"); } else { // The filtering to this route is performed by this plugin as it is done for any other route before we get here. Json::Value query; if (!OrthancPlugins::ReadJson(query, request->body, request->bodySize)) { throw Orthanc::OrthancException(Orthanc::ErrorCode_BadFileFormat, "A JSON payload was expected"); } // If the logged in user has restrictions on the labels he can access, modify the tools/find payload before reposting it to Orthanc OrthancPlugins::IAuthorizationService::UserProfile profile; if (GetUserProfileInternal(profile, request) && HasAccessToSomeLabels(profile)) { Orthanc::ResourceType queryLevel = Orthanc::StringToResourceType(query["Level"].asString().c_str()); if (queryLevel == Orthanc::ResourceType_Study) { AdjustToolsFindQueryLabels(query, profile); } else if (queryLevel == Orthanc::ResourceType_Patient && !HasAccessToAllLabels(profile)) { throw Orthanc::OrthancException(Orthanc::ErrorCode_ForbiddenAccess, "Auth plugin: unable to call tools/find at Patient level when the user does not have access to ALL labels."); } else if (queryLevel == Orthanc::ResourceType_Series || queryLevel == Orthanc::ResourceType_Instance) { std::string studyInstanceUID; if (!HasAccessToAllLabels(profile)) // no need to adjust anything if the user has access to all labels { if (!GetStudyInstanceUIDFromQuery(studyInstanceUID, query)) { throw Orthanc::OrthancException(Orthanc::ErrorCode_ForbiddenAccess, "Auth plugin: unable to call tools/find at Series or Instance level when the user does not have access to ALL labels or when there is no StudyInstanceUID in the query."); } // since this is a series/instance find, make sure the user has access to the parent study std::vector<std::string> studyOrthancIds; GetStudyOrthancIdFromStudyInstanceUID(studyOrthancIds, studyInstanceUID); if (studyOrthancIds.size() != 1) { throw Orthanc::OrthancException(Orthanc::ErrorCode_ForbiddenAccess, "Auth plugin: when using tools/find at Series or Instance level, unable to get the orthanc ID of StudyInstanceUID specified in the query. Found " + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(studyOrthancIds.size()) + " orthanc studies with this StudyInstanceUID"); } bool granted = false; OrthancPlugins::IAuthorizationParser::AccessedResources accessedResources; authorizationParser_->AddDicomStudy(accessedResources, studyInstanceUID); if (!HasAuthorizedLabelsForResource(granted, accessedResources, profile)) { throw Orthanc::OrthancException(Orthanc::ErrorCode_ForbiddenAccess, "Auth plugin: when using tools/find at Series or Instance level, unable to check resource access based on the authorized_labels."); } if (!granted) { throw Orthanc::OrthancException(Orthanc::ErrorCode_ForbiddenAccess, "Auth plugin: when using tools/find at Series or Instance level, the user shall have access to the parent study."); } } } } else // anonymous user profile or resource token { std::string studyInstanceUID; // If anonymous user profile, it might be a resource token e.g accessing /dicom-web/studies/.../metadata // -> extract the StudyInstanceUID from the query and send the token for validation to the auth-service // If there is no StudyInstanceUID, then, return a 403 because we don't know what resource it relates to if (!GetStudyInstanceUIDFromQuery(studyInstanceUID, query)) { throw Orthanc::OrthancException(Orthanc::ErrorCode_ForbiddenAccess, "Auth plugin: unable to call tools/find when the user does not have access to any labels and if there is no StudyInstanceUID in the query."); } std::vector<std::string> studyOrthancIds; GetStudyOrthancIdFromStudyInstanceUID(studyOrthancIds, studyInstanceUID); if (studyOrthancIds.size() != 1) { throw Orthanc::OrthancException(Orthanc::ErrorCode_ForbiddenAccess, "Auth plugin: when using tools/find with a resource token, unable to get the orthanc ID of StudyInstanceUID specified in the query. Found " + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(studyOrthancIds.size()) + " orthanc studies with this StudyInstanceUID"); } std::vector<TokenAndValue> authTokens; // the tokens that are set in this request GetAuthTokens(authTokens, request->headersCount, request->headersKeys, request->headersValues, request->getCount, request->getKeys, request->getValues); std::set<std::string> labels; OrthancPlugins::AccessedResource accessedResource(Orthanc::ResourceType_Study, studyOrthancIds[0], studyInstanceUID, labels); if (!IsResourceAccessGranted(authTokens, request->method, accessedResource)) { throw Orthanc::OrthancException(Orthanc::ErrorCode_ForbiddenAccess, "Auth plugin: when using tools/find with a resource token, the resource must grant access to the StudyInstanceUID specified in the query."); } } Json::Value result; if (OrthancPlugins::RestApiPost(result, nativeUrl, query, false)) { OrthancPlugins::AnswerJson(result, output); } } } catch(const Orthanc::OrthancException& e) { // this error is not yet supported in Orthanc 1.12.1 if (e.GetErrorCode() == Orthanc::ErrorCode_ForbiddenAccess && !OrthancPlugins::CheckMinimalOrthancVersion(1, 12, 2)) { SendForbiddenError(e.GetDetails(), output); } else { throw; } } } void ToolsFind(OrthancPluginRestOutput* output, const char* url, const OrthancPluginHttpRequest* request) { ToolsFindOrCountResources(output, url, request, "/tools/find"); } void ToolsCountResources(OrthancPluginRestOutput* output, const char* url, const OrthancPluginHttpRequest* request) { ToolsFindOrCountResources(output, url, request, "/tools/count-resources"); } void ToolsLabels(OrthancPluginRestOutput* output, const char* /*url*/, const OrthancPluginHttpRequest* request) { OrthancPluginContext* context = OrthancPlugins::GetGlobalContext(); try { if (request->method != OrthancPluginHttpMethod_Get) { OrthancPluginSendMethodNotAllowed(context, output, "GET"); } else { // The filtering to this route is performed by this plugin as it is done for any other route before we get here. // If the logged in user has restrictions on the labels he can access, modify the tools/labels response before answering OrthancPlugins::IAuthorizationService::UserProfile profile; if (GetUserProfileInternal(profile, request)) { if (!HasAccessToSomeLabels(profile)) { Json::Value emptyLabels; OrthancPlugins::AnswerJson(emptyLabels, output); return; } Json::Value jsonLabels; if (OrthancPlugins::RestApiGet(jsonLabels, "/tools/labels", false)) { std::set<std::string> allLabels; Orthanc::SerializationToolbox::ReadSetOfStrings(allLabels, jsonLabels); if (!HasAccessToAllLabels(profile)) { std::set<std::string> authorizedLabels; Orthanc::Toolbox::GetIntersection(authorizedLabels, allLabels, profile.authorizedLabels); Orthanc::SerializationToolbox::WriteSetOfStrings(jsonLabels, authorizedLabels); } OrthancPlugins::AnswerJson(jsonLabels, output); } } else { throw Orthanc::OrthancException(Orthanc::ErrorCode_ForbiddenAccess, "Auth plugin: no user profile found, access to tools/labels is forbidden."); } } } catch(const Orthanc::OrthancException& e) { // this error is not yet supported in Orthanc 1.12.1 if (e.GetErrorCode() == Orthanc::ErrorCode_ForbiddenAccess && !OrthancPlugins::CheckMinimalOrthancVersion(1, 12, 2)) { SendForbiddenError(e.GetDetails(), output); } else { throw; } } } void CreateToken(OrthancPluginRestOutput* output, const char* /*url*/, const OrthancPluginHttpRequest* request) { OrthancPluginContext* context = OrthancPlugins::GetGlobalContext(); if (request->method != OrthancPluginHttpMethod_Put) { OrthancPluginSendMethodNotAllowed(context, output, "PUT"); } else { // The filtering to this route is performed by this plugin as it is done for any other route before we get here. // Since the route contains the tokenType, we can allow/forbid creating them based on the url // simply forward the request to the auth-service std::string tokenType; if (request->groupsCount == 1) { tokenType = request->groups[0]; } else { throw Orthanc::OrthancException(Orthanc::ErrorCode_InternalError); } // convert from Orthanc flavored API to WebService API Json::Value body; if (!OrthancPlugins::ReadJson(body, request->body, request->bodySize)) { throw Orthanc::OrthancException(Orthanc::ErrorCode_BadFileFormat, "A JSON payload was expected"); } std::string id; std::vector<OrthancPlugins::IAuthorizationService::OrthancResource> resources; std::string expirationDateString; uint64_t validityDuration; if (body.isMember("ID")) { id = body["ID"].asString(); } for (Json::ArrayIndex i = 0; i < body["Resources"].size(); ++i) { const Json::Value& jsonResource = body["Resources"][i]; OrthancPlugins::IAuthorizationService::OrthancResource resource; if (jsonResource.isMember("DicomUid")) { resource.dicomUid = jsonResource["DicomUid"].asString(); } if (jsonResource.isMember("OrthancId")) { resource.orthancId = jsonResource["OrthancId"].asString(); } if (jsonResource.isMember("Url")) { resource.url = jsonResource["Url"].asString(); } resource.level = jsonResource["Level"].asString(); resources.push_back(resource); } if (body.isMember("ExpirationDate")) { expirationDateString = body["ExpirationDate"].asString(); } if (body.isMember("ValidityDuration")) { validityDuration = body["ValidityDuration"].asUInt64(); } OrthancPlugins::IAuthorizationService::CreatedToken createdToken; if (authorizationService_->CreateToken(createdToken, tokenType, id, resources, expirationDateString, validityDuration)) { Json::Value createdJsonToken; createdJsonToken["Token"] = createdToken.token; if (!createdToken.url.empty()) { createdJsonToken["Url"] = createdToken.url; } else { createdJsonToken["Url"] = Json::nullValue; } OrthancPlugins::AnswerJson(createdJsonToken, output); } } } void DecodeToken(OrthancPluginRestOutput* output, const char* /*url*/, const OrthancPluginHttpRequest* request) { OrthancPluginContext* context = OrthancPlugins::GetGlobalContext(); if (request->method != OrthancPluginHttpMethod_Post) { OrthancPluginSendMethodNotAllowed(context, output, "POST"); } else { // convert from Orthanc flavored API to WebService API Json::Value body; if (!OrthancPlugins::ReadJson(body, request->body, request->bodySize)) { throw Orthanc::OrthancException(Orthanc::ErrorCode_BadFileFormat, "A JSON payload was expected"); } OrthancPlugins::IAuthorizationService::DecodedToken decodedToken; if (authorizationService_->DecodeToken(decodedToken, body["TokenKey"].asString(), body["TokenValue"].asString())) { Json::Value decodedJsonToken; if (!decodedToken.redirectUrl.empty()) { decodedJsonToken["RedirectUrl"] = decodedToken.redirectUrl; } if (!decodedToken.errorCode.empty()) { decodedJsonToken["ErrorCode"] = decodedToken.errorCode; } if (!decodedToken.tokenType.empty()) { decodedJsonToken["TokenType"] = decodedToken.tokenType; } OrthancPlugins::AnswerJson(decodedJsonToken, output); } } } void GetUserProfile(OrthancPluginRestOutput* output, const char* /*url*/, const OrthancPluginHttpRequest* request) { OrthancPluginContext* context = OrthancPlugins::GetGlobalContext(); if (request->method != OrthancPluginHttpMethod_Get) { OrthancPluginSendMethodNotAllowed(context, output, "GET"); } else { OrthancPlugins::IAuthorizationService::UserProfile profile; if (GetUserProfileInternal(profile, request)) { Json::Value jsonProfile; jsonProfile["name"] =; jsonProfile["permissions"] = Json::arrayValue; for (std::set<std::string>::const_iterator it = profile.permissions.begin(); it != profile.permissions.end(); ++it) { jsonProfile["permissions"].append(*it); } for (std::set<std::string>::const_iterator it = profile.authorizedLabels.begin(); it != profile.authorizedLabels.end(); ++it) { jsonProfile["authorized-labels"].append(*it); } OrthancPlugins::AnswerJson(jsonProfile, output); } } } void AuthSettingsRoles(OrthancPluginRestOutput* output, const char* /*url*/, const OrthancPluginHttpRequest* request) { OrthancPluginContext* context = OrthancPlugins::GetGlobalContext(); if (authorizationService_.get() == NULL) // this is not suppposed to happen { OrthancPlugins::AnswerHttpError(404, output); return; } if (request->method == OrthancPluginHttpMethod_Get) { Json::Value roles; if (!authorizationService_->GetSettingsRoles(roles)) { LOG(WARNING) << "Could not retrieve roles from the auth-service. The auth-service might not provide this feature or is not configured correctly."; } OrthancPlugins::AnswerJson(roles, output); } else if (request->method == OrthancPluginHttpMethod_Put) { Json::Value roles; Json::Value response; if (!OrthancPlugins::ReadJson(roles, request->body, request->bodySize)) { throw Orthanc::OrthancException(Orthanc::ErrorCode_BadFileFormat, "A JSON payload was expected"); } if (!authorizationService_->UpdateSettingsRoles(response, roles)) { throw Orthanc::OrthancException(Orthanc::ErrorCode_InternalError, "Could not update roles in the auth-service", true); } OrthancPlugins::AnswerJson(response, output); } else { OrthancPluginSendMethodNotAllowed(context, output, "GET,PUT"); } } void GetPermissionList(OrthancPluginRestOutput* output, const char* /*url*/, const OrthancPluginHttpRequest* request) { OrthancPluginContext* context = OrthancPlugins::GetGlobalContext(); if (request->method != OrthancPluginHttpMethod_Get) { OrthancPluginSendMethodNotAllowed(context, output, "GET"); } else { std::set<std::string> permissionsList = permissionParser_->GetPermissionsList(); Json::Value response = Json::arrayValue; Orthanc::SerializationToolbox::WriteSetOfStrings(response, permissionsList); OrthancPlugins::AnswerJson(response, output); } } void MergeJson(Json::Value &a, const Json::Value &b) { if (!a.isObject() || !b.isObject()) { return; } Json::Value::Members members = b.getMemberNames(); for (size_t i = 0; i < members.size(); i++) { std::string key = members[i]; if (!a[key].isNull() && a[key].type() == Json::objectValue && b[key].type() == Json::objectValue) { MergeJson(a[key], b[key]); } else { a[key] = b[key]; } } } extern "C" { ORTHANC_PLUGINS_API int32_t OrthancPluginInitialize(OrthancPluginContext* context) { OrthancPlugins::SetGlobalContext(context); OrthancPluginLogWarning(context, "Initializing the authorization plugin"); /* Check the version of the Orthanc core */ if (OrthancPluginCheckVersion(context) == 0) { OrthancPlugins::ReportMinimalOrthancVersion(ORTHANC_PLUGINS_MINIMAL_MAJOR_NUMBER, ORTHANC_PLUGINS_MINIMAL_MINOR_NUMBER, ORTHANC_PLUGINS_MINIMAL_REVISION_NUMBER); return -1; } #if ORTHANC_FRAMEWORK_VERSION_IS_ABOVE(1, 12, 4) Orthanc::Logging::InitializePluginContext(context, ORTHANC_PLUGIN_NAME); #elif ORTHANC_FRAMEWORK_VERSION_IS_ABOVE(1, 7, 2) Orthanc::Logging::InitializePluginContext(context); #else Orthanc::Logging::Initialize(context); #endif OrthancPlugins::SetDescription(ORTHANC_PLUGIN_NAME, "Advanced authorization plugin for Orthanc."); try { static const char* const PLUGIN_SECTION = "Authorization"; OrthancPlugins::OrthancConfiguration orthancFullConfiguration; // read default configuration std::string defaultConfigurationFileContent; Orthanc::EmbeddedResources::GetFileResource(defaultConfigurationFileContent, Orthanc::EmbeddedResources::DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION); Json::Value pluginJsonDefaultConfiguration; OrthancPlugins::ReadJsonWithoutComments(pluginJsonDefaultConfiguration, defaultConfigurationFileContent); Json::Value pluginJsonConfiguration = pluginJsonDefaultConfiguration[PLUGIN_SECTION]; OrthancPlugins::OrthancConfiguration pluginProvidedConfiguration; if (orthancFullConfiguration.IsSection(PLUGIN_SECTION)) { // get the configuration provided by the user orthancFullConfiguration.GetSection(pluginProvidedConfiguration, PLUGIN_SECTION); // merge it with the default configuration. This is a way to apply the all default values in a single step MergeJson(pluginJsonConfiguration, pluginProvidedConfiguration.GetJson()); // recreate a OrthancConfiguration object from the merged configuration OrthancPlugins::OrthancConfiguration pluginConfiguration(pluginJsonConfiguration, PLUGIN_SECTION); // TODO - The size of the caches is set to 10,000 items. Maybe add a configuration option? OrthancPlugins::MemoryCache::Factory factory(10000); std::string dicomWebRoot = "/dicom-web/"; std::string oe2Root = "/ui/"; bool hasBasicAuthEnabled = orthancFullConfiguration.GetBooleanValue("AuthenticationEnabled", "true"); if (orthancFullConfiguration.IsSection("DicomWeb")) { OrthancPlugins::OrthancConfiguration dicomWeb; dicomWeb.GetSection(orthancFullConfiguration, "DicomWeb"); dicomWebRoot = dicomWeb.GetStringValue("Root", "/dicom-web/"); } if (orthancFullConfiguration.IsSection("OrthancExplorer2")) { OrthancPlugins::OrthancConfiguration oe2; oe2.GetSection(orthancFullConfiguration, "OrthancExplorer2"); oe2Root = oe2.GetStringValue("Root", "/ui/"); } std::list<std::string> tmp; pluginConfiguration.LookupListOfStrings(tmp, "TokenHttpHeaders", true); for (std::list<std::string>::const_iterator it = tmp.begin(); it != tmp.end(); ++it) { tokens_.insert(OrthancPlugins::Token(OrthancPlugins::TokenType_HttpHeader, *it)); } pluginConfiguration.LookupListOfStrings(tmp, "TokenGetArguments", true); #if ORTHANC_PLUGINS_VERSION_IS_ABOVE(1, 3, 0) for (std::list<std::string>::const_iterator it = tmp.begin(); it != tmp.end(); ++it) { tokens_.insert(OrthancPlugins::Token(OrthancPlugins::TokenType_GetArgument, *it)); } #else if (!tmp.empty()) { throw Orthanc::OrthancException( Orthanc::ErrorCode_Plugin, "The option \"TokenGetArguments\" of the authorization plugin " "is only valid if compiled against Orthanc >= 1.3.0" } #endif pluginConfiguration.LookupSetOfStrings(uncheckedResources_, "UncheckedResources", false); pluginConfiguration.LookupListOfStrings(uncheckedFolders_, "UncheckedFolders", false); std::string urlTokenDecoder; std::string urlTokenValidation; std::string urlTokenCreationBase; std::string urlUserProfile; std::string urlSettingsRole; std::string urlRoot; static const char* const WEB_SERVICE_ROOT = "WebServiceRootUrl"; if (pluginConfiguration.LookupStringValue(urlRoot, WEB_SERVICE_ROOT)) { urlTokenDecoder = Orthanc::Toolbox::JoinUri(urlRoot, "/tokens/decode"); urlTokenValidation = Orthanc::Toolbox::JoinUri(urlRoot, "/tokens/validate"); urlTokenCreationBase = Orthanc::Toolbox::JoinUri(urlRoot, "/tokens/"); urlUserProfile = Orthanc::Toolbox::JoinUri(urlRoot, "/user/get-profile"); urlSettingsRole = Orthanc::Toolbox::JoinUri(urlRoot, "/settings/roles"); } else { static const char* const WEB_SERVICE_TOKEN_DECODER = "WebServiceTokenDecoderUrl"; static const char* const WEB_SERVICE_TOKEN_VALIDATION = "WebServiceTokenValidationUrl"; static const char* const WEB_SERVICE_TOKEN_CREATION_BASE = "WebServiceTokenCreationBaseUrl"; static const char* const WEB_SERVICE_USER_PROFILE = "WebServiceUserProfileUrl"; static const char* const WEB_SERVICE_SETTINGS_ROLES = "WebServiceSettingsRolesUrl"; static const char* const WEB_SERVICE_TOKEN_VALIDATION_LEGACY = "WebService"; pluginConfiguration.LookupStringValue(urlTokenValidation, WEB_SERVICE_TOKEN_VALIDATION); pluginConfiguration.LookupStringValue(urlTokenDecoder, WEB_SERVICE_TOKEN_DECODER); if (urlTokenValidation.empty()) { pluginConfiguration.LookupStringValue(urlTokenValidation, WEB_SERVICE_TOKEN_VALIDATION_LEGACY); } pluginConfiguration.LookupStringValue(urlTokenCreationBase, WEB_SERVICE_TOKEN_CREATION_BASE); pluginConfiguration.LookupStringValue(urlUserProfile, WEB_SERVICE_USER_PROFILE); pluginConfiguration.LookupStringValue(urlSettingsRole, WEB_SERVICE_SETTINGS_ROLES); } authorizationParser_.reset(new OrthancPlugins::DefaultAuthorizationParser(factory, dicomWebRoot)); if (!urlTokenValidation.empty()) { LOG(WARNING) << "Authorization plugin: url defined for Token Validation: " << urlTokenValidation << ", resource tokens validation is enabled"; resourceTokensEnabled_ = true; } else { LOG(WARNING) << "Authorization plugin: no url defined for Token Validation, resource tokens validation is disabled"; resourceTokensEnabled_ = false; } if (!urlUserProfile.empty()) { LOG(WARNING) << "Authorization plugin: url defined for User Profile: " << urlUserProfile << ", user tokens validation is enabled"; userTokensEnabled_ = true; static const char* const PERMISSIONS = "Permissions"; if (!pluginConfiguration.GetJson().isMember(PERMISSIONS)) { throw Orthanc::OrthancException(Orthanc::ErrorCode_BadFileFormat, "Authorization plugin: Missing required \"" + std::string(PERMISSIONS) + "\" option since you have defined the \"" + std::string(WEB_SERVICE_ROOT) + "\" option"); } permissionParser_.reset (new OrthancPlugins::PermissionParser(dicomWebRoot, oe2Root)); permissionParser_->Add(pluginConfiguration.GetJson()[PERMISSIONS], authorizationParser_.get()); } else { LOG(WARNING) << "Authorization plugin: no url defined for User Profile" << ", user tokens validation is disabled"; userTokensEnabled_ = false; } if (!urlTokenCreationBase.empty()) { LOG(WARNING) << "Authorization plugin: base url defined for Token Creation : " << urlTokenCreationBase; } else { LOG(WARNING) << "Authorization plugin: no base url defined for Token Creation"; } if (!urlSettingsRole.empty()) { LOG(WARNING) << "Authorization plugin: settings-roles url defined : " << urlSettingsRole; } else { LOG(WARNING) << "Authorization plugin: no settings-roles url defined"; } if (!resourceTokensEnabled_ && permissionParser_.get() == NULL) { if (hasBasicAuthEnabled) { LOG(WARNING) << "Authorization plugin: No Token Validation or User Profile url defined -> will only be able to generate tokens. All API routes are accessible to all registered users."; } else { LOG(WARNING) << "Authorization plugin: ----------- insecure setup ---------- No Token Validation or User Profile url defined -> will only be able to generate tokens. Authentication is not enabled -> anyone will have access to all API routes."; } } std::set<std::string> standardConfigurations; if (pluginConfiguration.LookupSetOfStrings(standardConfigurations, "StandardConfigurations", false)) { if (standardConfigurations.find("osimis-web-viewer") != standardConfigurations.end()) { uncheckedFolders_.push_back("/osimis-viewer/app/"); uncheckedFolders_.push_back("/osimis-viewer/languages/"); uncheckedResources_.insert("/osimis-viewer/config.js"); tokens_.insert(OrthancPlugins::Token(OrthancPlugins::TokenType_HttpHeader, "token")); tokens_.insert(OrthancPlugins::Token(OrthancPlugins::TokenType_GetArgument, "token")); // for download links in Webviewer } if (standardConfigurations.find("stone-webviewer") != standardConfigurations.end()) { uncheckedFolders_.push_back("/stone-webviewer/"); uncheckedResources_.insert("/system"); // for Stone to check that Orthanc is the server providing the data tokens_.insert(OrthancPlugins::Token(OrthancPlugins::TokenType_HttpHeader, "Authorization")); } if (standardConfigurations.find("orthanc-explorer-2") != standardConfigurations.end()) { uncheckedFolders_.push_back("/ui/app/"); uncheckedFolders_.push_back("/ui/landing/"); uncheckedResources_.insert("/"); // for the redirect to /ui/app/ uncheckedResources_.insert("/ui/api/pre-login-configuration"); // for the UI to know, i.e. if Keycloak is enabled or not uncheckedResources_.insert("/ui/api/configuration"); uncheckedResources_.insert("/auth/user/profile"); tokens_.insert(OrthancPlugins::Token(OrthancPlugins::TokenType_HttpHeader, "Authorization")); // for basic-auth tokens_.insert(OrthancPlugins::Token(OrthancPlugins::TokenType_HttpHeader, "token")); // for keycloak tokens_.insert(OrthancPlugins::Token(OrthancPlugins::TokenType_GetArgument, "token")); // for download links in OE2 } if (standardConfigurations.find("ohif") != standardConfigurations.end()) { uncheckedFolders_.push_back("/ohif/"); tokens_.insert(OrthancPlugins::Token(OrthancPlugins::TokenType_HttpHeader, "Authorization")); } if (standardConfigurations.find("volview") != standardConfigurations.end()) { uncheckedFolders_.push_back("/volview/"); tokens_.insert(OrthancPlugins::Token(OrthancPlugins::TokenType_HttpHeader, "Authorization")); } } std::string checkedLevelString; if (pluginConfiguration.LookupStringValue(checkedLevelString, "CheckedLevel")) { OrthancPlugins::AccessLevel checkedLevel = OrthancPlugins::StringToAccessLevel(checkedLevelString); if (checkedLevel == OrthancPlugins::AccessLevel_Instance) { uncheckedLevels_.insert(OrthancPlugins::AccessLevel_System); uncheckedLevels_.insert(OrthancPlugins::AccessLevel_Patient); uncheckedLevels_.insert(OrthancPlugins::AccessLevel_Study); uncheckedLevels_.insert(OrthancPlugins::AccessLevel_Series); } else if (checkedLevel == OrthancPlugins::AccessLevel_Series) { uncheckedLevels_.insert(OrthancPlugins::AccessLevel_System); uncheckedLevels_.insert(OrthancPlugins::AccessLevel_Patient); uncheckedLevels_.insert(OrthancPlugins::AccessLevel_Study); uncheckedLevels_.insert(OrthancPlugins::AccessLevel_Instance); } else if (checkedLevel == OrthancPlugins::AccessLevel_Study) { uncheckedLevels_.insert(OrthancPlugins::AccessLevel_System); uncheckedLevels_.insert(OrthancPlugins::AccessLevel_Patient); uncheckedLevels_.insert(OrthancPlugins::AccessLevel_Series); uncheckedLevels_.insert(OrthancPlugins::AccessLevel_Instance); } else if (checkedLevel == OrthancPlugins::AccessLevel_Patient) { uncheckedLevels_.insert(OrthancPlugins::AccessLevel_System); uncheckedLevels_.insert(OrthancPlugins::AccessLevel_Study); uncheckedLevels_.insert(OrthancPlugins::AccessLevel_Series); uncheckedLevels_.insert(OrthancPlugins::AccessLevel_Instance); } } if (pluginConfiguration.LookupListOfStrings(tmp, "UncheckedLevels", false)) { if (uncheckedLevels_.size() == 0) { for (std::list<std::string>::const_iterator it = tmp.begin(); it != tmp.end(); ++it) { uncheckedLevels_.insert(OrthancPlugins::StringToAccessLevel(*it)); } } else { LOG(ERROR) << "Authorization plugin: you may only provide one of 'CheckedLevel' or 'UncheckedLevels' configurations"; return -1; } } std::unique_ptr<OrthancPlugins::AuthorizationWebService> webService(new OrthancPlugins::AuthorizationWebService(urlTokenValidation, urlTokenCreationBase, urlUserProfile, urlTokenDecoder, urlSettingsRole)); std::string webServiceIdentifier; if (pluginConfiguration.LookupStringValue(webServiceIdentifier, "WebServiceIdentifier")) { webService->SetIdentifier(webServiceIdentifier); } std::string webServiceUsername; std::string webServicePassword; if (pluginConfiguration.LookupStringValue(webServiceUsername, "WebServiceUsername") && pluginConfiguration.LookupStringValue(webServicePassword, "WebServicePassword")) { webService->SetCredentials(webServiceUsername, webServicePassword); } authorizationService_.reset (new OrthancPlugins::CachedAuthorizationService (webService.release(), factory)); if (!urlTokenValidation.empty()) { OrthancPluginRegisterOnChangeCallback(context, OnChangeCallback); } if (!urlTokenDecoder.empty()) { OrthancPlugins::RegisterRestCallback<DecodeToken>("/auth/tokens/decode", true); } if (!urlUserProfile.empty()) { OrthancPlugins::RegisterRestCallback<GetUserProfile>("/auth/user/profile", true); OrthancPlugins::RegisterRestCallback<ToolsFind>("/tools/find", true); OrthancPlugins::RegisterRestCallback<ToolsCountResources>("/tools/count-resources", true); OrthancPlugins::RegisterRestCallback<ToolsLabels>("/tools/labels", true); OrthancPlugins::RegisterRestCallback<AuthSettingsRoles>("/auth/settings/roles", true); OrthancPlugins::RegisterRestCallback<GetPermissionList>("/auth/settings/permissions", true); } if (!urlTokenCreationBase.empty()) { OrthancPlugins::RegisterRestCallback<CreateToken>("/auth/tokens/(.*)", true); } if (resourceTokensEnabled_ || userTokensEnabled_) { // Disabled because of this: // if (hasBasicAuthEnabled) // { // throw Orthanc::OrthancException(Orthanc::ErrorCode_BadFileFormat, "Authorization plugin: you are using the plugin to grant access to resources or handle user permissions. This is not compatible with \"AuthenticationEnabled\" = true"); // } LOG(WARNING) << "Authorization plugin: Registering Incoming HTTP Request Filter"; #if ORTHANC_PLUGINS_VERSION_IS_ABOVE(1, 2, 1) OrthancPluginRegisterIncomingHttpRequestFilter2(context, FilterHttpRequests); #else OrthancPluginRegisterIncomingHttpRequestFilter(context, FilterHttpRequestsFallback); #endif } } else { LOG(WARNING) << "No section \"" << PLUGIN_SECTION << "\" in the configuration file, " << "the authorization plugin is disabled"; } } catch (Orthanc::OrthancException& e) { LOG(ERROR) << e.What(); return -1; } return 0; } ORTHANC_PLUGINS_API void OrthancPluginFinalize() { authorizationParser_.reset(NULL); } ORTHANC_PLUGINS_API const char* OrthancPluginGetName() { return ORTHANC_PLUGIN_NAME; } ORTHANC_PLUGINS_API const char* OrthancPluginGetVersion() { return ORTHANC_PLUGIN_VERSION; } }