Unanswered topics on Orthanc's Discourse

This list contains the topics for which no final answer from an official member of the Orthanc project is available yet, and that is not considered as resolved. This list is used by the core developers of Orthanc to guide their support efforts.

If you consider that some Discourse topic that is not part of this list deserves additional support, just post a new "ping" answer to the topic on Discourse.

Updated at: 2024-12-26T22:18:30.110998

Identifier (to tag as resolved) Last user Last date Title
(5425, 20482) sdscotti 2024-12-25 Orthanc 1.12.5 + PostgreSQL 7.0 + OE2 1.7.0 & other plugins
(5428, 20481) olivert 2024-12-24 Importing studies via Python uses local storage instead of S3
(5426, 20480) Lorenzo 2024-12-23 Sending DICOM via DicomWeb doesn't work
(5406, 20477) oshouip 2024-12-20 Build an online consultancy PACS server?
(5423, 20474) olivert 2024-12-20 Orthanc crashes when reading from AWS S3
(5403, 20471) olivert 2024-12-20 Housekeeper and storage
(5419, 20455) Lorenzo 2024-12-18 Old OHIF Version in current Orthanc docker image
(5415, 20445) TReniers 2024-12-16 Ssl configuration from windows installer, use --ca-native instead of --cacert
(5412, 20440) HDCoder 2024-12-13 DICOM meta read/write issue
(3402, 20433) Oceny 2024-12-12 Creating a new server ~ which database and migrating
(3140, 20416) shulard 2024-12-09 Jobs API: The DicomMoveScu job doesn't seems to track progress
(5344, 20394) sdscotti 2024-12-06 Ajuda para Importar Grande Volume de Arquivos DICOM para o Orthanc de Forma Automática
(5369, 20408) Onerb 2024-12-06 Changing PatientID without Duplication in Orthanc
(5399, 20406) Onerb 2024-12-06 Orthanc Instances Ignoring AE Title Validation: Unexpected Behavior Observed
(5402, 20405) weis 2024-12-06 Unable to open OHIF Viewer in Orthanc Explorer 2
(5384, 20390) sneha 2024-12-04 Stoneviewer is not loading with Orthanc
(5394, 20388) bereket 2024-12-04 Orthanc Remote Access Config
(5393, 20389) James 2024-12-04 Sending to orthanc
(5366, 20387) beastworse 2024-12-04 Historical data dump from sqlite to mysql
(5325, 20380) suniw 2024-12-03 The Chinese in the file cannot be parsed properly
(5383, 20372) infolabs 2024-12-02 Reduce or optimize size storage and DB
(5379, 20348) bdearlove 2024-11-29 Find-worklist - Returning All Results
(5305, 20345) Himanshu 2024-11-29 Storing Dicom Images of Orthanc on my S3 Bucket
(5375, 20340) bdearlove 2024-11-28 Orthanc - DMWL Client
(5374, 20324) jmrivera 2024-11-27 Large instances (tomosynthesis) makes docker reboot, may it be because of the cache?
(5307, 20313) vbruno 2024-11-26 OHIF version update for plugin
(5355, 20281) PhiTranQ 2024-11-22 Web viewer and Explorer Http port
(5350, 20272) ddrucker 2024-11-22 Setting Dictionary seems to have no effect
(5349, 20262) tcshavasu 2024-11-20 Nginx and ACME installing Cerbot
(5329, 20240) sdscotti 2024-11-14 Locate the path to the logs directory of the docker container
(5269, 20230) cbhushan 2024-11-13 Customize zip folder structure
(5332, 20229) camilo_diaz 2024-11-13 Search result pagination
(5322, 20222) soren 2024-11-13 Beginner questions from Horos user
(5129, 20200) william.choy.pmt 2024-11-11 Orthanc tools/find API: Is there any limit on the length of the query value?
(5311, 20179) Whiteying 2024-11-07 Unable to display patient name in DICOM tag '00100010'
(5302, 20174) roda1999 2024-11-05 ORTHANC - auth service custom links
(1944, 20155) logon38 2024-11-03 !! Please, change or add new type how Orthanc store data in the storage folder !!
(5299, 20149) alireza 2024-11-01 Caching Options
(5288, 20140) rabiqua 2024-10-30 Authorization plugin on windows
(5291, 20139) AisoPlee 2024-10-30 MWL List remains Empty
(5292, 20135) nil 2024-10-29 SIEMENS CSA header
(5280, 20097) henrik2024 2024-10-28 Disallowing transfer syntaxes for testing purposes
(5287, 20093) Ole 2024-10-28 Explorer 2 ... Wow! (and on editing patients)
(5283, 20082) James 2024-10-27 Findscu request on worklist fails when match is found
(5276, 20081) James 2024-10-27 Real Time Notifications
(5266, 20066) DRH 2024-10-26 Default viewer for Orthanc Explorer 2 / adding Osimis to OE2
(5241, 20023) TomHsiung 2024-10-18 Set up an username and password for Orthanc
(3093, 20010) sssss 2024-10-16 Option for converting 'SR" instances to an encapsulated PDF
(5225, 19984) Holakunle69 2024-10-11 Slow search in Orthanc Explorer 2
(5245, 19981) sssss 2024-10-11 Why output.AnswerBuffer can be slow?
(5244, 19980) sssss 2024-10-11 How to limit RAM usage size
(5238, 19969) andreas.sundstrom 2024-10-09 Can't /tools/find private dicom tags
(5227, 19948) Mars456 2024-10-08 Serverproperties table is large(postgresql)
(5190, 19934) brokendev 2024-10-07 Orthanc python plugin : Python script cant read all needed packages ,
(5215, 19933) sssss 2024-10-07 Does each job execute after previous job's OnJobFailure handler?
(5224, 19930) sdscotti 2024-10-06 Intranet with ssl
(5207, 19909) pacsdicomtest 2024-10-03 I can't download a study using a python script
(5183, 19875) brykov93 2024-09-30 Problem when restarting Orthanc via API /tools/reset
(5202, 19850) Dushko 2024-09-27 Cant see older date after sigfault error
(5169, 19849) christopher.skene 2024-09-26 Lua script question
(5173, 19833) rekha 2024-09-25 ECG dcm file not viewable in orthanc?
(5179, 19825) januka.samaranayake 2024-09-25 Performance Issues with Orthanc and OHIF DICOM Viewer
(5171, 19824) ankush4gupta 2024-09-25 Suggestion on Compression Optimization
(5120, 19798) Mars456 2024-09-23 /find-worklist and PatientName loss
(5182, 19786) Sojan 2024-09-20 Upload series zip file to Orthanc PACS
(5175, 19774) ashique.khan.online 2024-09-18 How to send patient and appointment data into Orthanc MWL Server
(5159, 19745) cali 2024-09-12 Cannot get libOrthancAwsS3Storage.so working on latest Orthanc on Ubuntu24
(5157, 19737) mberkani 2024-09-11 Issue Compiling VolView Plugin - DLL Not Working
(5144, 19715) ypollet 2024-09-06 Multiplicity on Dicom tags
(5149, 19712) oladeleayomide831 2024-09-06 Doctors report writing in orthanc
(3685, 19693) tamassanta 2024-09-05 Postgresql & MySQL 5.1 + DicomWeb 1.14: performance improvements
(3813, 19706) madewole 2024-09-05 PDF Report Auto Export
(2993, 19707) madewole 2024-09-05 Question about using and rendering SR (structured reports)
(4929, 19665) ilgio 2024-09-03 Customization explorer and ohif
(5137, 19632) ilgio 2024-09-02 Direct link of patient
(5132, 19621) Khaled 2024-09-01 RestApiGet and LUA Scripting in Orthanc
(5123, 19601) victornassif 2024-08-27 Trying to perform a C-MOVE with a SCP pynetdicom
(3915, 19600) kemppare 2024-08-27 Performance issue when adding a lot of jobs in the queue
(5116, 19586) rubenv 2024-08-23 Searching for labels
(5112, 19574) CaioBG 2024-08-22 KeyCloak error step1.html (RESOLVED)
(5108, 19569) sdscotti 2024-08-19 Display of GeneralECGWaveformStorage / EKG in Viewer
(3362, 19565) NAA 2024-08-16 Ultrasound measurement calibration error on single frames
(4946, 19539) czotti 2024-08-12 Deployment of orthanc in k8s with yugabyte
(4802, 19422) vassia_orthanc 2024-08-07 Associations of Patient's Dicom Objects for Radiotherapy
(4927, 19381) lfranz 2024-07-31 AcquisitionDateTime Tag isn't replaced during modify REST API call
(4950, 19370) elias2005 2024-07-30 Deploying Orthanc with the OrthancCon 2023 PDF
(4951, 19362) olivert 2024-07-27 1.12.4 crashing
(4739, 18885) diegovictorbr 2024-06-11 Unable to view PDF studies created by tools/create-dicom
(4735, 18826) Anil 2024-06-05 Whole Slide DICOM Image and Grayscale Softcopy Presentation State Storage
(4315, 18788) Holakunle69 2024-06-02 OHIF Plugin is displaying MRI images, but not PDF or SR
(4668, 18612) alberto.saez 2024-05-09 Isses with embedded PDF and stone of orthanc
(4582, 18389) hong 2024-04-20 '/instances/{id}/content/*' API results are different in docker swarm(replicas of orthanc)
(4269, 18120) kylebolt 2024-03-27 Share Link / Share Images With Patient?
(4480, 18112) ekr 2024-03-26 Can't run FIND request on server from multitenant plugin
(3426, 18054) wadrythm 2024-03-21 Indexer plugin and Autoforwarding
(4337, 18026) yomarbuzz 2024-03-19 Some CT Studies fail to transfer between peers with Transfers Accelerator
(4462, 18007) abhayanand 2024-03-18 Assistance Needed: Syncing Large DICOM Instances Between Orthanc Instances
(4354, 17735) dmiglierini89 2024-02-20 How could I get AET/IP on Orthanc Logs?
(4319, 17701) a.sallai 2024-02-15 Memory issues on server with lots of data and high load
(4342, 17709) gshenmid 2024-02-14 Unable to connect to Orthanc with DicomUseTls=true
(4238, 17694) prathyu 2024-02-13 Authantication not working for orthanc explorer 2
(4331, 17673) a.sallai 2024-02-11 MainDicomTags mode: DICOM overlay problems, general question about ExtraMainDicomTags
(4321, 17643) sdscotti 2024-02-08 Support for 3D image files (STL, PLY, OBJ), Dental Application
(4280, 17596) retroxil 2024-02-02 Orthanc-auth-service + Windows (Orthanc)
(2463, 17537) kapside 2024-01-28 DICOM Proxy
(4267, 17522) maaak770 2024-01-26 Play/pause stone-web viewer
(4249, 17490) maaak770 2024-01-24 Problem with stone-webviewer
(1213, 17488) Shawa 2024-01-23 Web Viewer Cache
(3533, 17361) alireza 2024-01-08 Orthanc convert YBR to RGB but does not change metadata
(4200, 17349) Suresh 2024-01-08 Inconsistent Dicom Transfers
(4164, 17266) JulienL 2024-01-03 Synced browsing / Workaround to display MR Perfusion in Stone WebViewer?
(4137, 17291) Alberto_Requena1 2024-01-02 Orthanc Error database code: 11
(3992, 17254) retsil 2023-12-21 DICOM file broker
(4103, 17110) radsguy 2023-12-01 Running orthanc+OHIF behing nginx - issue with authorization
(4075, 17040) Mars456 2023-11-20 Add custom fields for modality configuration
(4063, 17012) goliat88 2023-11-15 C-GET, C-MOVE assistance in configuration is needed
(4042, 16957) radyworks 2023-11-08 Transfer Plugin - High CPU usage - Mammo Study 1GB size
(4038, 16951) HDCoder 2023-11-07 Transcode Exception when transferring between two Orthancs
(4014, 16921) nanyu2000 2023-11-03 Explorer 2 Question
(3953, 16837) Shawa 2023-10-17 Orthanc Web Viewer Overlay Customization
(3934, 16710) Christophe 2023-09-28 How to display tag name of Private Dicom Tag in Orthanc
(3916, 16672) Christophe 2023-09-22 What are design patterns used in Orthanc project?
(3204, 16602) hito 2023-09-11 Garbled characters when I uploaded Japanese patient name.
(568, 16571) afm 2023-09-07 HL7 ADT
(3847, 16514) salimkanoun 2023-09-02 Nifti Orientation
(3802, 16375) alireza 2023-08-17 DICOM SEG metadata missing from Orthanc JSON sent to OHIF
(3351, 16217) pascualdas 2023-07-19 Orthan working with domain
(3655, 16112) yomarbuzz 2023-07-10 Error when using a compiled version of the OHIF plugin
(3689, 16101) sdscotti 2023-07-10 Cannot query from other clients after shutting power off of my Orthanc Server
(3688, 16082) HDCoder 2023-07-06 Webdav + SSL + Apache Reverse Proxy
(3663, 15987) akbarmashti 2023-06-25 Automatically import studies without retrieving
(3602, 15781) sonaliayash 2023-06-09 SSL configuration and http/2
(3556, 15597) Ric 2023-05-29 Ultrasound display issue
(3509, 15532) jacopo.deluca 2023-05-22 Basic authentication set and make calls with credentials on url directly
(3501, 15479) Holakunle69 2023-05-16 Question: orthanc explorer 2 and volview
(1935, 11028) tcheever 2020-05-13 Contribution - Use default encoding when specific character set value is invalid
(1846, 1848) Ignaz_Reicht 2020-03-28 REST Query Remote Modality using DICOM Sequence
(1816, 10170) Steve_Glass 2020-03-04 Bulk Store SCU question
(1678, 10488) emil 2019-10-16 Auto routing with OnStableStudy
(1439, 8933) bdearlove 2019-04-12 Jobs Engine: Study Details
(887, 9741) John_Roberts1 2018-01-27 instance anonymization with consistent PatientID
(517, 7001) John_Roberts1 2016-10-12 Web vs API query/retrieve with Orthanc Docker


Topics manually tagged as resolved