Bug 66

Summary: Orthanc responses C-MOVE with zero Move Originator Message ID
Product: Orthanc Reporter: Sébastien Jodogne <s.jodogne>
Component: Orthanc CoreAssignee: Sébastien Jodogne <s.jodogne>
Severity: normal    
Priority: ---    
Version: unspecified   
Hardware: All   
OS: All   
Attachments: 1076252711-%D0%A1%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%BC%D0%BE%D0%BA%20%D1%8D%D0%BA%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B0_2017-09-12_08-23-09.png

Description Sébastien Jodogne 2020-06-29 15:13:04 CEST
[BitBucket user: Денис Смирнов]
[BitBucket date: 2017-09-11.22:25:01]

When I make a simple C-Move request to Orthanc from a workstation Orthanc establishes back an association and makes C-Store responce with a zero Move Originator Message ID (0000, 1031) value. According to DICOM NEMA Move Originator Message ID contains the Message ID (0000,0110) of the C-MOVE-RQ Message from which this C-STORE sub-operation is being performed. But Orthanc always returns zero and it causes errors when user tries to view images directly from Orthanc in Philips Portal. Here is an example DICOM output
![Снимок экрана_2017-09-12_08-23-09.png](1076252711-%D0%A1%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%BC%D0%BE%D0%BA%20%D1%8D%D0%BA%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B0_2017-09-12_08-23-09.png)

I was given an advice in [Orthanc users google group](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/orthanc-users/oHoKGB2Az0I) to open an issue about this problem.
Comment 1 Sébastien Jodogne 2020-06-29 15:13:06 CEST
Created attachment 4 [details]
Comment 2 Sébastien Jodogne 2020-06-29 15:21:07 CEST
[BitBucket user: Sébastien Jodogne]
[BitBucket date: 2018-01-10.15:19:05]

Hello, if I configure Orthanc 1.3.1 with the following configuration:

  "DicomModalities" : {
    "movescu" : [ "MOVESCU", "", 11112 ],
    "target" : [ "BREWERY", "", 2000 ]

Then, if I start a sample C-Store server as follows:

$ storescp 2000 -d -aet BREWERY

And if I trigger a C-Move as follows (note the **MessageID=10** argument):

$ movescu -v -S -aec ORTHANC -aet MOVESCU -aem BREWERY --port 11112 -od . localhost 4242 -k QueryRetrieveLevel=INSTANCE -k SOPInstanceUID= -k MessageID=10

Then, I observe the following log in the C-Store server:

: ===================== INCOMING DIMSE MESSAGE ====================
D: Message Type                  : C-STORE RQ
D: Presentation Context ID       : 85
D: Message ID                    : 1
D: Affected SOP Class UID        : MRImageStorage
D: Affected SOP Instance UID     :
D: Data Set                      : present
D: Priority                      : medium
D: Move Originator AE Title      : MOVESCU
D: Move Originator ID            : 10
D: ======================= END DIMSE MESSAGE =======================

The "Move Originator ID" value thus seems properly set. The "0" you observe comes from the fact that Orthanc assumes "0" if the tag "MessageID" is not available.

I am however unsure of whether this is the proper way of handling "Move Originator ID". If you have any reference to better match with the DICOM standard, this would be extremely useful.
Comment 3 Sébastien Jodogne 2020-06-29 15:21:11 CEST
[BitBucket user: Денис Смирнов]
[BitBucket date: 2018-02-14.07:25:52]

When making a C-MOVE request SCU produces two dicom packets: C-MOVE-RQ and C-MOVE-RQ-DATA. With "-k MessageID=xxx" argument you change MessageID only in C-MOVE-RQ-DATA packet but not in C-MOVE-RQ.

movescu -v -S -aec ORTHANC -aet BREWERY -aem BREWERY --port 11112  -od . pacs.viveya.local 4242 -k QueryRetrieveLevel=STUDY -k StudyInstanceUID= -k MessageID=666
    PDU Type 0x4 (Data)
    PDU Length: 110
        PDV Length: 106
        Context: 0x03 (Explicit VR Little Endian, Study Root Query/Retrieve Information Model - MOVE)
        Flags: 0x03 (Command, Last Fragment)
        (0000,0000)          4 Command Group Length                          92
        (0000,0002)         28 Affected SOP Class UID                        1.2.840.10008. (Study Root Query/Retrieve Information Model - MOVE)
        (0000,0100)          2 Command Field                                 C-MOVE-RQ
        (0000,0110)          2 Message ID                                    1
        (0000,0600)          8 Move Destination                              BREWERY 
        (0000,0700)          2 Priority                                      0
        (0000,0800)          2 Data Set Type                                 1
    PDU Type 0x4 (Data)
    PDU Length: 68
        PDV Length: 64
        Context: 0x03 (Explicit VR Little Endian, Study Root Query/Retrieve Information Model - MOVE)
        Flags: 0x02 (Data, Last Fragment)
        (0000,0110)          2 Message ID                                    [US] 666
        (0008,0052)          6 Query/Retrieve Level                          [CS] STUDY 
        (0020,000d)         30 Study Instance UID                            [UI]
In an example above you can see MessageID = 1 in C-MOVE-RQ and MessageID=666 in C-MOVE-RQ-DATA. According to [NEMA](http://dicom.nema.org/dicom/2013/output/chtml/part07/chapter_E.html) (0000,1031) Move Originator Message ID "Contains the Message ID (0000,0110) of the C-MOVE-RQ Message from which this C-STORE sub-operation is being performed". So from my point of view (and from the point of view Philips technical support) Orthanc should return  Originator Message ID from C-MOVE-RQ and it shouldn't be zero.

P.S. I can't make c-move from Philips' Portal to Orthanc because of this DICOM discrepancy...
Comment 4 Sébastien Jodogne 2020-06-29 15:21:15 CEST
[BitBucket user: Sébastien Jodogne]
[BitBucket date: 2018-02-19.16:49:25]

Issue #80 was marked as a duplicate of this issue.
Comment 5 Sébastien Jodogne 2020-06-29 15:21:17 CEST
[BitBucket user: Didier LESAGE]
[BitBucket date: 2018-02-20.07:59:09]


In file **MoveScp.cpp** (Core/DicomNetworking/Internals)

Change ...


data.iterator_.reset(data.handler_->Handle(data.target_, input, *data.remoteIp_, *data.remoteAet_,*data.calledAet_, GetMessageId(input)));


to ...


data.iterator_.reset(data.handler_->Handle(data.target_, input, *data.remoteIp_, *data.remoteAet_,*data.calledAet_, request->MessageID));


This solves the problem, making Orthanc returning the value extracted from the C-MOVE-RQ message.

Comment 6 Sébastien Jodogne 2020-06-29 15:21:21 CEST
[BitBucket user: Денис Смирнов]
[BitBucket date: 2018-02-24.01:45:02]

Thank you for patch! 
Are you going to add it in a trunk with time?
Comment 7 Sébastien Jodogne 2020-06-29 15:21:21 CEST
[BitBucket user: Sébastien Jodogne]
[BitBucket date: 2018-02-25.13:24:41]

Denis, of course, but please be patient: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/orthanc-users/oHoKGB2Az0I/XB1pU56BBQAJ
Comment 8 Sébastien Jodogne 2020-06-29 15:21:54 CEST
[BitBucket user: Sébastien Jodogne]
[BitBucket date: 2018-07-12.13:11:47]

fix issue #66

→ https://hg.orthanc-server.com/orthanc/changeset/c1e351b6abec
Comment 9 Sébastien Jodogne 2020-06-29 15:28:26 CEST
*** Bug 80 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***